/* * Copyright © 2012,2013 Mozilla Foundation. * Copyright © 2012,2013 Google, Inc. * * This is part of HarfBuzz, a text shaping library. * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in * all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN * IF THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH * DAMAGE. * * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS NO OBLIGATION TO * PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. * * Mozilla Author(s): Jonathan Kew * Google Author(s): Behdad Esfahbod */ #include "hb.hh" #include "hb-shaper-impl.hh" #include "hb-coretext.h" #include "hb-aat-layout.hh" #include /** * SECTION:hb-coretext * @title: hb-coretext * @short_description: CoreText integration * @include: hb-coretext.h * * Functions for using HarfBuzz with the CoreText fonts. **/ /* https://developer.apple.com/documentation/coretext/1508745-ctfontcreatewithgraphicsfont */ #define HB_CORETEXT_DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE 12.f static CGFloat coretext_font_size_from_ptem (float ptem) { /* CoreText points are CSS pixels (96 per inch), * NOT typographic points (72 per inch). * * https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/GraphicsAnimation/Conceptual/HighResolutionOSX/Explained/Explained.html */ ptem *= 96.f / 72.f; return ptem <= 0.f ? HB_CORETEXT_DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE : ptem; } static float coretext_font_size_to_ptem (CGFloat size) { size *= 72.f / 96.f; return size <= 0.f ? 0 : size; } static void release_table_data (void *user_data) { CFDataRef cf_data = reinterpret_cast (user_data); CFRelease(cf_data); } static hb_blob_t * reference_table (hb_face_t *face HB_UNUSED, hb_tag_t tag, void *user_data) { CGFontRef cg_font = reinterpret_cast (user_data); CFDataRef cf_data = CGFontCopyTableForTag (cg_font, tag); if (unlikely (!cf_data)) return nullptr; const char *data = reinterpret_cast (CFDataGetBytePtr (cf_data)); const size_t length = CFDataGetLength (cf_data); if (!data || !length) { CFRelease (cf_data); return nullptr; } return hb_blob_create (data, length, HB_MEMORY_MODE_READONLY, reinterpret_cast (const_cast<__CFData *> (cf_data)), release_table_data); } static void _hb_cg_font_release (void *data) { CGFontRelease ((CGFontRef) data); } static CTFontDescriptorRef get_last_resort_font_desc () { // TODO Handle allocation failures? CTFontDescriptorRef last_resort = CTFontDescriptorCreateWithNameAndSize (CFSTR("LastResort"), 0); CFArrayRef cascade_list = CFArrayCreate (kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void **) &last_resort, 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); CFRelease (last_resort); CFDictionaryRef attributes = CFDictionaryCreate (kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void **) &kCTFontCascadeListAttribute, (const void **) &cascade_list, 1, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); CFRelease (cascade_list); CTFontDescriptorRef font_desc = CTFontDescriptorCreateWithAttributes (attributes); CFRelease (attributes); return font_desc; } static void release_data (void *info, const void *data, size_t size) { assert (hb_blob_get_length ((hb_blob_t *) info) == size && hb_blob_get_data ((hb_blob_t *) info, nullptr) == data); hb_blob_destroy ((hb_blob_t *) info); } static CGFontRef create_cg_font (hb_face_t *face) { CGFontRef cg_font = nullptr; if (face->destroy == _hb_cg_font_release) { cg_font = CGFontRetain ((CGFontRef) face->user_data); } else { hb_blob_t *blob = hb_face_reference_blob (face); unsigned int blob_length; const char *blob_data = hb_blob_get_data (blob, &blob_length); if (unlikely (!blob_length)) DEBUG_MSG (CORETEXT, face, "Face has empty blob"); CGDataProviderRef provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithData (blob, blob_data, blob_length, &release_data); if (likely (provider)) { cg_font = CGFontCreateWithDataProvider (provider); if (unlikely (!cg_font)) DEBUG_MSG (CORETEXT, face, "Face CGFontCreateWithDataProvider() failed"); CGDataProviderRelease (provider); } } return cg_font; } static CTFontRef create_ct_font (CGFontRef cg_font, CGFloat font_size) { CTFontRef ct_font = nullptr; /* CoreText does not enable trak table usage / tracking when creating a CTFont * using CTFontCreateWithGraphicsFont. The only way of enabling tracking seems * to be through the CTFontCreateUIFontForLanguage call. */ CFStringRef cg_postscript_name = CGFontCopyPostScriptName (cg_font); if (CFStringHasPrefix (cg_postscript_name, CFSTR (".SFNSText")) || CFStringHasPrefix (cg_postscript_name, CFSTR (".SFNSDisplay"))) { #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < 1080 # define kCTFontUIFontSystem kCTFontSystemFontType # define kCTFontUIFontEmphasizedSystem kCTFontEmphasizedSystemFontType #endif CTFontUIFontType font_type = kCTFontUIFontSystem; if (CFStringHasSuffix (cg_postscript_name, CFSTR ("-Bold"))) font_type = kCTFontUIFontEmphasizedSystem; ct_font = CTFontCreateUIFontForLanguage (font_type, font_size, nullptr); CFStringRef ct_result_name = CTFontCopyPostScriptName(ct_font); if (CFStringCompare (ct_result_name, cg_postscript_name, 0) != kCFCompareEqualTo) { CFRelease(ct_font); ct_font = nullptr; } CFRelease (ct_result_name); } CFRelease (cg_postscript_name); if (!ct_font) ct_font = CTFontCreateWithGraphicsFont (cg_font, font_size, nullptr, nullptr); if (unlikely (!ct_font)) { DEBUG_MSG (CORETEXT, cg_font, "Font CTFontCreateWithGraphicsFont() failed"); return nullptr; } /* crbug.com/576941 and crbug.com/625902 and the investigation in the latter * bug indicate that the cascade list reconfiguration occasionally causes * crashes in CoreText on OS X 10.9, thus let's skip this step on older * operating system versions. Except for the emoji font, where _not_ * reconfiguring the cascade list causes CoreText crashes. For details, see * crbug.com/549610 */ // 0x00070000 stands for "kCTVersionNumber10_10", see CoreText.h if (&CTGetCoreTextVersion != nullptr && CTGetCoreTextVersion() < 0x00070000) { CFStringRef fontName = CTFontCopyPostScriptName (ct_font); bool isEmojiFont = CFStringCompare (fontName, CFSTR("AppleColorEmoji"), 0) == kCFCompareEqualTo; CFRelease (fontName); if (!isEmojiFont) return ct_font; } CFURLRef original_url = nullptr; #if TARGET_OS_OSX && MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < 1060 ATSFontRef atsFont; FSRef fsref; OSStatus status; atsFont = CTFontGetPlatformFont (ct_font, NULL); status = ATSFontGetFileReference (atsFont, &fsref); if (status == noErr) original_url = CFURLCreateFromFSRef (NULL, &fsref); #else original_url = (CFURLRef) CTFontCopyAttribute (ct_font, kCTFontURLAttribute); #endif /* Create font copy with cascade list that has LastResort first; this speeds up CoreText * font fallback which we don't need anyway. */ { CTFontDescriptorRef last_resort_font_desc = get_last_resort_font_desc (); CTFontRef new_ct_font = CTFontCreateCopyWithAttributes (ct_font, 0.0, nullptr, last_resort_font_desc); CFRelease (last_resort_font_desc); if (new_ct_font) { /* The CTFontCreateCopyWithAttributes call fails to stay on the same font * when reconfiguring the cascade list and may switch to a different font * when there are fonts that go by the same name, since the descriptor is * just name and size. * * Avoid reconfiguring the cascade lists if the new font is outside the * system locations that we cannot access from the sandboxed renderer * process in Blink. This can be detected by the new file URL location * that the newly found font points to. */ CFURLRef new_url = nullptr; #if TARGET_OS_OSX && MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < 1060 atsFont = CTFontGetPlatformFont (new_ct_font, NULL); status = ATSFontGetFileReference (atsFont, &fsref); if (status == noErr) new_url = CFURLCreateFromFSRef (NULL, &fsref); #else new_url = (CFURLRef) CTFontCopyAttribute (new_ct_font, kCTFontURLAttribute); #endif // Keep reconfigured font if URL cannot be retrieved (seems to be the case // on Mac OS 10.12 Sierra), speculative fix for crbug.com/625606 if (!original_url || !new_url || CFEqual (original_url, new_url)) { CFRelease (ct_font); ct_font = new_ct_font; } else { CFRelease (new_ct_font); DEBUG_MSG (CORETEXT, ct_font, "Discarding reconfigured CTFont, location changed."); } if (new_url) CFRelease (new_url); } else DEBUG_MSG (CORETEXT, ct_font, "Font copy with empty cascade list failed"); } if (original_url) CFRelease (original_url); return ct_font; } hb_coretext_face_data_t * _hb_coretext_shaper_face_data_create (hb_face_t *face) { CGFontRef cg_font = create_cg_font (face); if (unlikely (!cg_font)) { DEBUG_MSG (CORETEXT, face, "CGFont creation failed.."); return nullptr; } return (hb_coretext_face_data_t *) cg_font; } void _hb_coretext_shaper_face_data_destroy (hb_coretext_face_data_t *data) { CFRelease ((CGFontRef) data); } hb_face_t * hb_coretext_face_create (CGFontRef cg_font) { return hb_face_create_for_tables (reference_table, CGFontRetain (cg_font), _hb_cg_font_release); } /* * Since: 0.9.10 */ CGFontRef hb_coretext_face_get_cg_font (hb_face_t *face) { return (CGFontRef) (const void *) face->data.coretext; } hb_coretext_font_data_t * _hb_coretext_shaper_font_data_create (hb_font_t *font) { hb_face_t *face = font->face; const hb_coretext_face_data_t *face_data = face->data.coretext; if (unlikely (!face_data)) return nullptr; CGFontRef cg_font = (CGFontRef) (const void *) face->data.coretext; CTFontRef ct_font = create_ct_font (cg_font, coretext_font_size_from_ptem (font->ptem)); if (unlikely (!ct_font)) { DEBUG_MSG (CORETEXT, font, "CGFont creation failed.."); return nullptr; } return (hb_coretext_font_data_t *) ct_font; } void _hb_coretext_shaper_font_data_destroy (hb_coretext_font_data_t *data) { CFRelease ((CTFontRef) data); } static const hb_coretext_font_data_t * hb_coretext_font_data_sync (hb_font_t *font) { retry: const hb_coretext_font_data_t *data = font->data.coretext; if (unlikely (!data)) return nullptr; if (fabs (CTFontGetSize((CTFontRef) data) - coretext_font_size_from_ptem (font->ptem)) > .5) { /* XXX-MT-bug * Note that evaluating condition above can be dangerous if another thread * got here first and destructed data. That's, as always, bad use pattern. * If you modify the font (change font size), other threads must not be * using it at the same time. However, since this check is delayed to * when one actually tries to shape something, this is a XXX race condition * (and the only one we have that I know of) right now. Ie. you modify the * font size in one thread, then (supposedly safely) try to use it from two * or more threads and BOOM! I'm not sure how to fix this. We want RCU. */ /* Drop and recreate. */ /* If someone dropped it in the mean time, throw it away and don't touch it. * Otherwise, destruct it. */ if (likely (font->data.coretext.cmpexch (const_cast (data), nullptr))) _hb_coretext_shaper_font_data_destroy (const_cast (data)); else goto retry; } return font->data.coretext; } /* * Since: 1.7.2 */ hb_font_t * hb_coretext_font_create (CTFontRef ct_font) { CGFontRef cg_font = CTFontCopyGraphicsFont (ct_font, nullptr); hb_face_t *face = hb_coretext_face_create (cg_font); CFRelease (cg_font); hb_font_t *font = hb_font_create (face); hb_face_destroy (face); if (unlikely (hb_object_is_immutable (font))) return font; hb_font_set_ptem (font, coretext_font_size_to_ptem (CTFontGetSize(ct_font))); /* Let there be dragons here... */ font->data.coretext.cmpexch (nullptr, (hb_coretext_font_data_t *) CFRetain (ct_font)); return font; } CTFontRef hb_coretext_font_get_ct_font (hb_font_t *font) { const hb_coretext_font_data_t *data = hb_coretext_font_data_sync (font); return data ? (CTFontRef) data : nullptr; } /* * shaper */ struct feature_record_t { unsigned int feature; unsigned int setting; }; struct active_feature_t { feature_record_t rec; unsigned int order; static int cmp (const void *pa, const void *pb) { const active_feature_t *a = (const active_feature_t *) pa; const active_feature_t *b = (const active_feature_t *) pb; return a->rec.feature < b->rec.feature ? -1 : a->rec.feature > b->rec.feature ? 1 : a->order < b->order ? -1 : a->order > b->order ? 1 : a->rec.setting < b->rec.setting ? -1 : a->rec.setting > b->rec.setting ? 1 : 0; } bool operator== (const active_feature_t *f) { return cmp (this, f) == 0; } }; struct feature_event_t { unsigned int index; bool start; active_feature_t feature; static int cmp (const void *pa, const void *pb) { const feature_event_t *a = (const feature_event_t *) pa; const feature_event_t *b = (const feature_event_t *) pb; return a->index < b->index ? -1 : a->index > b->index ? 1 : a->start < b->start ? -1 : a->start > b->start ? 1 : active_feature_t::cmp (&a->feature, &b->feature); } }; struct range_record_t { CTFontRef font; unsigned int index_first; /* == start */ unsigned int index_last; /* == end - 1 */ }; hb_bool_t _hb_coretext_shape (hb_shape_plan_t *shape_plan, hb_font_t *font, hb_buffer_t *buffer, const hb_feature_t *features, unsigned int num_features) { hb_face_t *face = font->face; CGFontRef cg_font = (CGFontRef) (const void *) face->data.coretext; CTFontRef ct_font = (CTFontRef) hb_coretext_font_data_sync (font); CGFloat ct_font_size = CTFontGetSize (ct_font); CGFloat x_mult = (CGFloat) font->x_scale / ct_font_size; CGFloat y_mult = (CGFloat) font->y_scale / ct_font_size; /* Attach marks to their bases, to match the 'ot' shaper. * Adapted from a very old version of hb-ot-shape:hb_form_clusters(). * Note that this only makes us be closer to the 'ot' shaper, * but by no means the same. For example, if there's * B1 M1 B2 M2, and B1-B2 form a ligature, M2's cluster will * continue pointing to B2 even though B2 was merged into B1's * cluster... */ if (buffer->cluster_level == HB_BUFFER_CLUSTER_LEVEL_MONOTONE_GRAPHEMES) { hb_unicode_funcs_t *unicode = buffer->unicode; unsigned int count = buffer->len; hb_glyph_info_t *info = buffer->info; for (unsigned int i = 1; i < count; i++) if (HB_UNICODE_GENERAL_CATEGORY_IS_MARK (unicode->general_category (info[i].codepoint))) buffer->merge_clusters (i - 1, i + 1); } hb_vector_t feature_records; hb_vector_t range_records; /* * Set up features. * (copied + modified from code from hb-uniscribe.cc) */ if (num_features) { /* Sort features by start/end events. */ hb_vector_t feature_events; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_features; i++) { const hb_aat_feature_mapping_t * mapping = hb_aat_layout_find_feature_mapping (features[i].tag); if (!mapping) continue; active_feature_t feature; feature.rec.feature = mapping->aatFeatureType; feature.rec.setting = features[i].value ? mapping->selectorToEnable : mapping->selectorToDisable; feature.order = i; feature_event_t *event; event = feature_events.push (); event->index = features[i].start; event->start = true; event->feature = feature; event = feature_events.push (); event->index = features[i].end; event->start = false; event->feature = feature; } feature_events.qsort (); /* Add a strategic final event. */ { active_feature_t feature; feature.rec.feature = HB_TAG_NONE; feature.rec.setting = 0; feature.order = num_features + 1; feature_event_t *event = feature_events.push (); event->index = 0; /* This value does magic. */ event->start = false; event->feature = feature; } /* Scan events and save features for each range. */ hb_vector_t active_features; unsigned int last_index = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < feature_events.len; i++) { feature_event_t *event = &feature_events[i]; if (event->index != last_index) { /* Save a snapshot of active features and the range. */ range_record_t *range = range_records.push (); if (active_features.len) { CFMutableArrayRef features_array = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); /* TODO sort and resolve conflicting features? */ /* active_features.qsort (); */ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < active_features.len; j++) { CFStringRef keys[] = { kCTFontFeatureTypeIdentifierKey, kCTFontFeatureSelectorIdentifierKey }; CFNumberRef values[] = { CFNumberCreate (kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberIntType, &active_features[j].rec.feature), CFNumberCreate (kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberIntType, &active_features[j].rec.setting) }; static_assert ((ARRAY_LENGTH_CONST (keys) == ARRAY_LENGTH_CONST (values)), ""); CFDictionaryRef dict = CFDictionaryCreate (kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void **) keys, (const void **) values, ARRAY_LENGTH (keys), &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH (values); i++) CFRelease (values[i]); CFArrayAppendValue (features_array, dict); CFRelease (dict); } CFDictionaryRef attributes = CFDictionaryCreate (kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void **) &kCTFontFeatureSettingsAttribute, (const void **) &features_array, 1, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); CFRelease (features_array); CTFontDescriptorRef font_desc = CTFontDescriptorCreateWithAttributes (attributes); CFRelease (attributes); range->font = CTFontCreateCopyWithAttributes (ct_font, 0.0, nullptr, font_desc); CFRelease (font_desc); } else { range->font = nullptr; } range->index_first = last_index; range->index_last = event->index - 1; last_index = event->index; } if (event->start) { active_features.push (event->feature); } else { active_feature_t *feature = active_features.find (&event->feature); if (feature) active_features.remove (feature - active_features.arrayZ ()); } } } unsigned int scratch_size; hb_buffer_t::scratch_buffer_t *scratch = buffer->get_scratch_buffer (&scratch_size); #define ALLOCATE_ARRAY(Type, name, len, on_no_room) \ Type *name = (Type *) scratch; \ { \ unsigned int _consumed = DIV_CEIL ((len) * sizeof (Type), sizeof (*scratch)); \ if (unlikely (_consumed > scratch_size)) \ { \ on_no_room; \ assert (0); \ } \ scratch += _consumed; \ scratch_size -= _consumed; \ } ALLOCATE_ARRAY (UniChar, pchars, buffer->len * 2, /*nothing*/); unsigned int chars_len = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < buffer->len; i++) { hb_codepoint_t c = buffer->info[i].codepoint; if (likely (c <= 0xFFFFu)) pchars[chars_len++] = c; else if (unlikely (c > 0x10FFFFu)) pchars[chars_len++] = 0xFFFDu; else { pchars[chars_len++] = 0xD800u + ((c - 0x10000u) >> 10); pchars[chars_len++] = 0xDC00u + ((c - 0x10000u) & ((1u << 10) - 1)); } } ALLOCATE_ARRAY (unsigned int, log_clusters, chars_len, /*nothing*/); chars_len = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < buffer->len; i++) { hb_codepoint_t c = buffer->info[i].codepoint; unsigned int cluster = buffer->info[i].cluster; log_clusters[chars_len++] = cluster; if (hb_in_range (c, 0x10000u, 0x10FFFFu)) log_clusters[chars_len++] = cluster; /* Surrogates. */ } #define FAIL(...) \ HB_STMT_START { \ DEBUG_MSG (CORETEXT, nullptr, __VA_ARGS__); \ ret = false; \ goto fail; \ } HB_STMT_END; bool ret = true; CFStringRef string_ref = nullptr; CTLineRef line = nullptr; if (false) { resize_and_retry: DEBUG_MSG (CORETEXT, buffer, "Buffer resize"); /* string_ref uses the scratch-buffer for backing store, and line references * string_ref (via attr_string). We must release those before resizing buffer. */ assert (string_ref); assert (line); CFRelease (string_ref); CFRelease (line); string_ref = nullptr; line = nullptr; /* Get previous start-of-scratch-area, that we use later for readjusting * our existing scratch arrays. */ unsigned int old_scratch_used; hb_buffer_t::scratch_buffer_t *old_scratch; old_scratch = buffer->get_scratch_buffer (&old_scratch_used); old_scratch_used = scratch - old_scratch; if (unlikely (!buffer->ensure (buffer->allocated * 2))) FAIL ("Buffer resize failed"); /* Adjust scratch, pchars, and log_cluster arrays. This is ugly, but really the * cleanest way to do without completely restructuring the rest of this shaper. */ scratch = buffer->get_scratch_buffer (&scratch_size); pchars = reinterpret_cast (((char *) scratch + ((char *) pchars - (char *) old_scratch))); log_clusters = reinterpret_cast (((char *) scratch + ((char *) log_clusters - (char *) old_scratch))); scratch += old_scratch_used; scratch_size -= old_scratch_used; } { string_ref = CFStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy (nullptr, pchars, chars_len, kCFAllocatorNull); if (unlikely (!string_ref)) FAIL ("CFStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy failed"); /* Create an attributed string, populate it, and create a line from it, then release attributed string. */ { CFMutableAttributedStringRef attr_string = CFAttributedStringCreateMutable (kCFAllocatorDefault, chars_len); if (unlikely (!attr_string)) FAIL ("CFAttributedStringCreateMutable failed"); CFAttributedStringReplaceString (attr_string, CFRangeMake (0, 0), string_ref); if (HB_DIRECTION_IS_VERTICAL (buffer->props.direction)) { CFAttributedStringSetAttribute (attr_string, CFRangeMake (0, chars_len), kCTVerticalFormsAttributeName, kCFBooleanTrue); } if (buffer->props.language) { /* What's the iOS equivalent of this check? * The symbols was introduced in iOS 7.0. * At any rate, our fallback is safe and works fine. */ #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < 1090 # define kCTLanguageAttributeName CFSTR ("NSLanguage") #endif CFStringRef lang = CFStringCreateWithCStringNoCopy (kCFAllocatorDefault, hb_language_to_string (buffer->props.language), kCFStringEncodingUTF8, kCFAllocatorNull); if (unlikely (!lang)) { CFRelease (attr_string); FAIL ("CFStringCreateWithCStringNoCopy failed"); } CFAttributedStringSetAttribute (attr_string, CFRangeMake (0, chars_len), kCTLanguageAttributeName, lang); CFRelease (lang); } CFAttributedStringSetAttribute (attr_string, CFRangeMake (0, chars_len), kCTFontAttributeName, ct_font); if (num_features && range_records.len) { unsigned int start = 0; range_record_t *last_range = &range_records[0]; for (unsigned int k = 0; k < chars_len; k++) { range_record_t *range = last_range; while (log_clusters[k] < range->index_first) range--; while (log_clusters[k] > range->index_last) range++; if (range != last_range) { if (last_range->font) CFAttributedStringSetAttribute (attr_string, CFRangeMake (start, k - start), kCTFontAttributeName, last_range->font); start = k; } last_range = range; } if (start != chars_len && last_range->font) CFAttributedStringSetAttribute (attr_string, CFRangeMake (start, chars_len - start), kCTFontAttributeName, last_range->font); } /* Enable/disable kern if requested. * * Note: once kern is disabled, reenabling it doesn't currently seem to work in CoreText. */ if (num_features) { unsigned int zeroint = 0; CFNumberRef zero = CFNumberCreate (kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberIntType, &zeroint); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_features; i++) { const hb_feature_t &feature = features[i]; if (feature.tag == HB_TAG('k','e','r','n') && feature.start < chars_len && feature.start < feature.end) { CFRange feature_range = CFRangeMake (feature.start, MIN (feature.end, chars_len) - feature.start); if (feature.value) CFAttributedStringRemoveAttribute (attr_string, feature_range, kCTKernAttributeName); else CFAttributedStringSetAttribute (attr_string, feature_range, kCTKernAttributeName, zero); } } CFRelease (zero); } int level = HB_DIRECTION_IS_FORWARD (buffer->props.direction) ? 0 : 1; CFNumberRef level_number = CFNumberCreate (kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberIntType, &level); #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < 1060 extern const CFStringRef kCTTypesetterOptionForcedEmbeddingLevel; #endif CFDictionaryRef options = CFDictionaryCreate (kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void **) &kCTTypesetterOptionForcedEmbeddingLevel, (const void **) &level_number, 1, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); CFRelease (level_number); if (unlikely (!options)) { CFRelease (attr_string); FAIL ("CFDictionaryCreate failed"); } CTTypesetterRef typesetter = CTTypesetterCreateWithAttributedStringAndOptions (attr_string, options); CFRelease (options); CFRelease (attr_string); if (unlikely (!typesetter)) FAIL ("CTTypesetterCreateWithAttributedStringAndOptions failed"); line = CTTypesetterCreateLine (typesetter, CFRangeMake(0, 0)); CFRelease (typesetter); if (unlikely (!line)) FAIL ("CTTypesetterCreateLine failed"); } CFArrayRef glyph_runs = CTLineGetGlyphRuns (line); unsigned int num_runs = CFArrayGetCount (glyph_runs); DEBUG_MSG (CORETEXT, nullptr, "Num runs: %d", num_runs); buffer->len = 0; uint32_t status_and = ~0, status_or = 0; double advances_so_far = 0; /* For right-to-left runs, CoreText returns the glyphs positioned such that * any trailing whitespace is to the left of (0,0). Adjust coordinate system * to fix for that. Test with any RTL string with trailing spaces. * https://crbug.com/469028 */ if (HB_DIRECTION_IS_BACKWARD (buffer->props.direction)) { advances_so_far -= CTLineGetTrailingWhitespaceWidth (line); if (HB_DIRECTION_IS_VERTICAL (buffer->props.direction)) advances_so_far = -advances_so_far; } const CFRange range_all = CFRangeMake (0, 0); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_runs; i++) { CTRunRef run = static_cast(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (glyph_runs, i)); CTRunStatus run_status = CTRunGetStatus (run); status_or |= run_status; status_and &= run_status; DEBUG_MSG (CORETEXT, run, "CTRunStatus: %x", run_status); double run_advance = CTRunGetTypographicBounds (run, range_all, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); if (HB_DIRECTION_IS_VERTICAL (buffer->props.direction)) run_advance = -run_advance; DEBUG_MSG (CORETEXT, run, "Run advance: %g", run_advance); /* CoreText does automatic font fallback (AKA "cascading") for characters * not supported by the requested font, and provides no way to turn it off, * so we must detect if the returned run uses a font other than the requested * one and fill in the buffer with .notdef glyphs instead of random glyph * indices from a different font. */ CFDictionaryRef attributes = CTRunGetAttributes (run); CTFontRef run_ct_font = static_cast(CFDictionaryGetValue (attributes, kCTFontAttributeName)); if (!CFEqual (run_ct_font, ct_font)) { /* The run doesn't use our main font instance. We have to figure out * whether font fallback happened, or this is just CoreText giving us * another CTFont using the same underlying CGFont. CoreText seems * to do that in a variety of situations, one of which being vertical * text, but also perhaps for caching reasons. * * First, see if it uses any of our subfonts created to set font features... * * Next, compare the CGFont to the one we used to create our fonts. * Even this doesn't work all the time. * * Finally, we compare PS names, which I don't think are unique... * * Looks like if we really want to be sure here we have to modify the * font to change the name table, similar to what we do in the uniscribe * backend. * * However, even that wouldn't work if we were passed in the CGFont to * construct a hb_face to begin with. * * See: https://github.com/harfbuzz/harfbuzz/pull/36 * * Also see: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=597098 */ bool matched = false; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < range_records.len; i++) if (range_records[i].font && CFEqual (run_ct_font, range_records[i].font)) { matched = true; break; } if (!matched) { CGFontRef run_cg_font = CTFontCopyGraphicsFont (run_ct_font, nullptr); if (run_cg_font) { matched = CFEqual (run_cg_font, cg_font); CFRelease (run_cg_font); } } if (!matched) { CFStringRef font_ps_name = CTFontCopyName (ct_font, kCTFontPostScriptNameKey); CFStringRef run_ps_name = CTFontCopyName (run_ct_font, kCTFontPostScriptNameKey); CFComparisonResult result = CFStringCompare (run_ps_name, font_ps_name, 0); CFRelease (run_ps_name); CFRelease (font_ps_name); if (result == kCFCompareEqualTo) matched = true; } if (!matched) { CFRange range = CTRunGetStringRange (run); DEBUG_MSG (CORETEXT, run, "Run used fallback font: %ld..%ld", range.location, range.location + range.length); if (!buffer->ensure_inplace (buffer->len + range.length)) goto resize_and_retry; hb_glyph_info_t *info = buffer->info + buffer->len; hb_codepoint_t notdef = 0; hb_direction_t dir = buffer->props.direction; hb_position_t x_advance, y_advance, x_offset, y_offset; hb_font_get_glyph_advance_for_direction (font, notdef, dir, &x_advance, &y_advance); hb_font_get_glyph_origin_for_direction (font, notdef, dir, &x_offset, &y_offset); hb_position_t advance = x_advance + y_advance; x_offset = -x_offset; y_offset = -y_offset; unsigned int old_len = buffer->len; for (CFIndex j = range.location; j < range.location + range.length; j++) { UniChar ch = CFStringGetCharacterAtIndex (string_ref, j); if (hb_in_range (ch, 0xDC00u, 0xDFFFu) && range.location < j) { ch = CFStringGetCharacterAtIndex (string_ref, j - 1); if (hb_in_range (ch, 0xD800u, 0xDBFFu)) /* This is the second of a surrogate pair. Don't need .notdef * for this one. */ continue; } if (buffer->unicode->is_default_ignorable (ch)) continue; info->codepoint = notdef; info->cluster = log_clusters[j]; info->mask = advance; info->var1.i32 = x_offset; info->var2.i32 = y_offset; info++; buffer->len++; } if (HB_DIRECTION_IS_BACKWARD (buffer->props.direction)) buffer->reverse_range (old_len, buffer->len); advances_so_far += run_advance; continue; } } unsigned int num_glyphs = CTRunGetGlyphCount (run); if (num_glyphs == 0) continue; if (!buffer->ensure_inplace (buffer->len + num_glyphs)) goto resize_and_retry; hb_glyph_info_t *run_info = buffer->info + buffer->len; /* Testing used to indicate that CTRunGetGlyphsPtr, etc (almost?) always * succeed, and so copying data to our own buffer will be rare. Reports * have it that this changed in OS X 10.10 Yosemite, and nullptr is returned * frequently. At any rate, we can test that codepath by setting USE_PTR * to false. */ #define USE_PTR true #define SCRATCH_SAVE() \ unsigned int scratch_size_saved = scratch_size; \ hb_buffer_t::scratch_buffer_t *scratch_saved = scratch #define SCRATCH_RESTORE() \ scratch_size = scratch_size_saved; \ scratch = scratch_saved; { /* Setup glyphs */ SCRATCH_SAVE(); const CGGlyph* glyphs = USE_PTR ? CTRunGetGlyphsPtr (run) : nullptr; if (!glyphs) { ALLOCATE_ARRAY (CGGlyph, glyph_buf, num_glyphs, goto resize_and_retry); CTRunGetGlyphs (run, range_all, glyph_buf); glyphs = glyph_buf; } const CFIndex* string_indices = USE_PTR ? CTRunGetStringIndicesPtr (run) : nullptr; if (!string_indices) { ALLOCATE_ARRAY (CFIndex, index_buf, num_glyphs, goto resize_and_retry); CTRunGetStringIndices (run, range_all, index_buf); string_indices = index_buf; } hb_glyph_info_t *info = run_info; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < num_glyphs; j++) { info->codepoint = glyphs[j]; info->cluster = log_clusters[string_indices[j]]; info++; } SCRATCH_RESTORE(); } { /* Setup positions. * Note that CoreText does not return advances for glyphs. As such, * for all but last glyph, we use the delta position to next glyph as * advance (in the advance direction only), and for last glyph we set * whatever is needed to make the whole run's advance add up. */ SCRATCH_SAVE(); const CGPoint* positions = USE_PTR ? CTRunGetPositionsPtr (run) : nullptr; if (!positions) { ALLOCATE_ARRAY (CGPoint, position_buf, num_glyphs, goto resize_and_retry); CTRunGetPositions (run, range_all, position_buf); positions = position_buf; } hb_glyph_info_t *info = run_info; if (HB_DIRECTION_IS_HORIZONTAL (buffer->props.direction)) { hb_position_t x_offset = (positions[0].x - advances_so_far) * x_mult; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < num_glyphs; j++) { double advance; if (likely (j + 1 < num_glyphs)) advance = positions[j + 1].x - positions[j].x; else /* last glyph */ advance = run_advance - (positions[j].x - positions[0].x); info->mask = advance * x_mult; info->var1.i32 = x_offset; info->var2.i32 = positions[j].y * y_mult; info++; } } else { hb_position_t y_offset = (positions[0].y - advances_so_far) * y_mult; for (unsigned int j = 0; j < num_glyphs; j++) { double advance; if (likely (j + 1 < num_glyphs)) advance = positions[j + 1].y - positions[j].y; else /* last glyph */ advance = run_advance - (positions[j].y - positions[0].y); info->mask = advance * y_mult; info->var1.i32 = positions[j].x * x_mult; info->var2.i32 = y_offset; info++; } } SCRATCH_RESTORE(); advances_so_far += run_advance; } #undef SCRATCH_RESTORE #undef SCRATCH_SAVE #undef USE_PTR #undef ALLOCATE_ARRAY buffer->len += num_glyphs; } /* Mac OS 10.6 doesn't have kCTTypesetterOptionForcedEmbeddingLevel, * or if it does, it doesn't respect it. So we get runs with wrong * directions. As such, disable the assert... It wouldn't crash, but * cursoring will be off... * * https://crbug.com/419769 */ if (false) { /* Make sure all runs had the expected direction. */ bool backward = HB_DIRECTION_IS_BACKWARD (buffer->props.direction); assert (bool (status_and & kCTRunStatusRightToLeft) == backward); assert (bool (status_or & kCTRunStatusRightToLeft) == backward); } buffer->clear_positions (); unsigned int count = buffer->len; hb_glyph_info_t *info = buffer->info; hb_glyph_position_t *pos = buffer->pos; if (HB_DIRECTION_IS_HORIZONTAL (buffer->props.direction)) for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) { pos->x_advance = info->mask; pos->x_offset = info->var1.i32; pos->y_offset = info->var2.i32; info++, pos++; } else for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++) { pos->y_advance = info->mask; pos->x_offset = info->var1.i32; pos->y_offset = info->var2.i32; info++, pos++; } /* Fix up clusters so that we never return out-of-order indices; * if core text has reordered glyphs, we'll merge them to the * beginning of the reordered cluster. CoreText is nice enough * to tell us whenever it has produced nonmonotonic results... * Note that we assume the input clusters were nonmonotonic to * begin with. * * This does *not* mean we'll form the same clusters as Uniscribe * or the native OT backend, only that the cluster indices will be * monotonic in the output buffer. */ if (count > 1 && (status_or & kCTRunStatusNonMonotonic)) { hb_glyph_info_t *info = buffer->info; if (HB_DIRECTION_IS_FORWARD (buffer->props.direction)) { unsigned int cluster = info[count - 1].cluster; for (unsigned int i = count - 1; i > 0; i--) { cluster = MIN (cluster, info[i - 1].cluster); info[i - 1].cluster = cluster; } } else { unsigned int cluster = info[0].cluster; for (unsigned int i = 1; i < count; i++) { cluster = MIN (cluster, info[i].cluster); info[i].cluster = cluster; } } } } buffer->unsafe_to_break_all (); #undef FAIL fail: if (string_ref) CFRelease (string_ref); if (line) CFRelease (line); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < range_records.len; i++) if (range_records[i].font) CFRelease (range_records[i].font); return ret; } /* * AAT shaper */ /* * shaper face data */ struct hb_coretext_aat_face_data_t {}; hb_coretext_aat_face_data_t * _hb_coretext_aat_shaper_face_data_create (hb_face_t *face) { return hb_aat_layout_has_substitution (face) || hb_aat_layout_has_positioning (face) ? (hb_coretext_aat_face_data_t *) HB_SHAPER_DATA_SUCCEEDED : nullptr; } void _hb_coretext_aat_shaper_face_data_destroy (hb_coretext_aat_face_data_t *data HB_UNUSED) { } /* * shaper font data */ struct hb_coretext_aat_font_data_t {}; hb_coretext_aat_font_data_t * _hb_coretext_aat_shaper_font_data_create (hb_font_t *font) { return font->data.coretext ? (hb_coretext_aat_font_data_t *) HB_SHAPER_DATA_SUCCEEDED : nullptr; } void _hb_coretext_aat_shaper_font_data_destroy (hb_coretext_aat_font_data_t *data HB_UNUSED) { } /* * shaper */ hb_bool_t _hb_coretext_aat_shape (hb_shape_plan_t *shape_plan, hb_font_t *font, hb_buffer_t *buffer, const hb_feature_t *features, unsigned int num_features) { return _hb_coretext_shape (shape_plan, font, buffer, features, num_features); }