Lines Matching refs:Matchers
213 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: 1, Predicate<int>(alwaysTrue, "always true") for: 1 match…
214 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: 1, !Predicate<int>(alwaysFalse, "always false") for: 1 no…
215 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: "Hello olleH", Predicate<std::string>( [] (std::string co…
216 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: "This wouldn't pass", !Predicate<std::string>( [] (std::s…
292 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: failed: testStringForMatching(), Contains("not there", Catch::Cas…
293 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: failed: testStringForMatching(), Contains("STRING") for: "this st…
299 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: failed: testStringForMatching(), EndsWith("Substring") for: "this…
300 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: failed: testStringForMatching(), EndsWith("this", Catch::CaseSens…
322 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: testStringForMatching(), Equals("this string contains 'ab…
323 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: testStringForMatching(), Equals("this string contains 'AB…
324 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: failed: testStringForMatching(), Equals("this string contains 'AB…
325 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: failed: testStringForMatching(), Equals("something else", Catch::…
333 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: failed: expected exception, got none; expression was: doesNotThro…
334 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: failed: expected exception, got none; expression was: doesNotThro…
335 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: failed: unexpected exception with message: 'Unknown exception'; e…
336 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: failed: unexpected exception with message: 'Unknown exception'; e…
337 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: failed: throws(3), SpecialException, ExceptionMatcher{1} for: Spe…
338 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: failed: throws(4), SpecialException, ExceptionMatcher{1} for: Spe…
339 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: throws(1), SpecialException, ExceptionMatcher{1} for: Spe…
340 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: throws(2), SpecialException, ExceptionMatcher{2} for: Spe…
359 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: 1., WithinAbs(1., 0) for: 1.0 is within 0.0 of 1.0
360 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: 0., WithinAbs(1., 1) for: 0.0 is within 1.0 of 1.0
361 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: 0., !WithinAbs(1., 0.99) for: 0.0 not is within 0.99 of 1…
362 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: 0., !WithinAbs(1., 0.99) for: 0.0 not is within 0.99 of 1…
363 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: NAN, !WithinAbs(NAN, 0) for: nanf not is within 0.0 of nan
364 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: 11., !WithinAbs(10., 0.5) for: 11.0 not is within 0.5 of …
365 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: 10., !WithinAbs(11., 0.5) for: 10.0 not is within 0.5 of …
366 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: -10., WithinAbs(-10., 0.5) for: -10.0 is within 0.5 of -1…
367 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: -10., WithinAbs(-9.6, 0.5) for: -10.0 is within 0.5 of -9…
368 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: 1., WithinULP(1., 0) for: 1.0 is within 0 ULPs of 1.0
369 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: nextafter(1., 2.), WithinULP(1., 1) for: 1.0 is within 1 …
370 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: nextafter(1., 0.), WithinULP(1., 1) for: 1.0 is within 1 …
371 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: nextafter(1., 2.), !WithinULP(1., 0) for: 1.0 not is with…
372 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: 1., WithinULP(1., 0) for: 1.0 is within 0 ULPs of 1.0
373 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: -0., WithinULP(0., 0) for: -0.0 is within 0 ULPs of 0.0
374 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: NAN, !WithinULP(NAN, 123) for: nanf not is within 123 ULP…
375 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: 1., WithinAbs(1., 0.5) || WithinULP(2., 1) for: 1.0 ( is …
376 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: 1., WithinAbs(2., 0.5) || WithinULP(1., 0) for: 1.0 ( is …
377 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: NAN, !(WithinAbs(NAN, 100) || WithinULP(NAN, 123)) for: n…
378 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: WithinAbs(1., 0.)
379 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: WithinAbs(1., -1.), std::domain_error
380 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: WithinULP(1., 0)
381 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: WithinULP(1., -1), std::domain_error
382 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: 1.f, WithinAbs(1.f, 0) for: 1.0f is within 0.0 of 1.0
383 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: 0.f, WithinAbs(1.f, 1) for: 0.0f is within 1.0 of 1.0
384 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: 0.f, !WithinAbs(1.f, 0.99f) for: 0.0f not is within 0.990…
385 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: 0.f, !WithinAbs(1.f, 0.99f) for: 0.0f not is within 0.990…
386 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: 0.f, WithinAbs(-0.f, 0) for: 0.0f is within 0.0 of -0.0
387 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: NAN, !WithinAbs(NAN, 0) for: nanf not is within 0.0 of nan
388 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: 11.f, !WithinAbs(10.f, 0.5f) for: 11.0f not is within 0.5…
389 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: 10.f, !WithinAbs(11.f, 0.5f) for: 10.0f not is within 0.5…
390 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: -10.f, WithinAbs(-10.f, 0.5f) for: -10.0f is within 0.5 o…
391 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: -10.f, WithinAbs(-9.6f, 0.5f) for: -10.0f is within 0.5 o…
392 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: 1.f, WithinULP(1.f, 0) for: 1.0f is within 0 ULPs of 1.0f
393 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: nextafter(1.f, 2.f), WithinULP(1.f, 1) for: 1.0f is withi…
394 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: nextafter(1.f, 0.f), WithinULP(1.f, 1) for: 1.0f is withi…
395 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: nextafter(1.f, 2.f), !WithinULP(1.f, 0) for: 1.0f not is …
396 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: 1.f, WithinULP(1.f, 0) for: 1.0f is within 0 ULPs of 1.0f
397 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: -0.f, WithinULP(0.f, 0) for: -0.0f is within 0 ULPs of 0.…
398 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: NAN, !WithinULP(NAN, 123) for: nanf not is within 123 ULP…
399 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: 1.f, WithinAbs(1.f, 0.5) || WithinULP(1.f, 1) for: 1.0f (…
400 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: 1.f, WithinAbs(2.f, 0.5) || WithinULP(1.f, 0) for: 1.0f (…
401 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: NAN, !(WithinAbs(NAN, 100) || WithinULP(NAN, 123)) for: n…
402 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: WithinAbs(1.f, 0.f)
403 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: WithinAbs(1.f, -1.f), std::domain_error
404 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: WithinULP(1.f, 0)
405 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: WithinULP(1.f, -1), std::domain_error
622 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: testStringForMatching(), Contains("string") && Contains("…
623 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: testStringForMatching(), Contains("string") || Contains("…
624 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: testStringForMatching2(), Contains("string") || Contains(…
625 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: testStringForMatching(), (Contains("string") || Contains(…
626 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: failed: testStringForMatching(), (Contains("string") || Contains(…
627 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: testStringForMatching(), !Contains("different") for: "thi…
628 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: failed: testStringForMatching(), !Contains("substring") for: "thi…
819 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: "foo", Predicate<const char*>([] (const char* const&) { r…
886 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: failed: testStringForMatching(), Matches("this STRING contains 'a…
887 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: failed: testStringForMatching(), Matches("contains 'abc' as a sub…
888 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: failed: testStringForMatching(), Matches("this string contains 'a…
889 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: actual, !UnorderedEquals(expected) for: { 'a', 'b' } not …
919 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: failed: testStringForMatching(), StartsWith("This String") for: "…
920 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: failed: testStringForMatching(), StartsWith("string", Catch::Case…
926 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: testStringForMatching(), Contains("string") for: "this st…
927 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: testStringForMatching(), Contains("string", Catch::CaseSe…
928 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: testStringForMatching(), Contains("abc") for: "this strin…
929 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: testStringForMatching(), Contains("aBC", Catch::CaseSensi…
930 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: testStringForMatching(), StartsWith("this") for: "this st…
931 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: testStringForMatching(), StartsWith("THIS", Catch::CaseSe…
932 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: testStringForMatching(), EndsWith("substring") for: "this…
933 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: testStringForMatching(), EndsWith(" SuBsTrInG", Catch::Ca…
1164 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: v, VectorContains(1) for: { 1, 2, 3 } Contains: 1
1165 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: v, VectorContains(2) for: { 1, 2, 3 } Contains: 2
1166 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: v, Contains(v2) for: { 1, 2, 3 } Contains: { 1, 2 }
1167 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: v, Contains(v2) for: { 1, 2, 3 } Contains: { 1, 2, 3 }
1168 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: v, Contains(empty) for: { 1, 2, 3 } Contains: { }
1169 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: empty, Contains(empty) for: { } Contains: { }
1170 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: v, VectorContains(1) && VectorContains(2) for: { 1, 2, 3 …
1171 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: v, Equals(v) for: { 1, 2, 3 } Equals: { 1, 2, 3 }
1172 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: empty, Equals(empty) for: { } Equals: { }
1173 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: v, Equals(v2) for: { 1, 2, 3 } Equals: { 1, 2, 3 }
1174 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: v, UnorderedEquals(v) for: { 1, 2, 3 } UnorderedEquals: {…
1175 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: empty, UnorderedEquals(empty) for: { } UnorderedEquals: …
1176 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: permuted, UnorderedEquals(v) for: { 1, 3, 2 } UnorderedEq…
1177 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: passed: permuted, UnorderedEquals(v) for: { 2, 3, 1 } UnorderedEq…
1178 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: failed: v, VectorContains(-1) for: { 1, 2, 3 } Contains: -1
1179 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: failed: empty, VectorContains(1) for: { } Contains: 1
1180 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: failed: empty, Contains(v) for: { } Contains: { 1, 2, 3 }
1181 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: failed: v, Contains(v2) for: { 1, 2, 3 } Contains: { 1, 2, 4 }
1182 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: failed: v, Equals(v2) for: { 1, 2, 3 } Equals: { 1, 2 }
1183 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: failed: v2, Equals(v) for: { 1, 2 } Equals: { 1, 2, 3 }
1184 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: failed: empty, Equals(v) for: { } Equals: { 1, 2, 3 }
1185 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: failed: v, Equals(empty) for: { 1, 2, 3 } Equals: { }
1186 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: failed: v, UnorderedEquals(empty) for: { 1, 2, 3 } UnorderedEqual…
1187 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: failed: empty, UnorderedEquals(v) for: { } UnorderedEquals: { 1,…
1188 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: failed: permuted, UnorderedEquals(v) for: { 1, 3 } UnorderedEqual…
1189 Matchers.tests.cpp:<line number>: failed: permuted, UnorderedEquals(v) for: { 3, 1 } UnorderedEqual…