Lines Matching refs:Text

84   Text=When the version number changes, set the compiler
87 Text=vrbls _PYMAJOR_ and _PYMINOR_.
90 Text=Nothing in the script below should need fiddling then.
93 Text=Other things that need fiddling:
96 Text= PYVER_STRING above.
99 Text= The "Title:" in the upper left corner of the GUI.
102 Text= Build Settings and Version Resource on step 6 (Finish) of the Installation Expert
105 Text= Be sure to select Steps->All or you may not see these!
110 Text=When the version of Tcl/Tk changes, the compiler vrbl
113 Text=_TCLDIR_ may also need to be changed.
122Text=PY_VERSION should be major.minor only; used to create the registry key; must match MS_DLL_ID …
129 Text=GROUP is the Start menu group name; user can override.
137 Text=MAINDIR is the app directory; user can override.
150 Text=Give non-admin users a chance to abort.
161Text=The current login does not have Administrator Privileges on this machine. Python will instal…
162 Text=
163Text=If this is not what you want, please click Cancel to abort this installation, log on as an Ad…
171Text=BEGIN WIZARD STUFF --------------------------------------------------------------------------…
174 Text=Note from Tim: the "stop" on the next line is actually "pause".
180Text=If the destination system does not have a writable Windows\System directory, system files wil…
216 Text=Note from Tim: The Wizard hardcod "C:" at the start of the replacement text for MAINDIR.
219 Text=That's not appropriate if the system drive doesn't happen to be C:.
222Text=I removed the "C:", and that did the right thing for two people who tested it on non-C: machi…
225 Text=but it's unclear whether it will always do the right thing.
233Text=BACKUP is the variable that holds the path that all backup files will be copied to when overw…
241Text=DOBACKUP determines if a backup will be performed. The possible values are A (do backup) or …
248Text=BRANDING determines if the installation will be branded with a name and company. By default,…
290Text=END WIZARD STUFF ----------------------------------------------------------------------------…
295 Text=Set vrbls for the "Advanced Options" subdialog of Components.
314 Text=TASKS values:
317 Text=A: Register file extensions
320 Text=B: Create Start Menu shortcuts
329 Text=COMPONENTS values:
332 Text=A: interpreter and libraries
335 Text=B: Tcl/Tk
338 Text=C: docs
341 Text=D: tools
344 Text=E: test suite
353 Text=March thru the user GUI.
559 Text=&Next >
560 Text French=&Suite >
561 Text German=&Weiter >
562 Text Spanish=&Siguiente >
563 Text Italian=&Avanti >
569 Text=&Cancel
570 Text French=&Annuler
571 Text German=&Abbrechen
572 Text Spanish=&Cancelar
573 Text Italian=&Annulla
586 Text=Select Destination Directory
587 Text French=S�lectionner le r�pertoire de destination
588 Text German=Zielverzeichnis w�hlen
589 Text Spanish=Seleccione el directorio de destino
590 Text Italian=Selezionare Directory di destinazione
598 Text=%MAINDIR%
599 Text=
605 Text=Please select a directory for the %APPTITLE% files.
623 Text=%MAINDIR%
624 Text French=%MAINDIR%
625 Text German=%MAINDIR%
626 Text Spanish=%MAINDIR%
627 Text Italian=%MAINDIR%
632 Text=OK
633 Text French=OK
634 Text German=OK
635 Text Spanish=Aceptar
636 Text Italian=OK
644 Text=Cancel
645 Text French=Annuler
646 Text German=Abbrechen
647 Text Spanish=Cancelar
648 Text Italian=Annulla
675 Text=&Next >
676 Text French=&Suivant>
677 Text German=&Weiter>
678 Text Portuguese=&Pr�ximo>
679 Text Spanish=&Siguiente >
680 Text Italian=&Avanti >
681 Text Danish=&N�ste>
682 Text Dutch=&Volgende>
683 Text Norwegian=&Neste>
684 Text Swedish=&N�sta >
691 Text=< &Back
692 Text French=<&Retour
693 Text German=<&Zur�ck
694 Text Portuguese=<&Retornar
695 Text Spanish=<&Retroceder
696 Text Italian=< &Indietro
697 Text Danish=<&Tilbage
698 Text Dutch=<&Terug
699 Text Norwegian=<&Tilbake
700 Text Swedish=< &Tillbaka
706 Text=Cancel
707 Text French=Annuler
708 Text German=Abbrechen
709 Text Portuguese=Cancelar
710 Text Spanish=Cancelar
711 Text Italian=Annulla
712 Text Danish=Annuller
713 Text Dutch=Annuleren
714 Text Norwegian=Avbryt
715 Text Swedish=Avbryt
725Text=This installation program can create backup copies of all files replaced during the installat…
726 Text=
727 Text=Do you want to create backups of replaced files?
728Text French=Le programme d'installation peut cr�er des copies de sauvegarde de tous les fichiers r…
729Text German=Dieses Installationsprogramm kann Sicherungskopien von allen w�hrend der Installation …
730Text Portuguese=Este programa de instala��o pode criar c�pias de seguran�a de todos os ficheiros s…
731Text Spanish=Este programa de instalaci�n puede crear copias de seguridad de todos los archivos re…
732Text Italian=Questo programma di installazione pu� creare copie di backup di tutti i file sostitui…
733Text Danish=Dette installationsprogram kan oprette sikkerhedskopier af alle filer, som erstattes u…
734Text Dutch=Dit installatieprogramma kan kopie�n maken van alle bestanden die tijdens de installati…
735Text Norwegian=Dette installasjonsprogrammet kan lage sikkerhetskopier av alle filer som blir erst…
736Text Swedish=Installationsprogrammet kan skapa s�kerhetskopior av alla filer som byts ut under ins…
742 Text=&Yes, make backups
743 Text=N&o, do not make backups
744 Text=
745 Text French=&Oui
746 Text French=N&on
747 Text French=
748 Text German=&Ja
749 Text German=N&ein
750 Text German=
751 Text Portuguese=&Sim
752 Text Portuguese=N�&o
753 Text Portuguese=
754 Text Spanish=&S�
755 Text Spanish=N&o
756 Text Spanish=
757 Text Italian=&S�
758 Text Italian=N&o
759 Text Italian=
760 Text Danish=&Ja
761 Text Danish=&Nej
762 Text Danish=
763 Text Dutch=&Ja
764 Text Dutch=N&ee
765 Text Dutch=
766 Text Norwegian=&Ja
767 Text Norwegian=&Nei
768 Text Norwegian=
769 Text Swedish=&Ja
770 Text Swedish=N&ej
771 Text Swedish=
778 Text=Backup File Destination Directory
779 Text French=R�pertoire de destination des fichiers de sauvegarde
780 Text German=Zielverzeichnis f�r die Sicherungsdatei
781 Text Portuguese=Direct�rio de destino de ficheiro de seguran�a
782 Text Spanish=Directorio de Destino de los Archivos de Seguridad
783 Text Italian=Directory di destinazione dei file di backup
784 Text Danish=Destinationsbibliotek til sikkerhedskopier
785 Text Dutch=Doeldirectory backup-bestand
786 Text Norwegian=M�lkatalog for sikkerhetskopier
787 Text Swedish=Katalog f�r s�kerhetskopierade filer
797 Text=B&rowse...
798 Text French=P&arcourir
799 Text German=B&l�ttern...
800 Text Portuguese=P&rocurar
801 Text Spanish=V&isualizar...
802 Text Italian=Sfoglia...
803 Text Danish=&Gennemse...
804 Text Dutch=B&laderen...
805 Text Norwegian=Bla igjennom
806 Text Swedish=&Bl�ddra
813 Text=%BACKUP%
814 Text French=%BACKUP%
815 Text German=%BACKUP%
816 Text Portuguese=%BACKUP%
817 Text Spanish=%BACKUP%
818 Text Italian=%BACKUP%
819 Text Danish=%BACKUP%
820 Text Dutch=%BACKUP%
821 Text Norwegian=%BACKUP%
822 Text Swedish=%BACKUP%
830 Text=Backup Replaced Files
831 Text French=S�lectionner les composants
832 Text German=Komponenten ausw�hlen
833 Text Spanish=Seleccione componentes
834 Text Italian=Selezionare i componenti
879 Text=%BACKUP%
880 Text=
881 Text French=%BACKUP%
882 Text French=
883 Text German=%BACKUP%
884 Text German=
885 Text Portuguese=%BACKUP%
886 Text Portuguese=
887 Text Spanish=%BACKUP%
888 Text Spanish=
889 Text Italian=%BACKUP%
890 Text Italian=
891 Text Danish=%BACKUP%
892 Text Danish=
893 Text Dutch=%BACKUP%
894 Text Dutch=
895 Text Norwegian=%BACKUP%
896 Text Norwegian=
897 Text Swedish=%BACKUP%
898 Text Swedish=
903 Text=OK
904 Text French=OK
905 Text German=OK
906 Text Portuguese=OK
907 Text Spanish=ACEPTAR
908 Text Italian=OK
909 Text Danish=OK
910 Text Dutch=OK
911 Text Norwegian=OK
912 Text Swedish=OK
920 Text=Cancel
921 Text French=Annuler
922 Text German=Abbrechen
923 Text Portuguese=Cancelar
924 Text Spanish=Cancelar
925 Text Italian=Annulla
926 Text Danish=Slet
927 Text Dutch=Annuleren
928 Text Norwegian=Avbryt
929 Text Swedish=Avbryt
951 Text=&Next >
952 Text French=&Suite >
953 Text German=&Weiter >
954 Text Spanish=&Siguiente >
955 Text Italian=&Avanti >
962 Text=< &Back
963 Text French=< &Retour
964 Text German=< &Zur�ck
965 Text Spanish=< &Atr�s
966 Text Italian=< &Indietro
972 Text=&Cancel
973 Text French=&Annuler
974 Text German=&Abbrechen
975 Text Spanish=&Cancelar
976 Text Italian=&Annulla
983 Text=Python interpreter and libraries
984 Text=Tcl/Tk (Tkinter, IDLE, pydoc)
985 Text=Python HTML docs
986 Text=Python utility scripts (Tools/)
987 Text=Python test suite (Lib/test/)
988 Text=
989 Text French=Python interpreter, library and IDLE
990 Text French=Python HTML docs
991 Text French=Python utility scripts (Tools/)
992 Text French=Python test suite (Lib/test/)
993 Text French=
994 Text German=Python interpreter, library and IDLE
995 Text German=Python HTML docs
996 Text German=Python utility scripts (Tools/)
997 Text German=Python test suite (Lib/test/)
998 Text German=
999 Text Spanish=Python interpreter, library and IDLE
1000 Text Spanish=Python HTML docs
1001 Text Spanish=Python utility scripts (Tools/)
1002 Text Spanish=Python test suite (Lib/test/)
1003 Text Spanish=
1004 Text Italian=Python interpreter, library and IDLE
1005 Text Italian=Python HTML docs
1006 Text Italian=Python utility scripts (Tools/)
1007 Text Italian=Python test suite (Lib/test/)
1008 Text Italian=
1013 Text=Choose which components to install by checking the boxes below.
1014Text French=Choisissez les composants que vous voulez installer en cochant les cases ci-dessous.
1015Text German=W�hlen Sie die zu installierenden Komponenten, indem Sie in die entsprechenden K�stche…
1016 Text Spanish=Elija los componentes que desee instalar marcando los cuadros de abajo.
1017 Text Italian=Scegliere quali componenti installare selezionando le caselle sottostanti.
1025 Text=Advanced Options ...
1038 Text=Select Components
1039 Text French=S�lectionner les composants
1040 Text German=Komponenten ausw�hlen
1041 Text Spanish=Seleccione componentes
1042 Text Italian=Selezionare i componenti
1058 Text=Disk Space Required:
1059 Text French=Espace disque requis :
1060 Text German=Notwendiger Speicherplatz:
1061 Text Spanish=Espacio requerido en el disco:
1062 Text Italian=Spazio su disco necessario:
1067 Text=Disk Space Remaining:
1068 Text French=Espace disque disponible :
1069 Text German=Verbleibender Speicherplatz:
1070 Text Spanish=Espacio en disco disponible:
1071 Text Italian=Spazio su disco disponibile:
1083Text=If they're installing Tcl/Tk, Tools, or the test suite, doesn't make much sense unless they'r…
1097Text=Installing Tcl/Tk, Tools or the test suite doesn't make much sense unless you install the Pyt…
1098 Text=
1099 Text=Click Yes if that's really what you want.
1103 Text=Nothing -- just proceed to the next dialog.
1108 Text=Return to the dialog.
1134 Text=Admin install
1135 Text=Non-Admin installl
1136 Text=
1143 Text=OK
1144 Text French=&Suite >
1145 Text German=&Weiter >
1146 Text Spanish=&Siguiente >
1147 Text Italian=&Avanti >
1160Text=By default, the install records settings in the per-machine area of the registry (HKLM), and …
1173 Text=Register file extensions (.py, .pyw, .pyc, .pyo)
1174 Text=Create Start Menu shortcuts
1175 Text=
1181 Text=Choose tasks to perform by checking the boxes below.
1196 item: Set Control Text
1198 …Control Text=This section is available only if logged in to an account with Administrator privileg…
1228 Text=&Next >
1229 Text French=&Suite >
1230 Text German=&Weiter >
1231 Text Spanish=&Siguiente >
1232 Text Italian=&Avanti >
1240 Text=< &Back
1241 Text French=< &Retour
1242 Text German=< &Zur�ck
1243 Text Spanish=< &Atr�s
1244 Text Italian=< &Indietro
1250 Text=&Cancel
1251 Text French=&Annuler
1252 Text German=&Abbrechen
1253 Text Spanish=&Cancelar
1254 Text Italian=&Annulla
1267 Text=Select Start Menu Group
1268 Text French=S�lectionner le groupe du Gestionnaire de programme
1269 Text German=Bestimmung der Programm-Managergruppe
1270 Text Spanish=Seleccione grupo del Administrador de programas
1271 Text Italian=Selezionare il gruppo ProgMan
1276 Text=Enter the name of the Start Menu program group to which to add the %APPTITLE% icons:
1277Text French=Entrez le nom du groupe du Gestionnaire de programme dans lequel vous souhaitez ajoute…
1278Text German=Geben Sie den Namen der Programmgruppe ein, der das Symbol %APPTITLE% hinzugef�gt werd…
1279Text Spanish=Escriba el nombre del grupo del Administrador de programas en el que desea agregar lo…
1280 Text Italian=Inserire il nome del gruppo Program Manager per aggiungere le icone %APPTITLE% a:
1287 Text=%GROUP%
1288 Text=
1289 Text French=%GROUP%
1290 Text German=%GROUP%
1291 Text Spanish=%GROUP%
1292 Text Italian=%GROUP%
1314 Text=&Next >
1315 Text French=&Suite >
1316 Text German=&Weiter >
1317 Text Spanish=&Siguiente >
1318 Text Italian=&Avanti >
1325 Text=< &Back
1326 Text French=< &Retour
1327 Text German=< &Zur�ck
1328 Text Spanish=< &Atr�s
1329 Text Italian=< &Indietro
1335 Text=&Cancel
1336 Text French=&Annuler
1337 Text German=&Abbrechen
1338 Text Spanish=&Cancelar
1339 Text Italian=&Annulla
1352 Text=Ready to Install!
1353 Text French=Pr�t � installer !
1354 Text German=Installationsbereit!
1355 Text Spanish=�Preparado para la instalaci�n!
1356 Text Italian=Pronto per l'installazione!
1361 Text=Click the Next button to install %APPTITLE%, or the Back button to change choices:
1362 Text French=Vous �tes maintenant pr�t � installer les fichiers %APPTITLE%.
1363 Text French=
1364Text French=Cliquez sur le bouton Suite pour commencer l'installation ou sur le bouton Retour pour…
1365 Text German=Sie k�nnen %APPTITLE% nun installieren.
1366 Text German=
1367Text German=Klicken Sie auf "Weiter", um mit der Installation zu beginnen. Klicken Sie auf "Zur�ck…
1368 Text Spanish=Ya est� listo para instalar %APPTITLE%.
1369 Text Spanish=
1370Text Spanish=Presione el bot�n Siguiente para comenzar la instalaci�n o presione Atr�s para volver…
1371 Text Italian=Ora � possibile installare %APPTITLE%.
1372 Text Italian=
1373Text Italian=Premere il pulsante Avanti per avviare l'installazione o il pulsante Indietro per rei…
1380 Text=%SUMMARY%
1391 Text=User may have changed MAINDIR, so reset BACKUP to match.
1406Text=BEGIN WIZARD STUFF --------------------------------------------------------------------------…
1409 Text=When the BACKUP feature is enabled, the BACKUPDIR is initialized
1422 Text=The BRANDING information is written to the INI file on the installation media.
1444 Text=Begin writing to the INSTALL.LOG
1449 Text=Check free disk space calculates free disk space as well as component sizes.
1452 Text=It should be located before all Install File actions.
1458 Text=This include script allows uninstall support
1461 Text=Note from Tim: this is our own Uninstal.wse, a copy of Wise's except
1464 Text=it writes to HKCU (instead of HKLM) if the user doesn't have admin privs.
1470 Text=Note from Tim: these seeming no-ops actually convert to short filenames.
1483 Text=This IF/THEN/ELSE reads the correct registry entries for shortcut/icon placement
1547 Text=Note from Tim: the Wizard left this block empty!
1550 Text=Perhaps it's only relevant on Windows 3.1.
1555Text=END WIZARD STUFF ----------------------------------------------------------------------------…
1564 Text=The user chose a non-admin install in "Advanced Options".
1567 Text=This should come after the include of Uninstal.wse above, because
1570 Text=writing uninstall info to HKCU is ineffective except under Win2K.
1610 Text=Long section to install files.
1633 Text=Install the license even if they deselect everything <wink>.
1651 Text=Icons -- always install so that the uninstaller can use them for its own display.
1671 Text=These arrange to (recursively!) delete all .pyc and .pyo files at uninstall time.
1674 Text=This "does the right thing": any directories left empty at the end are removed.
1676 item: Add Text to INSTALL.LOG
1677 Text=File Tree: %MAINDIR%\*.pyc
1679 item: Add Text to INSTALL.LOG
1680 Text=File Tree: %MAINDIR%\*.pyo
1685 Text=A: interpreter and libraries
1693 Text=Executables
1713 Text=Extension module DLLs (.pyd); keep in synch with libs directory next
1809 Text=Link libraries (.lib); keep in synch with DLLs above, except that the Python lib lives here.
1913 Text=Main Python DLL
1916 Text=Tell Wise it's OK to delete the Python DLL at uninstall time,
1919 Text=despite that we (may) write it into a system directory.
1921 item: Add Text to INSTALL.LOG
1922 Text=Non-System File:
1932 Text=Libraries (Lib/)
2090 Text=C Include files
2107 Text=Microsoft C runtime libraries
2126 Text=B: Tcl/Tk (Tkinter, IDLE, pydoc)
2134 Text=Tcl/Tk
2151 Text=IDLE
2186 Text=Windows pydoc driver
2199 Text=C: docs
2217 Text=D: tools
2321 Text=E: test suite
2395 Text=DONE with file copying.
2398 Text=The rest is registry and Start Menu fiddling.
2413 Text=Register file extensions. As usual, Admin privs get in the way, but with a twist:
2416 Text=You don't need admin privs to write to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT *except* under Win2K.
2419Text=On Win2K, a user without Admin privs has to register extensions under HKCU\Software\CLASSES i…
2422Text=But while you can *do* that under other flavors of Windows too, it has no useful effect excep…
2448 Text=File types.
2502 Text=File extensions.
2543 Text=File types.
2606 Text=File extensions.
2655Text=If we're installing IDLE, also set an Edit context menu action to use IDLE, for .py and .pyw …
2699 Text=Register Python paths.
2702 Text=Write to HKLM for admin, else HKCU. Keep these blocks otherwise identical!
2789 Text=Registry fiddling for docs.
2792 Text=Write to HKLM for admin, else HKCU. Keep these blocks otherwise identical!
2824 Text=Set the app publisher and URL entries for Win2K add/remove.
2827 Text=It doesn't hurt on other systems.
2830 Text=As usual, write to HKLM or HKCU depending on Admin privs.
2833 Text=CAUTION: If you set this info on the "Windows 2000" page (step 6) of the
2836 Text=Installation Expert, it only shows up in the "If" block below. Keep in synch!
2919 Text=Populate Start Menu group
2927 Text=Shortcut to installer no matter what.
2999 Text=I don't think we need this, but have always done it.
3007 Text=Don't enable "Delete in-use files". Here's what happens:
3010 Text=Install Python; uninstall Python; install Python again. Reboot the machine.
3013 Text=Now UNWISE.EXE is missing. I think this is a Wise bug, but so it goes.
3015 remarked item: Add Text to INSTALL.LOG
3016 Text=Delete in-use files: On
3047 Text=&Finish
3048 Text French=&Fin
3049 Text German=&Weiter
3050 Text Spanish=&Terminar
3051 Text Italian=&Fine
3059 Text=&Cancel
3060 Text French=&Annuler
3061 Text German=&Abbrechen
3062 Text Spanish=&Cancelar
3063 Text Italian=&Annulla
3071 Text=Installation Completed!
3072 Text French=Installation termin�e !
3073 Text German=Die Installation ist abgeschlossen!
3074 Text Spanish=�Instalaci�n terminada!
3075 Text Italian=Installazione completata!
3080 Text=%APPTITLE% has been successfully installed.
3081 Text=
3082 Text=Press the Finish button to exit this installation.
3083 Text French=%APPTITLE% est maintenant install�.
3084 Text French=
3085 Text French=Cliquez sur le bouton Fin pour quitter l'installation.
3086 Text German=%APPTITLE% wurde erfolgreich installiert.
3087 Text German=
3088 Text German=Klicken Sie auf "Weiter", um die Installation zu beenden.
3089 Text Spanish=%APPTITLE% se ha instalado con �xito.
3090 Text Spanish=
3091 Text Spanish=Presione el bot�n Terminar para salir de esta instalaci�n.
3092 Text Italian=L'installazione %APPTITLE% � stata portata a termine con successo.
3093 Text Italian=
3094 Text Italian=Premere il pulsante Fine per uscire dall'installazione.
3105 Text=Special Windows thanks to:
3106 Text=
3107 Text=Wise Solutions, for the use of InstallMaster 8.1.
3108 Text=
3109 Text=
3110 Text=
3111 Text=LettError, Erik van Blokland, for the Python for Windows graphic.
3112 Text=
3113 Text=
3114 Text=
3115Text=Mark Hammond, without whose years of freely shared Windows expertise, Python for Windows woul…
3131Text=This include script supports a rollback to preinstallation state if the user chooses to cance…