#include <cstdio> #include <fstream> #include <unistd.h> #include <kms++/kms++.h> #include <kms++util/kms++util.h> using namespace std; using namespace kms; static void read_frame(ifstream& is, DumbFramebuffer* fb, Crtc* crtc, Plane* plane) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < fb->num_planes(); ++i) is.read((char*)fb->map(i), fb->size(i)); unsigned w = min(crtc->width(), fb->width()); unsigned h = min(crtc->height(), fb->height()); int r = crtc->set_plane(plane, *fb, 0, 0, w, h, 0, 0, fb->width(), fb->height()); ASSERT(r == 0); } static const char* usage_str = "Usage: kmsview [options] <file> <width> <height> <fourcc>\n\n" "Options:\n" " -c, --connector <name> Output connector\n" " -t, --time <ms> Milliseconds to sleep between frames\n" ; static void usage() { puts(usage_str); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { uint32_t time = 0; string dev_path = "/dev/dri/card0"; string conn_name; OptionSet optionset = { Option("c|connector=", [&conn_name](string s) { conn_name = s; }), Option("|device=", [&dev_path](string s) { dev_path = s; }), Option("t|time=", [&time](const string& str) { time = stoul(str); }), Option("h|help", []() { usage(); exit(-1); }), }; optionset.parse(argc, argv); vector<string> params = optionset.params(); if (params.size() != 4) { usage(); exit(-1); } string filename = params[0]; uint32_t w = stoi(params[1]); uint32_t h = stoi(params[2]); string modestr = params[3]; auto pixfmt = FourCCToPixelFormat(modestr); ifstream is(filename, ifstream::binary); is.seekg(0, std::ios::end); unsigned fsize = is.tellg(); is.seekg(0); Card card(dev_path); ResourceManager res(card); auto conn = res.reserve_connector(conn_name); auto crtc = res.reserve_crtc(conn); auto plane = res.reserve_overlay_plane(crtc, pixfmt); FAIL_IF(!plane, "available plane not found"); auto fb = new DumbFramebuffer(card, w, h, pixfmt); unsigned frame_size = 0; for (unsigned i = 0; i < fb->num_planes(); ++i) frame_size += fb->size(i); unsigned num_frames = fsize / frame_size; printf("file size %u, frame size %u, frames %u\n", fsize, frame_size, num_frames); for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_frames; ++i) { printf("frame %d", i); fflush(stdout); read_frame(is, fb, crtc, plane); if (!time) { getchar(); } else { usleep(time * 1000); printf("\n"); } } is.close(); if (time) { printf("press enter to exit\n"); getchar(); } delete fb; }