Lines Matching refs:Added

67 Added: GITHUB-631: Avoid the static limitation of external DataProvider. (Julien Herr)
68 Added: GITHUB-631: Allow to use Guice injection in DataProvider. (Julien Herr)
69 Added: Drop support of Java6 and previous.
70 Added: GITHUB-617: Allow injection of org.testng.ITestContext into the guice parent module. (Julien…
79 Added: GITHUB-616: org.testng.internal.Version will be always up-to-date (Julien Herr)
123 Added: Descriptions in the HTML reports
124 Added: Various improvements to EmailableReporter (Abraham Lin)
125 Added: Allow injection of java.lang.reflect.Constructor and org.testng.ITestNGMethod into DataProvi…
137 Added: Predefined listeners (Tim Wu)
144 Added: Big performance improvement when generating the reports (Frank Pavageau)
145 Added: <dependencies> allows you to specify group dependencies in testng.xml
146 Added: Blow up early if trying to include/exclude an unknown method
147 Added: <parameters> can now be specified under <include> (Storm Qi)
148 Added: GITHUB-243: Add Reporter Output per Test in XMLReporter (dunse)
171 Added: <suite allow-return-values="true"> (and in <test> as well)
172 Added: data-provider attribute to testng-results.xml
173 Added: Reporter display the results in the same order as test methods (Libor Zoubek)
174 Added: Support for running JUnit 4 tests (Lukas Jungmann)
175 Added: Ability to auto-detect JUnit tests ('-mixed' mode) (Lukas Jungmann)
176 Added: Support for ResourceCollections in an Ant tasks (requires Ant >= 1.7.0) (Lukas Jungmann)
187 Added: <suite allow-return-values="true"> (and in <test> as well)
194 Added: @DataProvider(indices) to return specific indices of a data provider
195 Added: New HTML reports
196 Added: configfailurepolicy=continue with DataProviders (toddq)
197 Added: ITestResult#getTestContext (bpedman)
206 Added: You can now add the testng.jar sources as a library (Nick Tan)
207 Added: Upgraded the plug-in to 3.4+ (Nick Tan)
208 Added: dependsOnGroups now fully supported
215 Added: New system property: dataproviderthreadcount (Bill Ross)
227 Added: "description" attribute on <include>, made available on ITestNGMethod#getDescription
228 Added: RemoteTestNG waits infinitely for a connection (Aleksey Kabanov)
247 Added: xmlpathinjar to the TestNG ant task
248 Added: TestNG can now invoke package protected constructors
249 Added: Injectors created by the @Guice annotation are now shared at the <test> level
250 Added: IConfigurationListener is now a public listener, along with a new one: IConfigurationListene…
251 Added: When a method fails, only dependents of the same instance will be skipped
252 Added: parallel=instances for factory instance parallel runs
253 Added: @Factory(enabled)
271 Added: Each data provider method now has a separate node entry in the TestNG view
296 Added: Support for ServiceLoader for ITestNGListener
297 Added: @Factory(dataProvider / dataProviderClass) on constructors
298 Added: assertNotEquals() to Assert
299 Added: assertArrayEquals() to AssertJUnit
300 Added: Nested classes are now automatically added for consideration for inclusion
301 Added: <suite preserve-order="true"> will cause this attribute to be propagated to all <test> tags
302 Added: <groups> can now be specified under a <suite>
303 Added: Tycho compatibility (Aleksander Pohl)
304 Added: New <test> and <suite> flag: group-by-instances
305 Added: -xmlpathinjar to specify the path of testng.xml inside a test jar file
306 Added: ISuite#getAllMethods, to retrieve all the methods at the start of a suite.
307 Added: Output ITestResult attributes in xml report (nguillaumin)
330 Added: New quick fix "Add static import org.testng.AssertJUnit.assertXXX"
331 Added: New workspace wide setting: excluded stack traces, to provide shorter stack traces in the vi…
332 Added: New "Clear results" icon in the tool bar
333 Added: When the search filter is modified, don't update the tree live if it is too big
334 Added: Two new @Test refactorings (pull to class level, push to method level)
335 Added: JUnit conversion: @Ignore
336 Added: JUnit conversion: assertArrayEquals()
337 Added: JUnit conversion: @RunWith(Parameterized.class)
338 Added: Support for Hamcrest failed assertions in the compare dialog
339 Added: JUnit conversion: suite() methods can now either be removed, commented out or left untouched
355 Added: @Guice(moduleFactory) and IModuleFactory
356 Added: @Guice(module)
357 Added: timeOut for configuration methods
358 Added: -randomizesuites (Nalin Makar)
359 Added: IConfigurable
388 Added: Convert to YAML
389 Added: New global preference: JVM args
390 Added: Eclipse can now monitor a test-output/ directory and update the view when a new result is cr…
391 Added: Right clicking on a class/package/project now offers a menu "TestNG/Convert to TestNG"
392 Added: Excluded methods are now listed in the Summary tab
393 Added: "Description" column in the excluded methods table
394 Added: Dialog box when the plug-in can't contact RemoteTestNG
395 Added: Double clicking on an excluded method in the Summary tab will take you to its definition
396 Added: If you select a package before invoking the "New TestNG class" wizard, the source and packag…
397 Added: When an item is selected in a tab, the same item will be selected when switching tabs
398 Added: A new "Summary" tab that allows the user to see a summary of the tests, sort them by time, n…
399 Added: It's now possible "Run/Debug As" with a right click from pretty much any element that makes …
400 Added: JUnit conversion: correctly replaces assertNull and assertNotNull
401 Added: JUnit conversion: removes super.setUp() and super.tearDown()
402 Added: JUnit conversion: removes @Override
403 Added: JUnit conversion: replaces @Test(timeout) with @Test(timeOut) (
404 Added: JUnit conversion: replaces @Test(expected) with @Test(expectedExceptions) (
405 Added: JUnit conversion: replaces fail() with (
406 Added: JUnit conversion: replaces Assert with AssertJUnit (
407 Added: The progress bar is now orange if the suite contained skipped tests and no failures
408 Added: Skipped test and suite icons are now orange (previously: blue)
409 Added: New method shortcuts: "Alt+Shift+X N", "Alt+Shift+D N" (Sven Johansson)
410 Added: "Create TestNG class" context menu
411 Added: When generating a new class, handle overridden methods by generating mangled test method nam…
424 Added: Section on Selenium (Felipe Knorr Kuhn)
425 Added: Link to an article on TestNG, Mockito and Emma in the Misc section
446 Added: test suites can now be run in parallel with -suitethreadpoolsize
468 Added: -methods
469 Added: -configfailurepolicy (Todd Quessenberry)
470 Added: -methodselectors (Todd Quessenberry)
471 Added: @NoInjection
472 Added: <test preserve-order="true">
473 Added: -testnames (command line) and testnames (ant)
474 Added: New ant task tag: propertyset (Todd Wells)
475 Added: ITestNGListenerFactory
476 Added: Passing command line properties via the ant task and doc update (Todd Wells)
477 Added: Hierarchical XmlSuites (Nalin Makar)
478 Added: Reporter#clear()
526 Added: @Listeners
527 Added: IAttributes#getAttributeNames and IAttributes#removeAttribute
528 Added: testng-results.xml now includes test duration in the <suite> tag (Cosmin Marginean)
529 Added: Injection now works for data providers
530 Added: TestNG#setObjectFactory(IObjectFactory)
531 Added: Priorities: @Test(priority = -1)
532 Added: New attribute invocation-numbers in <include>
533 Added: testng-failed.xml only contains the data provider invocations that failed
534 Added: IInvokedMethodListener2 to have access to ITestContext in listeners (Karthik Krishnan)
540 Added: New file wizard: can now create a class with annotations, including @DataProvider
541 Added: You can now select multiple XML suites to be run in the launch dialog
552 Added: Dependent methods can now run in their own thread
553 Added: dataProviderThreadCount can be set from the command line and from ant (Adrian Grealish)
554 Added: ITestAnnotation#setDataProvider
555 Added: Assert#assertEquals() methods for Sets and Maps
573 Added: New "parallel" preference setting (Windows / Preferences / TestNG)
579 Added: The output in the testng-results.xml is now sorted by the starting timestamp (Daniel Rudman)
580 Added: Better display of the test name and method description in the default and Emailable report
581 Added: If both -testjar and an XML file are provided on the command line, the latter will be used
582 Added: @Before and @After methods can be injected with the current XmlTest
583 Added: Methods that time out now display the stack trace showing where the time out occurred
584 Added: ITestResult#getAttribute and ITestResult#setAttribute
585 Added: @After methods can now be injected with an ITestResult
586 Added: @BeforeMethod and @AfterMethod methods can now be injected an ITestResult
587 Added: ISuite#getAttribute and ISuite#setAttribute to share data within a suite
588 Added: @Test(expectedExceptionsMessageRegExp = ".*foo.*")
589 Added: @DataProvider(parallel=true)
614 Added: New ant task boolean flag: delegateCommandSystemProperties (Justin)
615 Added: skipfailedinvocations under <suite> in testng-1.0.dtd (Gael Marziou / Stevo Slavic)
616 Added: -testrunfactory on the command line and in the ant task (Vitalyi Pamajonkov)
617 Added: TESTNG-298: parallel="classes", which allows entire classes to be run in the same thread
618 Added: @BeforeMethod can now declare Object[] as a parameter, which will be filled by the parameter…
619 Added: IAnnotationTransformer2
620 Added: @Test(invocationTimeOut), which lets you set a time out for the total time taken by invocati…
621 Added: IInvokedMethodListener
622 Added: -testjar supports jar file with no testng.xml file
655 Added: 5.20: IInvokedMethodListener
656 Added: -testjar
663 Added: TestNG-213: @Optional on a method parameter to allow optional @Parameters
666 Added: Methods that form a cycle are now shown when the cycle is detected
667 Added: Support for <listeners> in testng.xml
668 Added: IMethodInterceptor
669 Added: @TestInstance on a data provider method parameter
671 Added: antlib.xml to allow autodiscovery of Ant task definition
675 Added: Method Interceptor
676 Added: @Optional
677 Added: Doc for IMethodInterceptor (5.16) and TestNG listeners (5.18)
678 Added: 5.19: Dependency injection
683 Added: @BeforeMethod(firstTimeOnly) and @AfterMethod(lastTimeOnly)
684 Added: @BeforeMethods can now take a Method and ITestContext parameters (like @DataProvider)
686 Added: if @Parameter is missing from testng.xml then it is read from the System properties
688 Added: Attribute @Test#skipFailedInvocations
691 Added: RetryAnalyzer (experimental) (Jeremie)
697 Added: SkipException/TimeBombedSkipException for manual skipping
698 Added: <tests> can now be disabled at xml level using <test enabled="false">
699 Added: Suite files that only contain other suites do not get reported
701 Added: get/setAttribute to ITestContext
702 Added: plugging in factory objects to handle the actual instantiation of tests
703 Added: dataProvider to @Factory
704 Added: ISuite now gives access to the current XmlSuite
708 Added: Improved behavior for @Before/@AfterClass when using @Factory
710 Added: Support for concurrent execution for invocationCount=1 threadPoolSize>1 and @DataProvider
712 Added: New TestNG specific XML report, generated by default in 'xml' subdirectory of test-output
713 Added: support in strprotocol for passing the ITest.getTestName() information
722 Added: display ITest.getTestName()
729 Added: Auto-completion for dependsOnMethods
730 Added: Highlighting of invalid groups/methods in dependsOn*
739 Added: Support for thread-count at test level
740 Added: Method selectors receive a Context and can stop the chain with setStopped()
742 Added: @BeforeGroups/@AfterGroups can live in classes without @Test methods
743 Added: DataProvider can now take an ITestContext parameter
747 Added: Clean separation between @Test invocation events and @Configuration invocation events
749 Added: Test instances created by @Factory now run in multiple threads in parallel mode
766 Added: for @BeforeGroups and @AfterGroups specifying the groups() attribute will auto-include the m…
768 Added: the load @Tests (invocationCount + threadPoolSize) are triggered simultaneous
770 Added: @DataProvider name defaults to method name
771 Added: support for remote protocol to pass parameter information
787 Added: @Before/@AfterMethod can declare a java.lang.reflect.Method parameter to be informed about t…
791 Added: improved multiple suite summary page report
792 Added: -target option deprecated in favor of -annotations javadoc|jdk
795 Added: A generic/extensible RemoteTestNG was added to the core
800 Added: Attribute dataProviderClass for @Test and @testng.test
804 Added: testng.xml now supports <suite-files>
805 Added: ant task can receive several listeners
807 Added: ant task can now select the parallel mode for running tests
809 Added: ant task can override default suite and test names
810 Added: comand line support for setting parallel mode, suite and test names
813 Added: Support for configuring per project usedefaultlisteners
814 Added: Contextual drop-down menu on failures tab of the TestNG view to enable running/debugging met…
815 Added: Suppport for configuring per project TestNG jar usage (project provided one or plugin provid…
820 Added: "-usedefaultlisteners true/false" to command line and ant
821 Added: EmailableReporter (from Paul Mendelson)
822 Added: parallel can now be "methods" or "tests". Boolean version deprecated
823 Added: TestNGAntTask now uses the @ syntax to invoke TestNG
824 Added: Command line understands @ syntax
825 Added: JUnitConverter uses the new syntax
826 Added: -groups to JUnitConverter
828 Added: completely revamped JUnit support (should run all kind of JUnit tests)
834 Added: TESTNG-105 Automaticaly define TESTNG_HOME classpath variable
840 Added: @Test(sequential = true)
843 Added: support for specifying test-only classpath (…
855 Added: run contextual test classes with parameters from suite definition files
856 Added: TESTNG-100 (Show HTML reports after running tests)
857 Added: TESTNG-97 (Double click top stack to raise comparison)
858 Added: TESTNG-84 (plug-in UI for suite option should support absolute path)
859 Added: TESTNG-20 (copy stack trace)
878 Added: Output directory for the tests
879 Added: Can now specify listener classes
891 Added: Ant task: support for JVM, workingDir, timeout
892 Added: Stack traces can be interactively shown in the HTML reports
893 Added: Link to testng.xml in the reports
894 Added: New structure for reports, suites go in their individual directory
895 Added: @Test(suiteName) and @Test(testName)
896 Added: The stack traces in reports do not include TestNG frames (system property testng.exception)
900 Added: List of methods in alphabetical order
902 Added: Deprecated @Configuration and introduced @BeforeSuite/Test/Class/TestMethod
903 Added: Deprecated @ExpectedExceptions and moved it into @Test
904 Added: expectedExceptions to @Test, deprecated @ExpectedExceptions
905 Added: New annotations: @BeforeSuite, @BeforeTest, etc...
907 Added: Interface org.testng.ITest so that tests can declare a name
910 Added: IHookCallBack now receives the ITestResult in its run() method
911 Added: Name of suite for command line can be set with
914 Added: "listener" to the ant task (and documentation)
915 Added: if is found in the classpath
924 Added: Maven 2 plug-in
931 Added: alwaysRun for before @Configuration methods
935 Added: beforeGroups/afterGroups to @Configuration
939 Added: last contextual launch is available in Eclipse launcher lists
948 Added: Documentation contains the new reports
949 Added: TestNG.setUseDefaultListeners(boolean)
950 Added: Descriptions now appear in TextReporter (verbose>=2) and the HTML reports
951 Added: description attribute to @Test and @Configuration
952 Added: combined Reporter output in the reports
953 Added: methods not run in the reports
954 Added: org.testng.IReporter
955 Added: threadPoolSize to @Test
956 Added: Reports now show relative timings (start at 0)
957 Added: Reports now show different colors depending on the methods' classes
958 Added: Reports now show all parameters used to invoke the test method
959 Added: org.testng.Reporter
960 Added: DataProviders can accept a Method as first parameter
965 Added: Run/Debug as TestNG test from the editor contextual menu
969 Added: UI allows setting orientation (even more space)
983 Added: Support for JAAS (see org.testng.IHookable)
990 Added: dependsOnMethods can contain methods from another class
993 Added: Regular expressions for classes in <package>
994 Added: Distributed TestNG
1000 Added: @Configuration.inheritGroups
1024 Added: Excluded groups on command line and ant task
1037 Added: alwaysRun for tests (soft dependencies)
1051 Added: @DataProviders can return Iterable<Object[]>
1053 Added: Reporter class to log messages in the HTML reports
1063 Added: @DataProvider and
1065 Added: Can now invoke java -jar testng-2.6.jar <...>
1066 Added: Support for BeanShell
1067 Added: Method Selectors (IMethodSelector)
1081 Added: Quick Fix for JUnit conversion (Annotations and JavaDoc)
1083 Added: Package level Run as TestNG test
1089 Added: Support for JDK 1.4 (both projects and IDEA itself)
1097 Added: ITestListener.onTestStart(ITestResult)
1098 Added: Support for <packages>
1099 Added: Resource files for easier ant taskdefs
1105 Added: alwaysRun
1107 Added: @Configuration(alwaysRun)
1108 Added: JUnitConverter task
1121 Added: Brand new look!!!
1122 Added: Section on testng.xml
1133 Added: IInstanceInfo support
1140 Added: command line (and Ant) -groups option
1141 Added: @Parameters (and made parameters attribute deprecated)
1142 Added: Parameters for constructors
1159 Added: documentation for @Factory
1161 Added: beforeSuite and afterSuite
1164 Added: Better stack traces
1165 Added: Better syntax for included/excluded methods
1168 Added: Can specify a class name on the command line
1170 Added: Regression tests for JUnitConverter
1171 Added: -quiet option to JUnitConverter
1180 Added: In 1.4, don't require annotations="javadoc"
1189 Added: Parser can accept an InputStream for testng.xml
1192 Added: invocationCount and successPercentage
1193 Added: dependsOnMethods
1194 Added: timeOut works in non-parallel mode
1201 Added: port on JDK 1.4
1207 Added: new view: classes (still experimental)
1208 Added: timeout on methods
1209 Added: thread-count
1210 Added: TestNG is now multithread, see "parallel" in <suite>
1216 Added: JUnitConverter
1223 Added: new links for methods and groups in the HTML report
1224 Added: <methods>
1225 Added: <fileset> to <testng>
1236 Added: Validating testng.xml
1237 Added: Scoped parameters
1238 Added: testng.xml
1241 Added: Dependent methods
1247 Added: Groups of groups
1248 Added: Groups for Configuration methods
1249 Added: Parameters
1256 Added: HTML report
1257 Added: Regexps for groups