// Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information. #pragma once #if !defined(RXCPP_RX_SYNCHRONIZE_HPP) #define RXCPP_RX_SYNCHRONIZE_HPP #include "../rx-includes.hpp" namespace rxcpp { namespace subjects { namespace detail { template class synchronize_observer : public detail::multicast_observer { typedef synchronize_observer this_type; typedef detail::multicast_observer base_type; typedef rxu::decay_t coordination_type; typedef typename coordination_type::coordinator_type coordinator_type; typedef typename coordinator_type::template get>::type output_type; struct synchronize_observer_state : public std::enable_shared_from_this { typedef rxn::notification notification_type; typedef typename notification_type::type base_notification_type; typedef std::deque queue_type; struct mode { enum type { Invalid = 0, Processing, Empty, Disposed }; }; mutable std::mutex lock; mutable std::condition_variable wake; mutable queue_type fill_queue; composite_subscription lifetime; mutable typename mode::type current; coordinator_type coordinator; output_type destination; void ensure_processing(std::unique_lock& guard) const { if (!guard.owns_lock()) { std::terminate(); } if (current == mode::Empty) { current = mode::Processing; auto keepAlive = this->shared_from_this(); auto drain_queue = [keepAlive, this](const rxsc::schedulable& self){ RXCPP_TRY { std::unique_lock guard(lock); if (!destination.is_subscribed()) { current = mode::Disposed; fill_queue.clear(); guard.unlock(); lifetime.unsubscribe(); return; } if (fill_queue.empty()) { current = mode::Empty; return; } auto notification = std::move(fill_queue.front()); fill_queue.pop_front(); guard.unlock(); notification->accept(destination); self(); } RXCPP_CATCH(...) { destination.on_error(rxu::current_exception()); std::unique_lock guard(lock); current = mode::Empty; } }; auto selectedDrain = on_exception( [&](){return coordinator.act(drain_queue);}, destination); if (selectedDrain.empty()) { return; } auto processor = coordinator.get_worker(); processor.schedule(lifetime, selectedDrain.get()); } } synchronize_observer_state(coordinator_type coor, composite_subscription cs, output_type scbr) : lifetime(std::move(cs)) , current(mode::Empty) , coordinator(std::move(coor)) , destination(std::move(scbr)) { } template void on_next(V v) const { if (lifetime.is_subscribed()) { std::unique_lock guard(lock); fill_queue.push_back(notification_type::on_next(std::move(v))); ensure_processing(guard); } wake.notify_one(); } void on_error(rxu::error_ptr e) const { if (lifetime.is_subscribed()) { std::unique_lock guard(lock); fill_queue.push_back(notification_type::on_error(e)); ensure_processing(guard); } wake.notify_one(); } void on_completed() const { if (lifetime.is_subscribed()) { std::unique_lock guard(lock); fill_queue.push_back(notification_type::on_completed()); ensure_processing(guard); } wake.notify_one(); } }; std::shared_ptr state; public: synchronize_observer(coordination_type cn, composite_subscription dl, composite_subscription il) : base_type(dl) { auto o = make_subscriber(dl, make_observer_dynamic( *static_cast(this) )); // creates a worker whose lifetime is the same as the destination subscription auto coordinator = cn.create_coordinator(dl); state = std::make_shared(std::move(coordinator), std::move(il), std::move(o)); } subscriber get_subscriber() const { return make_subscriber(this->get_id(), state->lifetime, observer>(*this)).as_dynamic(); } template void on_next(V v) const { state->on_next(std::move(v)); } void on_error(rxu::error_ptr e) const { state->on_error(e); } void on_completed() const { state->on_completed(); } }; } template class synchronize { detail::synchronize_observer s; public: explicit synchronize(Coordination cn, composite_subscription cs = composite_subscription()) : s(std::move(cn), std::move(cs), composite_subscription()) { } bool has_observers() const { return s.has_observers(); } subscriber get_subscriber() const { return s.get_subscriber(); } observable get_observable() const { auto keepAlive = s; return make_observable_dynamic([=](subscriber o){ keepAlive.add(keepAlive.get_subscriber(), std::move(o)); }); } }; } class synchronize_in_one_worker : public coordination_base { rxsc::scheduler factory; class input_type { rxsc::worker controller; rxsc::scheduler factory; identity_one_worker coordination; public: explicit input_type(rxsc::worker w) : controller(w) , factory(rxsc::make_same_worker(w)) , coordination(factory) { } inline rxsc::worker get_worker() const { return controller; } inline rxsc::scheduler get_scheduler() const { return factory; } inline rxsc::scheduler::clock_type::time_point now() const { return factory.now(); } template auto in(Observable o) const -> decltype(o.publish_synchronized(coordination).ref_count()) { return o.publish_synchronized(coordination).ref_count(); } template auto out(Subscriber s) const -> Subscriber { return s; } template auto act(F f) const -> F { return f; } }; public: explicit synchronize_in_one_worker(rxsc::scheduler sc) : factory(sc) {} typedef coordinator coordinator_type; inline rxsc::scheduler::clock_type::time_point now() const { return factory.now(); } inline coordinator_type create_coordinator(composite_subscription cs = composite_subscription()) const { auto w = factory.create_worker(std::move(cs)); return coordinator_type(input_type(std::move(w))); } }; inline synchronize_in_one_worker synchronize_event_loop() { static synchronize_in_one_worker r(rxsc::make_event_loop()); return r; } inline synchronize_in_one_worker synchronize_new_thread() { static synchronize_in_one_worker r(rxsc::make_new_thread()); return r; } } #endif