<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE keyboard SYSTEM "../dtd/ldmlKeyboard.dtd"> <keyboard locale="de-CH-t-k0-chromeos"> <version platform="33" number="$Revision: 11914 $"/> <names> <name value="Switzerland"/> </names> <settings transformFailure="omit" transformPartial="hide"/> <keyMap> <map iso="E00" to="§"/> <!-- ` --> <map iso="E01" to="1"/> <map iso="E02" to="2"/> <map iso="E03" to="3"/> <map iso="E04" to="4"/> <map iso="E05" to="5"/> <map iso="E06" to="6"/> <map iso="E07" to="7"/> <map iso="E08" to="8"/> <map iso="E09" to="9"/> <map iso="E10" to="0"/> <map iso="E11" to="'"/> <!-- - --> <map iso="E12" to="\u{302}"/> <!-- = to= Ì‚ --> <map iso="D01" to="q"/> <map iso="D02" to="w"/> <map iso="D03" to="e"/> <map iso="D04" to="r"/> <map iso="D05" to="t"/> <map iso="D06" to="z"/> <!-- Y --> <map iso="D07" to="u"/> <map iso="D08" to="i"/> <map iso="D09" to="o"/> <map iso="D10" to="p"/> <map iso="D11" to="ü"/> <!-- [ --> <map iso="D12" to="\u{308}"/> <!-- ] to= ̈ --> <map iso="D13" to="$"/> <!-- \ --> <map iso="C01" to="a"/> <map iso="C02" to="s"/> <map iso="C03" to="d"/> <map iso="C04" to="f"/> <map iso="C05" to="g"/> <map iso="C06" to="h"/> <map iso="C07" to="j"/> <map iso="C08" to="k"/> <map iso="C09" to="l"/> <map iso="C10" to="ö"/> <!-- ; --> <map iso="C11" to="ä"/> <!-- ' --> <map iso="B00" to="<"/> <!-- (key to left of Z) --> <map iso="B01" to="y"/> <!-- Z --> <map iso="B02" to="x"/> <map iso="B03" to="c"/> <map iso="B04" to="v"/> <map iso="B05" to="b"/> <map iso="B06" to="n"/> <map iso="B07" to="m"/> <map iso="B08" to=","/> <map iso="B09" to="."/> <map iso="B10" to="-"/> <!-- / --> <map iso="A03" to=" "/> <!-- space --> </keyMap> <keyMap modifiers="shift"> <map iso="E00" to="°"/> <!-- ` base=§ --> <map iso="E01" to="+"/> <!-- 1 --> <map iso="E02" to="\u{22}"/> <!-- 2 to= " --> <map iso="E03" to="*"/> <!-- 3 --> <map iso="E04" to="ç"/> <!-- 4 --> <map iso="E05" to="%"/> <!-- 5 --> <map iso="E06" to="&"/> <!-- 6 --> <map iso="E07" to="/"/> <!-- 7 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to="X"/> <map iso="B03" to="C"/> <map iso="B04" to="V"/> <map iso="B05" to="B"/> <map iso="B06" to="N"/> <map iso="B07" to="M"/> <map iso="B08" to=";"/> <!-- , --> <map iso="B09" to=":"/> <!-- . --> <map iso="B10" to="_"/> <!-- / base=- --> <map iso="A03" to=" "/> <!-- space --> </keyMap> <keyMap modifiers="caps"> <map iso="E00" to="§"/> <!-- ` --> <map iso="E01" to="1"/> <map iso="E02" to="2"/> <map iso="E03" to="3"/> <map iso="E04" to="4"/> <map iso="E05" to="5"/> <map iso="E06" to="6"/> <map iso="E07" to="7"/> <map iso="E08" to="8"/> <map iso="E09" to="9"/> <map iso="E10" to="0"/> <map iso="E11" to="'"/> <!-- - --> <map iso="E12" to="\u{302}"/> <!-- = to= Ì‚ --> <map iso="D01" to="Q"/> <map iso="D02" to="W"/> <map iso="D03" to="E"/> <map iso="D04" to="R"/> <map iso="D05" to="T"/> <map iso="D06" to="Z"/> <!-- Y --> <map iso="D07" to="U"/> <map iso="D08" to="I"/> <map iso="D09" to="O"/> <map iso="D10" to="P"/> <map iso="D11" to="ü"/> <!-- [ --> <map iso="D12" to="\u{308}"/> <!-- ] to= ̈ --> <map iso="D13" to="$"/> <!-- \ --> <map iso="C01" to="A"/> <map iso="C02" to="S"/> <map iso="C03" to="D"/> <map iso="C04" to="F"/> <map iso="C05" to="G"/> <map iso="C06" to="H"/> <map iso="C07" to="J"/> <map iso="C08" to="K"/> <map iso="C09" to="L"/> <map iso="C10" to="ö"/> <!-- ; --> <map iso="C11" to="ä"/> <!-- ' --> <map iso="B00" to="<"/> <!-- (key to left of Z) --> <map iso="B01" to="Y"/> <!-- Z --> <map iso="B02" to="X"/> <map iso="B03" to="C"/> <map iso="B04" to="V"/> <map iso="B05" to="B"/> <map iso="B06" to="N"/> <map iso="B07" to="M"/> <map iso="B08" to=","/> <map iso="B09" to="."/> <map iso="B10" to="-"/> <!-- / --> <map iso="A03" to=" "/> <!-- space --> </keyMap> <keyMap modifiers="caps+shift"> <map iso="E00" to="~"/> <!-- ` base=§ --> <map iso="E01" to="!"/> <!-- 1 --> <map iso="E02" to="@"/> <!-- 2 --> <map iso="E03" to="#"/> <!-- 3 --> <map iso="E04" to="$"/> <!-- 4 --> <map iso="E05" to="%"/> <!-- 5 --> <map iso="E06" to="^"/> <!-- 6 --> <map iso="E07" to="&"/> <!-- 7 --> <map iso="E08" to="*"/> <!-- 8 --> <map iso="E09" to="("/> <!-- 9 --> <map iso="E10" to=")"/> <!-- 0 --> <map iso="E11" to="_"/> <!-- - base=' --> <map iso="E12" to="+"/> <!-- = base=Ì‚ --> <map iso="D01" to="q"/> <map iso="D02" to="w"/> <map iso="D03" to="e"/> <map iso="D04" to="r"/> <map iso="D05" to="t"/> <map iso="D06" to="z"/> <!-- Y --> <map iso="D07" to="u"/> <map iso="D08" to="i"/> <map iso="D09" to="o"/> <map iso="D10" to="p"/> <map iso="D11" to="{"/> <!-- [ base=ü --> <map iso="D12" to="}"/> <!-- ] base=̈ --> <map iso="D13" to="|"/> <!-- \ base=$ --> <map iso="C01" to="a"/> <map iso="C02" to="s"/> <map iso="C03" to="d"/> <map iso="C04" to="f"/> <map iso="C05" to="g"/> <map iso="C06" to="h"/> <map iso="C07" to="j"/> <map iso="C08" to="k"/> <map iso="C09" to="l"/> <map iso="C10" to=":"/> <!-- ; base=ö --> <map iso="C11" to="\u{22}"/> <!-- ' base=ä to= " --> <map iso="B00" to=">"/> <!-- (key to left of Z) base=< --> <map iso="B01" to="y"/> <!-- Z --> <map iso="B02" to="x"/> <map iso="B03" to="c"/> <map iso="B04" to="v"/> <map iso="B05" to="b"/> <map iso="B06" to="n"/> <map iso="B07" to="m"/> <map iso="B08" to="<"/> <!-- , --> <map iso="B09" to=">"/> <!-- . --> <map iso="B10" to="?"/> <!-- / base=- --> <map iso="A03" to=" "/> <!-- space --> </keyMap> <keyMap modifiers="altR"> <map iso="E00" to="¬"/> <!-- ` base=§ --> <map iso="E01" to="|"/> <!-- 1 --> <map iso="E02" to="@"/> <!-- 2 --> <map iso="E03" to="#"/> <!-- 3 --> <map iso="E04" to="¼"/> <!-- 4 --> <map iso="E05" to="½"/> <!-- 5 --> <map iso="E06" to="¬"/> <!-- 6 --> <map iso="E07" to="|"/> <!-- 7 --> <map iso="E08" to="¢"/> <!-- 8 --> <map iso="E09" to="]"/> <!-- 9 --> <map iso="E10" to="}"/> <!-- 0 --> <map iso="E11" to="\u{301}"/> <!-- - base=' to= Ì --> <map iso="E12" to="\u{303}"/> <!-- = base=Ì‚ to= ̃ --> <map iso="D01" to="@"/> <!-- Q --> <map iso="D02" to="Å‚"/> <!-- W --> <map iso="D03" to="€"/> <!-- E --> <map iso="D04" to="¶"/> <!-- R --> <map iso="D05" to="ŧ"/> <!-- T --> <map iso="D06" to="â†"/> <!-- Y base=z --> <map iso="D07" to="↓"/> <!-- U --> <map iso="D08" to="→"/> <!-- I --> <map iso="D09" to="ø"/> <!-- O --> <map iso="D10" to="þ"/> <!-- P --> <map iso="D11" to="["/> <!-- base=ü --> <map iso="D12" to="]"/> <!-- base=̈ --> <map iso="D13" to="}"/> <!-- \ base=$ --> <map iso="C01" to="æ"/> <!-- A --> <map iso="C02" to="ß"/> <!-- S --> <map iso="C03" to="ð"/> <!-- D --> <map iso="C04" to="Ä‘"/> <!-- F --> <map iso="C05" to="Å‹"/> <!-- G --> <map iso="C06" to="ħ"/> <!-- H --> <map iso="C07" to="j"/> <map iso="C08" to="ĸ"/> <!-- K --> <map iso="C09" to="Å‚"/> <!-- L --> <map iso="C10" to="\u{301}"/> <!-- ; base=ö to= Ì --> <map iso="C11" to="{"/> <!-- ' base=ä --> <map iso="B00" to="\"/> <!-- (key to left of Z) base=< --> <map iso="B01" to="«"/> <!-- Z base=y --> <map iso="B02" to="»"/> <!-- X --> <map iso="B03" to="¢"/> <!-- C --> <map iso="B04" to="“"/> <!-- V --> <map iso="B05" to="â€"/> <!-- B --> <map iso="B06" to="n"/> <map iso="B07" to="µ"/> <!-- M --> <map iso="B08" to="─"/> <!-- , --> <map iso="B09" to="·"/> <!-- . --> <map iso="B10" to="\u{323}"/> <!-- / base=- to= Ì£ --> <map iso="A03" to=" "/> <!-- space --> </keyMap> <keyMap modifiers="altR+shift"> <map iso="E00" to="¬"/> <!-- ` base=§ --> <map iso="E01" to="¡"/> <!-- 1 --> <map iso="E02" to="â…›"/> <!-- 2 --> <map iso="E03" to="£"/> <!-- 3 --> <map iso="E04" to="$"/> <!-- 4 --> <map iso="E05" to="â…œ"/> <!-- 5 --> <map iso="E06" to="â…"/> <!-- 6 --> <map iso="E07" to="â…ž"/> <!-- 7 --> <map iso="E08" to="â„¢"/> <!-- 8 --> <map iso="E09" to="±"/> <!-- 9 --> <map iso="E10" to="°"/> <!-- 0 --> <map iso="E11" to="¿"/> <!-- - base=' --> <map iso="E12" to="\u{328}"/> <!-- = base=Ì‚ to= ̨ --> <map iso="D01" to="Ω"/> <!-- Q --> <map iso="D02" to="Å"/> <!-- W --> <map iso="D03" to="E"/> <map iso="D04" to="®"/> <!-- R --> <map iso="D05" to="Ŧ"/> <!-- T --> <map iso="D06" to="Â¥"/> <!-- Y base=z --> <map iso="D07" to="↑"/> <!-- U --> <map iso="D08" to="ı"/> <map iso="D09" to="Ø"/> 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iso="B10" to="\u{307}"/> <!-- / base=- to= ̇ --> <map iso="A03" to=" "/> <!-- space --> </keyMap> <keyMap modifiers="altR+caps"> <map iso="E00" to="§"/> <!-- ` --> <map iso="E01" to="1"/> <map iso="E02" to="2"/> <map iso="E03" to="3"/> <map iso="E04" to="4"/> <map iso="E05" to="5"/> <map iso="E06" to="6"/> <map iso="E07" to="7"/> <map iso="E08" to="8"/> <map iso="E09" to="9"/> <map iso="E10" to="0"/> <map iso="E11" to="'"/> <!-- - --> <map iso="E12" to="\u{302}"/> <!-- = to= Ì‚ --> <map iso="D01" to="@"/> <!-- Q --> <map iso="D02" to="Å"/> <!-- W --> <map iso="D03" to="€"/> <!-- E --> <map iso="D04" to="¶"/> <!-- R --> <map iso="D05" to="Ŧ"/> <!-- T --> <map iso="D06" to="â†"/> <!-- Y base=z --> <map iso="D07" to="↓"/> <!-- U --> <map iso="D08" to="→"/> <!-- I --> <map iso="D09" to="Ø"/> <!-- O --> <map iso="D10" to="Þ"/> <!-- P --> <map iso="D11" to="ü"/> <!-- [ --> <map iso="D12" to="\u{308}"/> <!-- ] to= ̈ --> <map iso="D13" to="$"/> <!-- \ --> <map iso="C01" to="Æ"/> <!-- A --> <map iso="C02" to="ß"/> <!-- S --> <map iso="C03" to="Ã"/> <!-- D --> <map iso="C04" to="Ä‘"/> <!-- F --> <map iso="C05" to="ÅŠ"/> <!-- G --> <map iso="C06" to="Ħ"/> <!-- H --> <map iso="C07" to="J"/> <map iso="C08" to="ĸ"/> <!-- K --> <map iso="C09" to="Å"/> <!-- L --> <map iso="C10" to="ö"/> <!-- ; --> <map iso="C11" to="ä"/> <!-- ' --> <map iso="B00" to="<"/> <!-- (key to left of Z) --> <map iso="B01" to="«"/> <!-- Z base=y --> <map iso="B02" to="»"/> <!-- X --> <map iso="B03" to="¢"/> <!-- C --> <map iso="B04" to="“"/> <!-- V --> <map iso="B05" to="â€"/> <!-- B --> <map iso="B06" to="N"/> <map iso="B07" to="µ"/> <!-- M --> <map iso="B08" to=","/> <map iso="B09" to="."/> <map iso="B10" to="-"/> <!-- / --> <map iso="A03" to=" "/> <!-- space --> </keyMap> <keyMap modifiers="altR+caps+shift"> <map iso="E00" to="°"/> <!-- ` base=§ --> <map iso="E01" to="1"/> <map iso="E02" to="2"/> <map iso="E03" to="3"/> <map iso="E04" to="ç"/> <!-- 4 --> <map iso="E05" to="%"/> <!-- 5 --> <map iso="E06" to="6"/> <map iso="E07" to="7"/> <map iso="E08" to="8"/> <map iso="E09" to=")"/> <!-- 9 --> <map iso="E10" to="="/> <!-- 0 --> <map iso="E11" to="'"/> <!-- - --> <map iso="E12" to="\u{302}"/> <!-- = to= Ì‚ --> <map iso="D01" to="Ω"/> <!-- Q --> <map iso="D02" to="Å‚"/> <!-- W --> <map iso="D03" to="e"/> <map iso="D04" to="®"/> <!-- R --> <map iso="D05" to="ŧ"/> <!-- T --> <map iso="D06" to="Â¥"/> <!-- Y base=z --> <map iso="D07" to="↑"/> <!-- U --> <map iso="D08" to="ı"/> <map iso="D09" to="ø"/> <!-- O --> <map iso="D10" to="þ"/> <!-- P --> <map iso="D11" to="ü"/> <!-- [ --> <map iso="D12" to="\u{308}"/> <!-- ] to= ̈ --> <map iso="D13" to="$"/> <!-- \ --> <map iso="C01" to="æ"/> <!-- A --> <map iso="C02" to="§"/> <!-- S --> <map iso="C03" to="ð"/> <!-- D --> <map iso="C04" to="ª"/> <!-- F --> <map iso="C05" to="Å‹"/> <!-- G --> <map iso="C06" to="ħ"/> <!-- H --> <map iso="C07" to="j"/> <map iso="C08" to="&"/> <!-- K --> <map iso="C09" to="Å‚"/> <!-- L --> <map iso="C10" to="é"/> <!-- ; base=ö --> <map iso="C11" to="ä"/> <!-- ' --> <map iso="B00" to="<"/> <!-- (key to left of Z) --> <map iso="B01" to="<"/> <!-- Z base=y --> <map iso="B02" to=">"/> <!-- X --> <map iso="B03" to="©"/> <!-- C --> <map iso="B04" to="‘"/> <!-- V --> <map iso="B05" to="’"/> <!-- B --> <map iso="B06" to="n"/> <map iso="B07" to="º"/> <!-- M --> <map iso="B08" to=";"/> <!-- , --> <map iso="B09" to=":"/> <!-- . --> <map iso="B10" to="_"/> <!-- / base=- --> <map iso="A03" to=" "/> <!-- space --> </keyMap> <transforms type="simple"> <transform from="\u{301}\u{301}" to="´"/> <!-- ÌÌ â†’ ´ --> <transform from="\u{300}\u{300}" to="`"/> <!-- ̀̀ → ` --> <transform from="\u{306}\u{306}" to="˘"/> <!-- ̆̆ → ˘ --> <transform from="\u{302}\u{302}" to="^"/> <!-- Ì‚Ì‚ → ^ --> <transform from="\u{30C}\u{30C}" to="ˇ"/> <!-- ̌̌ → ˇ --> <transform from="\u{30A}\u{30A}" to="°"/> <!-- ÌŠÌŠ → ° --> <transform from="\u{308}\u{308}" to="¨"/> <!-- ̈̈ → ¨ --> <transform from="\u{30B}\u{30B}" to="Ë"/> 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from="\u{303}<" to="≲"/> <!-- ̃< → ≲ --> <transform from="\u{302}=" to="â¼"/> <!-- Ì‚= → â¼ --> <transform from="\u{30C}=" to="â‚Œ"/> <!-- ÌŒ= → â‚Œ --> <transform from="\u{303}=" to="≃"/> <!-- ̃= → ≃ --> <transform from="\u{323}=" to="⩦"/> <!-- Ì£= → ⩦ --> <transform from="\u{303}>" to="≳"/> <!-- ̃> → ≳ --> <transform from="\u{327}¢" to="₵"/> <!-- ̧¢ → ₵ --> <transform from="\u{302}0" to="â°"/> <!-- Ì‚0 → â° --> <transform from="\u{30C}0" to="â‚€"/> <!-- ÌŒ0 → â‚€ --> <transform from="\u{302}1" to="¹"/> <!-- Ì‚1 → ¹ --> <transform from="\u{30C}1" to="â‚"/> <!-- ÌŒ1 → â‚ --> <transform from="\u{302}2" to="²"/> <!-- Ì‚2 → ² --> <transform from="\u{30C}2" to="â‚‚"/> <!-- ÌŒ2 → â‚‚ --> <transform from="\u{302}3" to="³"/> <!-- Ì‚3 → ³ --> <transform from="\u{30C}3" to="₃"/> <!-- ÌŒ3 → ₃ --> <transform from="\u{302}4" to="â´"/> <!-- Ì‚4 → â´ --> <transform from="\u{30C}4" to="â‚„"/> <!-- ÌŒ4 → â‚„ --> <transform from="\u{302}5" to="âµ"/> <!-- Ì‚5 → âµ --> <transform from="\u{30C}5" to="â‚…"/> <!-- ÌŒ5 → â‚… --> <transform from="\u{302}6" to="â¶"/> <!-- Ì‚6 → ⶠ--> <transform from="\u{30C}6" to="₆"/> <!-- ÌŒ6 → ₆ --> <transform from="\u{302}7" to="â·"/> <!-- Ì‚7 → â· --> <transform from="\u{30C}7" to="₇"/> <!-- ÌŒ7 → ₇ --> <transform from="\u{302}8" to="â¸"/> <!-- Ì‚8 → ⸠--> <transform from="\u{30C}8" to="₈"/> <!-- ÌŒ8 → ₈ --> <transform from="\u{302}9" to="â¹"/> <!-- Ì‚9 → â¹ --> <transform from="\u{30C}9" to="₉"/> <!-- ÌŒ9 → ₉ --> <transform from="\u{301}a" to="á"/> <!-- Ìa → á --> <transform from="\u{301}A" to="Ã"/> <!-- ÌA → à --> <transform from="\u{301}\u{306}a" to="ắ"/> <!-- Ì̆a → ắ --> <transform from="\u{301}\u{306}A" to="Ắ"/> <!-- Ì̆A → Ắ --> <transform from="\u{301}\u{302}a" to="ấ"/> <!-- ÌÌ‚a → ấ --> <transform from="\u{301}\u{302}A" to="Ấ"/> <!-- ÌÌ‚A → Ấ --> <transform from="\u{301}\u{30A}a" to="Ç»"/> <!-- ÌÌŠa → Ç» --> <transform from="\u{301}\u{30A}A" to="Ǻ"/> <!-- ÌÌŠA → Ǻ --> <transform from="\u{300}a" to="à "/> <!-- Ì€a → à --> <transform from="\u{300}A" to="À"/> <!-- Ì€A → À --> <transform from="\u{300}\u{306}a" to="ằ"/> <!-- ̀̆a → ằ --> <transform from="\u{300}\u{306}A" to="Ằ"/> <!-- ̀̆A → Ằ --> <transform from="\u{300}\u{302}a" to="ầ"/> <!-- ̀̂a → ầ --> <transform from="\u{300}\u{302}A" to="Ầ"/> <!-- ̀̂A → Ầ --> <transform from="\u{306}a" to="ă"/> <!-- ̆a → ă --> <transform from="\u{306}A" to="Ä‚"/> <!-- ̆A → Ä‚ --> <transform from="\u{306}à " to="ằ"/> <!-- ̆à → ằ --> <transform from="\u{306}\u{301}a" to="ắ"/> <!-- ̆Ìa → ắ --> <transform from="\u{306}\u{301}A" to="Ắ"/> <!-- ̆ÌA → Ắ --> <transform from="\u{306}\u{300}a" to="ằ"/> <!-- ̆̀a → ằ --> <transform from="\u{306}\u{300}A" to="Ằ"/> <!-- ̆̀A → Ằ --> <transform from="\u{306}\u{303}a" to="ẵ"/> <!-- ̆̃a → ẵ --> <transform from="\u{306}\u{303}A" to="Ẵ"/> <!-- ̆̃A → Ẵ --> <transform from="\u{306}\u{323}a" to="ặ"/> <!-- ̣̆a → ặ --> <transform from="\u{306}\u{323}A" to="Ặ"/> <!-- ̣̆A → Ặ --> <transform from="\u{302}a" to="â"/> <!-- Ì‚a → â --> <transform from="\u{302}A" to="Â"/> <!-- Ì‚A →  --> <transform from="\u{302}à " to="ầ"/> <!-- ̂à → ầ --> <transform from="\u{302}\u{301}a" to="ấ"/> <!-- Ì‚Ìa → ấ --> <transform from="\u{302}\u{301}A" to="Ấ"/> <!-- Ì‚ÌA → Ấ --> <transform from="\u{302}\u{300}a" to="ầ"/> <!-- Ì‚Ì€a → ầ --> <transform from="\u{302}\u{300}A" to="Ầ"/> <!-- Ì‚Ì€A → Ầ --> <transform from="\u{302}\u{303}a" to="ẫ"/> <!-- ̂̃a → ẫ --> <transform from="\u{302}\u{303}A" to="Ẫ"/> <!-- ̂̃A → Ẫ --> <transform from="\u{302}\u{323}a" to="áº"/> <!-- Ì‚Ì£a → Ạ--> <transform from="\u{302}\u{323}A" to="Ậ"/> <!-- Ì‚Ì£A → Ậ --> <transform from="\u{30C}a" to="ÇŽ"/> <!-- ÌŒa → ÇŽ --> <transform from="\u{30C}A" to="Ç"/> <!-- ÌŒA → Ç --> <transform from="\u{30A}a" to="Ã¥"/> <!-- ÌŠa → Ã¥ --> <transform from="\u{30A}A" to="Ã…"/> <!-- ÌŠA → Ã… --> <transform from="\u{30A}\u{301}a" to="Ç»"/> <!-- ÌŠÌa → Ç» --> <transform from="\u{30A}\u{301}A" to="Ǻ"/> <!-- ÌŠÌA → Ǻ --> <transform from="\u{308}a" to="ä"/> <!-- ̈a → ä --> <transform from="\u{308}A" to="Ä"/> <!-- ̈A → Ä --> <transform from="\u{308}\u{304}a" to="ÇŸ"/> <!-- ̈̄a → ÇŸ --> <transform from="\u{308}\u{304}A" to="Çž"/> <!-- ̈̄A → Çž --> <transform from="\u{303}a" to="ã"/> <!-- ̃a → ã --> <transform from="\u{303}A" to="Ã"/> <!-- ̃A → à --> <transform from="\u{303}\u{306}a" to="ẵ"/> <!-- ̃̆a → ẵ --> <transform from="\u{303}\u{306}A" to="Ẵ"/> <!-- ̃̆A → Ẵ --> <transform from="\u{303}\u{302}a" to="ẫ"/> <!-- ̃̂a → ẫ --> <transform from="\u{303}\u{302}A" to="Ẫ"/> <!-- ̃̂A → Ẫ --> <transform from="\u{307}a" to="ȧ"/> <!-- ̇a → ȧ --> <transform from="\u{307}A" to="Ȧ"/> <!-- ̇A → Ȧ --> <transform from="\u{307}\u{304}a" to="Ç¡"/> <!-- ̇̄a → Ç¡ --> <transform from="\u{307}\u{304}A" to="Ç "/> <!-- ̇̄A → Ç --> <transform from="\u{328}a" to="Ä…"/> <!-- ̨a → Ä… --> <transform from="\u{328}A" to="Ä„"/> <!-- ̨A → Ä„ --> <transform from="\u{304}a" to="Ä"/> <!-- Ì„a → Ä --> <transform from="\u{304}A" to="Ä€"/> <!-- Ì„A → Ä€ --> <transform from="\u{304}ä" to="ÇŸ"/> <!-- ̄ä → ÇŸ --> <transform from="\u{304}\u{308}a" to="ÇŸ"/> <!-- ̄̈a → ÇŸ --> <transform from="\u{304}\u{308}A" to="Çž"/> <!-- ̄̈A → Çž --> <transform from="\u{304}\u{307}a" to="Ç¡"/> <!-- ̄̇a → Ç¡ --> <transform from="\u{304}\u{307}A" to="Ç "/> <!-- ̄̇A → Ç --> <transform from="\u{323}a" to="ạ"/> <!-- Ì£a → ạ --> <transform from="\u{323}A" to="Ạ"/> <!-- Ì£A → Ạ--> <transform from="\u{323}\u{306}a" to="ặ"/> <!-- ̣̆a → ặ --> <transform from="\u{323}\u{306}A" to="Ặ"/> <!-- ̣̆A → Ặ --> <transform from="\u{323}\u{302}a" to="áº"/> <!-- ̣̂a → Ạ--> <transform from="\u{323}\u{302}A" to="Ậ"/> <!-- ̣̂A → Ậ --> <transform from="\u{301}æ" to="ǽ"/> <!-- Ìæ → ǽ --> <transform from="\u{301}Æ" to="Ǽ"/> <!-- ÌÆ → Ǽ --> <transform from="\u{304}æ" to="Ç£"/> <!-- ̄æ → Ç£ --> <transform from="\u{304}Æ" to="Ç¢"/> <!-- ̄Æ → Ç¢ --> <transform from="\u{307}b" to="ḃ"/> <!-- ̇b → ḃ --> <transform from="\u{307}B" to="Ḃ"/> <!-- ̇B → Ḃ --> <transform from="\u{323}b" to="ḅ"/> <!-- Ì£b → ḅ --> <transform from="\u{323}B" to="Ḅ"/> <!-- Ì£B → Ḅ --> <transform from="\u{301}c" to="ć"/> <!-- Ìc → ć --> <transform from="\u{301}C" to="Ć"/> <!-- ÌC → Ć --> <transform from="\u{301}ç" to="ḉ"/> <!-- Ìç → ḉ --> <transform from="\u{301}\u{327}c" to="ḉ"/> <!-- Ì̧c → ḉ --> <transform from="\u{301}\u{327}C" to="Ḉ"/> <!-- Ì̧C → Ḉ --> <transform from="\u{302}c" to="ĉ"/> <!-- Ì‚c → ĉ --> <transform from="\u{302}C" to="Ĉ"/> <!-- Ì‚C → Ĉ --> <transform from="\u{30C}c" to="Ä"/> <!-- ÌŒc → Ä --> <transform from="\u{30C}C" to="ÄŒ"/> <!-- ÌŒC → ÄŒ --> <transform from="\u{307}c" to="Ä‹"/> <!-- ̇c → Ä‹ --> <transform from="\u{307}C" to="ÄŠ"/> <!-- ̇C → ÄŠ --> <transform from="\u{327}c" to="ç"/> <!-- ̧c → ç --> <transform from="\u{327}C" to="Ç"/> <!-- ̧C → Ç --> <transform from="\u{327}\u{301}c" to="ḉ"/> <!-- ̧Ìc → ḉ --> <transform from="\u{327}\u{301}C" to="Ḉ"/> <!-- ̧ÌC → Ḉ --> <transform from="\u{30C}d" to="Ä"/> <!-- ÌŒd → Ä --> <transform from="\u{30C}D" to="ÄŽ"/> <!-- ÌŒD → ÄŽ --> <transform from="\u{307}d" to="ḋ"/> <!-- ̇d → ḋ --> <transform from="\u{307}D" to="Ḋ"/> <!-- ̇D → Ḋ --> <transform from="\u{327}d" to="ḑ"/> <!-- ̧d → ḑ --> <transform from="\u{327}D" to="á¸"/> <!-- ̧D → Ḡ--> <transform from="\u{323}d" to="á¸"/> <!-- Ì£d → Ḡ--> <transform from="\u{323}D" to="Ḍ"/> <!-- Ì£D → Ḍ --> <transform from="\u{301}e" to="é"/> <!-- Ìe → é --> <transform from="\u{301}E" to="É"/> <!-- ÌE → É --> <transform from="\u{301}\u{302}e" to="ế"/> <!-- ÌÌ‚e → ế --> <transform from="\u{301}\u{302}E" to="Ế"/> <!-- ÌÌ‚E → Ế --> <transform from="\u{301}\u{304}e" to="ḗ"/> <!-- ÌÌ„e → ḗ --> <transform from="\u{301}\u{304}E" to="Ḗ"/> <!-- ÌÌ„E → Ḗ --> <transform from="\u{300}e" to="è"/> <!-- Ì€e → è --> <transform from="\u{300}E" to="È"/> <!-- Ì€E → È --> <transform from="\u{300}\u{302}e" to="á»"/> <!-- ̀̂e → á» --> <transform from="\u{300}\u{302}E" to="Ề"/> <!-- ̀̂E → Ề --> <transform from="\u{300}\u{304}e" to="ḕ"/> <!-- ̀̄e → ḕ --> <transform from="\u{300}\u{304}E" to="Ḕ"/> <!-- ̀̄E → Ḕ --> <transform from="\u{306}e" to="Ä•"/> <!-- ̆e → Ä• --> 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from="\u{304}\u{301}e" to="ḗ"/> <!-- Ì„Ìe → ḗ --> <transform from="\u{304}\u{301}E" to="Ḗ"/> <!-- Ì„ÌE → Ḗ --> <transform from="\u{304}\u{300}e" to="ḕ"/> <!-- Ì„Ì€e → ḕ --> <transform from="\u{304}\u{300}E" to="Ḕ"/> <!-- Ì„Ì€E → Ḕ --> <transform from="\u{323}e" to="ẹ"/> <!-- Ì£e → ẹ --> <transform from="\u{323}E" to="Ẹ"/> <!-- Ì£E → Ẹ --> <transform from="\u{323}\u{302}e" to="ệ"/> <!-- ̣̂e → ệ --> <transform from="\u{323}\u{302}E" to="Ệ"/> <!-- ̣̂E → Ệ --> <transform from="\u{307}f" to="ḟ"/> <!-- ̇f → ḟ --> <transform from="\u{307}F" to="Ḟ"/> <!-- ̇F → Ḟ --> <transform from="\u{301}g" to="ǵ"/> <!-- Ìg → ǵ --> <transform from="\u{301}G" to="Ç´"/> <!-- ÌG → Ç´ --> <transform from="\u{306}g" to="ÄŸ"/> <!-- ̆g → ÄŸ --> <transform from="\u{306}G" to="Äž"/> <!-- ̆G → Äž --> <transform from="\u{302}g" to="Ä"/> <!-- Ì‚g → Ä --> <transform from="\u{302}G" to="Äœ"/> <!-- Ì‚G → Äœ --> <transform from="\u{30C}g" to="ǧ"/> <!-- ÌŒg → ǧ --> <transform from="\u{30C}G" to="Ǧ"/> <!-- ÌŒG → Ǧ --> 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→ à --> <transform from="\u{301}I" to="Ã"/> <!-- ÌI → à --> <transform from="\u{301}\u{308}i" to="ḯ"/> <!-- Ì̈i → ḯ --> <transform from="\u{301}\u{308}I" to="Ḯ"/> <!-- Ì̈I → Ḯ --> <transform from="\u{300}i" to="ì"/> <!-- Ì€i → ì --> <transform from="\u{300}I" to="ÃŒ"/> <!-- Ì€I → ÃŒ --> <transform from="\u{306}i" to="Ä"/> <!-- ̆i → Ä --> <transform from="\u{306}I" to="Ĭ"/> <!-- ̆I → Ĭ --> <transform from="\u{302}i" to="î"/> <!-- Ì‚i → î --> <transform from="\u{302}I" to="ÃŽ"/> <!-- Ì‚I → ÃŽ --> <transform from="\u{30C}i" to="Ç"/> <!-- ÌŒi → Ç --> <transform from="\u{30C}I" to="Ç"/> <!-- ÌŒI → Ç --> <transform from="\u{308}i" to="ï"/> <!-- ̈i → ï --> <transform from="\u{308}I" to="Ã"/> <!-- ̈I → à --> <transform from="\u{308}\u{301}i" to="ḯ"/> <!-- ̈Ìi → ḯ --> <transform from="\u{308}\u{301}I" to="Ḯ"/> <!-- ̈ÌI → Ḯ --> <transform from="\u{303}i" to="Ä©"/> <!-- ̃i → Ä© --> <transform from="\u{303}I" to="Ĩ"/> <!-- ̃I → Ĩ --> <transform from="\u{307}i" to="ı"/> <!-- ̇i → ı --> <transform from="\u{307}I" to="Ä°"/> <!-- ̇I → Ä° --> <transform from="\u{328}i" to="į"/> <!-- ̨i → į --> <transform from="\u{328}I" to="Ä®"/> <!-- ̨I → Ä® --> <transform from="\u{304}i" to="Ä«"/> <!-- Ì„i → Ä« --> <transform from="\u{304}I" to="Ī"/> <!-- Ì„I → Ī --> <transform from="\u{323}i" to="ị"/> <!-- Ì£i → ị --> <transform from="\u{323}I" to="Ị"/> <!-- Ì£I → Ị --> <transform from="\u{302}j" to="ĵ"/> <!-- Ì‚j → ĵ --> <transform from="\u{302}J" to="Ä´"/> <!-- Ì‚J → Ä´ --> <transform from="\u{30C}j" to="Ç°"/> <!-- ÌŒj → Ç° --> <transform from="\u{307}j" to="È·"/> <!-- ̇j → È· --> <transform from="\u{301}k" to="ḱ"/> <!-- Ìk → ḱ --> <transform from="\u{301}K" to="Ḱ"/> <!-- ÌK → Ḱ --> <transform from="\u{30C}k" to="Ç©"/> <!-- ÌŒk → Ç© --> <transform from="\u{30C}K" to="Ǩ"/> <!-- ÌŒK → Ǩ --> <transform from="\u{327}k" to="Ä·"/> <!-- ̧k → Ä· --> <transform from="\u{327}K" to="Ķ"/> <!-- ̧K → Ķ --> <transform from="\u{323}k" to="ḳ"/> <!-- Ì£k → ḳ --> <transform from="\u{323}K" to="Ḳ"/> <!-- Ì£K → Ḳ --> <transform from="\u{301}l" to="ĺ"/> <!-- Ìl → ĺ --> <transform from="\u{301}L" to="Ĺ"/> <!-- ÌL → Ĺ --> <transform from="\u{30C}l" to="ľ"/> <!-- ÌŒl → ľ --> <transform from="\u{30C}L" to="Ľ"/> <!-- ÌŒL → Ľ --> <transform from="\u{307}l" to="Å€"/> <!-- ̇l → Å€ --> <transform from="\u{307}L" to="Ä¿"/> <!-- ̇L → Ä¿ --> <transform from="\u{327}l" to="ļ"/> <!-- ̧l → ļ --> <transform from="\u{327}L" to="Ä»"/> <!-- ̧L → Ä» --> <transform from="\u{304}\u{323}l" to="ḹ"/> <!-- Ì„Ì£l → ḹ --> <transform from="\u{304}\u{323}L" to="Ḹ"/> <!-- Ì„Ì£L → Ḹ --> <transform from="\u{323}l" to="ḷ"/> <!-- Ì£l → ḷ --> <transform from="\u{323}L" to="Ḷ"/> <!-- Ì£L → Ḷ --> <transform from="\u{323}\u{304}l" to="ḹ"/> <!-- ̣̄l → ḹ --> <transform from="\u{323}\u{304}L" to="Ḹ"/> <!-- ̣̄L → Ḹ --> <transform from="\u{301}m" to="ḿ"/> <!-- Ìm → ḿ --> <transform from="\u{301}M" to="Ḿ"/> <!-- ÌM → Ḿ --> <transform from="\u{307}m" to="á¹"/> <!-- ̇m → á¹ --> <transform from="\u{307}M" to="á¹€"/> <!-- ̇M → á¹€ --> 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Ç¿ --> <transform from="\u{301}Ø" to="Ǿ"/> <!-- ÌØ → Ǿ --> <transform from="\u{301}\u{302}o" to="ố"/> <!-- ÌÌ‚o → ố --> <transform from="\u{301}\u{302}O" to="á»"/> <!-- ÌÌ‚O → á» --> <transform from="\u{301}\u{303}o" to="á¹"/> <!-- Ì̃o → á¹ --> <transform from="\u{301}\u{303}O" to="Ṍ"/> <!-- Ì̃O → Ṍ --> <transform from="\u{301}\u{304}o" to="ṓ"/> <!-- ÌÌ„o → ṓ --> <transform from="\u{301}\u{304}O" to="á¹’"/> <!-- ÌÌ„O → á¹’ --> <transform from="\u{300}o" to="ò"/> <!-- Ì€o → ò --> <transform from="\u{300}O" to="Ã’"/> <!-- Ì€O → Ã’ --> <transform from="\u{300}\u{302}o" to="ồ"/> <!-- ̀̂o → ồ --> <transform from="\u{300}\u{302}O" to="á»’"/> <!-- ̀̂O → á»’ --> <transform from="\u{300}\u{304}o" to="ṑ"/> <!-- ̀̄o → ṑ --> <transform from="\u{300}\u{304}O" to="á¹"/> <!-- ̀̄O → á¹ --> <transform from="\u{306}o" to="Å"/> <!-- ̆o → Å --> <transform from="\u{306}O" to="ÅŽ"/> <!-- ̆O → ÅŽ --> <transform from="\u{302}o" to="ô"/> <!-- Ì‚o → ô --> <transform from="\u{302}O" to="Ô"/> <!-- Ì‚O → Ô --> 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to="Å‘"/> <!-- Ì‹o → Å‘ --> <transform from="\u{30B}O" to="Å"/> <!-- Ì‹O → Å --> <transform from="\u{303}o" to="õ"/> <!-- ̃o → õ --> <transform from="\u{303}O" to="Õ"/> <!-- ̃O → Õ --> <transform from="\u{303}ö" to="á¹"/> <!-- ̃ö → á¹ --> <transform from="\u{303}\u{301}o" to="á¹"/> <!-- ̃Ìo → á¹ --> <transform from="\u{303}\u{301}O" to="Ṍ"/> <!-- ̃ÌO → Ṍ --> <transform from="\u{303}\u{302}o" to="á»—"/> <!-- ̃̂o → á»— --> <transform from="\u{303}\u{302}O" to="á»–"/> <!-- ̃̂O → á»– --> <transform from="\u{303}\u{308}o" to="á¹"/> <!-- ̃̈o → á¹ --> <transform from="\u{303}\u{308}O" to="Ṏ"/> <!-- ̃̈O → Ṏ --> <transform from="\u{303}\u{304}o" to="È"/> <!-- ̃̄o → È --> <transform from="\u{303}\u{304}O" to="Ȭ"/> <!-- ̃̄O → Ȭ --> <transform from="\u{307}o" to="ȯ"/> <!-- ̇o → ȯ --> <transform from="\u{307}O" to="È®"/> <!-- ̇O → È® --> <transform from="\u{307}\u{304}o" to="ȱ"/> <!-- ̇̄o → ȱ --> <transform from="\u{307}\u{304}O" to="È°"/> <!-- ̇̄O → È° --> <transform from="\u{328}o" to="Ç«"/> <!-- ̨o → Ç« --> <transform from="\u{328}O" to="Ǫ"/> <!-- ̨O → Ǫ --> <transform from="\u{328}\u{304}o" to="Ç"/> <!-- ̨̄o → Ç --> <transform from="\u{328}\u{304}O" to="Ǭ"/> <!-- ̨̄O → Ǭ --> <transform from="\u{304}o" to="Å"/> <!-- Ì„o → Å --> <transform from="\u{304}O" to="ÅŒ"/> <!-- Ì„O → ÅŒ --> <transform from="\u{304}ö" to="È«"/> <!-- ̄ö → È« --> <transform from="\u{304}\u{301}o" to="ṓ"/> <!-- Ì„Ìo → ṓ --> <transform from="\u{304}\u{301}O" to="á¹’"/> <!-- Ì„ÌO → á¹’ --> <transform from="\u{304}\u{300}o" to="ṑ"/> <!-- Ì„Ì€o → ṑ --> <transform from="\u{304}\u{300}O" to="á¹"/> <!-- Ì„Ì€O → á¹ --> <transform from="\u{304}\u{308}o" to="È«"/> <!-- ̄̈o → È« --> <transform from="\u{304}\u{308}O" to="Ȫ"/> <!-- ̄̈O → Ȫ --> <transform from="\u{304}\u{303}o" to="È"/> <!-- ̄̃o → È --> <transform from="\u{304}\u{303}O" to="Ȭ"/> <!-- ̄̃O → Ȭ --> <transform from="\u{304}\u{307}o" to="ȱ"/> <!-- ̄̇o → ȱ --> <transform from="\u{304}\u{307}O" to="È°"/> <!-- ̄̇O → È° --> <transform from="\u{304}\u{328}o" to="Ç"/> <!-- ̨̄o → Ç --> <transform from="\u{304}\u{328}O" to="Ǭ"/> <!-- ̨̄O → Ǭ --> <transform from="\u{323}o" to="á»"/> <!-- Ì£o → á» --> <transform from="\u{323}O" to="Ọ"/> <!-- Ì£O → Ọ --> <transform from="\u{323}\u{302}o" to="á»™"/> <!-- ̣̂o → á»™ --> <transform from="\u{323}\u{302}O" to="Ộ"/> <!-- ̣̂O → Ộ --> <transform from="\u{301}p" to="ṕ"/> <!-- Ìp → ṕ --> <transform from="\u{301}P" to="á¹”"/> <!-- ÌP → á¹” --> <transform from="\u{307}p" to="á¹—"/> <!-- ̇p → á¹— --> <transform from="\u{307}P" to="á¹–"/> <!-- ̇P → á¹– --> <transform from="\u{301}r" to="Å•"/> <!-- Ìr → Å• --> <transform from="\u{301}R" to="Å”"/> <!-- ÌR → Å” --> <transform from="\u{30C}r" to="Å™"/> <!-- ÌŒr → Å™ --> <transform from="\u{30C}R" to="Ř"/> <!-- ÌŒR → Ř --> <transform from="\u{307}r" to="á¹™"/> <!-- ̇r → á¹™ --> <transform from="\u{307}R" to="Ṙ"/> <!-- ̇R → Ṙ --> <transform from="\u{327}r" to="Å—"/> <!-- ̧r → Å— --> <transform from="\u{327}R" to="Å–"/> <!-- ̧R → Å– --> <transform from="\u{304}\u{323}r" to="á¹"/> <!-- Ì„Ì£r → á¹ --> <transform from="\u{304}\u{323}R" to="Ṝ"/> <!-- Ì„Ì£R → Ṝ --> <transform from="\u{323}r" to="á¹›"/> <!-- Ì£r → á¹› --> <transform from="\u{323}R" to="Ṛ"/> <!-- Ì£R → Ṛ --> <transform from="\u{323}\u{304}r" to="á¹"/> <!-- ̣̄r → á¹ --> <transform from="\u{323}\u{304}R" to="Ṝ"/> <!-- ̣̄R → Ṝ --> <transform from="\u{301}s" to="Å›"/> <!-- Ìs → Å› --> <transform from="\u{301}S" to="Åš"/> <!-- ÌS → Åš --> <transform from="\u{301}\u{307}s" to="á¹¥"/> <!-- Ì̇s → á¹¥ --> <transform from="\u{301}\u{307}S" to="Ṥ"/> <!-- Ì̇S → Ṥ --> <transform from="\u{302}s" to="Å"/> <!-- Ì‚s → Å --> <transform from="\u{302}S" to="Åœ"/> <!-- Ì‚S → Åœ --> <transform from="\u{30C}s" to="Å¡"/> <!-- ÌŒs → Å¡ --> <transform from="\u{30C}S" to="Å "/> <!-- ÌŒS → Å --> <transform from="\u{30C}\u{307}s" to="ṧ"/> <!-- ̌̇s → ṧ --> <transform from="\u{30C}\u{307}S" to="Ṧ"/> <!-- ̌̇S → Ṧ --> <transform from="\u{307}s" to="ṡ"/> <!-- ̇s → ṡ --> <transform from="\u{307}S" to="á¹ "/> <!-- ̇S → á¹ --> <transform from="\u{307}\u{301}s" to="á¹¥"/> <!-- ̇Ìs → á¹¥ --> <transform from="\u{307}\u{301}S" to="Ṥ"/> <!-- ̇ÌS → Ṥ --> <transform from="\u{307}\u{30C}s" to="ṧ"/> <!-- ̇̌s → ṧ --> <transform from="\u{307}\u{30C}S" to="Ṧ"/> <!-- ̇̌S → Ṧ --> <transform from="\u{307}\u{323}s" to="ṩ"/> <!-- ̣̇s → ṩ --> <transform from="\u{307}\u{323}S" to="Ṩ"/> <!-- ̣̇S → Ṩ --> <transform from="\u{327}s" to="ÅŸ"/> <!-- ̧s → ÅŸ --> <transform from="\u{327}S" to="Åž"/> <!-- ̧S → Åž --> <transform from="\u{323}s" to="á¹£"/> <!-- Ì£s → á¹£ --> <transform from="\u{323}S" to="á¹¢"/> <!-- Ì£S → á¹¢ --> <transform from="\u{323}\u{307}s" to="ṩ"/> <!-- ̣̇s → ṩ --> <transform from="\u{323}\u{307}S" to="Ṩ"/> <!-- ̣̇S → Ṩ --> <transform from="\u{30C}t" to="Å¥"/> <!-- ÌŒt → Å¥ --> <transform from="\u{30C}T" to="Ť"/> <!-- ÌŒT → Ť --> <transform from="\u{308}t" to="ẗ"/> <!-- ̈t → ẗ --> <transform from="\u{307}t" to="ṫ"/> <!-- ̇t → ṫ --> <transform from="\u{307}T" to="Ṫ"/> <!-- ̇T → Ṫ --> 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Ŭ --> <transform from="\u{302}u" to="û"/> <!-- Ì‚u → û --> <transform from="\u{302}U" to="Û"/> <!-- Ì‚U → Û --> <transform from="\u{30C}u" to="Ç”"/> <!-- ÌŒu → Ç” --> <transform from="\u{30C}U" to="Ç“"/> <!-- ÌŒU → Ç“ --> <transform from="\u{30C}ü" to="Çš"/> <!-- ̌ü → Çš --> <transform from="\u{30C}\u{308}u" to="Çš"/> <!-- ̌̈u → Çš --> <transform from="\u{30C}\u{308}U" to="Ç™"/> <!-- ̌̈U → Ç™ --> <transform from="\u{30A}u" to="ů"/> <!-- ÌŠu → ů --> <transform from="\u{30A}U" to="Å®"/> <!-- ÌŠU → Å® --> <transform from="\u{308}u" to="ü"/> <!-- ̈u → ü --> <transform from="\u{308}U" to="Ãœ"/> <!-- ̈U → Ãœ --> <transform from="\u{308}\u{301}u" to="ǘ"/> <!-- ̈Ìu → ǘ --> <transform from="\u{308}\u{301}U" to="Ç—"/> <!-- ̈ÌU → Ç— --> <transform from="\u{308}\u{300}u" to="Çœ"/> <!-- ̈̀u → Çœ --> <transform from="\u{308}\u{300}U" to="Ç›"/> <!-- ̈̀U → Ç› --> <transform from="\u{308}\u{30C}u" to="Çš"/> <!-- ̈̌u → Çš --> <transform from="\u{308}\u{30C}U" to="Ç™"/> <!-- ̈̌U → Ç™ --> <transform from="\u{308}\u{304}u" to="á¹»"/> <!-- ̈̄u → á¹» --> <transform from="\u{308}\u{304}U" to="Ṻ"/> <!-- ̈̄U → Ṻ --> <transform from="\u{30B}u" to="ű"/> <!-- Ì‹u → ű --> <transform from="\u{30B}U" to="Å°"/> <!-- Ì‹U → Å° --> <transform from="\u{303}u" to="Å©"/> <!-- ̃u → Å© --> <transform from="\u{303}U" to="Ũ"/> <!-- ̃U → Ũ --> <transform from="\u{303}\u{301}u" to="á¹¹"/> <!-- ̃Ìu → á¹¹ --> <transform from="\u{303}\u{301}U" to="Ṹ"/> <!-- ̃ÌU → Ṹ --> <transform from="\u{328}u" to="ų"/> <!-- ̨u → ų --> <transform from="\u{328}U" to="Ų"/> <!-- ̨U → Ų --> <transform from="\u{304}u" to="Å«"/> <!-- Ì„u → Å« --> <transform from="\u{304}U" to="Ū"/> <!-- Ì„U → Ū --> <transform from="\u{304}ü" to="Ç–"/> <!-- ̄ü → Ç– --> <transform from="\u{304}\u{308}u" to="Ç–"/> <!-- ̄̈u → Ç– --> <transform from="\u{304}\u{308}U" to="Ç•"/> <!-- ̄̈U → Ç• --> <transform from="\u{323}u" to="ụ"/> <!-- Ì£u → ụ --> <transform from="\u{323}U" to="Ụ"/> <!-- Ì£U → Ụ --> <transform from="\u{301}v" to="ǘ"/> <!-- Ìv → ǘ --> 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