language: python python: 3.5 env: global: - TWINE_USERNAME="anthrotype" - secure: PJuCmlDuwnojiw3QuDhfNAaU4f/yeJcEcRzJAudA66bwZK7hvxV7Tiy9A17Bm6yO0HbJmmyjsIr8h2e7/PyY6QCaV8RqcMDkQ0UraU16pRsihp0giVXJoWscj2sCP4cNDOBVwSaGAX8yZ2OONc5srESywghzcy8xmgw6O+XFqx4= branches: only: - master # We want to build wip/* branches since these are not usually used for PRs - /^wip\/.*$/ # We want to build version tags as well. - /^\d+\.\d+.*$/ matrix: fast_finish: true exclude: # Exclude the default Python 3.5 build - python: 3.5 include: - python: 2.7 env: TOXENV=py27-cov - python: 3.5 env: TOXENV=py35-cov - python: 3.6 env: - TOXENV=py36-cov,package_readme - BUILD_DIST=true - python: 3.7 env: TOXENV=py37-cov # required to run python3.7 on Travis CI # dist: xenial - python: pypy2.7-6.0 # disable on pypy because of performance problems env: TOXENV=pypy dist: xenial - language: generic os: osx env: TOXENV=py27-cov - language: generic os: osx env: - TOXENV=py3-cov - HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 - env: - TOXENV=py27 - PYENV_VERSION='2.7.6' - PYENV_VERSION_STRING='Python 2.7.6' - PYENV_ROOT=$HOME/.travis-pyenv - TRAVIS_PYENV_VERSION='0.4.0' allow_failures: # We use fast_finish + allow_failures because OSX builds take forever # - language: generic os: osx env: TOXENV=py27-cov - language: generic os: osx env: - TOXENV=py3-cov - HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 cache: - pip - directories: - $HOME/.pyenv_cache before_install: - source ./.travis/ install: - ./.travis/ script: - ./.travis/ after_success: - ./.travis/ notifications: irc: "" email: deploy: # deploy to Github Releases on tags - provider: releases api_key: secure: KEcWhJxMcnKay7wmWJCpg2W5GWHTQ+LaRbqGM11IKGcQuEOFxWuG7W1xjGpVdKPj/MQ+cG0b9hGUFpls1hwseOA1HANMv4xjCgYkuvT1OdpX/KOcZ7gfe/qaovzVxHyP9xwohnHSJMb790t37fmDfFUSROx3iEexIX09LLoDjO8= skip_cleanup: true file_glob: true file: "dist/*" on: tags: true repo: fonttools/fonttools all_branches: true condition: "$BUILD_DIST == true"