grammar t022scopes; options { language=Python3; } /* global scopes */ scope aScope { names } a scope aScope; : {$aScope::names = [];} ID* ; /* rule scopes, from the book, final beta, p.147 */ b[v] scope {x} : {$b::x = v;} b2 ; b2 : b3 ; b3 : {$b::x}?=> ID // only visible, if b was called with True | NUM ; /* rule scopes, from the book, final beta, p.148 */ c returns [res] scope { symbols } @init { $c::symbols = set(); } : '{' c1* c2+ '}' { $res = $c::symbols; } ; c1 : 'int' ID {$c::symbols.add($ID.text)} ';' ; c2 : ID '=' NUM ';' { if $ID.text not in $c::symbols: raise RuntimeError($ID.text) } ; /* recursive rule scopes, from the book, final beta, p.150 */ d returns [res] scope { symbols } @init { $d::symbols = set(); } : '{' d1* d2* '}' { $res = $d::symbols; } ; d1 : 'int' ID {$d::symbols.add($ID.text)} ';' ; d2 : ID '=' NUM ';' { for s in reversed(range(len($d))): if $ID.text in $d[s]::symbols: break else: raise RuntimeError($ID.text) } | d ; /* recursive rule scopes, access bottom-most scope */ e returns [res] scope { a } @after { $res = $e::a; } : NUM { $e[0]::a = int($NUM.text); } | '{' e '}' ; /* recursive rule scopes, access with negative index */ f returns [res] scope { a } @after { $res = $f::a; } : NUM { $f[-2]::a = int($NUM.text); } | '{' f '}' ; /* tokens */ ID : ('a'..'z')+ ; NUM : ('0'..'9')+ ; WS : (' '|'\n'|'\r')+ {$channel=HIDDEN} ;