Lines Matching refs:sub
52 sub sp, #12 @ 3 words of space, bottom word will hold Method*
83 sub sp, #4 @ bottom word will hold Method*
136 sub sp, #8 @ 2 words of space, alignment padding and Method*
190 sub sp, #8 @ 2 words of space, alignment padding and Method*
652 sub sp, sp, r10 @ Reserve space for callee stack
653 sub r10, r10, #4
779 sub r3, r2, #LOCK_WORD_THIN_LOCK_COUNT_ONE @ Decrement recursive lock count.
871 sub sp, #8 @ push padding
1270 sub r1, #1
1321 sub r12, r3, r12 // Compute the remaining buf size.
1417 sub r12, r12, r3 // Compute the remaining buf size.
1739 sub sp, sp, #5120
1777 sub sp, sp, #8 // Stack alignment.
2068 sub r0, #2
2071 sub r2, r3, r2
2118 sub r0, #6
2119 sub r0, r12
2123 sub r0, #4
2124 sub r0, r12
2128 sub r0, #2
2129 sub r0, r12
2133 sub r0, r12
2139 sub r0, #1
2140 sub r2, r3, r2
2149 sub r0, r12
2162 sub sp, #4
2179 sub sp, #4
2209 sub sp, #4