Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CBasicSignatureIntel(R) EPID 2.0 basic signature
 CBigNumStrSerialized BigNum
 CCompressedPrivKeyCompressed private key
 CEccPointFqPoint in EFq
 CEccPointFq2Point in EFq2
 CEccPointJacobiFqElement of EFq in Jacobi format
 CEccPointJacobiFq2Element of EFq2 in Jacobi format
 CEcdsaPrivateKeyECDSA Private Key
 CEcdsaPublicKeyECDSA Public Key
 CEcdsaSignatureECDSA Signature using NIST 256-bit curve secp256r1
 CEpid11BasicSignatureIntel(R) EPID 1.1 basic signature
 CEpid11G2ElemStrSerialized Intel(R) EPID 1.1 G2 element
 CEpid11GroupPubKeyIntel(R) EPID 1.1 group public key
 CEpid11GroupRlIntel(R) EPID 1.1 group revocation list
 CEpid11GtElemStrSerialized Intel(R) EPID 1.1 GT element
 CEpid11NrProofIntel(R) EPID 1.1 non-revoked Proof
 CEpid11ParamsIntel(R) EPID 1.1 Parameters
 CEpid11PrivRlIntel(R) EPID 1.1 private-key based revocation list
 CEpid11SignatureIntel(R) EPID 1.1 Signature
 CEpid11SigRlIntel(R) EPID 1.1 signature based revocation list
 CEpid11SigRlEntryIntel(R) EPID 1.1 entry in SigRL (B,K)
 CEpid11VerifierPrecompIntel(R) EPID 1.1 Pre-computed verifier settings
 CEpid2ParamsIntel(R) EPID 2.0 Parameters
 CEpidCaCertificateIoT CA Certificate binary format
 CEpidFileHeaderIntel(R) EPID binary file header
 CEpidSignatureIntel(R) EPID 2.0 Signature
 CFpElemElement of Fp
 CFpElemStrNumber in [0, p-1]
 CFq12ElemElement of Fq12
 CFq12ElemStrSerialized Fq2^3^2 element
 CFq2ElemElement of Fq2
 CFq2ElemStrSerialized Fq2 element
 CFq3ElemStrSerialized Fq3 element
 CFq6ElemElement of Fq6
 CFq6ElemStrSerialized Fq2^3 element
 CFqElemElement of Fq
 CFqElemStrNumber in [0, q-1]
 CG1ElemStrSerialized G1 element
 CG2ElemStrSerialized G2 element
 CGroupPubKeyIntel(R) EPID 2.0 group public key
 CGroupRlGroup revocation list
 CGtElemStrSerialized GT element
 CIPrivKeyIntel(R) EPID 2.0 issuing private key
 CJoinRequestJoin request
 CMemberParamsSoftware only specific member parameters
 CMemberPrecompPre-computed member settings
 CMembershipCredentialMembership credential
 CNrProofNon-revoked Proof
 COctStr128128 bit octet string
 COctStr1616 bit octet string
 COctStr256256 bit octet string
 COctStr3232 bit octet string
 COctStr512512 bit octet string
 COctStr600600 bit octet string
 COctStr6464 bit octet string
 COctStr768768 bit octet string
 COctStr88 bit octet string
 COctStr8080 bit octet string
 CPairingStateA scratch buffer for stateful pairing calls
 CPrivKeyIntel(R) EPID 2.0 private key
 CPrivRlPrivate-key based revocation list
 CSha256DigestSHA256 digest
 Csha_digestSha Digest Element
 CSigRlSignature based revocation list
 CSigRlEntryEntry in SigRL (B,K)
 Ctiny_shaTiny Sha wrapper Element
 CTpm2CtxTPM TSS context definition
 CVerifierPrecompPre-computed verifier settings
 CVeryLargeIntLarge integer
 CVeryLargeIntProductUsed for multiplication