* Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.android.dx;
import static com.android.dx.util.TestUtil.DELTA_DOUBLE;
import static com.android.dx.util.TestUtil.DELTA_FLOAT;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotSame;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.junit.Assert.fail;
import static org.junit.Assume.assumeTrue;
import android.os.Build;
import androidx.test.InstrumentationRegistry;
import dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import static java.lang.reflect.Modifier.ABSTRACT;
import static java.lang.reflect.Modifier.FINAL;
import static java.lang.reflect.Modifier.NATIVE;
import static java.lang.reflect.Modifier.PRIVATE;
import static java.lang.reflect.Modifier.PROTECTED;
import static java.lang.reflect.Modifier.PUBLIC;
import static java.lang.reflect.Modifier.STATIC;
import static java.lang.reflect.Modifier.SYNCHRONIZED;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FilenameFilter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
* This generates a class named 'Generated' with one or more generated methods
* and fields. In loads the generated class into the current VM and uses
* reflection to invoke its methods.
This test must run on a Dalvik VM.
public final class DexMakerTest {
private DexMaker dexMaker;
private static TypeId TEST_TYPE = TypeId.get(DexMakerTest.class);
private static TypeId> INT_ARRAY = TypeId.get(int[].class);
private static TypeId BOOLEAN_ARRAY = TypeId.get(boolean[].class);
private static TypeId LONG_ARRAY = TypeId.get(long[].class);
private static TypeId OBJECT_ARRAY = TypeId.get(Object[].class);
private static TypeId LONG_2D_ARRAY = TypeId.get(long[][].class);
private static TypeId> GENERATED = TypeId.get("LGenerated;");
private static TypeId CALLABLE = TypeId.get(Callable.class);
private static MethodId CALL = CALLABLE.getMethod(TypeId.OBJECT, "call");
public void setup() {
* The generator is mutable. Calling reset creates a new empty generator.
* This is necessary to generate multiple classes in the same test method.
private void reset() {
dexMaker = new DexMaker();
dexMaker.declare(GENERATED, "Generated.java", PUBLIC, TypeId.OBJECT);
private void clearDataDirectory() {
for (File f : getDataDirectory().listFiles()) {
if (f.getName().endsWith(".jar") || f.getName().endsWith(".dex")) {
public void testNewInstance() throws Exception {
* public static Constructable call(long a, boolean b) {
* Constructable result = new Constructable(a, b);
* return result;
* }
TypeId constructable = TypeId.get(Constructable.class);
MethodId, Constructable> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(
constructable, "call", TypeId.LONG, TypeId.BOOLEAN);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC | STATIC);
Local localA = code.getParameter(0, TypeId.LONG);
Local localB = code.getParameter(1, TypeId.BOOLEAN);
MethodId constructor
= constructable.getConstructor(TypeId.LONG, TypeId.BOOLEAN);
Local localResult = code.newLocal(constructable);
code.newInstance(localResult, constructor, localA, localB);
Constructable constructed = (Constructable) getMethod().invoke(null, 5L, false);
assertEquals(5L, constructed.a);
assertEquals(false, constructed.b);
public static class Constructable {
private final long a;
private final boolean b;
public Constructable(long a, boolean b) {
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
public void testVoidNoArgMemberMethod() throws Exception {
* public void call() {
* }
MethodId, Void> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(TypeId.VOID, "call");
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC);
Class> generatedClass = generateAndLoad();
Object instance = generatedClass.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
Method method = generatedClass.getMethod("call");
public void testInvokeStatic() throws Exception {
* public static int call(int a) {
* int result = DexMakerTest.staticMethod(a);
* return result;
* }
MethodId, Integer> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(TypeId.INT, "call", TypeId.INT);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC | STATIC);
Local localA = code.getParameter(0, TypeId.INT);
Local localResult = code.newLocal(TypeId.INT);
MethodId, Integer> staticMethod
= TEST_TYPE.getMethod(TypeId.INT, "staticMethod", TypeId.INT);
code.invokeStatic(staticMethod, localResult, localA);
assertEquals(10, getMethod().invoke(null, 4));
public void testCreateLocalMethodAsNull() throws Exception {
* public void call(int value) {
* Method method = null;
* }
MethodId, Void> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(TypeId.VOID, "call", TypeId.INT);
TypeId methodType = TypeId.get(Method.class);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC);
Local localMethod = code.newLocal(methodType);
code.loadConstant(localMethod, null);
Class> generatedClass = generateAndLoad();
Object instance = generatedClass.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
Method method = generatedClass.getMethod("call", int.class);
method.invoke(instance, 0);
@SuppressWarnings("unused") // called by generated code
public static int staticMethod(int a) {
return a + 6;
public void testInvokeVirtual() throws Exception {
* public static int call(DexMakerTest test, int a) {
* int result = test.virtualMethod(a);
* return result;
* }
MethodId, Integer> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(TypeId.INT, "call", TEST_TYPE, TypeId.INT);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC | STATIC);
Local localInstance = code.getParameter(0, TEST_TYPE);
Local localA = code.getParameter(1, TypeId.INT);
Local localResult = code.newLocal(TypeId.INT);
MethodId virtualMethod
= TEST_TYPE.getMethod(TypeId.INT, "virtualMethod", TypeId.INT);
code.invokeVirtual(virtualMethod, localResult, localInstance, localA);
assertEquals(9, getMethod().invoke(null, this, 4));
@SuppressWarnings("unused") // called by generated code
public int virtualMethod(int a) {
return a + 5;
public void testInvokeDirect() throws Exception {
* private int directMethod() {
* int a = 5;
* return a;
* }
* public static int call(Generated g) {
* int b = g.directMethod();
* return b;
* }
TypeId generated = TypeId.get("LGenerated;");
MethodId directMethodId = generated.getMethod(TypeId.INT, "directMethod");
Code directCode = dexMaker.declare(directMethodId, PRIVATE);
directCode.getThis(generated); // 'this' is unused
Local localA = directCode.newLocal(TypeId.INT);
directCode.loadConstant(localA, 5);
MethodId methodId = generated.getMethod(TypeId.INT, "call", generated);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC | STATIC);
Local localB = code.newLocal(TypeId.INT);
Local localG = code.getParameter(0, generated);
code.invokeDirect(directMethodId, localB, localG);
Class> generatedClass = generateAndLoad();
Object instance = generatedClass.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
Method method = generatedClass.getMethod("call", generatedClass);
assertEquals(5, method.invoke(null, instance));
public void testInvokeSuper() throws Exception {
* public int superHashCode() {
* int result = super.hashCode();
* return result;
* }
* public int hashCode() {
* return 0;
* }
TypeId generated = TypeId.get("LGenerated;");
MethodId objectHashCode = TypeId.OBJECT.getMethod(TypeId.INT, "hashCode");
Code superHashCode = dexMaker.declare(
GENERATED.getMethod(TypeId.INT, "superHashCode"), PUBLIC);
Local localResult = superHashCode.newLocal(TypeId.INT);
Local localThis = superHashCode.getThis(generated);
superHashCode.invokeSuper(objectHashCode, localResult, localThis);
Code generatedHashCode = dexMaker.declare(
GENERATED.getMethod(TypeId.INT, "hashCode"), PUBLIC);
Local localZero = generatedHashCode.newLocal(TypeId.INT);
generatedHashCode.loadConstant(localZero, 0);
Class> generatedClass = generateAndLoad();
Object instance = generatedClass.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
Method method = generatedClass.getMethod("superHashCode");
assertEquals(System.identityHashCode(instance), method.invoke(instance));
public void testInvokeInterface() throws Exception {
* public static Object call(Callable c) {
* Object result = c.call();
* return result;
* }
MethodId, Object> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(TypeId.OBJECT, "call", CALLABLE);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC | STATIC);
Local localC = code.getParameter(0, CALLABLE);
Local localResult = code.newLocal(TypeId.OBJECT);
code.invokeInterface(CALL, localResult, localC);
Callable callable = new Callable() {
public Object call() throws Exception {
return "abc";
assertEquals("abc", getMethod().invoke(null, callable));
public void testInvokeVoidMethodIgnoresTargetLocal() throws Exception {
* public static int call() {
* int result = 5;
* DexMakerTest.voidMethod();
* return result;
* }
MethodId, Integer> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(TypeId.INT, "call");
MethodId, Void> voidMethod = TEST_TYPE.getMethod(TypeId.VOID, "voidMethod");
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC | STATIC);
Local result = code.newLocal(TypeId.INT);
code.loadConstant(result, 5);
code.invokeStatic(voidMethod, null);
assertEquals(5, getMethod().invoke(null));
@SuppressWarnings("unused") // called by generated code
public static void voidMethod() {}
public void testParameterMismatch() throws Exception {
TypeId>[] argTypes = {
TypeId.get(Integer.class), // should fail because the code specifies int
MethodId, Integer> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(TypeId.INT, "call", argTypes);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC | STATIC);
try {
code.getParameter(0, TypeId.INT);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
try {
code.getParameter(2, TypeId.INT);
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
public void testInvokeTypeSafety() throws Exception {
* public static boolean call(DexMakerTest test) {
* CharSequence cs = test.toString();
* boolean result = cs.equals(test);
* return result;
* }
MethodId, Boolean> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(TypeId.BOOLEAN, "call", TEST_TYPE);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC | STATIC);
Local localTest = code.getParameter(0, TEST_TYPE);
TypeId charSequenceType = TypeId.get(CharSequence.class);
MethodId objectToString
= TypeId.OBJECT.getMethod(TypeId.STRING, "toString");
MethodId objectEquals
= TypeId.OBJECT.getMethod(TypeId.BOOLEAN, "equals", TypeId.OBJECT);
Local localCs = code.newLocal(charSequenceType);
Local localResult = code.newLocal(TypeId.BOOLEAN);
code.invokeVirtual(objectToString, localCs, localTest);
code.invokeVirtual(objectEquals, localResult, localCs, localTest);
assertEquals(false, getMethod().invoke(null, this));
public void testReturnTypeMismatch() {
MethodId, String> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(TypeId.STRING, "call");
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC | STATIC);
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
public void testDeclareStaticFields() throws Exception {
* class Generated {
* public static int a;
* protected static Object b;
* }
dexMaker.declare(GENERATED.getField(TypeId.INT, "a"), PUBLIC | STATIC, 3);
dexMaker.declare(GENERATED.getField(TypeId.OBJECT, "b"), PROTECTED | STATIC, null);
Class> generatedClass = generateAndLoad();
Field a = generatedClass.getField("a");
assertEquals(int.class, a.getType());
assertEquals(3, a.get(null));
Field b = generatedClass.getDeclaredField("b");
assertEquals(Object.class, b.getType());
assertEquals(null, b.get(null));
public void testDeclareInstanceFields() throws Exception {
* class Generated {
* public int a;
* protected Object b;
* }
dexMaker.declare(GENERATED.getField(TypeId.INT, "a"), PUBLIC, null);
dexMaker.declare(GENERATED.getField(TypeId.OBJECT, "b"), PROTECTED, null);
Class> generatedClass = generateAndLoad();
Object instance = generatedClass.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
Field a = generatedClass.getField("a");
assertEquals(int.class, a.getType());
assertEquals(0, a.get(instance));
Field b = generatedClass.getDeclaredField("b");
assertEquals(Object.class, b.getType());
assertEquals(null, b.get(instance));
* Declare a constructor that takes an int parameter and assigns it to a
* field.
public void testDeclareConstructor() throws Exception {
* class Generated {
* public final int a;
* public Generated(int a) {
* this.a = a;
* }
* }
TypeId generated = TypeId.get("LGenerated;");
FieldId fieldId = generated.getField(TypeId.INT, "a");
dexMaker.declare(fieldId, PUBLIC | FINAL, null);
MethodId, Void> constructor = GENERATED.getConstructor(TypeId.INT);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(constructor, PUBLIC);
Local thisRef = code.getThis(generated);
Local parameter = code.getParameter(0, TypeId.INT);
code.invokeDirect(TypeId.OBJECT.getConstructor(), null, thisRef);
code.iput(fieldId, thisRef, parameter);
Class> generatedClass = generateAndLoad();
Field a = generatedClass.getField("a");
Object instance = generatedClass.getConstructor(int.class).newInstance(0xabcd);
assertEquals(0xabcd, a.get(instance));
public void testReturnType() throws Exception {
testReturnType(boolean.class, true);
testReturnType(byte.class, (byte) 5);
testReturnType(char.class, 'E');
testReturnType(double.class, 5.0);
testReturnType(float.class, 5.0f);
testReturnType(int.class, 5);
testReturnType(long.class, 5L);
testReturnType(short.class, (short) 5);
testReturnType(void.class, null);
testReturnType(String.class, "foo");
testReturnType(Class.class, List.class);
private void testReturnType(Class javaType, T value) throws Exception {
* public int call() {
* int a = 5;
* return a;
* }
TypeId returnType = TypeId.get(javaType);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(GENERATED.getMethod(returnType, "call"), PUBLIC | STATIC);
if (value != null) {
Local i = code.newLocal(returnType);
code.loadConstant(i, value);
} else {
Class> generatedClass = generateAndLoad();
Method method = generatedClass.getMethod("call");
assertEquals(javaType, method.getReturnType());
assertEquals(value, method.invoke(null));
public void testBranching() throws Exception {
Method lt = branchingMethod(Comparison.LT);
assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, lt.invoke(null, 1, 2));
assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, lt.invoke(null, 1, 1));
assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, lt.invoke(null, 2, 1));
Method le = branchingMethod(Comparison.LE);
assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, le.invoke(null, 1, 2));
assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, le.invoke(null, 1, 1));
assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, le.invoke(null, 2, 1));
Method eq = branchingMethod(Comparison.EQ);
assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, eq.invoke(null, 1, 2));
assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, eq.invoke(null, 1, 1));
assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, eq.invoke(null, 2, 1));
Method ge = branchingMethod(Comparison.GE);
assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, ge.invoke(null, 1, 2));
assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, ge.invoke(null, 1, 1));
assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, ge.invoke(null, 2, 1));
Method gt = branchingMethod(Comparison.GT);
assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, gt.invoke(null, 1, 2));
assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, gt.invoke(null, 1, 1));
assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, gt.invoke(null, 2, 1));
Method ne = branchingMethod(Comparison.NE);
assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, ne.invoke(null, 1, 2));
assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, ne.invoke(null, 1, 1));
assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, ne.invoke(null, 2, 1));
private Method branchingMethod(Comparison comparison) throws Exception {
* public static boolean call(int localA, int localB) {
* if (a comparison b) {
* return true;
* }
* return false;
* }
MethodId, Boolean> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(
TypeId.BOOLEAN, "call", TypeId.INT, TypeId.INT);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC | STATIC);
Local localA = code.getParameter(0, TypeId.INT);
Local localB = code.getParameter(1, TypeId.INT);
Local result = code.newLocal(TypeId.get(boolean.class));
Label afterIf = new Label();
Label ifBody = new Label();
code.compare(comparison, ifBody, localA, localB);
code.loadConstant(result, true);
code.loadConstant(result, false);
return getMethod();
public void testBranchingZ() throws Exception {
Method lt = branchingZMethod(Comparison.LT);
assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, lt.invoke(null, -1));
assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, lt.invoke(null, 0));
assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, lt.invoke(null, 1));
Method le = branchingZMethod(Comparison.LE);
assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, le.invoke(null, -1));
assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, le.invoke(null, 0));
assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, le.invoke(null, 1));
Method eq = branchingZMethod(Comparison.EQ);
assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, eq.invoke(null, -1));
assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, eq.invoke(null, 0));
assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, eq.invoke(null, 1));
Method ge = branchingZMethod(Comparison.GE);
assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, ge.invoke(null, -1));
assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, ge.invoke(null, 0));
assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, ge.invoke(null, 1));
Method gt = branchingZMethod(Comparison.GT);
assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, gt.invoke(null, -1));
assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, gt.invoke(null, 0));
assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, gt.invoke(null, 1));
Method ne = branchingZMethod(Comparison.NE);
assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, ne.invoke(null, -1));
assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, ne.invoke(null, 0));
assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, ne.invoke(null, 1));
private Method branchingZMethod(Comparison comparison) throws Exception {
* public static boolean call(int localA) {
* if (a comparison 0) {
* return true;
* }
* return false;
* }
MethodId, Boolean> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(
TypeId.BOOLEAN, "call", TypeId.INT);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC | STATIC);
Local localA = code.getParameter(0, TypeId.INT);
Local result = code.newLocal(TypeId.get(boolean.class));
Label afterIf = new Label();
Label ifBody = new Label();
code.compareZ(comparison, ifBody, localA);
code.loadConstant(result, true);
code.loadConstant(result, false);
return getMethod();
public void testCastIntegerToInteger() throws Exception {
Method intToLong = numericCastingMethod(int.class, long.class);
assertEquals(0x0000000000000000L, intToLong.invoke(null, 0x00000000));
assertEquals(0x000000007fffffffL, intToLong.invoke(null, 0x7fffffff));
assertEquals(0xffffffff80000000L, intToLong.invoke(null, 0x80000000));
assertEquals(0xffffffffffffffffL, intToLong.invoke(null, 0xffffffff));
Method longToInt = numericCastingMethod(long.class, int.class);
assertEquals(0x1234abcd, longToInt.invoke(null, 0x000000001234abcdL));
assertEquals(0x1234abcd, longToInt.invoke(null, 0x123456781234abcdL));
assertEquals(0x1234abcd, longToInt.invoke(null, 0xffffffff1234abcdL));
Method intToShort = numericCastingMethod(int.class, short.class);
assertEquals((short) 0x1234, intToShort.invoke(null, 0x00001234));
assertEquals((short) 0x1234, intToShort.invoke(null, 0xabcd1234));
assertEquals((short) 0x1234, intToShort.invoke(null, 0xffff1234));
Method intToChar = numericCastingMethod(int.class, char.class);
assertEquals((char) 0x1234, intToChar.invoke(null, 0x00001234));
assertEquals((char) 0x1234, intToChar.invoke(null, 0xabcd1234));
assertEquals((char) 0x1234, intToChar.invoke(null, 0xffff1234));
Method intToByte = numericCastingMethod(int.class, byte.class);
assertEquals((byte) 0x34, intToByte.invoke(null, 0x00000034));
assertEquals((byte) 0x34, intToByte.invoke(null, 0xabcd1234));
assertEquals((byte) 0x34, intToByte.invoke(null, 0xffffff34));
public void testCastIntegerToFloatingPoint() throws Exception {
Method intToFloat = numericCastingMethod(int.class, float.class);
assertEquals(0.0f, intToFloat.invoke(null, 0));
assertEquals(-1.0f, intToFloat.invoke(null, -1));
assertEquals(16777216f, intToFloat.invoke(null, 16777216));
assertEquals(16777216f, intToFloat.invoke(null, 16777217)); // precision
Method intToDouble = numericCastingMethod(int.class, double.class);
assertEquals(0.0, intToDouble.invoke(null, 0));
assertEquals(-1.0, intToDouble.invoke(null, -1));
assertEquals(16777216.0, intToDouble.invoke(null, 16777216));
assertEquals(16777217.0, intToDouble.invoke(null, 16777217));
Method longToFloat = numericCastingMethod(long.class, float.class);
assertEquals(0.0f, longToFloat.invoke(null, 0L));
assertEquals(-1.0f, longToFloat.invoke(null, -1L));
assertEquals(16777216f, longToFloat.invoke(null, 16777216L));
assertEquals(16777216f, longToFloat.invoke(null, 16777217L));
Method longToDouble = numericCastingMethod(long.class, double.class);
assertEquals(0.0, longToDouble.invoke(null, 0L));
assertEquals(-1.0, longToDouble.invoke(null, -1L));
assertEquals(9007199254740992.0, longToDouble.invoke(null, 9007199254740992L));
assertEquals(9007199254740992.0, longToDouble.invoke(null, 9007199254740993L)); // precision
public void testCastFloatingPointToInteger() throws Exception {
Method floatToInt = numericCastingMethod(float.class, int.class);
assertEquals(0, floatToInt.invoke(null, 0.0f));
assertEquals(-1, floatToInt.invoke(null, -1.0f));
assertEquals(Integer.MAX_VALUE, floatToInt.invoke(null, 10e15f));
assertEquals(0, floatToInt.invoke(null, 0.5f));
assertEquals(Integer.MIN_VALUE, floatToInt.invoke(null, Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY));
assertEquals(0, floatToInt.invoke(null, Float.NaN));
Method floatToLong = numericCastingMethod(float.class, long.class);
assertEquals(0L, floatToLong.invoke(null, 0.0f));
assertEquals(-1L, floatToLong.invoke(null, -1.0f));
assertEquals(10000000272564224L, floatToLong.invoke(null, 10e15f));
assertEquals(0L, floatToLong.invoke(null, 0.5f));
assertEquals(Long.MIN_VALUE, floatToLong.invoke(null, Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY));
assertEquals(0L, floatToLong.invoke(null, Float.NaN));
Method doubleToInt = numericCastingMethod(double.class, int.class);
assertEquals(0, doubleToInt.invoke(null, 0.0));
assertEquals(-1, doubleToInt.invoke(null, -1.0));
assertEquals(Integer.MAX_VALUE, doubleToInt.invoke(null, 10e15));
assertEquals(0, doubleToInt.invoke(null, 0.5));
assertEquals(Integer.MIN_VALUE, doubleToInt.invoke(null, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY));
assertEquals(0, doubleToInt.invoke(null, Double.NaN));
Method doubleToLong = numericCastingMethod(double.class, long.class);
assertEquals(0L, doubleToLong.invoke(null, 0.0));
assertEquals(-1L, doubleToLong.invoke(null, -1.0));
assertEquals(10000000000000000L, doubleToLong.invoke(null, 10e15));
assertEquals(0L, doubleToLong.invoke(null, 0.5));
assertEquals(Long.MIN_VALUE, doubleToLong.invoke(null, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY));
assertEquals(0L, doubleToLong.invoke(null, Double.NaN));
public void testCastFloatingPointToFloatingPoint() throws Exception {
Method floatToDouble = numericCastingMethod(float.class, double.class);
assertEquals(0.0, floatToDouble.invoke(null, 0.0f));
assertEquals(-1.0, floatToDouble.invoke(null, -1.0f));
assertEquals(0.5, floatToDouble.invoke(null, 0.5f));
assertEquals(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, floatToDouble.invoke(null, Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY));
assertEquals(Double.NaN, floatToDouble.invoke(null, Float.NaN));
Method doubleToFloat = numericCastingMethod(double.class, float.class);
assertEquals(0.0f, doubleToFloat.invoke(null, 0.0));
assertEquals(-1.0f, doubleToFloat.invoke(null, -1.0));
assertEquals(0.5f, doubleToFloat.invoke(null, 0.5));
assertEquals(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, doubleToFloat.invoke(null, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY));
assertEquals(Float.NaN, doubleToFloat.invoke(null, Double.NaN));
private Method numericCastingMethod(Class> source, Class> target)
throws Exception {
* public static short call(int source) {
* short casted = (short) source;
* return casted;
* }
TypeId> sourceType = TypeId.get(source);
TypeId> targetType = TypeId.get(target);
MethodId, ?> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(targetType, "call", sourceType);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC | STATIC);
Local> localSource = code.getParameter(0, sourceType);
Local> localCasted = code.newLocal(targetType);
code.cast(localCasted, localSource);
return getMethod();
public void testNot() throws Exception {
Method notInteger = notMethod(int.class);
assertEquals(0xffffffff, notInteger.invoke(null, 0x00000000));
assertEquals(0x00000000, notInteger.invoke(null, 0xffffffff));
assertEquals(0xedcba987, notInteger.invoke(null, 0x12345678));
Method notLong = notMethod(long.class);
assertEquals(0xffffffffffffffffL, notLong.invoke(null, 0x0000000000000000L));
assertEquals(0x0000000000000000L, notLong.invoke(null, 0xffffffffffffffffL));
assertEquals(0x98765432edcba987L, notLong.invoke(null, 0x6789abcd12345678L));
private Method notMethod(Class source) throws Exception {
* public static short call(int source) {
* source = ~source;
* return not;
* }
TypeId valueType = TypeId.get(source);
MethodId, T> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(valueType, "call", valueType);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC | STATIC);
Local localSource = code.getParameter(0, valueType);
code.op(UnaryOp.NOT, localSource, localSource);
return getMethod();
public void testNegate() throws Exception {
Method negateInteger = negateMethod(int.class);
assertEquals(0, negateInteger.invoke(null, 0));
assertEquals(-1, negateInteger.invoke(null, 1));
assertEquals(Integer.MIN_VALUE, negateInteger.invoke(null, Integer.MIN_VALUE));
Method negateLong = negateMethod(long.class);
assertEquals(0L, negateLong.invoke(null, 0));
assertEquals(-1L, negateLong.invoke(null, 1));
assertEquals(Long.MIN_VALUE, negateLong.invoke(null, Long.MIN_VALUE));
Method negateFloat = negateMethod(float.class);
assertEquals(-0.0f, negateFloat.invoke(null, 0.0f));
assertEquals(-1.0f, negateFloat.invoke(null, 1.0f));
assertEquals(Float.NaN, negateFloat.invoke(null, Float.NaN));
assertEquals(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, negateFloat.invoke(null, Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY));
Method negateDouble = negateMethod(double.class);
assertEquals(-0.0, negateDouble.invoke(null, 0.0));
assertEquals(-1.0, negateDouble.invoke(null, 1.0));
assertEquals(Double.NaN, negateDouble.invoke(null, Double.NaN));
assertEquals(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, negateDouble.invoke(null, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY));
private Method negateMethod(Class source) throws Exception {
* public static short call(int source) {
* source = -source;
* return not;
* }
TypeId valueType = TypeId.get(source);
MethodId, T> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(valueType, "call", valueType);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC | STATIC);
Local localSource = code.getParameter(0, valueType);
code.op(UnaryOp.NEGATE, localSource, localSource);
return getMethod();
public void testIntBinaryOps() throws Exception {
Method add = binaryOpMethod(int.class, int.class, BinaryOp.ADD);
assertEquals(79, add.invoke(null, 75, 4));
Method subtract = binaryOpMethod(int.class, int.class, BinaryOp.SUBTRACT);
assertEquals(71, subtract.invoke(null, 75, 4));
Method multiply = binaryOpMethod(int.class, int.class, BinaryOp.MULTIPLY);
assertEquals(300, multiply.invoke(null, 75, 4));
Method divide = binaryOpMethod(int.class, int.class, BinaryOp.DIVIDE);
assertEquals(18, divide.invoke(null, 75, 4));
try {
divide.invoke(null, 75, 0);
} catch (InvocationTargetException expected) {
assertEquals(ArithmeticException.class, expected.getCause().getClass());
Method remainder = binaryOpMethod(int.class, int.class, BinaryOp.REMAINDER);
assertEquals(3, remainder.invoke(null, 75, 4));
try {
remainder.invoke(null, 75, 0);
} catch (InvocationTargetException expected) {
assertEquals(ArithmeticException.class, expected.getCause().getClass());
Method and = binaryOpMethod(int.class, int.class, BinaryOp.AND);
assertEquals(0xff000000, and.invoke(null, 0xff00ff00, 0xffff0000));
Method or = binaryOpMethod(int.class, int.class, BinaryOp.OR);
assertEquals(0xffffff00, or.invoke(null, 0xff00ff00, 0xffff0000));
Method xor = binaryOpMethod(int.class, int.class, BinaryOp.XOR);
assertEquals(0x00ffff00, xor.invoke(null, 0xff00ff00, 0xffff0000));
Method shiftLeft = binaryOpMethod(int.class, int.class, BinaryOp.SHIFT_LEFT);
assertEquals(0xcd123400, shiftLeft.invoke(null, 0xabcd1234, 8));
Method shiftRight = binaryOpMethod(int.class, int.class, BinaryOp.SHIFT_RIGHT);
assertEquals(0xffabcd12, shiftRight.invoke(null, 0xabcd1234, 8));
Method unsignedShiftRight = binaryOpMethod(int.class,
int.class, BinaryOp.UNSIGNED_SHIFT_RIGHT);
assertEquals(0x00abcd12, unsignedShiftRight.invoke(null, 0xabcd1234, 8));
public void testLongBinaryOps() throws Exception {
Method add = binaryOpMethod(long.class, long.class, BinaryOp.ADD);
assertEquals(30000000079L, add.invoke(null, 10000000075L, 20000000004L));
Method subtract = binaryOpMethod(long.class, long.class, BinaryOp.SUBTRACT);
assertEquals(20000000071L, subtract.invoke(null, 30000000075L, 10000000004L));
Method multiply = binaryOpMethod(long.class, long.class, BinaryOp.MULTIPLY);
assertEquals(-8742552812415203028L, multiply.invoke(null, 30000000075L, 20000000004L));
Method divide = binaryOpMethod(long.class, long.class, BinaryOp.DIVIDE);
assertEquals(-2L, divide.invoke(null, -8742552812415203028L, 4142552812415203028L));
try {
divide.invoke(null, -8742552812415203028L, 0L);
} catch (InvocationTargetException expected) {
assertEquals(ArithmeticException.class, expected.getCause().getClass());
Method remainder = binaryOpMethod(long.class, long.class, BinaryOp.REMAINDER);
assertEquals(10000000004L, remainder.invoke(null, 30000000079L, 20000000075L));
try {
remainder.invoke(null, 30000000079L, 0L);
} catch (InvocationTargetException expected) {
assertEquals(ArithmeticException.class, expected.getCause().getClass());
Method and = binaryOpMethod(long.class, long.class, BinaryOp.AND);
and.invoke(null, 0xff00ff00ff00ff00L, 0xffffffff00000000L));
Method or = binaryOpMethod(long.class, long.class, BinaryOp.OR);
or.invoke(null, 0xff00ff00ff00ff00L, 0xffffffff00000000L));
Method xor = binaryOpMethod(long.class, long.class, BinaryOp.XOR);
xor.invoke(null, 0xff00ff00ff00ff00L, 0xffffffff00000000L));
Method shiftLeft = binaryOpMethod(long.class, int.class, BinaryOp.SHIFT_LEFT);
assertEquals(0xcdef012345678900L, shiftLeft.invoke(null, 0xabcdef0123456789L, 8));
Method shiftRight = binaryOpMethod(long.class, int.class, BinaryOp.SHIFT_RIGHT);
assertEquals(0xffabcdef01234567L, shiftRight.invoke(null, 0xabcdef0123456789L, 8));
Method unsignedShiftRight = binaryOpMethod(
long.class, int.class, BinaryOp.UNSIGNED_SHIFT_RIGHT);
assertEquals(0x00abcdef01234567L, unsignedShiftRight.invoke(null, 0xabcdef0123456789L, 8));
public void testFloatBinaryOps() throws Exception {
Method add = binaryOpMethod(float.class, float.class, BinaryOp.ADD);
assertEquals(6.75f, add.invoke(null, 5.5f, 1.25f));
Method subtract = binaryOpMethod(float.class, float.class, BinaryOp.SUBTRACT);
assertEquals(4.25f, subtract.invoke(null, 5.5f, 1.25f));
Method multiply = binaryOpMethod(float.class, float.class, BinaryOp.MULTIPLY);
assertEquals(6.875f, multiply.invoke(null, 5.5f, 1.25f));
Method divide = binaryOpMethod(float.class, float.class, BinaryOp.DIVIDE);
assertEquals(4.4f, divide.invoke(null, 5.5f, 1.25f));
assertEquals(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, divide.invoke(null, 5.5f, 0.0f));
Method remainder = binaryOpMethod(float.class, float.class, BinaryOp.REMAINDER);
assertEquals(0.5f, remainder.invoke(null, 5.5f, 1.25f));
assertEquals(Float.NaN, remainder.invoke(null, 5.5f, 0.0f));
public void testDoubleBinaryOps() throws Exception {
Method add = binaryOpMethod(double.class, double.class, BinaryOp.ADD);
assertEquals(6.75, add.invoke(null, 5.5, 1.25));
Method subtract = binaryOpMethod(double.class, double.class, BinaryOp.SUBTRACT);
assertEquals(4.25, subtract.invoke(null, 5.5, 1.25));
Method multiply = binaryOpMethod(double.class, double.class, BinaryOp.MULTIPLY);
assertEquals(6.875, multiply.invoke(null, 5.5, 1.25));
Method divide = binaryOpMethod(double.class, double.class, BinaryOp.DIVIDE);
assertEquals(4.4, divide.invoke(null, 5.5, 1.25));
assertEquals(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, divide.invoke(null, 5.5, 0.0));
Method remainder = binaryOpMethod(double.class, double.class, BinaryOp.REMAINDER);
assertEquals(0.5, remainder.invoke(null, 5.5, 1.25));
assertEquals(Double.NaN, remainder.invoke(null, 5.5, 0.0));
private Method binaryOpMethod(
Class valueAClass, Class valueBClass, BinaryOp op) throws Exception {
* public static int binaryOp(int a, int b) {
* int result = a + b;
* return result;
* }
TypeId valueAType = TypeId.get(valueAClass);
TypeId valueBType = TypeId.get(valueBClass);
MethodId, T1> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(valueAType, "call", valueAType, valueBType);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC | STATIC);
Local localA = code.getParameter(0, valueAType);
Local localB = code.getParameter(1, valueBType);
Local localResult = code.newLocal(valueAType);
code.op(op, localResult, localA, localB);
return getMethod();
public void testReadAndWriteInstanceFields() throws Exception {
Instance instance = new Instance();
Method intSwap = instanceSwapMethod(int.class, "intValue");
instance.intValue = 5;
assertEquals(5, intSwap.invoke(null, instance, 10));
assertEquals(10, instance.intValue);
Method longSwap = instanceSwapMethod(long.class, "longValue");
instance.longValue = 500L;
assertEquals(500L, longSwap.invoke(null, instance, 1234L));
assertEquals(1234L, instance.longValue);
Method booleanSwap = instanceSwapMethod(boolean.class, "booleanValue");
instance.booleanValue = false;
assertEquals(false, booleanSwap.invoke(null, instance, true));
assertEquals(true, instance.booleanValue);
Method floatSwap = instanceSwapMethod(float.class, "floatValue");
instance.floatValue = 1.5f;
assertEquals(1.5f, floatSwap.invoke(null, instance, 0.5f));
assertEquals(0.5f, instance.floatValue, DELTA_FLOAT);
Method doubleSwap = instanceSwapMethod(double.class, "doubleValue");
instance.doubleValue = 155.5;
assertEquals(155.5, doubleSwap.invoke(null, instance, 266.6));
assertEquals(266.6, instance.doubleValue, DELTA_DOUBLE);
Method objectSwap = instanceSwapMethod(Object.class, "objectValue");
instance.objectValue = "before";
assertEquals("before", objectSwap.invoke(null, instance, "after"));
assertEquals("after", instance.objectValue);
Method byteSwap = instanceSwapMethod(byte.class, "byteValue");
instance.byteValue = 0x35;
assertEquals((byte) 0x35, byteSwap.invoke(null, instance, (byte) 0x64));
assertEquals((byte) 0x64, instance.byteValue);
Method charSwap = instanceSwapMethod(char.class, "charValue");
instance.charValue = 'A';
assertEquals('A', charSwap.invoke(null, instance, 'B'));
assertEquals('B', instance.charValue);
Method shortSwap = instanceSwapMethod(short.class, "shortValue");
instance.shortValue = (short) 0xabcd;
assertEquals((short) 0xabcd, shortSwap.invoke(null, instance, (short) 0x1234));
assertEquals((short) 0x1234, instance.shortValue);
public static class Instance {
public int intValue;
public long longValue;
public float floatValue;
public double doubleValue;
public Object objectValue;
public boolean booleanValue;
public byte byteValue;
public char charValue;
public short shortValue;
private Method instanceSwapMethod(
Class valueClass, String fieldName) throws Exception {
* public static int call(Instance instance, int newValue) {
* int oldValue = instance.intValue;
* instance.intValue = newValue;
* return oldValue;
* }
TypeId valueType = TypeId.get(valueClass);
TypeId objectType = TypeId.get(Instance.class);
FieldId fieldId = objectType.getField(valueType, fieldName);
MethodId, V> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(valueType, "call", objectType, valueType);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC | STATIC);
Local localInstance = code.getParameter(0, objectType);
Local localNewValue = code.getParameter(1, valueType);
Local localOldValue = code.newLocal(valueType);
code.iget(fieldId, localOldValue, localInstance);
code.iput(fieldId, localInstance, localNewValue);
return getMethod();
public void testReadAndWriteStaticFields() throws Exception {
Method intSwap = staticSwapMethod(int.class, "intValue");
Static.intValue = 5;
assertEquals(5, intSwap.invoke(null, 10));
assertEquals(10, Static.intValue);
Method longSwap = staticSwapMethod(long.class, "longValue");
Static.longValue = 500L;
assertEquals(500L, longSwap.invoke(null, 1234L));
assertEquals(1234L, Static.longValue);
Method booleanSwap = staticSwapMethod(boolean.class, "booleanValue");
Static.booleanValue = false;
assertEquals(false, booleanSwap.invoke(null, true));
assertEquals(true, Static.booleanValue);
Method floatSwap = staticSwapMethod(float.class, "floatValue");
Static.floatValue = 1.5f;
assertEquals(1.5f, floatSwap.invoke(null, 0.5f));
assertEquals(0.5f, Static.floatValue, DELTA_FLOAT);
Method doubleSwap = staticSwapMethod(double.class, "doubleValue");
Static.doubleValue = 155.5;
assertEquals(155.5, doubleSwap.invoke(null, 266.6));
assertEquals(266.6, Static.doubleValue, DELTA_DOUBLE);
Method objectSwap = staticSwapMethod(Object.class, "objectValue");
Static.objectValue = "before";
assertEquals("before", objectSwap.invoke(null, "after"));
assertEquals("after", Static.objectValue);
Method byteSwap = staticSwapMethod(byte.class, "byteValue");
Static.byteValue = 0x35;
assertEquals((byte) 0x35, byteSwap.invoke(null, (byte) 0x64));
assertEquals((byte) 0x64, Static.byteValue);
Method charSwap = staticSwapMethod(char.class, "charValue");
Static.charValue = 'A';
assertEquals('A', charSwap.invoke(null, 'B'));
assertEquals('B', Static.charValue);
Method shortSwap = staticSwapMethod(short.class, "shortValue");
Static.shortValue = (short) 0xabcd;
assertEquals((short) 0xabcd, shortSwap.invoke(null, (short) 0x1234));
assertEquals((short) 0x1234, Static.shortValue);
public static class Static {
public static int intValue;
public static long longValue;
public static float floatValue;
public static double doubleValue;
public static Object objectValue;
public static boolean booleanValue;
public static byte byteValue;
public static char charValue;
public static short shortValue;
private Method staticSwapMethod(Class valueClass, String fieldName)
throws Exception {
* public static int call(int newValue) {
* int oldValue = Static.intValue;
* Static.intValue = newValue;
* return oldValue;
* }
TypeId valueType = TypeId.get(valueClass);
TypeId objectType = TypeId.get(Static.class);
FieldId fieldId = objectType.getField(valueType, fieldName);
MethodId, V> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(valueType, "call", valueType);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC | STATIC);
Local localNewValue = code.getParameter(0, valueType);
Local localOldValue = code.newLocal(valueType);
code.sget(fieldId, localOldValue);
code.sput(fieldId, localNewValue);
return getMethod();
public void testStaticInitializer() throws Exception {
StaticFieldSpec>[] fields = new StaticFieldSpec[] {
new StaticFieldSpec<>(boolean.class, "booleanValue", true),
new StaticFieldSpec<>(byte.class, "byteValue", Byte.MIN_VALUE),
new StaticFieldSpec<>(short.class, "shortValue", Short.MAX_VALUE),
new StaticFieldSpec<>(int.class, "intValue", Integer.MIN_VALUE),
new StaticFieldSpec<>(long.class, "longValue", Long.MAX_VALUE),
new StaticFieldSpec<>(float.class, "floatValue", Float.MIN_VALUE),
new StaticFieldSpec<>(double.class, "doubleValue", Double.MAX_VALUE),
new StaticFieldSpec<>(String.class, "stringValue", "qwerty"),
MethodId, Void> clinit = GENERATED.getStaticInitializer();
Code code = dexMaker.declare(clinit, Modifier.STATIC);
for (StaticFieldSpec> field : fields) {
for (StaticFieldSpec> field : fields) {
Class> generated = generateAndLoad();
for (StaticFieldSpec> fieldSpec : fields) {
Field field = generated.getDeclaredField(fieldSpec.name);
assertEquals(StaticFieldSpec.MODIFIERS, field.getModifiers());
assertEquals(fieldSpec.value, field.get(null));
private class StaticFieldSpec {
Class type;
TypeId typeId;
String name;
T value;
FieldId, T> fieldId;
Local local;
static final int MODIFIERS = Modifier.PUBLIC | Modifier.STATIC | Modifier.FINAL;
public StaticFieldSpec(Class type, String name, T value) {
this.type = type;
this.name = name;
this.value = value;
typeId = TypeId.get(type);
fieldId = GENERATED.getField(typeId, name);
dexMaker.declare(fieldId, MODIFIERS, null);
public void createLocal(Code code) {
local = code.newLocal(typeId);
public void initializeField(Code code) {
code.loadConstant(local, value);
code.sput(fieldId, local);
public void testTypeCast() throws Exception {
* public static String call(Object o) {
* String s = (String) o;
* }
MethodId, String> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(TypeId.STRING, "call", TypeId.OBJECT);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC | STATIC);
Local localObject = code.getParameter(0, TypeId.OBJECT);
Local localString = code.newLocal(TypeId.STRING);
code.cast(localString, localObject);
Method method = getMethod();
assertEquals("s", method.invoke(null, "s"));
assertEquals(null, method.invoke(null, (String) null));
try {
method.invoke(null, 5);
} catch (InvocationTargetException expected) {
assertEquals(ClassCastException.class, expected.getCause().getClass());
public void testInstanceOf() throws Exception {
* public static boolean call(Object o) {
* boolean result = o instanceof String;
* return result;
* }
MethodId, Boolean> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(TypeId.BOOLEAN, "call", TypeId.OBJECT);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC | STATIC);
Local localObject = code.getParameter(0, TypeId.OBJECT);
Local localResult = code.newLocal(TypeId.BOOLEAN);
code.instanceOfType(localResult, localObject, TypeId.STRING);
Method method = getMethod();
assertEquals(true, method.invoke(null, "s"));
assertEquals(false, method.invoke(null, (String) null));
assertEquals(false, method.invoke(null, 5));
* Tests that we can construct a for loop.
public void testForLoop() throws Exception {
* public static int call(int count) {
* int result = 1;
* for (int i = 0; i < count; i += 1) {
* result = result * 2;
* }
* return result;
* }
MethodId, Integer> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(TypeId.INT, "call", TypeId.INT);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC | STATIC);
Local localCount = code.getParameter(0, TypeId.INT);
Local localResult = code.newLocal(TypeId.INT);
Local localI = code.newLocal(TypeId.INT);
Local local1 = code.newLocal(TypeId.INT);
Local local2 = code.newLocal(TypeId.INT);
code.loadConstant(local1, 1);
code.loadConstant(local2, 2);
code.loadConstant(localResult, 1);
code.loadConstant(localI, 0);
Label loopCondition = new Label();
Label loopBody = new Label();
Label afterLoop = new Label();
code.compare(Comparison.LT, loopBody, localI, localCount);
code.op(BinaryOp.MULTIPLY, localResult, localResult, local2);
code.op(BinaryOp.ADD, localI, localI, local1);
Method pow2 = getMethod();
assertEquals(1, pow2.invoke(null, 0));
assertEquals(2, pow2.invoke(null, 1));
assertEquals(4, pow2.invoke(null, 2));
assertEquals(8, pow2.invoke(null, 3));
assertEquals(16, pow2.invoke(null, 4));
* Tests that we can construct a while loop.
public void testWhileLoop() throws Exception {
* public static int call(int max) {
* int result = 1;
* while (result < max) {
* result = result * 2;
* }
* return result;
* }
MethodId, Integer> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(TypeId.INT, "call", TypeId.INT);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC | STATIC);
Local localMax = code.getParameter(0, TypeId.INT);
Local localResult = code.newLocal(TypeId.INT);
Local local2 = code.newLocal(TypeId.INT);
code.loadConstant(localResult, 1);
code.loadConstant(local2, 2);
Label loopCondition = new Label();
Label loopBody = new Label();
Label afterLoop = new Label();
code.compare(Comparison.LT, loopBody, localResult, localMax);
code.op(BinaryOp.MULTIPLY, localResult, localResult, local2);
Method ceilPow2 = getMethod();
assertEquals(1, ceilPow2.invoke(null, 1));
assertEquals(2, ceilPow2.invoke(null, 2));
assertEquals(4, ceilPow2.invoke(null, 3));
assertEquals(16, ceilPow2.invoke(null, 10));
assertEquals(128, ceilPow2.invoke(null, 100));
assertEquals(1024, ceilPow2.invoke(null, 1000));
public void testIfElseBlock() throws Exception {
* public static int call(int a, int b, int c) {
* if (a < b) {
* if (a < c) {
* return a;
* } else {
* return c;
* }
* } else if (b < c) {
* return b;
* } else {
* return c;
* }
* }
MethodId, Integer> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(
TypeId.INT, "call", TypeId.INT, TypeId.INT, TypeId.INT);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC | STATIC);
Local localA = code.getParameter(0, TypeId.INT);
Local localB = code.getParameter(1, TypeId.INT);
Local localC = code.getParameter(2, TypeId.INT);
Label aLessThanB = new Label();
Label aLessThanC = new Label();
Label bLessThanC = new Label();
code.compare(Comparison.LT, aLessThanB, localA, localB);
code.compare(Comparison.LT, bLessThanC, localB, localC);
// (a < b)
code.compare(Comparison.LT, aLessThanC, localA, localC);
// (a < c)
// (b < c)
Method min = getMethod();
assertEquals(1, min.invoke(null, 1, 2, 3));
assertEquals(1, min.invoke(null, 2, 3, 1));
assertEquals(1, min.invoke(null, 2, 1, 3));
assertEquals(1, min.invoke(null, 3, 2, 1));
public void testRecursion() throws Exception {
* public static int call(int a) {
* if (a < 2) {
* return a;
* }
* a -= 1;
* int x = call(a)
* a -= 1;
* int y = call(a);
* int result = x + y;
* return result;
* }
MethodId, Integer> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(TypeId.INT, "call", TypeId.INT);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC | STATIC);
Local localA = code.getParameter(0, TypeId.INT);
Local local1 = code.newLocal(TypeId.INT);
Local local2 = code.newLocal(TypeId.INT);
Local localX = code.newLocal(TypeId.INT);
Local localY = code.newLocal(TypeId.INT);
Local localResult = code.newLocal(TypeId.INT);
Label baseCase = new Label();
code.loadConstant(local1, 1);
code.loadConstant(local2, 2);
code.compare(Comparison.LT, baseCase, localA, local2);
code.op(BinaryOp.SUBTRACT, localA, localA, local1);
code.invokeStatic(methodId, localX, localA);
code.op(BinaryOp.SUBTRACT, localA, localA, local1);
code.invokeStatic(methodId, localY, localA);
code.op(BinaryOp.ADD, localResult, localX, localY);
Method fib = getMethod();
assertEquals(0, fib.invoke(null, 0));
assertEquals(1, fib.invoke(null, 1));
assertEquals(1, fib.invoke(null, 2));
assertEquals(2, fib.invoke(null, 3));
assertEquals(3, fib.invoke(null, 4));
assertEquals(5, fib.invoke(null, 5));
assertEquals(8, fib.invoke(null, 6));
public void testCatchExceptions() throws Exception {
* public static String call(int i) {
* try {
* DexMakerTest.thrower(i);
* return "NONE";
* } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
* return "IAE";
* } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
* return "ISE";
* } catch (RuntimeException e) {
* return "RE";
* }
MethodId, String> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(TypeId.STRING, "call", TypeId.INT);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC | STATIC);
Local localI = code.getParameter(0, TypeId.INT);
Local result = code.newLocal(TypeId.STRING);
Label catchIae = new Label();
Label catchIse = new Label();
Label catchRe = new Label();
code.addCatchClause(TypeId.get(IllegalArgumentException.class), catchIae);
code.addCatchClause(TypeId.get(IllegalStateException.class), catchIse);
code.addCatchClause(TypeId.get(RuntimeException.class), catchRe);
MethodId, ?> thrower = TEST_TYPE.getMethod(TypeId.VOID, "thrower", TypeId.INT);
code.invokeStatic(thrower, null, localI);
code.loadConstant(result, "NONE");
code.loadConstant(result, "IAE");
code.loadConstant(result, "ISE");
code.loadConstant(result, "RE");
Method method = getMethod();
assertEquals("NONE", method.invoke(null, 0));
assertEquals("IAE", method.invoke(null, 1));
assertEquals("ISE", method.invoke(null, 2));
assertEquals("RE", method.invoke(null, 3));
try {
method.invoke(null, 4);
} catch (InvocationTargetException expected) {
assertEquals(IOException.class, expected.getCause().getClass());
@SuppressWarnings("unused") // called by generated code
public static void thrower(int a) throws Exception {
switch (a) {
case 0:
case 1:
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
case 2:
throw new IllegalStateException();
case 3:
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
case 4:
throw new IOException();
throw new AssertionError();
public void testNestedCatchClauses() throws Exception {
* public static String call(int a, int b, int c) {
* try {
* DexMakerTest.thrower(a);
* try {
* DexMakerTest.thrower(b);
* } catch (IllegalArgumentException) {
* return "INNER";
* }
* DexMakerTest.thrower(c);
* return "NONE";
* } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
* return "OUTER";
* }
MethodId, String> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(
TypeId.STRING, "call", TypeId.INT, TypeId.INT, TypeId.INT);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC | STATIC);
Local localA = code.getParameter(0, TypeId.INT);
Local localB = code.getParameter(1, TypeId.INT);
Local localC = code.getParameter(2, TypeId.INT);
Local localResult = code.newLocal(TypeId.STRING);
Label catchInner = new Label();
Label catchOuter = new Label();
TypeId iaeType = TypeId.get(IllegalArgumentException.class);
code.addCatchClause(iaeType, catchOuter);
MethodId, ?> thrower = TEST_TYPE.getMethod(TypeId.VOID, "thrower", TypeId.INT);
code.invokeStatic(thrower, null, localA);
// for the inner catch clause, we stash the old label and put it back afterwards.
Label previousLabel = code.removeCatchClause(iaeType);
code.addCatchClause(iaeType, catchInner);
code.invokeStatic(thrower, null, localB);
code.addCatchClause(iaeType, previousLabel);
code.invokeStatic(thrower, null, localC);
code.loadConstant(localResult, "NONE");
code.loadConstant(localResult, "INNER");
code.loadConstant(localResult, "OUTER");
Method method = getMethod();
assertEquals("OUTER", method.invoke(null, 1, 0, 0));
assertEquals("INNER", method.invoke(null, 0, 1, 0));
assertEquals("OUTER", method.invoke(null, 0, 0, 1));
assertEquals("NONE", method.invoke(null, 0, 0, 0));
public void testThrow() throws Exception {
* public static void call() {
* throw new IllegalStateException();
* }
MethodId, Void> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(TypeId.VOID, "call");
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC | STATIC);
TypeId iseType = TypeId.get(IllegalStateException.class);
MethodId iseConstructor = iseType.getConstructor();
Local localIse = code.newLocal(iseType);
code.newInstance(localIse, iseConstructor);
try {
} catch (InvocationTargetException expected) {
assertEquals(IllegalStateException.class, expected.getCause().getClass());
public void testUnusedParameters() throws Exception {
* public static void call(int unused1, long unused2, long unused3) {}
MethodId, Void> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(
TypeId.VOID, "call", TypeId.INT, TypeId.LONG, TypeId.LONG);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC | STATIC);
getMethod().invoke(null, 1, 2, 3);
public void testFloatingPointCompare() throws Exception {
Method floatG = floatingPointCompareMethod(TypeId.FLOAT, 1);
assertEquals(-1, floatG.invoke(null, 1.0f, Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY));
assertEquals(-1, floatG.invoke(null, 1.0f, 2.0f));
assertEquals(0, floatG.invoke(null, 1.0f, 1.0f));
assertEquals(1, floatG.invoke(null, 2.0f, 1.0f));
assertEquals(1, floatG.invoke(null, 1.0f, Float.NaN));
assertEquals(1, floatG.invoke(null, Float.NaN, 1.0f));
assertEquals(1, floatG.invoke(null, Float.NaN, Float.NaN));
assertEquals(1, floatG.invoke(null, Float.NaN, Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY));
Method floatL = floatingPointCompareMethod(TypeId.FLOAT, -1);
assertEquals(-1, floatG.invoke(null, 1.0f, Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY));
assertEquals(-1, floatL.invoke(null, 1.0f, 2.0f));
assertEquals(0, floatL.invoke(null, 1.0f, 1.0f));
assertEquals(1, floatL.invoke(null, 2.0f, 1.0f));
assertEquals(-1, floatL.invoke(null, 1.0f, Float.NaN));
assertEquals(-1, floatL.invoke(null, Float.NaN, 1.0f));
assertEquals(-1, floatL.invoke(null, Float.NaN, Float.NaN));
assertEquals(-1, floatL.invoke(null, Float.NaN, Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY));
Method doubleG = floatingPointCompareMethod(TypeId.DOUBLE, 1);
assertEquals(-1, doubleG.invoke(null, 1.0, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY));
assertEquals(-1, doubleG.invoke(null, 1.0, 2.0));
assertEquals(0, doubleG.invoke(null, 1.0, 1.0));
assertEquals(1, doubleG.invoke(null, 2.0, 1.0));
assertEquals(1, doubleG.invoke(null, 1.0, Double.NaN));
assertEquals(1, doubleG.invoke(null, Double.NaN, 1.0));
assertEquals(1, doubleG.invoke(null, Double.NaN, Double.NaN));
assertEquals(1, doubleG.invoke(null, Double.NaN, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY));
Method doubleL = floatingPointCompareMethod(TypeId.DOUBLE, -1);
assertEquals(-1, doubleL.invoke(null, 1.0, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY));
assertEquals(-1, doubleL.invoke(null, 1.0, 2.0));
assertEquals(0, doubleL.invoke(null, 1.0, 1.0));
assertEquals(1, doubleL.invoke(null, 2.0, 1.0));
assertEquals(-1, doubleL.invoke(null, 1.0, Double.NaN));
assertEquals(-1, doubleL.invoke(null, Double.NaN, 1.0));
assertEquals(-1, doubleL.invoke(null, Double.NaN, Double.NaN));
assertEquals(-1, doubleL.invoke(null, Double.NaN, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY));
private Method floatingPointCompareMethod(
TypeId valueType, int nanValue) throws Exception {
* public static int call(float a, float b) {
* int result = a <=> b;
* return result;
* }
MethodId, Integer> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(
TypeId.INT, "call", valueType, valueType);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC | STATIC);
Local localA = code.getParameter(0, valueType);
Local localB = code.getParameter(1, valueType);
Local localResult = code.newLocal(TypeId.INT);
code.compareFloatingPoint(localResult, localA, localB, nanValue);
return getMethod();
public void testLongCompare() throws Exception {
* public static int call(long a, long b) {
* int result = a <=> b;
* return result;
* }
MethodId, Integer> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(TypeId.INT, "call", TypeId.LONG, TypeId.LONG);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC | STATIC);
Local localA = code.getParameter(0, TypeId.LONG);
Local localB = code.getParameter(1, TypeId.LONG);
Local localResult = code.newLocal(TypeId.INT);
code.compareLongs(localResult, localA, localB);
Method method = getMethod();
assertEquals(0, method.invoke(null, Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MIN_VALUE));
assertEquals(-1, method.invoke(null, Long.MIN_VALUE, 0));
assertEquals(-1, method.invoke(null, Long.MIN_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE));
assertEquals(1, method.invoke(null, 0, Long.MIN_VALUE));
assertEquals(0, method.invoke(null, 0, 0));
assertEquals(-1, method.invoke(null, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE));
assertEquals(1, method.invoke(null, Long.MAX_VALUE, Long.MIN_VALUE));
assertEquals(1, method.invoke(null, Long.MAX_VALUE, 0));
assertEquals(0, method.invoke(null, Long.MAX_VALUE, Long.MAX_VALUE));
public void testArrayLength() throws Exception {
Method booleanArrayLength = arrayLengthMethod(BOOLEAN_ARRAY);
assertEquals(0, booleanArrayLength.invoke(null, new Object[] { new boolean[0] }));
assertEquals(5, booleanArrayLength.invoke(null, new Object[] { new boolean[5] }));
Method intArrayLength = arrayLengthMethod(INT_ARRAY);
assertEquals(0, intArrayLength.invoke(null, new Object[] { new int[0] }));
assertEquals(5, intArrayLength.invoke(null, new Object[] { new int[5] }));
Method longArrayLength = arrayLengthMethod(LONG_ARRAY);
assertEquals(0, longArrayLength.invoke(null, new Object[] { new long[0] }));
assertEquals(5, longArrayLength.invoke(null, new Object[] { new long[5] }));
Method objectArrayLength = arrayLengthMethod(OBJECT_ARRAY);
assertEquals(0, objectArrayLength.invoke(null, new Object[] { new Object[0] }));
assertEquals(5, objectArrayLength.invoke(null, new Object[] { new Object[5] }));
Method long2dArrayLength = arrayLengthMethod(LONG_2D_ARRAY);
assertEquals(0, long2dArrayLength.invoke(null, new Object[] { new long[0][0] }));
assertEquals(5, long2dArrayLength.invoke(null, new Object[] { new long[5][10] }));
private Method arrayLengthMethod(TypeId valueType) throws Exception {
* public static int call(long[] array) {
* int result = array.length;
* return result;
* }
MethodId, Integer> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(TypeId.INT, "call", valueType);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC | STATIC);
Local localArray = code.getParameter(0, valueType);
Local localResult = code.newLocal(TypeId.INT);
code.arrayLength(localResult, localArray);
return getMethod();
public void testNewArray() throws Exception {
Method newBooleanArray = newArrayMethod(BOOLEAN_ARRAY);
assertEquals("[]", Arrays.toString((boolean[]) newBooleanArray.invoke(null, 0)));
assertEquals("[false, false, false]",
Arrays.toString((boolean[]) newBooleanArray.invoke(null, 3)));
Method newIntArray = newArrayMethod(INT_ARRAY);
assertEquals("[]", Arrays.toString((int[]) newIntArray.invoke(null, 0)));
assertEquals("[0, 0, 0]", Arrays.toString((int[]) newIntArray.invoke(null, 3)));
Method newLongArray = newArrayMethod(LONG_ARRAY);
assertEquals("[]", Arrays.toString((long[]) newLongArray.invoke(null, 0)));
assertEquals("[0, 0, 0]", Arrays.toString((long[]) newLongArray.invoke(null, 3)));
Method newObjectArray = newArrayMethod(OBJECT_ARRAY);
assertEquals("[]", Arrays.toString((Object[]) newObjectArray.invoke(null, 0)));
assertEquals("[null, null, null]",
Arrays.toString((Object[]) newObjectArray.invoke(null, 3)));
Method new2dLongArray = newArrayMethod(LONG_2D_ARRAY);
assertEquals("[]", Arrays.deepToString((long[][]) new2dLongArray.invoke(null, 0)));
assertEquals("[null, null, null]",
Arrays.deepToString((long[][]) new2dLongArray.invoke(null, 3)));
private Method newArrayMethod(TypeId valueType) throws Exception {
* public static long[] call(int length) {
* long[] result = new long[length];
* return result;
* }
MethodId, T> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(valueType, "call", TypeId.INT);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC | STATIC);
Local localLength = code.getParameter(0, TypeId.INT);
Local localResult = code.newLocal(valueType);
code.newArray(localResult, localLength);
return getMethod();
public void testReadAndWriteArray() throws Exception {
Method swapBooleanArray = arraySwapMethod(BOOLEAN_ARRAY, TypeId.BOOLEAN);
boolean[] booleans = new boolean[3];
assertEquals(false, swapBooleanArray.invoke(null, booleans, 1, true));
assertEquals("[false, true, false]", Arrays.toString(booleans));
Method swapIntArray = arraySwapMethod(INT_ARRAY, TypeId.INT);
int[] ints = new int[3];
assertEquals(0, swapIntArray.invoke(null, ints, 1, 5));
assertEquals("[0, 5, 0]", Arrays.toString(ints));
Method swapLongArray = arraySwapMethod(LONG_ARRAY, TypeId.LONG);
long[] longs = new long[3];
assertEquals(0L, swapLongArray.invoke(null, longs, 1, 6L));
assertEquals("[0, 6, 0]", Arrays.toString(longs));
Method swapObjectArray = arraySwapMethod(OBJECT_ARRAY, TypeId.OBJECT);
Object[] objects = new Object[3];
assertEquals(null, swapObjectArray.invoke(null, objects, 1, "X"));
assertEquals("[null, X, null]", Arrays.toString(objects));
Method swapLong2dArray = arraySwapMethod(LONG_2D_ARRAY, LONG_ARRAY);
long[][] longs2d = new long[3][];
assertEquals(null, swapLong2dArray.invoke(null, longs2d, 1, new long[] { 7 }));
assertEquals("[null, [7], null]", Arrays.deepToString(longs2d));
private Method arraySwapMethod(TypeId arrayType, TypeId singleType)
throws Exception {
* public static long swap(long[] array, int index, long newValue) {
* long result = array[index];
* array[index] = newValue;
* return result;
* }
MethodId, T> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(
singleType, "call", arrayType, TypeId.INT, singleType);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC | STATIC);
Local localArray = code.getParameter(0, arrayType);
Local localIndex = code.getParameter(1, TypeId.INT);
Local localNewValue = code.getParameter(2, singleType);
Local localResult = code.newLocal(singleType);
code.aget(localResult, localArray, localIndex);
code.aput(localArray, localIndex, localNewValue);
return getMethod();
public void testSynchronizedFlagImpactsDeclarationOnly() throws Exception {
* public synchronized void call() {
* wait(100L);
* }
MethodId, Void> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(TypeId.VOID, "call");
MethodId wait = TypeId.OBJECT.getMethod(TypeId.VOID, "wait", TypeId.LONG);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC | SYNCHRONIZED);
Local> thisLocal = code.getThis(GENERATED);
Local timeout = code.newLocal(TypeId.LONG);
code.loadConstant(timeout, 100L);
code.invokeVirtual(wait, null, thisLocal, timeout);
Class> generatedClass = generateAndLoad();
Object instance = generatedClass.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
Method method = generatedClass.getMethod("call");
try {
} catch (InvocationTargetException expected) {
assertTrue(expected.getCause() instanceof IllegalMonitorStateException);
public void testMonitorEnterMonitorExit() throws Exception {
* public synchronized void call() {
* synchronized (this) {
* wait(100L);
* }
* }
MethodId, Void> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(TypeId.VOID, "call");
MethodId wait = TypeId.OBJECT.getMethod(TypeId.VOID, "wait", TypeId.LONG);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC);
Local> thisLocal = code.getThis(GENERATED);
Local timeout = code.newLocal(TypeId.LONG);
code.loadConstant(timeout, 100L);
code.invokeVirtual(wait, null, thisLocal, timeout);
Class> generatedClass = generateAndLoad();
Object instance = generatedClass.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
Method method = generatedClass.getMethod("call");
method.invoke(instance); // will take 100ms
public void testMoveInt() throws Exception {
* public static int call(int a) {
* int b = a;
* int c = a + b;
* return c;
* }
MethodId, Integer> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(TypeId.INT, "call", TypeId.INT);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC | STATIC);
Local a = code.getParameter(0, TypeId.INT);
Local b = code.newLocal(TypeId.INT);
Local c = code.newLocal(TypeId.INT);
code.move(b, a);
code.op(BinaryOp.ADD, c, a, b);
assertEquals(6, getMethod().invoke(null, 3));
public void testPrivateClassesAreUnsupported() {
try {
dexMaker.declare(TypeId.get("LPrivateClass;"), "PrivateClass.generated", PRIVATE,
} catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
public void testAbstractMethodsAreUnsupported() {
MethodId, Void> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(TypeId.VOID, "call");
try {
dexMaker.declare(methodId, ABSTRACT);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
public void testNativeMethodsAreUnsupported() {
MethodId, Void> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(TypeId.VOID, "call");
try {
dexMaker.declare(methodId, NATIVE);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
public void testSynchronizedFieldsAreUnsupported() {
try {
FieldId, ?> fieldId = GENERATED.getField(TypeId.OBJECT, "synchronizedField");
dexMaker.declare(fieldId, SYNCHRONIZED, null);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
public void testInitialValueWithNonStaticField() {
try {
FieldId, ?> fieldId = GENERATED.getField(TypeId.OBJECT, "nonStaticField");
dexMaker.declare(fieldId, 0, 1);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException expected) {
// TODO: cast primitive to non-primitive
// TODO: cast non-primitive to primitive
// TODO: cast byte to integer
// TODO: cast byte to long
// TODO: cast long to byte
// TODO: fail if a label is unreachable (never navigated to)
// TODO: more strict type parameters: Integer on methods
// TODO: don't generate multiple times (?)
// TODO: test array types
// TODO: test generating an interface
// TODO: declare native method or abstract method
// TODO: get a thrown exception 'e' into a local
// TODO: move a primitive or reference
private void addDefaultConstructor() {
Code code = dexMaker.declare(GENERATED.getConstructor(), PUBLIC);
Local> thisRef = code.getThis(GENERATED);
code.invokeDirect(TypeId.OBJECT.getConstructor(), null, thisRef);
public void testCaching_Methods() throws Exception {
int origSize = getDataDirectory().listFiles().length;
final String defaultMethodName = "call";
dexMaker = new DexMaker();
dexMaker.declare(GENERATED, "Generated.java", PUBLIC, TypeId.OBJECT);
addMethodToDexMakerGenerator(TypeId.INT, defaultMethodName, TypeId.INT);
int numFiles = getDataDirectory().listFiles().length;
// DexMaker writes two files to disk at a time: Generated_XXXX.jar and Generated_XXXX.dex.
assertTrue(origSize < numFiles);
long lastModified = getJarFiles()[0].lastModified();
// Create new dexmaker generator with same method signature.
dexMaker = new DexMaker();
dexMaker.declare(GENERATED, "Generated.java", PUBLIC, TypeId.OBJECT);
addMethodToDexMakerGenerator(TypeId.INT, defaultMethodName, TypeId.INT);
assertEquals(numFiles, getDataDirectory().listFiles().length);
assertEquals(lastModified, getJarFiles()[0].lastModified());
// Create new dexmaker generators with different params.
dexMaker = new DexMaker();
dexMaker.declare(GENERATED, "Generated.java", PUBLIC, TypeId.OBJECT);
addMethodToDexMakerGenerator(TypeId.INT, defaultMethodName, TypeId.DOUBLE);
assertTrue(numFiles < getDataDirectory().listFiles().length);
numFiles = getDataDirectory().listFiles().length;
dexMaker = new DexMaker();
dexMaker.declare(GENERATED, "Generated.java", PUBLIC, TypeId.OBJECT);
addMethodToDexMakerGenerator(TypeId.INT, defaultMethodName, TypeId.INT, TypeId.DOUBLE);
assertTrue(numFiles < getDataDirectory().listFiles().length);
numFiles = getDataDirectory().listFiles().length;
// Create new dexmaker generator with different return types.
dexMaker = new DexMaker();
dexMaker.declare(GENERATED, "Generated.java", PUBLIC, TypeId.OBJECT);
addMethodToDexMakerGenerator(TypeId.DOUBLE, defaultMethodName, TypeId.INT);
assertTrue(numFiles < getDataDirectory().listFiles().length);
numFiles = getDataDirectory().listFiles().length;
// Create new dexmaker generators with multiple methods.
dexMaker = new DexMaker();
dexMaker.declare(GENERATED, "Generated.java", PUBLIC, TypeId.OBJECT);
addMethodToDexMakerGenerator(TypeId.INT, defaultMethodName, TypeId.INT);
addMethodToDexMakerGenerator(TypeId.INT, defaultMethodName, TypeId.INT, TypeId.BOOLEAN); // new method
assertTrue(numFiles < getDataDirectory().listFiles().length);
numFiles = getDataDirectory().listFiles().length;
dexMaker = new DexMaker();
dexMaker.declare(GENERATED, "Generated.java", PUBLIC, TypeId.OBJECT);
addMethodToDexMakerGenerator(TypeId.INT, defaultMethodName, TypeId.INT, TypeId.BOOLEAN);
addMethodToDexMakerGenerator(TypeId.INT, defaultMethodName, TypeId.INT);
assertEquals(numFiles, getDataDirectory().listFiles().length); // should already be cached.
dexMaker = new DexMaker();
dexMaker.declare(GENERATED, "Generated.java", PUBLIC, TypeId.OBJECT);
addMethodToDexMakerGenerator(TypeId.INT, defaultMethodName, TypeId.INT);
addMethodToDexMakerGenerator(TypeId.INT, defaultMethodName, TypeId.INT, TypeId.INT, TypeId.BOOLEAN); // new method
assertTrue(numFiles < getDataDirectory().listFiles().length);
numFiles = getDataDirectory().listFiles().length;
dexMaker = new DexMaker();
dexMaker.declare(GENERATED, "Generated.java", PUBLIC, TypeId.OBJECT);
addMethodToDexMakerGenerator(TypeId.INT, defaultMethodName, TypeId.INT);
addMethodToDexMakerGenerator(TypeId.INT, defaultMethodName, TypeId.INT, TypeId.INT); // new method
assertTrue(numFiles < getDataDirectory().listFiles().length);
numFiles = getDataDirectory().listFiles().length;
dexMaker = new DexMaker();
dexMaker.declare(GENERATED, "Generated.java", PUBLIC, TypeId.OBJECT);
addMethodToDexMakerGenerator(TypeId.INT, "differentName", TypeId.INT); // new method
addMethodToDexMakerGenerator(TypeId.INT, defaultMethodName, TypeId.INT, TypeId.BOOLEAN);
assertTrue(numFiles < getDataDirectory().listFiles().length);
public static class BlankClassA {}
public static class BlankClassB {}
public void testCaching_DifferentParentClasses() throws Exception {
int origSize = getDataDirectory().listFiles().length;
final String defaultMethodName = "call";
// Create new dexmaker generator with BlankClassA as supertype.
dexMaker = new DexMaker();
dexMaker.declare(GENERATED, "Generated.java", PUBLIC, TypeId.get(BlankClassA.class));
addMethodToDexMakerGenerator(TypeId.INT, defaultMethodName, TypeId.INT);
// DexMaker writes two files to disk at a time: Generated_XXXX.jar and Generated_XXXX.dex.
int numFiles = getDataDirectory().listFiles().length;
assertTrue(origSize < numFiles);
// Create new dexmaker generator with BlankClassB as supertype.
dexMaker = new DexMaker();
dexMaker.declare(GENERATED, "Generated.java", PUBLIC, TypeId.get(BlankClassB.class));
addMethodToDexMakerGenerator(TypeId.INT, defaultMethodName, TypeId.INT);
assertTrue(numFiles < getDataDirectory().listFiles().length);
private void addMethodToDexMakerGenerator(TypeId> typeId, String methodName, TypeId>... params) throws Exception {
MethodId, ?> methodId = GENERATED.getMethod(typeId, methodName, params);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(methodId, PUBLIC | STATIC);
TypeId iseType = TypeId.get(IllegalStateException.class);
Local localIse = code.newLocal(iseType);
if (params.length > 0) {
if (params[0].equals(typeId)) {
Local> localResult = code.getParameter(0, TypeId.INT);
} else {
} else {
public interface BlankInterfaceA {}
public interface BlankInterfaceB {}
public void testCaching_DifferentInterfaces() throws Exception {
int origSize = getDataDirectory().listFiles().length;
// Create new dexmaker generator with BlankInterfaceA.
dexMaker = new DexMaker();
TypeId interfaceA = TypeId.get(BlankInterfaceA.class);
dexMaker.declare(GENERATED, "Generated.java", PUBLIC, TypeId.OBJECT, interfaceA);
int numFiles = getDataDirectory().listFiles().length;
assertTrue(origSize < numFiles);
// Create new dexmaker generator with BlankInterfaceB.
dexMaker = new DexMaker();
TypeId interfaceB = TypeId.get(BlankInterfaceB.class);
dexMaker.declare(GENERATED, "Generated.java", PUBLIC, TypeId.OBJECT, interfaceB);
assertTrue(numFiles < getDataDirectory().listFiles().length);
public void testCaching_Constructors() throws Exception {
int origSize = getDataDirectory().listFiles().length;
// Create new dexmaker generator with Generated(int) constructor.
dexMaker = new DexMaker();
dexMaker.declare(GENERATED, "Generated.java", PUBLIC, TypeId.OBJECT);
// DexMaker writes two files to disk at a time: Generated_XXXX.jar and Generated_XXXX.dex.
int numFiles = getDataDirectory().listFiles().length;
assertTrue(origSize < numFiles);
long lastModified = getJarFiles()[0].lastModified();
dexMaker = new DexMaker();
dexMaker.declare(GENERATED, "Generated.java", PUBLIC, TypeId.OBJECT);
assertEquals(numFiles, getDataDirectory().listFiles().length);
assertEquals(lastModified, getJarFiles()[0].lastModified());
// Create new dexmaker generator with Generated(boolean) constructor.
dexMaker = new DexMaker();
dexMaker.declare(GENERATED, "Generated.java", PUBLIC, TypeId.OBJECT);
assertTrue(numFiles < getDataDirectory().listFiles().length);
numFiles = getDataDirectory().listFiles().length;
// Create new dexmaker generator with multiple constructors.
dexMaker = new DexMaker();
dexMaker.declare(GENERATED, "Generated.java", PUBLIC, TypeId.OBJECT);
assertTrue(numFiles < getDataDirectory().listFiles().length);
numFiles = getDataDirectory().listFiles().length;
// Ensure that order of constructors does not affect caching decision.
dexMaker = new DexMaker();
dexMaker.declare(GENERATED, "Generated.java", PUBLIC, TypeId.OBJECT);
assertEquals(numFiles, getDataDirectory().listFiles().length);
private void addConstructorToDexMakerGenerator(TypeId>... params) throws Exception {
MethodId, Void> constructor = GENERATED.getConstructor(params);
Code code = dexMaker.declare(constructor, PUBLIC);
private File[] getJarFiles() {
return getDataDirectory().listFiles(new FilenameFilter() {
public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
return name.endsWith(".jar");
* Returns the generated method.
private Method getMethod() throws Exception {
Class> generated = generateAndLoad();
for (Method method : generated.getMethods()) {
if (method.getName().equals("call")) {
return method;
throw new IllegalStateException("no call() method");
public static File getDataDirectory() {
String dataDir = InstrumentationRegistry.getTargetContext().getApplicationInfo().dataDir;
return new File(dataDir);
private Class> generateAndLoad() throws Exception {
return dexMaker.generateAndLoad(getClass().getClassLoader(), getDataDirectory())
private final ClassLoader commonClassLoader = new BaseDexClassLoader(
getDataDirectory().getPath(), getDataDirectory(), getDataDirectory().getPath(),
private final ClassLoader uncommonClassLoader = new ClassLoader() {
public Class> loadClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {
throw new IllegalStateException("Not used");
private static void loadWithSharedClassLoader(ClassLoader cl, boolean markAsTrusted,
boolean shouldUseCL) throws Exception {
DexMaker d = new DexMaker();
if (markAsTrusted) {
ClassLoader selectedCL = d.generateAndLoad(null, getDataDirectory());
if (shouldUseCL) {
assertSame(cl, selectedCL);
} else {
assertNotSame(cl, selectedCL);
// An appropriate fallback should have been selected
public void loadWithUncommonSharedClassLoader() throws Exception{
assumeTrue(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N);
loadWithSharedClassLoader(uncommonClassLoader, false, false);
public void loadWithCommonSharedClassLoader() throws Exception{
assumeTrue(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N);
loadWithSharedClassLoader(commonClassLoader, false, true);
public void loadAsTrustedWithUncommonSharedClassLoader() throws Exception{
assumeTrue(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.P);
loadWithSharedClassLoader(uncommonClassLoader, true, false);
public void loadAsTrustedWithCommonSharedClassLoader() throws Exception{
assumeTrue(Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.P);
loadWithSharedClassLoader(commonClassLoader, true, true);