Lines Matching +full:- +full:- +full:no +full:- +full:build

6 echo.Build CPython from the command line.  Requires the appropriate
19 echo. -h Display this help message
20 echo. -V Display version information for the current build
21 echo. -r Target Rebuild instead of Build
22 echo. -d Set the configuration to Debug
23 echo. -E Don't fetch or build external libraries. Extension modules that
24 echo. depend on external libraries will not attempt to build if this flag
25 echo. is present; -e is also accepted to explicitly enable fetching and
27 echo. -m Enable parallel build (enabled by default)
28 echo. -M Disable parallel build
29 echo. -v Increased output messages
30 echo. -k Attempt to kill any running Pythons before building (usually done
32 echo. --pgo Build with Profile-Guided Optimization. This flag
33 echo. overrides -c and -d
34 echo. --test-marker Enable the test marker within the build.
37 echo.These flags have no effect if '-e' is not given:
38 echo. --no-ssl Do not attempt to build _ssl
39 echo. --no-tkinter Do not attempt to build Tkinter
42 echo. -c Release ^| Debug ^| PGInstrument ^| PGUpdate
44 echo. -p x64 ^| Win32
46 echo. -t Build ^| Rebuild ^| Clean ^| CleanAll
48 echo. --pgo-job The job to use for PGO training; implies --pgo
49 echo. (default: "-m test --pgo")
56 set target=Build
62 set pgo_job=-m test --pgo
65 if "%~1"=="-h" goto Usage
66 if "%~1"=="-c" (set conf=%2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts
67 if "%~1"=="-p" (set platf=%2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts
68 if "%~1"=="-r" (set target=Rebuild) & shift & goto CheckOpts
69 if "%~1"=="-t" (set target=%2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts
70 if "%~1"=="-d" (set conf=Debug) & shift & goto CheckOpts
71 if "%~1"=="-m" (set parallel=/m) & shift & goto CheckOpts
72 if "%~1"=="-M" (set parallel=) & shift & goto CheckOpts
73 if "%~1"=="-v" (set verbose=/v:n) & shift & goto CheckOpts
74 if "%~1"=="-k" (set kill=true) & shift & goto CheckOpts
75 if "%~1"=="--pgo" (set do_pgo=true) & shift & goto CheckOpts
76 if "%~1"=="--pgo-job" (set do_pgo=true) & (set pgo_job=%~2) & shift & shift & goto CheckOpts
77 if "%~1"=="--test-marker" (set UseTestMarker=true) & shift & goto CheckOpts
78 if "%~1"=="-V" shift & goto Version
82 if "%~1"=="-e" (set IncludeExternals=true) & shift & goto CheckOpts
83 if "%~1"=="-E" (set IncludeExternals=false) & shift & goto CheckOpts
84 if "%~1"=="--no-ssl" (set IncludeSSL=false) & shift & goto CheckOpts
85 if "%~1"=="--no-tkinter" (set IncludeTkinter=false) & shift & goto CheckOpts
95 echo.ERROR: Cannot cross-compile with PGO
114 call :Build %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
122 set target=Build
124 goto Build
134 :Build label
136 rem Passing %1-9 is not the preferred option, but argument parsing in
150 rem Display the current build version information