ANTLR_BEGIN_NAMESPACE() template<class ImplTraits, class CtxType> CyclicDFA<ImplTraits, CtxType>::CyclicDFA( ANTLR_INT32 decisionNumber , const ANTLR_UCHAR* description , const ANTLR_INT32* const eot , const ANTLR_INT32* const eof , const ANTLR_INT32* const min , const ANTLR_INT32* const max , const ANTLR_INT32* const accept , const ANTLR_INT32* const special , const ANTLR_INT32* const *const transition ) :m_decisionNumber(decisionNumber) , m_eot(eot) , m_eof(eof) , m_min(min) , m_max(max) , m_accept(accept) , m_special(special) , m_transition(transition) { m_description = description; } template<class ImplTraits, class CtxType> CyclicDFA<ImplTraits, CtxType>::CyclicDFA( const CyclicDFA& dfa ) { m_decisionNumber = dfa.m_decisionNumber; m_description = dfa.m_description; m_eot = dfa.m_eot; m_eof = dfa.m_eof; m_min = dfa.m_min; m_max = dfa.m_max; m_accept = dfa.m_accept; m_special = dfa.m_special; m_transition = dfa.m_transition; } template<class ImplTraits, class CtxType> CyclicDFA<ImplTraits, CtxType>& CyclicDFA<ImplTraits, CtxType>::operator=( const CyclicDFA& dfa) { m_decisionNumber = dfa.m_decisionNumber; m_description = dfa.m_description; m_eot = dfa.m_eot; m_eof = dfa.m_eof; m_min = dfa.m_min; m_max = dfa.m_max; m_accept = dfa.m_accept; m_special = dfa.m_special; m_transition = dfa.m_transition; return *this; } template<class ImplTraits, class CtxType> ANTLR_INT32 CyclicDFA<ImplTraits, CtxType>::specialStateTransition(CtxType * , RecognizerType* , IntStreamType* , ANTLR_INT32 ) { return -1; } template<class ImplTraits, class CtxType> ANTLR_INT32 CyclicDFA<ImplTraits, CtxType>::specialTransition(CtxType * ctx, RecognizerType* recognizer, IntStreamType* is, ANTLR_INT32 s) { return 0; } template<class ImplTraits, class CtxType> template<typename SuperType> ANTLR_INT32 CyclicDFA<ImplTraits, CtxType>::predict(CtxType * ctx, RecognizerType* recognizer, IntStreamType* is, SuperType& super) { ANTLR_MARKER mark; ANTLR_INT32 s; ANTLR_INT32 specialState; ANTLR_INT32 c; mark = is->mark(); /* Store where we are right now */ s = 0; /* Always start with state 0 */ for (;;) { /* Pick out any special state entry for this state */ specialState = m_special[s]; /* Transition the special state and consume an input token */ if (specialState >= 0) { s = super.specialStateTransition(ctx, recognizer, is, specialState); // Error? // if (s<0) { // If the predicate/rule raised an exception then we leave it // in tact, else we have an NVA. // if (recognizer->get_state()->get_error() != true) { this->noViableAlt(recognizer, s); } is->rewind(mark); return 0; } is->consume(); continue; } /* Accept state? */ if (m_accept[s] >= 1) { is->rewind(mark); return m_accept[s]; } /* Look for a normal transition state based upon the input token element */ c = is->_LA(1); /* Check against min and max for this state */ if (c>= m_min[s] && c <= m_max[s]) { ANTLR_INT32 snext; /* What is the next state? */ snext = m_transition[s][c - m_min[s]]; if (snext < 0) { /* Was in range but not a normal transition * must check EOT, which is like the else clause. * eot[s]>=0 indicates that an EOT edge goes to another * state. */ if ( m_eot[s] >= 0) { s = m_eot[s]; is->consume(); continue; } this->noViableAlt(recognizer, s); is->rewind(mark); return 0; } /* New current state - move to it */ s = snext; is->consume(); continue; } /* EOT Transition? */ if ( m_eot[s] >= 0) { s = m_eot[s]; is->consume(); continue; } /* EOF transition to accept state? */ if ( c == ImplTraits::CommonTokenType::TOKEN_EOF && m_eof[s] >= 0) { is->rewind(mark); return m_accept[m_eof[s]]; } /* No alt, so bomb */ this->noViableAlt(recognizer, s); is->rewind(mark); return 0; } } template<class ImplTraits, class CtxType> void CyclicDFA<ImplTraits, CtxType>::noViableAlt(RecognizerType* rec, ANTLR_UINT32 s) { // In backtracking mode, we just set the failed flag so that the // alt can just exit right now. If we are parsing though, then // we want the exception to be raised. // if (rec->get_state()->get_backtracking() > 0) { rec->get_state()->set_failed(true); } else { ANTLR_Exception<ImplTraits, NO_VIABLE_ALT_EXCEPTION, StreamType>* ex = new ANTLR_Exception<ImplTraits, NO_VIABLE_ALT_EXCEPTION, StreamType>( rec, (const char*)m_description ); ex->set_decisionNum( m_decisionNumber ); ex->set_state(s); } } ANTLR_END_NAMESPACE()