Lines Matching +full:- +full:jxvf
1 # Copyright (c) 2014-2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
2 # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
57 command = ('cd ~/trunk/src/third_party/toolchain-utils/crosperf; '
105 command = ('cd %s ; tar -Jxf chromiumos_test_image.tar.xz ' % download_path)
107 clean_cmd = ('cd %s ; rm -f chromiumos_test_image.bin ' % download_path)
112 print('(Uncompressing and un-tarring may take a couple of minutes...'
126 command = ('cd %s ; rm -f chromiumos_test_image.tar.xz; ' % download_path)
139 gs_package_name = ('gs://chromeos-image-archive/%s/%s' %
184 command = ('cd %s ; rm -f %s' % (download_path, package_file_name))
196 gs_package_name = ('gs://chromeos-image-archive/%s/%s' % (build_id,
244 autotest_packages_name, 'tar -xvf ')
246 chromeos_root, build_id, autotest_server_package_name, 'tar -jxvf ')
248 chromeos_root, build_id, autotest_control_files_name, 'tar -xvf ')
262 image_name = ('gs://chromeos-image-archive/%s/chromiumos_test_image.tar.xz'