Lines Matching full:description

9   "description": "The service management API for Google Cloud Platform",  string
25 "description": "OAuth access token.", string
30 "description": "Data format for response.", string
46 "description": "OAuth bearer token.", string
51 "description": "JSONP", string
56 "description": "Selector specifying which fields to include in a partial response.", string
61 …"description": "API key. Your API key identifies your project and provides you with API access, qu… string
66 "description": "OAuth 2.0 token for the current user.", string
71 "description": "Pretty-print response.", string
77 "description": "Returns response with indentations and line breaks.", string
83 …"description": "Available to use for quota purposes for server-side applications. Can be any arbit… string
88 "description": "Upload protocol for media (e.g. \"raw\", \"multipart\").", string
93 "description": "Legacy upload protocol for media (e.g. \"media\", \"multipart\").", string
98 "description": "V1 error format.", string
114 "description": "View and manage your data across Google Cloud Platform services" string
117 "description": "Manage your Google API service configuration" string
125 "description": "Response message for `ListServices` method.", string
129 "description": "The results of the query.", string
136 "description": "Token that can be passed to `ListServices` to resume a paginated query.", string
143 …"description": "The full representation of an API Service that is managed by the\n`ServiceManager`… string
147 …"description": "The name of the service. See the `ServiceManager` overview for naming\nrequiremen… string
151 "description": "ID of the project that produces and owns this service.", string
155 …"description": "A server-assigned monotonically increasing number that changes whenever a\nmutatio… string
160 "description": "The service's generated configuration.", string
164 …"description": "User-supplied source configuration for the service. This is distinct from\nthe gen… string
168 … "description": "Read-only view of pending operations affecting this resource, if requested.", string
175 … "description": "Read-only view of settings for a particular consumer project, if requested.", string
182 …"description": "`Service` is the root object of the configuration schema. It\ndescribes basic info… string
186 …"description": "The version of the service configuration. The config version may\ninfluence interp… string
191 …"description": "The DNS address at which this service is available,\ne.g. `… string
195 …"description": "A unique ID for a specific instance of this message, typically assigned\nby the cl… string
199 "description": "The product title associated with this service.", string
203 …"description": "The id of the Google developer project that owns the service.\nMembers of this pro… string
207 …"description": "A list of API interfaces exported by this service. Only the `name` field\nof the g… string
214 …"description": "A list of all proto message types included in this API service.\nTypes referenced … string
221 …"description": "A list of all enum types included in this API service. Enums\nreferenced directly… string
228 "description": "Additional API documentation.", string
232 "description": "API visibility configuration.", string
236 "description": "API backend configuration.", string
240 "description": "HTTP configuration.", string
244 "description": "Quota configuration.", string
248 "description": "Auth configuration.", string
252 "description": "Context configuration.", string
256 "description": "Configuration controlling usage of this service.", string
260 "description": "Custom error configuration.", string
264 "description": "Configuration of per-consumer project properties.", string
268 "description": "Configuration for the service control plane.", string
272 "description": "Defines the logs used by this service.", string
279 "description": "Defines the metrics used by this service.", string
286 …"description": "Defines the monitored resources used by this service. This is required\nby the Ser… string
293 "description": "Billing configuration of the service.", string
297 "description": "Logging configuration of the service.", string
301 "description": "Monitoring configuration of the service.", string
305 "description": "Configuration for system parameters.", string
309 …"description": "A list of all proto message types included in this API service.\nIt serves similar… string
319 "description": "Api is a light-weight descriptor for a protocol buffer service.", string
323 …"description": "The fully qualified name of this api, including package name\nfollowed by the api'… string
327 "description": "The methods of this api, in unspecified order.", string
334 "description": "Any metadata attached to the API.", string
341 …"description": "A version string for this api. If specified, must have the form\n`major-version.mi… string
345 … "description": "Source context for the protocol buffer service represented by this\nmessage.", string
349 "description": "Included APIs. See Mixin.", string
356 "description": "The source syntax of the service.", string
371 "description": "Method represents a method of an api.", string
375 "description": "The simple name of this method.", string
379 "description": "A URL of the input message type.", string
383 "description": "If true, the request is streamed.", string
387 "description": "The URL of the output message type.", string
391 "description": "If true, the response is streamed.", string
395 "description": "Any metadata attached to the method.", string
402 "description": "The source syntax of this method.", string
417 …"description": "A protocol buffer option, which can be attached to a message, field,\nenumeration,… string
421 "description": "The option's name. For example, `\"java_package\"`.", string
425 "description": "The option's value. For example, `\"\"`.", string
429 "description": "Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL." string
436 …"description": "`SourceContext` represents information about the source of a\nprotobuf element, li… string
440 …"description": "The path-qualified name of the .proto file that contained the associated\nprotobuf… string
447 …"description": "Declares an API to be included in this API. The including API must\nredeclare all … string
451 "description": "The fully qualified name of the API which is included.", string
455 … "description": "If non-empty specifies a path under which inherited HTTP paths\nare rooted.", string
462 "description": "A protocol buffer message type.", string
466 "description": "The fully qualified message name.", string
470 "description": "The list of fields.", string
477 "description": "The list of types appearing in `oneof` definitions in this type.", string
484 "description": "The protocol buffer options.", string
491 "description": "The source context.", string
495 "description": "The source syntax.", string
510 "description": "A single field of a message type.", string
514 "description": "The field type.", string
560 "description": "The field cardinality.", string
576 "description": "The field number.", string
581 "description": "The field name.", string
585 …"description": "The field type URL, without the scheme, for message or enumeration\ntypes. Example… string
589 …"description": "The index of the field type in `Type.oneofs`, for message or enumeration\ntypes. T… string
594 "description": "Whether to use alternative packed wire representation.", string
598 "description": "The protocol buffer options.", string
605 "description": "The field JSON name.", string
609 "description": "The string value of the default value of this field. Proto2 syntax only.", string
616 "description": "Enum type definition.", string
620 "description": "Enum type name.", string
624 "description": "Enum value definitions.", string
631 "description": "Protocol buffer options.", string
638 "description": "The source context.", string
642 "description": "The source syntax.", string
657 "description": "Enum value definition.", string
661 "description": "Enum value name.", string
665 "description": "Enum value number.", string
670 "description": "Protocol buffer options.", string
680description": "`Documentation` provides the information for describing a service.\n\nExample:\n<pr… string
684 … "description": "A short summary of what the service does. Can only be provided by\nplain text.", string
688 "description": "The top level pages for the documentation set.", string
695 "description": "Documentation rules for individual elements of the service.", string
702 "description": "The URL to the root of documentation.", string
706 …"description": "Declares a single overview page. For example:\n<pre><code>documentation:\n summar… string
713 …"description": "Represents a documentation page. A page can contain subpages to represent\nnested … string
717 …"description": "The name of the page. It will be used as an identity of the page to\ngenerate URI … string
721 …"description": "The Markdown content of the page. You can use <code>&#40;== include {path} ==&#41;… string
725 …"description": "Subpages of this page. The order of subpages specified here will be\nhonored in th… string
735 "description": "A documentation rule provides information about individual API elements.", string
739 …"description": "The selector is a comma-separated list of patterns. Each pattern is a\nqualified n… string
742 "description": { object
743 "description": "Description of the selected API(s).", string
747 …"description": "Deprecation description of the selected element(s). It can be provided if an\nelem… string
754 …"description": "`Visibility` defines restrictions for the visibility of service\nelements. Restri… string
758 …"description": "A list of visibility rules providing visibility configuration for\nindividual API … string
765 …"description": "Controls whether visibility rules are enforced at runtime for requests to\nall API… string
772 …"description": "A visibility rule provides visibility configuration for an individual API\nelement… string
776 …"description": "Selects methods, messages, fields, enums, etc. to which this rule applies.\n\nRefe… string
780 …"description": "Lists the visibility labels for this rule. Any of the listed labels grants\nvisibi… string
784 …"description": "Controls whether visibility is enforced at runtime for requests to an API\nmethod.… string
791 "description": "`Backend` defines the backend configuration for a service.", string
795 … "description": "A list of backend rules providing configuration for individual API\nelements.", string
805 "description": "A backend rule provides configuration for an individual API element.", string
809 …"description": "Selects the methods to which this rule applies.\n\nRefer to selector for syntax de… string
813 "description": "The address of the API backend.\n", string
817 …"description": "The number of seconds to wait for a response from a request. The\ndefault depends… string
825 …"description": "Defines the HTTP configuration for a service. It contains a list of\nHttpRule, eac… string
829 "description": "A list of HTTP rules for configuring the HTTP REST API methods.", string
839 …"description": "`HttpRule` defines the mapping of an RPC method to one or more HTTP\nREST APIs. T… string
843 …"description": "Selects methods to which this rule applies.\n\nRefer to selector for syntax detail… string
847 "description": "Used for listing and getting information about resources.", string
851 "description": "Used for updating a resource.", string
855 "description": "Used for creating a resource.", string
859 "description": "Used for deleting a resource.", string
863 "description": "Used for updating a resource.", string
867 "description": "Custom pattern is used for defining custom verbs.", string
871 …"description": "The name of the request field whose value is mapped to the HTTP body, or\n`*` for … string
875 …"description": "Do not use this. For media support, add instead\n[][google.bytestream.RestByteStre… string
879 …"description": "Do not use this. For media support, add instead\n[][google.bytestream.RestByteStre… string
883 …"description": "Additional HTTP bindings for the selector. Nested bindings must\nnot contain an `a… string
893 "description": "A custom pattern is used for defining custom HTTP verb.", string
897 "description": "The name of this custom HTTP verb.", string
901 "description": "The path matched by this custom verb.", string
908 …"description": "Do not use this. For media support, add instead\n[][google.bytestream.RestByteStre… string
912 "description": "Whether upload is enabled.", string
919 …"description": "Do not use this. For media support, add instead\n[][google.bytestream.RestByteStre… string
923 "description": "Whether download is enabled.", string
930description": "Quota configuration helps to achieve fairness and budgeting in service\nusage.\n\n-… string
934 "description": "List of `QuotaGroup` definitions for the service.", string
941 …"description": "List of `QuotaRule` definitions, each one mapping a selected method to one\nor mor… string
951 "description": "`QuotaGroup` defines a set of quota limits to enforce.", string
955 …"description": "Name of this quota group. Must be unique within the service.\n\nQuota group name i… string
958 "description": { object
959 "description": "User-visible description of this quota group.", string
963 …"description": "Quota limits to be enforced when this quota group is used. A request must\nsatisfy… string
970 …"description": "Indicates if the quota limits defined in this quota group apply to\nconsumers who … string
977 …"description": "`QuotaLimit` defines a specific limit that applies over a specified duration\nfor … string
981 …"description": "Name of the quota limit. Must be unique within the quota group.\nThis name is use… string
985 …"description": "Limit type to use for enforcing this quota limit. Each unique value gets\nthe defi… string
996 "description": { object
997 …"description": "Optional. User-visible, extended description for this quota limit.\nShould be used… string
1001 …"description": "Default number of tokens that can be consumed during the specified\nduration. This… string
1006 …"description": "Maximum number of tokens that can be consumed during the specified\nduration. Clie… string
1011 …"description": "Free tier value displayed in the Developers Console for this limit.\nThe free tier… string
1016 …"description": "Duration of this limit in textual notation. Example: \"100s\", \"24h\", \"1d\".\nF… string
1020 …"description": "User-visible display name for this limit.\nOptional. If not set, the UI will provi… string
1027 "description": "`QuotaRule` maps a method to a set of `QuotaGroup`s.", string
1031 …"description": "Selects methods to which this rule applies.\n\nRefer to selector for syntax detail… string
1035 …"description": "Quota groups to be used for this method. This supports associating a cost\nwith ea… string
1042 …"description": "Indicates if quota checking should be enforced. Quota will be disabled for\nmethod… string
1049 "description": "A quota group mapping.", string
1053 …"description": "The `` of the group. Requests for the mapped methods will\nconsume … string
1057 …"description": "Number of tokens to consume for each request. This allows different cost\nto be as… string
1065 …"description": "`Authentication` defines the authentication configuration for an API.\n\nExample f… string
1069 "description": "Individual rules for authentication.", string
1076 "description": "Defines a set of authentication providers that a service supports.", string
1086 …"description": "Authentication rules for the service.\n\nBy default, if a method has any authentic… string
1090 …"description": "Selects the methods to which this rule applies.\n\nRefer to selector for syntax de… string
1094 "description": "The requirements for OAuth credentials.", string
1098 …"description": "Whether to allow requests without a credential. If quota is enabled, an\nAPI key … string
1102 "description": "Requirements for additional authentication providers.", string
1112description": "OAuth scopes are a way to define data and permissions on data. For example,\nthere … string
1116 …"description": "The list of publicly documented OAuth scopes that are allowed access. An\nOAuth to… string
1123 …"description": "User-defined authentication requirements, including support for\n[JSON Web Token (… string
1127 … "description": "id from authentication provider.\n\nExample:\n\n provider_id: bookstore_auth", string
1131 …"description": "The list of JWT\n[audiences](https:\/\/\/html\/draft-ietf-oauth-json… string
1138 …"description": "Configuration for an anthentication provider, including support for\n[JSON Web Tok… string
1142 …"description": "The unique identifier of the auth provider. It will be referred to by\n`AuthRequir… string
1146 …"description": "Identifies the principal that issued the JWT. See\nhttps:\/\/\/html\… string
1150 …"description": "URL of the provider's public key set to validate signature of the JWT. See\n[OpenI… string
1157 …"description": "`Context` defines which contexts an API requests.\n\nExample:\n\n context:\n … string
1161 "description": "List of rules for context, applicable to methods.", string
1171 …"description": "A context rule provides information about the context for an individual API\neleme… string
1175 …"description": "Selects the methods to which this rule applies.\n\nRefer to selector for syntax de… string
1179 "description": "A list of full type names of requested contexts.", string
1186 "description": "A list of full type names of provided contexts.", string
1196 "description": "Configuration controlling usage of a service.", string
1200 "description": "Controls which users can see or activate the service.", string
1216 …"description": "Requirements that must be satisfied before a consumer project can use the\nservice… string
1223 …"description": "Services that must be activated in order for this service to be used.\nThe set of … string
1230 …"description": "Services that must be contacted before a consumer can begin using the\nservice. Ea… string
1237 …"description": "Services that must be contacted before a consumer can deactivate a\nservice. Each … string
1244 "description": "Individual rules for configuring usage on selected methods.", string
1254 …"description": "Usage configuration rules for the service.\n\nNOTE: Under development.\n\n\nUse th… string
1258 …"description": "Selects the methods to which this rule applies. Use '*' to indicate all\nmethods i… string
1262 "description": "True, if the method allows unregistered calls; false otherwise.", string
1269 …"description": "Customize service error responses. For example, list any service\nspecific protob… string
1273 … "description": "The list of custom error rules to select to which messages this should\napply.", string
1280 "description": "The list of custom error detail types, e.g. ''.", string
1290 "description": "A custom error rule.", string
1294 …"description": "Selects messages to which this rule applies.\n\nRefer to selector for syntax detai… string
1298 …"description": "Mark this message as possible payload in error response. Otherwise,\nobjects of t… string
1305description": "A descriptor for defining project properties for a service. One service may\nhave m… string
1309 "description": "List of per consumer project-specific properties.", string
1319 …"description": "Defines project properties.\n\nAPI services can define properties that can be assi… string
1323 "description": "The name of the property (a.k.a key).", string
1327 "description": "The type of this property.", string
1344 "description": { object
1345 "description": "The description of the property", string
1352 …"description": "Selects and configures the service controller used by the service. The\nservice c… string
1356 …"description": "The service control environment to use. If empty, no control plane\nfeature (like … string
1363description": "A description of a log type. Example in YAML format:\n\n - name: library.googlea… string
1367 …"description": "The name of the log. It must be less than 512 characters long and can\ninclude the… string
1371 …"description": "The set of labels that are available to describe a specific log entry.\nRuntime re… string
1377 "description": { object
1378 …"description": "A human-readable description of this log. This information appears in\nthe documen… string
1382 …"description": "The human-readable name for this log. This information appears on\nthe user interf… string
1389 "description": "A description of a label.", string
1393 "description": "The label key.", string
1397 "description": "The type of data that can be assigned to the label.", string
1410 "description": { object
1411 "description": "A human-readable description for the label.", string
1418 "description": "Defines a metric type and its schema.", string
1422 …"description": "Resource name. The format of the name may vary between different\nimplementations.… string
1426 …"description": "The metric type including a DNS name prefix, for example\n`\"… string
1430 …"description": "The set of labels that can be used to describe a specific instance of this\nmetric… string
1437 … "description": "Whether the metric records instantaneous values, changes to a value, etc.", string
1453 "description": "Whether the measurement is an integer, a floating-point number, etc.", string
1475 …"description": "The unit in which the metric value is reported. It is only applicable\nif the `val… string
1478 "description": { object
1479 … "description": "A detailed description of the metric, which can be used in documentation.", string
1483 …"description": "A concise name for the metric, which can be displayed in user interfaces.\nUse sen… string
1490 …"description": "An object that describes the schema of a MonitoredResource object using a\ntype na… string
1494 …"description": "Optional. The resource name of the monitored resource descriptor:\n`\"projects\/{p… string
1498 …"description": "Required. The monitored resource type. For example, the type\n`\"cloudsql_database… string
1502 …"description": "Optional. A concise name for the monitored resource type that might be\ndisplayed … string
1505 "description": { object
1506 …"description": "Optional. A detailed description of the monitored resource type that might\nbe use… string
1510 …"description": "Required. A set of labels used to describe instances of this monitored\nresource t… string
1520 …"description": "Billing related configuration of the service.\n\nThe following example shows how t… string
1524 …"description": "Names of the metrics to report to billing. Each name must\nbe defined in Service.m… string
1531 "description": "A list of billing status rules for configuring billing status check.", string
1538 "description": "Per resource grouping for delta billing based resource configs.", string
1548 …"description": "Defines the billing status requirements for operations.\n\nWhen used with\n[Servic… string
1552 …"description": "Selects the operation names to which this rule applies.\nRefer to selector for syn… string
1556 …"description": "Allowed billing statuses. The billing status check passes if the actual\nbilling s… string
1566 …"description": "AreaUnderCurveParams groups the metrics relevant to generating\nduration based met… string
1570 …"description": "Total usage of a resource at a particular timestamp. This should be\na GAUGE metri… string
1574 … "description": "Change of resource usage at a particular timestamp. This should a\nDELTA metric.", string
1578 …"description": "Metric generated from snapshot_metric and change_metric. This\nis also a DELTA met… string
1585description": "Logging configuration of the service.\n\nThe following example shows how to configu… string
1589 …"description": "Logging configurations for sending logs to the producer project.\nThere can be mul… string
1596 …"description": "Logging configurations for sending logs to the consumer project.\nThere can be mul… string
1606 …"description": "Configuration of a specific logging destination (the producer project\nor the cons… string
1610 …"description": "The monitored resource type. The type must be defined in\nService.monitored_resour… string
1614 …"description": "Names of the logs to be sent to this destination. Each name must\nbe defined in th… string
1624description": "Monitoring configuration of the service.\n\nThe example below shows how to configur… string
1628 …"description": "Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the producer project.\nThere can … string
1635 …"description": "Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the consumer project.\nThere can … string
1645 …"description": "Configuration of a specific monitoring destination (the producer project\nor the c… string
1649 …"description": "The monitored resource type. The type must be defined in\nService.monitored_resour… string
1653 …"description": "Names of the metrics to report to this monitoring destination.\nEach name must be … string
1663 …"description": "### System parameter configuration\n\nA system parameter is a special kind of para… string
1667 …"description": "Define system parameters.\n\nThe parameters defined here will override the default… string
1677 … "description": "Define a system parameter rule mapping system parameter definitions to\nmethods.", string
1681 …"description": "Selects the methods to which this rule applies. Use '*' to indicate all\nmethods i… string
1685 …"description": "Define parameters. Multiple names may be defined for a parameter.\nFor a given met… string
1695 …"description": "Define a parameter's name and location. The parameter may be passed as either\nan … string
1699 …"description": "Define the name of the parameter, such as \"api_key\", \"alt\", \"callback\",\nand… string
1703 … "description": "Define the HTTP header name to use for the parameter. It is case\ninsensitive.", string
1707 …"description": "Define the URL query parameter name to use for the parameter. It is case\nsensitiv… string
1714 …"description": "Represents a user-specified configuration for a service (as opposed to the\nthe ge… string
1718 …"description": "A unique ID for a specific instance of this message, typically assigned\nby the cl… string
1722 "description": "Options to cover use of source config within ServiceManager and tools", string
1726 …"description": "Set of source configuration files that are used to generate a service\nconfig (`go… string
1733 "description": "OpenAPI specification", string
1737 "description": "Protocol buffer API specification", string
1744 …"description": "A set of options to cover use of source config within `ServiceManager`\nand relate… string
1751 "description": "Generic specification of a source configuration file", string
1755 "description": "The file name of the configuration file (full or relative path).", string
1759 …"description": "DEPRECATED. The contents of the configuration file. Use file_contents\nmoving forw… string
1763 "description": "The bytes that constitute the file.", string
1768 …"description": "The kind of configuration file represented. This is used to determine\nthe method … string
1789 "description": "A collection of OpenAPI specification files.", string
1793 "description": "Individual files.", string
1803 "description": "A collection of protocol buffer service specification files.", string
1807 "description": "A complete descriptor of a protocol buffer specification", string
1814 …"description": "Contains a serialized protoc-generated protocol buffer message descriptor set\nalo… string
1818 …"description": "A URL\/resource name whose content describes the type of the\nserialized protocol … string
1822 …"description": "Must be a valid serialized protocol buffer descriptor set.\n\nTo generate, use pro… string
1830 …"description": "This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of a\nnetwork… string
1834 …"description": "The server-assigned name, which is only unique within the same service that\norigi… string
1838 …"description": "Service-specific metadata associated with the operation. It typically\ncontains p… string
1842 "description": "Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL." string
1846 …"description": "If the value is `false`, it means the operation is still in progress.\nIf true, th… string
1850 "description": "The error result of the operation in case of failure.", string
1854 …"description": "The normal response of the operation in case of success. If the original\nmethod … string
1858 "description": "Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL." string
1865 …"description": "The `Status` type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different\npr… string
1869 "description": "The status code, which should be an enum value of google.rpc.Code.", string
1874 …"description": "A developer-facing error message, which should be in English. Any\nuser-facing err… string
1878 …"description": "A list of messages that carry the error details. There will be a\ncommon set of m… string
1884 "description": "Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL." string
1892 "description": "Settings that control how a consumer project uses a service.", string
1896 …"description": "The name of the service. See the `ServiceManager` overview for naming\nrequiremen… string
1900 "description": "ID for the project consuming this service.", string
1904 … "description": "Settings that control whether this service is usable by the consumer\nproject.", string
1908 …"description": "Settings that control how much or how fast the service can be used by the\nconsume… string
1912 …"description": "Settings that control which features of the service are visible to the\nconsumer p… string
1916 …"description": "Service-defined per-consumer properties.\n\nA key-value mapping a string key to a … string
1926 … "description": "Read-only view of pending operations affecting this resource, if requested.", string
1936 "description": "Usage settings for a consumer of a service.", string
1940 …"description": "Consumer controlled setting to enable\/disable use of this service by the\nconsume… string
1955 …"description": "Per-consumer overrides for quota settings. See google\/api\/quota.proto\nfor the c… string
1959 …"description": "Quota overrides set by the consumer. Consumer overrides will only have\nan effect … string
1966 …"description": "Quota overrides set by the producer. Note that if a consumer override is\nalso spe… string
1973 …"description": "The effective quota limits for each group, derived from the service\ndefaults toge… string
1980 …"description": "Quotas that are active over a specified time period. Only writeable\nby the produc… string
1987 …"description": "Use this field for quota limits defined under quota groups.\nCombines service quot… string
1997 …"description": "Specifies a custom quota limit that is applied for this consumer project.\nThis ov… string
2001 …"description": "The new limit for this project.\nMay be -1 (unlimited), 0 (block), or any positive… string
2006 …"description": "Indicates the override is to provide unlimited quota. If true,\nany value set for… string
2013 …"description": "A variable term quota is a bucket of tokens that is consumed over a\nspecified (us… string
2017 …"description": "The quota group that has the variable term quota applied to it.\nThis must be a go… string
2021 …"description": "The beginning of the active period for the variable term quota.\nYYYYMMdd date for… string
2025 …"description": "The effective end of the active period for the variable term quota\n(inclusive). T… string
2029 …"description": "The displayed end of the active period for the variable term quota.\nThis may be b… string
2033 …"description": "Time when this variable term quota was created. If multiple quotas\nare simultaneo… string
2038 "description": "The number of tokens available during the configured term.", string
2043 "description": "The usage data of this quota.", string
2050 "description": "Specifies the used quota amount for a quota limit at a particular time.", string
2054 "description": "The used quota value at the \"query_time\".", string
2059 "description": "The time the quota duration started.", string
2064 "description": "The time the quota duration ended.", string
2069 "description": "The time the quota usage data was queried.", string
2077 …"description": "An effective quota group contains both the metadata for a quota group\nas derived … string
2081 …"description": "The service configuration for this quota group, minus the quota limits,\nwhich are… string
2101 "description": "The usage and limit information for each limit within this quota group.", string
2111 "description": "Metadata about an individual quota, containing usage and limit information.", string
2115 "description": "The effective limit for this quota.", string
2119 "description": "The usage data for this quota as it applies to the current limit.", string
2123 …"description": "The historical usage data of this quota limit. Currently it is only\navailable for… string
2133 …"description": "An effective quota limit contains the metadata for a quota limit\nas derived from … string
2137 "description": "The service's configuration for this quota limit.", string
2141 …"description": "The key used to identify this limit when applying overrides.\nThe consumer_overrid… string
2145 "description": "The maximum override value that a consumer may specify.", string
2150 …"description": "The effective limit value, based on the stored producer and consumer\noverrides an… string
2158 …"description": "Settings that control which features of the service are visible to the\nconsumer p… string
2162 …"description": "The set of visibility labels that are used to determine what API surface is\nvisib… string
2172 "description": "Response message for ListServiceConfigs method.", string
2176 "description": "The list of service config resources.", string
2183 "description": "The token of the next page of results.", string
2190 "description": "Request message for SubmitConfigSource method.", string
2194 "description": "The source configuration for the service.", string
2198 …"description": "Optional. If set, this will result in the generation of a\n`google.api.Service` co… string
2205 "description": "Request message for `ConvertConfig` method.", string
2209 "description": "The swagger specification for an API.", string
2213 "description": "The OpenAPI specification for an API.", string
2217 …"description": "The service name to use for constructing the normalized service\nconfiguration equ… string
2221 … "description": "Input configuration\nFor this version of API, the supported type is OpenApiSpec", string
2225 "description": "Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL." string
2232 "description": "A collection of swagger specification files.", string
2236 "description": "The individual files.", string
2246 "description": "A single swagger specification file.", string
2250 "description": "The relative path of the swagger spec file.", string
2254 "description": "The contents of the swagger spec file.", string
2261 "description": "Response message for `ConvertConfig` method.", string
2265 "description": "The service configuration. Not set if errors occured during conversion.", string
2269 "description": "Any errors or warnings that occured during config conversion.", string
2279 "description": "A collection that represents a diagnostic message (error or warning)", string
2283 "description": "Location of the cause or context of the diagnostic information.", string
2287 "description": "The kind of diagnostic information provided.", string
2299 "description": "The string message of the diagnostic information.", string
2306 "description": "Request message for EnableService method.", string
2310 …"description": "The identity of consumer resource which service enablement will be\napplied to.\n\… string
2317 "description": "Request message for DisableService method.", string
2321 …"description": "The identity of consumer resource which service disablement will be\napplied to.\n… string
2328 …"description": "Policy describing who can access a service and any visibility labels on that\nserv… string
2332 "description": "The service protected by this policy.", string
2336 "description": "ACL for access to the unrestricted surface of the service.", string
2340 …"description": "ACLs for access to restricted parts of the service. The map key is the\nvisibilit… string
2350 …"description": "List of users and groups that are granted access to a service or visibility\nlabel… string
2354 …"description": "Members that are granted access.\n\n- \"user:{$user_email}\" - Grant access to an … string
2364 "description": "Request message for QueryUserAccess method.", string
2368 … "description": "True if the user can access the service and any unrestricted API surface.", string
2372 "description": "Any visibility labels on the service that are accessible by the user.", string
2382 …"description": "Settings that control how a customer (identified by a billing account) uses\na ser… string
2386 …"description": "The name of the service. See the `ServiceManager` overview for naming\nrequiremen… string
2390 …"description": "ID for the customer that consumes the service (see above).\nThe supported types of… string
2394 …"description": "Settings that control how much or how fast the service can be used by the\nconsume… string
2401 "description": "Metadata for composite operations.", string
2405 …"description": "The child operations. The details of the asynchronous\nchild operations are stored… string
2412 "description": "Original request that triggered this operation.", string
2416 "description": "Properties of the object. Contains field @type with type URL." string
2420 …"description": "Defines which part of the response a child operation will contribute.\nEach key of… string
2428 …"description": "Indicates whether the requested state change has been persisted. Once this\nfield … string
2435 "description": "The metadata associated with a long running operation resource.", string
2439 … "description": "The full name of the resources that this operation is directly\nassociated with.", string
2446 "description": "Detailed status information for each step. The order is undetermined.", string
2453 "description": "Percentage of completion of this operation, ranging from 0 to 100.", string
2458 "description": "The start time of the operation.", string
2466 "description": "Represents the status of one operation step.", string
2469 "description": { object
2470 "description": "The short description of the step.", string
2474 "description": "The status code.", string
2502 …"description": "Lists all managed services. If the `consumer_project_id` is specified,\nthe projec… string
2505 "description": "Include services produced by the specified project.", string
2510 …"description": "Include services only in the specified category. Supported categories are\nservice… string
2515 …"description": "Include services consumed by the specified project.\n\nIf project_settings is expa… string
2520 …"description": "Fields to expand in any results. By default, the following fields\nare not fully … string
2526 "description": "Requested size of the next page of data.", string
2532 … "description": "Token identifying which result to start with; returned by a previous list\ncall.", string
2552 …"description": "Gets a managed service. If the `consumer_project_id` is specified,\nthe project's … string
2555 …"description": "The name of the service. See the `ServiceManager` overview for naming\nrequiremen… string
2561 …"description": "Fields to expand in any results. By default, the following fields\nare not presen… string
2567 …"description": "If project_settings is expanded, return settings for the specified\nconsumer proje… string
2572 … "description": "If project_settings is expanded, request only fields for the specified\nview.", string
2599 "description": "Creates a new managed service.\n\nOperation<response: ManagedService>", string
2620 "description": "Deletes a managed service.\n\nOperation<response: google.protobuf.Empty>", string
2623 …"description": "The name of the service. See the `ServiceManager` overview for naming\nrequiremen… string
2645 …"description": "Gets a service config (version) for a managed service. If `config_id` is\nnot spec… string
2648 …"description": "The name of the service. See the `ServiceManager` overview for naming\nrequiremen… string
2654 …"description": "The id of the service config resource.\nOptional. If it is not specified, the late… string
2675 …"description": "DEPRECATED. `SubmitConfigSource` with `validate_only=true` will provide\nconfig co… string
2696 …"description": "Enable a managed service for a project with default setting.\nIf the managed servi… string
2699 …"description": "Name of the service to enable. Specifying an unknown service name will\ncause the … string
2724 …"description": "Disable a managed service for a project.\nGoogle Service Management will only disa… string
2727 …"description": "Name of the service to disable. Specifying an unknown service name\nwill cause the… string
2752 …"description": "Updates the configuration of a service. If the specified service does not\nalread… string
2755 …"description": "The name of the service. See the `ServiceManager` overview for naming\nrequiremen… string
2761 …"description": "A mask specifying which fields to update.\nUpdate mask has been deprecated on Upda… string
2786 …"description": "Updates the specified subset of the configuration. If the specified service\ndoes … string
2789 …"description": "The name of the service. See the `ServiceManager` overview for naming\nrequiremen… string
2795 "description": "A mask specifying which fields to update.", string
2820 …"description": "Updates the specified subset of the service resource. Equivalent to\ncalling `Upda… string
2823 …"description": "The name of the service. See the `ServiceManager` overview for naming\nrequiremen… string
2829 …"description": "A mask specifying which fields to update.\nUpdate mask has been deprecated on Upda… string
2854 …"description": "Updates the specified subset of the service resource. Equivalent to\ncalling `Patc… string
2857 …"description": "The name of the service. See the `ServiceManager` overview for naming\nrequiremen… string
2863 "description": "A mask specifying which fields to update.", string
2888 "description": "Producer method to retrieve current policy.", string
2891 "description": "The name of the service. For example: ``.", string
2913 …"description": "Producer method to update the current policy. This method will return an\nerror i… string
2916 …"description": "The name of the service. For example: ``.\nIf set, policy's… string
2946 …"description": "Lists the history of the service config for a managed service,\nfrom the newest to… string
2949 …"description": "The name of the service. See the `ServiceManager` overview for naming\nrequiremen… string
2955 "description": "The token of the page to retrieve.", string
2960 "description": "The max number of items to include in the response list.", string
2982 …"description": "Gets a service config (version) for a managed service. If `config_id` is\nnot spec… string
2985 …"description": "The name of the service. See the `ServiceManager` overview for naming\nrequiremen… string
2991 …"description": "The id of the service config resource.\nOptional. If it is not specified, the late… string
3014 …"description": "Creates a new service config (version) for a managed service. This method\nonly st… string
3017 …"description": "The name of the service. See the `ServiceManager` overview for naming\nrequiremen… string
3042 …"description": "Creates a new service config (version) for a managed service based on\nuser-suppli… string
3045 …"description": "The name of the service. See the `ServiceManager` overview for naming\nrequiremen… string
3074 …"description": "Method to query the accessibility of a service and any associated\nvisibility labe… string
3077 "description": "The service to query access for.", string
3083 "description": "The user to query access for.", string
3108 …"description": "Retrieves the settings that control the specified customer's usage of the\nservice… string
3111 …"description": "The name of the service. See the `ServiceManager` overview for naming\nrequiremen… string
3117 …"description": "ID for the customer. See the comment for `CustomerSettings.customer_id`\nfield of … string
3123 "description": "Fields to expand in any results.", string
3129 "description": "Request only fields for the specified view.", string
3157 …"description": "Updates specified subset of the settings that control the specified\ncustomer's us… string
3160 …"description": "The name of the service. See the `ServiceManager` overview for naming\nrequiremen… string
3166 …"description": "ID for the customer. See the comment for `CustomerSettings.customer_id`\nfield of … string
3172 "description": "The field mask specifying which fields are to be updated.", string
3202 …"description": "Retrieves the settings that control the specified consumer project's usage\nof the… string
3205 …"description": "The name of the service. See the `ServiceManager` overview for naming\nrequiremen… string
3211 "description": "The project ID of the consumer.", string
3217 …"description": "Fields to expand in any results. By default, the following fields\nare not presen… string
3223 "description": "Request only the fields for the specified view.", string
3251 …"description": "NOTE: Currently unsupported. Use PatchProjectSettings instead.\n\nUpdates the set… string
3254 …"description": "The name of the service. See the `ServiceManager` overview for naming\nrequiremen… string
3260 "description": "The project ID of the consumer.", string
3286 …"description": "Updates specified subset of the settings that control the specified\nconsumer proj… string
3289 …"description": "The name of the service. See the `ServiceManager` overview for naming\nrequiremen… string
3295 "description": "The project ID of the consumer.", string
3301 "description": "The field mask specifying which fields are to be updated.", string
3333 …"description": "DEPRECATED. `SubmitConfigSource` with `validate_only=true` will provide\nconfig co… string
3358 …"description": "Gets the latest state of a long-running operation. Clients can use this\nmethod t… string
3361 "description": "Part of `name`. The name of the operation resource.", string