package org.unicode.cldr.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.unicode.cldr.util.CldrUtility.VariableReplacer; import org.unicode.cldr.util.RegexFileParser.RegexLineParser; import org.unicode.cldr.util.RegexFileParser.VariableProcessor; import org.unicode.cldr.util.RegexLookup.Finder; import org.unicode.cldr.util.RegexLookup.Finder.Info; import; import; /** * Lookup items according to a set of regex patterns. Returns the value according to the first pattern that matches. Not * thread-safe. * * @param */ public class RegexLookup implements Iterable> { private VariableReplacer variables = new VariableReplacer(); private StorageInterfaceBase storage; // private StarPatternMap SPEntries; // private RegexTree RTEntries; private Map MEntries; private Transform patternTransform = RegexFinderTransform; private Transform valueTransform; private Merger valueMerger; private final boolean allowNull = false; private static PathStarrer pathStarrer = new PathStarrer().setSubstitutionPattern("*"); public enum LookupType { STAR_PATTERN_LOOKUP, OPTIMIZED_DIRECTORY_PATTERN_LOOKUP, STANDARD }; private LookupType _lookupType; /* * STAR_PATTERN_LOOKUP * * When true, RegexLookup can match regex's even faster than the OPTIMIZED_DIRECTORY_PATTERN_LOOKUP below. * It requires some additional structure, such that the only regular expression constructs such as (a|b) occur * in attributes, so that the star pattern for a given path can match the star pattern of a given regular expression, * thus greatly reducing the number of actual regex matches that need to occur. */ /* * OPTIMIZED_DIRECTORY_PATTERN_LOOKUP * * When true, RegexLookup can match regex's in O(log(n)) time, where n is the number of regex's stored. * This is provided that all regex patterns follow a directory based format and all directories are separated by a forward slash '/' * for example: ^//ldml/dates/calendars/calendar[@type="([^"']++)"]/alias[@source="locale"][@path="../calendar[@type='([^"']++)']"] * * When false, RegexLookup will match regex's in O(n) time, where n is the number of regex's stored. * However regex's no longer need to follow any specific format (Slower but more versatile). */ public RegexLookup(LookupType type) { _lookupType = type; switch (type) { case STAR_PATTERN_LOOKUP: // SPEntries = new StarPatternMap(); storage = new StarPatternMap(); break; case OPTIMIZED_DIRECTORY_PATTERN_LOOKUP: // RTEntries = new RegexTree(); storage = new RegexTree(); break; default: MEntries = new LinkedHashMap(); break; } } public RegexLookup() { this(LookupType.OPTIMIZED_DIRECTORY_PATTERN_LOOKUP); // _lookupType = RegexLookup.LookupType.OPTIMIZED_DIRECTORY_PATTERN_LOOKUP; // RTEntries = new RegexTree(); } public abstract static class Finder { public static class Info { public String[] value; } // abstract public String[] getInfo(); // abstract public boolean find(String item, Object context); abstract public boolean find(String item, Object context, Info info); abstract public boolean matches(String item, Object context, Info info); public int getFailPoint(String source) { return -1; } // must also define toString } public static class RegexFinder extends Finder { /** * The matcher used by this RegexFinder */ private final Matcher matcher; /** * The Pattern used by this RegexFinder */ protected final Pattern pattern; public RegexFinder(String pattern) { this.pattern = Pattern.compile(pattern, Pattern.COMMENTS); matcher = this.pattern.matcher(""); } /** * Call Matches on the pattern, returning additional information in the Info field, * if it is non null */ public boolean matches(String item, Object context, Info info) { synchronized (matcher) { try { boolean result = matcher.reset(item).matches(); extractInfo(info, result); return result; } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // We don't know what causes this error (cldrbug 5051) so // make the exception message more detailed. throw new IllegalArgumentException("Matching error caused by pattern: [" + matcher.toString() + "] on text: [" + item + "]", e); } } } /** * Extract match related information into the info field, if result is true, and info * is not null. * @param info * @param result */ private void extractInfo(Info info, boolean result) { if (result && info != null) { int limit = matcher.groupCount() + 1; String[] value = new String[limit]; for (int i = 0; i < limit; ++i) { value[i] =; } info.value = value; } } /** * Call find() on the pattern, returning additional information in the info field, * if it is non-null */ public boolean find(String item, Object context, Info info) { synchronized (matcher) { try { boolean result = matcher.reset(item).find(); extractInfo(info, result); return result; } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // We don't know what causes this error (cldrbug 5051) so // make the exception message more detailed. throw new IllegalArgumentException("Matching error caused by pattern: [" + matcher.toString() + "] on text: [" + item + "]", e); } } } public String toString() { // Use pattern here, to avoid having to synchronize on matcher return pattern.pattern(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null) { return false; } else { return toString().equals(obj.toString()); } } @Override public int hashCode() { return toString().hashCode(); } @Override public int getFailPoint(String source) { synchronized (matcher) { return RegexUtilities.findMismatch(matcher, source); } } } private static interface StorageInterfaceBase { Set> entrySet(); T get(Finder finder); T get(String pattern, Object context, Output arguments, Output matcherFound); List getAll(String pattern, Object context, List matcherList, Output firstInfo); void put(Finder pattern, T value); int size(); } // private static class FinderWithInfo { // Finder _finder; // Info _info; // public FinderWithInfo(Finder finder,Info info) { // _info=info; // _finder=finder; // } // } private static class RegexTree implements StorageInterfaceBase { private RTNode root; private int _size; private RTNodeRankComparator rankComparator = new RTNodeRankComparator(); public RegexTree() { root = new RTNode("", null); _size = 0; } @Override public int size() { return _size; } @Override public void put(Finder pattern, T value) { root.put(new RTNode(pattern, value, _size)); _size++; } @Override public T get(Finder finder) { return root.get(finder); } @Override public List getAll(String pattern, Object context, List matcherList, Output firstInfo) { List list = new ArrayList(); List retList = new ArrayList(); root.addToList(pattern, context, list); Collections.sort(list, rankComparator); boolean isFirst = true; if (firstInfo != null && !list.isEmpty()) { RTNode firstNode = list.get(0); if (firstNode._info != null) { firstInfo.value = firstNode._info.value; } } for (RTNode n : list) { if (isFirst) { firstInfo.value = n._info.value; isFirst = false; } } for (RTNode n : list) { retList.add(n._val); if (matcherList != null) { matcherList.add(n._finder); } } return retList; } public T get(String pattern, Object context, Output arguments, Output matcherFound) { List matcherList = new ArrayList(); Output firstInfo = new Output<>(); List matches = getAll(pattern, context, matcherList, firstInfo); //need to get whole list because we want value that was entered first if (arguments != null) { // arguments.value = (matcherList.size() > 0) ? matcherList.get(0).getInfo() : null; arguments.value = firstInfo.value; // arguments.value = (matcherList.size() > 0) ? matcherList.get(0).getInfo() : null; arguments.value = firstInfo.value; } if (matcherFound != null) { matcherFound.value = (matcherList.size() > 0) ? matcherList.get(0) : null; } return (matches.size() > 0) ? matches.get(0) : null; } public Set> entrySet() { LinkedHashMap ret = new LinkedHashMap(); TreeSet s = new TreeSet(rankComparator); root.addToEntrySet(s); for (RTNode n : s) { ret.put(n._finder, n._val); } return ret.entrySet(); } public class RTNode extends NodeBase { // Finder _finder; // T _val; List _children = new ArrayList(); int _rank = -1; //rank -1 means the node was not inserted, but only used for structural purposes //constructor for regular nodes with a Finder public RTNode(Finder finder, T val, int rank) { super(finder, val); // _finder = finder; // _val = val; _rank = rank; } //constructors for nodes without a Finder public RTNode(String key, T val) { super(new RegexFinder(key), val); // _finder = new RegexFinder(key); // _val = val; // _rank = -1; _info = new Info(); } public void put(RTNode node) { if (_children.size() == 0) { _children.add(node); } else { String maxSimilarChars = ""; //most similar characters up to the last similar directory int insertIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _children.size(); i++) { RTNode child = _children.get(i); String childFinderPattern = child._finder.toString(); if (childFinderPattern.length() > 0 && childFinderPattern.charAt(childFinderPattern.length() - 1) == '$') { childFinderPattern = childFinderPattern.substring(0, childFinderPattern.length() - 1); //takes into account the added "$" } else if (child._rank == -1) { childFinderPattern = childFinderPattern.substring(0, childFinderPattern.length() - 2); //takes into account the added ".*" } //check if child has the same Finder as node to insert, then replace it if (node._finder.equals(child._finder)) { child._finder = node._finder; child._val = node._val; if (child._rank == -1) { child._rank = node._rank; } else { _size--; } return; } //check if child is the parent of node if (child._rank == -1 && node._finder.toString().startsWith(childFinderPattern)) { child.put(node); return; } //if not parent then check if candidate for most similar RTNode String gcp = greatestCommonPrefix(childFinderPattern, node._finder.toString()); gcp = removeExtraChars(gcp); if (gcp.length() > maxSimilarChars.length()) { maxSimilarChars = gcp; insertIndex = i; } } String finderPattern = this._finder.toString(); if (finderPattern.length() > 0 && finderPattern.charAt(finderPattern.length() - 1) == '$') { finderPattern = finderPattern.substring(0, finderPattern.length() - 1); //takes into account the added "$" } else if (!(finderPattern.equals("")) && this._rank == -1) { finderPattern = finderPattern.substring(0, finderPattern.length() - 2); //takes into account the added ".*" } if ((maxSimilarChars).equals(finderPattern)) { //add under this if no similar children _children.add(node); } else { //create the common parent of the chosen candidate above and node, then add to the insert index RTNode newParent = new RTNode(maxSimilarChars + ".*", null); newParent._children.add(this._children.get(insertIndex)); newParent._children.add(node); this._children.remove(insertIndex); this._children.add(insertIndex, newParent); } } } //takes a string in a directory regex form and removes all characters up to the last full directory private String removeExtraChars(String input) { String ret = input.substring(0, Math.max(0, input.lastIndexOf('/'))); while ((ret.lastIndexOf('(') != -1 && ret.lastIndexOf('(') > ret.lastIndexOf(')')) || (ret.lastIndexOf('[') != -1 && ret.lastIndexOf('[') > ret.lastIndexOf(']')) || (ret.lastIndexOf('{') != -1 && ret.lastIndexOf('{') > ret.lastIndexOf('}'))) { ret = ret.substring(0, Math.max(0, ret.lastIndexOf('/'))); } return ret; } //traverse tree to get value public T get(Finder finder) { T ret = null; //return value if (_children.size() == 0) { return null; } else { for (RTNode child : _children) { //check if child is the node if (child._rank != -1 && finder.equals(child._finder)) { return child._val; } String childFinderPattern = child._finder.toString(); if (childFinderPattern.length() > 0 && childFinderPattern.charAt(childFinderPattern.length() - 1) == '$') { childFinderPattern = childFinderPattern.substring(0, childFinderPattern.length() - 1); //takes into account the added "$" } else if (child._rank == -1) { childFinderPattern = childFinderPattern.substring(0, childFinderPattern.length() - 2); //takes into account the added ".*" } //check if child is the parent of node if (finder.toString().startsWith(childFinderPattern)) { ret = child.get(finder); if (ret != null) { break; } } } return ret; } } //traverse tree to get an entry set public void addToEntrySet(TreeSet s) { if (_children.size() == 0) { return; } else { for (RTNode child : _children) { if (child._rank != -1) { s.add(child); } child.addToEntrySet(s); } } } //traverse tree to get list of all values who's key matcher matches pattern public void addToList(String pattern, Object context, List list) { if (_children.size() == 0) { return; } else { Info firstInfo = new Info(); for (RTNode child : _children) { boolean found; synchronized (child._finder) { found = child._finder.find(pattern, context, firstInfo); } //check if child matches pattern if (found) { if (child._rank != -1) { list.add(child); } // if this node's info value is unset, set it to the result of the // lookup // if (child._info!=null && child._info.value==null) { if (child._info != null) { // set the value to the result of the last find child._info.value = firstInfo.value; } else { // for some reason, child._info is null, so simply initialize it. child._info = new Info(); // set the value to the result of the last find child._info.value = firstInfo.value; } //check if child is the parent of node then enter that node child.addToList(pattern, context, list); } } } } public String toString() { return toString("", new StringBuilder()).toString(); } private StringBuilder toString(String prefix, StringBuilder result) { result.append(prefix).append(this._finder.toString()).append("\n"); for (RegexTree.RTNode child : _children) { child.toString(prefix + "\t", result); } return result; } //greatest common prefix between two strings public String greatestCommonPrefix(String a, String b) { int minLength = Math.min(a.length(), b.length()); for (int i = 0; i < minLength; i++) { if (a.charAt(i) != b.charAt(i)) { return a.substring(0, i); } } return a.substring(0, minLength); } } class RTNodeRankComparator implements Comparator { public int compare(RTNode a, RTNode b) { if (a == b) { return 0; } else if (a == null) { return -1; } else if (b == null) { return 1; } else if (a._rank == b._rank) { return 0; } else if (a._rank > b._rank) { return 1; } else { return -1; } } } public String toString() { return root.toString(); } } private static class StarPatternMap implements StorageInterfaceBase { private Map> _spmap; private int _size = 0; public StarPatternMap() { _spmap = new HashMap>(); // _size = 0; } public int size() { return _size; } public void put(Finder pattern, T value) { //System.out.println("pattern.toString() is => "+pattern.toString()); String starPattern = pathStarrer.transform2(pattern.toString().replaceAll("\\(\\[\\^\"\\]\\*\\)", "*")); //System.out.println("Putting => "+starPattern); List candidates = _spmap.get(starPattern); if (candidates == null) { candidates = new ArrayList(); } SPNode newNode = new SPNode(pattern, value); candidates.add(newNode); _spmap.put(starPattern, candidates); _size++; } public T get(Finder finder) { String starPattern = pathStarrer.transform2(finder.toString()); List candidates = _spmap.get(starPattern); if (candidates == null) { return null; } for (SPNode cand : candidates) { if (cand._finder.equals(finder)) { return cand._val; } } return null; } public List getAll(String pattern, Object context, List matcherList, Output firstInfo) { List list = new ArrayList(); List retList = new ArrayList(); String starPattern = pathStarrer.transform2(pattern); List candidates = _spmap.get(starPattern); if (candidates == null) { return retList; } for (SPNode cand : candidates) { Info info = new Info(); if (cand._finder.find(pattern, context, info)) { list.add(cand); if (firstInfo != null) { firstInfo.value = info.value; } } } for (SPNode n : list) { retList.add(n._val); if (matcherList != null) { matcherList.add(n._finder); } } return retList; } public T get(String pattern, Object context, Output arguments, Output matcherFound) { List matcherList = new ArrayList(); Output firstInfo = new Output<>(); List matches = getAll(pattern, context, matcherList, firstInfo); //need to get whole list because we want value that was entered first if (arguments != null && firstInfo.value != null) { // arguments.value = (matcherList.size() > 0) ? matcherList.get(0).getInfo() : null; arguments.value = matcherList.isEmpty() ? null : firstInfo.value; } if (matcherFound != null) { matcherFound.value = (matcherList.size() > 0) ? matcherList.get(0) : null; } return (matches.size() > 0) ? matches.get(0) : null; } public Set> entrySet() { LinkedHashMap ret = new LinkedHashMap(); for (Entry> entry : _spmap.entrySet()) { List candidates = entry.getValue(); for (SPNode node : candidates) { ret.put(node._finder, node._val); } } return ret.entrySet(); } /** * A Node of a StarPatternMap * @author ribnitz * */ public class SPNode extends NodeBase { // Finder _finder; // T _val; public SPNode(Finder finder, T val) { // _finder = finder; // _val = val; super(finder, val); } public String toString() { return this._finder.toString(); } } } /** * The basic class of an information node, featuring a Finder, a value and an Info * * @author ribnitz * * @param */ private static class NodeBase { Finder _finder; T _val; Info _info = new Info(); public NodeBase(Finder finder, T value) { this._finder = finder; this._val = value; } } public static Transform RegexFinderTransform = new Transform() { public RegexFinder transform(String source) { return new RegexFinder(source); } }; /** * The same as a RegexFinderTransform, except that [@ is changed to \[@, and ^ is added before //. To work better * with XPaths. */ public static Transform RegexFinderTransformPath = new Transform() { public RegexFinder transform(String source) { final String newSource = source.replace("[@", "\\[@"); return new RegexFinder(newSource.startsWith("//") ? "^" + newSource : newSource); } }; /** * The same as a RegexFinderTransform, except that [@ is changed to \[@, and ^ is added before //, and ' is changed to ". * To work better with XPaths. */ public static Transform RegexFinderTransformPath2 = new Transform() { public RegexFinder transform(String source) { final String newSource = source.replace("[@", "\\[@").replace('\'', '"'); return new RegexFinder(newSource.startsWith("//") ? "^" + newSource : newSource); } }; /** * Allows for merging items of the same type. * * @param */ public interface Merger { T merge(T a, T into); } /** * Returns the result of a regex lookup. * * @param source * @return */ public final T get(String source) { return get(source, null, null, null, null); } /** * Returns the result of a regex lookup, with the group arguments that matched. * * @param source * @param context * TODO * @return */ public T get(String source, Object context, Output arguments) { return get(source, context, arguments, null, null); } /** * Returns the result of a regex lookup, with the group arguments that matched. Supplies failure cases for * debugging. * * @param source * @param context * @return */ public T get(String source, Object context, Output arguments, Output matcherFound, List failures) { if (_lookupType == RegexLookup.LookupType.STAR_PATTERN_LOOKUP) { // T ret = SPEntries.get(source, context, arguments, matcherFound); T ret = storage.get(source, context, arguments, matcherFound); if (ret != null) { return ret; } if (failures != null) { for (Map.Entry entry : storage.entrySet()) { // for (Map.Entry entry : SPEntries.entrySet()) { Finder matcher = entry.getKey(); synchronized (matcher) { int failPoint = matcher.getFailPoint(source); String show = source.substring(0, failPoint) + "☹" + source.substring(failPoint) + "\t" + matcher.toString(); failures.add(show); } } } } else if (_lookupType == RegexLookup.LookupType.OPTIMIZED_DIRECTORY_PATTERN_LOOKUP) { // T ret = RTEntries.get(source, context, arguments, matcherFound); T ret = storage.get(source, context, arguments, matcherFound); if (ret != null) { return ret; } if (failures != null) { for (Map.Entry entry : storage.entrySet()) { // for (Map.Entry entry : RTEntries.entrySet()) { Finder matcher = entry.getKey(); synchronized (matcher) { int failPoint = matcher.getFailPoint(source); String show = source.substring(0, failPoint) + "☹" + source.substring(failPoint) + "\t" + matcher.toString(); failures.add(show); } } } } else { //slow but versatile implementation for (Map.Entry entry : MEntries.entrySet()) { Finder matcher = entry.getKey(); synchronized (matcher) { Info firstInfo = new Info(); if (matcher.find(source, context, firstInfo)) { if (arguments != null) { // arguments.value = matcher.getInfo(); arguments.value = firstInfo.value; } if (matcherFound != null) { matcherFound.value = matcher; } return entry.getValue(); } else if (failures != null) { int failPoint = matcher.getFailPoint(source); String show = source.substring(0, failPoint) + "☹" + source.substring(failPoint) + "\t" + matcher.toString(); failures.add(show); } } } } // not really necessary, but makes debugging easier. if (arguments != null) { arguments.value = null; } if (matcherFound != null) { matcherFound.value = null; } return null; } /** * Returns all results of a regex lookup, with the group arguments that matched. Supplies failure cases for * debugging. * * @param source * @param context * TODO * @return */ public List getAll(String source, Object context, List matcherList, List failures) { if (_lookupType == RegexLookup.LookupType.STAR_PATTERN_LOOKUP) { Output firstInfo = new Output<>(); // List matches = SPEntries.getAll(source, context, matcherList,firstInfo); List matches = storage.getAll(source, context, matcherList, firstInfo); if (matches != null) { return matches; } if (failures != null) { for (Map.Entry entry : storage.entrySet()) { // for (Map.Entry entry : SPEntries.entrySet()) { Finder matcher = entry.getKey(); synchronized (matcher) { int failPoint = matcher.getFailPoint(source); String show = source.substring(0, failPoint) + "☹" + source.substring(failPoint) + "\t" + matcher.toString(); failures.add(show); } } } return null; } else if (_lookupType == RegexLookup.LookupType.OPTIMIZED_DIRECTORY_PATTERN_LOOKUP) { Output info = new Output<>(); // List matches = RTEntries.getAll(source, context, matcherList,info); List matches = storage.getAll(source, context, matcherList, info); if (matches != null) { return matches; } if (failures != null) { for (Map.Entry entry : storage.entrySet()) { // for (Map.Entry entry : RTEntries.entrySet()) { Finder matcher = entry.getKey(); synchronized (matcher) { int failPoint = matcher.getFailPoint(source); String show = source.substring(0, failPoint) + "☹" + source.substring(failPoint) + "\t" + matcher.toString(); failures.add(show); } } } return null; } else { //slow but versatile implementation List matches = new ArrayList(); for (Map.Entry entry : MEntries.entrySet()) { Finder matcher = entry.getKey(); Info firstInfo = new Info(); if (matcher.find(source, context, firstInfo)) { if (matcherList != null) { matcherList.add(matcher); } matches.add(entry.getValue()); } else if (failures != null) { int failPoint = matcher.getFailPoint(source); String show = source.substring(0, failPoint) + "☹" + source.substring(failPoint) + "\t" + matcher.toString(); failures.add(show); } } return matches; } } /** * Find the patterns that haven't been matched. Requires the caller to collect the patterns that have, using * matcherFound. * * @return outputUnmatched */ public Map getUnmatchedPatterns(Set matched, Map outputUnmatched) { outputUnmatched.clear(); Set> entrySet; switch (_lookupType) { case STAR_PATTERN_LOOKUP: // entrySet = SPEntries.entrySet(); entrySet = storage.entrySet(); break; case OPTIMIZED_DIRECTORY_PATTERN_LOOKUP: // entrySet = RTEntries.entrySet(); entrySet = storage.entrySet(); break; default: entrySet = MEntries.entrySet(); break; } for (Map.Entry entry : entrySet) { String pattern = entry.getKey().toString(); if (!matched.contains(pattern)) { outputUnmatched.put(pattern, entry.getValue()); } } return outputUnmatched; } /** * Create a RegexLookup. It will take a list of key/value pairs, where the key is a regex pattern and the value is * what gets returned. * * @param patternTransform * Used to transform string patterns into a Pattern. Can be used to process replacements (like * variables). * @param valueTransform * Used to transform string values into another form. * @param valueMerger * Used to merge values with the same key. */ public static RegexLookup of(Transform patternTransform, Transform valueTransform, Merger valueMerger) { return new RegexLookup().setPatternTransform(patternTransform).setValueTransform(valueTransform) .setValueMerger(valueMerger); } public static RegexLookup of(Transform valueTransform) { return new RegexLookup().setValueTransform(valueTransform).setPatternTransform(RegexFinderTransform); } public static RegexLookup of() { return new RegexLookup().setPatternTransform(RegexFinderTransform); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link #of(LookupType,Transform)} instead */ public static RegexLookup of(LookupType lookupType) { return of(lookupType, RegexFinderTransform); } public static RegexLookup of(LookupType lookupType, Transform transform) { return new RegexLookup(lookupType).setPatternTransform(transform); } public RegexLookup setValueTransform(Transform valueTransform) { this.valueTransform = valueTransform; return this; } public RegexLookup setPatternTransform(Transform patternTransform) { this.patternTransform = patternTransform != null ? patternTransform : RegexFinderTransform; return this; } public RegexLookup setValueMerger(Merger valueMerger) { this.valueMerger = valueMerger; return this; } /** * Load a RegexLookup from a file. Opens a file relative to the class, and adds lines separated by "; ". Lines * starting with # are comments. */ public RegexLookup loadFromFile(Class baseClass, String filename) { RegexFileParser parser = new RegexFileParser(); parser.setLineParser(new RegexLineParser() { @Override public void parse(String line) { int pos = line.indexOf("; "); if (pos < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal line, doesn't contain semicolon: " + line); } String source = line.substring(0, pos).trim(); String target = line.substring(pos + 2).trim(); try { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T result = valueTransform == null ? (T) target : valueTransform.transform(target); add(source, result); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to add <" + source + "> => <" + target + ">", e); } } }); parser.setVariableProcessor(new VariableProcessor() { @Override public void add(String variable, String variableName) { addVariable(variable, variableName); } @Override public String replace(String str) { return variables.replace(str); } }); parser.parse(baseClass, filename); return this; } public RegexLookup addVariable(String variable, String variableValue) { if (!variable.startsWith("%")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Variables must start with %"); } variables.add(variable.trim(), variableValue.trim()); return this; } /** * Add a pattern/value pair. * * @param stringPattern * @param target * @return this, for chaining */ public RegexLookup add(String stringPattern, T target) { if (stringPattern.contains("%")) { stringPattern = variables.replace(stringPattern); } Finder pattern0 = patternTransform.transform(stringPattern); return add(pattern0, target); } /** * Add a pattern/value pair. * * @param pattern * @param target * @return this, for chaining */ public RegexLookup add(Finder pattern, T target) { if (!allowNull && target == null) { throw new NullPointerException("null disallowed, unless allowNull(true) is called."); } T old; switch (_lookupType) { case STAR_PATTERN_LOOKUP: // fallthrough case OPTIMIZED_DIRECTORY_PATTERN_LOOKUP: old = storage.get(pattern); // old = SPEntries.get(pattern); break; // case OPTIMIZED_DIRECTORY_PATTERN_LOOKUP: // old = storage.get(pattern); // old = RTEntries.get(pattern); // break; default: old = MEntries.get(pattern); break; } if (old == null) { switch (_lookupType) { case STAR_PATTERN_LOOKUP: // fallthrough case OPTIMIZED_DIRECTORY_PATTERN_LOOKUP: storage.put(pattern, target); // SPEntries.put(pattern, target); break; // case OPTIMIZED_DIRECTORY_PATTERN_LOOKUP: // storage.put(pattern, target); // RTEntries.put(pattern, target); // break; default: MEntries.put(pattern, target); break; } } else if (valueMerger != null) { valueMerger.merge(target, old); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Duplicate matcher without Merger defined " + pattern + "; old: " + old + "; new: " + target); } return this; } @Override public Iterator> iterator() { switch (_lookupType) { case STAR_PATTERN_LOOKUP: // fall through case OPTIMIZED_DIRECTORY_PATTERN_LOOKUP: // return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(SPEntries.entrySet()).iterator(); return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(storage.entrySet()).iterator(); // case OPTIMIZED_DIRECTORY_PATTERN_LOOKUP: // return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(RTEntries.entrySet()).iterator(); // return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(storage.entrySet()).iterator(); default: return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(MEntries.entrySet()).iterator(); } } public static String replace(String lookup, String... arguments) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); int last = 0; while (true) { int pos = lookup.indexOf("$", last); if (pos < 0) { result.append(lookup.substring(last, lookup.length())); break; } result.append(lookup.substring(last, pos)); final int arg = lookup.charAt(pos + 1) - '0'; try { result.append(arguments[arg]); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Replacing $" + arg + " in <" + lookup + ">, but too few arguments supplied."); } last = pos + 2; } return result.toString(); } /** * @return the number of entries */ public int size() { switch (_lookupType) { case STAR_PATTERN_LOOKUP: // fall through case OPTIMIZED_DIRECTORY_PATTERN_LOOKUP: // return SPEntries.size(); return storage.size(); // case OPTIMIZED_DIRECTORY_PATTERN_LOOKUP: // return storage.size(); // return RTEntries.size(); default: return MEntries.size(); } } @Override public String toString() { return storage.toString(); } }