/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ***************************************************************************** * Originally developed and contributed by Ittiam Systems Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* File Name : app.h */ /* */ /* Description : This file contains all the necessary structure and */ /* enumeration definitions needed for the Application */ /* */ /* List of Functions : */ /* */ /* Issues / Problems : None */ /* */ /* Revision History : */ /* */ /* DD MM YYYY Author(s) Changes (Describe the changes made) */ /* 26 08 2010 Ittiam Draft */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ #ifndef _APP_H_ #define _APP_H_ #include "iv2.h" #include "ive2.h" #ifdef WINDOWS_TIMER #include <windows.h> #else #include <sys/time.h> #endif /*****************************************************************************/ /* Function Macros */ /*****************************************************************************/ #define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b))? (a) : (b) #define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b))? (a) : (b) #define ALIGN16(x) ((((x) + 15) >> 4) << 4) /*****************************************************************************/ /* Constant Macros */ /*****************************************************************************/ #define DEFAULT_NUM_INPUT_BUFS 32 #define DEFAULT_MAX_INPUT_BUFS 32 #define DEFAULT_NUM_OUTPUT_BUFS 32 #define DEFAULT_MAX_OUTPUT_BUFS 32 #define DEFAULT_NUM_RECON_BUFS 32 #define DEFAULT_MAX_RECON_BUFS DEFAULT_NUM_RECON_BUFS #define LEN_STATUS_BUFFER (10 * 1024) #define MAX_VBV_BUFF_SIZE (120 * 16384) #define MAX_NUM_IO_BUFS 3 #define DEFAULT_MAX_REF_FRM 2 #define DEFAULT_MAX_REORDER_FRM 0 #define DEFAULT_QP_MIN 4 #define DEFAULT_QP_MAX 51 #define DEFAULT_MAX_BITRATE 240000000 #define DEFAULT_NUM_BFRAMES 0 #define DEFAULT_MAX_SRCH_RANGE_X 256 #define DEFAULT_MAX_SRCH_RANGE_Y 256 #define DEFAULT_MAX_FRAMERATE 120000 #define DEFAULT_NUM_CORES 1 #define DEFAULT_NUM_CORES_PRE_ENC 0 #define DEFAULT_FPS 30 #define DEFAULT_ENC_SPEED 100 #define DEFAULT_MEM_REC_CNT 0 #define DEFAULT_RECON_ENABLE 0 #define DEFAULT_CHKSUM_ENABLE 0 #define DEFAULT_START_FRM 0 #define DEFAULT_NUM_FRMS 0xFFFFFFFF #define DEFAULT_INP_COLOR_FMT IV_YUV_420SP_UV #define DEFAULT_RECON_COLOR_FMT IV_YUV_420P #define DEFAULT_LOOPBACK 0 #define DEFAULT_SRC_FRAME_RATE 30 #define DEFAULT_TGT_FRAME_RATE 30 #define DEFAULT_MAX_WD 1920 #define DEFAULT_MAX_HT 1920 #define DEFAULT_MAX_LEVEL 40 #define DEFAULT_STRIDE 0 #define DEFAULT_WD 0 #define DEFAULT_HT 0 #define DEFAULT_PSNR_ENABLE 0 #define DEFAULT_ME_SPEED 100 #define DEFAULT_ENABLE_FAST_SAD 0 #define DEFAULT_ENABLE_ALT_REF 0 #define DEFAULT_RC 1 #define DEFAULT_BITRATE 6000000 #define DEFAULT_I_QP 25 #define DEFAULT_I_QP_MAX DEFAULT_QP_MAX #define DEFAULT_I_QP_MIN 0 #define DEFAULT_P_QP 28 #define DEFAULT_P_QP_MAX DEFAULT_QP_MAX #define DEFAULT_P_QP_MIN 0 #define DEFAULT_B_QP 28 #define DEFAULT_B_QP_MAX DEFAULT_QP_MAX #define DEFAULT_B_QP_MIN 0 #define DEFAULT_AIR 0 #define DEFAULT_AIR_REFRESH_PERIOD 30 #define DEFAULT_SRCH_RNG_X 64 #define DEFAULT_SRCH_RNG_Y 48 #define DEFAULT_I_INTERVAL 30 #define DEFAULT_IDR_INTERVAL 1000 #define DEFAULT_CONSTRAINED_INTRAPRED 0 #define DEFAULT_B_FRAMES 0 #define DEFAULT_DISABLE_DEBLK_LEVEL 0 #define DEFAULT_HPEL 1 #define DEFAULT_QPEL 1 #define DEFAULT_I4 1 #define DEFAULT_EPROFILE IV_PROFILE_BASE #define DEFAULT_SLICE_MODE 0 #define DEFAULT_SLICE_PARAM 256 #define DEFAULT_ENTROPY_CODING_MODE 0 #define STRLENGTH 500 /*****************************************************************************/ /* profile Macros */ /*****************************************************************************/ #ifdef PROFILE_ENABLE #ifdef WINDOWS_TIMER typedef LARGE_INTEGER TIMER; #else //#ifdef X86_MINGW typedef struct timeval TIMER; //#endif #endif #endif #ifdef PROFILE_ENABLE #ifdef WINDOWS_TIMER #define GETTIME(timer) QueryPerformanceCounter(timer); #else //#ifdef X86_MINGW #define GETTIME(timer) gettimeofday(timer,NULL); //#endif #endif #ifdef WINDOWS_TIMER #define ELAPSEDTIME(s_start_timer,s_end_timer, s_elapsed_time, frequency) \ { \ TIMER s_temp_time; \ s_temp_time.LowPart = s_end_timer.LowPart - s_start_timer.LowPart ; \ s_elapsed_time = (UWORD32) ( ((DOUBLE)s_temp_time.LowPart / (DOUBLE)frequency.LowPart ) * 1000000); \ } #else //#ifdef X86_MINGW #define ELAPSEDTIME(s_start_timer,s_end_timer, s_elapsed_time, frequency) \ s_elapsed_time = ((s_end_timer.tv_sec - s_start_timer.tv_sec) * 1000000) + (s_end_timer.tv_usec - s_start_timer.tv_usec); //#endif #endif #else #define GETTIME(timer) #define ELAPSEDTIME(s_start_timer,s_end_timer, s_elapsed_time, frequency) #endif /*****************************************************************************/ /* Structure definitions */ /*****************************************************************************/ typedef struct { UWORD8 *pu1_buf; UWORD32 u4_buf_size; UWORD32 u4_timestamp_low; UWORD32 u4_timestamp_high; UWORD32 u4_is_free; void *pv_mb_info; void *pv_pic_info; }input_buf_t; typedef struct { UWORD8 *pu1_buf; UWORD32 u4_buf_size; UWORD32 u4_timestamp_low; UWORD32 u4_timestamp_high; UWORD32 u4_is_free; }output_buf_t; typedef struct { UWORD8 *pu1_buf; UWORD32 u4_buf_size; UWORD32 u4_timestamp_low; UWORD32 u4_timestamp_high; UWORD32 u4_is_free; }recon_buf_t; typedef struct { iv_obj_t *ps_enc; iv_mem_rec_t *ps_mem_rec; UWORD32 u4_num_mem_rec; UWORD32 u4_recon_enable; UWORD32 u4_chksum_enable; UWORD32 u4_mb_info_type; UWORD32 u4_pic_info_type; UWORD32 u4_mb_info_size; UWORD32 u4_pic_info_size; UWORD32 u4_start_frm; UWORD32 u4_max_num_frms; UWORD32 u4_total_bytes; UWORD32 u4_pics_cnt; IV_COLOR_FORMAT_T e_inp_color_fmt; IV_COLOR_FORMAT_T e_recon_color_fmt; IV_ARCH_T e_arch; IV_SOC_T e_soc; WORD32 header_generated; void *pv_codec_obj; UWORD32 u4_num_cores; UWORD32 u4_pre_enc_me; UWORD32 u4_pre_enc_ipe; CHAR ac_ip_fname[STRLENGTH]; CHAR ac_op_fname[STRLENGTH]; CHAR ac_recon_fname[STRLENGTH]; CHAR ac_chksum_fname[STRLENGTH]; CHAR ac_mb_info_fname[STRLENGTH]; CHAR ac_pic_info_fname[STRLENGTH]; FILE *fp_ip; FILE *fp_op; FILE *fp_recon; FILE *fp_chksum; FILE *fp_psnr_ip; FILE *fp_mb_info; FILE *fp_pic_info; FILE *fp_dump_op; UWORD32 u4_loopback; UWORD32 u4_max_frame_rate; UWORD32 u4_src_frame_rate; UWORD32 u4_tgt_frame_rate; UWORD32 u4_max_wd; UWORD32 u4_max_ht; UWORD32 u4_max_level; UWORD32 u4_strd; UWORD32 u4_wd; UWORD32 u4_ht; UWORD32 u4_psnr_enable; UWORD32 u4_enc_speed; UWORD32 u4_me_speed; UWORD32 u4_enable_fast_sad; UWORD32 u4_enable_alt_ref; UWORD32 u4_rc; UWORD32 u4_max_bitrate; UWORD32 u4_bitrate; UWORD32 u4_i_qp,u4_i_qp_max,u4_i_qp_min; UWORD32 u4_p_qp,u4_p_qp_max,u4_p_qp_min; UWORD32 u4_b_qp,u4_b_qp_max,u4_b_qp_min; UWORD32 u4_air; UWORD32 u4_air_refresh_period; UWORD32 u4_srch_rng_x; UWORD32 u4_srch_rng_y; UWORD32 u4_i_interval; UWORD32 u4_idr_interval; UWORD32 u4_constrained_intra_pred; UWORD32 u4_b_frames; UWORD32 u4_num_bframes; UWORD32 u4_disable_deblk_level; UWORD32 u4_hpel; UWORD32 u4_qpel; UWORD32 u4_enable_intra_4x4; IV_PROFILE_T e_profile; UWORD32 u4_slice_mode; UWORD32 u4_slice_param; UWORD32 u4_entropy_coding_mode; void *pv_input_thread_handle; void *pv_output_thread_handle; void *pv_recon_thread_handle; ih264e_ctl_getbufinfo_op_t s_get_buf_info_op; input_buf_t as_input_buf[DEFAULT_MAX_INPUT_BUFS]; output_buf_t as_output_buf[DEFAULT_MAX_OUTPUT_BUFS]; recon_buf_t as_recon_buf[DEFAULT_MAX_RECON_BUFS]; DOUBLE adbl_psnr[3]; UWORD32 u4_psnr_cnt; UWORD8 *pu1_psnr_buf; UWORD8 u4_psnr_buf_size; UWORD32 u4_vbv_buffer_delay; UWORD32 u4_vbv_buf_size; TIMER enc_start_time; TIMER enc_last_time; WORD32 avg_time; } app_ctxt_t; /*****************************************************************************/ /* Function Declarations */ /*****************************************************************************/ void codec_exit(CHAR *pc_err_message); void allocate_input(app_ctxt_t *ps_app_ctxt); void allocate_output(app_ctxt_t *ps_app_ctxt); void allocate_recon(app_ctxt_t *ps_app_ctxt); IV_STATUS_T read_input(FILE *fp, iv_raw_buf_t *ps_raw_buf); IV_STATUS_T write_recon(FILE *fp, iv_raw_buf_t *ps_raw_buf); IV_STATUS_T write_output(FILE *fp, UWORD8 *pu1_buf, WORD32 num_bytes); IV_STATUS_T read_mb_info(app_ctxt_t *ps_app_ctxt, void *pv_mb_info); IV_STATUS_T read_pic_info(app_ctxt_t *ps_app_ctxt, void *pv_pic_info); void * ih264a_aligned_malloc(WORD32 alignment, WORD32 size); void ih264a_aligned_free(void *pv_buf); void free_input(app_ctxt_t *ps_app_ctxt); void free_recon(app_ctxt_t *ps_app_ctxt); void free_output(app_ctxt_t *ps_app_ctxt); void init_raw_buf_descr(app_ctxt_t *ps_app_ctxt, iv_raw_buf_t *ps_raw_buf, UWORD8 *pu1_buf, IV_COLOR_FORMAT_T e_color_fmt); #ifndef MD5_DISABLE void calc_md5_cksum(UWORD8 *pu1_inbuf,UWORD32 u4_stride,UWORD32 u4_width,UWORD32 u4_height,UWORD8 *pu1_cksum_p ); #else #define calc_md5_cksum(a, b, c, d, e) #endif #endif /* _APP_H_ */