// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License mk{ Version{""} durationUnits{ hm{"h:mm"} hms{"h:mm:ss"} ms{"m:ss"} } units{ acceleration{ g-force{ dnam{"гравитациска сила"} one{"{0} гравитациска сила"} other{"{0} гравитациска сила"} } meter-per-second-squared{ dnam{"метри во секунда на квадрат"} one{"{0} метар во секунда на квадрат"} other{"{0} метри во секунда на квадрат"} } } angle{ arc-minute{ dnam{"минути"} one{"{0} минута"} other{"{0} минути"} } arc-second{ dnam{"секунди"} one{"{0} секунда"} other{"{0} секунди"} } degree{ dnam{"степени"} one{"{0} степен"} other{"{0} степени"} } radian{ dnam{"радијани"} one{"{0} радијан"} other{"{0} радијани"} } revolution{ dnam{"револуција"} one{"{0} револуција"} other{"{0} револуции"} } } area{ acre{ dnam{"акри"} one{"{0} акр"} other{"{0} акри"} } hectare{ dnam{"хектари"} one{"{0} хектар"} other{"{0} хектари"} } square-centimeter{ dnam{"квадратни сантиметри"} one{"{0} 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other{"{0} gal Imp."} per{"{0}/gal Imp."} } hectoliter{ dnam{"хектолитри"} one{"{0} хектолитар"} other{"{0} хектолитри"} } liter{ dnam{"литри"} one{"{0} литар"} other{"{0} литри"} per{"{0} по литар"} } megaliter{ dnam{"мегалитри"} one{"{0} мегалитар"} other{"{0} мегалитри"} } milliliter{ dnam{"милилитри"} one{"{0} милилитар"} other{"{0} милилитри"} } pint{ dnam{"пинти"} one{"{0} пинта"} other{"{0} пинти"} } pint-metric{ dnam{"метрички пинти"} one{"{0} метричка пинта"} other{"{0} метрички пинти"} } quart{ dnam{"кварти"} one{"{0} кварт"} other{"{0} кварти"} } tablespoon{ dnam{"супени лажици"} one{"{0} супена лажица"} other{"{0} супени лажици"} } teaspoon{ dnam{"кафени лажици"} one{"{0} кафена лажица"} other{"{0} кафени лажици"} } } } unitsNarrow{ acceleration{ g-force{ dnam{"G"} one{"{0} G"} other{"{0} G"} } meter-per-second-squared{ dnam{"м/с²"} one{"{0} м/с²"} other{"{0} м/с²"} } } angle{ arc-minute{ one{"{0}′"} other{"{0}′"} } arc-second{ one{"{0}″"} other{"{0}″"} } degree{ 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per{"{0}/с."} } year{ dnam{"г."} one{"{0} г."} other{"{0} г."} per{"{0}/г."} } } length{ astronomical-unit{ dnam{"ае"} one{"{0} ае"} other{"{0} ае"} } centimeter{ dnam{"см"} one{"{0} см"} other{"{0} см"} per{"{0}/см"} } decimeter{ dnam{"дм"} one{"{0} дм"} other{"{0} дм"} } fathom{ dnam{"фатоми"} one{"{0} фм"} other{"{0} фм"} } foot{ dnam{"ст"} one{"{0}′"} other{"{0}′"} per{"{0}/ст"} } furlong{ dnam{"фурлонг"} one{"{0} фур"} other{"{0} фур"} } inch{ dnam{"ин"} one{"{0}″"} other{"{0}″"} per{"{0}/ин"} } kilometer{ dnam{"км"} one{"{0} км"} other{"{0} км"} per{"{0}/км"} } light-year{ dnam{"сг"} one{"{0} сг"} other{"{0} сг"} } meter{ dnam{"метар"} one{"{0} м"} other{"{0} м"} per{"{0}/м"} } micrometer{ dnam{"µm"} one{"{0} µм"} other{"{0} µм"} } mile{ dnam{"ми"} one{"{0} ми"} other{"{0} ми"} } mile-scandinavian{ dnam{"сми"} one{"{0} сми"} other{"{0} сми"} } millimeter{ dnam{"мм"} one{"{0} мм"} other{"{0} мм"} } nanometer{ dnam{"нм"} one{"{0} нм"} other{"{0} нм"} } nautical-mile{ dnam{"нми"} 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other{"{0} кс"} } kilowatt{ dnam{"kW"} one{"{0} kW"} other{"{0} kW"} } watt{ one{"{0} ват"} other{"{0} вати"} } } pressure{ hectopascal{ dnam{"hPa"} one{"{0} хПа"} other{"{0} хПа"} } inch-hg{ dnam{"inHg"} one{"{0} inHg"} other{"{0} inHg"} } millibar{ dnam{"мбар"} one{"{0} мб"} other{"{0} мб"} } millimeter-of-mercury{ dnam{"мм жива"} one{"{0}mm Hg"} other{"{0}mm Hg"} } pound-per-square-inch{ dnam{"psi"} one{"{0} psi"} other{"{0} psi"} } } speed{ kilometer-per-hour{ dnam{"км/ч"} one{"{0} к/ч"} other{"{0} к/ч"} } knot{ dnam{"ја"} one{"{0} ја"} other{"{0} ја"} } meter-per-second{ dnam{"м/с"} one{"{0} м/с"} other{"{0} м/с"} } mile-per-hour{ dnam{"ми/ч"} one{"{0} ми/ч"} other{"{0} ми/ч"} } } temperature{ celsius{ dnam{"°C"} one{"{0}°C"} other{"{0}°C"} } fahrenheit{ dnam{"°F"} one{"{0}°F"} other{"{0}°F"} } generic{ dnam{"°"} one{"{0}°"} other{"{0}°"} } kelvin{ dnam{"K"} one{"{0}°K"} other{"{0}°K"} } } volume{ acre-foot{ one{"{0} ак ст"} other{"{0} ак ст"} } bushel{ dnam{"бу"} one{"{0} бу"} other{"{0} бу"} } centiliter{ one{"{0} сл"} other{"{0} сл"} } cubic-centimeter{ one{"{0} см³"} other{"{0} см³"} } cubic-foot{ one{"{0} ст³"} other{"{0} ст³"} } cubic-inch{ one{"{0} ин³"} other{"{0} ин³"} } cubic-kilometer{ one{"{0} км³"} other{"{0} км³"} } cubic-meter{ one{"{0} м³"} other{"{0} м³"} } cubic-mile{ one{"{0} ми³"} other{"{0} ми³"} } cubic-yard{ one{"{0} јд³"} other{"{0} јд³"} } deciliter{ one{"{0} дл"} other{"{0} дл"} } fluid-ounce{ one{"{0} fl oz"} other{"{0} fl oz"} } gallon{ one{"{0} гал"} other{"{0} гал"} } hectoliter{ one{"{0} хл"} other{"{0} хл"} } liter{ dnam{"литар"} one{"{0} л"} other{"{0} л"} } megaliter{ one{"{0} Мл"} other{"{0} Мл"} } milliliter{ one{"{0} мл"} other{"{0} мл"} } pint{ one{"{0} пт"} other{"{0} пт"} } quart{ one{"{0} qt"} other{"{0} qt"} } tablespoon{ one{"{0}tbsp"} other{"{0}tbsp"} } teaspoon{ one{"{0}tsp"} other{"{0}tsp"} } } } unitsShort{ acceleration{ g-force{ dnam{"гравитациска сила"} one{"{0} G"} other{"{0} G"} } meter-per-second-squared{ dnam{"метри/сек²"} one{"{0} м/с²"} other{"{0} м/с²"} } } angle{ arc-minute{ dnam{"минути"} one{"{0} мин."} other{"{0} мин"} } arc-second{ dnam{"секунди"} one{"{0} сек"} other{"{0} сек"} } degree{ dnam{"степени"} one{"{0} степ."} other{"{0} степ."} } radian{ dnam{"радијани"} one{"{0} rad"} other{"{0} rad"} } revolution{ dnam{"rev"} one{"{0} rev"} other{"{0} rev"} } } area{ acre{ dnam{"акри"} one{"{0} акр"} other{"{0} акри"} } hectare{ dnam{"хектари"} one{"{0} хектар"} other{"{0} хектари"} } square-centimeter{ dnam{"см²"} one{"{0} см²"} other{"{0} см²"} per{"{0}/см²"} } square-foot{ dnam{"квадратни стапки"} one{"{0} кв. стапка"} other{"{0} кв. ст."} } square-inch{ dnam{"in²"} one{"{0} in²"} other{"{0} in²"} per{"{0}/in²"} } square-kilometer{ dnam{"км²"} one{"{0} км²"} other{"{0} км²"} per{"{0}/km²"} } square-meter{ dnam{"метри²"} one{"{0} м²"} other{"{0} м²"} per{"{0}/м²"} } square-mile{ dnam{"кв. милји"} one{"{0} кв. милја"} other{"{0} кв. милји"} per{"{0}/mi²"} } square-yard{ dnam{"јарди²"} one{"{0} јд²"} other{"{0} јд²"} } } compound{ per{"{0}/{1}"} } concentr{ karat{ dnam{"карати"} one{"{0} kt"} other{"{0} kt"} } milligram-per-deciliter{ dnam{"mg/dL"} one{"{0} mg/dL"} other{"{0} mg/dL"} } millimole-per-liter{ dnam{"mmol/L"} one{"{0} mmol/L"} other{"{0} mmol/L"} } part-per-million{ dnam{"ppm"} one{"{0} ppm"} other{"{0} ppm"} } percent{ dnam{"процент"} one{"{0} %"} other{"{0} %"} } permille{ dnam{"промили"} one{"{0} ‰"} other{"{0} ‰"} } } consumption{ liter-per-100kilometers{ dnam{"L/100km"} one{"{0} L/100km"} other{"{0} L/100km"} } liter-per-kilometer{ dnam{"литри/км"} one{"{0} L/km"} other{"{0} L/km"} } mile-per-gallon{ dnam{"милји/гал"} one{"{0} mpg"} other{"{0} mpg"} } mile-per-gallon-imperial{ dnam{"mpg Imp."} one{"{0} mpg Imp."} other{"{0} mpg Imp."} } } coordinate{ dnam{"насока"} east{"{0}И"} north{"{0}С"} south{"{0}Ј"} west{"{0}З"} } digital{ bit{ dnam{"бит"} one{"{0} бит"} other{"{0} битови"} } byte{ dnam{"бајт"} one{"{0} бајт"} other{"{0} бајти"} } gigabit{ dnam{"Gb"} one{"{0} Gb"} other{"{0} Gb"} } gigabyte{ dnam{"GB"} one{"{0} GB"} other{"{0} GB"} } kilobit{ dnam{"kbit"} one{"{0} kb"} other{"{0} kb"} } kilobyte{ dnam{"kB"} one{"{0} kB"} other{"{0} kB"} } megabit{ dnam{"Mbit"} one{"{0} Mb"} other{"{0} Mb"} } megabyte{ dnam{"MByte"} one{"{0} MB"} other{"{0} MB"} } petabyte{ dnam{"PB"} one{"{0} PB"} other{"{0} PB"} } terabit{ dnam{"Tbit"} one{"{0} Tb"} other{"{0} Tb"} } terabyte{ dnam{"TByte"} one{"{0} TB"} other{"{0} TB"} } } duration{ century{ dnam{"в."} one{"{0} в."} other{"{0} в."} } day{ dnam{"дена"} one{"{0} ден"} other{"{0} дена"} per{"{0}/ден"} } hour{ dnam{"часа"} one{"{0} ч."} other{"{0} ч."} per{"{0}/ч."} } microsecond{ dnam{"μs"} one{"{0} μs"} other{"{0} μs"} } millisecond{ dnam{"мс"} one{"{0} мс"} other{"{0} мс"} } minute{ dnam{"мин."} one{"{0} мин."} other{"{0} мин."} per{"{0}/мин."} } month{ dnam{"месеци"} one{"{0} мес."} other{"{0} мес."} per{"{0}/мес."} } nanosecond{ dnam{"наносек"} one{"{0} нс"} other{"{0} нс"} } second{ dnam{"сек."} one{"{0} сек."} other{"{0} сек."} per{"{0}/с"} } week{ dnam{"седмици"} one{"{0} сед."} other{"{0} сед."} per{"{0}/сед."} } year{ dnam{"години"} one{"{0} год."} other{"{0} год."} per{"{0}/год."} } } electric{ ampere{ dnam{"амп."} one{"{0} A"} other{"{0} A"} } milliampere{ dnam{"милиамп."} one{"{0} mA"} other{"{0} mA"} } ohm{ dnam{"оми"} one{"{0} Ω"} other{"{0} Ω"} } volt{ dnam{"волти"} one{"{0} V"} other{"{0} V"} } } energy{ calorie{ dnam{"кал."} one{"{0} кал."} other{"{0} кал."} } foodcalorie{ dnam{"Кал."} one{"{0} кал."} other{"{0} кал."} } joule{ dnam{"џули"} one{"{0} J"} other{"{0} J"} } kilocalorie{ dnam{"kcal"} one{"{0} kcal"} other{"{0} kcal"} } kilojoule{ dnam{"килоџул"} one{"{0} kJ"} other{"{0} kJ"} } kilowatt-hour{ dnam{"kWh"} one{"{0} kWh"} other{"{0} kWh"} } } frequency{ gigahertz{ dnam{"GHz"} one{"{0} GHz"} other{"{0} GHz"} } hertz{ dnam{"Hz"} one{"{0} Hz"} other{"{0} Hz"} } kilohertz{ dnam{"kHz"} one{"{0} kHz"} other{"{0} kHz"} } megahertz{ 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one{"{0} нми"} other{"{0} нми"} } parsec{ dnam{"парсеци"} one{"{0} пс"} other{"{0} пс"} } picometer{ dnam{"пм"} one{"{0} пм"} other{"{0} пм"} } point{ dnam{"pt"} one{"{0} pt"} other{"{0} pt"} } yard{ dnam{"јарди"} one{"{0} јард"} other{"{0} јарди"} } } light{ lux{ dnam{"лукс"} one{"{0} lx"} other{"{0} lx"} } } mass{ carat{ dnam{"карати"} one{"{0} кар."} other{"{0} кар."} } gram{ dnam{"грама"} one{"{0} г"} other{"{0} г"} per{"{0}/г"} } kilogram{ dnam{"кг"} one{"{0} кг"} other{"{0} кг"} per{"{0}/кг"} } metric-ton{ dnam{"т"} one{"{0} т"} other{"{0} т"} } microgram{ dnam{"µg"} one{"{0} µg"} other{"{0} µg"} } milligram{ dnam{"мг"} one{"{0} мг"} other{"{0} мг"} } ounce{ dnam{"унци"} one{"{0} унца"} other{"{0} унци"} per{"{0}/oz"} } ounce-troy{ dnam{"тројска унца"} one{"{0} oz t"} other{"{0} oz t"} } pound{ dnam{"фунти"} one{"{0} фунта"} other{"{0} фунти"} per{"{0}/lb"} } stone{ dnam{"стоуни"} one{"{0} стоун"} other{"{0} стоуни"} } ton{ dnam{"тони"} one{"{0} тн"} other{"{0} тн"} } } power{ 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temperature{ celsius{ dnam{"целзиусови степени"} one{"{0}°C"} other{"{0}°C"} } fahrenheit{ dnam{"°F"} one{"{0}°F"} other{"{0}°F"} } generic{ dnam{"°"} one{"{0}°"} other{"{0}°"} } kelvin{ dnam{"K"} one{"{0} K"} other{"{0} K"} } } volume{ acre-foot{ dnam{"ар-ст."} one{"{0} ар-ст."} other{"{0} ар-ст."} } bushel{ dnam{"бушели"} one{"{0} бу"} other{"{0} бу"} } centiliter{ dnam{"cL"} one{"{0} cL"} other{"{0} cL"} } cubic-centimeter{ dnam{"см³"} one{"{0} см³"} other{"{0} см³"} per{"{0}/см³"} } cubic-foot{ dnam{"стапки³"} one{"{0} ст³"} other{"{0} ст³"} } cubic-inch{ dnam{"инчи³"} one{"{0} in³"} other{"{0} in³"} } cubic-kilometer{ dnam{"км³"} one{"{0} км³"} other{"{0} км³"} } cubic-meter{ dnam{"м³"} one{"{0} м³"} other{"{0} м³"} per{"{0}/м³"} } cubic-mile{ dnam{"ми³"} one{"{0} ми³"} other{"{0} ми³"} } cubic-yard{ dnam{"јарди³"} one{"{0} јд³"} other{"{0} јд³"} } cup{ dnam{"шолји"} one{"{0} ш."} other{"{0} ш."} } cup-metric{ dnam{"mcup"} one{"{0} mc"} other{"{0} mc"} } deciliter{ dnam{"dL"} one{"{0} dL"} other{"{0} dL"} } fluid-ounce{ dnam{"fl oz"} one{"{0} fl oz"} other{"{0} fl oz"} } gallon{ dnam{"гал"} one{"{0} гал"} other{"{0} гал"} per{"{0}/gal"} } gallon-imperial{ dnam{"Imp. gal"} one{"{0} gal Imp."} other{"{0} gal Imp."} per{"{0}/gal Imp."} } hectoliter{ dnam{"hL"} one{"{0} hL"} other{"{0} hL"} } liter{ dnam{"литри"} one{"{0} л"} other{"{0} л"} per{"{0}/л"} } megaliter{ dnam{"ML"} one{"{0} ML"} other{"{0} ML"} } milliliter{ dnam{"mL"} one{"{0} mL"} other{"{0} mL"} } pint{ dnam{"пинти"} one{"{0} pt"} other{"{0} pt"} } pint-metric{ dnam{"mpt"} one{"{0} mpt"} other{"{0} mpt"} } quart{ dnam{"qt"} one{"{0} qt"} other{"{0} qt"} } tablespoon{ dnam{"tbsp"} one{"{0} tbsp"} other{"{0} tbsp"} } teaspoon{ dnam{"tsp"} one{"{0} tsp"} other{"{0} tsp"} } } } }