Lines Matching full:d

26 d c '1.0'
42 d xmlParserInputDeallocate...
43 d s * based(######typedef######)
44 d procptr
48 d xmlParserInput ds based(xmlParserInputPtr)
49 d align qualified
50 d buf like(xmlParserInputBufferPtr) UTF-8 encoded buffer
51 d filename * const char *
52 d directory * const char *
53 d base * const char *
54 d cur * const char *
55 d end * const char *
56 d length like(xmlCint) Length if known
57 d line like(xmlCint) Current line
58 d col like(xmlCint) Current column
64 d consumed like(xmlCulong) # consumed xmlChars
65 d free like(xmlParserInputDeallocate) base deallocator
66 d encoding * const xmlChar *
67 d version * const xmlChar *
68 d standalone like(xmlCint) Standalone entity ?
69 d id like(xmlCint) Entity unique ID
77 d xmlParserNodeInfoPtr...
78 d s * based(######typedef######)
80 d xmlParserNodeInfo...
81 d ds based(xmlParserNodeInfoPtr)
82 d align qualified
83 d node like(xmlNodePtr) const
85 d begin_pos like(xmlCulong)
86 d begin_line like(xmlCulong)
87 d end_pos like(xmlCulong)
88 d end_line like(xmlCulong)
90 d xmlParserNodeInfoSeqPtr...
91 d s * based(######typedef######)
93 d xmlParserNodeInfoSeq...
94 d ds based(xmlParserNodeInfoSeqPtr)
95 d align qualified
96 d maximum like(xmlCulong)
97 d length like(xmlCulong)
98 d buffer like(xmlParserNodeInfoPtr)
105 d xmlParserInputState...
106 d s based(######typedef######)
107 d like(xmlCenum)
108 d XML_PARSER_EOF... Nothing to parse
109 d c -1
110 d XML_PARSER_START... Nothing parsed
111 d c 0
112 d XML_PARSER_MISC... Misc* b4 int subset
113 d c 1
114 d XML_PARSER_PI c 2 In proc instr
115 d XML_PARSER_DTD... In some DTD content
116 d c 3
117 d XML_PARSER_PROLOG... Misc* after int sbst
118 d c 4
119 d XML_PARSER_COMMENT... Within a comment
120 d c 5
121 d XML_PARSER_START_TAG... Within a start tag
122 d c 6
123 d XML_PARSER_CONTENT... Within the content
124 d c 7
126 d c 8
127 d XML_PARSER_END_TAG... Within a closing tag
128 d c 9
129 d XML_PARSER_ENTITY_DECL... In an entity decl
130 d c 10
131 d XML_PARSER_ENTITY_VALUE... In entity decl value
132 d c 11
133 d XML_PARSER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE... In attribute value
134 d c 12
136 d c 13
137 d XML_PARSER_EPILOG... Last end tag Misc*
138 d c 14
140 d c 15
142 d c 16
149 d XML_DETECT_IDS c 2
158 d c 4
166 d XML_SKIP_IDS c 8
172 d xmlParserMode s based(######typedef######)
173 d like(xmlCenum)
175 d c 0
176 d XML_PARSE_DOM...
177 d c 1
178 d XML_PARSE_SAX...
179 d c 2
181 d c 3
183 d c 4
185 d c 5
199 d xmlParserCtxt ds based(xmlParserCtxtPtr)
200 d align qualified
201 d sax like(xmlSAXHandlerPtr) The SAX handler
202 d userData * SAX only-4 DOM build
203 d myDoc like(xmlDocPtr) Document being built
204 d wellFormed like(xmlCint) Well formed doc ?
205 d replaceEntities... Replace entities ?
206 d like(xmlCint)
207 d version * const xmlChar *
208 d encoding * const xmlChar *
209 d standalone like(xmlCint) Standalone document
210 d html like(xmlCint) HTML state/type
214 d input like(xmlParserInputPtr) Current input stream
215 d inputNr like(xmlCint) # current in streams
216 d inputMax like(xmlCint) Max # of in streams
217 d inputTab * xmlParserInputPtr *
221 d node like(xmlNodePtr) Current parsed node
222 d nodeNr like(xmlCint) Parsing stack depth
223 d nodeMax like(xmlCint) Max stack depth
224 d nodeTab * xmlNodePtr *
226 d record_info like(xmlCint) Keep node info ?
227 d node_seq likeds(xmlParserNodeInfoSeq) Parsed nodes info
229 d errNo like(xmlCint) Error code
231 d hasExternalSubset...
232 d like(xmlCint)
233 d hasPErefs like(xmlCint)
234 d external like(xmlCint) Parsing ext. entity?
236 d valid like(xmlCint) Valid document ?
237 d validate like(xmlCint) Try to validate ?
238 d vctxt likeds(xmlValidCtxt) Validity context
240 d instate like(xmlParserInputState) Current input type
241 d token like(xmlCint) Next look-ahead char
243 d directory * char *
247 d name * const xmlChar *
248 d nameNr like(xmlCint) Parsing stack depth
249 d nameMax like(xmlCint) Max stack depth
250 d nameTab * const xmlChar * *
252 d nbChars like(xmlClong) # xmlChars processed
253 d checkIndex like(xmlClong) 4 progressive parse
254 d keepBlanks like(xmlCint) Ugly but ...
255 d disableSAX like(xmlCint) Disable SAX cllbacks
256 d inSubset like(xmlCint) In int 1/ext 2 sbset
257 d intSubName * const xmlChar *
258 d extSubURI * const xmlChar *
259 d extSubSytem * const xmlChar *
263 d space * int *
264 d spaceNr like(xmlCint) Parsing stack depth
265 d spaceMax like(xmlCint) Max stack depth
266 d spaceTab * int *
268 d depth like(xmlCint) To detect loops
269 d entity like(xmlParserInputPtr) To check boundaries
270 d charset like(xmlCint) In-memory content
271 d nodelen like(xmlCint) Speed up parsing
272 d nodemem like(xmlCint) Speed up parsing
273 d pedantic like(xmlCint) Enb. pedantic warng
274 d #private * void *
276 d loadsubset like(xmlCint) Load ext. subset ?
277 d linenumbers like(xmlCint) Set line numbers ?
278 d catalogs * void *
279 d recovery like(xmlCint) Run in recovery mode
280 d progressive like(xmlCint) Progressive parsing?
281 d dict like(xmlDictPtr) Parser dictionary
282 d atts * const xmlChar *
283 d maxatts like(xmlCint) Above array size
284 d docdict like(xmlCint) Use dictionary ?
288 d str_xml * const xmlChar *
289 d str_xmlns * const xmlChar *
290 d str_xml_ms * const xmlChar *
294 d sax2 like(xmlCint) New SAX mode ?
295 d nsNr like(xmlCint) # inherited nmspaces
296 d nsMax like(xmlCint) Array size
297 d nsTab * const xmlChar *
298 d attallocs * int *
299 d pushTab * void *
300 d attsDefault like(xmlHashTablePtr) Defaulted attrs
301 d attsSpecial like(xmlHashTablePtr) non-CDATA attrs
302 d nsWellFormed like(xmlCint) Doc namespace OK ?
303 d options like(xmlCint) Extra options
307 d dictNames like(xmlCint) Dict names in tree ?
308 d freeElemsNr like(xmlCint) # free element nodes
309 d freeElems like(xmlNodePtr) Free elem nodes list
310 d freeAttrsNr like(xmlCint) # free attr. nodes
311 d freeAttrs like(xmlAttrPtr) Free attr noes list
315 d lastError likeds(xmlError)
316 d parseMode like(xmlParserMode) The parser mode
317 d nbentities like(xmlCulong) # entity references
318 d sizeentities like(xmlCulong) Parsed entities size
322 d nodeInfo like(xmlParserNodeInfoPtr) Current NodeInfo
323 d nodeInfoNr like(xmlCint) Parsing stack depth
324 d nodeInfoMax like(xmlCint) Max stack depth
325 d nodeInfoTab * xmlParserNodeInfo *
327 d input_id like(xmlCint) Label inputs ?
328 d sizeentcopy like(xmlCulong) Entity copy volume
334 d xmlSAXLocator ds based(xmlSAXLocatorPtr)
335 d align qualified
336 d getPublicId * procptr
337 d getSystemId * procptr
338 d getLineNumber * procptr
339 d getColumnNumber...
340 d * procptr
361 d resolveEntitySAXFunc...
362 d s * based(######typedef######)
363 d procptr
373 d internalSubsetSAXFunc...
374 d s * based(######typedef######)
375 d procptr
385 d externalSubsetSAXFunc...
386 d s * based(######typedef######)
387 d procptr
397 d getEntitySAXFunc...
398 d s * based(######typedef######)
399 d procptr
409 d getParameterEntitySAXFunc...
410 d s * based(######typedef######)
411 d procptr
423 d entityDeclSAXFunc...
424 d s * based(######typedef######)
425 d procptr
435 d notationDeclSAXFunc...
436 d s * based(######typedef######)
437 d procptr
450 d attributeDeclSAXFunc...
451 d s * based(######typedef######)
452 d procptr
462 d elementDeclSAXFunc...
463 d s * based(######typedef######)
464 d procptr
475 d unparsedEntityDeclSAXFunc...
476 d s * based(######typedef######)
477 d procptr
486 d setDocumentLocatorSAXFunc...
487 d s * based(######typedef######)
488 d procptr
495 d startDocumentSAXFunc...
496 d s * based(######typedef######)
497 d procptr
504 d endDocumentSAXFunc...
505 d s * based(######typedef######)
506 d procptr
515 d startElementSAXFunc...
516 d s * based(######typedef######)
517 d procptr
525 d endElementSAXFunc...
526 d s * based(######typedef######)
527 d procptr
539 d attributeSAXFunc...
540 d s * based(######typedef######)
541 d procptr
549 d referenceSAXFunc...
550 d s * based(######typedef######)
551 d procptr
560 d charactersSAXFunc...
561 d s * based(######typedef######)
562 d procptr
572 d ignorableWhitespaceSAXFunc...
573 d s * based(######typedef######)
574 d procptr
583 d processingInstructionSAXFunc...
584 d s * based(######typedef######)
585 d procptr
593 d commentSAXFunc...
594 d s * based(######typedef######)
595 d procptr
604 d cdataBlockSAXFunc...
605 d s * based(######typedef######)
606 d procptr
615 d warningSAXFunc...
616 d s * based(######typedef######)
617 d procptr
626 d errorSAXFunc...
627 d s * based(######typedef######)
628 d procptr
639 d fatalErrorSAXFunc...
640 d s * based(######typedef######)
641 d procptr
650 d isStandaloneSAXFunc...
651 d s * based(######typedef######)
652 d procptr
661 d hasInternalSubsetSAXFunc...
662 d s * based(######typedef######)
663 d procptr
672 d hasExternalSubsetSAXFunc...
673 d s * based(######typedef######)
674 d procptr
706 d startElementNsSAX2Func...
707 d s * based(######typedef######)
708 d procptr
719 d endElementNsSAX2Func...
720 d s * based(######typedef######)
721 d procptr
723 d xmlSAXHandler ds based(xmlSAXHandlerPtr)
724 d align qualified
725 d internalSubset...
726 d like(internalSubsetSAXFunc)
727 d isStandalone like(isStandaloneSAXFunc)
728 d hasInternalSubset...
729 d like(hasInternalSubsetSAXFunc)
730 d hasExternalSubset...
731 d like(hasExternalSubsetSAXFunc)
732 d resolveEntity like(resolveEntitySAXFunc)
733 d getEntity like(getEntitySAXFunc)
734 d entityDecl like(entityDeclSAXFunc)
735 d notationDecl like(notationDeclSAXFunc)
736 d attributeDecl like(attributeDeclSAXFunc)
737 d elementDecl like(elementDeclSAXFunc)
738 d unparsedEntityDecl...
739 d like(unparsedEntityDeclSAXFunc)
740 d setDocumentLocator...
741 d like(setDocumentLocatorSAXFunc)
742 d startDocument like(startDocumentSAXFunc)
743 d endDocument like(endDocumentSAXFunc)
744 d startElement like(startElementSAXFunc)
745 d endElement like(endElementSAXFunc)
746 d reference like(referenceSAXFunc)
747 d characters like(charactersSAXFunc)
748 d ignorableWhitespace...
749 d like(ignorableWhitespaceSAXFunc)
750 d processingInstruction...
751 d like(processingInstructionSAXFunc)
752 d comment like(commentSAXFunc)
753 d warning like(warningSAXFunc)
754 d error like(errorSAXFunc)
755 d fatalError like(fatalErrorSAXFunc)
756 d getParameterEntity...
757 d like(getParameterEntitySAXFunc)
758 d cdataBlock like(cdataBlockSAXFunc)
759 d externalSubset...
760 d like(externalSubsetSAXFunc)
761 d initialized like(xmlCuint)
765 d #private * void *
766 d startElementNs...
767 d like(startElementNsSAX2Func)
768 d endELementNs like(endElementNsSAX2Func)
769 d serror like(xmlStructuredErrorFunc)
773 d xmlSAXHandlerV1Ptr...
774 d s * based(######typedef######)
776 d xmlSAXHandlerV1...
777 d ds based(xmlSAXHandlerV1Ptr)
778 d align qualified
779 d internalSubset...
780 d like(internalSubsetSAXFunc)
781 d isStandalone like(isStandaloneSAXFunc)
782 d hasInternalSubset...
783 d like(hasInternalSubsetSAXFunc)
784 d hasExternalSubset...
785 d like(hasExternalSubsetSAXFunc)
786 d resolveEntity like(resolveEntitySAXFunc)
787 d getEntity like(getEntitySAXFunc)
788 d entityDecl like(entityDeclSAXFunc)
789 d notationDecl like(notationDeclSAXFunc)
790 d attributeDecl like(attributeDeclSAXFunc)
791 d elementDecl like(elementDeclSAXFunc)
792 d unparsedEntityDecl...
793 d like(unparsedEntityDeclSAXFunc)
794 d setDocumentLocator...
795 d like(setDocumentLocatorSAXFunc)
796 d startDocument like(startDocumentSAXFunc)
797 d endDocument like(endDocumentSAXFunc)
798 d startElement like(startElementSAXFunc)
799 d endElement like(endElementSAXFunc)
800 d reference like(referenceSAXFunc)
801 d characters like(charactersSAXFunc)
802 d ignorableWhitespace...
803 d like(ignorableWhitespaceSAXFunc)
804 d processingInstruction...
805 d like(processingInstructionSAXFunc)
806 d comment like(commentSAXFunc)
807 d warning like(warningSAXFunc)
808 d error like(errorSAXFunc)
809 d fatalError like(fatalErrorSAXFunc)
810 d getParameterEntity...
811 d like(getParameterEntitySAXFunc)
812 d cdataBlock like(cdataBlockSAXFunc)
813 d externalSubset...
814 d like(externalSubsetSAXFunc)
815 d initialized like(xmlCuint)
826 d xmlExternalEntityLoader...
827 d s * based(######typedef######)
828 d procptr
836 d xmlInitParser pr extproc('xmlInitParser')
838 d xmlCleanupParser...
839 d pr extproc('xmlCleanupParser')
843 d xmlParserInputRead...
844 d pr extproc('xmlParserInputRead')
845 d like(xmlCint)
846 d in value like(xmlParserInputPtr)
847 d len value like(xmlCint)
849 d xmlParserInputGrow...
850 d pr extproc('xmlParserInputGrow')
851 d like(xmlCint)
852 d in value like(xmlParserInputPtr)
853 d len value like(xmlCint)
858 d xmlParseDoc pr extproc('xmlParseDoc')
859 d like(xmlDocPtr)
860 d cur * value options(*string) const xmlChar *
862 d xmlParseFile pr extproc('xmlParseFile')
863 d like(xmlDocPtr)
864 d filename * value options(*string) const char *
866 d xmlParseMemory pr extproc('xmlParseMemory')
867 d like(xmlDocPtr)
868 d buffer * value options(*string) const char *
869 d size value like(xmlCint)
872 d xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefault...
873 d pr extproc(
874 d 'xmlSubstituteEntitiesDefault')
875 d like(xmlCint)
876 d val value like(xmlCint)
878 d xmlKeepBlanksDefault...
879 d pr extproc('xmlKeepBlanksDefault')
880 d like(xmlCint)
881 d val value like(xmlCint)
883 d xmlStopParser pr extproc('xmlStopParser')
884 d ctxt value like(xmlParserCtxtPtr)
886 d xmlPedanticParserDefault...
887 d pr extproc('xmlPedanticParserDefault')
888 d like(xmlCint)
889 d val value like(xmlCint)
891 d xmlLineNumbersDefault...
892 d pr extproc('xmlLineNumbersDefault')
893 d like(xmlCint)
894 d val value like(xmlCint)
899 d xmlRecoverDoc pr extproc('xmlRecoverDoc')
900 d like(xmlDocPtr)
901 d cur * value options(*string) const xmlChar *
903 d xmlRecoverMemory...
904 d pr extproc('xmlRecoverMemory')
905 d like(xmlDocPtr)
906 d buffer * value options(*string) const char *
907 d size value like(xmlCint)
909 d xmlRecoverFile pr extproc('xmlRecoverFile')
910 d like(xmlDocPtr)
911 d filename * value options(*string) const char *
916 d xmlParseDocument...
917 d pr extproc('xmlParseDocument')
918 d like(xmlCint)
919 d ctxt value like(xmlParserCtxtPtr)
921 d xmlParseExtParsedEnt...
922 d pr extproc('xmlParseExtParsedEnt')
923 d like(xmlCint)
924 d ctxt value like(xmlParserCtxtPtr)
927 d xmlSAXUserParseFile...
928 d pr extproc('xmlSAXUserParseFile')
929 d like(xmlCint)
930 d sax value like(xmlSAXHandlerPtr)
931 d user_data * value void *
932 d filename * value options(*string) const char *
934 d xmlSAXUserParseMemory...
935 d pr extproc('xmlSAXUserParseMemory')
936 d like(xmlCint)
937 d sax value like(xmlSAXHandlerPtr)
938 d user_data * value void *
939 d buffer * value options(*string) const char *
940 d size value like(xmlCint)
942 d xmlSAXParseDoc pr extproc('xmlSAXParseDoc')
943 d like(xmlDocPtr)
944 d sax value like(xmlSAXHandlerPtr)
945 d cur * value options(*string) const xmlChar *
946 d recovery value like(xmlCint)
948 d xmlSAXParseMemory...
949 d pr extproc('xmlSAXParseMemory')
950 d like(xmlDocPtr)
951 d sax value like(xmlSAXHandlerPtr)
952 d buffer * value options(*string) const char *
953 d size value like(xmlCint)
954 d recovery value like(xmlCint)
956 d xmlSAXParseMemoryWithData...
957 d pr extproc('xmlSAXParseMemoryWithData')
958 d like(xmlDocPtr)
959 d sax value like(xmlSAXHandlerPtr)
960 d buffer * value options(*string) const char *
961 d size value like(xmlCint)
962 d recovery value like(xmlCint)
963 d data * value void *
965 d xmlSAXParseFile...
966 d pr extproc('xmlSAXParseFile')
967 d like(xmlDocPtr)
968 d sax value like(xmlSAXHandlerPtr)
969 d filename * value options(*string) const char *
970 d recovery value like(xmlCint)
972 d xmlSAXParseFileWithData...
973 d pr extproc('xmlSAXParseFileWithData')
974 d like(xmlDocPtr)
975 d sax value like(xmlSAXHandlerPtr)
976 d filename * value options(*string) const char *
977 d recovery value like(xmlCint)
978 d data * value void *
980 d xmlSAXParseEntity...
981 d pr extproc('xmlSAXParseEntity')
982 d like(xmlDocPtr)
983 d sax value like(xmlSAXHandlerPtr)
984 d filename * value options(*string) const char *
986 d xmlParseEntity...
987 d pr extproc('xmlParseEntity')
988 d like(xmlDocPtr)
989 d filename * value options(*string) const char *
993 d xmlSAXParseDTD pr extproc('xmlSAXParseDTD')
994 d like(xmlDtdPtr)
995 d sax value like(xmlSAXHandlerPtr)
996 d ExternalID * value options(*string) const xmlChar *
997 d SystemID * value options(*string) const xmlChar *
999 d xmlParseDTD pr extproc('xmlParseDTD')
1000 d like(xmlDtdPtr)
1001 d ExternalID * value options(*string) const xmlChar *
1002 d SystemID * value options(*string) const xmlChar *
1004 d xmlIOParseDTD pr extproc('xmlIOParseDTD')
1005 d like(xmlDtdPtr)
1006 d sax value like(xmlSAXHandlerPtr)
1007 d input value like(xmlParserInputBufferPtr)
1008 d enc value like(xmlCharEncoding)
1012 d xmlParseBalancedChunkMemory...
1013 d pr extproc(
1014 d 'xmlParseBalancedChunkMemory')
1015 d like(xmlCint)
1016 d doc value like(xmlDocPtr)
1017 d sax value like(xmlSAXHandlerPtr)
1018 d user_data * value void *
1019 d depth value like(xmlCint)
1020 d user_data * value void *
1021 d string * value options(*string) const xmlChar *
1022 d lst * value xmlNodePtr *
1025 d xmlParseInNodeContext...
1026 d pr extproc('xmlParseInNodeContext')
1027 d like(xmlParserErrors)
1028 d node value like(xmlNodePtr)
1029 d data * value options(*string) const char *
1030 d datalen value like(xmlCint)
1031 d options value like(xmlCint)
1032 d lst * value xmlNodePtr *
1035 d xmlParseBalancedChunkMemoryRecover...
1036 d pr extproc(
1037 d 'xmlParseBalancedChunkMemoryRecover')
1038 d like(xmlCint)
1039 d doc value like(xmlDocPtr)
1040 d sax value like(xmlSAXHandlerPtr)
1041 d user_data * value void *
1042 d depth value like(xmlCint)
1043 d string * value options(*string) const xmlChar *
1044 d lst * value xmlNodePtr *
1045 d recover value like(xmlCint)
1047 d xmlParseExternalEntity...
1048 d pr extproc('xmlParseExternalEntity')
1049 d like(xmlCint)
1050 d doc value like(xmlDocPtr)
1051 d sax value like(xmlSAXHandlerPtr)
1052 d user_data * value void *
1053 d depth value like(xmlCint)
1054 d URL * value options(*string) const xmlChar *
1055 d ID * value options(*string) const xmlChar *
1056 d lst * value xmlNodePtr *
1059 d xmlParseCtxtExternalEntity...
1060 d pr extproc('xmlParseCtxtExternalEntity')
1061 d like(xmlCint)
1062 d sax value like(xmlSAXHandlerPtr)
1063 d URL * value options(*string) const xmlChar *
1064 d ID * value options(*string) const xmlChar *
1065 d lst * value xmlNodePtr *
1069 d xmlNewParserCtxt...
1070 d pr extproc('xmlNewParserCtxt')
1071 d like(xmlParserCtxtPtr)
1073 d xmlInitParserCtxt...
1074 d pr extproc('xmlInitParserCtxt')
1075 d like(xmlCint)
1076 d ctxt value like(xmlParserCtxtPtr)
1078 d xmlClearParserCtxt...
1079 d pr extproc('xmlClearParserCtxt')
1080 d ctxt value like(xmlParserCtxtPtr)
1082 d xmlFreeParserCtxt...
1083 d pr extproc('xmlFreeParserCtxt')
1084 d ctxt value like(xmlParserCtxtPtr)
1087 d xmlSetupParserForBuffer...
1088 d pr extproc('xmlSetupParserForBuffer')
1089 d ctxt value like(xmlParserCtxtPtr)
1090 d buffer * value options(*string) const xmlChar *
1091 d filename * value options(*string) const char *
1094 d xmlCreateDocParserCtxt...
1095 d pr extproc('xmlCreateDocParserCtxt')
1096 d like(xmlParserCtxtPtr)
1097 d cur * value options(*string) const xmlChar *
1102 d xmlGetFeaturesList...
1103 d pr extproc('xmlGetFeaturesList')
1104 d like(xmlCint)
1105 d len like(xmlCint)
1106 d result * const char *(*)
1108 d xmlGetFeature pr extproc('xmlGetFeature')
1109 d like(xmlCint)
1110 d ctxt value like(xmlParserCtxtPtr)
1111 d name * value options(*string) const char *
1112 d result * value void *
1114 d xmlSetFeature pr extproc('xmlSetFeature')
1115 d like(xmlCint)
1116 d ctxt value like(xmlParserCtxtPtr)
1117 d name * value options(*string) const char *
1118 d result * value void *
1124 d xmlCreatePushParserCtxt...
1125 d pr extproc('xmlCreatePushParserCtxt')
1126 d like(xmlParserCtxtPtr)
1127 d sax value like(xmlSAXHandlerPtr)
1128 d user_data * value void *
1129 d chunk * value options(*string) const char *
1130 d size value like(xmlCint)
1131 d filename * value options(*string) const char *
1133 d xmlParseChunk pr extproc('xmlParseChunk')
1134 d like(xmlCint)
1135 d ctxt value like(xmlParserCtxtPtr)
1136 d chunk * value options(*string) const char *
1137 d size value like(xmlCint)
1138 d terminate value like(xmlCint)
1143 d xmlCreateIOParserCtxt...
1144 d pr extproc('xmlCreateIOParserCtxt')
1145 d like(xmlParserCtxtPtr)
1146 d sax value like(xmlSAXHandlerPtr)
1147 d user_data * value void *
1148 d ioread value like(xmlInputReadCallback)
1149 d ioclose value like(xmlInputCloseCallback)
1150 d ioctx * value void *
1151 d enc value like(xmlCharEncoding)
1153 d xmlNewIOInputStream...
1154 d pr extproc('xmlNewIOInputStream')
1155 d like(xmlParserInputPtr)
1156 d ctxt value like(xmlParserCtxtPtr)
1157 d input value like(xmlParserInputBufferPtr)
1158 d enc value like(xmlCharEncoding)
1162 d xmlParserFindNodeInfo...
1163 d pr * extproc('xmlParserFindNodeInfo') xmlParserNodeInfo *
1164 d ctxt value like(xmlParserCtxtPtr)
1165 d node value like(xmlNodePtr) const
1167 d xmlInitNodeInfoSeq...
1168 d pr extproc('xmlInitNodeInfoSeq')
1169 d seq value like(xmlParserNodeInfoSeqPtr)
1171 d xmlClearNodeInfoSeq...
1172 d pr extproc('xmlClearNodeInfoSeq')
1173 d seq value like(xmlParserNodeInfoSeqPtr)
1175 d xmlParserFindNodeInfoIndex...
1176 d pr extproc('xmlParserFindNodeInfoIndex')
1177 d like(xmlCulong)
1178 d seq value like(xmlParserNodeInfoSeqPtr)
1179 d node value like(xmlNodePtr) const
1181 d xmlParserAddNodeInfo...
1182 d pr extproc('xmlParserAddNodeInfo')
1183 d ctxt value like(xmlParserCtxtPtr)
1184 d info value like(xmlParserNodeInfoPtr) const
1188 d xmlSetExternalEntityLoader...
1189 d pr extproc('xmlSetExternalEntityLoader')
1190 d f value like(xmlExternalEntityLoader)
1192 d xmlGetExternalEntityLoader...
1193 d pr extproc('xmlGetExternalEntityLoader')
1194 d like(xmlExternalEntityLoader)
1196 d xmlLoadExternalEntity...
1197 d pr extproc('xmlLoadExternalEntity')
1198 d like(xmlParserInputPtr)
1199 d URL * value options(*string) const char *
1200 d ID * value options(*string) const char *
1201 d ctxt value like(xmlParserCtxtPtr)
1205 d xmlByteConsumed...
1206 d pr extproc('xmlByteConsumed')
1207 d like(xmlClong)
1208 d ctxt value like(xmlParserCtxtPtr)
1217 d xmlParserOption...
1218 d s based(######typedef######)
1219 d like(xmlCenum)
1220 d XML_PARSE_RECOVER... Recover on errors
1221 d c X'00000001'
1222 d XML_PARSE_NOENT... Substitute entities
1223 d c X'00000002'
1224 d XML_PARSE_DTDLOAD... Load external subset
1225 d c X'00000004'
1226 d XML_PARSE_DTDATTR... Default DTD attrs
1227 d c X'00000008'
1228 d XML_PARSE_DTDVALID... Validate with DTD
1229 d c X'00000010'
1230 d XML_PARSE_NOERROR... Suppress err reports
1231 d c X'00000020'
1232 d XML_PARSE_NOWARNING... Suppr warn reports
1233 d c X'00000040'
1234 d XML_PARSE_PEDANTIC... Pedantic err report
1235 d c X'00000080'
1236 d XML_PARSE_NOBLANKS... Remove blank nodes
1237 d c X'00000100'
1238 d XML_PARSE_SAX1... Use SAX1 internally
1239 d c X'00000200'
1240 d XML_PARSE_XINCLUDE... Impl XInclude subst
1241 d c X'00000400'
1242 d XML_PARSE_NONET... Forbid netwrk access
1243 d c X'00000800'
1244 d XML_PARSE_NODICT... No contxt dict reuse
1245 d c X'00001000'
1246 d XML_PARSE_NSCLEAN... Rmv redndnt ns decls
1247 d c X'00002000'
1248 d XML_PARSE_NOCDATA... CDATA as text nodes
1249 d c X'00004000'
1251 d c X'00008000'
1252 d XML_PARSE_COMPACT... Compact text nodes
1253 d c X'00010000'
1254 d XML_PARSE_OLD10... B4 upd5 compatible
1255 d c X'00020000'
1256 d XML_PARSE_NOBASEFIX... No XINC xml:base fix
1257 d c X'00040000'
1258 d XML_PARSE_HUGE... No parsing limit
1259 d c X'00080000'
1260 d XML_PARSE_OLDSAX... Use SAX2 b4 2.7.0
1261 d c X'00100000'
1262 d XML_PARSE_IGNORE_ENC... No int doc code hint
1263 d c X'00200000'
1264 d XML_PARSE_BIG_LINES... Big line#-->PSVI fld
1265 d c X'00400000'
1267 d xmlCtxtReset pr extproc('xmlCtxtReset')
1268 d ctxt value like(xmlParserCtxtPtr)
1270 d xmlCtxtResetPush...
1271 d pr extproc('xmlCtxtResetPush')
1272 d like(xmlCint)
1273 d ctxt value like(xmlParserCtxtPtr)
1274 d chunk * value options(*string) const char *
1275 d size value like(xmlCint)
1276 d filename * value options(*string) const char *
1277 d encoding * value options(*string) const char *
1279 d xmlCtxtUseOptions...
1280 d pr extproc('xmlCtxtUseOptions')
1281 d like(xmlCint)
1282 d ctxt value like(xmlParserCtxtPtr)
1283 d options value like(xmlCint)
1285 d xmlReadDoc pr extproc('xmlReadDoc')
1286 d like(xmlDocPtr)
1287 d cur * value options(*string) const xmlChar *
1288 d URL * value options(*string) const char *
1289 d encoding * value options(*string) const char *
1290 d options value like(xmlCint)
1292 d xmlReadFile pr extproc('xmlReadFile')
1293 d like(xmlDocPtr)
1294 d URL * value options(*string) const char *
1295 d encoding * value options(*string) const char *
1296 d options value like(xmlCint)
1298 d xmlReadMemory pr extproc('xmlReadMemory')
1299 d like(xmlDocPtr)
1300 d buffer * value options(*string) const char *
1301 d size value like(xmlCint)
1302 d URL * value options(*string) const char *
1303 d encoding * value options(*string) const char *
1304 d options value like(xmlCint)
1306 d xmlReadFd pr extproc('xmlReadFd')
1307 d like(xmlDocPtr)
1308 d fd value like(xmlCint)
1309 d URL * value options(*string) const char *
1310 d encoding * value options(*string) const char *
1311 d options value like(xmlCint)
1313 d xmlReadIO pr extproc('xmlReadIO')
1314 d like(xmlDocPtr)
1315 d ioread value like(xmlInputReadCallback)
1316 d ioclose value like(xmlInputCloseCallback)
1317 d ioctx * value void *
1318 d URL * value options(*string) const char *
1319 d encoding * value options(*string) const char *
1320 d options value like(xmlCint)
1322 d xmlCtxtReadDoc pr extproc('xmlCtxtReadDoc')
1323 d like(xmlDocPtr)
1324 d ctxt value like(xmlParserCtxtPtr)
1325 d cur * value options(*string) const xmlChar *
1326 d URL * value options(*string) const char *
1327 d encoding * value options(*string) const char *
1328 d options value like(xmlCint)
1330 d xmlCtxtReadFile...
1331 d pr extproc('xmlCtxtReadFile')
1332 d like(xmlDocPtr)
1333 d ctxt value like(xmlParserCtxtPtr)
1334 d filename * value options(*string) const char *
1335 d encoding * value options(*string) const char *
1336 d options value like(xmlCint)
1338 d xmlCtxtReadMemory...
1339 d pr extproc('xmlCtxtReadMemory')
1340 d like(xmlDocPtr)
1341 d ctxt value like(xmlParserCtxtPtr)
1342 d buffer * value options(*string) const char *
1343 d size value like(xmlCint)
1344 d URL * value options(*string) const char *
1345 d encoding * value options(*string) const char *
1346 d options value like(xmlCint)
1348 d xmlCtxtReadFd pr extproc('xmlCtxtReadFd')
1349 d like(xmlDocPtr)
1350 d ctxt value like(xmlParserCtxtPtr)
1351 d fd value like(xmlCint)
1352 d URL * value options(*string) const char *
1353 d encoding * value options(*string) const char *
1354 d options value like(xmlCint)
1356 d xmlCtxtReadIO pr extproc('xmlCtxtReadIO')
1357 d like(xmlDocPtr)
1358 d ctxt value like(xmlParserCtxtPtr)
1359 d ioread value like(xmlInputReadCallback)
1360 d ioclose value like(xmlInputCloseCallback)
1361 d ioctx * value void *
1362 d URL * value options(*string) const char *
1363 d encoding * value options(*string) const char *
1364 d options value like(xmlCint)
1374 d xmlFeature s based(######typedef######)
1375 d like(xmlCenum)
1377 d c 1
1378 d XML_WITH_TREE c 2
1380 d c 3
1381 d XML_WITH_PUSH c 4
1383 d c 5
1385 d c 6
1387 d c 7
1388 d XML_WITH_SAX1 c 8
1389 d XML_WITH_FTP c 9
1390 d XML_WITH_HTTP c 10
1391 d XML_WITH_VALID...
1392 d c 11
1393 d XML_WITH_HTML c 12
1395 d c 13
1396 d XML_WITH_C14N c 14
1398 d c 15
1399 d XML_WITH_XPATH...
1400 d c 16
1401 d XML_WITH_XPTR c 17
1403 d c 18
1404 d XML_WITH_ICONV...
1405 d c 19
1406 d XML_WITH_ISO8859X...
1407 d c 20
1409 d c 21
1411 d c 22
1413 d c 23
1414 d XML_WITH_EXPR c 24
1416 d c 25
1418 d c 26
1420 d c 27
1421 d XML_WITH_DEBUG...
1422 d c 28
1424 d c 29
1426 d c 30
1427 d XML_WITH_ZLIB c 31
1428 d XML_WITH_ICU c 32
1429 d XML_WITH_LZMA c 33
1430 d XML_WITH_NONE c 99999
1432 d xmlHasFeature pr extproc('xmlHasFeature')
1433 d like(xmlCint)
1434 d feature value like(xmlFeature)