Lines Matching refs:Signaled
383 -10006 errOSACantAssign Signaled when an object cannot be set in a container.
386 -10003 OSAIllegalAssign Signaled when an object can never be set in a container
1016 -2755 OSAControlFlowError Signaled when illegal control flow occurs in an application (no catcher f…
1017 -2754 OSAInconsistentDeclarations Signaled when a variable is declared inconsistently in the same s…
1018 -2753 OSAUndefinedVariable Signaled when a variable is accessed that has no value
1019 -2752 OSADuplicateHandler Signaled when more than one handler is defined with the same name in a sc…
1020 -2751 OSADuplicateProperty Signaled when a formal parameter, local variable, or instance variable i…
1021 -2750 OSADuplicateParameter Signaled when a formal parameter, local variable, or instance variable …
1022 -2742 OSATokenTooLong Signaled when a name or number is too long to be parsed
1023 -2741 OSASyntaxTypeError Signaled when another form of syntax was expected. (e.g. "expected a <type…
1024 -2740 OSASyntaxError Signaled when a syntax error occurs. (e.g. "Syntax error" or "<this> can't go …
1029 -2708 errOSADataBlockTooLarge Signaled when an intrinsic limitation is exceeded for the size of a v…
1030 -2707 errOSAInternalTableOverflow Signaled when a runtime internal data structure overflows
1031 -2706 errOSAStackOverflow Signaled when the runtime stack overflows
1032 -2705 errOSACorruptTerminology Signaled when an application's terminology resource is not readable
1033 -2704 errOSAAppNotHighLevelEventAware Signaled when an application can't respond to AppleEvents
1034 -2703 errOSACantLaunch Signaled when application can't be launched or when it is remote and program…
1035 -2702 errOSANumericOverflow Signaled when integer or real value is too large to be represented
1036 -2701 errOSADivideByZero Signaled when there is an attempt to divide by zero
1037 -2700 errOSAGeneralError Signaled by user scripts or applications when no actual error code is to b…