Lines Matching +full:bazel +full:- +full:0

7     - compiler: msvc-15-seh
12 - compiler: msvc-15-seh
18 - compiler: msvc-15-seh
19 build_system: bazel
23 - compiler: msvc-14-seh
28 - compiler: msvc-14-seh
32 - compiler: gcc-6.3.0-posix
35 cxx_path: 'C:\mingw-w64\i686-6.3.0-posix-dwarf-rt_v5-rev1\mingw32\bin'
39 - Debug
45 - ps: |
46 Write-Output "Compiler: $env:compiler"
47 Write-Output "Generator: $env:generator"
48 Write-Output "Env:Configuation: $env:configuration"
49 Write-Output "Env: $env"
50 if (-not (Test-Path env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER)) {
51 Write-Output "This is *NOT* a pull request build"
53 Write-Output "This is a pull request build"
54 if (-not (Test-Path env:enabled_on_pr) -or $env:enabled_on_pr -ne "yes") {
55 Write-Output "PR builds are *NOT* explicitly enabled"
59 # install Bazel
60 if ($env:build_system -eq "bazel") {
61 …adFile…
64 if ($env:build_system -eq "cmake") {
66 if ($env:generator -eq "MinGW Makefiles") {
68 if ($env:cxx_path -ne "") {
75 - ps: |
77 Write-Output "env:root: $env:root"
80 - ps: |
82 …if ((Test-Path env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER) -And (-not (Test-Path env:enabled_on_pr) -or $env…
85 # special case - build with Bazel
86 if ($env:build_system -eq "bazel") {
87 & $env:root\bazel.exe build -c opt //:gtest_samples
88 … if ($LastExitCode -eq 0) { # bazel writes to StdErr and PowerShell interprets it as an error
89 $host.SetShouldExit(0)
97 md _build -Force | Out-Null
100 …$conf = if ($env:generator -eq "MinGW Makefiles") {"-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=$env:configuration"} else {…
102 …$gtest_build_tests = if ($env:generator -eq "MinGW Makefiles") {"-Dgtest_build_tests=OFF"} else {"
103 …$gmock_build_tests = if ($env:generator -eq "MinGW Makefiles") {"-Dgmock_build_tests=OFF"} else {"
104 …& cmake -G "$env:generator" $conf -Dgtest_build_samples=ON $gtest_build_tests $gmock_build_tests ..
105 if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) {
108 $cmake_parallel = if ($env:generator -eq "MinGW Makefiles") {"-j2"} else {"/m"}
109 & cmake --build . --config $env:configuration -- $cmake_parallel
110 if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) {
117 - '**/*.md'
120 - ps: |
122 …if ((Test-Path env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER) -And (-not (Test-Path env:enabled_on_pr) -or $env…
125 if ($env:build_system -eq "bazel") {
126 # special case - testing with Bazel
127 & $env:root\bazel.exe test //:gtest_samples
128 if ($LastExitCode -eq 0) { # bazel writes to StdErr and PowerShell interprets it as an error
129 $host.SetShouldExit(0)
134 if ($env:build_system -eq "cmake") {
135 # built with CMake - test with CTest
136 if ($env:generator -eq "MinGW Makefiles") {
140 & ctest -C $env:configuration --timeout 600 --output-on-failure
141 if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) {
147 - path: '_build/CMakeFiles/*.log'
149 - path: '_build/Testing/**/*.xml'
151 - path: 'bazel-testlogs/**/test.log'
153 - path: 'bazel-testlogs/**/test.xml'