Lines Matching full:commands

383         commands that will create a parametric surface with file size vs.
389 commands = ""
390 commands += "set title 'Iozone performance: %s'\n" % label
391 commands += "set logscale x\n"
392 commands += "set xlabel 'File size (KB)'\n"
393 commands += "set ylabel 'Througput (MB/s)'\n"
394 commands += "set terminal png small size 450 350\n"
395 commands += "set output '%s'\n" % os.path.join(self.output_dir,
397 commands += ("plot '%s' using 1:%s title '%s' with lines \n" %
400 commands_file.write(commands)
405 logging.error("Problem plotting from commands file %s",
412 commands that will create a parametric surface with file size vs.
417 commands = ""
418 commands += "set title 'Iozone performance: %s'\n" % label
419 commands += "set grid lt 2 lw 1\n"
420 commands += "set surface\n"
421 commands += "set parametric\n"
422 commands += "set xtics\n"
423 commands += "set ytics\n"
424 commands += "set logscale x 2\n"
425 commands += "set logscale y 2\n"
426 commands += "set logscale z\n"
427 commands += "set xrange [2.**5:2.**24]\n"
428 commands += "set xlabel 'File size (KB)'\n"
429 commands += "set ylabel 'Record size (KB)'\n"
430 commands += "set zlabel 'Througput (KB/s)'\n"
431 commands += "set data style lines\n"
432 commands += "set dgrid3d 80,80, 3\n"
433 commands += "set terminal png small size 900 700\n"
434 commands += "set output '%s'\n" % os.path.join(self.output_dir,
436 commands += ("splot '%s' using 1:2:%s title '%s'\n" %
439 commands_file.write(commands)
444 logging.error("Problem plotting from commands file %s",