Lines Matching refs:PVRTuint32

17 const PVRTuint32 PVRTEX3_IDENT			= 0x03525650;	// 'P''V''R'3
18 const PVRTuint32 PVRTEX3_IDENT_REV = 0x50565203;
26 const PVRTuint32 PVRTEX3_FILE_COMPRESSED = (1<<0); // Texture has been file compressed using PVRTe…
27 const PVRTuint32 PVRTEX3_PREMULTIPLIED = (1<<1); // Texture has been premultiplied by alpha value…
147PVRTuint32 DevFOURCC; ///< A 4cc descriptor of the data type's creator. Values equating to values…
148 PVRTuint32 u32Key; ///< A DWORD (enum value) identifying the data type, and thus how to read it.
149 PVRTuint32 u32DataSize; ///< Size of the Data member.
167 for (PVRTuint32 uiDataAmt=0; uiDataAmt<u32DataSize; ++uiDataAmt) in MetaDataBlock()
217 for (PVRTuint32 uiDataAmt=0; uiDataAmt<u32DataSize; ++uiDataAmt)
243 PVRTuint32 u32Version; ///< Version of the file header, used to identify it.
244 PVRTuint32 u32Flags; ///< Various format flags.
246PVRTuint32 u32ColourSpace; ///< The Colour Space of the texture, currently either linear RGB or s…
247PVRTuint32 u32ChannelType; ///< Variable type that the channel is stored in. Supports signed/unsi…
248 PVRTuint32 u32Height; ///< Height of the texture.
249 PVRTuint32 u32Width; ///< Width of the texture.
250 PVRTuint32 u32Depth; ///< Depth of the texture. (Z-slices)
251 PVRTuint32 u32NumSurfaces; ///< Number of members in a Texture Array.
252 PVRTuint32 u32NumFaces; ///< Number of faces in a Cube Map. Maybe be a value other than 6.
253 PVRTuint32 u32MIPMapCount; ///< Number of MIP Maps in the texture - NB: Includes top level.
254 PVRTuint32 u32MetaDataSize; ///< Size of the accompanying meta data.
283 PVRTuint32 dwHeaderSize; /*!< size of the structure */
284 PVRTuint32 dwHeight; /*!< height of surface to be created */
285 PVRTuint32 dwWidth; /*!< width of input surface */
286 PVRTuint32 dwMipMapCount; /*!< number of mip-map levels requested */
287 PVRTuint32 dwpfFlags; /*!< pixel format flags */
288 PVRTuint32 dwTextureDataSize; /*!< Total size in bytes */
289 PVRTuint32 dwBitCount; /*!< number of bits per pixel */
290 PVRTuint32 dwRBitMask; /*!< mask for red bit */
291 PVRTuint32 dwGBitMask; /*!< mask for green bits */
292 PVRTuint32 dwBBitMask; /*!< mask for blue bits */
293 PVRTuint32 dwAlphaBitMask; /*!< mask for alpha channel */
294 PVRTuint32 dwPVR; /*!< magic number identifying pvr file */
295 PVRTuint32 dwNumSurfs; /*!< the number of surfaces present in the pvr */
524 const PVRTuint32 PVRTEX_MIPMAP = (1<<8); ///< Has mip map levels. DEPRECATED.
525 const PVRTuint32 PVRTEX_TWIDDLE = (1<<9); ///< Is twiddled. DEPRECATED.
526 const PVRTuint32 PVRTEX_BUMPMAP = (1<<10); ///< Has normals encoded for a bump map. DEPRECATED.
527 const PVRTuint32 PVRTEX_TILING = (1<<11); ///< Is bordered for tiled pvr. DEPRECATED.
528 const PVRTuint32 PVRTEX_CUBEMAP = (1<<12); ///< Is a cubemap/skybox. DEPRECATED.
529 const PVRTuint32 PVRTEX_FALSEMIPCOL = (1<<13); ///< Are there false coloured MIP levels. DEPRECAT…
530 const PVRTuint32 PVRTEX_VOLUME = (1<<14); ///< Is this a volume texture. DEPRECATED.
531 const PVRTuint32 PVRTEX_ALPHA = (1<<15); ///< v2.1. Is there transparency info in the texture. D…
532 const PVRTuint32 PVRTEX_VERTICAL_FLIP = (1<<16); ///< v2.1. Is the texture vertically flipped. DEP…
534 const PVRTuint32 PVRTEX_PIXELTYPE = 0xff; ///< Pixel type is always in the last 16bits of the fl…
535 const PVRTuint32 PVRTEX_IDENTIFIER = 0x21525650; ///< The pvr identifier is the characters 'P','V'…
537 const PVRTuint32 PVRTEX_V1_HEADER_SIZE = 44; ///< Old header size was 44 for identification purpo…
539 const PVRTuint32 PVRTC2_MIN_TEXWIDTH = 16; ///< DEPRECATED.
540 const PVRTuint32 PVRTC2_MIN_TEXHEIGHT = 8; ///< DEPRECATED.
541 const PVRTuint32 PVRTC4_MIN_TEXWIDTH = 8; ///< DEPRECATED.
542 const PVRTuint32 PVRTC4_MIN_TEXHEIGHT = 8; ///< DEPRECATED.
543 const PVRTuint32 ETC_MIN_TEXWIDTH = 4; ///< DEPRECATED.
544 const PVRTuint32 ETC_MIN_TEXHEIGHT = 4; ///< DEPRECATED.
545 const PVRTuint32 DXT_MIN_TEXWIDTH = 4; ///< DEPRECATED.
546 const PVRTuint32 DXT_MIN_TEXHEIGHT = 4; ///< DEPRECATED.
614 PVRTuint32 PVRTGetBitsPerPixel(PVRTuint64 u64PixelFormat);
624 void PVRTGetFormatMinDims(PVRTuint64 u64PixelFormat, PVRTuint32 &minX, PVRTuint32 &minY, PVRTuint32
634 …eader* LegacyHeader, PVRTextureHeaderV3& NewHeader, CPVRTMap<PVRTuint32, CPVRTMap<PVRTuint32,MetaD…
703 PVRTuint32 PVRTGetTextureDataSize(PVRTextureHeaderV3 sTextureHeader, PVRTint32 iMipLevel=PVRTEX_ALL…