#!/usr/bin/python """A script that provides convertion between models.job and a protocol buffer object. This script contains only one class that takes an job instance and convert it into a protocol buffer object. The class will also be responsible for serializing the job instance via protocol buffers. """ # import python libraries import datetime import time import logging # import autotest libraries from autotest_lib.tko import models from autotest_lib.tko import tko_pb2 from autotest_lib.tko import utils __author__ = 'darrenkuo@google.com (Darren Kuo)' mktime = time.mktime datetime = datetime.datetime class JobSerializer(object): """A class that takes a job object of the tko module and package it with a protocol buffer. This class will take a model.job object as input and create a protocol buffer to include all the content of the job object. This protocol buffer object will be serialized into a binary file. """ def __init__(self): self.job_type_dict = {'dir':str, 'tests':list, 'user':str, 'label':str, 'machine':str, 'queued_time':datetime, 'started_time':datetime, 'finished_time':datetime, 'machine_owner':str, 'machine_group':str, 'aborted_by':str, 'aborted_on':datetime, 'keyval_dict':dict, 'afe_parent_job_id':str, 'build_version':str, 'suite':str, 'board':str} self.test_type_dict = {'subdir':str, 'testname':str, 'status':str, 'reason':str, 'kernel':models.kernel, 'machine':str, 'started_time':datetime, 'finished_time':datetime, 'iterations':list, 'attributes':dict, 'labels':list} self.kernel_type_dict = {'base':str, 'kernel_hash':str} self.iteration_type_dict = {'index':int, 'attr_keyval':dict, 'perf_keyval':dict} def deserialize_from_binary(self, infile): """Takes in a binary file name and returns a tko job object. The method first deserialize the binary into a protocol buffer job object and then converts the job object into a tko job object. @param infile: the name of the binary file that will be deserialized. @return: a tko job that is represented by the binary file will be returned. """ job_pb = tko_pb2.Job() binary = open(infile, 'r') try: job_pb.ParseFromString(binary.read()) finally: binary.close() return self.get_tko_job(job_pb) def serialize_to_binary(self, the_job, tag, binaryfilename): """Serializes the tko job object into a binary by using a protocol buffer. The method takes a tko job object and constructs a protocol buffer job object. Then invokes the native serializing function on the object to get a binary string. The string is then written to outfile. Precondition: Assumes that all the information about the job is already in the job object. Any fields that is None will be provided a default value. @param the_job: the tko job object that will be serialized. tag: contains the job name and the afe_job_id binaryfilename: the name of the file that will be written to @param tag: The job tag string. @param binaryfilename: The output filename. @return: the filename of the file that contains the binary of the serialized object. """ pb_job = tko_pb2.Job() self.set_pb_job(the_job, pb_job, tag) out = open(binaryfilename, 'wb') try: out.write(pb_job.SerializeToString()) finally: out.close() def set_afe_job_id_and_tag(self, pb_job, tag): """Sets the pb job's afe_job_id and tag field. @param pb_job: the pb job that will have it's fields set. tag: used to set pb_job.tag and pb_job.afe_job_id. """ pb_job.tag = tag pb_job.afe_job_id = utils.get_afe_job_id(tag) # getter setter methods def get_tko_job(self, job): """Creates a a new tko job object from the pb job object. Uses getter methods on the pb objects to extract all the attributes and finally constructs a tko job object using the models.job constructor. @param job: a pb job where data is being extracted from. @return a tko job object. """ fields_dict = self.get_trivial_attr(job, self.job_type_dict) fields_dict['tests'] = [self.get_tko_test(test) for test in job.tests] fields_dict['keyval_dict'] = dict((keyval.name, keyval.value) for keyval in job.keyval_dict) newjob = models.job(fields_dict['dir'], fields_dict['user'], fields_dict['label'], fields_dict['machine'], fields_dict['queued_time'], fields_dict['started_time'], fields_dict['finished_time'], fields_dict['machine_owner'], fields_dict['machine_group'], fields_dict['aborted_by'], fields_dict['aborted_on'], fields_dict['keyval_dict']) newjob.tests.extend(fields_dict['tests']) return newjob def set_pb_job(self, tko_job, pb_job, tag): """Set the fields for the new job object. Method takes in a tko job and an empty protocol buffer job object. Then safely sets all the appropriate field by first testing if the value in the original object is None. @param tko_job: a tko job instance that will have it's values transfered to the new job pb_job: a new instance of the job class provided in the protocol buffer. tag: used to set pb_job.tag and pb_job.afe_job_id. """ self.set_trivial_attr(tko_job, pb_job, self.job_type_dict) self.set_afe_job_id_and_tag(pb_job, tag) if hasattr(tko_job, 'index'): pb_job.job_idx = tko_job.index for test in tko_job.tests: newtest = pb_job.tests.add() self.set_pb_test(test, newtest) for key, val in tko_job.keyval_dict.iteritems(): newkeyval = pb_job.keyval_dict.add() newkeyval.name = key newkeyval.value = str(val) def get_tko_test(self, test): """Creates a tko test from pb_test. Extracts data from pb_test by calling helper methods and creates a tko test using the models.test constructor. @param: test: a pb_test where fields will be extracted from. @return a new instance of models.test """ fields_dict = self.get_trivial_attr(test, self.test_type_dict) fields_dict['kernel'] = self.get_tko_kernel(test.kernel) fields_dict['iterations'] = [self.get_tko_iteration(iteration) for iteration in test.iterations] fields_dict['attributes'] = dict((keyval.name, keyval.value) for keyval in test.attributes) fields_dict['labels'] = list(test.labels) # The constructor for models.test accepts a "perf_values" list that # represents performance values of the test. The empty list argument # in the constructor call below represents this value and makes this # code adhere properly to the models.test constructor argument list. # However, the effect of the empty list is that perf values are # ignored in the job_serializer module. This is ok for now because # autotest does not use the current module. If job_serializer is used # in the future, we need to modify the "tko.proto" protobuf file to # understand the notion of perf_values, then modify this file # accordingly to use it. return models.test(fields_dict['subdir'], fields_dict['testname'], fields_dict['status'], fields_dict['reason'], fields_dict['kernel'], fields_dict['machine'], fields_dict['started_time'], fields_dict['finished_time'], fields_dict['iterations'], fields_dict['attributes'], [], fields_dict['labels']) def set_pb_test(self, tko_test, pb_test): """Sets the various fields of test object of the tko protocol. Method takes a tko test and a new test of the protocol buffer and transfers the values in the tko test to the new test. @param tko_test: a tko test instance. pb_test: an empty protocol buffer test instance. """ self.set_trivial_attr(tko_test, pb_test, self.test_type_dict) self.set_pb_kernel(tko_test.kernel, pb_test.kernel) if hasattr(tko_test, 'test_idx'): pb_test.test_idx = tko_test.test_idx for current_iteration in tko_test.iterations: pb_iteration = pb_test.iterations.add() self.set_pb_iteration(current_iteration, pb_iteration) for key, val in tko_test.attributes.iteritems(): newkeyval = pb_test.attributes.add() newkeyval.name = key newkeyval.value = str(val) for current_label in tko_test.labels: pb_test.labels.append(current_label) def get_tko_kernel(self, kernel): """Constructs a new tko kernel object from a pb kernel object. Uses all the getter methods on the pb kernel object to extract the attributes and constructs a new tko kernel object using the model.kernel constructor. @param kernel: a pb kernel object where data will be extracted. @return a new tko kernel object. """ fields_dict = self.get_trivial_attr(kernel, self.kernel_type_dict) return models.kernel(fields_dict['base'], [], fields_dict['kernel_hash']) def set_pb_kernel(self, tko_kernel, pb_kernel): """Set a specific kernel of a test. Takes the same form of all the other setting methods. It seperates the string variables from the int variables and set them safely. @param tko_kernel: a tko kernel. pb_kernel: an empty protocol buffer kernel. """ self.set_trivial_attr(tko_kernel, pb_kernel, self.kernel_type_dict) def get_tko_iteration(self, iteration): """Creates a new tko iteration with the data in the provided pb iteration. Uses the data in the pb iteration and the models.iteration constructor to create a new tko iterations @param iteration: a pb iteration instance @return a tko iteration instance with the same data. """ fields_dict = self.get_trivial_attr(iteration, self.iteration_type_dict) fields_dict['attr_keyval'] = dict((keyval.name, keyval.value) for keyval in iteration.attr_keyval) fields_dict['perf_keyval'] = dict((keyval.name, keyval.value) for keyval in iteration.perf_keyval) return models.iteration(fields_dict['index'], fields_dict['attr_keyval'], fields_dict['perf_keyval']) def set_pb_iteration(self, tko_iteration, pb_iteration): """Sets all fields for a particular iteration. Takes same form as all the other setting methods. Sets int, str and datetime variables safely. @param tko_iteration: a tko test iteration. pb_iteration: an empty pb test iteration. """ self.set_trivial_attr(tko_iteration, pb_iteration, self.iteration_type_dict) for key, val in tko_iteration.attr_keyval.iteritems(): newkeyval = pb_iteration.attr_keyval.add() newkeyval.name = key newkeyval.value = str(val) for key, val in tko_iteration.perf_keyval.iteritems(): newkeyval = pb_iteration.perf_keyval.add() newkeyval.name = key newkeyval.value = str(val) def get_trivial_attr(self, obj, objdict): """Get all trivial attributes from the object. This function is used to extract attributes from a pb job. The dictionary specifies the types of each attribute in each tko class. @param obj: the pb object that is being extracted. objdict: the dict that specifies the type. @return a dict of each attr name and it's corresponding value. """ resultdict = {} for field, field_type in objdict.items(): value = getattr(obj, field) if field_type in (str, int, long): resultdict[field] = field_type(value) elif field_type == datetime: resultdict[field] = ( datetime.fromtimestamp(value/1000.0)) return resultdict def set_trivial_attr(self, tko_obj, pb_obj, objdict): """Sets all the easy attributes appropriately according to the type. This function is used to set all the trivial attributes provided by objdict, the dictionary that specifies the types of each attribute in each tko class. @param tko_obj: the original object that has the data being copied. pb_obj: the new pb object that is being copied into. objdict: specifies the type of each attribute in the class we are working with. """ for attr, attr_type in objdict.iteritems(): if attr_type == datetime: t = getattr(tko_obj, attr) if not t: self.set_attr_safely(pb_obj, attr, t, int) else: t = mktime(t.timetuple()) + 1e-6 * t.microsecond setattr(pb_obj, attr, long(t*1000)) else: value = getattr(tko_obj, attr) self.set_attr_safely(pb_obj, attr, value, attr_type) def set_attr_safely(self, var, attr, value, vartype): """Sets a particular attribute of var if the provided value is not None. Checks if value is None. If not, set the attribute of the var to be the default value. This is necessary for the special required fields of the protocol buffer. @param var: the variable of which one of the attribute is being set. attr: the attribute that is being set. value: the value that is being checked vartype: the expected type of the attr """ supported_types = [int, long, str] if vartype in supported_types: if value is None: value = vartype() elif not isinstance(value, vartype): logging.warning('Unexpected type %s for attr %s, should be %s', type(value), attr, vartype) setattr(var, attr, vartype(value))