Lines Matching refs:Add
15 - Pull request #203: Add parse_http_list and parse_keqv_list to moved
18 - Pull request #172 and issue #171: Add unquote_to_bytes to moved urllib.parse.
20 - Pull request #167: Add `six.moves.getoutput`.
22 - Pull request #80: Add `six.moves.urllib_parse.splitvalue`.
24 - Pull request #75: Add `six.moves.email_mime_image`.
37 - Pull request #60 and issue #108: Add `six.moves.getcwd` and
40 - Pull request #64: Add `create_unbound_method` to create unbound methods.
47 - Pull request #48 and issue #15: Add the `python_2_unicode_compatible`
50 - Pull request #57 and issue #50: Add several compatibility methods for unittest
56 - Issue #102: Add `raise_from` to abstract out Python 3's raise from syntax.
62 - Pull request #51: Add `six.view(keys|values|itmes)`, which provide dictionary
71 - Issue #90: Add `six.moves.shlex_quote`.
73 - Issue #59: Add `six.moves.intern`.
75 - Add `six.urllib.parse.uses_(fragment|netloc|params|query|relative)`.
87 - Pull request #45: Add `six.moves.email_mime_nonmultipart`.
89 - Issue #81: Add `six.urllib.request.splittag` mapping.
91 - Issue #80: Add `six.urllib.request.splituser` mapping.
117 - Pull request #32: Add six.wraps, which is like functools.wraps but always sets
123 - Pull request #34: Add import mappings for dummy_thread.
125 - Pull request #33: Add import mappings for UserDict and UserList.
144 - Pull request #28: Add support for SplitResult.
146 - Issue #55: Add move mapping for xmlrpc.server.
148 - Pull request #29: Add move for urllib.parse.splitquery.
171 - Issue #49: Add six.moves mapping for tkinter.ttk.
173 - Pull request #24: Add __dir__ special method to six.moves modules.
180 - Pull request #21: Add import mapping for urllib's proxy_bypass function.
182 - Issue #43: Add import mapping for the Python 2 xmlrpclib module.
184 - Issue #39: Add import mapping for the Python 2 thread module.
186 - Issue #40: Add import mapping for the Python 2 gdbm module.
200 - Issue #31: Add six.moves mapping for UserString.
202 - Pull request #12: Add six.add_metaclass, a decorator for adding a metaclass to
205 - Add six.moves.zip_longest and six.moves.filterfalse, which correspond
209 - Issue #25: Add the unichr function, which returns a string for a Unicode
212 - Issue #26: Add byte2int function, which complements int2byte.
214 - Add a PY2 constant with obvious semantics.
216 - Add helpers for indexing and iterating over bytes: iterbytes and indexbytes.
218 - Add create_bound_method() wrapper.
222 - Issue #24: Add six.moves.range alias. This exactly the same as the current
232 - Issue #21: Add methods to access the closure and globals of a function.
237 - Add six.iterlists().
252 - Pull request #4: Add email_mime_multipart, email_mime_text, and
263 - Add as an alias for six.advance_iterator().
268 - Add the Iterator class for writing portable iterators.
273 - Add the int2byte function.
275 - Add compatibility mappings for iterators over the keys, values, and items of a
280 - Issue #3: Add six.moves mappings for filter, map, and zip.