# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import logging import tempfile from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import file_utils from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import arc, arc_util from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import chrome from autotest_lib.client.cros import cryptohome from autotest_lib.client.cros.input_playback import keyboard _CHROME_EXEC_TIME = 'chrome-exec' _LOGIN_TIME = 'login-prompt-visible' _LOGOUT_STARTED_TIME = 'logout-started' _LOGOUT_TIMEOUT = 60 # logout should finsih in 60 seconds. class platform_LogoutPerf(arc.ArcTest): """Measured the time for signing off from a logged on user session. The test mainly measures the time for signing off a session and raises an exception if it could not be finished in time. First, it uses telemetry to login a GAIA account and waits for container boots up if the device supports ARC++, then validates the account. Next, it injects the ctrl+shift+q twice to logout the session, then waits for new login screen , i.e. the event of 'login-visible-prompt' to calculate the time elapsed for logging out. """ version = 1 def _get_latest_uptime(self, filename): with open('/tmp/uptime-' + filename) as statfile: values = map(lambda l: float(l.split()[0]), statfile.readlines()) logging.info('timestamp of %s -> %s ', filename, values[-1]) return values[-1] def _validate(self): # Validate if the environment is expected. if not cryptohome.is_vault_mounted( user=chrome.NormalizeEmail(self.username)): raise error.TestFail('Expected to find a mounted vault for %s' % self.username) tab = self.cr.browser.tabs.New() tab.Navigate('http://accounts.google.com') tab.WaitForDocumentReadyStateToBeComplete() res = tab.EvaluateJavaScript(''' var res = '', divs = document.getElementsByTagName('div'); for (var i = 0; i < divs.length; i++) { res = divs[i].textContent; if (res.search('%s') > 1) { break; } } res; ''' % self.username) if not res: raise error.TestFail('No references to %s on accounts page.' % self.username) tab.Close() def initialize(self): self.keyboard = keyboard.Keyboard() self.username, password = arc_util.get_test_account_info() # Login a user session. if utils.is_arc_available(): super(platform_LogoutPerf, self).initialize( gaia_login=True, disable_arc_opt_in=False) self.cr = self._chrome else: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as cap: file_utils.download_file(arc_util._ARCP_URL, cap.name) password = cap.read().rstrip() self.cr = chrome.Chrome(gaia_login=True, username=self.username, password=password) def arc_setup(self): # Do nothing here logging.info('No ARC++ specific setup required') def arc_teardown(self): # Do nothing here logging.info('No ARC++ specific teardown required') def cleanup(self): self.keyboard.close() if utils.is_arc_available(): super(platform_LogoutPerf, self).cleanup() def run_once(self): # Validate the current GAIA login session self._validate() # Start signing out the session, wait until the new event of # 'login-prompt-visible'. self.keyboard.press_key('ctrl+shift+q') self.keyboard.press_key('ctrl+shift+q') # Get current login prompt timestamp login_timestamp = self._get_latest_uptime(_LOGIN_TIME) # Poll for new login prompt timestamp utils.poll_for_condition( lambda: self._get_latest_uptime(_LOGIN_TIME) != login_timestamp, exception=error.TestFail('Timeout: Could not sign off in time'), timeout=_LOGOUT_TIMEOUT, sleep_interval=2, desc='Polling for user to be logged out.') logout_started = self._get_latest_uptime(_LOGOUT_STARTED_TIME) logging.info('logout started @%s', logout_started) chrome_exec = self._get_latest_uptime(_CHROME_EXEC_TIME) logging.info('chrome restarts @%s', chrome_exec) elapsed_time = float(chrome_exec) - float(logout_started) logging.info('The elapsed time for signout is %s', elapsed_time) self.output_perf_value(description='Seconds elapsed for Signout', value=elapsed_time, higher_is_better=False, units='seconds')