Lines Matching +full:- +full:- +full:without +full:- +full:perl
9 rem * Copyright (C) 2012 - 2018, Steve Holme, <>.
19 rem * This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
106 ) else if /i "%~1" == "-?" (
108 ) else if /i "%~1" == "-h" (
110 ) else if /i "%~1" == "-help" (
112 ) else if /i "%~1" == "-VSpath" (
121 ) else if /i "%~1" == "-perlpath" (
124 echo Error. Please provide Perl root Path.
157 rem Check we have Perl in our path
158 perl --version <NUL 1>NUL 2>&1
161 if exist "%SystemDrive%\Perl" (
162 set "PATH=%SystemDrive%\Perl\bin;%PATH%"
172 set "PATH=%PERL_PATH%\Perl\bin;%PATH%"
238 rem Configuring 64-bit Debug Build
239 perl Configure debug-VC-WIN64A --prefix=%CD%
243 nmake -f ms\nt.mak
244 nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak
271 rem Configuring 64-bit Release Build
272 perl Configure VC-WIN64A --prefix=%CD%
276 nmake -f ms\nt.mak
277 nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak
311 rem Configuring 32-bit Debug Build
312 perl Configure debug-VC-WIN32 no-asm --prefix=%CD%
316 nmake -f ms\nt.mak
317 nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak
344 rem Configuring 32-bit Release Build
345 perl Configure VC-WIN32 no-asm --prefix=%CD%
349 nmake -f ms\nt.mak
350 nmake -f ms\ntdll.mak
379 …echo Usage: build-openssl ^<compiler^> [platform] [configuration] [directory] [-VSpath] ["VSpath"]…
383 echo vc6 - Use Visual Studio 6
384 echo vc7 - Use Visual Studio .NET
385 echo vc7.1 - Use Visual Studio .NET 2003
386 echo vc8 - Use Visual Studio 2005
387 echo vc9 - Use Visual Studio 2008
388 echo vc10 - Use Visual Studio 2010
389 echo vc11 - Use Visual Studio 2012
390 echo vc12 - Use Visual Studio 2013
391 echo vc14 - Use Visual Studio 2015
392 echo vc14.1 - Use Visual Studio 2017
396 echo x86 - Perform a 32-bit build
397 echo x64 - Perform a 64-bit build
401 echo debug - Perform a debug build
402 echo release - Perform a release build
406 echo directory - Specifies the OpenSSL source directory
408 echo -VSpath - Specify the custom VS path if Visual Studio is installed at other location
410 echo For e.g. -VSpath "C:\apps\MVS14"
412 echo -perlpath - Specify the custom perl root path if perl is not located at "C:\Perl" and it is a
413 echo portable copy of perl and not installed on the win system
414 echo For e.g. -perlpath "D:\strawberry-perl-"
436 echo Error: Please provide proper VS Path by using -VSpath
441 echo Error: Perl is not installed
442 echo Error: Please check whether Perl is installed or it is at location "C:\Perl"
443 echo Error: If Perl is portable please provide perl root path by using -perlpath
448 echo Error: %VC_DESC% does not support 64-bit builds
459 echo The pre-generated project files and this build script only support the