/* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This file implements interfaces from the file jvmti.h. This implementation * is licensed under the same terms as the file jvmti.h. The * copyright and license information for the file jvmti.h follows. * * Copyright (c) 2003, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ #include "ti_method.h" #include #include "arch/context.h" #include "art_jvmti.h" #include "art_method-inl.h" #include "base/enums.h" #include "base/mutex-inl.h" #include "deopt_manager.h" #include "dex/code_item_accessors-inl.h" #include "dex/dex_file_annotations.h" #include "dex/dex_file_types.h" #include "dex/modifiers.h" #include "events-inl.h" #include "gc_root-inl.h" #include "jit/jit.h" #include "jni/jni_internal.h" #include "mirror/class-inl.h" #include "mirror/class_loader.h" #include "mirror/object-inl.h" #include "mirror/object_array-inl.h" #include "nativehelper/scoped_local_ref.h" #include "oat_file.h" #include "obj_ptr.h" #include "runtime_callbacks.h" #include "scoped_thread_state_change-inl.h" #include "stack.h" #include "thread-current-inl.h" #include "thread.h" #include "thread_list.h" #include "ti_stack.h" #include "ti_thread.h" #include "ti_phase.h" namespace openjdkjvmti { struct TiMethodCallback : public art::MethodCallback { void RegisterNativeMethod(art::ArtMethod* method, const void* cur_method, /*out*/void** new_method) override REQUIRES_SHARED(art::Locks::mutator_lock_) { if (event_handler->IsEventEnabledAnywhere(ArtJvmtiEvent::kNativeMethodBind)) { art::Thread* thread = art::Thread::Current(); art::JNIEnvExt* jnienv = thread->GetJniEnv(); ScopedLocalRef thread_jni( jnienv, PhaseUtil::IsLivePhase() ? jnienv->AddLocalReference(thread->GetPeer()) : nullptr); art::ScopedThreadSuspension sts(thread, art::ThreadState::kNative); event_handler->DispatchEvent( thread, static_cast(jnienv), thread_jni.get(), art::jni::EncodeArtMethod(method), const_cast(cur_method), new_method); } } EventHandler* event_handler = nullptr; }; TiMethodCallback gMethodCallback; void MethodUtil::Register(EventHandler* handler) { gMethodCallback.event_handler = handler; art::ScopedThreadStateChange stsc(art::Thread::Current(), art::ThreadState::kWaitingForDebuggerToAttach); art::ScopedSuspendAll ssa("Add method callback"); art::RuntimeCallbacks* callbacks = art::Runtime::Current()->GetRuntimeCallbacks(); callbacks->AddMethodCallback(&gMethodCallback); } void MethodUtil::Unregister() { art::ScopedThreadStateChange stsc(art::Thread::Current(), art::ThreadState::kWaitingForDebuggerToAttach); art::ScopedSuspendAll ssa("Remove method callback"); art::RuntimeCallbacks* callbacks = art::Runtime::Current()->GetRuntimeCallbacks(); callbacks->RemoveMethodCallback(&gMethodCallback); } jvmtiError MethodUtil::GetBytecodes(jvmtiEnv* env, jmethodID method, jint* size_ptr, unsigned char** bytecode_ptr) { if (method == nullptr) { return ERR(INVALID_METHODID); } art::ArtMethod* art_method = art::jni::DecodeArtMethod(method); if (art_method->IsNative()) { return ERR(NATIVE_METHOD); } if (size_ptr == nullptr || bytecode_ptr == nullptr) { return ERR(NULL_POINTER); } art::ScopedObjectAccess soa(art::Thread::Current()); art::CodeItemInstructionAccessor accessor(art_method->DexInstructions()); if (!accessor.HasCodeItem()) { *size_ptr = 0; *bytecode_ptr = nullptr; return OK; } // 2 bytes per instruction for dex code. *size_ptr = accessor.InsnsSizeInCodeUnits() * 2; jvmtiError err = env->Allocate(*size_ptr, bytecode_ptr); if (err != OK) { return err; } memcpy(*bytecode_ptr, accessor.Insns(), *size_ptr); return OK; } jvmtiError MethodUtil::GetArgumentsSize(jvmtiEnv* env ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, jmethodID method, jint* size_ptr) { if (method == nullptr) { return ERR(INVALID_METHODID); } art::ArtMethod* art_method = art::jni::DecodeArtMethod(method); if (art_method->IsNative()) { return ERR(NATIVE_METHOD); } if (size_ptr == nullptr) { return ERR(NULL_POINTER); } art::ScopedObjectAccess soa(art::Thread::Current()); if (art_method->IsProxyMethod() || art_method->IsAbstract()) { // Use the shorty. art::ArtMethod* base_method = art_method->GetInterfaceMethodIfProxy(art::kRuntimePointerSize); size_t arg_count = art::ArtMethod::NumArgRegisters(base_method->GetShorty()); if (!base_method->IsStatic()) { arg_count++; } *size_ptr = static_cast(arg_count); return ERR(NONE); } DCHECK_NE(art_method->GetCodeItemOffset(), 0u); *size_ptr = art_method->DexInstructionData().InsSize(); return ERR(NONE); } jvmtiError MethodUtil::GetLocalVariableTable(jvmtiEnv* env, jmethodID method, jint* entry_count_ptr, jvmtiLocalVariableEntry** table_ptr) { if (method == nullptr) { return ERR(INVALID_METHODID); } art::ArtMethod* art_method = art::jni::DecodeArtMethod(method); if (art_method->IsNative()) { return ERR(NATIVE_METHOD); } if (entry_count_ptr == nullptr || table_ptr == nullptr) { return ERR(NULL_POINTER); } art::ScopedObjectAccess soa(art::Thread::Current()); const art::DexFile* const dex_file = art_method->GetDexFile(); if (dex_file == nullptr) { return ERR(ABSENT_INFORMATION); } // TODO HasCodeItem == false means that the method is abstract (or native, but we check that // earlier). We should check what is returned by the RI in this situation since it's not clear // what the appropriate return value is from the spec. art::CodeItemDebugInfoAccessor accessor(art_method->DexInstructionDebugInfo()); if (!accessor.HasCodeItem()) { return ERR(ABSENT_INFORMATION); } std::vector variables; jvmtiError err = OK; auto release = [&](jint* out_entry_count_ptr, jvmtiLocalVariableEntry** out_table_ptr) { jlong table_size = sizeof(jvmtiLocalVariableEntry) * variables.size(); if (err != OK || (err = env->Allocate(table_size, reinterpret_cast(out_table_ptr))) != OK) { for (jvmtiLocalVariableEntry& e : variables) { env->Deallocate(reinterpret_cast(e.name)); env->Deallocate(reinterpret_cast(e.signature)); env->Deallocate(reinterpret_cast(e.generic_signature)); } return err; } *out_entry_count_ptr = variables.size(); memcpy(*out_table_ptr, variables.data(), table_size); return OK; }; auto visitor = [&](const art::DexFile::LocalInfo& entry) { if (err != OK) { return; } JvmtiUniquePtr name_str = CopyString(env, entry.name_, &err); if (err != OK) { return; } JvmtiUniquePtr sig_str = CopyString(env, entry.descriptor_, &err); if (err != OK) { return; } JvmtiUniquePtr generic_sig_str = CopyString(env, entry.signature_, &err); if (err != OK) { return; } variables.push_back({ .start_location = static_cast(entry.start_address_), .length = static_cast(entry.end_address_ - entry.start_address_), .name = name_str.release(), .signature = sig_str.release(), .generic_signature = generic_sig_str.release(), .slot = entry.reg_, }); }; if (!accessor.DecodeDebugLocalInfo(art_method->IsStatic(), art_method->GetDexMethodIndex(), visitor)) { // Something went wrong with decoding the debug information. It might as well not be there. return ERR(ABSENT_INFORMATION); } return release(entry_count_ptr, table_ptr); } jvmtiError MethodUtil::GetMaxLocals(jvmtiEnv* env ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, jmethodID method, jint* max_ptr) { if (method == nullptr) { return ERR(INVALID_METHODID); } art::ArtMethod* art_method = art::jni::DecodeArtMethod(method); if (art_method->IsNative()) { return ERR(NATIVE_METHOD); } if (max_ptr == nullptr) { return ERR(NULL_POINTER); } art::ScopedObjectAccess soa(art::Thread::Current()); if (art_method->IsProxyMethod() || art_method->IsAbstract()) { // This isn't specified as an error case, so return 0. *max_ptr = 0; return ERR(NONE); } DCHECK_NE(art_method->GetCodeItemOffset(), 0u); *max_ptr = art_method->DexInstructionData().RegistersSize(); return ERR(NONE); } jvmtiError MethodUtil::GetMethodName(jvmtiEnv* env, jmethodID method, char** name_ptr, char** signature_ptr, char** generic_ptr) { art::ScopedObjectAccess soa(art::Thread::Current()); art::ArtMethod* art_method = art::jni::DecodeArtMethod(method); art_method = art_method->GetInterfaceMethodIfProxy(art::kRuntimePointerSize); JvmtiUniquePtr name_copy; if (name_ptr != nullptr) { const char* method_name = art_method->GetName(); if (method_name == nullptr) { method_name = ""; } jvmtiError ret; name_copy = CopyString(env, method_name, &ret); if (name_copy == nullptr) { return ret; } *name_ptr = name_copy.get(); } JvmtiUniquePtr signature_copy; if (signature_ptr != nullptr) { const art::Signature sig = art_method->GetSignature(); std::string str = sig.ToString(); jvmtiError ret; signature_copy = CopyString(env, str.c_str(), &ret); if (signature_copy == nullptr) { return ret; } *signature_ptr = signature_copy.get(); } if (generic_ptr != nullptr) { *generic_ptr = nullptr; if (!art_method->GetDeclaringClass()->IsProxyClass()) { art::ObjPtr> str_array = art::annotations::GetSignatureAnnotationForMethod(art_method); if (str_array != nullptr) { std::ostringstream oss; for (int32_t i = 0; i != str_array->GetLength(); ++i) { oss << str_array->Get(i)->ToModifiedUtf8(); } std::string output_string = oss.str(); jvmtiError ret; JvmtiUniquePtr generic_copy = CopyString(env, output_string.c_str(), &ret); if (generic_copy == nullptr) { return ret; } *generic_ptr = generic_copy.release(); } else if (soa.Self()->IsExceptionPending()) { // TODO: Should we report an error here? soa.Self()->ClearException(); } } } // Everything is fine, release the buffers. name_copy.release(); signature_copy.release(); return ERR(NONE); } jvmtiError MethodUtil::GetMethodDeclaringClass(jvmtiEnv* env ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, jmethodID method, jclass* declaring_class_ptr) { if (declaring_class_ptr == nullptr) { return ERR(NULL_POINTER); } art::ArtMethod* art_method = art::jni::DecodeArtMethod(method); // Note: No GetInterfaceMethodIfProxy, we want to actual class. art::ScopedObjectAccess soa(art::Thread::Current()); art::ObjPtr klass = art_method->GetDeclaringClass(); *declaring_class_ptr = soa.AddLocalReference(klass); return ERR(NONE); } jvmtiError MethodUtil::GetMethodLocation(jvmtiEnv* env ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, jmethodID method, jlocation* start_location_ptr, jlocation* end_location_ptr) { if (method == nullptr) { return ERR(INVALID_METHODID); } art::ArtMethod* art_method = art::jni::DecodeArtMethod(method); if (art_method->IsNative()) { return ERR(NATIVE_METHOD); } if (start_location_ptr == nullptr || end_location_ptr == nullptr) { return ERR(NULL_POINTER); } art::ScopedObjectAccess soa(art::Thread::Current()); if (art_method->IsProxyMethod() || art_method->IsAbstract()) { // This isn't specified as an error case, so return -1/-1 as the RI does. *start_location_ptr = -1; *end_location_ptr = -1; return ERR(NONE); } DCHECK_NE(art_method->GetCodeItemOffset(), 0u); *start_location_ptr = 0; *end_location_ptr = art_method->DexInstructions().InsnsSizeInCodeUnits() - 1; return ERR(NONE); } jvmtiError MethodUtil::GetMethodModifiers(jvmtiEnv* env ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, jmethodID method, jint* modifiers_ptr) { if (modifiers_ptr == nullptr) { return ERR(NULL_POINTER); } art::ArtMethod* art_method = art::jni::DecodeArtMethod(method); uint32_t modifiers = art_method->GetAccessFlags(); // Note: Keep this code in sync with Executable.fixMethodFlags. if ((modifiers & art::kAccAbstract) != 0) { modifiers &= ~art::kAccNative; } modifiers &= ~art::kAccSynchronized; if ((modifiers & art::kAccDeclaredSynchronized) != 0) { modifiers |= art::kAccSynchronized; } modifiers &= art::kAccJavaFlagsMask; *modifiers_ptr = modifiers; return ERR(NONE); } jvmtiError MethodUtil::GetLineNumberTable(jvmtiEnv* env, jmethodID method, jint* entry_count_ptr, jvmtiLineNumberEntry** table_ptr) { if (method == nullptr) { return ERR(NULL_POINTER); } art::ArtMethod* art_method = art::jni::DecodeArtMethod(method); DCHECK(!art_method->IsRuntimeMethod()); art::CodeItemDebugInfoAccessor accessor; const art::DexFile* dex_file; { art::ScopedObjectAccess soa(art::Thread::Current()); if (art_method->IsProxyMethod()) { return ERR(ABSENT_INFORMATION); } if (art_method->IsNative()) { return ERR(NATIVE_METHOD); } if (entry_count_ptr == nullptr || table_ptr == nullptr) { return ERR(NULL_POINTER); } accessor = art::CodeItemDebugInfoAccessor(art_method->DexInstructionDebugInfo()); dex_file = art_method->GetDexFile(); DCHECK(accessor.HasCodeItem()) << art_method->PrettyMethod() << " " << dex_file->GetLocation(); } std::vector context; bool success = accessor.DecodeDebugPositionInfo([&](const art::DexFile::PositionInfo& entry) { context.push_back({static_cast(entry.address_), static_cast(entry.line_)}); return false; }); if (!success) { return ERR(ABSENT_INFORMATION); } unsigned char* data; jlong mem_size = context.size() * sizeof(jvmtiLineNumberEntry); jvmtiError alloc_error = env->Allocate(mem_size, &data); if (alloc_error != ERR(NONE)) { return alloc_error; } *table_ptr = reinterpret_cast(data); memcpy(*table_ptr, context.data(), mem_size); *entry_count_ptr = static_cast(context.size()); return ERR(NONE); } template static jvmtiError IsMethodT(jvmtiEnv* env ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, jmethodID method, T test, jboolean* is_t_ptr) { if (method == nullptr) { return ERR(INVALID_METHODID); } if (is_t_ptr == nullptr) { return ERR(NULL_POINTER); } art::ArtMethod* art_method = art::jni::DecodeArtMethod(method); *is_t_ptr = test(art_method) ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE; return ERR(NONE); } jvmtiError MethodUtil::IsMethodNative(jvmtiEnv* env, jmethodID m, jboolean* is_native_ptr) { auto test = [](art::ArtMethod* method) { return method->IsNative(); }; return IsMethodT(env, m, test, is_native_ptr); } jvmtiError MethodUtil::IsMethodObsolete(jvmtiEnv* env, jmethodID m, jboolean* is_obsolete_ptr) { auto test = [](art::ArtMethod* method) { return method->IsObsolete(); }; return IsMethodT(env, m, test, is_obsolete_ptr); } jvmtiError MethodUtil::IsMethodSynthetic(jvmtiEnv* env, jmethodID m, jboolean* is_synthetic_ptr) { auto test = [](art::ArtMethod* method) { return method->IsSynthetic(); }; return IsMethodT(env, m, test, is_synthetic_ptr); } class CommonLocalVariableClosure : public art::Closure { public: CommonLocalVariableClosure(jint depth, jint slot) : result_(ERR(INTERNAL)), depth_(depth), slot_(slot) {} void Run(art::Thread* self) override REQUIRES(art::Locks::mutator_lock_) { art::Locks::mutator_lock_->AssertSharedHeld(art::Thread::Current()); bool needs_instrument; { art::ScopedAssertNoThreadSuspension sants("CommonLocalVariableClosure::Run"); std::unique_ptr context(art::Context::Create()); FindFrameAtDepthVisitor visitor(self, context.get(), depth_); visitor.WalkStack(); if (!visitor.FoundFrame()) { // Must have been a bad depth. result_ = ERR(NO_MORE_FRAMES); return; } art::ArtMethod* method = visitor.GetMethod(); // Native and 'art' proxy methods don't have registers. if (method->IsNative() || method->IsProxyMethod()) { // TODO It might be useful to fake up support for get at least on proxy frames. result_ = ERR(OPAQUE_FRAME); return; } else if (method->DexInstructionData().RegistersSize() <= slot_) { result_ = ERR(INVALID_SLOT); return; } needs_instrument = !visitor.IsShadowFrame(); uint32_t pc = visitor.GetDexPc(/*abort_on_failure=*/false); if (pc == art::dex::kDexNoIndex) { // Cannot figure out current PC. result_ = ERR(OPAQUE_FRAME); return; } std::string descriptor; art::Primitive::Type slot_type = art::Primitive::kPrimVoid; jvmtiError err = GetSlotType(method, pc, &descriptor, &slot_type); if (err != OK) { result_ = err; return; } err = GetTypeError(method, slot_type, descriptor); if (err != OK) { result_ = err; return; } result_ = Execute(method, visitor); } if (needs_instrument) { DeoptManager::Get()->DeoptimizeThread(self); } } virtual jvmtiError GetResult() { return result_; } protected: virtual jvmtiError Execute(art::ArtMethod* method, art::StackVisitor& visitor) REQUIRES_SHARED(art::Locks::mutator_lock_) = 0; virtual jvmtiError GetTypeError(art::ArtMethod* method, art::Primitive::Type type, const std::string& descriptor) REQUIRES_SHARED(art::Locks::mutator_lock_) = 0; jvmtiError GetSlotType(art::ArtMethod* method, uint32_t dex_pc, /*out*/std::string* descriptor, /*out*/art::Primitive::Type* type) REQUIRES(art::Locks::mutator_lock_) { const art::DexFile* dex_file = method->GetDexFile(); if (dex_file == nullptr) { return ERR(OPAQUE_FRAME); } art::CodeItemDebugInfoAccessor accessor(method->DexInstructionDebugInfo()); if (!accessor.HasCodeItem()) { return ERR(OPAQUE_FRAME); } bool found = false; *type = art::Primitive::kPrimVoid; descriptor->clear(); auto visitor = [&](const art::DexFile::LocalInfo& entry) { if (!found && entry.start_address_ <= dex_pc && entry.end_address_ > dex_pc && entry.reg_ == slot_) { found = true; *type = art::Primitive::GetType(entry.descriptor_[0]); *descriptor = entry.descriptor_; } }; if (!accessor.DecodeDebugLocalInfo(method->IsStatic(), method->GetDexMethodIndex(), visitor) || !found) { // Something went wrong with decoding the debug information. It might as well not be there. return ERR(INVALID_SLOT); } return OK; } jvmtiError result_; jint depth_; jint slot_; }; class GetLocalVariableClosure : public CommonLocalVariableClosure { public: GetLocalVariableClosure(jint depth, jint slot, art::Primitive::Type type, jvalue* val) : CommonLocalVariableClosure(depth, slot), type_(type), val_(val), obj_val_(nullptr) {} jvmtiError GetResult() override REQUIRES_SHARED(art::Locks::mutator_lock_) { if (result_ == OK && type_ == art::Primitive::kPrimNot) { if (obj_val_ == nullptr) { val_->l = nullptr; } else { art::JNIEnvExt* jni = art::Thread::Current()->GetJniEnv(); val_->l = static_cast(jni)->NewLocalRef(obj_val_); jni->DeleteGlobalRef(obj_val_); obj_val_ = nullptr; } } return CommonLocalVariableClosure::GetResult(); } protected: jvmtiError GetTypeError(art::ArtMethod* method ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, art::Primitive::Type slot_type, const std::string& descriptor ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) override REQUIRES_SHARED(art::Locks::mutator_lock_) { switch (slot_type) { case art::Primitive::kPrimByte: case art::Primitive::kPrimChar: case art::Primitive::kPrimInt: case art::Primitive::kPrimShort: case art::Primitive::kPrimBoolean: return type_ == art::Primitive::kPrimInt ? OK : ERR(TYPE_MISMATCH); case art::Primitive::kPrimLong: case art::Primitive::kPrimFloat: case art::Primitive::kPrimDouble: case art::Primitive::kPrimNot: return type_ == slot_type ? OK : ERR(TYPE_MISMATCH); case art::Primitive::kPrimVoid: LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected primitive type " << slot_type; UNREACHABLE(); } } jvmtiError Execute(art::ArtMethod* method, art::StackVisitor& visitor) override REQUIRES_SHARED(art::Locks::mutator_lock_) { switch (type_) { case art::Primitive::kPrimNot: { uint32_t ptr_val; if (!visitor.GetVReg(method, static_cast(slot_), art::kReferenceVReg, &ptr_val)) { return ERR(OPAQUE_FRAME); } art::JNIEnvExt* jni = art::Thread::Current()->GetJniEnv(); art::ObjPtr obj(reinterpret_cast(ptr_val)); ScopedLocalRef local( jni, obj.IsNull() ? nullptr : jni->AddLocalReference(obj)); obj_val_ = jni->NewGlobalRef(local.get()); break; } case art::Primitive::kPrimInt: case art::Primitive::kPrimFloat: { if (!visitor.GetVReg(method, static_cast(slot_), type_ == art::Primitive::kPrimFloat ? art::kFloatVReg : art::kIntVReg, reinterpret_cast(&val_->i))) { return ERR(OPAQUE_FRAME); } break; } case art::Primitive::kPrimDouble: case art::Primitive::kPrimLong: { auto lo_type = type_ == art::Primitive::kPrimLong ? art::kLongLoVReg : art::kDoubleLoVReg; auto high_type = type_ == art::Primitive::kPrimLong ? art::kLongHiVReg : art::kDoubleHiVReg; if (!visitor.GetVRegPair(method, static_cast(slot_), lo_type, high_type, reinterpret_cast(&val_->j))) { return ERR(OPAQUE_FRAME); } break; } default: { LOG(FATAL) << "unexpected register type " << type_; UNREACHABLE(); } } return OK; } private: art::Primitive::Type type_; jvalue* val_; // A global reference to the return value. We use the global reference to safely transfer the // value between threads. jobject obj_val_; }; jvmtiError MethodUtil::GetLocalVariableGeneric(jvmtiEnv* env ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, jthread thread, jint depth, jint slot, art::Primitive::Type type, jvalue* val) { if (depth < 0) { return ERR(ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT); } art::Thread* self = art::Thread::Current(); art::ScopedObjectAccess soa(self); art::Locks::thread_list_lock_->ExclusiveLock(self); art::Thread* target = nullptr; jvmtiError err = ERR(INTERNAL); if (!ThreadUtil::GetAliveNativeThread(thread, soa, &target, &err)) { art::Locks::thread_list_lock_->ExclusiveUnlock(self); return err; } GetLocalVariableClosure c(depth, slot, type, val); // RequestSynchronousCheckpoint releases the thread_list_lock_ as a part of its execution. if (!target->RequestSynchronousCheckpoint(&c)) { return ERR(THREAD_NOT_ALIVE); } else { return c.GetResult(); } } class SetLocalVariableClosure : public CommonLocalVariableClosure { public: SetLocalVariableClosure(art::Thread* caller, jint depth, jint slot, art::Primitive::Type type, jvalue val) : CommonLocalVariableClosure(depth, slot), caller_(caller), type_(type), val_(val) {} protected: jvmtiError GetTypeError(art::ArtMethod* method, art::Primitive::Type slot_type, const std::string& descriptor) override REQUIRES_SHARED(art::Locks::mutator_lock_) { switch (slot_type) { case art::Primitive::kPrimNot: { if (type_ != art::Primitive::kPrimNot) { return ERR(TYPE_MISMATCH); } else if (val_.l == nullptr) { return OK; } else { art::ClassLinker* cl = art::Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker(); art::ObjPtr set_class = caller_->DecodeJObject(val_.l)->GetClass(); art::ObjPtr loader = method->GetDeclaringClass()->GetClassLoader(); art::ObjPtr slot_class = cl->LookupClass(caller_, descriptor.c_str(), loader); DCHECK(!slot_class.IsNull()); return slot_class->IsAssignableFrom(set_class) ? OK : ERR(TYPE_MISMATCH); } } case art::Primitive::kPrimByte: case art::Primitive::kPrimChar: case art::Primitive::kPrimInt: case art::Primitive::kPrimShort: case art::Primitive::kPrimBoolean: return type_ == art::Primitive::kPrimInt ? OK : ERR(TYPE_MISMATCH); case art::Primitive::kPrimLong: case art::Primitive::kPrimFloat: case art::Primitive::kPrimDouble: return type_ == slot_type ? OK : ERR(TYPE_MISMATCH); case art::Primitive::kPrimVoid: LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected primitive type " << slot_type; UNREACHABLE(); } } jvmtiError Execute(art::ArtMethod* method, art::StackVisitor& visitor) override REQUIRES_SHARED(art::Locks::mutator_lock_) { switch (type_) { case art::Primitive::kPrimNot: { uint32_t ptr_val; art::ObjPtr obj(caller_->DecodeJObject(val_.l)); ptr_val = static_cast(reinterpret_cast(obj.Ptr())); if (!visitor.SetVReg(method, static_cast(slot_), ptr_val, art::kReferenceVReg)) { return ERR(OPAQUE_FRAME); } break; } case art::Primitive::kPrimInt: case art::Primitive::kPrimFloat: { if (!visitor.SetVReg(method, static_cast(slot_), static_cast(val_.i), type_ == art::Primitive::kPrimFloat ? art::kFloatVReg : art::kIntVReg)) { return ERR(OPAQUE_FRAME); } break; } case art::Primitive::kPrimDouble: case art::Primitive::kPrimLong: { auto lo_type = type_ == art::Primitive::kPrimLong ? art::kLongLoVReg : art::kDoubleLoVReg; auto high_type = type_ == art::Primitive::kPrimLong ? art::kLongHiVReg : art::kDoubleHiVReg; if (!visitor.SetVRegPair(method, static_cast(slot_), static_cast(val_.j), lo_type, high_type)) { return ERR(OPAQUE_FRAME); } break; } default: { LOG(FATAL) << "unexpected register type " << type_; UNREACHABLE(); } } return OK; } private: art::Thread* caller_; art::Primitive::Type type_; jvalue val_; }; jvmtiError MethodUtil::SetLocalVariableGeneric(jvmtiEnv* env ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, jthread thread, jint depth, jint slot, art::Primitive::Type type, jvalue val) { if (depth < 0) { return ERR(ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT); } // Make sure that we know not to do any OSR anymore. // TODO We should really keep track of this at the Frame granularity. DeoptManager::Get()->SetLocalsUpdated(); art::Thread* self = art::Thread::Current(); art::ScopedObjectAccess soa(self); art::Locks::thread_list_lock_->ExclusiveLock(self); art::Thread* target = nullptr; jvmtiError err = ERR(INTERNAL); if (!ThreadUtil::GetAliveNativeThread(thread, soa, &target, &err)) { art::Locks::thread_list_lock_->ExclusiveUnlock(self); return err; } SetLocalVariableClosure c(self, depth, slot, type, val); // RequestSynchronousCheckpoint releases the thread_list_lock_ as a part of its execution. if (!target->RequestSynchronousCheckpoint(&c)) { return ERR(THREAD_NOT_ALIVE); } else { return c.GetResult(); } } class GetLocalInstanceClosure : public art::Closure { public: explicit GetLocalInstanceClosure(jint depth) : result_(ERR(INTERNAL)), depth_(depth), val_(nullptr) {} void Run(art::Thread* self) override REQUIRES(art::Locks::mutator_lock_) { art::ScopedAssertNoThreadSuspension sants("GetLocalInstanceClosure::Run"); art::Locks::mutator_lock_->AssertSharedHeld(art::Thread::Current()); std::unique_ptr context(art::Context::Create()); FindFrameAtDepthVisitor visitor(self, context.get(), depth_); visitor.WalkStack(); if (!visitor.FoundFrame()) { // Must have been a bad depth. result_ = ERR(NO_MORE_FRAMES); return; } result_ = OK; val_ = art::GcRoot(visitor.GetThisObject()); } jvmtiError GetResult(jobject* data_out) REQUIRES_SHARED(art::Locks::mutator_lock_) { if (result_ == OK) { *data_out = val_.IsNull() ? nullptr : art::Thread::Current()->GetJniEnv()->AddLocalReference(val_.Read()); } return result_; } private: jvmtiError result_; jint depth_; art::GcRoot val_; }; jvmtiError MethodUtil::GetLocalInstance(jvmtiEnv* env ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, jthread thread, jint depth, jobject* data) { if (depth < 0) { return ERR(ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT); } art::Thread* self = art::Thread::Current(); art::ScopedObjectAccess soa(self); art::Locks::thread_list_lock_->ExclusiveLock(self); art::Thread* target = nullptr; jvmtiError err = ERR(INTERNAL); if (!ThreadUtil::GetAliveNativeThread(thread, soa, &target, &err)) { art::Locks::thread_list_lock_->ExclusiveUnlock(self); return err; } art::ScopedAssertNoThreadSuspension sants("Performing GetLocalInstance"); GetLocalInstanceClosure c(depth); // RequestSynchronousCheckpoint releases the thread_list_lock_ as a part of its execution. We // need to avoid suspending as we wait for the checkpoint to occur since we are (potentially) // transfering a GcRoot across threads. if (!target->RequestSynchronousCheckpoint(&c, art::ThreadState::kRunnable)) { return ERR(THREAD_NOT_ALIVE); } else { return c.GetResult(data); } } #define FOR_JVMTI_JVALUE_TYPES(fn) \ fn(jint, art::Primitive::kPrimInt, i) \ fn(jlong, art::Primitive::kPrimLong, j) \ fn(jfloat, art::Primitive::kPrimFloat, f) \ fn(jdouble, art::Primitive::kPrimDouble, d) \ fn(jobject, art::Primitive::kPrimNot, l) namespace impl { template void WriteJvalue(T, jvalue*); template void ReadJvalue(jvalue, T*); template art::Primitive::Type GetJNIType(); #define JNI_TYPE_CHAR(type, prim, id) \ template<> art::Primitive::Type GetJNIType() { \ return prim; \ } FOR_JVMTI_JVALUE_TYPES(JNI_TYPE_CHAR); #undef JNI_TYPE_CHAR #define RW_JVALUE(srctype, prim, id) \ template<> void ReadJvalue(jvalue in, std::add_pointer::type out) { \ *out = in.id; \ } \ template<> void WriteJvalue(srctype in, jvalue* out) { \ out->id = in; \ } FOR_JVMTI_JVALUE_TYPES(RW_JVALUE); #undef RW_JVALUE } // namespace impl template jvmtiError MethodUtil::SetLocalVariable(jvmtiEnv* env, jthread thread, jint depth, jint slot, T data) { jvalue v = {.j = 0}; art::Primitive::Type type = impl::GetJNIType(); impl::WriteJvalue(data, &v); return SetLocalVariableGeneric(env, thread, depth, slot, type, v); } template jvmtiError MethodUtil::GetLocalVariable(jvmtiEnv* env, jthread thread, jint depth, jint slot, T* data) { if (data == nullptr) { return ERR(NULL_POINTER); } jvalue v = {.j = 0}; art::Primitive::Type type = impl::GetJNIType(); jvmtiError err = GetLocalVariableGeneric(env, thread, depth, slot, type, &v); if (err != OK) { return err; } else { impl::ReadJvalue(v, data); return OK; } } #define GET_SET_LV(srctype, prim, id) \ template jvmtiError MethodUtil::GetLocalVariable(jvmtiEnv*, \ jthread, \ jint, \ jint, \ std::add_pointer::type); \ template jvmtiError MethodUtil::SetLocalVariable(jvmtiEnv*, \ jthread, \ jint, \ jint, \ srctype); FOR_JVMTI_JVALUE_TYPES(GET_SET_LV); #undef GET_SET_LV #undef FOR_JVMTI_JVALUE_TYPES } // namespace openjdkjvmti