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استعمال کریں۔J08*استخدِم %1$s لعرض تقويمك.`0L?אפשר להשתמש ב%1$s כדי להציג את היומן."R0p0ZWxں:ZՅtu+^puW_]zu HPꆫ niPzu1Pf!Զk- *EzY뮮0d@1PJxں .6]l ;.6]تjRpa˅ `F`5/@9 C.0c녽 zA1L?Перегляньте календар у додатку %1$s.I1\NОткрыть календарь с помощью приложения %1$s.<d2l\Күнтізбені көру үшін %1$s қолданбасын пайдаланыңыз.%v2d2KIxں0¾ v\lta+++\~a…-@b#P~ .l 1v_za/H Pj&=-L3XKКалендариа харахын тулд %1$s-г ашиглана уу./3\NКаб прагледзець каляндар, выкарыстайце %1$s.3h$4TNxں0 /컰Ho΋M*(6(\"_lf  A{B @u/4TDЖылнааманы %1$s колдонмосунда көрүңүз.)4t4g\xD 0CW z^D)Ro׋`ˆnc oq. vu%ğ3l54&Wyświetl kalendarz w aplikacji %1$s.85$Visa kalendern i %1$s.B58*Utilize o %1$s para ver o seu calendário.: 64'Utiliza %1$s para ver o teu calendario.`68)Utilitza %1$s per veure el teu calendari. 68)Utilisez %1$s pour afficher votre agenda.68)Utiliser %1$s pour afficher votre agenda.,7,Use %1$s to view your calendar.l70 Usar o %1$s para ver sua agenda.978*Usa %1$s per consultare il tuo calendario.!70 Usa %1$s para ver el calendario.(84&Usa %1$s para consultar tu calendario.h8D4Upotrijebite %1$s da biste pregledali svoj kalendar.8D4Uporabite »%1$s«, če si želite ogledati koledar.?9<-Təqvimə baxmaq üçün %1$s istifadə edin.P94%Tumia %1$s ili uangalie kalenda yako.C9@2Taqvimni ochish uchun %1$s ilovasidan foydalaning.K9H;Takviminizi görüntülemek için %1$s öğesini kullanın.H0:<.Sử dụng %1$s để xem lịch của bạn.Lx:<-Sebenzisa i-%1$s ukuze ubuke ikhalenda yakho.P:0#Se din kalender ved hjælp af %1$s. :8)Përdor %1$s për të shikuar kalendarin.@@;0#Pomocí %1$s zobrazíte kalendář. |;</Peržiūrėti kalendorių naudojant „%1$s“.+;(Näytä kalenterisi: %1$s;8*Nota %1$s til að skoða dagatalið þitt. <4&Gebruik %1$s om je agenda te bekijken.5x>@3Gamitin ang %1$s para tingnan ang iyong kalendaryo.G>@1Folosiți %1$s pentru a vă vizualiza calendarul.;?,Erabili %1$s egutegia ikusteko.H?0#Bruk %1$s for å se kalenderen din.3?@0Ak si chcete zobraziť kalendár, použite %1$s.>?@0%1$s 앱을 사용하여 캘린더를 봅니다.(@<-%1$s verwenden, um deinen Kalender anzusehen. view_calendar_desc|@Kh<\0tD  T $ p < X $ ` 8  X `Lx@l$XXx@X d4A 캘린더 보기(A 查看日曆NOB 查看日历M8B(カレンダーを表示#lB4'មើល​​ប្រតិទិន&B<,የቀን መቁጠሪያን ይመልከቱB8+კალენდრის ნახვა$BLDC42x$ɱ UZPA-2 ?%K"+{-ɸ-2C4$ເບິ່ງປະຕິທິນ*C(ดูปฏิทินFD<,දින දර්ශනය බලන්න=LD0"കലണ്ടർ കാണുക.DD7ಕ್ಯಾಲೆಂಡರ್ ವೀಕ್ಷಿಸಿ'DD4క్యాలెండర్‌ చూడండిE(EH:கேலெண்டரைக் காட்டும்D|ED7କ୍ୟାଲେଣ୍ଡର୍ ଦେଖନ୍ତୁ6E0"કૅલેન્ડર જુઓF,ਕੈਲੰਡਰ ਦੇਖੋ7@F@1ক্যালেন্ডার দেখুনF8(কেলেণ্ডাৰ চাওকF@1पात्रो हेर्नुहोस्4G4%कैलेंडर देखें\G0"कॅलेंडर पाहा0G(کیلنڈر دیکھیںJG$مشاهده تقویمG$عرض التقويم,H הצגת היומן"XH,Դիտել օրացույցըH8(Прикажи го календарот-H4&Преглед на календараI4'Прагледзець каляндарTI4%Погледајте календарAI4'Переглянути календарII0!Открыть календарь<J,Күнтізбені көру%HJ(Календарь үзэх/|J,Жылнааманы көрүү)J4%Προβολή ημερολογίουJ Zobraziť kalendár> K Zobrazit kalendář LK Xem lịchLpK Wyświetl kalendarz8K$Vizualizați calendarul;K$Visualizza calendario!K Visa kalenderB$L View calendarTL Ver el calendarioLVer calendário:LVer calendarioL Ver agenda9L Təqvimə baxın$M$Tingnan ang kalendaryoGTMTaqvimni ochishK|MTakvimi gösterHMSkoða dagatal M Skatīt kalendāru,M Shiko kalendarin@$N Se kalenderen3LN Se kalender pN Prikaži koledar?N Prikaži kalendar N(Peržiūrėti kalendorių+O Näytä kalenteri,O$Naptár megtekintése\O Mostra el calendari OLihat kalenderOLihat kalendar1O Kuva kalenderP Kalender aufrufen ,PIkusi egutegiaTPBuka ikhalendaP|PBekyk kalenderPAngalia kalendaCPAgenda bekijken5P Afficher l'agenda view_calendar8QO4\p$\LXTHt(T8\, d 0 P 4 0 <DH0$,DtXRD5荷物を追跡するには %1$sを使用します。#R(用 %1$s 嚟追蹤包裹。NS(使用 %1$s跟踪包裹。MUCbfŧص( flzk!Xv#XdՃ]z*"UlUVRxɱ `U,tgs*vI*AP+ Ő{(FWy/orWndN=!F#[~FUl VUSx$ @CWB[\@Ft+$񃻼Q2Cу'<C /D{۪ˍ=^QD=VtVlZxzeՃ-l`k[v<غW@-rSl `kۃ-BA[w+: Ju?2H:.VxWw_x$ 0 WI-1A (S#$(B YGL#J@$Jl*qhj3ۼenn MZD64}~?'WW~ex<1 0CAWyuQ"[qiJ$%$/I<( qԿLJ:Ϋh D$Kq^Օu|)ڦlVSEWxX|^x$P CW1 17|r(QHj^Zqb#.lNAír'³ (RܺPG|$J%3D&XlXoQxzfՃ5`m5;d(Xj'<`U?X6XpYhWx41 @b|rXJTʷ)f,'Ʉ'm!"6Zj([sVe7cHYL?<KYlYWSx1 0rbM{+;#Yi@2O1I̢}DJ֡CB+z3B Hhoj'97YlZ`SxzlՃe,`ye,olƒe `T 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suivre le colis.c,Use %1$s to track the parcel. d0#Usar o %1$s para rastrear o pacote.9\d4&Usa %1$s per tenere traccia del pacco.!d@2Usa %1$s para realizar un seguimiento del paquete.d</Usa %1$s para hacer un seguimiento del paquete.0e8)Upotrijebite %1$s da biste pratili paket.te</Uporabite »%1$s«, če želite slediti paketu.?e0#Tumia %1$s ili ufuatilie kifurushi.Ce<-Sử dụng %1$s để theo dõi bưu kiện.L@f8(Stebėti siuntinį naudojant „%1$s“.+f,Spåra försändelsen med %1$s.Bf,Spor pakken ved hjælp af %1$s. f$Seuraa pakettia: %1$s$g8+Sebenzisa i-%1$s ukuze ulandelele iphasela.Phg4%Përdor %1$s për të gjurmuar pakon.@g4&Pratite paket pomoću aplikacije %1$s. g8)Pomocí %1$s začnete sledovat balíček. ,hL>Pochta paketlarini kuzatish uchun %1$s ilovasidan foydalaning.Kh@3Parseli takip etmek için %1$s öğesini kullanın.Hh0 Nota %1$s til að rekja pakkann. i4%Lai izsekotu paku, izmantojiet: %1$s.,Li8*Kasutage paki jälgimiseks rakendust %1$s.i4'Gunakan %1$s untuk menjejaki bungkusan.1i0"Gunakan %1$s untuk melacak parsel. j4%Gebruik %1$s om het pakket te volgen.5Lj4'Gebruik %1$s om die pakkie na te spoor.j<,Gamitin ang %1$s para subaybayan ang parcel.Gj8(Folosiți %1$s pentru a urmări coletul.;k8+Erabili %1$s paketearen jarraipena egiteko.\kL=Csomag nyomon követése a következő segítségével: %1$s.k,Bruk %1$s for å spore pakken.3k@2Bağlamanı izləmək üçün %1$s istifadə edin.8l<-Ak chcete zásielku sledovať, použite %1$s.>lD6%1$s 앱을 사용하여 우편물을 추적합니다.(l8*%1$s verwenden, um das Paket zu verfolgen. track_parcel_desc,m0MHtH`,xL  p D  h < x D  ` ( X Xx<thlD08`0pn 소포 추적(n 追蹤包裹NOn 跟踪包裹Mn荷物を追跡#o4'តាមដាន​កញ្ចប់&To,ጥቅልን ተከታተል&oPoS7xzX"h*Dbh'~q`qGEx!@ľS $CpC6TNycG_?a l~KrN1%E~EPr@1பார்ஸலைக் கண்காணிD6rLr;4xzfՃ5`m5;d(z Sledovat balíček z Sledi paketu? {Seuraa pakettia4{ Seguir un envío`{ Rekja pakka {Rastrear pacote9{Rastrear envío{ Prati paket { Pakket volgen5$| Paketni kuzatishKP|Paketi takip etHx|Paket verfolgen |$Monitorizar encomenda:| Landela iphaselaP| Lacak parsel$} Jälgi pakkiL} Jejaki bungkusan1x} Izsekot sūtījumu,} Gjurmo pakon@} Fuatilia kifurushiC}(Fes un seguiment del paquet ,~$Faire le suivi du colis\~(Facer seguimento do paquete~(Egin eremuaren jarraipena~,Effectuer le suivi d'un colis~(Csomag nyomon követése0$Bağlamanı izləyin track_parceltN4t(P <Pp,l(Tt4d@0d@ x   L l p ltp\Td` t<(用 %1$s嚟追蹤航班。N(使用 %1$s跟踪航班。M$(使用 %1$s 追蹤航班。OXPAフライトをチェックするには %1$sを使用します。#NlZQx 0WI8 XZBR)]IOw؁ z8 s@kctu-k^+`&,H:በረራውን ለመከታተል %1$sን ይጠቀሙ።p~Vxzrwjb2p[Vx˻ @DV6T6 ~XDarKqy=hĆYzt=hq- hQC*dJIxʱ E@U gD㫉PHhT!"y)Jo_YF#F'rːd0ɓaC<Flt[Qxzm˃l`{Oxm7DDv%l`rUCbvڵE@zm| H=zpoXxzelz`6Txe>}LB$f=`zz *@[Vl`~$@R.xhq]x4 @[@SڬCcD DeH[R{19E'zІn9Ԣ#RtwϮI1Ų.O|%t`'zx{_x4 P DWVp6'#b)/RؚUnqɽG܄'Ǘ2Eׂ@ u{D\KUSw DvLFb wD_E|pbxznu[`ݾV>X^0١`|TPhփm֭ZjR ꃰ@PL*aoYWDloQxzflzf߃5r ԃ5S!BS֬6*+DKnkX6i PK6xpu]x4 @[1T6;P ?=G0)lgw6 =(T hGJ啱-Ko"tu_NhTPx1@@FLAD҈nIt,(%CЃvkPCB+QZBVU+ Wgrz7phcUx<1@@r6 T¬*S&陮A> =Cњ"3^Z+lzn6Ͽm,rh`Nxzlmzl߃eWb0,1(:$lɃ *@50k, Vnye+,]|Xax$1 0CAWyID|pT'Bd8fWWvaW=KŬI)JZSĭGQ~np`Uxzdlzd߃%d`:K, `)Pb``r * 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flygB̨ Spor flynummeret3 Spoor vlug na  Sledovať let>H Sledovat let p Sledi letu? 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Abrir mapa9:open_map@O`LHD` @<XX\`,P  < t  8 , LX 4DXt<(用 %1$s 嚟開啟連結。N(使用 %1$s 開啟連結。O(使用 %1$s 打开链接。M(@3リンクを開くには %1$s を使用します。#tL?ប្រើ %1$s ដើម្បី​បើក​តំណ។&D7አገናኙን ለመክፈት %1$sን ይጠቀሙ።`(YHxzl^Sx, 0WIl. (ڈ X_t$ zen(+nDJHt|N5Y6f PK6hhUPxzjӃUjzjU+nWxjڃ@[RVIu;Z`z `69zTEਲਿੰਕ ਖੋਲ੍ਹਣ ਲਈ %1$s ਨੂੰ ਵਰਤੋ।70XJলিঙ্ক ব্যবহার করতে %1$s খুলুন।.hPNx, VylN ]#lt"lpB/jшfpwQVEЎOtWl `RxzdӃ%,izdƒ%,~Z`i;?BA+ERx%@UB7 TDलिंक उघडण्यासाठी %1$s वापरा.0z l `Qxʱ@PEV~@jS1B~ogibw{CZ}htذ9(ƽ];:sN5:O؀4X PCلنک کھولنے کے لیے %1$s کا استعمال کریں۔J TGبرای باز کردن پیوند، از%1$s استفاده کنید. 8*استخدِم %1$s لفتح الرابط.X PAאפשר להשתמש ב%1$s כדי לפתוח את הקישור."N l TSxںpuךnBꢫ 5^]zu HHꆫ 5(\k~ w1P꺫K(Cd , P@Шилтемени %1$s колдонмосунда ачыңыз.) 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L@8*Open %1$s to send an email to the contact.@@3Open %1$s om een e-mail naar het contact te sturen.5@PAOdprite »%1$s«, če želite stiku poslati e-poštno sporočilo.?@AD7Obre %1$s per enviar un correu electrònic al contacte. AD4Mở %1$s để gửi email cho người liên hệ.LA@2Maak %1$s oop om 'n e-pos aan die kontak te stuur.,B4'Lähetä sähköposti kontaktille: %1$slB\LLai nosūtītu e-pasta ziņojumu kontaktpersonai, atveriet pakalpojumu %1$s.,BD4Kontaktga email yuborish uchun %1$s ilovasini ochingK$CD7Kişiye e-posta göndermek için %1$s öğesini açın.HtCD7Ireki %1$s kontaktuari mezu elektroniko bat bidaltzeko.C@2Hap %1$s për të dërguar një email te kontakti.@DL=Fungua %1$s ili utume barua pepe kwa mtu unayewasiliana naye.ChD8+E-məktub göndərmək üçün %1$s açın.DPADeschideți %1$s pentru a trimite un e-mail persoanei de contact.;E@3Buksan ang %1$s para magpadala ng email sa contact.GTE<,Buka %1$s untuk mengirimkan email ke kontak.E@0Buka %1$s untuk menghantar e-mel kepada kenalan.1E@0Avage kontaktile meili saatmiseks rakendus %1$s.4FD7Atidaryti „%1$s“ ir siųsti el. laišką kontaktui.+F8+Apri %1$s per inviare un'email al contatto.!F@2Ak chcete kontaktu odoslať správu, otvorte %1$s.>G@2Abrir o %1$s para enviar um e-mail para o contato.9`GH;Abre %1$s para enviarle un correo electrónico al contacto.GH9Abre %1$s para enviar un correo electrónico ao contacto.HH9Abre %1$s para enviar un correo electrónico al contacto.\H@1Abra o %1$s para enviar um email para o contacto.:HH:%1$s 앱을 열어 연락처로 이메일을 보냅니다.(HD6%1$s öffnen, um eine E-Mail an den Kontakt zu senden. LIH;%1$s megnyitása e-mail küldéséhez a névjegy számára.email_contact_descINx@d(d l0X T(L l 4 t < `  T  x , p ` d(X|8X$ p4K 이메일 문의(,K,連絡先にメールを送信#dK,向联系人发送电子邮件MK(傳送電郵至聯絡人NK,傳送電子郵件給聯絡人OK\LKBxL1 0^Du* 䠏N%Dn2Y1&$o6,-RI&pL0#ለእውቂያ ኢሜይል ላክFLHL10x @Uā,7!ד,]LYIx$LL M31xzذaú ;6|ذ̘aCxÆ{Æf2L`dMNEx; 0ҡ(berK$Je4eM)I9c2)/*^MXMH?x1 0ЫU:XMo Hfd]ËI'鏐FM\4NHDx$ 0Vq(֋:EOB =%X~o!$8$wT7TR |oVS=*NdNPJxzeꃭze-zld-lYd+<`˺[lYݺ(4 M.O4%ಇಮೇಲ್ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ'N\LOGAx@ZZBbp89 xZI)gv&)+2(\stZX^j=EBO`OVHx, @[$y ʔLv+}S*=d+ΌIWZUM]FB\?DOX PD?xzfLf{惵L}Qk=X $7E@k6TY Mejla kontaktB|Y$Lähetä sähköpostiaY$Kontaktga xat yozishKY Kontakt via e-post3Z$Kişiye e-posta gönderH8Z(Kirimkan email ke kontaklZ$Invia email a contatto!Z I-email ang contactGZ(Gửi email cho liên hệLZ,Envoyer un e-mail au contact4[,Envoyer un courriel au contactl[,Enviar un correo al contacto[,Enviar email para o contacto:[(Enviar e-mail para contato9\4'Envia un correu electrònic al contacte T\ Email contact\,E-poçt ilə əlaqə saxlayın\ E-poskontak\ E-mel kenalan1],E-mail küldése az ismerősnek@](E-Mail an Kontakt senden t](Dërgoji email kontaktit@],Correo electrónico ao contacto] Contact e-mailen5 ^(Bidali mezu elektronikoa@^$Anwani ya barua pepeC email_contact^Mx(\h$Tl<x8l$Lp4h \$D  P ` 8 H LHlht|@|t<_(用 %1$s嚟建立活動。N_(使用 %1$s建立活動。O0`(使用 %1$s创建活动。Md`D5予定を作成するには %1$sを使用します。#N`l`fQxz8oΛp>UCbfŧO=(~"uˬr٣؀ҏY-^.dXHಈವೆಂಟ್ ರಚಿಸಲು %1$s ಅನ್ನು ಬಳಸಿ.'d|xdtbxL=EPX I JhD'+佊LJܫ)̠ڱ hº֢Ju:oiD3:I60}h4Edter[x$@ [3F5 ./`\)$A^6GlKd.EJq.K5ّ8r%kK DepeiVx< @D[9P`@!'8lrR[dhA9؊rB=hFՉcHnҦݘ#]pa6Gy6eheXOxzVV>X5_5 Ϊ} Z*TP5T)w>X@΃UӁVmrdfTEਇਵੈਂਟ ਬਣਾਉਣ ਲਈ %1$s ਨੂੰ ਵਰਤੋ।7^flfdQxzv ~l@rŃ@%wXny#ȴKfxHgl]x<=@@Dp6'HD^)$~4\nA7eP&@֢ݑcC'V~GO@fcK$wFi6t[c^ZgpguWxT 0WI0P#JDC" 24ʍ)}>(c Jx!3(tk(~F'G;%lv'aTbz4glHhZQxz>j}d烥@nӃ%,Y`K=Xș ,Y T&X@ T+ER@;,}d ؔu@QR=zh\@iEBxںo(kn,^ƛ@zH&UCbkU7A7nR6ihiNMxںv͎m7w*Xuc Ioݞd R5T),Wf7[o,V}֮SJj@2استخدِم %1$s لإنشاء الفعالية.\jPAאפשר להשתמש ב%1$s כדי ליצור את האירוע."Rjtj`[xںruWw\k tuսW_]zuu@r HP 5(\k(HRsEAPhX> kV8k\LУпотребите %1$s да бисте направили догађај.Ak@3Створіть подію в додатку %1$s.Ik`RСоздать мероприятие с помощью приложения %1$s.<k`dlKFxں0¾ v\lta+++\~a…- b} / @ Qva `]}-lTDКаб стварыць падзею, выкарыстайце %1$s.$mPAИш-чараны %1$s колдонмосунда түзүңүз.)m`mMFxں0 /컰Ho΋M*(6(\$.6^L Vxa,Om`PАрга хэмжээ үүсгэхийн тулд %1$s-г ашиглана уу./XndWІс-шара жасау үшін %1$s қолданбасын пайдаланыңыз.%bnpn`VxD 0CWAR;RtW2f x@0%1$s 앱을 사용하여 일정을 만듭니다.( y8+%1$s verwenden, um den Termin zu erstellen. create_event_deschyDIX$X, p @  T $ p D  ` 0 T  `d$XdHHl(T d4z 일정 만들기(z 建立活動NOz 创建活动M{予定を作成#zTP{<:xʱ :A"P<[]$._U9tP.fbѲg'F|&{$ክስተት ፍጠር{8+მოვლენის შექმნა$|@1အစီအစဉ် ရေးဆွဲရန်2d|,ສ້າງນັດໝາຍ*|4$สร้างกิจกรรมF|8(සිදුවීම සාදන්න= }D7ഇവന്റ് സൃഷ്‌ടിക്കുക.p}0"ಈವೆಂಟ್ ರಚಿಸಿ'}L=ఈవెంట్‌ను సృష్టించండిE~@1நிகழ்வை உருவாக்குDP~D5ଇଭେଣ୍ଟ ତିଆରି କରନ୍ତୁ6~0"ઇવેન્ટ બનાવો~,ਇਵੈਂਟ ਬਣਾਓ7<,ইভেন্ট তৈরি করুন\D5অনুষ্ঠান সৃষ্টি কৰকF\MCx4!0ľWL%AfLJU&]4m1\( Utwórz wydarzenie8TUstvari dogodek?| Unda tukioC Tạo sự kiệnL̄ Tədbir yaradın Termin erstellen $Tadbir yaratishKLSukurti įvykį+tSortu gertaera Skep geleentheidȅSkapa händelseB Opret begivenhed $Opprett en aktivitet3L Luo tapahtumat Loo sündmus Krijo një ngjarje@Ȇ Kreiraj događaj Izveidot pasākumu, Izradi događajHGumawa ng eventGp Etkinlik oluşturH$Esemény létrehozásȧ Dala umcimbiP$Créer un événement( Criar evento9:T Creați evenimentul; Create event Crear evento$Crea un esdeveniment  Crea evento!4 Búa til viðburð ` Buat acara1Afspraak maken5 create_eventĉN`T@x0h,\t4h @tD|<p  d H t  D $ 0Xd`XD|P <.電話をかけるには%1$sを開きます。#T,開啟%1$s嚟撥打號碼。N(打开%1$s拨打号码。M(使用%1$s撥打電話。OpcWx 0WI0 $ !L(}'^]5Cc6SNla!B x`BZC&pH8ወደ ቁጥሩ ለመደወል %1$sን ይክፈቱ።^`ЌPFxzl Zy ֳL.'$ʌh<ePxz0a S6zذaÆ&6QxfC4(+ aCÆ`u`c2L=ເປີດ %1$s ເພື່ອໂທຫາເບີໂທ.*\Nเปิด %1$s เพื่อโทรหาหมายเลขนี้FdTEඅංකය ඇමතීමට %1$s විවෘත කරන්න.=^`ЎPHxzeŃ-l}eՃ-l`^[X[6ɩ`{uJ1P[` T=.ʎt<m\x$ 0DWVp6'X`!F.YgtFt=CN|mHWTMZ烤xO<(^'JtcYxzaŃ M6yaÃzl`cڰM@Q gփ6a!Xi?X~UCbXϒ@&m 6xEʏt<y[xzn݃]֭zM*X7@부BET Um`3";K &-ynuxWDJpcXx$ @ W (YGpWQH@rEF ЊnT*iBr\>Djںs`cF dWl6Ɛd8JIxzjŃUMVyjƒU ;f`9ԃUnWP5T)L{H6paUx$ 0WIX;DK `Ri(xC7хrPj?^TSAKnjӁنg7\$JBxzlŃe,}l̓,`ye,Pxl*@2AJ 2*@iP@K\ECxzvVXDsبرای تماس با شماره، %1$s را باز کنید.8*افتح %1$s للاتصال بالرقم.TGاس نمبر پر کال کرنے کے لیے %1$s کو کھولیں۔J`TJGxں>+P>Xu} '\_jRp}gλȜr}X"L?Զանգելու համար բացեք %1$s հավելվածը: XJҚоңырау шалу үшін %1$s қолданбасын ашыңыз.%p\OТелефон номерине %1$s колдонмосунда чалыңыз.)ؖL?Позвонить с помощью приложения %1$s.<0L>Отворите %1$s да бисте позвали број.ATGОтворете %1$s, за да се обадите на номера.PCОтворете %1$s за да го повикате бројот.-DL<Каб выклікаць нумар, адкрыйце %1$s.@2Зателефонуйте в додатку %1$s.ITFДугаар руу залгахын тулд %1$s-г нээнэ үү./HXJΑνοίξτε το %1$s για να καλέσετε τον αριθμό.0!Åpne %1$s for å ringe nummeret.34$Åbn %1$s for at ringe til nummeret. (0!Zəng etmək üçün %1$s açın.d4$Vula i-%1$s ukuze ushayele inombolo.P Soita puhelu: %1$sК$Ring numret med %1$s.BH9Raqamga telefon qilish uchun %1$s ilovasidan foydalaning.KT0"Pomocí %1$s zavoláte na číslo. 4$Ouvrir %1$s pour appeler le numéro.Л4$Ouvrez %1$s pour appeler le numéro.H9Otwórz aplikację %1$s, by zadzwonić pod wybrany numer.8d8*Otvorite aplikaciju %1$s da pozovete broj. 4$Otvorite %1$s da biste nazvali broj.4'Opna %1$s til að hringja í númerið. (,Open %1$s to call the number.h0"Open %1$s om het nummer te bellen.5L=Odprite »%1$s«, če želite poklicati telefonsko številko.?0 Obre %1$s per trucar al número. 8<-Numarayı aramak için %1$s öğesini açın.H</Mở %1$s để gọi cho số điện thoại.LȞ0#Maak %1$s oop om die nommer te bel.4'Lai zvanītu uz numuru, atveriet: %1$s.,D,Ireki %1$s zenbakira deitzeko.|4$Hap %1$s për të telefonuar numrin.@,Fungua %1$s ili upigie nambari.C8)Deschideți %1$s pentru a apela numărul.;88(Buksan ang %1$s para tawagan ang numero.G|0 Buka %1$s untuk menelepon nomor.0!Buka %1$s untuk memanggil nombor.18+Avage numbrile helistamiseks rakendus %1$s.84$Atidaryti %1$s ir skambinti numeriu.+x0!Apri %1$s per chiamare il numero.!<,Ak chcete na číslo zavolať, otvorte %1$s.>4'Abrir o %1$s para ligar para o número.9<0!Abre %1$s para llamar al número.|0!Abre %1$s para chamar ao número.4&Abra o %1$s para ligar para o número.:4'%1$s 앱을 열어 전화를 겁니다.(84&%1$s öffnen, um die Nummer anzurufen. x@0%1$s megnyitása a telefonszám felhívásához.call_number_descܣhM0xH`0 t D  ` 8  X , l @  P  Td4h8<h 4|@<`0  전화 걸기(H 電話をかける#t 撥打號碼NO 拨打号码Mȥ8*ហៅ​ទៅ​កាន់​លេខ& (ወደ ቁጥር ደውል@8+ნომერზე დარეკვა$4$ဖုန်းခေါ်ရန်2Ħ$ໂທຫາເບີ*4$โทรหาหมายเลขF4,අංකය අමතන්න=\xDAxzeŃ-l}eՃ-l`˦[l  `}@֬[lY@9.ԧ<.ಸಂಖ್ಯೆಗೆ ಕರೆಮಾಡಿ'H8నంబర్‌కు కాల్ చేయండిEp(எண்ணை அழைD>L21xzfŃ5}f̓5@hmƒ5S+J Truca al número  Telepon nomorخTelefono numrin@(Telefonar para o número:4 Tawagan ang numeroG`Szám hívásaSoita numeroon Skambinti numeriu+ܯ Shayela inomboloPRing til nummer 0 Ring nummeret3X Ring nummerB| Pozovi broj  Pigia nambariCȰPanggil nombor1$Nömrəyə zəng edin  Nummer bellen5HNummer anrufen p Numaraya telefon etH Nazovi broj Llamar al número Kliči številko? Hringja í númer H Helista numbrilet,Gọi vào số điện thoạiLDeitu zenbakiraԲ Chiama numero! ChaqirishK Chamar número9H Chamar ao númerot Call number Bel nommerij Appeler un numéro Appeler le numéro Apelați numărul; call_numberXO<h(\Hl0h |H @p(H@<l d $ H p ` \l 8HXH4%開啟「%1$s」嚟加入聯絡人。ND4連絡先を追加するには%1$sを開きます。#4,打开%1$s添加联系人。Ml,使用%1$s新增聯絡人。O>hZMxz8oykPP5T)Vx8 ̝p NHy{Λ p~yp>HS&D7እውቂያውን ለማከል %1$sን ይክፈቱ።ht_Nx 0CWA9BP+U՝&\BV4Ѝ~즄NV^6e^<$vdWLx41 @@8S20) 2KFپWOV-Sd'YIE.W6f>2lX^Tx4 0DWIl.`B:˼QLthEͮnΑl@gt!ЋhAw|R*^`иWGxzvlycJȼ;?`Zw vlzcу]5;BL1"Fʸp<aUxzw=ض`Ɔ>`{ƒmlUSl`dmT U@ rPXPԨz=F`YGxzeꃭze-l z=0 u[w+e<R q.h$fOxziǃMM6ziÃͽ6M}iM+l ٨bs;Hz~{&J1PM&` mz'&peUxzaՃ l`ì?ذ6 l`c *BDu5/y lVzF=EliRxznɃ]nÃ֭zY@jIL *@6R% K`F[dDdYIxzfLf{ꃵ pH`͆k?X,jR V>X(`6TEસંપર્ક ઉમેરવા માટે %1$s ખોલો.h\RPxzbǃX``Ŷ+=XM@T kӃ *@+iVvV>X^7^tмm[x @CWBp6+A,O\%M{ m")i=:"l$v ;â#N߇P7U+9}K?޼\PDCxzlՃe,`,0H*+P>Xu} '\_jRp}ge^y}1DH̼R(["hVNxںꎫۮz Mwu5W^kJX;5)\lP,ZJ1D g +TEХарилцагч нэмэхийн тулд %1$s-г нээнэ үү./X\C@xں0bӅM]lڪjRpa @}6^T.^ sÅ] RN\ICxں0bӅM]lڪjRpa X@< ( (pawI-\NКонтакт енгізу үшін %1$s қолданбасын ашыңыз.%H:Каб дадаць кантакт, адкрыйце %1$s.L>За додавање контакта отворите: %1$s.A0D5Додайте контакт у додатку %1$s.I\LДобавить контакт с помощью приложения %1$s.<TDБайланышты %1$s колдонмосунда кошуңуз.)lT_Sx\ 0V һX)RTv|g/!JB6'hm &I!g.61Qw v4&Åpne %1$s for å legge til kontakten.34$Åbn %1$s for at tilføje kontakten. @4'Vula i-%1$s ukuze ungeze oxhumana naye.P,Pomocí %1$s přidáte kontakt. 4$Ouvrir %1$s pour ajouter le contact.4$Ouvrez %1$s pour ajouter le contact.88+Otwórz aplikację %1$s, by dodać kontakt.8|8+Otvorite aplikaciju %1$s da dodate kontakt. @1Otvorite aplikaciju %1$s da biste dodali kontakt. 8*Opna %1$s til að bæta tengiliðnum við. 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reat▁Green▁Greg▁Gri▁Gross▁Group▁Gtg▁Gu▁Gud▁Guess▁Guy▁H▁HA▁HAD▁HAH▁HAHA▁HAHAH▁HAHAHA▁HAHAHAH▁HAHAHAHA▁HAHAHAHAHA▁HAPPEN▁HAPPY▁HARD▁HAS▁HATE▁HAVE▁HD▁HE▁HEAR▁HELL▁HELLO▁HELP▁HER▁HERE▁HEY▁HI▁HIM▁HIS▁HO▁HOLY▁HOME▁HOPE▁HOT▁HOW▁HP▁HR▁HS▁HU▁HUGE▁Ha▁Had▁Hah▁Haha▁Hahah▁Hahaha▁Hahahah▁Hahahaha▁Hahahahaha▁Hahha▁Hai▁Half▁Halloween▁Han▁Hand▁Hang▁Hangouts▁Hannah▁Happy▁Har▁Hard▁Harris▁Harry▁Has▁Have▁Haven▁Having▁Hawaii▁He▁Head▁Heading▁Health▁Heather▁Heh▁Hehe▁Hehehe▁Hell▁Hello▁Help▁Henry▁Her▁Here▁Hey▁Hi▁High▁His▁Hm▁Hmm▁Hmmm▁Hmmmm▁Ho▁Hol▁Hola▁Hold▁Holy▁Home▁Hon▁Honestly▁Honey▁Hope▁Hopefully▁Hor▁Hot▁House▁Houston▁How▁However▁Hu▁Hug▁Huh▁Hun▁Hw▁Hy▁I▁ID▁IDEA▁IDK▁IF▁IKR▁IM▁IN▁IS▁IT▁ITS▁Idk▁If▁Ikr▁Imagine▁In▁Indeed▁India▁Indian▁Instagram▁Instead▁Inter▁Interesting▁Internet▁Isn▁It▁Italian▁Italy▁Its▁J▁JA▁JO▁JUST▁Ja▁Jack▁Jackie▁Jackson▁Jacob▁Jake▁James▁Jamie▁Jan▁Jane▁January▁Japan▁Japanese▁Jason▁Java▁Jay▁Je▁Jean▁Jeez▁Jeff▁Jen▁Jenn▁Jennifer▁Jeremy▁Jess▁Jessica▁Jesus▁Jim▁Jimmy▁Jk▁Jo▁Job▁Joe▁John▁Jon▁Jonathan▁Jordan▁Jose▁Josh▁Ju▁Julia▁Julie▁July▁June▁Just▁Justin▁K▁KILL▁KNOW▁Ka▁Kai▁Kar▁Karen▁Kat▁Kate▁Katie▁Kay▁Ke▁Keep▁Keith▁Kelly▁Ken▁Kevin▁Ki▁Kids▁Kim▁Kind▁Kinda▁King▁Kiss▁Kisses▁Kk▁Know▁Ko▁Korean▁Kris▁Ku▁Kyle▁L▁LA▁LAST▁LE▁LEAVE▁LET▁LI▁LIFE▁LIKE▁LMAO▁LMFAO▁LO▁LOL▁LOLOL▁LOLOLOL▁LONG▁LOOK▁LOT▁LOVE▁La▁Lake▁Land▁Larry▁Last▁Later▁Laura▁Lauren▁Law▁Le▁Learn▁Leave▁Leaving▁Lee▁Left▁Lemm▁Let▁Li▁Life▁Light▁Like▁Lil▁Linda▁Link▁Lisa▁Listen▁Literally▁Little▁Live▁Liz▁Lmao▁Lmfao▁Lo▁Location▁Lol▁Lolol▁Lololol▁London▁Long▁Look▁Looking▁Looks▁Lord▁Lots▁Louis▁Love▁Lu▁Lucky▁Lucy▁Luke▁Lunch▁Ly▁M▁MA▁MAKE▁MAN▁MAR▁MAYBE▁MC▁MD▁ME▁MEAN▁MI▁MIN▁MISS▁ML▁MO▁MOM▁MONEY▁MORE▁MORNING▁MS▁MUCH▁MUST▁MY▁Ma▁Mac▁Mad▁Made▁Madison▁Mag▁Make▁Makes▁Making▁Mal▁Mama▁Man▁Manager▁Mar▁Marc▁March▁Mari▁Maria▁Mark▁Market▁Martin▁Mary▁Master▁Matt▁Matthew▁Max▁May▁Maybe▁Mc▁McDonald▁Me▁Mean▁Meet▁Meeting▁Megan▁Meh▁Melissa▁Men▁Merry▁Message▁Mexican▁Mexico▁Mhm▁Mi▁Miami▁Michael▁Michelle▁Michigan▁Microsoft▁Might▁Mike▁Mil▁Min▁Mine▁Miss▁Mm▁Mmm▁Mmmm▁Mmmmm▁Mo▁Mobile▁Molly▁Mom▁Mon▁Monday▁Money▁Mor▁More▁Morgan▁Morning▁Most▁Mostly▁Mother▁Movie▁Mr▁Mu▁Muah▁Much▁Music▁Must▁Mwah▁My▁N▁NA▁NAME▁NC▁NE▁NEED▁NEVER▁NEW▁NEXT▁NFL▁NI▁NICE▁NIGHT▁NJ▁NO▁NOPE▁NOT▁NOTHING▁NOW▁NUMBER▁NY▁NYC▁Na▁Nah▁Name▁Nate▁Nathan▁National▁Naw▁Ne▁Nee▁Need▁Neither▁Netflix▁Network▁Never▁Nevermind▁New▁Next▁Ni▁Nice▁Nick▁Nicole▁Nigga▁Night▁Nik▁No▁Nobody▁Nope▁North▁Not▁Nothing▁Nov▁November▁Now▁Np▁Nu▁Number▁Nvm▁O▁OC▁OF▁OFF▁OH▁OK▁OKAY▁OMFG▁OMG▁ON▁ONE▁ONLY▁OP▁OR▁OS▁OT▁OTHER▁OTR▁OUR▁OUT▁OVER▁Obama▁Obviously▁Oct▁October▁Of▁Off▁Office▁Oh▁Ohh▁Ohhh▁Ohhhh▁Ok▁Okay▁Okie▁Ol▁Old▁Omg▁Omw▁On▁Once▁One▁Only▁Ooh▁Ooo▁Oooh▁Oooo▁Ooooo▁Oops▁Open▁Or▁Order▁Other▁Otherwise▁Ouch▁Our▁Out▁Over▁Ow▁P▁PA▁PART▁PAY▁PC▁PDF▁PE▁PEOPLE▁PERFECT▁PH▁PHONE▁PI▁PIECE▁PL▁PLAY▁PLEASE▁PM▁PO▁POS▁PR▁PRO▁PROBLEM▁PS▁PTO▁Pa▁Pack▁Pan▁Paris▁Park▁Part▁Pass▁Pat▁Patrick▁Paul▁Pay▁Pe▁Penn▁People▁Per▁Perfect▁Perhaps▁Pete▁Peter▁Ph▁Phil▁Phone▁Photo▁Pi▁Pick▁Pizza▁Plan▁Play▁Please▁Pls▁Plus▁Plz▁Po▁Pol▁Poor▁Port▁Portland▁Possibly▁Post▁Power▁Pra▁Pre▁Pretty▁Pri▁Price▁Prince▁Pro▁Prob▁Probably▁Problem▁Process▁Product▁Project▁Promise▁Pu▁Put▁Q▁QA▁QB▁Qua▁Que▁Queen▁Question▁Qui▁Quick▁R▁RA▁RB▁RC▁RCH▁RE▁READ▁REAL▁REALLY▁RECHARGE▁REQUEST▁RI▁RIGHT▁RO▁ROFL▁RSVP▁Ra▁Rachel▁Raj▁Ram▁Ray▁Re▁Read▁Ready▁Real▁Really▁Recharge▁Red▁Ref▁Reg▁Remember▁Remind▁Request▁Respon▁Rest▁Ri▁Rich▁Richard▁Rick▁Right▁River▁Ro▁Road▁Rob▁Robert▁Robin▁Rock▁Roger▁Roman▁Ron▁Room▁Rose▁Rs▁Ru▁Run▁Running▁Russia▁Russian▁Ryan▁S▁SA▁SAID▁SAME▁SAY▁SC▁SD▁SE▁SEE▁SEND▁SF▁SH▁SHA▁SHE▁SHIT▁SHO▁SHOULD▁SHOW▁SHUT▁SI▁SL▁SLEEP▁SM▁SN▁SO▁SOME▁SOMETHING▁SORRY▁SP▁SPAM▁SQL▁SS▁ST▁START▁STILL▁STOP▁SU▁SUCCESS▁SUCCESSFUL▁SUCK▁SUPER▁SURE▁SW▁SWEET▁Sa▁Sad▁Safe▁Said▁Sal▁Sale▁Sam▁Same▁Samsung▁San▁Santa▁Sara▁Sarah▁Sat▁Saturday▁Saw▁Say▁Sc▁Scar▁Sch▁School▁Scott▁Se▁Sea▁Sean▁Seattle▁Second▁See▁Seem▁Send▁Sent▁September▁Seriously▁Server▁Service▁Sh▁Sha▁Shannon▁Shawn▁She▁Shi▁Shit▁Sho▁Shoot▁Short▁Should▁Show▁Shut▁Si▁Sigh▁Silly▁Simon▁Since▁Sir▁Sitting▁Sky▁Skype▁Sleep▁Slow▁Small▁Smart▁Smh▁Smile▁Smith▁Snow▁So▁Some▁Someone▁Something▁Sometimes▁Soon▁Sorry▁Sounds▁South▁Sp▁Spam▁Spanish▁Speak▁Special▁Spring▁St▁Sta▁Star▁Starbucks▁Start▁State▁Stay▁Ste▁Steph▁Stephanie▁Stephen▁Steve▁Steven▁Still▁Stop▁Street▁Stupid▁Su▁Sub▁Success▁Such▁Summer▁Sun▁Sunday▁Sup▁Super▁Sure▁Susan▁Sw▁Sweet▁Sweetheart▁System▁T▁TA▁TAKE▁TALK▁TB▁TE▁TELL▁TH▁THANK▁THANKS▁THAT▁THATS▁THE▁THEM▁THEN▁THERE▁THEY▁THING▁THINK▁THIS▁TIME▁TO▁TODAY▁TOMORROW▁TOO▁TR▁TRUE▁TRY▁TV▁TW▁TWO▁TX▁TY▁Ta▁Take▁Taking▁Talk▁Target▁Taylor▁Te▁Tea▁Tech▁Tell▁Temp▁Test▁Texas▁Text▁Th▁Thai▁Than▁Thank▁Thanks▁Thanksgiving▁That▁Thats▁The▁Their▁Then▁There▁They▁Things▁Think▁Thinking▁This▁Tho▁Thomas▁Thos▁Though▁Thought▁Thr▁Three▁Thu▁Thurs▁Thursday▁Thx▁Ti▁Tim▁Time▁Tired▁To▁Today▁Todd▁Told▁Tom▁Tomorrow▁Tonight▁Tony▁Too▁Took▁Toronto▁Total▁Totally▁Tra▁Train▁Trans▁Tri▁Tru▁True▁Trump▁Trust▁Trx▁Try▁Trying▁Ttyl▁Tu▁Tuesday▁Turn▁Twitter▁Two▁Ty▁Tyler▁Type▁U▁UGH▁UK▁UN▁UP▁UPS▁UR▁US▁USA▁USD▁Ugh▁Uh▁Um▁Umm▁Ummm▁Un▁Uncle▁Under▁Unfortunately▁Uni▁United▁University▁Unless▁Until▁Up▁Ur▁Use▁Usually▁V▁VA▁VERY▁VI▁VM▁VP▁Va▁Val▁Valentine▁Van▁Ve▁Vegas▁Ven▁Ver▁Verizon▁Very▁Vi▁Video▁Vo▁W▁WA▁WAIT▁WANNA▁WANT▁WAS▁WAT▁WATCH▁WAY▁WE▁WEEK▁WELL▁WERE▁WH▁WHAT▁WHEN▁WHERE▁WHO▁WHY▁WI▁WILL▁WITH▁WO▁WOO▁WORK▁WOULD▁WOW▁WR▁WRONG▁WTF▁Wa▁Wait▁Waiting▁Wake▁Wal▁Walk▁Walking▁Walmart▁Wanna▁Want▁War▁Was▁Washington▁Wasn▁Wat▁Watch▁Watching▁Water▁Way▁We▁Wednesday▁Weird▁Welcome▁Well▁Wendy▁Went▁Were▁West▁Wh▁Wha▁What▁Whatever▁When▁Whenever▁Where▁Whi▁Which▁While▁White▁Who▁Whoa▁Why▁Wi▁WiFi▁Will▁William▁Win▁Windows▁Wish▁With▁Without▁Wo▁Woah▁Won▁Wonder▁Woo▁Woohoo▁Word▁Work▁Working▁World▁Would▁Wow▁Wtf▁Wyd▁X▁XD▁XDDD▁Xbox▁Xmas▁Xoxo▁Xx▁Xxx▁Y▁YA▁YAY▁YE▁YEA▁YEAH▁YEAR▁YES▁YO▁YOU▁YOUR▁YUP▁Ya▁Yah▁Yay▁Ye▁Yea▁Yeah▁Year▁Yeh▁Yep▁Yes▁Yesterday▁Yikes▁Yo▁York▁You▁YouTube▁Your▁Yu▁Yum▁Yummy▁Yup▁Z▁Za▁Zach▁Ze▁\▁^▁^^▁a▁aa▁aahe▁aaj▁aaron▁ab▁abandon▁abhi▁ability▁able▁abou▁about▁above▁abroad▁abs▁absolute▁absolutely▁absorb▁abstract▁absurd▁abt▁abuse▁ac▁academic▁acc▁accent▁accept▁acceptable▁accepted▁access▁accident▁accidentally▁accomplish▁according▁account▁accounts▁acct▁accurate▁accus▁achieve▁acid▁acknowledge▁acquire▁across▁act▁acting▁action▁active▁activities▁activity▁actual▁actually▁adam▁adapt▁add▁added▁addict▁addicted▁adding▁addition▁additional▁address▁adi▁adjust▁adjustment▁admin▁admir▁admission▁admit▁admitted▁adn▁adopt▁adorable▁adore▁ads▁adugu▁adult▁adv▁advance▁advantage▁adventure▁advertise▁advertising▁advice▁advise▁advisor▁af▁affair▁affect▁affection▁afford▁afraid▁africa▁after▁afternoon▁afterwards▁again▁against▁age▁agency▁agenda▁agent▁aggressive▁ago▁agree▁agreed▁agreement▁ah▁aha▁ahah▁ahaha▁ahahaha▁ahe▁ahead▁ahh▁ahha▁ahhh▁ahve▁aight▁aim▁ain▁aint▁air▁airline▁airplane▁airport▁aka▁akka▁al▁ala▁alarm▁album▁alcohol▁alert▁alex▁alien▁align▁alive▁all▁allergic▁allergies▁allergy▁allow▁allowed▁almond▁almost▁alone▁along▁alot▁alpha▁already▁alright▁also▁alter▁alternate▁alternative▁although▁always▁am▁amanda▁amaze▁amazing▁amazon▁america▁american▁amma▁among▁amor▁amount▁amusing▁an▁analysis▁analyst▁and▁andrew▁android▁angel▁anger▁angle▁angry▁ani▁animal▁animals▁animation▁anime▁ankle▁anna▁anniversary▁announced▁announcement▁annoy▁annoyed▁annoying▁annual▁another▁answer▁answered▁answering▁answers▁anta▁ante▁antha▁anthony▁anti▁anticipate▁anukun▁anxiety▁anxious▁any▁anybody▁anyhow▁anymore▁anyone▁anythign▁anything▁anytime▁anyway▁anyways▁anywhere▁ap▁apart▁apartment▁apologize▁apology▁app▁appa▁apparently▁appeal▁appear▁appearance▁apple▁applica▁application▁applied▁apply▁applying▁appointment▁appreciate▁approach▁appropriate▁approval▁approve▁approved▁apps▁appt▁april▁apt▁ar▁arch▁are▁area▁aren▁arent▁argue▁arguing▁argument▁arm▁armor▁arms▁army▁around▁arrange▁arrangement▁arrested▁arrival▁arrive▁arrived▁arriving▁art▁article▁artist▁as▁asap▁ash▁ashamed▁ashley▁asian▁aside▁ask▁asked▁asking▁asleep▁aspect▁ass▁assessment▁asset▁asshole▁assign▁assigned▁assignment▁assist▁assistance▁assistant▁associate▁assume▁assumed▁assuming▁assumption▁at▁ate▁atlanta▁atleast▁attach▁attached▁attachment▁attack▁attempt▁attend▁attention▁attitude▁attorney▁attracted▁attractive▁audience▁audio▁audit▁august▁aunt▁aunty▁austin▁australia▁authentic▁author▁authority▁auto▁autocorrect▁automatic▁automatically▁av▁ava▁avail▁availability▁available▁average▁avocado▁avoid▁avuna▁aw▁awake▁award▁aware▁away▁awe▁awesome▁awful▁awhile▁awk▁awkward▁aww▁awww▁awwww▁aye▁ayi▁b▁ba▁baa▁bab▁baba▁babe▁babies▁babu▁baby▁babysit▁babysitting▁bach▁bachelor▁bachelorette▁back▁background▁backpack▁backup▁backwards▁backyard▁bacon▁bad▁badass▁badly▁bae▁bag▁bagel▁bags▁bah▁bahaha▁bahahaha▁bai▁bail▁bak▁bake▁baked▁bal▁bala▁balance▁balcony▁ball▁balloon▁balls▁ban▁banana▁band▁bang▁bangalore▁bank▁banned▁banner▁bar▁barb▁bare▁barely▁barrel▁bars▁bas▁base▁baseball▁based▁basement▁bash▁basic▁basically▁basis▁basket▁basketball▁bastard▁bat▁bata▁batch▁bath▁bathroom▁batman▁batteries▁battery▁battle▁bay▁bb▁bbq▁bby▁bc▁bcoz▁bday▁be▁beach▁beans▁bear▁beard▁beast▁beat▁beautiful▁beauty▁became▁becasu▁because▁become▁becomes▁becoming▁bed▁bedroom▁beef▁been▁beer▁beers▁before▁beforehand▁begin▁beginning▁behalf▁behave▁behavior▁behind▁being▁belief▁believe▁belive▁belly▁belong▁below▁belt▁ben▁bench▁benefit▁benefits▁beside▁besides▁best▁bet▁better▁between▁beyond▁bf▁bff▁bha▁bhai▁bhi▁bi▁bible▁bid▁big▁bigger▁biggest▁biggie▁bike▁biking▁bikini▁bill▁billing▁billion▁bills▁bin▁bio▁bird▁birth▁birthday▁biscuit▁bit▁bitch▁bitches▁bite▁bitter▁biz▁bizarre▁bk▁bl▁bla▁black▁blade▁blah▁blame▁blaming▁blank▁blanket▁blast▁bleed▁bleeding▁bleh▁blend▁bless▁blessed▁blessing▁blew▁blind▁blink▁blo▁block▁blocked▁blog▁blonde▁blood▁bloody▁bloom▁blow▁blowing▁blown▁blue▁blunt▁blur▁blush▁bo▁board▁boat▁bob▁bobby▁bodies▁body▁boil▁bol▁bolo▁bomb▁bon▁bond▁bone▁bonus▁boo▁boob▁boobs▁book▁booked▁booking▁books▁boom▁boost▁boot▁boots▁booty▁booze▁bor▁border▁bored▁boring▁born▁borrow▁boss▁bosses▁boston▁bot▁both▁bother▁bothered▁bothering▁bottle▁bottles▁bottom▁bou▁bought▁bounce▁bound▁bout▁bow▁bowl▁bowling▁box▁boxes▁boy▁boyfriend▁boys▁bra▁bracket▁brad▁brah▁brain▁brainstorm▁brake▁branch▁brand▁brandon▁brave▁brazil▁brb▁bre▁bread▁break▁breakdown▁breakfast▁breaking▁breast▁breath▁breathe▁breathing▁bren▁brett▁brew▁brewery▁bri▁brian▁brick▁bridal▁bride▁bridesmaid▁bridge▁brief▁briefly▁bright▁brilliant▁bring▁bringing▁british▁bro▁broad▁broccoli▁broke▁broken▁broker▁brooklyn▁brother▁brought▁brown▁brownie▁browser▁bru▁bruh▁bruise▁brunch▁brush▁brutal▁bryan▁bs▁bt▁btw▁bu▁bub▁bubb▁bubble▁buck▁bucket▁bucks▁bud▁buddies▁buddy▁budget▁bueno▁buff▁buffalo▁buffet▁bug▁bugging▁bugs▁build▁building▁built▁bulb▁bulk▁bull▁bullet▁bullshit▁bum▁bummed▁bummer▁bump▁bun▁bunch▁bundle▁bunny▁bur▁burden▁burger▁burn▁burned▁burning▁burrito▁burst▁bus▁bush▁business▁busy▁but▁butter▁button▁buy▁buying▁buzz▁by▁bye▁c▁ca▁cab▁cabin▁cabinet▁cable▁cache▁cafe▁caffeine▁cage▁cake▁cal▁calculate▁calculation▁calendar▁cali▁california▁call▁called▁calling▁calls▁calm▁calories▁cam▁came▁camera▁camp▁campaign▁camping▁campus▁can▁canada▁cancel▁canceled▁cancelled▁cancer▁candidate▁candle▁candy▁cannot▁cant▁cap▁capable▁capacity▁capital▁caps▁captain▁capture▁car▁card▁cardio▁cards▁care▁career▁careful▁cares▁caring▁carol▁carpet▁carried▁carrier▁carrot▁carry▁carrying▁cars▁cartoon▁case▁cases▁cash▁casino▁cast▁castle▁casual▁cat▁catch▁catching▁category▁cats▁caught▁cause▁causing▁cave▁cc▁ce▁ceiling▁cel▁celeb▁celebrate▁celebrating▁celebration▁cell▁cent▁center▁central▁century▁cereal▁ceremony▁cert▁certain▁certainly▁certificate▁ch▁cha▁chain▁chair▁chal▁chala▁challenge▁challenging▁champ▁champagne▁chan▁chance▁change▁changed▁changes▁changing▁channel▁chap▁chapter▁char▁character▁characters▁charge▁charged▁charger▁charging▁charity▁charles▁charlie▁charm▁chart▁chase▁chasing▁chat▁chatted▁chatting▁che▁cheap▁cheaper▁cheapest▁cheat▁cheated▁cheating▁check▁checked▁checking▁chee▁cheek▁cheer▁cheese▁cheesy▁chef▁chelsea▁chemical▁chemistry▁chennai▁chep▁chepa▁cheppa▁cheppu▁chepu▁cheque▁cherry▁chesa▁chesi▁chest▁chestha▁chew▁chey▁cheya▁cheyya▁chi▁chicago▁chick▁chicken▁chief▁child▁childhood▁children▁chili▁chill▁chillin▁chilling▁chin▁china▁chinese▁chip▁chipotle▁chips▁chk▁cho▁chocolate▁choice▁choices▁choo▁choose▁choosing▁chop▁chores▁chose▁chris▁christ▁christian▁christmas▁chrome▁chu▁chuck▁chuckle▁chuda▁chudu▁chunk▁church▁chusa▁ci▁ciao▁cig▁cigarette▁cinema▁cinnamon▁cir▁circle▁circumstance▁cities▁citizen▁city▁civil▁cl▁cla▁claim▁clarify▁class▁classes▁classic▁cle▁clean▁cleaned▁cleaner▁cleaning▁clear▁cleared▁clearly▁clerk▁clever▁click▁clicked▁client▁clients▁cliff▁climb▁climbing▁clinic▁clip▁clit▁clo▁clock▁clone▁close▁closed▁closer▁closest▁closet▁closing▁cloth▁clothes▁clothing▁cloud▁clown▁club▁clue▁cluster▁clutch▁cm▁cn▁co▁coach▁coast▁coat▁cock▁cocktail▁coconut▁code▁coding▁coffee▁coin▁coke▁col▁cold▁coll▁collaborat▁collar▁colleague▁collect▁collection▁college▁colon▁color▁colors▁colour▁column▁com▁combat▁combination▁combine▁combined▁combo▁comcast▁come▁comedy▁comes▁comfort▁comfortable▁comfy▁comic▁comin▁coming▁comm▁command▁comment▁comments▁commercial▁commission▁commit▁commitment▁committed▁committee▁common▁commun▁communicate▁communicating▁communication▁community▁commute▁comp▁companies▁company▁compar▁compare▁compared▁comparison▁compete▁competition▁competitive▁compile▁complain▁complaining▁complaints▁complete▁completed▁completely▁complex▁complicated▁compliment▁component▁compos▁compromise▁computer▁con▁conc▁concentrate▁concept▁concern▁concerned▁concert▁conclusion▁concrete▁condition▁condo▁conduct▁conf▁conference▁confess▁confidence▁confident▁config▁configure▁confirm▁confirmation▁confirmed▁conflict▁confront▁confuse▁confused▁confusing▁confusion▁congrats▁congratulations▁connect▁connected▁connection▁cons▁conscious▁consequence▁conservative▁consider▁considered▁considering▁consistent▁console▁constant▁constantly▁construct▁construction▁consult▁consultant▁consulting▁consume▁cont▁contact▁contacted▁contacts▁contain▁container▁content▁contest▁context▁continu▁continue▁contract▁contractor▁contribute▁contribution▁control▁controller▁conv▁convenient▁convention▁conversation▁convert▁convince▁convinced▁convo▁coo▁cook▁cooked▁cookie▁cookies▁cooking▁cool▁cooler▁cooper▁coordinate▁coordinator▁cop▁copied▁copies▁copy▁cor▁cord▁core▁corn▁corner▁corp▁corporate▁correct▁correction▁correctly▁corrupt▁cos▁cost▁costco▁costs▁costume▁cottage▁cou▁couch▁cough▁coughing▁could▁couldn▁couldnt▁counsel▁count▁counter▁counting▁countries▁country▁county▁couple▁coupon▁course▁court▁cousin▁cousins▁cover▁coverage▁covered▁covering▁cow▁cowboy▁coworker▁coworkers▁coz▁cr▁cra▁crab▁crack▁cracked▁crackers▁craft▁craig▁cramp▁crank▁cranky▁crap▁crappy▁crash▁crashed▁crate▁craving▁crawl▁cray▁craz▁crazy▁cre▁cream▁create▁created▁creating▁creative▁creature▁cred▁credit▁creek▁creep▁creepy▁crew▁cri▁crib▁cricket▁cried▁crime▁criminal▁crisis▁crisp▁critic▁critical▁cro▁cross▁crossed▁crowd▁crowded▁crown▁cru▁cruel▁cruise▁crunch▁crush▁cry▁crying▁crystal▁cu▁cub▁cube▁cucumber▁cud▁cuddle▁cuddling▁cul▁cultural▁culture▁cum▁cunt▁cup▁cupcake▁cur▁curious▁curl▁current▁currently▁curry▁curse▁curtain▁curve▁cus▁custom▁customer▁customers▁cut▁cute▁cutie▁cutting▁cuz▁cv▁cx▁cy▁cya▁cyber▁cycle▁d▁da▁dad▁daddy▁dai▁daily▁dallas▁dam▁damage▁dammit▁damn▁damnit▁dan▁dance▁dancing▁dang▁dangerous▁daniel▁danny▁dar▁dare▁dark▁darling▁darn▁dash▁dat▁data▁database▁date▁dated▁dates▁dating▁daughter▁dave▁david▁dawg▁dawn▁day▁daycare▁days▁db▁dc▁de▁dead▁deadline▁deal▁dealership▁dealing▁dear▁death▁deb▁debate▁debating▁debit▁debt▁debug▁dec▁decade▁december▁decent▁decide▁decided▁deciding▁decision▁decisions▁deck▁decline▁decor▁decorate▁dedicated▁deduct▁deep▁deeper▁deeply▁def▁default▁defeat▁defend▁defense▁defensive▁define▁definitely▁definition▁degree▁degrees▁dekh▁del▁delay▁delayed▁delete▁deleted▁deleting▁delhi▁deli▁delicious▁deliver▁delivered▁delivery▁delta▁demand▁demo▁demon▁den▁denied▁dental▁dentist▁denver▁deny▁department▁depend▁dependent▁depending▁depends▁deploy▁deposit▁depot▁depressed▁depressing▁depression▁dept▁depth▁der▁describe▁description▁desert▁deserve▁design▁designer▁desire▁desk▁desktop▁desp▁desperate▁dessert▁destination▁destiny▁destroy▁destroyed▁detail▁details▁detect▁determine▁dev▁develop▁developer▁development▁device▁devil▁dey▁di▁dia▁dial▁diamond▁diaper▁dice▁dick▁dictat▁did▁didn▁didnt▁die▁died▁diet▁diff▁differ▁difference▁different▁differently▁difficult▁dig▁digging▁digit▁digital▁dimension▁din▁ding▁dining▁dinner▁dint▁dip▁direct▁direction▁directly▁director▁dirt▁dirty▁dis▁disagree▁disappear▁disappoint▁disappointed▁disaster▁disc▁discipline▁disconnect▁discount▁discover▁discovered▁discuss▁discussed▁discussing▁discussion▁disease▁disgusting▁dish▁dishes▁dishwasher▁dislike▁dismiss▁disney▁display▁disrespect▁distance▁distract▁distracted▁distraction▁district▁disturb▁ditch▁ditto▁div▁divide▁division▁divorce▁dizzy▁dj▁dnt▁do▁doc▁docs▁doctor▁doctors▁document▁documentation▁documents▁does▁doesn▁doesnt▁dog▁dogs▁doin▁doing▁dokie▁dollar▁dollars▁domain▁don▁done▁dont▁donuts▁door▁doors▁dope▁double▁doubt▁douche▁down▁download▁downloaded▁downloading▁downstairs▁downtown▁dozen▁dr▁draft▁drag▁dragging▁dragon▁drain▁drama▁dramatic▁drank▁draw▁drawer▁drawing▁dread▁dream▁dreams▁dress▁dressed▁dresses▁dressing▁drew▁dried▁drift▁drill▁drink▁drinking▁drinks▁drive▁driver▁driveway▁driving▁drop▁dropbox▁dropped▁dropping▁drove▁drown▁drug▁drugs▁drum▁drunk▁dry▁dryer▁du▁dub▁dubai▁duck▁dude▁due▁duh▁dumb▁dumbass▁dummy▁dump▁dun▁dungeon▁dunno▁duplicate▁dur▁during▁dust▁duty▁dvd▁dw▁dy▁dying▁dynamic▁e▁ea▁each▁eachother▁eager▁eagle▁ear▁earlier▁earliest▁early▁earn▁earned▁ears▁earth▁easier▁easiest▁easily▁east▁easter▁easy▁eat▁eaten▁eating▁eb▁ebay▁economic▁economy▁ed▁edge▁edit▁editing▁edition▁editor▁edu▁education▁ee▁eff▁effect▁effective▁efficient▁effort▁egg▁eggs▁ego▁eh▁ehh▁ei▁eight▁either▁ek▁eka▁ekkada▁el▁ela▁elbow▁elder▁elect▁election▁electric▁electricity▁electronic▁element▁elephant▁elevator▁eli▁eligible▁ella▁else▁elsewhere▁em▁email▁emailed▁emailing▁emails▁embarrassed▁embarrassing▁emergency▁emi▁emily▁emma▁emo▁emoji▁emotion▁emotional▁emotionally▁emotions▁employ▁employee▁employees▁employer▁employment▁empty▁en▁ena▁enable▁enaku▁encounter▁encourage▁encouraging▁end▁ended▁ending▁ends▁enduku▁enemy▁energy▁eng▁enga▁engaged▁engagement▁engine▁engineer▁engineering▁england▁english▁enjoy▁enjoyed▁enjoying▁enna▁enough▁enroll▁ensure▁enter▁entered▁entertain▁entertaining▁entertainment▁entha▁enti▁entire▁entirely▁entrance▁entry▁env▁envelope▁environment▁ep▁epic▁episode▁episodes▁eppudu▁equal▁equation▁equipment▁equity▁equivalent▁er▁erase▁eric▁erin▁err▁errands▁error▁es▁esc▁escape▁esp▁especially▁essay▁essential▁essentially▁est▁esta▁establish▁estate▁estimate▁etc▁eth▁ethic▁euro▁europe▁ev▁eva▁evan▁eve▁even▁evening▁event▁events▁eventually▁ever▁every▁everybody▁everyday▁everyone▁everything▁everytime▁everywhere▁evidence▁evil▁ew▁ex▁exact▁exactly▁exam▁example▁exc▁excel▁excellent▁except▁exception▁exchange▁excited▁excitement▁exciting▁exclusive▁excuse▁exec▁execute▁executive▁exercise▁exhausted▁exhausting▁exhibit▁exist▁existing▁exit▁exp▁expand▁expansion▁expect▁expectations▁expected▁expecting▁expense▁expenses▁expensive▁experience▁experiment▁expert▁expire▁expired▁explain▁explained▁explaining▁explanation▁explicit▁explode▁explore▁exploring▁export▁exposed▁express▁expression▁extend▁extended▁extension▁extent▁external▁extra▁extreme▁extremely▁eye▁eyebrow▁eyes▁f▁fa▁fab▁fabric▁fabulous▁face▁facebook▁facial▁facing▁fact▁factor▁factory▁fade▁fail▁failed▁failing▁failure▁faint▁fair▁fairly▁faith▁fake▁fall▁fallen▁falling▁false▁fam▁familiar▁families▁family▁famous▁fan▁fancy▁fans▁fantastic▁fantasy▁far▁farm▁fashion▁fast▁faster▁fat▁father▁fault▁fav▁fave▁favor▁favorite▁favour▁favourite▁fax▁fb▁fe▁fear▁feature▁feb▁fed▁federal▁fee▁feed▁feedback▁feeding▁feel▁feeling▁feelings▁feels▁fees▁feet▁fel▁fell▁fellow▁felt▁female▁fence▁fer▁fest▁festival▁fetch▁fever▁few▁fi▁fiance▁fiber▁field▁fig▁fight▁fighting▁figure▁figured▁figuring▁file▁files▁fill▁filled▁filling▁film▁filter▁fin▁final▁finalize▁finally▁finance▁financial▁find▁finding▁fine▁finger▁fingers▁finish▁finished▁finishing▁fir▁fire▁fired▁fireworks▁firm▁first▁fish▁fishing▁fist▁fit▁fitness▁fitting▁five▁fix▁fixed▁fixing▁fk▁fl▁fla▁flag▁flake▁flash▁flat▁flavor▁flee▁flesh▁flew▁flex▁flexible▁flick▁flies▁flight▁flights▁flip▁flipped▁flipping▁flirt▁flo▁float▁flood▁floor▁flop▁flor▁florida▁flow▁flower▁flowers▁flu▁fluffy▁fluid▁flush▁fly▁flying▁fml▁fo▁focus▁focused▁fold▁folder▁folks▁follow▁followed▁following▁fond▁font▁food▁fool▁foot▁football▁for▁force▁forced▁forecast▁forehead▁foreign▁forever▁forget▁forgetting▁forgive▁forgot▁forgotten▁formal▁format▁former▁forms▁formula▁forward▁forwarded▁fought▁found▁four▁fourth▁fox▁fr▁fra▁frame▁fran▁france▁frank▁fraud▁fre▁freak▁freaked▁freakin▁freaking▁free▁freedom▁freelance▁freeze▁freezer▁freezing▁french▁frequently▁fresh▁fri▁frick▁friday▁fridge▁fried▁friend▁friendly▁friends▁friendship▁fries▁friggin▁frm▁frnd▁fro▁from▁front▁frost▁froze▁frozen▁fruit▁frustrated▁frustrating▁frustration▁fry▁ft▁fu▁fuck▁fucked▁fucker▁fuckin▁fucking▁fuel▁fuk▁fulfill▁full▁fully▁fun▁function▁fund▁funding▁funds▁funeral▁funny▁fur▁furious▁furniture▁further▁fuss▁future▁fuzzy▁fwd▁fyi▁g▁ga▁gah▁gain▁gained▁gal▁galaxy▁gallery▁gallon▁game▁games▁gaming▁gang▁gap▁gar▁garage▁garbage▁garden▁garlic▁gas▁gate▁gather▁gave▁gawd▁gay▁gaya▁gchat▁gd▁ge▁gear▁gee▁geez▁gel▁gen▁gender▁gene▁general▁generally▁generate▁generation▁generic▁generous▁genius▁gentle▁gently▁genuine▁genuinely▁geo▁george▁ger▁german▁germany▁get▁gets▁gettin▁getting▁gf▁gha▁ghar▁ghetto▁ghost▁gi▁giant▁gif▁gift▁gifts▁gig▁giggle▁gimme▁ginger▁girl▁girlfriend▁girls▁give▁given▁gives▁giving▁gl▁glad▁glass▁glasses▁glen▁global▁glorious▁glow▁glue▁gluten▁gm▁gmail▁gn▁gna▁gng▁go▁goal▁goals▁god▁goddamn▁goes▁goign▁goin▁going▁gold▁golden▁golf▁gone▁gonna▁goo▁good▁goodbye▁goodness▁goodnight▁google▁googling▁goood▁gooood▁gorgeous▁gosh▁gossip▁got▁gotcha▁gotta▁gotten▁government▁govt▁gr▁grab▁grabb▁grace▁grad▁grade▁graduate▁graduation▁grain▁gram▁grammar▁grand▁grandfather▁grandma▁grandmother▁grandpa▁grandparents▁grant▁granted▁grape▁graph▁graphic▁grass▁grat▁grateful▁grave▁gray▁great▁greatest▁greek▁green▁greet▁greg▁grew▁grey▁gri▁grief▁grill▁grilled▁grin▁grind▁grip▁gro▁groceries▁grocery▁groom▁gross▁ground▁group▁grow▁growing▁grown▁growth▁grumpy▁gtalk▁gtg▁gu▁guarantee▁guard▁gud▁guess▁guessing▁guest▁guide▁guild▁guilt▁guilty▁guitar▁gum▁gun▁gunna▁gurl▁gut▁guy▁guys▁gy▁gym▁h▁ha▁haa▁haah▁haan▁habit▁hack▁had▁hadn▁hah▁haha▁hahah▁hahaha▁hahahah▁hahahaha▁hahahahah▁hahahahaha▁hahahahahaha▁hahahahha▁hahahha▁hahahhaha▁hahha▁hahhaa▁hahhaha▁hai▁hain▁hair▁haircut▁hal▁half▁halfway▁hall▁halloween▁hallway▁ham▁hammer▁han▁hand▁handle▁handling▁hands▁handsome▁hang▁hanging▁hangout▁hangouts▁hangover▁hannah▁happ▁happen▁happened▁happening▁happens▁happier▁happily▁happiness▁happy▁har▁harass▁hard▁hardcore▁harder▁hardest▁hardly▁hardware▁harm▁harry▁harsh▁has▁hasn▁hasnt▁hassle▁hat▁hate▁hated▁hates▁haunt▁hav▁have▁haven▁havent▁having▁hawaii▁hay▁he▁head▁headache▁headed▁heading▁headphones▁heads▁heal▁health▁healthy▁hear▁heard▁hearing▁heart▁heat▁heater▁heather▁heaven▁heavily▁heavy▁heck▁hectic▁heels▁heh▁hehe▁heheh▁hehehe▁hehehehe▁hehehehehe▁height▁held▁hell▁hella▁hello▁helmet▁help▁helped▁helpful▁helping▁helps▁hence▁henry▁her▁here▁hero▁herself▁hesitant▁hey▁hhaha▁hi▁hidden▁hide▁hiding▁high▁higher▁highest▁highlight▁highly▁highway▁hii▁hiii▁hiiii▁hike▁hiking▁hilarious▁hill▁him▁himself▁hint▁hip▁hipster▁hire▁hired▁hiring▁his▁history▁hit▁hitting▁hm▁hmm▁hmmm▁hmmmm▁hmmmmm▁ho▁hockey▁hoe▁hol▁hola▁hold▁holding▁hole▁holiday▁holidays▁holy▁home▁homework▁homie▁hon▁honest▁honestly▁honey▁honeymoon▁honor▁hoo▁hood▁hoodie▁hook▁hooked▁hooray▁hop▁hope▁hopefully▁hoping▁hor▁horn▁horny▁horrible▁horror▁horse▁hospital▁host▁hostel▁hosting▁hot▁hotel▁hour▁hours▁house▁housing▁houston▁how▁however▁hp▁hr▁hrs▁htat▁hte▁htink▁http▁hu▁hua▁hub▁hubby▁hug▁huge▁hugging▁hugs▁huh▁hum▁human▁humid▁humor▁hump▁hun▁hundred▁hung▁hungover▁hungry▁hunny▁hunt▁hunter▁hunting▁hurry▁hurt▁hurting▁hurts▁husband▁hv▁hw▁hy▁hyd▁hype▁hyper▁i▁iPad▁iPhone▁ice▁icic▁icon▁id▁idc▁idea▁ideal▁ideas▁identify▁identity▁idiot▁idk▁if▁ignore▁ignored▁ignoring▁ik▁ikea▁ikr▁ill▁illa▁illegal▁im▁ima▁image▁images▁imagine▁imagining▁imma▁immature▁immediate▁immediately▁imp▁impact▁implement▁import▁important▁impossible▁impressed▁impression▁impressive▁improv▁improve▁improvement▁in▁inappropriate▁incentive▁inch▁inches▁incident▁include▁included▁including▁income▁increase▁increasing▁incredible▁incredibly▁indeed▁independent▁index▁india▁indian▁indicate▁individual▁industry▁infection▁influence▁info▁inform▁information▁informed▁initial▁initially▁initiate▁injured▁injury▁inka▁innocent▁input▁insane▁insecure▁insert▁inside▁insight▁insist▁inspection▁inspiration▁inspired▁instagram▁install▁installed▁instance▁instant▁instead▁instructions▁instructor▁instrument▁insult▁insurance▁integrate▁intelligent▁intend▁intended▁intense▁intention▁inter▁interact▁interaction▁interest▁interested▁interesting▁interface▁interior▁intern▁internal▁international▁internet▁internship▁interpret▁interrupt▁interview▁interviewing▁interviews▁intimate▁into▁intro▁introduce▁inventory▁invest▁investigate▁investment▁invisible▁invitation▁invite▁invited▁inviting▁invoice▁involve▁involved▁iono▁ipad▁iphone▁iron▁irritated▁irritating▁iruk▁iruka▁iruku▁is▁ish▁island▁isn▁isnt▁issue▁issues▁it▁italian▁item▁items▁itinerary▁its▁itself▁ive▁j▁ja▁jaan▁jack▁jacket▁jackie▁jackson▁jacob▁jail▁jaja▁jake▁jam▁james▁jamie▁jan▁jane▁january▁japan▁japanese▁jar▁jason▁java▁jaw▁jay▁jazz▁je▁jealous▁jean▁jeans▁jeez▁jeff▁jelly▁jen▁jenn▁jenny▁jeremy▁jerk▁jersey▁jess▁jesse▁jessica▁jesus▁jet▁jew▁jewelry▁jewish▁ji▁jimmy▁jk▁jo▁job▁jobs▁joe▁john▁johnny▁join▁joined▁joining▁joint▁joke▁jokes▁joking▁jon▁jordan▁jose▁josh▁journal▁journey▁joy▁jst▁jsut▁ju▁judge▁judgement▁judging▁juice▁julia▁julie▁july▁jump▁jumped▁jumping▁june▁junior▁junk▁jus▁just▁k▁ka▁kab▁kada▁kadha▁kadu▁kai▁kal▁kale▁kan▁kani▁kar▁kara▁karen▁kari▁kat▁kate▁katie▁kay▁kayak▁ke▁keen▁keep▁keeping▁keeps▁kel▁kelly▁ken▁kept▁kevin▁kewl▁key▁keyboard▁keys▁kha▁kho▁khu▁ki▁kick▁kicked▁kicking▁kid▁kidding▁kiddo▁kidnap▁kids▁kill▁killed▁killer▁killing▁kim▁kind▁kinda▁king▁kiss▁kissed▁kisses▁kissing▁kit▁kitchen▁kitten▁kitty▁kiya▁kk▁knee▁knew▁knife▁kno▁knock▁know▁knowing▁knowledge▁known▁knows▁knw▁knwo▁ko▁koi▁kon▁kool▁kor▁korea▁korean▁kr▁kris▁ku▁kuch▁kuda▁kya▁kyle▁l▁la▁lab▁label▁labor▁lack▁ladder▁ladies▁lady▁lag▁lah▁laid▁lake▁lamb▁lame▁land▁landed▁landlord▁lane▁lang▁language▁lap▁laptop▁lar▁large▁larger▁laser▁last▁late▁lately▁later▁latest▁latter▁laugh▁laughed▁laughing▁launch▁laundry▁laura▁lauren▁law▁lawn▁lawyer▁lay▁layer▁laying▁layout▁lazy▁lbs▁le▁lead▁leader▁leadership▁leading▁leads▁league▁leak▁lean▁leaning▁learn▁learned▁learning▁lease▁least▁leather▁leav▁leave▁leaves▁leaving▁lecture▁led▁ledhu▁ledu▁lee▁left▁leftover▁leftovers▁leg▁legal▁legend▁legit▁legitimate▁legs▁lemme▁lemon▁lend▁length▁lens▁lesbian▁less▁lesson▁let▁lets▁letter▁letters▁letting▁lettuce▁level▁levels▁li▁liao▁liar▁lib▁liberal▁library▁license▁lick▁lie▁lied▁liek▁life▁lifestyle▁lift▁light▁lights▁lik▁like▁liked▁likely▁liking▁lil▁lime▁limit▁limited▁lin▁linda▁line▁lines▁link▁linked▁linkedin▁links▁linux▁lion▁lip▁lips▁liquid▁liquor▁lisa▁list▁listed▁listen▁listened▁listening▁listing▁lit▁lite▁literally▁litter▁little▁live▁lived▁lives▁living▁liye▁liz▁lmao▁lmfao▁lmk▁lo▁load▁loaded▁loading▁loads▁loan▁lobby▁lobster▁local▁located▁location▁lock▁locked▁log▁logged▁logging▁logic▁logical▁login▁logo▁lol▁loll▁lolol▁lololol▁lolololol▁lolz▁london▁lone▁lonely▁long▁longer▁longest▁loo▁look▁looked▁looking▁looks▁lool▁loop▁loose▁lor▁lord▁lose▁loser▁losing▁loss▁lost▁lot▁lots▁lottery▁lou▁loud▁louis▁lounge▁lov▁love▁loved▁lovely▁lover▁loving▁low▁lower▁lowest▁loyal▁lu▁luck▁luckily▁lucky▁luggage▁luke▁lunch▁lung▁luv▁lvl▁ly▁lying▁lyrics▁m▁ma▁maa▁mac▁machi▁machine▁mad▁madam▁made▁mag▁magazine▁magic▁magical▁magnet▁mah▁mai▁maid▁mail▁mailbox▁main▁mainly▁maintain▁maintenance▁major▁majority▁make▁makes▁makeup▁making▁mal▁mala▁male▁mall▁malli▁mam▁mama▁man▁manage▁managed▁management▁manager▁managing▁mandatory▁manipulat▁manner▁manual▁manually▁many▁map▁mar▁marathon▁marc▁march▁margin▁mari▁mark▁market▁marketing▁marriage▁married▁marry▁martin▁mary▁mash▁mask▁mass▁massage▁massive▁mast▁master▁mat▁match▁matches▁mate▁material▁math▁matlada▁matt▁matter▁matters▁mattress▁mature▁max▁maximum▁may▁maybe▁mc▁me▁meal▁mean▁meaning▁means▁meant▁meanwhile▁measure▁meat▁mechanic▁media▁medical▁medication▁medicine▁medium▁meds▁meet▁meeting▁meetings▁meh▁melissa▁melt▁member▁members▁membership▁memorial▁memories▁memory▁men▁mental▁mentally▁mention▁mentioned▁mentor▁menu▁meow▁mess▁message▁messaged▁messages▁messaging▁messed▁messenger▁messing▁messy▁metal▁method▁metro▁mexican▁mexico▁mhm▁mhmm▁mi▁miami▁mic▁michael▁michelle▁michigan▁micro▁microsoft▁microwave▁mid▁middle▁midnight▁midterm▁might▁migraine▁mike▁mil▁mild▁mile▁miles▁military▁milk▁mill▁million▁min▁mind▁mine▁minecraft▁mini▁minimal▁minimum▁minor▁mins▁minus▁minute▁minutes▁miracle▁mirror▁mis▁miserable▁miss▁missed▁missing▁mission▁mistake▁mistakes▁mix▁mixed▁mk▁mm▁mmhmm▁mmm▁mmmm▁mmmmm▁mo▁moan▁mob▁mobile▁mock▁mod▁mode▁model▁modern▁modify▁module▁mold▁molly▁mom▁moment▁momma▁mommy▁moms▁mon▁monday▁money▁monica▁monitor▁monkey▁mono▁monster▁month▁monthly▁months▁moo▁mood▁moon▁mor▁moral▁more▁morgan▁morn▁morning▁moron▁mortgage▁most▁mostly▁mot▁mother▁motherfucker▁motion▁motivated▁motivation▁motor▁motorcycle▁mount▁mountain▁mouse▁mouth▁move▁moved▁movement▁movie▁movies▁moving▁mow▁mr▁mrng▁msg▁mtg▁mu▁muah▁much▁mudi▁muffin▁mug▁multi▁multiple▁mum▁mummy▁mun▁munch▁mur▁murder▁muscle▁museum▁mushroom▁music▁must▁mute▁mutual▁mwah▁my▁myself▁mystery▁n▁na▁naa▁nada▁nah▁nahi▁nai▁nail▁nails▁naked▁naku▁nalla▁name▁named▁names▁nan▁nap▁napping▁narrow▁nasty▁nathan▁national▁native▁natural▁naturally▁nature▁naughty▁navy▁naw▁nd▁ne▁near▁nearby▁nearly▁neat▁necessarily▁necessary▁neck▁necklace▁nee▁need▁needed▁needs▁neeku▁negative▁negotiate▁neighbor▁neighborhood▁neighbors▁neither▁nenu▁nephew▁nerd▁nerve▁nervous▁net▁netflix▁network▁neuro▁neutral▁never▁nevermind▁new▁news▁next▁nexus▁ni▁nice▁nicely▁nicer▁nick▁nickname▁nicole▁niece▁nig▁nigga▁night▁nightmare▁nights▁nik▁nin▁ninja▁nipple▁nite▁nj▁njan▁nm▁no▁nobody▁noise▁non▁none▁nonsense▁noo▁noodle▁noodles▁noon▁nooo▁noooo▁nope▁nor▁normal▁normally▁north▁nose▁not▁note▁notes▁nothin▁nothing▁notice▁noticed▁notification▁novel▁november▁now▁nowadays▁nowhere▁np▁nt▁nu▁nude▁nugget▁numb▁number▁numbers▁nurse▁nursing▁nut▁nuts▁nuv▁nuvvu▁nvm▁nw▁ny▁nyc▁o▁oak▁oatmeal▁ob▁obama▁object▁objective▁obnoxious▁observ▁obsess▁obsessed▁obv▁obvi▁obvious▁obviously▁oc▁occasion▁occasionally▁occur▁ocean▁oct▁october▁odd▁of▁off▁offended▁offense▁offensive▁offer▁offered▁offering▁office▁officer▁official▁officially▁offline▁often▁oh▁ohh▁ohhh▁ohhhh▁ohhhhh▁oi▁oil▁ok▁okay▁okey▁okie▁okk▁okok▁ol▁old▁older▁olive▁om▁omfg▁omg▁on▁once▁one▁ones▁online▁only▁onto▁oo▁ooh▁ooo▁oooh▁oooo▁ooooh▁ooooo▁oops▁op▁open▁opened▁opening▁opera▁operate▁operation▁opinion▁opp▁opportunities▁opportunity▁opposed▁opposite▁opt▁optimistic▁option▁options▁or▁orange▁order▁ordered▁ordering▁orders▁organic▁organization▁organize▁organized▁organizing▁orgasm▁orientation▁origin▁original▁originally▁oru▁ot▁other▁others▁otherwise▁ou▁ouch▁our▁ourselves▁out▁outdoor▁outfit▁outlet▁outlook▁output▁outside▁outta▁oven▁over▁overall▁overlap▁overnight▁overwhelmed▁overwhelming▁ow▁owe▁own▁owner▁oy▁oye▁oyu▁p▁pa▁pac▁pace▁pack▁package▁packed▁packet▁packing▁pad▁page▁pages▁paid▁pain▁painful▁paint▁painting▁pair▁pak▁pal▁pampa▁pampi▁pan▁pancakes▁panda▁panel▁pani▁panic▁panna▁panni▁pannu▁panties▁pants▁papa▁paper▁papers▁paperwork▁par▁para▁parade▁paragraph▁parameter▁paranoid▁parent▁parents▁paris▁park▁parking▁part▁partially▁participate▁particular▁particularly▁parties▁partner▁parts▁party▁pass▁passed▁passes▁passing▁passion▁passionate▁passive▁passport▁password▁past▁pasta▁paste▁pat▁patch▁path▁pathetic▁patience▁patient▁patio▁patrick▁pattern▁paul▁pause▁paw▁pay▁paycheck▁paying▁payment▁payments▁paypal▁payroll▁pb▁pc▁pdf▁pe▁pea▁peace▁peaceful▁peach▁peak▁peanut▁pearl▁ped▁pee▁peeps▁pen▁penalty▁pencil▁pending▁penis▁penn▁people▁pep▁pepper▁per▁percent▁percentage▁perf▁perfect▁perfectly▁perform▁performance▁perhaps▁period▁permanent▁permission▁permit▁person▁personal▁personality▁personally▁perspective▁pet▁peter▁petty▁ph▁pha▁pharmacy▁phase▁phew▁phil▁philly▁pho▁phone▁phones▁photo▁photographer▁photos▁photoshop▁phrase▁physical▁physically▁physics▁pi▁piano▁pic▁pick▁picked▁picking▁pickup▁picnic▁pics▁picture▁pictures▁pie▁piece▁pieces▁pig▁pile▁pill▁pillow▁pills▁pilot▁pimp▁pin▁pinch▁pineapple▁ping▁pink▁pinne▁pipe▁pirate▁piss▁pissed▁pisses▁pissing▁pit▁pitch▁pix▁pizza▁pl▁pla▁place▁places▁plain▁plan▁plane▁planet▁planned▁planner▁planning▁plans▁plastic▁plate▁platform▁play▁played▁player▁players▁playing▁playlist▁plays▁plea▁pleasant▁please▁pleasure▁plenty▁plot▁pls▁plug▁plugged▁plugin▁plus▁plz▁pm▁po▁pocket▁podcast▁poem▁point▁pointless▁points▁poison▁poke▁pokemon▁pole▁police▁policy▁polish▁polite▁political▁politics▁pond▁pong▁poo▁pool▁poop▁poor▁pop▁popcorn▁popped▁popping▁popular▁population▁por▁porch▁pork▁porn▁port▁portal▁portfolio▁portion▁portland▁pose▁position▁positive▁possess▁possibility▁possible▁possibly▁post▁posted▁poster▁posting▁postpone▁posts▁pot▁potato▁potatoes▁potential▁potentially▁potter▁potty▁pound▁pounds▁pour▁pouring▁powder▁power▁powerful▁pp▁ppl▁pr▁pra▁practical▁practically▁practice▁practicing▁praise▁prank▁pray▁prayer▁praying▁pre▁precious▁predict▁prefer▁preference▁preferred▁pregnancy▁pregnant▁premium▁prep▁prepare▁prepared▁preparing▁prescription▁presence▁present▁presentation▁president▁press▁pressure▁pretend▁pretty▁prevent▁preview▁previous▁previously▁pri▁price▁prices▁pricing▁pride▁primary▁prime▁prince▁princess▁principal▁principle▁print▁printed▁printer▁printing▁prior▁priorities▁priority▁prison▁privacy▁private▁privilege▁prize▁pro▁prob▁probably▁problem▁problems▁probs▁procedure▁proceed▁process▁processing▁produce▁product▁production▁productive▁products▁prof▁professional▁professor▁profile▁profit▁program▁programming▁progress▁project▁projects▁prolly▁promise▁promised▁promising▁promo▁promote▁promotion▁prompt▁pronounce▁proof▁prop▁proper▁properly▁properties▁property▁proposal▁propose▁prospect▁protect▁protection▁protein▁protest▁proud▁prove▁provide▁provided▁providing▁ps▁psych▁psycho▁pt▁pu▁pub▁public▁publish▁published▁puff▁puke▁pull▁pulled▁pulling▁pump▁pumped▁pumpkin▁pun▁punch▁punish▁punishment▁punk▁pup▁puppies▁puppy▁pur▁purchase▁pure▁purple▁purpose▁purse▁pursue▁push▁pushed▁pushing▁pussy▁put▁putting▁puzzle▁pw▁py▁python▁q▁qu▁qua▁qualified▁qualify▁quality▁quarter▁que▁queen▁query▁quest▁question▁questions▁queue▁qui▁quick▁quickly▁quiet▁quit▁quite▁quitting▁quiz▁quote▁r▁ra▁rabbit▁race▁rachel▁racing▁racist▁rack▁rad▁radio▁rag▁rage▁raha▁raid▁rail▁rain▁rainbow▁raining▁rainy▁raise▁raised▁raising▁raj▁ram▁ramen▁ran▁random▁randomly▁range▁rank▁rap▁rape▁rare▁rarely▁rat▁rate▁rather▁rating▁ratio▁rational▁ravi▁raw▁ray▁re▁reach▁reached▁reaching▁react▁reaction▁read▁reading▁ready▁real▁realise▁realistic▁reality▁realize▁realized▁realizing▁really▁rear▁reason▁reasonable▁reasons▁reboot▁rec▁recall▁receipt▁receive▁received▁receiving▁recent▁recently▁reception▁recharge▁recieve▁recipe▁reckon▁recognize▁recommend▁recommendation▁recommended▁record▁recording▁records▁recover▁recovery▁recruit▁recruiter▁red▁reddit▁redeem▁redo▁reduce▁ref▁refer▁reference▁referral▁referring▁refill▁reflect▁refresh▁refund▁refuse▁reg▁regard▁regarding▁regardless▁region▁register▁registered▁registration▁registry▁regret▁regular▁regularly▁rehearsal▁reimburse▁reject▁rejected▁relate▁related▁relation▁relationship▁relationships▁relative▁relatively▁relax▁relaxed▁relaxing▁release▁released▁relevant▁reliable▁relief▁relieved▁religion▁religious▁remain▁remaining▁remember▁remembered▁remind▁reminded▁reminder▁remote▁remotely▁remove▁removed▁removing▁render▁renew▁rent▁rental▁rep▁repair▁repeat▁replace▁replaced▁replacement▁replied▁replies▁reply▁report▁reports▁represent▁repu▁republican▁req▁request▁requested▁require▁required▁requirement▁requires▁res▁reschedule▁rescue▁research▁resend▁resent▁reservation▁reserve▁reset▁resident▁resign▁resist▁resolution▁resolve▁resolved▁resort▁resource▁respect▁respond▁responded▁responding▁response▁responsibility▁responsible▁responsive▁rest▁restart▁restaurant▁restore▁restrict▁result▁results▁resume▁retail▁retard▁retarded▁retire▁retirement▁retreat▁return▁returned▁reunion▁rev▁reveal▁revenue▁reverse▁review▁reviews▁reward▁ri▁ribs▁rice▁rich▁richard▁rick▁rid▁ride▁ridic▁ridiculous▁riding▁rig▁right▁ring▁rip▁ripped▁rise▁risk▁rite▁river▁rlly▁rly▁rn▁ro▁road▁roast▁rob▁robb▁robert▁robin▁robot▁rock▁rocket▁rode▁rofl▁roger▁roju▁role▁roll▁rolled▁rolling▁romance▁romantic▁roo▁roof▁room▁roommate▁rooms▁root▁rope▁rose▁rotation▁rough▁round▁route▁router▁routine▁row▁royal▁rp▁rsvp▁ru▁rub▁rubber▁rubbing▁rude▁rug▁ruin▁ruined▁rule▁rules▁rumor▁run▁runner▁running▁runs▁rush▁russian▁rust▁ryan▁s▁sa▁saa▁sab▁sac▁sack▁sacrifice▁sad▁sadly▁safe▁safely▁safety▁sai▁said▁sail▁sak▁sake▁sal▁sala▁salad▁salary▁sale▁sales▁salmon▁salsa▁salt▁sam▁same▁sample▁samsung▁san▁sand▁sandwich▁sandwiches▁sang▁santa▁sap▁sar▁sara▁sarah▁sarcasm▁sarcastic▁sare▁sari▁sat▁satisfied▁satisfy▁saturday▁sau▁sauce▁sausage▁sav▁save▁saved▁saving▁savings▁saw▁say▁saying▁says▁sc▁scal▁scale▁scam▁scan▁scanner▁scar▁scare▁scared▁scarf▁scary▁scenario▁scene▁sch▁schedule▁scheduled▁scheduling▁scheme▁scholarship▁school▁science▁scientist▁scold▁scoop▁scoot▁scope▁score▁scott▁scout▁scr▁scrap▁scratch▁scream▁screaming▁screen▁screenshot▁screw▁screwed▁script▁scroll▁scrub▁scu▁se▁sea▁seafood▁seal▁sean▁search▁searching▁season▁seat▁seats▁seattle▁sec▁second▁seconds▁secret▁secretary▁section▁secure▁security▁see▁seeing▁seem▁seemed▁seems▁seen▁segment▁sel▁select▁selected▁selection▁self▁selfie▁selfish▁sell▁selling▁semester▁semi▁seminar▁sen▁send▁sending▁senior▁sense▁sensitive▁sensor▁sent▁sentence▁separate▁seperate▁sept▁september▁ser▁seri▁serial▁series▁serious▁seriously▁serve▁server▁service▁services▁serving▁session▁set▁setting▁settings▁settle▁settled▁setup▁seven▁several▁severe▁sew▁sex▁sexual▁sexy▁sf▁sh▁sha▁shade▁shadow▁shady▁shake▁shaking▁shall▁shame▁shampoo▁shape▁share▁shared▁sharing▁shark▁sharp▁shave▁she▁sheet▁sheets▁shelf▁shelter▁shelves▁shi▁shield▁shift▁shin▁ship▁shipped▁shipping▁shirt▁shirts▁shit▁shitty▁shld▁sho▁shock▁shocked▁shoe▁shoes▁shoot▁shooting▁shop▁shopping▁short▁shorter▁shortly▁shorts▁shot▁shots▁shoudl▁should▁shoulder▁shouldn▁shouldnt▁shout▁show▁showed▁shower▁showing▁shown▁shows▁shrimp▁shu▁shud▁shut▁shutting▁shuttle▁shy▁si▁siblings▁sick▁side▁sigh▁sight▁sign▁signal▁signature▁signed▁significant▁signing▁silence▁silent▁silly▁silver▁sim▁similar▁simple▁simply▁sin▁since▁sing▁singapore▁singer▁singing▁single▁sink▁sinus▁sir▁sis▁sister▁sisters▁sit▁site▁sites▁sitting▁situation▁six▁size▁sk▁skate▁sketch▁ski▁skill▁skills▁skin▁skinny▁skip▁skipped▁skipping▁skirt▁sky▁skype▁sl▁slack▁slammed▁slap▁slash▁slave▁sleep▁sleeping▁sleepy▁sleeve▁slept▁slice▁slide▁slides▁slight▁slightly▁slim▁slip▁slot▁slow▁slowly▁slut▁sm▁smack▁small▁smaller▁smart▁smash▁smell▁smells▁smh▁smile▁smiles▁smiling▁smirk▁smith▁smoke▁smoking▁smooch▁smooth▁smoothie▁sn▁sna▁snack▁snacks▁snake▁snap▁snapchat▁sneak▁sniff▁snip▁snow▁snowing▁snuggle▁so▁soccer▁social▁society▁socks▁soemthing▁soft▁softball▁softly▁software▁sold▁soldier▁solid▁sollu▁solo▁solution▁solve▁solved▁some▁somebody▁someday▁somehow▁someone▁somethign▁somethin▁something▁sometime▁sometimes▁somewhat▁somewhere▁son▁song▁songs▁soo▁soon▁sooner▁sooo▁soooo▁sooooo▁soooooo▁sore▁sorry▁sort▁sorta▁sorted▁soul▁sound▁sounds▁soup▁source▁south▁southern▁southwest▁sp▁spa▁space▁spaghetti▁spam▁span▁spanish▁spank▁spare▁spark▁speak▁speaker▁speaking▁spec▁special▁specific▁specifically▁speech▁speed▁spell▁spelling▁spend▁spending▁spent▁spice▁spicy▁spider▁spill▁spin▁spinach▁spinning▁spirit▁spiritual▁spit▁spl▁split▁spoil▁spoiled▁spoke▁spoken▁sponsor▁spoon▁sport▁sports▁spot▁spotify▁spots▁spr▁spray▁spread▁spreadsheet▁spring▁sprint▁sq▁squad▁square▁squash▁squat▁squeeze▁squish▁sr▁sri▁srry▁srsly▁sry▁st▁sta▁stab▁stable▁stack▁stadium▁staff▁stage▁stain▁stairs▁stalk▁stamp▁stan▁stand▁standard▁standing▁staple▁star▁starbucks▁stare▁staring▁stars▁start▁started▁starting▁starts▁startup▁starving▁stat▁state▁statement▁states▁station▁stats▁status▁stay▁stayed▁staying▁ste▁steady▁steak▁steal▁steam▁steel▁step▁steph▁steps▁stereo▁steve▁stew▁sti▁stick▁sticker▁sticking▁stiff▁stil▁still▁stink▁stir▁sto▁stock▁stoked▁stole▁stolen▁stomach▁stone▁stood▁stop▁stopped▁stopping▁storage▁store▁stories▁storm▁story▁stove▁str▁stra▁straight▁strange▁stranger▁strap▁strategy▁strawberry▁stream▁streaming▁street▁strength▁stress▁stressed▁stressful▁stressing▁stretch▁strict▁strike▁string▁strip▁stripper▁stro▁stroke▁strong▁stronger▁structure▁struggle▁struggling▁stu▁stubborn▁stuck▁student▁students▁studied▁studies▁studio▁study▁studying▁stuff▁stupid▁styl▁style▁su▁sub▁subject▁submission▁submit▁submitted▁subscribe▁subscription▁subtle▁subway▁succeed▁success▁successful▁such▁suck▁sucked▁sucking▁sucks▁sudden▁suddenly▁sue▁suffer▁sugar▁suggest▁suggested▁suggestion▁suggestions▁suicide▁suit▁suitcase▁suite▁sum▁summary▁summer▁sun▁sunday▁sunglasses▁sunny▁sunset▁sunshine▁sup▁super▁supervisor▁supper▁supplement▁supplies▁supply▁support▁supportive▁suppose▁supposed▁supposedly▁suprise▁sur▁sure▁surf▁surface▁surgery▁surprise▁surprised▁surprising▁surprisingly▁surround▁survey▁survive▁susan▁sushi▁suspect▁suspend▁suspicious▁sustain▁sw▁swa▁swallow▁swamped▁swap▁swear▁sweat▁sweater▁sweaty▁sweep▁sweet▁sweetheart▁sweetie▁swift▁swim▁swimming▁swing▁switch▁switched▁switching▁swollen▁sword▁sy▁symbol▁symptoms▁syn▁sync▁system▁t▁ta▁tab▁table▁tables▁tablet▁tackle▁taco▁tacos▁tag▁tagged▁taht▁tail▁tak▁take▁taken▁takes▁taking▁talent▁talk▁talked▁talking▁tall▁tan▁tang▁tank▁tap▁tape▁tar▁target▁task▁taste▁tasting▁tasty▁tat▁tattoo▁taught▁tax▁taxes▁taxi▁taylor▁tbh▁tc▁te▁tea▁teach▁teacher▁teachers▁teaching▁team▁teams▁tear▁tears▁tease▁teasing▁tech▁technical▁technically▁technique▁technology▁teddy▁tee▁teen▁teenager▁teeth▁teh▁tel▁tele▁tell▁telling▁temp▁temperature▁template▁temple▁temporary▁tempted▁tempting▁ten▁tenant▁tend▁tender▁tennis▁tense▁tension▁tent▁term▁terminal▁terms▁terra▁terrible▁terribly▁terrified▁terrifying▁test▁tested▁testing▁tests▁texas▁text▁texted▁texting▁texts▁th▁tha▁thai▁than▁thank▁thankful▁thankfully▁thanks▁thanksgiving▁that▁thats▁the▁theater▁theatre▁their▁them▁themselves▁then▁theory▁therapist▁therapy▁there▁therefore▁these▁they▁theyre▁thi▁thick▁thik▁thin▁thing▁things▁think▁thinking▁third▁thirsty▁this▁thn▁thnk▁thnx▁tho▁thomas▁thorough▁those▁thou▁though▁thought▁thoughts▁thousand▁thr▁thread▁threat▁three▁threw▁thrilled▁thro▁throat▁thrones▁through▁throughout▁throw▁throwing▁thrown▁thru▁thrust▁tht▁thu▁thumb▁thunder▁thurs▁thursday▁thx▁thy▁ti▁tick▁ticket▁tickets▁tie▁tied▁tiger▁tight▁til▁till▁tim▁time▁timeline▁times▁timing▁tin▁tina▁tinder▁tink▁tiny▁tip▁tips▁tire▁tired▁tires▁tiring▁tissue▁titan▁title▁tits▁tix▁tk▁tmr▁tmrw▁tmw▁tn▁to▁toast▁today▁together▁toilet▁told▁tomato▁tomatoes▁tommorow▁tomorow▁tomorrow▁ton▁tongiht▁tongue▁tonight▁tons▁too▁took▁tool▁tools▁top▁topic▁torrent▁tortilla▁torture▁total▁totally▁totes▁touch▁touched▁touching▁tough▁tour▁tourist▁tournament▁towards▁towel▁town▁toys▁tr▁tra▁trace▁track▁tracking▁trade▁trader▁trading▁tradition▁traditional▁traffic▁trail▁trailer▁train▁trainer▁training▁trans▁transaction▁transcript▁transfer▁transferred▁transform▁transition▁translate▁translation▁transport▁transportation▁trap▁trapped▁trash▁trauma▁travel▁traveling▁travelling▁tre▁treadmill▁treat▁treated▁treating▁treatment▁tree▁trek▁trend▁tri▁trial▁trick▁tricky▁tried▁tries▁trigger▁trip▁trivia▁tro▁troll▁trouble▁tru▁truck▁true▁truly▁trump▁trunk▁trust▁truth▁try▁trying▁tshirt▁tsk▁ttyl▁tu▁tub▁tube▁tuck▁tues▁tuesday▁tuition▁tum▁tumblr▁tummy▁tuna▁tune▁tunnel▁tur▁turkey▁turn▁turned▁turning▁turns▁turtle▁tutor▁tutorial▁tv▁tw▁tweak▁tweet▁twenty▁twi▁twice▁twin▁twist▁twitch▁twitter▁two▁txt▁ty▁tyler▁type▁typed▁typical▁typically▁typing▁typo▁u▁uber▁ugh▁ughhh▁ugly▁uh▁uhh▁ultimate▁ultimately▁ultra▁um▁umbrella▁umm▁ummm▁ummmm▁un▁una▁uncle▁uncomfortable▁unda▁unde▁under▁undergrad▁underneath▁understand▁understandable▁understanding▁understood▁underwear▁undi▁undo▁unexpected▁unfair▁unfortunate▁unfortunately▁unhappy▁unhealthy▁uni▁uniform▁union▁unique▁unit▁universe▁university▁unknown▁unless▁unlike▁unlikely▁unlimited▁unlock▁unna▁unnecessary▁unpack▁unreal▁unrelated▁unsure▁unta▁until▁unusual▁up▁upcoming▁update▁updated▁updates▁updating▁upgrade▁upload▁uploaded▁upon▁upper▁upset▁upstairs▁ur▁urgent▁urself▁us▁usage▁use▁used▁useful▁useless▁user▁username▁users▁using▁usual▁usually▁v▁va▁vaca▁vacation▁vacay▁vacha▁vachi▁vacuum▁vadi▁vagina▁vague▁val▁valentine▁valid▁valla▁valley▁valuable▁value▁vampire▁van▁vanilla▁var▁vara▁vari▁variable▁variety▁vast▁ve▁vee▁veg▁vegan▁vegas▁vegetable▁vegetarian▁veggie▁veggies▁vehicle▁vel▁vella▁ven▁vendor▁vent▁venue▁ver▁verification▁verify▁verizon▁versa▁version▁versus▁very▁vest▁vet▁vi▁via▁vibe▁vic▁vice▁victim▁victor▁vid▁video▁videos▁view▁village▁vin▁vine▁violent▁virgin▁virtual▁virus▁visa▁visible▁vision▁visit▁visiting▁visual▁vitamin▁viv▁vo▁vocal▁vodka▁voice▁voicemail▁vol▁volleyball▁volume▁volunteer▁vomit▁vote▁voting▁voucher▁vs▁vu▁vundi▁vunna▁w▁wa▁wack▁waffle▁wage▁wah▁waht▁waist▁wait▁waited▁waiting▁waiver▁wake▁waking▁wala▁walk▁walked▁walking▁wall▁wallet▁walls▁walmart▁walt▁wan▁wana▁wander▁wanna▁want▁wanted▁wanting▁wants▁war▁warehouse▁warm▁warn▁warning▁warranty▁warrior▁was▁wash▁washed▁washing▁wasn▁wasnt▁wassup▁waste▁wasted▁wat▁watch▁watched▁watching▁water▁wave▁wax▁way▁ways▁we▁weak▁wealth▁weapon▁wear▁wearing▁weather▁web▁webcam▁website▁wed▁wedding▁wednesday▁week▁weekend▁weekends▁weekly▁weeks▁weigh▁weight▁weird▁weirdo▁welcome▁well▁welp▁wen▁went▁were▁weren▁werent▁west▁western▁wfh▁wh▁wha▁whaaa▁what▁whatever▁whate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وسلمصلےصمصممصىصيضضجضحضحىضحيضخضخمضرضمضىضيططحطمطمحطممطميطىطيظظمععجعجمعليهعمعممعمىعميعىعيغغجغمغممغمىغميغىغيـًـَـَّـُـُّـِـِّـّـْففجفحفخفخمفمفميفىفيققحقلےقمقمحقممقميقىقيككاكجكحكخكلكمكممكميكىكيللآلألإلالجلججلجملجيلحلحملحىلحيلخلخململمحلميلهلىليممامجمجحمجخمجممجيمحمحجمحممحمدمحيمخمخجمخممخيمممميمىميننجنجحنجمنجىنجينحنحمنحىنحينخنرنزنمنمىنمينننهنىنيههجهمهمجهممهىهيهٰووسلموٴىىٰييجيجييحيحييخيريزيميمميميينيهيىيييٴٮٯٱٹٺٻپٿڀڃڄچڇڈڌڍڎڑژڡڤڦکڭگڱڳںڻھۀہۂۅۆۇۇٴۈۉۋیېےۓक़ख़ग़ज़ड़ढ़ऩफ़य़ऱऴড়ঢ়য়োৌਖ਼ਗ਼ਜ਼ਫ਼ਲ਼ਸ਼ଡ଼ଢ଼ୈୋୌஔொோௌైೀೇೈೊೋൊോൌේොෝෞําຫນຫມໍາ་ཀྵགྷཌྷདྷབྷཛྷཱཱཱིྀུྐྵྒྷྜྷྡྷྦྷྫྷྲཱྀྲྀླཱྀླྀဦნᄀᄁᄂᄃᄄᄅᄆᄇᄈᄉᄊᄋᄌᄍᄎᄏᄐᄑᄒᄔᄕᄚᄜᄝᄞᄠᄡᄢᄣᄧᄩᄫᄬᄭᄮᄯᄲᄶᅀᅇᅌᅗᅘᅙᅠᅡᅢᅣᅤᅥᅦᅧᅨᅩᅪᅫᅬᅭᅮᅯᅰᅱᅲᅳᅴᅵᆄᆅᆈᆑᆒᆔᆞᆡᆪᆬᆭᆰᆱᆲᆳᆴᆵᇇᇈᇌᇎᇓᇗᇙᇝᇟᇱᇲᬆᬈᬊᬌᬎᬒᬻᬽᭀᭁᭃᴂᴖᴗᴜᴝᴥᵻᶅḀḁḂḃḄḅḆḇḈḉḊḋḌḍḎḏḐḑḒḓḔḕḖḗḘḙḚḛḜḝḞḟḠḡḢḣḤḥḦḧḨḩḪḫḬḭḮḯḰḱḲḳḴḵḶḷḸḹḺḻḼḽḾḿṀṁṂṃṄṅṆṇṈṉṊṋṌṍṎṏṐṑṒṓṔṕṖṗṘṙṚṛṜṝṞṟṠṡṢṣṤṥṦṧṨṩṪṫṬṭṮṯṰṱṲṳṴṵṶṷṸṹṺṻṼṽṾṿẀẁẂẃẄẅẆẇẈẉẊẋẌẍẎẏẐẑẒẓẔẕẖẗẘẙẠạẢảẤấẦầẨẩẪẫẬậẮắẰằẲẳẴẵẶặẸẹẺẻẼẽẾếỀềỂểỄễỆệỈỉỊịỌọỎỏỐốỒồỔổỖỗỘộỚớỜờỞởỠỡỢợỤụỦủỨứỪừỬửỮữỰựỲỳỴỵỶỷỸỹἀἁἂἃἄἅἆἇἈἉἊἋἌἍἎἏἐἑἒἓἔἕἘἙἚἛἜἝἠἡἢἣἤἥἦἧἨἩἪἫἬἭἮἯἰἱἲἳἴἵἶἷἸἹἺἻἼἽἾἿὀὁὂὃὄὅὈὉὊὋὌὍὐὑὒὓὔὕὖὗὙὛὝὟὠὡὢὣὤὥὦὧὨὩὪὫὬὭὮὯὰὲὴὶὸὺὼᾀᾁᾂᾃᾄᾅᾆᾇᾈᾉᾊᾋᾌᾍᾎᾏᾐᾑᾒᾓᾔᾕᾖᾗᾘᾙᾚᾛᾜᾝᾞᾟᾠᾡᾢᾣᾤᾥᾦᾧᾨᾩᾪᾫᾬᾭᾮᾯᾰᾱᾲᾳᾴᾶᾷᾸᾹᾺᾼῂῃῄῆῇῈῊῌῐῑῒῖῗῘῙῚῠῡῢῤῥῦῧῨῩῪῬῲῳῴῶῷῸῺῼ‐–—′′′′′′′′′‵‵‵‵‵₩←↑→↓↚↛↮⇍⇎⇏∂∄∇∉∌∑−∤∦∫∫∫∫∫∫∫∫∫∮∮∮∮∮≁≄≇≉≠≢≭≮≯≰≱≴≵≸≹⊀⊁⊄⊅⊈⊉⊬⊭⊮⊯⋠⋡⋢⋣⋪⋫⋬⋭│■○⦅⦆⫝̸ⵡ、。〈〉《》「」『』【】〒〔〔S〕〔三〕〔二〕〔勝〕〔安〕〔打〕〔敗〕〔本〕〔点〕〔盗〕〕〖〗がぎぐげござじずぜぞだぢづでどばぱびぴぶぷべぺほかぼぽよりゔ゙゚ゞァアアパートアルファアンペアアールィイイニングインチゥウウォンェエエスクードエーカーォオオンスオームカカイリカラットカロリーガガロンガンマキキュリーキロキログラムキロメートルキロワットギギガギニーギルダーククルゼイロクローネググラムグラムトンケケースゲココココトコルナコーポゴササイクルサンチームザシシリングジスズセセンチセントゼソゾタダダースチヂッツヅテデデシトトンドドルナナノニヌネノノットハハイツババーレルパパーセントパーツヒビビルピピアストルピクルピコフファラッドフィートフランブブッシェルプヘヘクタールヘルツベベータペペソペニヒペンスページホホンホールホーンボボルトポポイントポンドママイクロマイルマッハマルクマンションミミクロンミリミリバールムメメガメガトンメートルモャヤヤードヤールュユユアンョヨラリリットルリラルルピールーブルレレムレントゲンロワワットヰヱヲンヴヷヸヹヺ・ーヾ㒞㒹㒻㓟㔕㛮㛼㞁㠯㡢㡼㣇㣣㤜㤺㨮㩬㫤㬈㬙㭉㮝㰘㱎㴳㶖㺬㺸㼛㿼䀈䀘䀹䁆䂖䃣䄯䈂䈧䊠䌁䌴䍙䏕䏙䐋䑫䔫䕝䕡䕫䗗䗹䘵䚾䛇䦕䧦䩮䩶䪲䬳䯎䳎䳭䳸䵖一丁七三上下不丙並丨中串丶丸丹丽丿乁乙九亂亅了二五亠交亮人什仌令企休你侀來例侮侻便倂倫偺備像僚僧優儿兀充免兔兤入內全兩八六具冀冂再冒冕冖冗写冤冫冬况冷凉凌凜凞几凵刀刃切列初利刺刻剆前割剷劉力劣劳労勇勉勒勞勤勵勹勺包匆匕北匚匸医匿十卄卅卉卑協博卜卩印即卵卽卿厂厶參又及双叟口句叫可叱右吆合名吏吝吸吹呂呈周咞咢咽哶唐問啓啕啣善喇喙喝喫喳営嗀嗂嗢嘆噑器噴囗四囹圖圗土地型城埴堍報堲塀塚塞墨墬墳壘壟士壮声売壷夂夆夊夕多夜夢大大正天奄奈契奔奢女姘姬娛娧婢婦媵嬈嬨嬾子字学宀宅宗寃寘寧寮寳寸寿将小尢尸尿屠屢層履屮山岍峀崙嵃嵐嵫嵮嵼嶲嶺巛巡巢工左己巽巾帨帽幩干平成年幺幼广度庰庳庶廉廊廒廓廙廬廴廾弄弋弓弢彐当彡形彩彫彳律後得徚復徭心忍志念忹怒怜恵悁悔惇惘惡愈慄慈慌慎慠慨慺憎憐憤憯憲懞懲懶戀戈成戛戮戴戶手打扝投抱拉拏拓拔拼拾指挽捐捕捨捻掃掠掩揄揅揤搜搢摒摩摷摾撚撝擄支攴敏敖敬數文斗料斤新方旅无既旣日明治易映昭和晉晴暈暑暜暴曆曰更書最月有朗望朡木李杓杖杞杻枅林柳柺栗栟株株式会社桒梁梅梎梨椔楂榣槪樂樓檨櫓櫛欄欠次歔止正歲歷歹殟殮殳殺殻毋母比毛氏气水汎汧沈沿泌泍泥注洖洛洞洴派流浩浪海浸涅淋淚淪淹渚港湮満溜溺滇滋滑滛漏演漢漣潮濆濫濾瀛瀞瀹灊火灰灷災炙炭烈烙無煅煉煮熜燎燐爐爛爨爪爫爵父爻爿片牐牙牛牢特犀犕犬犯狀狼猪獵獺玄率玉王玥玲珞理琉琢瑇瑜瑩瑱璅璉璘瓊瓜瓦甆甘生甤用田甲申男画甾留略異疋疒痢瘐瘝瘟療癩癶白皮皿益盛監盧目直省眞真着睊瞋瞧矛矢石硎硫碌碑磊磌磻礪示礼社祈祉祐祖祝神祥祿禁禍禎福禮禸禾秊秘秫稜穀穊穏穴空突窱立竮竹笠箏節篆築簾籠米类粒精糒糖糣糧糨糸紀紐索累終絛絣綠綾緇練縂縉縷繁繅缶缾网署罹罺羅羊羕羚羽翺老者而耒耳聆聠聯聰聾聿肉肋肭育脃脾臘臣臨自臭至臼舁舄舌舘舛舟艮良色艸艹芋芑芝花芳芽若苦茝茣茶荒荓荣莭莽菉菊菌菜菧華菱落葉著蓮蓱蓳蓼蔖蕤藍藺蘆蘒蘭蘿虍虐虜虧虩虫蚈蚩蛢蜎蜨蝫蝹螆螺蟡蠁蠟血行衠衣裂裏裗裞裡裸裺褐襁襤襾覆見視角解言誠說調請諒論諭諸諾謁謹識讀變谷豆豈豕豸貝財販貫賁賂資賈賓贈贛赤走起足趼跋路跰身車軔輦輪輸輻轢辛辞辰辵辶連逸遊適遲遼邏邑邔郎郞郱都鄑鄛酉酪醙醴釆里量金鈴鈸鉶鉼鋗鋘錄鍊鏹鐕長門開閭閷阜阮陋降陵陸陼隆隣隶隷隸隹雃離難雨零雷霣露靈靑靖非面革韋韛韠韭音響頁項頋領頩頻類風飛食飢飯飼館餩首香馧馬駂駱駾驪骨高髟鬒鬥鬯鬲鬼魚魯鱀鱗鳥鳽鵧鶴鷺鸞鹵鹿麗麟麥麻黃黍黎黑黹黽黾鼅鼎鼏鼓鼖鼠鼻齃齊齒龍龎龜龟龠ꜧꝯꬷꭒ가각갂갃간갅갆갇갈갉갊갋갌갍갎갏감갑값갓갔강갖갗갘같갚갛개객갞갟갠갡갢갣갤갥갦갧갨갩갪갫갬갭갮갯갰갱갲갳갴갵갶갷갸갹갺갻갼갽갾갿걀걁걂걃걄걅걆걇걈걉걊걋걌걍걎걏걐걑걒걓걔걕걖걗걘걙걚걛걜걝걞걟걠걡걢걣걤걥걦걧걨걩걪걫걬걭걮걯거걱걲걳건걵걶걷걸걹걺걻걼걽걾걿검겁겂것겄겅겆겇겈겉겊겋게겍겎겏겐겑겒겓겔겕겖겗겘겙겚겛겜겝겞겟겠겡겢겣겤겥겦겧겨격겪겫견겭겮겯결겱겲겳겴겵겶겷겸겹겺겻겼경겾겿곀곁곂곃계곅곆곇곈곉곊곋곌곍곎곏곐곑곒곓곔곕곖곗곘곙곚곛곜곝곞곟고곡곢곣곤곥곦곧골곩곪곫곬곭곮곯곰곱곲곳곴공곶곷곸곹곺곻과곽곾곿관괁괂괃괄괅괆괇괈괉괊괋괌괍괎괏괐광괒괓괔괕괖괗괘괙괚괛괜괝괞괟괠괡괢괣괤괥괦괧괨괩괪괫괬괭괮괯괰괱괲괳괴괵괶괷괸괹괺괻괼괽괾괿굀굁굂굃굄굅굆굇굈굉굊굋굌굍굎굏교굑굒굓굔굕굖굗굘굙굚굛굜굝굞굟굠굡굢굣굤굥굦굧굨굩굪굫구국굮굯군굱굲굳굴굵굶굷굸굹굺굻굼굽굾굿궀궁궂궃궄궅궆궇궈궉궊궋권궍궎궏궐궑궒궓궔궕궖궗궘궙궚궛궜궝궞궟궠궡궢궣궤궥궦궧궨궩궪궫궬궭궮궯궰궱궲궳궴궵궶궷궸궹궺궻궼궽궾궿귀귁귂귃귄귅귆귇귈귉귊귋귌귍귎귏귐귑귒귓귔귕귖귗귘귙귚귛규귝귞귟균귡귢귣귤귥귦귧귨귩귪귫귬귭귮귯귰귱귲귳귴귵귶귷그극귺귻근귽귾귿글긁긂긃긄긅긆긇금급긊긋긌긍긎긏긐긑긒긓긔긕긖긗긘긙긚긛긜긝긞긟긠긡긢긣긤긥긦긧긨긩긪긫긬긭긮긯기긱긲긳긴긵긶긷길긹긺긻긼긽긾긿김깁깂깃깄깅깆깇깈깉깊깋까깍깎깏깐깑깒깓깔깕깖깗깘깙깚깛깜깝깞깟깠깡깢깣깤깥깦깧깨깩깪깫깬깭깮깯깰깱깲깳깴깵깶깷깸깹깺깻깼깽깾깿꺀꺁꺂꺃꺄꺅꺆꺇꺈꺉꺊꺋꺌꺍꺎꺏꺐꺑꺒꺓꺔꺕꺖꺗꺘꺙꺚꺛꺜꺝꺞꺟꺠꺡꺢꺣꺤꺥꺦꺧꺨꺩꺪꺫꺬꺭꺮꺯꺰꺱꺲꺳꺴꺵꺶꺷꺸꺹꺺꺻꺼꺽꺾꺿껀껁껂껃껄껅껆껇껈껉껊껋껌껍껎껏껐껑껒껓껔껕껖껗께껙껚껛껜껝껞껟껠껡껢껣껤껥껦껧껨껩껪껫껬껭껮껯껰껱껲껳껴껵껶껷껸껹껺껻껼껽껾껿꼀꼁꼂꼃꼄꼅꼆꼇꼈꼉꼊꼋꼌꼍꼎꼏꼐꼑꼒꼓꼔꼕꼖꼗꼘꼙꼚꼛꼜꼝꼞꼟꼠꼡꼢꼣꼤꼥꼦꼧꼨꼩꼪꼫꼬꼭꼮꼯꼰꼱꼲꼳꼴꼵꼶꼷꼸꼹꼺꼻꼼꼽꼾꼿꽀꽁꽂꽃꽄꽅꽆꽇꽈꽉꽊꽋꽌꽍꽎꽏꽐꽑꽒꽓꽔꽕꽖꽗꽘꽙꽚꽛꽜꽝꽞꽟꽠꽡꽢꽣꽤꽥꽦꽧꽨꽩꽪꽫꽬꽭꽮꽯꽰꽱꽲꽳꽴꽵꽶꽷꽸꽹꽺꽻꽼꽽꽾꽿꾀꾁꾂꾃꾄꾅꾆꾇꾈꾉꾊꾋꾌꾍꾎꾏꾐꾑꾒꾓꾔꾕꾖꾗꾘꾙꾚꾛꾜꾝꾞꾟꾠꾡꾢꾣꾤꾥꾦꾧꾨꾩꾪꾫꾬꾭꾮꾯꾰꾱꾲꾳꾴꾵꾶꾷꾸꾹꾺꾻꾼꾽꾾꾿꿀꿁꿂꿃꿄꿅꿆꿇꿈꿉꿊꿋꿌꿍꿎꿏꿐꿑꿒꿓꿔꿕꿖꿗꿘꿙꿚꿛꿜꿝꿞꿟꿠꿡꿢꿣꿤꿥꿦꿧꿨꿩꿪꿫꿬꿭꿮꿯꿰꿱꿲꿳꿴꿵꿶꿷꿸꿹꿺꿻꿼꿽꿾꿿뀀뀁뀂뀃뀄뀅뀆뀇뀈뀉뀊뀋뀌뀍뀎뀏뀐뀑뀒뀓뀔뀕뀖뀗뀘뀙뀚뀛뀜뀝뀞뀟뀠뀡뀢뀣뀤뀥뀦뀧뀨뀩뀪뀫뀬뀭뀮뀯뀰뀱뀲뀳뀴뀵뀶뀷뀸뀹뀺뀻뀼뀽뀾뀿끀끁끂끃끄끅끆끇끈끉끊끋끌끍끎끏끐끑끒끓끔끕끖끗끘끙끚끛끜끝끞끟끠끡끢끣끤끥끦끧끨끩끪끫끬끭끮끯끰끱끲끳끴끵끶끷끸끹끺끻끼끽끾끿낀낁낂낃낄낅낆낇낈낉낊낋낌낍낎낏낐낑낒낓낔낕낖낗나낙낚낛난낝낞낟날낡낢낣낤낥낦낧남납낪낫났낭낮낯낰낱낲낳내낵낶낷낸낹낺낻낼낽낾낿냀냁냂냃냄냅냆냇냈냉냊냋냌냍냎냏냐냑냒냓냔냕냖냗냘냙냚냛냜냝냞냟냠냡냢냣냤냥냦냧냨냩냪냫냬냭냮냯냰냱냲냳냴냵냶냷냸냹냺냻냼냽냾냿넀넁넂넃넄넅넆넇너넉넊넋넌넍넎넏널넑넒넓넔넕넖넗넘넙넚넛넜넝넞넟넠넡넢넣네넥넦넧넨넩넪넫넬넭넮넯넰넱넲넳넴넵넶넷넸넹넺넻넼넽넾넿녀녁녂녃년녅녆녇녈녉녊녋녌녍녎녏념녑녒녓녔녕녖녗녘녙녚녛녜녝녞녟녠녡녢녣녤녥녦녧녨녩녪녫녬녭녮녯녰녱녲녳녴녵녶녷노녹녺녻논녽녾녿놀놁놂놃놄놅놆놇놈놉놊놋놌농놎놏놐놑높놓놔놕놖놗놘놙놚놛놜놝놞놟놠놡놢놣놤놥놦놧놨놩놪놫놬놭놮놯놰놱놲놳놴놵놶놷놸놹놺놻놼놽놾놿뇀뇁뇂뇃뇄뇅뇆뇇뇈뇉뇊뇋뇌뇍뇎뇏뇐뇑뇒뇓뇔뇕뇖뇗뇘뇙뇚뇛뇜뇝뇞뇟뇠뇡뇢뇣뇤뇥뇦뇧뇨뇩뇪뇫뇬뇭뇮뇯뇰뇱뇲뇳뇴뇵뇶뇷뇸뇹뇺뇻뇼뇽뇾뇿눀눁눂눃누눅눆눇눈눉눊눋눌눍눎눏눐눑눒눓눔눕눖눗눘눙눚눛눜눝눞눟눠눡눢눣눤눥눦눧눨눩눪눫눬눭눮눯눰눱눲눳눴눵눶눷눸눹눺눻눼눽눾눿뉀뉁뉂뉃뉄뉅뉆뉇뉈뉉뉊뉋뉌뉍뉎뉏뉐뉑뉒뉓뉔뉕뉖뉗뉘뉙뉚뉛뉜뉝뉞뉟뉠뉡뉢뉣뉤뉥뉦뉧뉨뉩뉪뉫뉬뉭뉮뉯뉰뉱뉲뉳뉴뉵뉶뉷뉸뉹뉺뉻뉼뉽뉾뉿늀늁늂늃늄늅늆늇늈늉늊늋늌늍늎늏느늑늒늓는늕늖늗늘늙늚늛늜늝늞늟늠늡늢늣늤능늦늧늨늩늪늫늬늭늮늯늰늱늲늳늴늵늶늷늸늹늺늻늼늽늾늿닀닁닂닃닄닅닆닇니닉닊닋닌닍닎닏닐닑닒닓닔닕닖닗님닙닚닛닜닝닞닟닠닡닢닣다닥닦닧단닩닪닫달닭닮닯닰닱닲닳담답닶닷닸당닺닻닼닽닾닿대댁댂댃댄댅댆댇댈댉댊댋댌댍댎댏댐댑댒댓댔댕댖댗댘댙댚댛댜댝댞댟댠댡댢댣댤댥댦댧댨댩댪댫댬댭댮댯댰댱댲댳댴댵댶댷댸댹댺댻댼댽댾댿덀덁덂덃덄덅덆덇덈덉덊덋덌덍덎덏덐덑덒덓더덕덖덗던덙덚덛덜덝덞덟덠덡덢덣덤덥덦덧덨덩덪덫덬덭덮덯데덱덲덳덴덵덶덷델덹덺덻덼덽덾덿뎀뎁뎂뎃뎄뎅뎆뎇뎈뎉뎊뎋뎌뎍뎎뎏뎐뎑뎒뎓뎔뎕뎖뎗뎘뎙뎚뎛뎜뎝뎞뎟뎠뎡뎢뎣뎤뎥뎦뎧뎨뎩뎪뎫뎬뎭뎮뎯뎰뎱뎲뎳뎴뎵뎶뎷뎸뎹뎺뎻뎼뎽뎾뎿돀돁돂돃도독돆돇돈돉돊돋돌돍돎돏돐돑돒돓돔돕돖돗돘동돚돛돜돝돞돟돠돡돢돣돤돥돦돧돨돩돪돫돬돭돮돯돰돱돲돳돴돵돶돷돸돹돺돻돼돽돾돿됀됁됂됃됄됅됆됇됈됉됊됋됌됍됎됏됐됑됒됓됔됕됖됗되됙됚됛된됝됞됟될됡됢됣됤됥됦됧됨됩됪됫됬됭됮됯됰됱됲됳됴됵됶됷됸됹됺됻됼됽됾됿둀둁둂둃둄둅둆둇둈둉둊둋둌둍둎둏두둑둒둓둔둕둖둗둘둙둚둛둜둝둞둟둠둡둢둣둤둥둦둧둨둩둪둫둬둭둮둯둰둱둲둳둴둵둶둷둸둹둺둻둼둽둾둿뒀뒁뒂뒃뒄뒅뒆뒇뒈뒉뒊뒋뒌뒍뒎뒏뒐뒑뒒뒓뒔뒕뒖뒗뒘뒙뒚뒛뒜뒝뒞뒟뒠뒡뒢뒣뒤뒥뒦뒧뒨뒩뒪뒫뒬뒭뒮뒯뒰뒱뒲뒳뒴뒵뒶뒷뒸뒹뒺뒻뒼뒽뒾뒿듀듁듂듃듄듅듆듇듈듉듊듋듌듍듎듏듐듑듒듓듔듕듖듗듘듙듚듛드득듞듟든듡듢듣들듥듦듧듨듩듪듫듬듭듮듯듰등듲듳듴듵듶듷듸듹듺듻듼듽듾듿딀딁딂딃딄딅딆딇딈딉딊딋딌딍딎딏딐딑딒딓디딕딖딗딘딙딚딛딜딝딞딟딠딡딢딣딤딥딦딧딨딩딪딫딬딭딮딯따딱딲딳딴딵딶딷딸딹딺딻딼딽딾딿땀땁땂땃땄땅땆땇땈땉땊땋때땍땎땏땐땑땒땓땔땕땖땗땘땙땚땛땜땝땞땟땠땡땢땣땤땥땦땧땨땩땪땫땬땭땮땯땰땱땲땳땴땵땶땷땸땹땺땻땼땽땾땿떀떁떂떃떄떅떆떇떈떉떊떋떌떍떎떏떐떑떒떓떔떕떖떗떘떙떚떛떜떝떞떟떠떡떢떣떤떥떦떧떨떩떪떫떬떭떮떯떰떱떲떳떴떵떶떷떸떹떺떻떼떽떾떿뗀뗁뗂뗃뗄뗅뗆뗇뗈뗉뗊뗋뗌뗍뗎뗏뗐뗑뗒뗓뗔뗕뗖뗗뗘뗙뗚뗛뗜뗝뗞뗟뗠뗡뗢뗣뗤뗥뗦뗧뗨뗩뗪뗫뗬뗭뗮뗯뗰뗱뗲뗳뗴뗵뗶뗷뗸뗹뗺뗻뗼뗽뗾뗿똀똁똂똃똄똅똆똇똈똉똊똋똌똍똎똏또똑똒똓똔똕똖똗똘똙똚똛똜똝똞똟똠똡똢똣똤똥똦똧똨똩똪똫똬똭똮똯똰똱똲똳똴똵똶똷똸똹똺똻똼똽똾똿뙀뙁뙂뙃뙄뙅뙆뙇뙈뙉뙊뙋뙌뙍뙎뙏뙐뙑뙒뙓뙔뙕뙖뙗뙘뙙뙚뙛뙜뙝뙞뙟뙠뙡뙢뙣뙤뙥뙦뙧뙨뙩뙪뙫뙬뙭뙮뙯뙰뙱뙲뙳뙴뙵뙶뙷뙸뙹뙺뙻뙼뙽뙾뙿뚀뚁뚂뚃뚄뚅뚆뚇뚈뚉뚊뚋뚌뚍뚎뚏뚐뚑뚒뚓뚔뚕뚖뚗뚘뚙뚚뚛뚜뚝뚞뚟뚠뚡뚢뚣뚤뚥뚦뚧뚨뚩뚪뚫뚬뚭뚮뚯뚰뚱뚲뚳뚴뚵뚶뚷뚸뚹뚺뚻뚼뚽뚾뚿뛀뛁뛂뛃뛄뛅뛆뛇뛈뛉뛊뛋뛌뛍뛎뛏뛐뛑뛒뛓뛔뛕뛖뛗뛘뛙뛚뛛뛜뛝뛞뛟뛠뛡뛢뛣뛤뛥뛦뛧뛨뛩뛪뛫뛬뛭뛮뛯뛰뛱뛲뛳뛴뛵뛶뛷뛸뛹뛺뛻뛼뛽뛾뛿뜀뜁뜂뜃뜄뜅뜆뜇뜈뜉뜊뜋뜌뜍뜎뜏뜐뜑뜒뜓뜔뜕뜖뜗뜘뜙뜚뜛뜜뜝뜞뜟뜠뜡뜢뜣뜤뜥뜦뜧뜨뜩뜪뜫뜬뜭뜮뜯뜰뜱뜲뜳뜴뜵뜶뜷뜸뜹뜺뜻뜼뜽뜾뜿띀띁띂띃띄띅띆띇띈띉띊띋띌띍띎띏띐띑띒띓띔띕띖띗띘띙띚띛띜띝띞띟띠띡띢띣띤띥띦띧띨띩띪띫띬띭띮띯띰띱띲띳띴띵띶띷띸띹띺띻라락띾띿란랁랂랃랄랅랆랇랈랉랊랋람랍랎랏랐랑랒랓랔랕랖랗래랙랚랛랜랝랞랟랠랡랢랣랤랥랦랧램랩랪랫랬랭랮랯랰랱랲랳랴략랶랷랸랹랺랻랼랽랾랿럀럁럂럃럄럅럆럇럈량럊럋럌럍럎럏럐럑럒럓럔럕럖럗럘럙럚럛럜럝럞럟럠럡럢럣럤럥럦럧럨럩럪럫러럭럮럯런럱럲럳럴럵럶럷럸럹럺럻럼럽럾럿렀렁렂렃렄렅렆렇레렉렊렋렌렍렎렏렐렑렒렓렔렕렖렗렘렙렚렛렜렝렞렟렠렡렢렣려력렦렧련렩렪렫렬렭렮렯렰렱렲렳렴렵렶렷렸령렺렻렼렽렾렿례롁롂롃롄롅롆롇롈롉롊롋롌롍롎롏롐롑롒롓롔롕롖롗롘롙롚롛로록롞롟론롡롢롣롤롥롦롧롨롩롪롫롬롭롮롯롰롱롲롳롴롵롶롷롸롹롺롻롼롽롾롿뢀뢁뢂뢃뢄뢅뢆뢇뢈뢉뢊뢋뢌뢍뢎뢏뢐뢑뢒뢓뢔뢕뢖뢗뢘뢙뢚뢛뢜뢝뢞뢟뢠뢡뢢뢣뢤뢥뢦뢧뢨뢩뢪뢫뢬뢭뢮뢯뢰뢱뢲뢳뢴뢵뢶뢷뢸뢹뢺뢻뢼뢽뢾뢿룀룁룂룃룄룅룆룇룈룉룊룋료룍룎룏룐룑룒룓룔룕룖룗룘룙룚룛룜룝룞룟룠룡룢룣룤룥룦룧루룩룪룫룬룭룮룯룰룱룲룳룴룵룶룷룸룹룺룻룼룽룾룿뤀뤁뤂뤃뤄뤅뤆뤇뤈뤉뤊뤋뤌뤍뤎뤏뤐뤑뤒뤓뤔뤕뤖뤗뤘뤙뤚뤛뤜뤝뤞뤟뤠뤡뤢뤣뤤뤥뤦뤧뤨뤩뤪뤫뤬뤭뤮뤯뤰뤱뤲뤳뤴뤵뤶뤷뤸뤹뤺뤻뤼뤽뤾뤿륀륁륂륃륄륅륆륇륈륉륊륋륌륍륎륏륐륑륒륓륔륕륖륗류륙륚륛륜륝륞륟률륡륢륣륤륥륦륧륨륩륪륫륬륭륮륯륰륱륲륳르륵륶륷른륹륺륻를륽륾륿릀릁릂릃름릅릆릇릈릉릊릋릌릍릎릏릐릑릒릓릔릕릖릗릘릙릚릛릜릝릞릟릠릡릢릣릤릥릦릧릨릩릪릫리릭릮릯린릱릲릳릴릵릶릷릸릹릺릻림립릾릿맀링맂맃맄맅맆맇마막맊맋만맍많맏말맑맒맓맔맕맖맗맘맙맚맛맜망맞맟맠맡맢맣매맥맦맧맨맩맪맫맬맭맮맯맰맱맲맳맴맵맶맷맸맹맺맻맼맽맾맿먀먁먂먃먄먅먆먇먈먉먊먋먌먍먎먏먐먑먒먓먔먕먖먗먘먙먚먛먜먝먞먟먠먡먢먣먤먥먦먧먨먩먪먫먬먭먮먯먰먱먲먳먴먵먶먷머먹먺먻먼먽먾먿멀멁멂멃멄멅멆멇멈멉멊멋멌멍멎멏멐멑멒멓메멕멖멗멘멙멚멛멜멝멞멟멠멡멢멣멤멥멦멧멨멩멪멫멬멭멮멯며멱멲멳면멵멶멷멸멹멺멻멼멽멾멿몀몁몂몃몄명몆몇몈몉몊몋몌몍몎몏몐몑몒몓몔몕몖몗몘몙몚몛몜몝몞몟몠몡몢몣몤몥몦몧모목몪몫몬몭몮몯몰몱몲몳몴몵몶몷몸몹몺못몼몽몾몿뫀뫁뫂뫃뫄뫅뫆뫇뫈뫉뫊뫋뫌뫍뫎뫏뫐뫑뫒뫓뫔뫕뫖뫗뫘뫙뫚뫛뫜뫝뫞뫟뫠뫡뫢뫣뫤뫥뫦뫧뫨뫩뫪뫫뫬뫭뫮뫯뫰뫱뫲뫳뫴뫵뫶뫷뫸뫹뫺뫻뫼뫽뫾뫿묀묁묂묃묄묅묆묇묈묉묊묋묌묍묎묏묐묑묒묓묔묕묖묗묘묙묚묛묜묝묞묟묠묡묢묣묤묥묦묧묨묩묪묫묬묭묮묯묰묱묲묳무묵묶묷문묹묺묻물묽묾묿뭀뭁뭂뭃뭄뭅뭆뭇뭈뭉뭊뭋뭌뭍뭎뭏뭐뭑뭒뭓뭔뭕뭖뭗뭘뭙뭚뭛뭜뭝뭞뭟뭠뭡뭢뭣뭤뭥뭦뭧뭨뭩뭪뭫뭬뭭뭮뭯뭰뭱뭲뭳뭴뭵뭶뭷뭸뭹뭺뭻뭼뭽뭾뭿뮀뮁뮂뮃뮄뮅뮆뮇뮈뮉뮊뮋뮌뮍뮎뮏뮐뮑뮒뮓뮔뮕뮖뮗뮘뮙뮚뮛뮜뮝뮞뮟뮠뮡뮢뮣뮤뮥뮦뮧뮨뮩뮪뮫뮬뮭뮮뮯뮰뮱뮲뮳뮴뮵뮶뮷뮸뮹뮺뮻뮼뮽뮾뮿므믁믂믃믄믅믆믇믈믉믊믋믌믍믎믏믐믑믒믓믔믕믖믗믘믙믚믛믜믝믞믟믠믡믢믣믤믥믦믧믨믩믪믫믬믭믮믯믰믱믲믳믴믵믶믷미믹믺믻민믽믾믿밀밁밂밃밄밅밆밇밈밉밊밋밌밍밎및밐밑밒밓바박밖밗반밙밚받발밝밞밟밠밡밢밣밤밥밦밧밨방밪밫밬밭밮밯배백밲밳밴밵밶밷밸밹밺밻밼밽밾밿뱀뱁뱂뱃뱄뱅뱆뱇뱈뱉뱊뱋뱌뱍뱎뱏뱐뱑뱒뱓뱔뱕뱖뱗뱘뱙뱚뱛뱜뱝뱞뱟뱠뱡뱢뱣뱤뱥뱦뱧뱨뱩뱪뱫뱬뱭뱮뱯뱰뱱뱲뱳뱴뱵뱶뱷뱸뱹뱺뱻뱼뱽뱾뱿벀벁벂벃버벅벆벇번벉벊벋벌벍벎벏벐벑벒벓범법벖벗벘벙벚벛벜벝벞벟베벡벢벣벤벥벦벧벨벩벪벫벬벭벮벯벰벱벲벳벴벵벶벷벸벹벺벻벼벽벾벿변볁볂볃별볅볆볇볈볉볊볋볌볍볎볏볐병볒볓볔볕볖볗볘볙볚볛볜볝볞볟볠볡볢볣볤볥볦볧볨볩볪볫볬볭볮볯볰볱볲볳보복볶볷본볹볺볻볼볽볾볿봀봁봂봃봄봅봆봇봈봉봊봋봌봍봎봏봐봑봒봓봔봕봖봗봘봙봚봛봜봝봞봟봠봡봢봣봤봥봦봧봨봩봪봫봬봭봮봯봰봱봲봳봴봵봶봷봸봹봺봻봼봽봾봿뵀뵁뵂뵃뵄뵅뵆뵇뵈뵉뵊뵋뵌뵍뵎뵏뵐뵑뵒뵓뵔뵕뵖뵗뵘뵙뵚뵛뵜뵝뵞뵟뵠뵡뵢뵣뵤뵥뵦뵧뵨뵩뵪뵫뵬뵭뵮뵯뵰뵱뵲뵳뵴뵵뵶뵷뵸뵹뵺뵻뵼뵽뵾뵿부북붂붃분붅붆붇불붉붊붋붌붍붎붏붐붑붒붓붔붕붖붗붘붙붚붛붜붝붞붟붠붡붢붣붤붥붦붧붨붩붪붫붬붭붮붯붰붱붲붳붴붵붶붷붸붹붺붻붼붽붾붿뷀뷁뷂뷃뷄뷅뷆뷇뷈뷉뷊뷋뷌뷍뷎뷏뷐뷑뷒뷓뷔뷕뷖뷗뷘뷙뷚뷛뷜뷝뷞뷟뷠뷡뷢뷣뷤뷥뷦뷧뷨뷩뷪뷫뷬뷭뷮뷯뷰뷱뷲뷳뷴뷵뷶뷷뷸뷹뷺뷻뷼뷽뷾뷿븀븁븂븃븄븅븆븇븈븉븊븋브븍븎븏븐븑븒븓블븕븖븗븘븙븚븛븜븝븞븟븠븡븢븣븤븥븦븧븨븩븪븫븬븭븮븯븰븱븲븳븴븵븶븷븸븹븺븻븼븽븾븿빀빁빂빃비빅빆빇빈빉빊빋빌빍빎빏빐빑빒빓빔빕빖빗빘빙빚빛빜빝빞빟빠빡빢빣빤빥빦빧빨빩빪빫빬빭빮빯빰빱빲빳빴빵빶빷빸빹빺빻빼빽빾빿뺀뺁뺂뺃뺄뺅뺆뺇뺈뺉뺊뺋뺌뺍뺎뺏뺐뺑뺒뺓뺔뺕뺖뺗뺘뺙뺚뺛뺜뺝뺞뺟뺠뺡뺢뺣뺤뺥뺦뺧뺨뺩뺪뺫뺬뺭뺮뺯뺰뺱뺲뺳뺴뺵뺶뺷뺸뺹뺺뺻뺼뺽뺾뺿뻀뻁뻂뻃뻄뻅뻆뻇뻈뻉뻊뻋뻌뻍뻎뻏뻐뻑뻒뻓뻔뻕뻖뻗뻘뻙뻚뻛뻜뻝뻞뻟뻠뻡뻢뻣뻤뻥뻦뻧뻨뻩뻪뻫뻬뻭뻮뻯뻰뻱뻲뻳뻴뻵뻶뻷뻸뻹뻺뻻뻼뻽뻾뻿뼀뼁뼂뼃뼄뼅뼆뼇뼈뼉뼊뼋뼌뼍뼎뼏뼐뼑뼒뼓뼔뼕뼖뼗뼘뼙뼚뼛뼜뼝뼞뼟뼠뼡뼢뼣뼤뼥뼦뼧뼨뼩뼪뼫뼬뼭뼮뼯뼰뼱뼲뼳뼴뼵뼶뼷뼸뼹뼺뼻뼼뼽뼾뼿뽀뽁뽂뽃뽄뽅뽆뽇뽈뽉뽊뽋뽌뽍뽎뽏뽐뽑뽒뽓뽔뽕뽖뽗뽘뽙뽚뽛뽜뽝뽞뽟뽠뽡뽢뽣뽤뽥뽦뽧뽨뽩뽪뽫뽬뽭뽮뽯뽰뽱뽲뽳뽴뽵뽶뽷뽸뽹뽺뽻뽼뽽뽾뽿뾀뾁뾂뾃뾄뾅뾆뾇뾈뾉뾊뾋뾌뾍뾎뾏뾐뾑뾒뾓뾔뾕뾖뾗뾘뾙뾚뾛뾜뾝뾞뾟뾠뾡뾢뾣뾤뾥뾦뾧뾨뾩뾪뾫뾬뾭뾮뾯뾰뾱뾲뾳뾴뾵뾶뾷뾸뾹뾺뾻뾼뾽뾾뾿뿀뿁뿂뿃뿄뿅뿆뿇뿈뿉뿊뿋뿌뿍뿎뿏뿐뿑뿒뿓뿔뿕뿖뿗뿘뿙뿚뿛뿜뿝뿞뿟뿠뿡뿢뿣뿤뿥뿦뿧뿨뿩뿪뿫뿬뿭뿮뿯뿰뿱뿲뿳뿴뿵뿶뿷뿸뿹뿺뿻뿼뿽뿾뿿쀀쀁쀂쀃쀄쀅쀆쀇쀈쀉쀊쀋쀌쀍쀎쀏쀐쀑쀒쀓쀔쀕쀖쀗쀘쀙쀚쀛쀜쀝쀞쀟쀠쀡쀢쀣쀤쀥쀦쀧쀨쀩쀪쀫쀬쀭쀮쀯쀰쀱쀲쀳쀴쀵쀶쀷쀸쀹쀺쀻쀼쀽쀾쀿쁀쁁쁂쁃쁄쁅쁆쁇쁈쁉쁊쁋쁌쁍쁎쁏쁐쁑쁒쁓쁔쁕쁖쁗쁘쁙쁚쁛쁜쁝쁞쁟쁠쁡쁢쁣쁤쁥쁦쁧쁨쁩쁪쁫쁬쁭쁮쁯쁰쁱쁲쁳쁴쁵쁶쁷쁸쁹쁺쁻쁼쁽쁾쁿삀삁삂삃삄삅삆삇삈삉삊삋삌삍삎삏삐삑삒삓삔삕삖삗삘삙삚삛삜삝삞삟삠삡삢삣삤삥삦삧삨삩삪삫사삭삮삯산삱삲삳살삵삶삷삸삹삺삻삼삽삾삿샀상샂샃샄샅샆샇새색샊샋샌샍샎샏샐샑샒샓샔샕샖샗샘샙샚샛샜생샞샟샠샡샢샣샤샥샦샧샨샩샪샫샬샭샮샯샰샱샲샳샴샵샶샷샸샹샺샻샼샽샾샿섀섁섂섃섄섅섆섇섈섉섊섋섌섍섎섏섐섑섒섓섔섕섖섗섘섙섚섛서석섞섟선섡섢섣설섥섦섧섨섩섪섫섬섭섮섯섰성섲섳섴섵섶섷세섹섺섻센섽섾섿셀셁셂셃셄셅셆셇셈셉셊셋셌셍셎셏셐셑셒셓셔셕셖셗션셙셚셛셜셝셞셟셠셡셢셣셤셥셦셧셨셩셪셫셬셭셮셯셰셱셲셳셴셵셶셷셸셹셺셻셼셽셾셿솀솁솂솃솄솅솆솇솈솉솊솋소속솎솏손솑솒솓솔솕솖솗솘솙솚솛솜솝솞솟솠송솢솣솤솥솦솧솨솩솪솫솬솭솮솯솰솱솲솳솴솵솶솷솸솹솺솻솼솽솾솿쇀쇁쇂쇃쇄쇅쇆쇇쇈쇉쇊쇋쇌쇍쇎쇏쇐쇑쇒쇓쇔쇕쇖쇗쇘쇙쇚쇛쇜쇝쇞쇟쇠쇡쇢쇣쇤쇥쇦쇧쇨쇩쇪쇫쇬쇭쇮쇯쇰쇱쇲쇳쇴쇵쇶쇷쇸쇹쇺쇻쇼쇽쇾쇿숀숁숂숃숄숅숆숇숈숉숊숋숌숍숎숏숐숑숒숓숔숕숖숗수숙숚숛순숝숞숟술숡숢숣숤숥숦숧숨숩숪숫숬숭숮숯숰숱숲숳숴숵숶숷숸숹숺숻숼숽숾숿쉀쉁쉂쉃쉄쉅쉆쉇쉈쉉쉊쉋쉌쉍쉎쉏쉐쉑쉒쉓쉔쉕쉖쉗쉘쉙쉚쉛쉜쉝쉞쉟쉠쉡쉢쉣쉤쉥쉦쉧쉨쉩쉪쉫쉬쉭쉮쉯쉰쉱쉲쉳쉴쉵쉶쉷쉸쉹쉺쉻쉼쉽쉾쉿슀슁슂슃슄슅슆슇슈슉슊슋슌슍슎슏슐슑슒슓슔슕슖슗슘슙슚슛슜슝슞슟슠슡슢슣스슥슦슧슨슩슪슫슬슭슮슯슰슱슲슳슴습슶슷슸승슺슻슼슽슾슿싀싁싂싃싄싅싆싇싈싉싊싋싌싍싎싏싐싑싒싓싔싕싖싗싘싙싚싛시식싞싟신싡싢싣실싥싦싧싨싩싪싫심십싮싯싰싱싲싳싴싵싶싷싸싹싺싻싼싽싾싿쌀쌁쌂쌃쌄쌅쌆쌇쌈쌉쌊쌋쌌쌍쌎쌏쌐쌑쌒쌓쌔쌕쌖쌗쌘쌙쌚쌛쌜쌝쌞쌟쌠쌡쌢쌣쌤쌥쌦쌧쌨쌩쌪쌫쌬쌭쌮쌯쌰쌱쌲쌳쌴쌵쌶쌷쌸쌹쌺쌻쌼쌽쌾쌿썀썁썂썃썄썅썆썇썈썉썊썋썌썍썎썏썐썑썒썓썔썕썖썗썘썙썚썛썜썝썞썟썠썡썢썣썤썥썦썧써썩썪썫썬썭썮썯썰썱썲썳썴썵썶썷썸썹썺썻썼썽썾썿쎀쎁쎂쎃쎄쎅쎆쎇쎈쎉쎊쎋쎌쎍쎎쎏쎐쎑쎒쎓쎔쎕쎖쎗쎘쎙쎚쎛쎜쎝쎞쎟쎠쎡쎢쎣쎤쎥쎦쎧쎨쎩쎪쎫쎬쎭쎮쎯쎰쎱쎲쎳쎴쎵쎶쎷쎸쎹쎺쎻쎼쎽쎾쎿쏀쏁쏂쏃쏄쏅쏆쏇쏈쏉쏊쏋쏌쏍쏎쏏쏐쏑쏒쏓쏔쏕쏖쏗쏘쏙쏚쏛쏜쏝쏞쏟쏠쏡쏢쏣쏤쏥쏦쏧쏨쏩쏪쏫쏬쏭쏮쏯쏰쏱쏲쏳쏴쏵쏶쏷쏸쏹쏺쏻쏼쏽쏾쏿쐀쐁쐂쐃쐄쐅쐆쐇쐈쐉쐊쐋쐌쐍쐎쐏쐐쐑쐒쐓쐔쐕쐖쐗쐘쐙쐚쐛쐜쐝쐞쐟쐠쐡쐢쐣쐤쐥쐦쐧쐨쐩쐪쐫쐬쐭쐮쐯쐰쐱쐲쐳쐴쐵쐶쐷쐸쐹쐺쐻쐼쐽쐾쐿쑀쑁쑂쑃쑄쑅쑆쑇쑈쑉쑊쑋쑌쑍쑎쑏쑐쑑쑒쑓쑔쑕쑖쑗쑘쑙쑚쑛쑜쑝쑞쑟쑠쑡쑢쑣쑤쑥쑦쑧쑨쑩쑪쑫쑬쑭쑮쑯쑰쑱쑲쑳쑴쑵쑶쑷쑸쑹쑺쑻쑼쑽쑾쑿쒀쒁쒂쒃쒄쒅쒆쒇쒈쒉쒊쒋쒌쒍쒎쒏쒐쒑쒒쒓쒔쒕쒖쒗쒘쒙쒚쒛쒜쒝쒞쒟쒠쒡쒢쒣쒤쒥쒦쒧쒨쒩쒪쒫쒬쒭쒮쒯쒰쒱쒲쒳쒴쒵쒶쒷쒸쒹쒺쒻쒼쒽쒾쒿쓀쓁쓂쓃쓄쓅쓆쓇쓈쓉쓊쓋쓌쓍쓎쓏쓐쓑쓒쓓쓔쓕쓖쓗쓘쓙쓚쓛쓜쓝쓞쓟쓠쓡쓢쓣쓤쓥쓦쓧쓨쓩쓪쓫쓬쓭쓮쓯쓰쓱쓲쓳쓴쓵쓶쓷쓸쓹쓺쓻쓼쓽쓾쓿씀씁씂씃씄씅씆씇씈씉씊씋씌씍씎씏씐씑씒씓씔씕씖씗씘씙씚씛씜씝씞씟씠씡씢씣씤씥씦씧씨씩씪씫씬씭씮씯씰씱씲씳씴씵씶씷씸씹씺씻씼씽씾씿앀앁앂앃아악앆앇안앉않앋알앍앎앏앐앑앒앓암압앖앗았앙앚앛앜앝앞앟애액앢앣앤앥앦앧앨앩앪앫앬앭앮앯앰앱앲앳앴앵앶앷앸앹앺앻야약앾앿얀얁얂얃얄얅얆얇얈얉얊얋얌얍얎얏얐양얒얓얔얕얖얗얘얙얚얛얜얝얞얟얠얡얢얣얤얥얦얧얨얩얪얫얬얭얮얯얰얱얲얳어억얶얷언얹얺얻얼얽얾얿엀엁엂엃엄업없엇었엉엊엋엌엍엎엏에엑엒엓엔엕엖엗엘엙엚엛엜엝엞엟엠엡엢엣엤엥엦엧엨엩엪엫여역엮엯연엱엲엳열엵엶엷엸엹엺엻염엽엾엿였영옂옃옄옅옆옇예옉옊옋옌옍옎옏옐옑옒옓옔옕옖옗옘옙옚옛옜옝옞옟옠옡옢옣오옥옦옧온옩옪옫올옭옮옯옰옱옲옳옴옵옶옷옸옹옺옻옼옽옾옿와왁왂왃완왅왆왇왈왉왊왋왌왍왎왏왐왑왒왓왔왕왖왗왘왙왚왛왜왝왞왟왠왡왢왣왤왥왦왧왨왩왪왫왬왭왮왯왰왱왲왳왴왵왶왷외왹왺왻왼왽왾왿욀욁욂욃욄욅욆욇욈욉욊욋욌욍욎욏욐욑욒욓요욕욖욗욘욙욚욛욜욝욞욟욠욡욢욣욤욥욦욧욨용욪욫욬욭욮욯우욱욲욳운욵욶욷울욹욺욻욼욽욾욿움웁웂웃웄웅웆웇웈웉웊웋워웍웎웏원웑웒웓월웕웖웗웘웙웚웛웜웝웞웟웠웡웢웣웤웥웦웧웨웩웪웫웬웭웮웯웰웱웲웳웴웵웶웷웸웹웺웻웼웽웾웿윀윁윂윃위윅윆윇윈윉윊윋윌윍윎윏윐윑윒윓윔윕윖윗윘윙윚윛윜윝윞윟유육윢윣윤윥윦윧율윩윪윫윬윭윮윯윰윱윲윳윴융윶윷윸윹윺윻으윽윾윿은읁읂읃을읅읆읇읈읉읊읋음읍읎읏읐응읒읓읔읕읖읗의읙읚읛읜읝읞읟읠읡읢읣읤읥읦읧읨읩읪읫읬읭읮읯읰읱읲읳이익읶읷인읹읺읻일읽읾읿잀잁잂잃임입잆잇있잉잊잋잌잍잎잏자작잒잓잔잕잖잗잘잙잚잛잜잝잞잟잠잡잢잣잤장잦잧잨잩잪잫재잭잮잯잰잱잲잳잴잵잶잷잸잹잺잻잼잽잾잿쟀쟁쟂쟃쟄쟅쟆쟇쟈쟉쟊쟋쟌쟍쟎쟏쟐쟑쟒쟓쟔쟕쟖쟗쟘쟙쟚쟛쟜쟝쟞쟟쟠쟡쟢쟣쟤쟥쟦쟧쟨쟩쟪쟫쟬쟭쟮쟯쟰쟱쟲쟳쟴쟵쟶쟷쟸쟹쟺쟻쟼쟽쟾쟿저적젂젃전젅젆젇절젉젊젋젌젍젎젏점접젒젓젔정젖젗젘젙젚젛제젝젞젟젠젡젢젣젤젥젦젧젨젩젪젫젬젭젮젯젰젱젲젳젴젵젶젷져젹젺젻젼젽젾젿졀졁졂졃졄졅졆졇졈졉졊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weekAlmost an hourOne hour?Over a monthAbout an hourAlmost a monthOne hourAlmost a weekOnly one more hourDo you want me to?You make me smileI slept wellA little bitI can't help itNo wordI can come to youOf what?No reasonI'm positiveHow was the game?I votedAny luck?What about these?Please confirmI'm proud of youI am onlineI'll pick you upPlease adviseWithout a doubtAbsolutely, yesSure, absolutelyTotallyOh, absolutelyYeah, absolutelyAbsolutelyWithout doubtYeah, totallyAbsolutely correctAbsolutely notAbsolutely fineYeah, no, totallyYes, absolutelyYes, absolutely!Yes, absolutely 😊Yes Absolutely AcknowledgedI know, I agreeYeah, agreedI would agreeYes, I agree!Absolutely agreeI agree with youI agree with thatTotally agreeAgreed!Yes, agreed 😊Yes, I agreeI agree completelyI think I agreeI totally agreeAgree completelyOh, agreeI completely agreeAlso agreeI agree with thisYes, I do agreeWe agreedWe agreeYep, I agreeI agree totallyFully agreeI concurCouldn't agree moreOkay, agreedAgree with youYes, agreeYeah, I agreeAgreedCompletely agreeI fully agreeOh, I agreeI absolutely agreeI agreeYes, I agree 😊Agree totallyConcurOkay, I agreeI agreedI quite agreeYes, agreedI concur 😃I also agreeI do agreeI so agreeSo agreeYes, I totally agreeAbsolutely I agreeAgreeSure, I agreeTotally agreedYes, totally agreeWe're all setShould be all setAll setOkay, all goodOkay, all setAll set 😊I'm all goodAll good hereAll set?I set it upAll set upYep, all goodOkay, setAre you all set?I believe we areYou're all setYes, all setI'm all setWe're setIt's all setI'm setYes, all goodAll set, thanksYou're setAlmost done?Almost doneAll right 😊Okay thenAll rightThat's all rightAll right, fineAll right, thanksThat's all right 😊All right, then 😊It's all rightAll right, thank youOh, all rightAll right, no problemRight thenQuite all rightOh, well all rightIs everything all right?All right, no worriesAll right, greatAll right?Okay, fine thenAll right, thenOh, that's rightAre you all right?All right, thanks 😊Oh, all right 😊All right, okayPretty amazingWow, that's amazing!They were amazingWow, amazingAmazingomg, that's awesomeYou look amazingThis is amazingomg, that's amazingThat's so amazingWas amazingJust amazingLooked amazingThat looks amazingIt was amazingWow, this is amazingAmazing, huh?They're amazingIt's amazingSounds amazingThat's just amazingThat's amazingTruly amazingTotally amazingAmazing, isn't it?Wow, that's amazingHaha, amazingIt's so amazingSimply amazingAmazing newsThis is so amazingIt looks amazingIt looked amazingSo amazingIt was amazing 😊It's pretty amazingIt was so amazingHaha, that's amazingIt's really amazingAbsolutely amazingThey look amazingThose are amazingThese are amazingAmazing stuffWow, looks amazingIt's just amazingReally amazingAmazing, right?Amen to thatAmen, amenAmenThoughts?ThoughtsThoughts on this?Any suggestions?What's your opinion?Any feedback?Any thoughts?Thoughts on that?Any other thoughts?Any progress?Any word yet?Any changes?What's the update?Any word?Update meAny luck yet?Any updates?Any response yet?Nothing yet?Any news?Any issue?Any developments?Any good news?Any response?Any issueUpdate?Any updateAny new news?Any more news?Any other news?Any news yet?UpdateUpdates?Any time 😃No problem, any timeYes, any timeCome anytime😊 Any timeSure, any timeAny time 😊Any timeAny time?Any time, reallyAppreciated 😊AppreciatedMuch appreciatedMuch appreciated 😊AcceptedI approve of thisI approve 😊ApproveI acceptedYes, I approveApproved?ApprovedDo you approve?I approveOkay, approvedWill you be around?Here?Are you around?Are you in today?Are you around tonight?Hey, are you there?Around?Are you still around?Are you around today?Do you feel better?Feeling better?Feeling any better?Getting any better?Getting betterFeeling much betterGetting better?Are you free?Are you free tonight?Are you free now?When are you free?I'm free nowAre you free today?You are freeAre you free tomorrow?Are you free to chat?Are you still home?Are you home yet?Are you at home?Are you there yet?Are you back?Are you home?Are you back yet?When are you going home?You're home?Are you home today?Are you back home?They're at homeAre you home alone?Are you at home now?You're homeAre you home now?Are you home already?Are you almost home?I'm not homeAre you back now?Will you be home?Are you okay?Feeling okayAre you okay with that?Are you okay now?We're okayAre you doing okay?I think we're okayAre you holding up okay?Are you feeling okay?You're okayI hope you're okayAre they okay?Are you still at work?There?Are you there?Are you still there?I'm still hereStill at work?I'm still at workAre you still here?Still around?Still there?Still at workStill here?Still not thereAre you sure?We aren't sureAre you sure about that?AttachedHaha, so awesomeHaha, excellentIt's awesomeIt's so awesome!Awesome, yayOkay, awesome 😊Wow, so awesomeIt looks awesomeIt's super awesomeThat's awesomeThat's wonderfulIt's so awesomeLooks awesomeOh, that's awesomeWow, wonderfulThat's excellentOh, awesomeWow, awesomeIt looks so awesomelol, that's awesomeOh, so awesomeOkay, awesomeSuperAwesome sauceSo awesomeOkay, superThat is wonderfulWow, that's awesomeOkay, awesome 😃ExcellentHa, awesomeThat's cool, babeYay, that's awesomeThis is so awesome!Ah, excellentAwesomeThat's so awesome!Okay, excellentThat's awesome, babeYay, awesomeOh, excellentThat's good, babeHey, awesomeTerrificThis is excellentIt's pretty awesomeIt's really awesomeOh, awesome 😊Very awesomeWow, this is awesomeHaha, awesomeMost excellentThat's nice, babeTotally awesomeHow awesomeThis is awesomeIt's just awesomeHaha, that's awesomeOh, excellent 😊Oh, superAwesome, yesOh right, awesomeBrilliantThat's so wonderful!Oh, awesome 😃Oh wow, awesomeJust awesomeThat's wonderful 😊Yay, awesome 😊Hey, that's awesomeWow, awesome 😊Haha, awesome 😊It's still awesomeAwesome sauce 😊Oh, sounds awesomeIt's kind of awesomeOh, how awesomeThat's just awesomeAwesome, thanksAwesome 😊 ThanksExcellent, thanksThat's cool, thanksAmazing, thank youSweet, thanksAwesome, thank youNice, thanksSuper, thank youBrilliant, thanksWonderful, thank youAwesome, thanks 😊Amazing, thanksSuper, thanksWonderful, thanksAwesome. You?Sweet, thanks 😊Just lovelyHow beautifulBeautiful weatherThat's brilliantIt looks beautifulIt's so beautiful!Really beautifulThis is beautifulBeautifulSounds beautifulThat's beautifulBeautiful?It looks so prettyIt's gorgeousVery beautifulIt was beautifulIt's gorgeous outThat's gorgeousBeautiful songBeautiful, thanksAnd beautifulSo beautifulThey're beautifulIt looked beautifulLooks beautifulIt was so beautiful!It's beautifulBeautiful babyIt's beautiful 😊Wow, so beautifulBeautiful dayIt's beautiful hereJust beautifulWow, beautifulIs beautifulThat's so beautiful!It's so gorgeous!Better?So much betterThis is even betterSounds even betterIt'll get betterMuch much betterSounds betterIt will get betterLittle betterI like this betterThat's much betterThat's even betterThis is way betterMuch better nowMuch better todayYes, much betterFirst one is betterEven better 😃Way betterBetterIs it better?This one's betterMuch better 😃This is betterEven better?Much betterBetter, thanksI like that betterIt looks betterThat sounds betterYes, betterEven betterThat's betterIt gets even betterIt gets betterThat's mucn betterThat's way betterThis is much betterThat one's betterThat's a bit betterLooks betterThat looks betterThat will be betterEven better 😊Looks much betterI like it betterMuch better 😊It's betterA little betterMuch better, thanksYes, so much betterSounds much betterIt just gets betterThings are betterAny better?Oh okay, bummerBummerDarnOh, ohOh, noAw, that's a bummerUh-ohAh, bummerOh no, bummerOuchOh, bummerOkay, bummerAh, that's a bummerCan't waitCan't wait eitherI can hardly waitI can't waitI can't wait to seeI can't wait eitherYes, I can't waitCan't freaking waitI can't wait to see youCan't wait to seeAwesome, can't waitWe can't waitYay, can't waitCall anytimeCall when you canCall again?Call me when freeCall me laterCall now?You can callPlease callCall me if you canYou call meCall meCan you talk?Call me tomorrowCall me, pleasePlease call meCall pleaseCallCan we chat?Call me when you canCan you text me?Call me anytimeYou can call meCall usOkay, call me nowCall me backCall?Just call meYes, callCall againCall if you canCall me ASAPCall me at workCan you call?Call me nowCall wheneverYou can call me nowCan you call me?Call me firstCall me if you wantCall me on my cellYou can call nowCall my cellGive me a callYes, call meCall me later?Call me tonightCall nowWant to call me?Call me?Sure, give me a callCan you chat?Okay, call me thenCall me thenJust callCall me wheneverCall, pleaseSure, call meCall backCall me againCan you call now?You call me?I'll callI can callI'm calling nowI'm calling you nowI tried calling youCalling nowI'll call you nowCalling you backI'll call nowCan I call you now?I'm calling youI call youI'm callingCan I call you?Call you in a bitI'll call laterCan I call now?I'll call youCall you soonCall youI'll call in a fewCall you?I just tried callingI'll call right nowI'm calling you.I tried callingI'll call you soonOkay, I'll call nowCalling you nowCall you in a fewI'll call you?Calling youI'll call todayCall you laterCallingI'll call in a bitI'll call soonI can call youI'll call tonightI'll call you laterCalling?I can call you nowI can call nowI'll help youCan I help?I can help, tooHelp me out hereHow may I help you?Help?How can I help?I can help youCan I help you?Please helpWhat help?Can I help at all?How can I help you?Can you check?Can confirmDid you look at it?Can you look?Please lookCanceled?CanceledFlight canceledI canceled itI canceledCanceled itIt's canceledI want to hear moreCashCash?I'm checkingI'll check nowOkay, I'll lookI'm checking nowCheck itChecking nowJust checking 😊Okay, I'll check nowCheck nowI'll check it nowJust checking 😃I was just checkingJust checkingChecking itChecking it nowI'm just checkingOkay, just checkingOkay, just checking 😊Checking on youChecking right nowChecking that nowI'm checking itCheckingI'm almost thereI'm leaving now 😊Going home now?Headed thereHeading outBe there in a fewNearly thereHeaded homeI'm comingAlmost there 😊Going homeLeavingComing home nowI'm coming nowLeaving in 2Be there in 10Just leaving workBe there in 2Just leaving nowWe're almost thereYes, comingComingGoing home nowComing soon?Leaving in 3Heading homeLeaving in 5Be there in 3You can come nowComing home now?Heading there nowCome overComing nowLeaving now?We are thereCome nowDriving homeGoing there nowHeading home nowI'm heading out nowAlmost homeComing now?Heading over nowLeaving work nowBe there soonHeading home?I'm coming down nowComing soonI'm coming homeGoing nowI'm heading homeLeaving in 10I can leave nowI'm drivingI'll be there in 5Headed there nowHeading out nowI'm halfway thereLeaving soonI'm leaving nowI'm leavingLeaving soon?Can I come now?Coming?Almost home?Almost thereYes, I'm comingLeaving very soonLeaving nowWe're comingBe there in 5Going home?At home now?Headed home nowI'm coming over nowI'm leaving soonAt home nowCome now?Just leavingCome over?Heading out?I can come nowI'm going there nowGoing now?Leaving here soonConfirm?ConfirmedJust confirmingI can confirmI confirmedConfirmed?ConfirmationOkay, confirmedJust confirmedConfirmYes, confirmedIt's confirmedConfirmingCongrats again!Wow, congrats!Yay, congrats!Nice, congrats!Congratulations!Congrats to you!Hey, congrats!Very nice, congrats!Congrats, babe!Congrats!Hats offAwesome, congrats!Yay, congrats 😊Congrats to you, too!Kudos to youCongratulations?Great, congrats!Congratulations 😊Cool, congrats!And congratsCongratulations! 😊Wow, congratulations!Congrats to them!And congrats!That's way coolIt's kind of coolWow, that's coolYeah? That's coolAh, cool 😊It's so cool!Yeah, coolOh, that's cool 😊Oh, very coolVery cool 😃Hey, coolThat's coolAh, coolHaha, coolOh, how coolOh okay, that's coolTotally coolIt's all coolSo coolThis is super coolIt's pretty coolThat's very coolOh, super coolOh, that's coolCool, coolCool, right?Oh well, coolReally? CoolThis is so cool!Yes, very coolCool, cool, coolPretty coolToo coolOh, that's very coolWow, so coolYeah, totally coolAll right, cool 😊Pretty cool, huh?Oh, coolSo cool!Wow, how coolYeah, super coolThat's so cool!Whoa, so cool!Cool, cool 😊Whoa, that's coolWow, cool 😊All right, coolThat's totally coolThis is coolThis is very coolWow, very coolThis is really coolWhoa, coolWell, that's coolHaha, pretty coolIt's coolOkay, that's cool 😊Okay, coolHow oddIt's really coolCool?That's so coolWell, that's cool 😊Haha, very coolOh okay, cool 😊That's really coolI think it's coolOh okay, coolCool, very coolHow coolThat's pretty coolThis is kind of coolThat's super coolCool websiteOh, so coolThat's cool 😊Very cool 😊Yeah, that's coolQuite coolYeah, that's so coolOh all right, coolIs it cool?Really coolYeah, that's cool 😊Pretty neatVery coolWow, that's so cool!Yes, so coolOkay, very coolSuper coolYeah, very coolPretty cool, right?CoolOh, cool?Way coolWow, coolReal coolCool placeOh, that's so cool!Whoa, that's so coolHey, that's coolThat's too coolSo cool, right?Ah, very coolYes, coolOkay then, coolOh, really coolOh wow, that's coolYeah, really coolThat's kind of coolWow, pretty coolYeah, so cool!Ah, so cool!This is pretty coolCool, huh?It's totally coolOk okay, coolPretty cool 😊Yeah, kind of coolCool, eh?Oh, that's so coolWow, super coolIt's very coolOkay, that's coolVery cool, thank youIt's still coolWow, this is coolVery, very coolHaha, so coolomg, that's so cool!Oh right, coolEverything is coolYeah, pretty coolCopy thatYes, you're rightYes, it's correctYep, that's correctThat's correctYep, that's rightYou're very rightYep, rightYes, you're correctThat's rightYeah, that's rightYep, that's itYes, that's rightYes, correctAll correctYeah, correctIs that correct?You're so rightIt's correctOh yes, that's rightYeah, that's correctYep, it isYes, that's correctYou're rightOh, you're rightOh no, you're rightYes, you areCorrect 😃You're correctNo, no, you're rightCorrect 😊Yes, yes, it isCorrectNo, you're rightThis is correctIs this right?Think you're rightYou're probably rightQuite rightCorrect?Count on itYou can count on meAw, cuteHow cuteHow lovelyToo cute 😊These are so cuteToo adorableYou're cuteHaha, cute😊 You're so cuteAw, how cuteOh, how cuteSo, so cuteThe cutestVery cute 😊Yes, very cuteIt's very cuteThey're all cuteSuper cute 😊This is so cuteHow adorableIt's adorableThat's pretty cuteAwIt's cuteToo cuteHow cute 😊So cute!They're cuteThis is really cuteVery, very cuteYou're so cuteThat's cuteThat's so cuteWay cuteYou're very cuteYou're too cuteHa, cuteIt's kind of cuteThose are cuteAw, cute 😊A cute oneThis is cuteOh, super cuteThat's so adorableYes, so cuteIt was so cutePretty cuteIt was cute 😊So cuteThat's super cuteIt was adorableOh, that's so cute!That's kind of cuteThe cute oneThey're pretty cuteSo, so, so cuteThose are so cuteThat was cuteThat's really cuteThat's too cuteThey're very cuteIt was cuteSo adorableThey're all so cuteAw, so cuteHaha, cute 😊It's so cute!That's so cute!Yes, cuteThat was so cuteWas cuteAdorableAw, too cuteIt's so cuteThat's very cuteOMG, cute!Super cuteYes, super cuteThey are cuteCuteOh, cuteIt was really cuteIt's really cuteThat's adorableVery cuteYou're so cute 😊It looks cuteThey're so cuteThat's real cuteIt's just cuteIt's super cuteIt looks so cuteThey're adorableomg, super cute!Those are adorableThose are so cute!It's too cuteThat's adorable 😊Aw, that's cute 😊They're too cuteAw, very cuteIt was pretty cuteThat's cute 😊This is adorableIt was very cuteIt's pretty cuteAw, that's so cuteSuch a cutieThey're so cute!Aw, that's cuteOh, so cuteomg, too cuteThey're super cuteReally cuteHaha, so cuteIt's so adorableOh, that's so cuteCute, huh?Oh, very cuteomg, so cute!Adorable?It was super cuteOh, that's cuteKind of cuteLooks cuteSo freaking cute!How cute?That was adorableAdorable 😊OMG, so cute!These are cuteOh, so cute!omg, cute!omg, how cute!Oh, cute 😊Cute oneDeal?DealDone dealDone deal?DeliveredDid you get it?Did you get them?Did you get it now?Did you get the pic?Did you get my text?Did you get my email?Did you get this?Did you hear that?Did you hear?Then do itPlease do thatJust do itYes, you can do thatCould you, please?You can do itYou should do itDid you do it?Do itPlease do soYes, please doDo it?Do thatYes, do soYes, please do 😊Yes, do itYes, do thatYou can do it!You do itYou do thatYou need to do thatDo it ASAPYou can do that!Yes, please do soDo thisDo it allPlease do itCould you do that?Yes, please do thatYou can do thatDo it!You agree?Don't you agree?Do you agree?Do you like it?Join the clubJoin usYou should joinYou can joinWant to meet there?Want to meet?I want to meet youWant to meet up?Want to try it?Want to try?I do want itWant to do that?Did that work?It should work nowWorksDoes it work now?Did it work?Does this work?I don't believe soNo, I don't think soDon't think soI don't think soDo not think soI do not think soI don't believeDone alreadyI already haveOkay, doneOkay I'm doneDoneI did itI already did itI'm done alreadyAnd doneYes, all doneDone and sentOkay, done 😊Almost overIt's doneOkay, all doneAlready doneI already didThis is doneI did that alreadyI have alreadyAlready did itDid it!Done, thanksDone and done 😊Already done itDone itAlready did 😃Done and doneDone now?I already did thatIt's already doneAll done?I'm doneBut it's doneI just did thatAlready did 😊I already did 😊All done 😊Got it alreadyAlready didI did alreadyWe already didAll doneJust did thatDone, thank youIt is doneAll taken care ofI have done itDid thatI did thatI already got itI have doneAlready did thatI've done itOkay, I'm doneI'm all doneAlready done 😊Already done thatI'm done hereDone nowI am doneJob doneI did it alreadyOkay, I'm done nowAll done 😃All done nowI already told youI did thisI already have itAlready done?I did it!I have done thatIt's done nowI got it alreadyDid itIt's all doneDid that alreadyOkay, done nowThat's doneTaken care ofI've done thatI'm done, tooI'm good either wayEither dayEither is fineEither will workI can do eitherAnytime is fineEither way worksEither one worksEither oneEither would workYou can do eitherEitherOne is fineEither way 😊Either worksEither wayEither work for meAny dayEither one is fineDoes that work?Either one is goodEither is goodEnjoy lifeEnjoy itEnjoy!Nice! Enjoy 😊Cool, enjoy 😊Enjoy yourselfI enjoy itNice, enjoyEnjoyWow, enjoySure, enjoyEnjoy it?Okay, enjoyFun! Enjoy!Great, enjoyCool, enjoyEnjoy enjoyEnjoy it!Okay, enjoy 😊Okay, enjoy!Enjoy the weekendEnjoy your dayEnjoy your tripHave a great trip!Good tripEnjoy your day!Enjoy your trip!Happy holidays!Enjoy your day offEnjoy your timeHope you enjoy itHappy Holidays!Enjoy your weekendHappy holiday!Enjoy your day off!Exactly rightYes, exactly 😊Yes, exactlyExactlyYeah, exactly 😊Yeah, exactly!Exactly!Exactly thatFantastic 😊That's so fantasticFantastic newsIt's fantasticThat is fantastic!Okay, fantasticIt's fantastic!It's delightfulSounds fantastic!You're fantasticThis is fantasticFantastic, thanksThey are fantasticOh, fantastic!They're fantasticThis is fantastic!That's fantastic 😊That's fantasticThat sounds divineThat's fantastic!You look fantasticFantastic!Wow, fantastic!Those are fantastic!Looks fantastic!It was fantastic!Sounds divineIt looks fantastic!Sounds terrificYeah, fantasticYou are fantastic!Oh, that's fantastic!Sounds heavenlyFantastic idea!That was fantastic!Looks promisingCross your fingersHere's hoping!So, fingers crossedYes, fingers crossedCross fingersHere's hoping 😊Crossing fingersFingers crossedFingers crossed 😊Fingers crossed Here's hopingFingers are crossedCrossing my fingers😊 Fingers crossedNo, just finishedI finishedI just finishedWe just finishedFinished?Just finishedFinishedFinished itI just finished itAll finishedI'm finishedAlmost finishedFinished dinnerFinished lunchIt's finishedJust finished upI'm almost finishedI finished itFinished dinner?Just finished workJust finished itJust finished lunchIs it fixed now?Fixed thatJust fixed itI fixed thatGot it fixedI fixed itI think I fixed itAlready fixedWe fixed itIt's fixedThat fixed itAll fixed?Fixed itIs it fixed?Should be fixedAll fixedFixed?Fixed nowIt's fixed nowI just fixed itFixedFixed 😊Should be fixed nowFixed it?I already fixed itFunIt was quite funIt's so much fun!Ohh, fun!Fun fun fun!Fun!That's always fun!How fun!Really fun!That's pretty funYeah! It was funIt was funWas that fun?Fun fun!That's so fun!Looks funOh, so fun!That's super fun!But it's so fun!Oh, how fun!Sounds pretty funSounds funWas really funThat's always funIt sounds like funIt sounds fun!It was so much fun!Sounds super fun!That's funYes that was funOh, fun!Great fun!Looks like funSo fun!Good funHaving funIt was very funOh, right Fun!Sounds so fun!Super fun!It looks so fun!Oh, fun 😊That's fun!It's really fun!Oh, what fun!It was fun!Looks so fun!Oh, very fun!Yes, it was fun!It's so fun!How fun 😊Sounds really funOh, that's fun!It looks like funOh, super fun!Sounds fun!Fun fun 😊Oh, that's fun 😊It was super fun!Such fun!Was funYeah, it was fun!For funIt sounds funIt's not funOh, fun?It looks so funIt was pretty funRealy fun!That's no fun!Kinda funOh, so much fun!It was so fun!Was fun!Yeah, it was funFor fun?Having fun?It looks funHad funIt sounds so fun!Fun time!It's fun!Was so fun!Yeah, it looks funLooks fun!That's no funWas pretty funIt was good funSounds very funFun, huh?It was pretty fun!That's so much fun!Looks like fun!For the recordJust for referenceBack soonI will be back soonBack shortlyWill be back soonReport backFeel better!Get better!Hope you get betterAnd feel betterYou'll get betterYou'll feel betterGet better soon!Get wellGet well soon!Feel goodFeel better soon!Okay, feel better!Hope you feel betterGet well soonFeel any better?Feel good?Feel betterOh, no! Feel better!Feel better soonGet better soonOkay, feel betterAnd feel better!You will get betterGlad to hear!Glad to hear it 😊I'm glad to hear it!Thanks, good to knowGlad to hear that!Good to hear thatGlad to know that!Happy to hear thatGlad to hear it!Good to hear 😊So happy to hear!So glad to hear it!Great to hear 😊So glad to hear!Nice to hearGreat to hear!Great to hear that!Happ to hear😊 Good to hearGood to hearThat's good to knowOkay, goo to hearSo good to hearAlways good to hearGreat, I'm glad!That's good to hearGood to hear itGlad to know!Glad to hear 😊Good to hear 😃Awesome to hear!Good to know thatHappy to hear it😊 Glad to hear it!I'm happy with thatSo happy about thatGlad to help!Happy to help!Glad I could help!Glad I can help!Glad to help 😊I'm here to helpHappy to help 😊Glad to!Happy to helpHere to helpI'm glad it helped!I'm happy to helpI'm glad I can help!Glad it helped!We can helpGlad you liked it!Glad you like them!Glad you like it!Glad you liked!Glad you enjoyed!Glad you enjoyed it!Glad you liked them!Glad you like!Glad you like it 😊Go for it!Yeah, go for it!I say go for it!Go get it!Yes, go for it!Sure, go for itGood goodIt's all goodOh, that's goodReally goodSo so so good!Very good, thanksVery very goodSuper good!It's so so good!So that's goodGood for you!Oh, that's so good!So good!So it's goodHaha, s'all good!It's very goodPretty good, huh?So far goodSuper great!😊 Very goodIt's really goodAll goodAll good, thanksOh, that's good!Good ohOh, goodPretty goodIt's really good!Oh, okay, that's goodSo far so good!Very good, indeedGood, I thinkOh, good!Pretty darn goodThat's real goodYes, so far so goodYes, so goodOh, okay, good goodGood, indeedThat is too good!That's good!All good!Oh, goodieThat is goodThat is really goodVery good to hearVery good 😃That's good enoughGood good good!It's pretty goodThat is so good!Pretty good, thanksSo far, pretty goodGood thanks!Oh, okay, goodVery goodVery good 😊Good and goodSo very good!GoodGood, huh?Oh, K, goodGood, I guessSo so good!That's pretty good!Good!Okay, goodYeah, all goodReally really goodYes, goodThat is very goodGood, thanksYes, very goodThat seems goodThat's very good!Good, I am gladWell, that is goodGood You?Pretty good, I thinkThat's pretty goodYes, it's goodAll is goodGood and good!Good, I'm gladOh, goody!Okay, very goodIt's all good!Real good!So far so goodReal goodYes, that is goodOh, good to knowGood good goodSo, that's goodThat's very goodYeah, it's all goodHaha, good!Really good, I thinkHaha, good enough!Good good!That's goodOh, that's very goodOh, goodie!Oh, okay, good 😊Oh, okay Well, goodSo so goodIt's very very goodThat's good?Really good, thanksReally good!Well, good, I guessJolly good!Oh, goodie 😊Good good good goodHmm, good questionYes, good goodOh, good good goodOkay, good dealGood deal 😃Good dealVery good dealGood deal 😊Okay, deal 😊Pretty good dealThanks for the ideaThat's a good idea!It's a good ideaSmart ideaAwesome idea!It's a great ideaSuch a great idea!Sure, good ideaYes, that's the ideaYes, good idea!Yeah, good idea!Yeah, that's an ideaA good ideaNot a bad ideaThat's the ideaThis is a good ideaAll good ideasThat's the idea!Wonderful idea!Such a good ideaYes, good ideaYeah, good idea 😊Sounds like an ideaOh, good ideaAll great ideasGood ideasThat's a cool ideaGreat idea!Nice ideaIt's a nice ideaGood ideaCute ideaOkay, good ideaWhat a good idea!Probably good ideaExcellent idea!Yeah, good ideaGood idea, thoughOh, good idea 😊Very good ideaCool ideaNeat ideaSuch a good idea!That's a good ideaPretty good ideaThat's a nice ideaGreat suggestion!Not a bad idea!Perfect ideaThat's a great ideaWhat a great idea!Yes, great idea!Great idea 😊It is a good ideaThat is a good ideaGreat ideas!Brilliant idea!It's a cool ideaReally good ideaGood idea, thanksVery good jobWow, good job!Good job guysSo good job!Very nicelyGreat job!Well doneGood workGreat work!Wow, great job!Good guysWow, gj!Very well doneDamn good job!So good jobWell done 😊Awesome! Great job!Well done!Good job todayGreat job 😊Awesome job!Excellent work!Good job!Very nicely done😊 Well donegjExcellent workGood work, teamGrand jobJob well doneGreat workWell done, youWell done 😃Good jobAwesome work!Excellent job!Good job, teamWow well doneGood luck, though!Good luck today!Cool, good luck!Oh, good luck!Good luck!!Good luck!Okay, well, good luckWell, glAll the best 😊Well, good luckGood luck tomorrowGood luck with itAnd good luckOkay, good luckOkay, good luck 😊Best of luck!Good luckLater, good luckYay! Good luckGood luck tomorrow!Yes, good luckGood luck to themGood luck to youGreat! Good luckCool, well, good luckAll the best!Best of luck 😊I wish you luckGood luck todayOkay, cool Good luckGood luck today 😊Best of luckSo, good luckThanks, good luckCool, good luckBest of luck to youCool, good luck 😊All the bestAwesome, good luckSure, good luckWow, good luck!Cool, glVery good news!Big news!That's great news!Good news for youExcellent news!Fabulous!Some good newsGreat news!Oh, great news!Good newsThat's amazing news!This is good newsOh, good newsWhat? Awesome!Great news 😊Awesome news!Oh, that's good newsThat's good newsThat's good news 😊This is great news!Wonderful news!Also good newsGood news 😊Such good newsGreat for you!So, that's good newsSuch great news!Big newsGood news, thenThat's awesome news!Wow, great news!More good newsExciting news!So, good newsAll good newsGood catchThat's a nice oneNice postIt's a good one 😊A good oneGreat one!Good onesGood oneThat was the oneNice oneNice onesNice one 😊Nice one 😃That's a great one!Nice one, thanksPretty good oneThat's a good oneIt's a good oneThis is a good oneIt is a good oneThat was a good oneIt was a good oneNice Very niceGood tryA great one!Good findThat is a good oneAh, good pointValid pointOh, good pointGood pointsYes, good pointGood pointGood point 😃Very good pointYeah, good pointAll good pointsGood point 😊Very valid pointVery good pointsGood questionsGood questionVery good questionGreat question!Good question Pretty good stuffReally good stuffAll good stuffGood stuffOh, how lovely!Good stuff 😃LovelyGood stuff?Fun stuff!That's great stuff!Fun stuffGood stuff 😊Oh, just lovelyOh, lovely 😊Great stuff!Very exciting stuff!Awesome stuff!Very cool stuffVery good stuffLovely stuffInteresting stuffOh, how lovelySome good stuffCute stuffThat's the stuffExciting stuff!Cool stuffNeat stuffPretty cool stuffFascinating stuffAll the good stuffGood stuff, thanksOh, lovelyThat's good stuffYes, lovelyNice meeting youAhGotcha, thanksI gotcha I got youGot youGotchaI've got youI got you coveredOh, that's so great!Oh, that's great!That's so great!So, that's great!Yeah, great!Really really great!Haha, that's great!Oh, great!Those are great!Haha, so greatOkay, that's greatThis is so great!Yay, that's great!Yeah? That's greatOh, great 😊These are great!Yes, that's greatGrandGreat, yesThat is so great!Wow, that is great!Yes, that is great!Wow, this is great!Ah, great!That's great!Oh, just great!Yes, so great!Great!Oh, greatomg, this is great!Wow, that's great!Great so farHaha, great!Oh, that's great 😊Wow, great!Yay, great!Oh, how great!Oh, sounds great!Yeah, that's great!Yep, great!Ah, great 😊Hey, that's great!Okay, great!Yeah, pretty greatYay! That's great!Yes, it's great!Oh, that's so niceOkay, that's great!This is great!That's just great!That's really great!Oh, so great!Oh, well, greatThat's pretty greatWell, that's great!Yeah, really great!Oh, wow, that's great!Great! And you?That's still greatOh, this is great!Great! You?Really great!Okay, great 😊Grand!Oh, wow, great!Haha, great 😊Yep, that's great!Yes, great!Hey, great!K, that's goodOkay, that's goodYeah, so great!Okay, that's good 😊Haha, this is great!That's great 😊Awesome picture!Great pics!Awesome pics!Awesome pic!Great pic!Excellent planGood planPerfect planYes, good planGreat plan!Very good planCool, thank youCool, thank you 😊Great! Thank youOh, cool, thanks 😊Great, ty!Okay Cool, thanksCool, thanksGood, thank youOkay Great, thanks!Oh, cool, thanksOkay Great, thank youThat's great! ThanksGreat, thanks!Great, thank you 😊Okay Good, thank youVery good, thank youOkay Cool, thanks 😊Great, thanks 😊Oh, great, thanks!Okay Great, thank you!Great, thank you!oh, great, thank youOh, good, thanksGood, tyGreat! Thanks a lotHappy anniversary!Happy birthday!Happy late birthday!Happy early birthday!Also, happy birthday!Happy belated birthday!Happy day!Have a great time!Have a great week!Have a good week!Have a nice time!Have a nice weekend!Okay, have fun 😊Have so much fun!Hope you had fun!Cool, have fun!You'll have funOh, nice Have fun!And have fun!Y'all have fun!hfHope you had funGood luck Have fun!Did you have fun?Have fun tonight 😊You having fun?Okay, have fun!Hope you have fun!Have fun today!I hope you have funHave fun!Have some fun!Have fun, though!Awesome! Have fun!You will have funHave fun! Be safeGood, have fun!I hope you had funYou'll have fun!Thanks Have fun!Cool Have fun!Have fun tonight!Nice Have fun!Nice Have fun 😊Cool Have fun 😊Hope you have funHere we go!And yet, here we areHere it isSo, there you goAnd here you areThere it isHere you go!There we areWell, there you goHere I goThere you areThere it is 😊There you have itOkay, here you goHere you goOkay, here we go!Here you are And there it isThere you goHere I go!Okay, here it isThere you go!There you go 😃There you go 😊Here you areSo, there we goHope all is wellHope all is well!All is okayHope you're okayI hope all is wellHope you are okayHope you are well!Hope you are wellGoing okay?Is everything okay?So, how's it going?How's your day?Fine You?How are you?How you feeling?Hey How are you?How it going?How's things?Good How are you?Well, how are you?Anyways, how are you?How you doing?Doing good and you?So, how are you?How's it going?Good and you?How is it going?How are you doing?Hey 😊 How are you?Hi How are you?Hey How you doing?Hi 😊 How are you?Great! How are you?How are you? 😊How are y'all?Pretty good You?Good, you?Hi How's it going?Hello How are you?Hi How you doing?And how are you?How's it all going?Yes How are you?Anyway, how are you?Hey How about you?I'm good and you?So, how you doing?Who's going?How was your day?I am How are you?How'd it work?How'd you do?Did it go well?How was interview?Did you find out?How'd the move go?How'd it feel?How'd it happen?Did you make out?How it go?So, how did it go?So, how was it?How'd it go?Did it work out?How'd they go?How'd things go?Everything go ok?How was it?Go ok?How'd that go?How'd it go?!How did it go?How was your talk?How did it go? 😊Did it go ok?How did that go?How'd you do? How'd it all go?How was your exam?How'd it go? How was the exam?What do I do?How do you do that?How'd you do it?How'd you do that?What do we do?Why do you do that?How do they do it?How do I do this?How do we do that?How do I do it?How to do that?How do I do that?How did you do it?How can I do that?How many you want?How many do you have?How many you need?How much are they?Too much moneySo much moneyOkay How much is it?How much were they?Much moreHow much, again?How much?How much do you need?How much you want?How much did you pay?How much you need?How much money?How much total?How much was it?Sure How much?How much was that?For how much?So, how much?How much more?How much is rent?So much money!And how much is it?How much extra?What price?And how much?As many as you wantHow much is it?How much is it for?What is the price?How much? 😊How much is that?Okay How much?Yes How much?What's your budget?How work?How's school going?How's work? 😊How's work so far?How is class?How's work going?So, how's work?How was the class?How's work?How's work been?How's your work?Work going well?How's work today?How was work?How's school goingHow was class?How was school?How's class?How's work for you?Good How's work?How's school?How's life?How's the work?:) how's work?How's class going?How was your trip?How was the flight?I would be honoredI'd be happy toI'd be so happyI'd be happyYes, so happyYes, very happyI want to helpI'd love to helpI'd helpI want to help youI accept thatI accept itI acceptAccept itOkay, I acceptI accept thisAcceptI'm availableStill availableWe are freeI'm free all dayYes, I'm freeI'm just confused Just confusedConfusedI'm cluelessI was so confusedSo confusedI'm stumpedI'm so confusedI'm still confusedI'm very confused Sorry, I'm confused I was very confusedI'm confused, tooStill confusedI was confusedI'm confusedSo confused!I was confused, tooVery confusedI was just confusedI'm fine, thanksI'm doing wellI'm good, thank youDoing good You?i'm good, thank youI'm hanging inI'm goodI'm doing okayI'm doing well 😊Doing well, thanksDoing all right I'm doing great!Doing okayI'm doing okay 😊I'm okay, thanksI'm doing goodDoing good, thanksDoing okay, thanksDoing great!I'm doing very wellHow am I doing?I'm well, thanksI'm good, thanksYeah, I'm okayI should be okayI'm doing okay You?I'm well, thank youFine hereI'm great!I'm doing good 😊Am great!Doing all rightI'm fineI'm actually okSo, I'm goodI'm okayI'm okay You?I'm totally fineI'm just fineI'm perfectly fineI'm pretty okI'm openI'm flexibleI'm pretty flexibleI'm wide openI'm pretty openFreeI should be freeWe are hereI'm here for youYes, I'm backI'm backOkay, still hereI'm back nowI'm back!I'm here, loveI'm here nowI'm out of here!I'm thereOkay, hereI'm not thereYes, I'm still hereAm here nowI'm always hereOkay, I'm here 😊I'm here now 😊We're hereI'm there nowI'm right hereI'm here, sorryI'm here!I live hereHereNow I'm hereI'm just hereHere now!K, hereI'm here now!I'm hereAm back nowThereHere!Yeah, I'm hereAm still hereYeah, I'm here nowOkay, I'm hereOkay, same hereYes, I'm hereI'm already backYes, I am hereI'm still here!I'm already hereI'm right here!I'm out hereI'm finally backGood to goIt's good to goReady when you areIt's a goWe're all goodThen we're goodWe should be goodGood to go?Good to go!Yeah, I'm goodWe're good to goI'm good to goReady when you are!Yeah, I'm good 😊I'm so overwhelmedI'm overwhelmedI'm touchedI am so overwhelmedI'm flatteredFlatteredSo happy for you 😊I'm thrilledI'm rooting for youSo happy for you!I'm so proud of youVery happy for youSo happy for youVery happy for you!I'll help 😊I sure can!I'll help!Sure, I can helpWill helpI canI can helpI'll helpI could helpI can!I can help!I'll help you outI sure canThis will helpPrintedPrinted!I just printed itI printed itPrinted?I printedI printed themI printed it outI'm really excited!I'm so excited!Oh I'm gladWoohoo!Hurray!So yay!And yay!I'm kind of excitedI'm gladHooray!!Oh yay!!!!I'm very excited!Yay, excited!Yay!Oh, I'm so gladYay yay yay!I'm pretty excited!I'm glad!Yay yay yay yay!Hooray!Yay, I'm excited!Oh, yay!I'm excited!Hooray for you!Yay! I'm excited!I'm super excited!So, yeahI'm really gladYay yay!I'm so glad!Hurray 😊I'm so gladYay, so excited!I can make it workI'll make it workWe might be able toI should be able toShould be able toI may be able toI might be able toYou go aheadSo go aheadNo, go aheadProceedOkay, proceedOkay, go aheadGo ahead?Please goYes, please go aheadGo aheadPlease, go aheadGo ahead!You're good to goYou can go aheadYeah, go aheadGo right aheadJust go aheadYes, go aheadGo ahead 😃Please, proceedGo ahead 😊Sure, go aheadHaha, yeah basicallyYes to both!Yeah?Yeah!Yes, definitely!Yes!Yes, it is very niceYeah, why?Ah, yesI vote yesAh, yeahHaha, yeah, maybeAh, yes!Yep!Yes on bothYes, dear 😊Yes, so awesome!Haha, yeah I didYep yep!Yes, bothYes, why?Yes and yes 😊Ah, yeah?Yep yepYes for meYes, I'd love toYes, that's okayYeah? Why?Yes, very much soHaha, yeah, probablyYes, it's niceYes! You?Yes, it was niceYes, I'd like toYeaYeah. You?YepYes, wonderfulHaha, yeahUh yeahHaha, yeah, exactlyYeahYes?Yes and yes!Ahh yesUh, yeah!Yes, yes, yes!Yes and yesYes, yes, and yes!Ah, yeah, maybeYes, that isYesYes, definitelyYep yep 😊Yep?Yes awesomeAh, yeah, probablyAh yes?Haha, yeah, kind ofHaha, yeah, I sawYep yep 😃Haha, yeah!Yes, excellentYes def!!Yes to bothYes yesYes. You?Yes, okayHaha, yeah, exactly!I did!We did?I did?I just didI just did!We all didI didWe didWe did!We both didPromise?You promise?I promise youPromisingPromiseThat's a promiseI promiseI promise you thatI promise!Promise!Yes, it wouldSo I didYes, I'm okayI amYes, I sure didI did, tooIt is!Of course it is!I am?I sure am 😊Of course you did!They areWe willOf course they didWe areYes, I sure doYes, it wasThey are!And yes, I didOf course it was!Yes, I am!Yes, it's doneI'm sure there isYeah, we did!Yes, I doOf course we areIt isWe both areI did, thanksOf course you do!Yes, we will!It doesOf course I am!Yeah, we didYeah, I amYes, we did!Of course I canYes, I didI am?!I sure do!Of course we can!We will!Yes, yes I doI am. You?It didIt wasOf course I doOf course it isSure I doWe are!We doWe sure doYeah, now I amYes I did, thanksOf course I do!Of course we willWe sure do!Yeah, I can!Yes, they doYes, we areYou are!Of course I amYeah, I doYes it is!It did!It really is!Yes we willWe are?Yep, I didI did, thanks!I do!Yeah, I do!I do! I do!Course you areWe all areYes, I am going toOf course it doesYes, I will beSure it is!Yeah, we can!Yeah, I canYeah, I will!Yes, it isI am!I did, too!It was!Of course you didYes I did!Of course it does!Of course they are!Yes I willHi yes I amWe all do!Yes, goingYes, I canOf course you can!Yes, we are!Yes, you didOf course I am 😊Yeah, I am!Yes, I'm fineYes, they wereOf course you willWe do!Yes, we do!I'm sure it is!It really isOf course they did!We all doYeah, I willYeah, we all doYep, I amOh yes I didYep, I canI'm sure it wasYes I do!Yes they do!I'm sure it isI do, I doWe sure areYes I amWe all are!It does!Of course you doYes I will!Of course you are!Of course you canCourse I amI am too, nowYeah we do!Yes, I'm goodI would!Sure it isYeah, we canYes, I'm goingI do, yesOf course I didI will beOf course they doYep, I willYes, we both doI sure amOf course I did!Of course they areI did, yesYes, it was!You areYeah, we doYes, it would!I wouldYes, I am goingOf course you will!Yes, I did, thank youI am now!Of course it wasYes I would!Yes, we didI did, thank youOf course you areYes, I wouldI'm soldThanks, I didYep, I doYes I can!I am nowI sure am!Of course we doOf course they do!Of course we canI sure doYes we doI doI do I do!I apologizeAny more questions?Oh yes, please doOoh, yes pleasePlease, thanksYes, please. ThanksYes, please!Oh yes, please!Yes, pleaseOh yes, please 😊Sure, pleaseYes, please 😊Sure, please doYes, please?I don't have one?I don't have anyI don't have itI don't have one!I don't have it yetI don't have any!I don't have oneReally?Is that for real?Wow, really!Wow, really?omg, really?Oh my god, really?Oh really?Real talkNo lieFor realReallyFor real?Is this real?Oh really!Is this for real?Real talk?Are you for real?For real!Really!No lie!Really? OkayYep, thanksYes, thank you!Yes! ThanksYes 😊 Thank youYes, thanks 😊Yes! Thank youYes, thank youYes, thanks so muchYes, thanksYes, and thanksYes, thanks!Yes, and thank youYep! ThanksYes, thank you 😊Yep, thanks 😊Yep, thanks!Hmm, idk?Didn't knowI don't have a clueidkI have no idea?No, idkI didn't know that!No clue. Why?I wouldn't knowDon't know exactlyI don't know whyI have no clueI had no ideaMaybe, maybe notNo ideaOh, idk yetWell idk!Not a clueI don't know, why?No, I didn't knowNo idea?Hmm, idk!Oh, I don't knowI didn't know!I have no clue!No idea, why?I don't know?Hmm, idkI don't know itI had no idea!Absolutely no clueDid not knowI didn't knowWell, maybe notOh, idk thenI don't knowIdk what it isNot a clue!Well idkDon't know, actuallyDon't knowHmm, I don't knowHmm, idk yetI don't know, loveI don't know, eitherNo clueSorry, idkHow do I know?Well, I don't knowWe have no ideaWell idk thenSorry, no ideaI don't know, maybeDon't really knowI didn't know thatI don't, sorryNo idea!Yeah, idkYeah, I don't knowNo I don't knowDon't have a clueDon't know itDon't know, reallyI have no idea whyI haven't a clueThat I don't knowI don't know yetDon't know yetI have no idea!Not that I knowDon't know, eitherOh, idk!No clue, why?Absolutely no ideaHave no ideaNo idea, sorryDon't know yet!I have no ideaNo clue!Oh, idkDon't know, maybeYeah, idk about thatI don't even knowDon't even knowHaven't a clueHmm, idk thenReceived?Just receivedYes, I receivedYes, receivedI receivedOkay, receivedReceivedI received itReceived, thanksReceived!Message receivedYou're welcomeYou're so welcome!And you're welcome!You're very welcomeNo need to thank meYou're welcome 😊You're welcome!You're welcome? 😊 You're welcome!Always welcomeYou're most welcomeMost welcome 😊WelcomeYou're so welcomeAnd you're welcomeWelcome!You're welcome 😃You're welcome Most welcomeI don't see it yetI don't see itDon't see anythingI don't see it?I just registeredI registeredJust registeredRegistered!RegisteredYou got that right!You've got thisGlad you got itI hope you get itYou got the email?You got it?!You got it, babeYou've got it!You got it rightYou got it!I hope you get it!Do you have it?You got this!Okay, you got itYou've got this!You got it?Yep, you got itYou have itYes, you got itYou got it, buddyI think you got itGot that rightDo you get it now?You have it?You got it, babe!Yeah, you're rightYou got that rightYou did it rightYou got themYou got thisYou got this, babeYou got them?You've got itGlad you got it!You got this 😊You got itI don't even get itDidn't understandDon't understandI can't understandI don't understandI didn't understandI don't get itCan't understandI don't get it?I don't understand?Resent itI just resentI resent itLet me resendI'll resendResend itI resentCan you resend?My hero!You're pretty greatYou're a genius!You're awesome!You're smartYou're the bomb!You're adorableYou're an angelYou're great 😊Thanks, you rock!You're the bestYou're the best!You're so greatYou're a hero😊 You're the best!You're great!You're perfectYou rule!You're perfect 😊You're wonderfulYou're wonderful!You're so awesome!You're so perfect!You're so wonderfulYou're amazingYou're so amazingYou rock!You're a geniusYou're so smart!You're a hero!You're a gemYou're perfect!You're my angelYou're a starYou're amazing!You're so awesomeYou're wonderful 😊You're my heroYou're so smartYou're very smartThanks! You're the best!You're a star!You're greatYou're awesomeYou're the best 😊You're so perfectYou're smart!You're adorable!You're the bombYou rock 😊You're amazing 😊You rock! ThanksYou're the greatestI'm better nowFeeling better nowI feel relievedI'm feeling betterBetter, thank youI feel a bit betterI feel better!I feel so relievedI'm doing betterI feel better todayI feel much betterI do feel betterI'm betterNow I feel betterI feel better nowI feel betterRight on timeYeah, right?!Yeah, right?Right!Yeah, rightAbsolutely rightRight, okayRight?!Damn rightOh yeah rightDamn right 😊Right onAh, right!Yeah right!Right on!Yes, right?Right on 😊Oh, right?Ah, rightRight on 😃Yeah, okayYes, rightRight on time!Yeah, just okayRightRight?Ah, right 😊So rightDamn right!Oh, rightOh, right!Dead onRight, sorrySame to you!Thanks, you tooYou, too!And the same to youThank you, you too!You as well!Okay, you tooYou too, babeYou are, too!You, too?Thanks! You, too 😊You are, too?To you, tooTo you, too!I hope you are, tooThanks, you too 😊Same to youThanks - you too!Thanks 😊 You, tooOkay, you too 😊And to you, tooYou too?!Okay, you too!You, alsoAnd you, too!Thank you, you tooYou too, babe!For you, tooAnd you, tooYou are, tooYou, tooYou, as wellThank you! You, too?Thanks, you too!Same to you 😊Thanks, same to youThanks! You, too!Just got themOkay, I got itSorry, just got thisGot it?I just got it!Oh, got it!Yes, I got itGot them, thanksI got thisGet it?Got the inviteI've got it!Yes, I got it, thanksWe got itWe got this!Yes, I gotGet it?!Got it nowI got it, no worriesOkay, got it!Yes, got itWe got thisOkay cool, got itJust got thisYep, just got itYes, I got the emailI get itYes, got themGot itI got themYes, I get itGot it, thanksYes, we have itGot thatYeah, I got it, tooGot that?Got it allI got it allGot it, thank youNow I get itJust got it nowWe got it!I got thatCool, got itI got it, thanksGot thisOkay, got it 😊Ah, got it!Got it yesterdayOkay, got itYes, I haveAh, got itGot it - thanks!Got it, thanks 😊No, I got itGot it. No worriesThey got itYes, just got itI got it. Thank youI've got itI got it yesterdayI got them allAll right, got itGot them!I just got thisYes, I have!I just got itOh, got it 😊Oh, I get itYep, I got itI got itYes, I just got itOkay, got it, thanksYeah, I got itJust got it 😊Yes, I got thatCool, I got itNow I got itYes, I got themYeah, I got it 😊I just got it todayI got this!Got themI got it todayGot it!Got them 😊Just got it todayNow I see itI got it, tooYes, got thatAwesome! Got itGot it. Thanks!Just got it!Got them allI got it nowI got them!Ah, I got itGot it - thanksI just got it nowYeah, got itYeah, I got themYeah, I have itGot it. Thank you!All right, I got itGet it!I got it!I just got themJust got itYes, got it, thanksI get it!I gotSafe travels!Have a nice flightHave a safe flight!Safe trip!Safe journeyFly safe!Have a safe trip!Safe travelsSafe flightHave a nice tripOkay, safe travelsTravel safeSafe driveSafe tripHave a great flight!Great trip!Drive safely!Drive safely 😊Safe drive!Happy journey!Have a good trip!Drive carefullyHave a safe flightTravel safelyHave a good flightDrive carefully!Ride safe!Drive safeFly safeHave a safe tripTravel safe!Safe drivingPlease drive safeSafe flight!Drive safe!Please drive safelyDrive safelyHave a good flight!Ride safeYour call 😊Your callIt's your turnIt's your choiceThat's your callIt's your decisionYour call!It's your callTotally your callOkay, see you soonOkay, see you laterSee you later?See you soon!See you then!See you later!Okay, see you thenCool, see you thenSee you laterOkay, see you then 😊I'll see you soonSee you later 😊See you in fiveSee you thenSee, hereSee you there 😊Okay, see youOkay, see you!Okay, see you soon!I'll see you thereSee you soonSee youSee you shortly!Cool, see you soonI'll see you thenOkay, see you there!I'll see you there!See you soon?Good to see youYes, see youGood to see you, tooOkay, see you later!See you!Yes, see you thenSee you in 10See you then 😊See you there?Cool, see you thereMeet you thereSee you shortlySure. See you thenMeet you there!Okay, see you thereI'll see you then!Okay, see you 😊See you thereSee you later 😃Okay, see you later 😊Great, see you thereI'll see you soon!Okay, see you then!See you there!Cool, see youOkay, you there?See you soon 😊We'll see, thenYay! See you soon!Yes, see you soonOkay, see you soon 😊Yay! See you then!🐶😉🙋😋🎂😝🙌😊☺🍻😃😹👽😺👏😁😌🎉😛😎👅😜Never done itNever tried itI've tried itNever seen itI never tried itI never doI've never done itNever done thatI've never tried itI've never used itI never heard of itNever seen it!I never do!Seen😟😿👿💔😧😥😦😫😡😠😓😪😤😰😩😾😭😞😵😬😢I hadn't heardHaven't heardHaven't heard backI hadn't heard thatI haven't heardI'll send it nowSend it on overSend me the linkSend me oneI will sendJust send it to meSend to meSend it onI'll send itSure, send it overYes, send it to meSend me a linkSend itSend again?Send me moreSend me yoursI'll send to youSending nowSend it nowSend them overSend it overSending itWill send nowSend it to me againSend me that linkPlease sendSure, send itSend it to meI'll send nowSending againSend nowYes, send itSend me infoSend moreYes, please sendI'll send it overI'll send it to youI'm sending it nowSend them to meSend againSend it to me nowI'll send it laterSending it nowCan you send it to me?Send it to me?Yes, sendSend me the infoWill send itI'm sending itPlease send mePlease send itCan you send to me?Send themOkay, sending it nowSend it outSend it over!Send me your resumeSend it againSend it, please😙💟💖😽🌹💕💓😘💛💑💗💘💏💙💚❤💞💋😚😗💝😻Emailed it to youI sent you an emailJust sentAll sentJust sent it to youJust resent itJust sent an emailJust sent the emailI already sentI sent the emailI just resent itEmail sent 😊I just sentJust sent you emailI sent an emailI already sent itMailedSent!Just sent a textResentI just forwarded itJust sent!Just sent itI just sent to youI just sent itForwarded it to youI sent you the emailAlready sent itAlready sentI just sent it!Just sent it overWho sent it?Just resentJust sent it againI just sent it to youJust sent it!Email sent!Just sent to youJust emailed it to youJust forwarded itJust sent it 😊Just emailed itJust sent againSentI sent out an emailEmail sent😏😼😕😆I hope soI hope, tooI hope so, tooSo seriousThat sounds seriousBeing seriousSeriously?I'm seriousAre you serious?I'm very seriousYeah, seriouslyNo, seriously?I'm serious!Nothing seriousSounds seriousLike, seriously?No, seriouslySeriouslyI'm so seriousI mean, seriously?I'm being seriousSerious stuffSeriously, thank youI'm being serious!Seriously awesomeSerious!Seriously, thoughI am dead seriousAre they serious?I mean, seriouslyVery seriousI'm totally seriousSeriousSeriously!Yeah, seriously!😮😲😯I knew it!I knew itI knew it would beI knew it wouldI knew it, tooI knew thatI already knew thatYes, I knew thatI knew it was youI knew that!I knew thisKnew itKnew thatAlready knew thatYes, I knewNot too far awayNot longIs that too long?Shouldn't be long😐😑Haha, I knowI know I amI know you areNow I know whyYou know it isI know you doI know! UghYes, I know thatI know that.Yes, I knowI know, right?I know where it isYeah, I knowI know how it isI know you willI know I willI know that's rightI know I canI know you will 😊I knewI knowI know I wouldI know we canI know you know 😊I know I knowOh, I knowI know it isI know thatNow I know!Now you know!I know this!I know you canI know I do!I know, it really isNow I knowYeah, now I knowI know, right? UghI know. UghI know I am 😊We both knowI know it!I know. I did, tooI know you can!I know you knowUgh, I knowI know I will 😊Haha, I know!I know you wouldI know I would beNow we knowNow we know!I know that, babeI know I am!I know I would, tooI know itYou know how it isI know thisSad, I knowI know you can 😊Now you knowI know.I know I doI know you didI know youWe knowI know!Yeah, I know!I know that!I know you would!I know you!Now you know 😊I know I didI know you are 😊We all knowI know I am, tooI know I know!I know it willYes, we knowI know, babeI know you did!I know you do!SighSighs🐌🍩👴🐦🐷👶👸🙏👄🐉🐙👃👪👼💆🚬🍷💤👊🐢🍕👯👰💣🍦💁💍😳🐄😶🐑👙🐤🍌💐🐧🐳👑🔥🐆🛀🍔🐣👗👳🚀🌋🌞🍰🏃🍑🐩🐱🐲💥🙈🌚💀👺🚼🐈🐘👹💰🐍🐎🐒🔪🐖🐏🐴🌝👾🚽🌈🐰💅🙉🐔💸🐐🐨🐹🐼🔜🐯💉🔫🏄💇🐝🐻🐽💪💯🙇🎆🐓🐺👻💩😷🍺🐇👆🐊👓🚿🐮🐵🍗👀💨🙊🐕👋👵😴🚗👮🐀🐋🐥🎃🎩👐🍪🗿🐭🐸I'll be hereBe right thereI can be thereI'm right thereI want to be thereBe right there!Yes, we will beWe'll be thereYes, I plan on itYep, I'll be thereI'll be there, tooOkay, I'll be thereI'll be homeI'll be there soon!Sure, be right thereWill be there soonShould be thereBe there in 30Cool, I'll be thereWe'll be there!I'll be thereOkay, be right thereI should be thereYes, I'll be thereI'll be there 😊I'll be right thereI'll be there in 10Yes I will be thereWe'll be hereWill be thereBe thereI'll be right hereYeah, I'll be thereOk will be thereYes, I plan toNo, I'll be thereI'll be there soonI signed upSignedI signed itI just signed upSigned upJust signed upI signed up for itAll signed upI signedI'm signed up🙆👌🆒✌🆗👍Okay, I will check itOkay, will checkI'll check on itI can checkI'll check againI'll check itI'll check tonightWe'll checkOkay, I'll checkI can double checkWe can checkYes, I'll checkI'll double checkOkay, I'll check laterWill check laterI'll check into itI'll check tomorrowI'll check laterWill check itI'll check for youI'll checkI'll check todayOkay, will check it laterI'll check it laterI'll check thatWill checkCan you chat now?We can SkypeI have SkypeCan we Skype?I'm on Skype😱🙀😨We'll check it outI'll check that outCheck it outWill check outI'm checking outI'll check it outWorth checking outChecking it outI'll check them outChecking it out nowWill check it outIt's outAll sold outI sold itSoldIt's sold outIt's goneSold itSold!Sold outHello?Hi?Greetings 😃I'll do my bestI'll do my best 😃Try my bestDoing my bestI try my bestI'll try my best 😃I'll try my bestI do my best 😃I'm trying my bestWill try my bestDo my bestI'm doing my bestWe'll do our bestI did my bestWill do my bestI do my bestTrying my bestCan't sorryI'm sorry, I can'tI'm very sorryAw, I'm sorryOh, I'm so sorryShootUgh, I'm sorryI'm really sorryI'm sorry, tooSorry for delayI'm sorrySorry, thanksNo, I'm sorryOh no, sorryOkay, so sorryYes, I'm sorryYes, sorryOh well, sorryI'm so sorryOh, sorryVery sorryHey, so sorryOh no, I'm so sorryHi, so sorryHey, I'm sorrySorry and thanksWhy you sorry?Sorry lolSorry, yesWell shootlol SorryI'm sorry?Sorry again!Hey, sorrySorryOh sorry, I forgotSorry, no can doI know, sorrySo sorrySorry, tooOh, I'm sorrySorry, noWhy sorry?I'm still sorrySorry, forgotOkay, I'm sorryI can't, sorryUgh, sorryOkay, sorrySorry for the delaySorry againHi, sorryI know, I'm sorryUgh, I'm so sorryHaha, sorrySorry, can'tAgain, I'm sorryYes, I'm so sorryAgain, sorryAh, sorryOh, sorry thenHi, sorry about thatWell, shootOh right, sorryI'm back, sorrySo, I'm sorryYeah, sorryOkay, well sorryOh no, I'm sorryUgh, so sorryTa ta for now!Talk to you laterBe back laterttfn 😃Be back in 15Ta ta for nowBe back in 30Be back in a littleI'll take a lookI'll look into itWill take a lookI'm looking at itI'm lookingOkay, I'll take a lookI'll lookI'm looking at thisI'll look it upWe'll look into itI'll look tonightI'll look into thatLook at it nowI'm looking nowLook at thisI'll look tomorrowLooking at it nowI'm looking into itI'll look at itLet me look into itI'll look nowOkay, will lookLooking into it nowI'll look at it nowWe can look tonightI'll have a lookOkay, will take a lookI'm looking aroundLooking into itWill look into itWill look nowI can look into itSorry about thisSorry about it👎🙅Well, I tryI'll tryI couldBut, I will tryI'll try tomorrowOkay, I'll try thatOkay, will try thatI can tryOkay, I'll try itLet me tryWe can try itI want to tryOkay, I will tryBut, I can tryWe can tryWill tryWill try againWe'll tryWill try thatI'll try againI could tryI'll try thatI'll try?I can try againI tryLet me try againOkay, I'll tryI'll try toYes, I tryYes, I will tryI'll try it againI can try?I'll try itOkay, will tryYes, will tryTrying againWill try nowI'll try nowI will tryLet me try nowWell, I can tryLet's try againI can try to helpOkay, I'll try 😃Oops, just saw thisI just saw thisJust saw this, sorryJust saw this nowJust saw thisSorry, just saw thisJust reading nowJust seeingOh, just saw thisOh, I saw thisJust saw your emailI saw your messageHey, just saw thisJust saw itHey, I just saw thisJust saw it nowI just saw it nowJust saw the emailSorry, just sawJust seeing thisOh, I just saw thisI'm pretty sureI'm sureI'm sure of itYes, pretty sureYeah, I'm sureI'm sure of thatYes, I'm sureYeah, pretty sureYou too, sweetheartSorry about thatOkay, sorry about thatSorry that happenedOh, so sorrySorry for your lossSorry to hear thatSad to hearOh, sorry about thatOh no, sorry to hearOh damn, sorrySo sorry about thatI'm sorry for thatWhoops sorrySo sorry to hearOh, sorry to hearSorry for thatSorry to hear thisSorry to hearSorry about that 😃Sorry to hear itI'm down for eitherI'm so downYeah, I'm downI'm down for thatYes, I couldI'm down with thatI'm all for itI could be downI'm up for thatI'd be downI'm downI'm down for itI'm always downDown for eitherI'm for itI'm still downI'm totally downI would be downI'm down to goWe're downAll for itI'm down if you areI'm all for thatCould be downI'm definitely downI'm down!Sure, I'd be downThat's about rightSounds good, right?That sounds fairSounds fair to meIt looks rightLooks good, right?That looks rightSounds about rightSounds rightSeems rightSounds right to meSeems about rightLooks right to meThat sounds rightThat seems rightYeah sounds rightLooks about rightLooks rightHome safe and soundStill at homeI'm at home todayI'm homeAm homeI'm home nowJust got homeWe're home nowYes, I'm home nowI just came homeYes, I'm at homeI'm at homeI'm still at homeJust arrived homeI'm back home nowBack homeBack home nowI'm already homeYes, I'm homeI'm home todayAt my houseI'm home alreadyAm at homeI'm at home nowAm home nowWe're homeI'm at home 😃Just came homeWe just got homeI'm just at homeI'm still homeI'm back homeI came homeJust back homeBack home 😃I'm home sick todayAt home?At home right nowHome nowJust got back homeHome right nowI'm home 😃Now homeI'll be at homeIt's at my houseI'm home safeJust came back homeI'm home right nowAt homeI'm home now 😃At the house?I'm finally homeWe homeSounds wonderful!Sounds perfect 😃Okay, sounds goodSounds pretty niceThat sounds amazingThat sounds funOh, that sounds funSounds fun, thoughSounds pretty greatOkay, sounds fineSounds really coolSounds coolSounds yummy!That sounds great!Awesome, sounds goodOh nice, sounds goodSounds great 😃Sounds so awesomeSounds so greatYeah, sounds fineSounds okay to meOkay, sounds good 😃Sounds fine with meSounds good, tooSounds pretty sweetSounds very goodSounds grandSounds fine to meIt all sounds goodSounds good enoughSounds good, budSounds good to meSounds promisingSounds so niceSure, sounds goodThat sounds so funAll sounds greatOkay, that sounds goodSounds great to meThat sounds awesomeHey, sounds goodYes, sounds greatSounds cool to meDinner sounds goodSounds awesome!Sounds fair enoughSounds great!Sounds pretty good!Yes, sounds good 😃Sounds excellent!Sounds good?Sounds kinda coolSounds wonderful 😃Sounds really goodSounds so good!That sounds good!Sounds pretty goodThis sounds awesomeSounds good with meSounds niceIt sounds amazing!Sounds yummyAll right, sounds good😃 Sounds greatAwesome, goodSounds fabThat sounds greatThat sound good?It sounds goodSounds great! 😃It sounds good!Sounds good, mateSounds real goodOh cool, sounds goodSounds good, thoughSounds good, though!Sounds good!Sounds really good!Sounds really niceSounds very coolThis sounds amazingYeah, sounds goodIt sounds amazingIt sounds greatSure, sounds greatYeah, sounds greatSounds excellentSounds perfect!That sounds perfectSounds cool 😃Sounds fabulous!Sounds incredibleThat sounds cool 😃Awesome, greatCool, sounds greatSounds awesomeSounds goodOh, that sounds goodOkay 😃 Sounds goodOkay, sounds good, ttylAll greatSounds fabulousSounds promising!Sounds so goodThat sounds good 😃This sounds greatOkay, sounds great!Yes, sounds goodSounds good to me!Yes, sounds good!Sounds so coolThat sounds cool!Okay cool, sounds goodSounds like funSounds okaySure, sounds good 😃Yeah, sounds good 😃That sounds fabBoth sound goodSounds pretty coolCool, greatCool, sounds good 😃It sounds great!Okay, sounds great 😃Cool, sounds good!This sounds funThis sounds goodOkay, sounds greatSounds wonderfulThat sounds coolSounds greatSounds cool!Sounds fairWow, sounds awesomeSounds fab!Sure, sounds funCool, sounds goodThat sounds so goodIt sounds so goodSounds sweetSure, greatYeah, sounds great!Sounds like fun!All sounds goodSounds fineSounds good to usSounds perfectSounds very niceSure, sounds fineThat sounds sweetYes! Sounds goodThat sounds fun!That sounds okayThat sounds so coolSounds nice!Okay, that sounds fineIt sounds wonderfulSure, sounds good!That sounds goodOkay, that sounds funSounds great to me!Wow, sounds greatAnd I miss you, tooMiss youMissing youI miss your faceMissed you, tooWell, I miss youMiss you lotsWe miss youI miss you bothMiss you, tooMissing you, tooI miss you allMiss you moreI miss you moreMiss you, too 😃I really miss you!We miss you, tooI miss you, tooMiss you guysI miss you too muchMissed youI've missed you, tooI miss you so muchWe miss you!Miss you, babeI missed youI'm missing you, tooAnd I miss youI really miss youI miss youMiss u!Really miss youI'll miss you, tooI miss you, babeI miss you too, babeI miss you lots, tooMiss your faceI miss you a lotMiss you too, babe😃 I miss you, tooI missed you, too😃 Miss you, tooMiss you, honeyI miss you lotsYes, I miss youI'll miss you moreI miss seeing youI miss you, honeyI miss your smileMiss you too, honeyThat sounds fineSounds good, thanksThanks, sounds goodOkay good, thank youSounds good, thank youI see, okayNow I seeOh, I see, okayI see thatAh, I see 😃Oh okay, I seeOkay, I seeI see youYes, I can seeCan I see you?Ah, I seeI seeI can seeOh, I seeYes, I seeI did see itI see that nowYes, I did see thatI see, thanksYes, I see thatI see itI see nowI see it, thanksOh, I see, coolI see, coolYes, I can see thatI can see itYes, I can see itIt's a planSounds like a planThat's my planSound like a plan?That's a good planThat's the planSounds like a plan!Sounds like planThat's the plan!I sent themYes, I sent itI sent it overI just emailed themI sent it alreadyI sent it againI've sent itJust sent themI sent itSent you an inviteI sent them to youI just sent themJust emailed themI sent another oneI sent oneSent themSent againI sent it backStatus?I sent it to youI'll text youI texted youI sent a textI emailedI texted you backI texted backSent you a textJust texted youI just texted youWill text youTexted youI texted it to youI emailed it to youI sent you a textI just emailed youI emailed youSubmitted?SubmittedI submitted itJust submittedAlready submittedI submittedI believeI guess so 😃Yeah, guess soI guess?I would think soYeah, I guess so?Suppose soGuess soAt least I think soYes, I do believe soYes, I guessYeah, I guessGuess so 😃I think soThink soThought soI imagine soThink so, tooI think so, tooI believe so 😃I believe yesYes, I think soI guess soI think it isI would assume, yesI think so, yesI would say soI do believe soI guess so?I assume, yesI guessYes, I believe soI thoughtI believe so?Yeah, I guess so 😃I suppose soI suppose so?Think so, yesYeah, I guess soI would imagine soYeah, I think so?I believe it isReckonThink so?I reckonYes, I thinkYes, I think so 😃I do hope soI would think so?Thought so 😃I believe soYeah, I think soYes, I guess soYes, I think so, tooI think, yesYes, think soBelieve soYes, I think so?I suppose so 😃Guess so?I would assume soI thought so, tooI believe so, yesWould think soI would assume so?SuccessSuccess!Success?Great success!Great successSuccess 😃That's totally okayYes, understandUnderstandableOkay, I understoodIt's understandableOkay, I understand nowAh, I understand nowUnderstandable 😃We understandOh Okay, I understandNo, I understandI do understandAh, I understandYou understandOkay, I understandYeah, I understandThat's okayTotally understandUnderstandI understandI understand youSure, I understandI can understandAh okay, I understandNow I understandVery understandableI understand thatOkay, now I understandTotally understoodUnderstand thatYou understand?Oh, I understandYes, I understandI understand nowHaha, sureSure!Yeah, for sureOh, definitelyOh,yeahYes, sureSure thing 😃Sure thing, thanksSurely!Yep, sureOh, yeah I sawSure I amOh, yeah I didYes, for sureYep, for sureHaha, sure sureOh, for sureSureYes, sure thingOkay, sure 😃Sure thingYeah, sureOh, sureYeah, no, definitelyMost definitely!Okay, sureOh, definitely 😃SurelyYeah, definitelyYep, sure didSure thing!For sure it isOh, yeah exactlySure, I'd love toOh, sure sureSure amSure, okayFor sureMost definitelyOh, right sureYes, certainlyFor sure, will doSurely 😃Oh, yeah you didOkay, sure sureOh, well sureYep, definitelyYes, for sure!Oh, yeah!Sure, no problem 😃Oh yeah, we didSure npYeah, sure thingOh, yesFor sure?Sure am 😃Sure isYes, for sure 😃Okay, sure thingYes, most definitelyOh, for sure 😃Sure do!Oh, yeah probablyOh, most definitelyYeah, for youMost certainlyOkay, then sureDefinitelyMost definitely 😃Yes, definitely 😃Sure doFor damn surePretty sure I amDefinitely, yesI'm planning toI plan toAttendingWonderful wonderfulSweet deal!Oh, that's so sweetAw!Very sweetSo sweetAw, that's sweetAw, so sweetOh, sweetIt's wonderfulThat's sweet😃 You're sweetHow wonderful!That's very sweetThat's super sweetThat's sweet!How greatOkay, sweet😃 That's sweetYou're so sweetAw, that's sweet 😃How nice!Oh, wonderfulAw, how sweetSo wonderfulOh, so sweetSuper sweet!How sweet of youHow great!That's really sweetHow wonderfulOh, how niceWonderfulThat's so sweetOh, that's wonderfulSweet of youOkay, sweet 😃How sweet 😃So so sweetSweet tySo sweet 😃Sweet, thank youPretty sweetOh, how sweetOh, that's sweetSweet!That's pretty sweetSo sweet!That's so sweet!That's sweet 😃How sweet!How nice 😃Super sweetSweetWonderful!Aw, sweetOh, how wonderfulHow niceYou're so sweet!Okay, sweet!Sweet kissOh, sweet 😃Oh, that's sweet!This is wonderfulIt's so wonderfulToo sweetYou're sweet 😃So wonderful!Aw, that's so sweetOh, just wonderfulPretty sweet!How sweetSweet dealOh, sweet!Be safe 😃And take careTake care 😃Stay safeTake care, tooPlease be safeTake good careYou take carePlease take careBe safe out thereYou take care, tooOkay, take careBe safeTake careJust be safeOkay, be safeThanks, take careSure, take careWe'll find outWill find outI can find itFind outI have to find outI'll find outGuess I'll find outI need to find outLet me find outI can figure it outI'll find out todayI can find outThere's no rushNo rush 😃Don't rushNo rushSure, no rushNo rush at allIt's no rushIt'll take timeOkay, no rushNo rush, thoughJust take your timeTake your timeTake your time 😃Sure, take your timeNo hurry 😃So, take your timeYeah, no rushNo hurryNo need to rushWow, terribleI feel so terribleSounds terribleIt's so terribleIt's terribleHorribleIt's horribleThat's terribleIt's just horribleI feel terribleIt's just terribleIt's so horribleThat's so terribleTerribleReally terribleSounds horribleSo terribleWow, that's terribleLooks terribleTerrible newsI'll have to lookWill have a lookI need to lookJust text meText meText me?Text?You can text meKeep in mindKeep it in mindWill let you knowI'll let you knowWill update youI let you knowI'll keep you updatedOkay, I'll let you knowI'll keep you postedI'll know tomorrowOkay, will let you knowThanks in advanceMuch thanksThanks, yoHaha, thanksThank youOh, thanksYay, thank youThank you so muchThanks for that 😃Thanks, greatHey, thanksYay, thanks 😃Haha, thanks 😃Thanks, dear 😃Thank you bothThanks thanksThank you, tooThanks heapsThanks so much 😃Thanks so much!Yay, thanks!Thanks so muchThanks, y'all😃 Thanks.Hey, thanks 😃Many thanks 😃ThanksThanks a lotThanks, sweetie 😃Ha, thanksThank you muchThanks allYay, thank you 😃Thanks, sorryThanks muchThanks!Thank you!Thanks very much!Haha, thanks?Thanks, and sorryThanks for thatThank you againThanks, ttylThanks, sweetieYay, thanksThank you much!Thank you allThanks 😃Thanks.Haha, thanks!Oh, thanks!Thanks very muchThank you so much!Thanks for thisThanks much!Thanks for that!Thanks, sweetsMany thanks!Thank you, too 😃Thank you again!Yay, thank you!Thank you very muchThanks?Hey, thanks!Thanks, thanks 😃😃 Thanks, dearOkay, thanks, ttylMany thanksThank you, too!Thanks, talk soonHa, thanks!Thanks, sweets!Thanks, sweetie!Thanks, thanks!We'll miss youI'll miss youWill miss youI'll miss you!We'll miss you!Thanks again!Thanks againThanks again 😃Thank you again 😃Again, thanksOkay, thanks againI can pick them upI can pick upThanks anywaysThanks, though 😃But, thanks anywayOkay, thanks anywayIf not, oh wellThanks anyway 😃Thanks anywayOh well, next timeThank you anywayThanks, thoughThanks anyway!Thanks, though!Anyway, thanksThanks anyways!I wish I couldI wish I could, tooThanks for reminderCount us inCount me in!We're inI'm still inYeah, I'm inOkay, I'm inAm inInI'm in!I'm so inI'll be inI'm in nowWe are, tooI'm inYes, I'm inMe too, for sureI'm onI think I'm inI'm definitely inI'm on nowCount me inI'd be inI'm in my room nowI'm in, tooI'm all inI'm out todayI'm out nowI'm outI'm still outI'm on my way outI'm out of townI'm out!Ready to goWe readyReady to go homeWe're readyI'm almost readyI'm so ready to goI'm ready nowI'm ready to goI'm so readyYes, readyReady now?Ready nowI'm readyAm readyYes, I'm readyYou're readyYeah, it doesYes, indeed 😃Yes, they areI have indeedI do indeedVery cool indeedIt has indeedYes, it doesVery nice indeedYes, true trueIndeed it isI did indeedWow indeedIndeed!IndeedIndeed it doesYay indeedIndeed I didCool indeedTrue, trueSad indeedI am indeed 😃Yes, trueWe are indeedI will indeedYes, indeedIt is indeedIndeed we areIt will indeedIndeed I doUgh, indeedIndeed I amIndeed we willIndeed I willIt was indeedI am indeedIndeed?It is indeed 😃Yay indeed!We will indeedTrue, true 😃I am indeed!It is indeed!Yes, indeed!I did indeed!Indeed it is 😃You are indeedNice indeedIndeed it wasI can indeedIt does indeedStill interested?Are you interested?Any interest?I'm very interestedVery interestedI'm interestedI'd be interestedInterestedYes, I'm interestedYou interested?Thanks for sharingThanks for sharing!Interesting indeedWow, interestingOh, interestingLooks interesting!That's interestingInteresting readSounds interestingSuper interestingSo interesting!This is interestingSeems interestingWill be interestingPretty interestingReally? InterestingIt was interestingInterestingInteresting?Sounds intriguingIt is interestingIntriguingVery interesting!Quite interestingInteresting thoughtAh, very interestingOh? InterestingHmmm, interestingVery interestingInteresting conceptHow interestingInteresting ideaYes, interestingHuh, interestingLooks interestingHmm, interestingSo interestingAh, interestingInteresting articleOh, wow! InterestingWell, interestingReally interestingInteresting, huh?ExplanationI hope that's okayIs that okay for you?It's okay for nowHope that's okayThat's helpfulVery helpfulYou're so helpfulThis is helpfulThank you for thisThat's very helpfulAgain, thank youIt helps a lotThanks for your helpThanks for helpThanks for the helpThat will helpThat was helpfulSuper helpfulThat helps a lotThanks that helpsThanks for the tipIt's going goodAll good, you?It's going well 😊It's going wellHi, thank youThanks for the infoThanks for heads upThanks for updateIt's okayIt's okay?It's so greatIt's goodIt's good enoughIt's pretty greatIt's all okayIt's really greatIt's pretty okayIt's greatIt's just greatThanks for tryingI'll keep tryingIt was fineIt was so greatIt was goodIt was awesomeIt went wellIt went really wellIt was very goodIt was so awesomeIt went very wellIt was pretty greatIt was greatIt was real goodIt went so wellIt went pretty wellIt was so goodIt was really goodIt was really greatIt was totally fineIt was just fineIt was quite goodGlad it worked outWorked out wellIs this working?That one workedBut it workedIt's working for meIs it working now?Working for meIt fitsIt is working nowYes, that workedThat workedIt's workingThanks, it workedAnd it workedIt's working nowIt worked out wellI got it workingWorkedWorks nowYes, it worksIt all worked outYes, it workedNow it's workingGot it workingThat worked outGlad it workedIt's good nowIt workedIt worked 😊Worked for meIt worked outThanks, that workedIt worked!Yes, it's workingIt worked wellThanks, I got itI've got themGot it coveredI have it nowI have it allI have itI got 'emThanks, got itI'm jealousI'm so jealousJealous?Jealous!I'm kinda jealousI'm very jealousSo jealousJealousI'm kind of jealousI am jealousI'm pretty jealousVery jealousI'm still jealousI'm super jealousI'm just jealousI'm really jealousI'm gratefulI feel so luckyI'm thankfulJust a heads upOver and outWell, that's itBye for nowThat's it for nowNo, that's itOkay, that's itThat's it for meI think that's itYes, keep me postedOkay, keep me postedKeep me postedKeep in touchKeep me posted 😊Cool, keep me postedKeep you postedOkay, keep us postedKeep me informedKeep me updatedKeep me in the loopKeep us postedJust keep me postedWell, keep me postedThat means a lotIt means a lotI'm fine, thank youSure, that's fineYep, fineFine with me 😊Just fineOh, that's fine, thenOkay, fine, fineThat'd be fineThat's fine by meThat's fine, tooFine by meThat's fine with meNo, that's fineYeah, that's fine 😊Fine, thank youI'm with itOh, that's fineThat's fineYes, fineYes, it'll be fineGood for meI'm okay with itIt's all fineThat seems fineYup, that's fineOkay, fineThat should be fineThat's good, thenIt's probably fineJust fine 😊Yeah, fineNo, it'll be fineWell, that's Okay, thenYeah, just fineFineOkay, that's fine 😊Yes, that's fineOkay, that's fineThis is fineYes, it was fineNo, that's fine 😊It's totally fineThat's fine 😊Yep, that's fineIt's perfectly fineThat's totally fineYes, it's fineFine with meNo, should be fineYes, that's itThat's fine, thenI'm fine with thatNo, that was fineOkay, should be fineYeah, that's fineFine for meThat'll be fineThey're fineYes, totally fineOkay, that's fine, thenGood by meIt will be fineOk then, fineThat's just fineYes, that's okGood with meIt's fineIf not, that's fineSo, that's fineIt's fine with meYeah, that'd be fineIt'll be fineIt's just fineNo, it's fineYeah, it's fine 😊Yup, fineSounds fine by meThat's fine 😃All right, that's fineThat's fine, thanksThat's fine for meFine by me 😊Yeah, it's fineOkay, fine by meThat's all fineYep, totally fineI'm fine with itOh, that's fine 😊Sure, fineThat's also fineYeah, totally fineIt's really fineYes, should be fineIt should be fineOkay, fine 😊Yeah, should be fineOh, no, that's fineLet me askLet me ask aroundLet me ask themNo, that's okayThat looks perfectThat was perfectThat's so perfectOh, that's perfectYeah, that's perfectThat'd be perfectWould be perfectOkay, that's perfectThat'll be perfectNo, that's perfectI think it's fineYes, that's perfectThat's perfect 😊It'll be perfectIt'd be perfectSure, that's perfectOkay, let me checkLet me check nowLet me check againLet me look againLet me seeLet me have a lookLet me look aroundLet me take a lookLet me check itLet me check onceLet me double checkLet me see againLet me check 😊Let me checkLet me lookLet me see hereLet me look nowLet me look at itLet me check firstLet me check it outLet me look it upLet me look for itOkay, let me check itWould that be okay?That work for you?Is this okay?Would that work?Just let me knowOkay, just let me knowLet me know, thenOkay, let me knowThanks, let me knowSure, let me knowYes, let me knowWell, let me knowCool, let me knowOkay, just let us knowJust let us knowSo, just let me knowYeah, let me knowJust let me know 😊You let me knowIf not, let me knowGreat, let me knowLet us knowOkay, let us knowPlease let me knowOkay, let me know ASAPLet me knowSo, let me knowLet me know?Awesome, let me knowLet me know, pleaseOkay, let me know, thenIt'll workYes, that will workOkay, that works 😊That works as wellYeah, that'll workYep, that worksThat works?It works?Sure, that'll workSure, that worksThat would work, tooYeah, should workThis should workOkay, that worksThat will workThat'll workYes, it'll workSure, that works 😊That works perfectThat worksWorks perfectThat'd work 😊Okay, cool, that worksYes, that'd workOkay, that should workIt worksThat'll work 😊That should workThat should work 😊Yeah, that worksOkay, that'll workWorks greatThat works greatThis'll workThat could workThat works wellWorks perfectlyCool, that worksYes, that worksEither works for meThis worksShould workYes, that works, tooThat works out wellThat would workWorks, thanksThat works, thanksIt works greatSure, that works, tooLet me thinkLet me think on itThat'll be awesomeYeah, would be funYeah, would be greatThat'd be great 😊That'd be funThat'd be sweetThat'd be funnyThat'd be so coolWould be lovelyThat'd be awesomeThis'll be funWill be funThat'd be greatShould be greatThat should be goodIt'd be so funThat'll be funThis should be funShould be funThat would be funThis could be funWould be awesomeThat'll be goodThis'll be greatThat'll be greatThat'd be fun 😊That'd be coolThat'd be niceYes, that's niceYes, would be niceIt'd be greatThat'd be so greatThat'd be so niceThat'd be superYes, that'd be greatIt'll be funCould be fun 😊It'll be okayCould be funThat'll be so niceThat'd be cool 😊That might be funThat'd be idealThat'll be niceThat'd be okayWould be greatIt'll be so funWould be so awesomeThat'd be bestThat'd be goodYes, it'll be goodThat'll be okayMight be funYes, that was niceLovely, thank youYeah, would be coolIt'd be funThat'd be nice 😊That should be okayThat'll be nice 😊Would be idealCould be coolCan we discuss?To discussWe'll discussWe'll discuss laterWe need to discussLet's talk about itWe can discuss itWill discuss laterWe will discussWill discussLet's discussLet's discuss laterWe can discussDiscussThose are goodThese are so goodThose are so goodThey're greatThey were goodThese are goodThey're so greatThey were greatThese are awesomeThey're all greatThey're all fineThey're all goodThey were very goodThey were so goodThey all sound goodLet's do thatSo, let's do itLet's tryYes, I could do thatLet's plan on itYes, let'sYeah, let's do itSo, let's do thatLet's try itLet's do tomorrowOkay, let's do itLet's do that 😊Yes, let's goLet's do that oneLet's do it thenLet's do it nowYes, let's do itSure, let's do itLet's do it againLet's plan itOkay, let's do thatLet's plan on thatLet's do thisLet's book itLet's do itLet's just do thatYes, we couldLet's try thisSure, let's do thatLet's do that, thenYeah, let's do thatYes, let's do thatLet's planTransfer doneTransferredLet's go somewhereLet's go outLet's goLet's go togetherLet's just goLet's go?Let's go thereLet's go thenIt's trueThat's so trueIt's really trueYeah, very, very trueIt's very trueThat's very trueYes, so trueVery true 😊Too trueSo trueSo very trueYeah, very trueYes, very trueHow trueIt's so trueThat's totally trueYeah, all trueIt's pretty trueYeah, totally trueYes, very, very trueYeah, so trueTrue thatVery trueThat's all trueYes, also trueThat's trueIt's totally trueYeah, trueIt's probably trueTrue that!It's kinda trueThat's also trueVery true 😃TRUEIt's just trueYes, all trueAll trueYeah, true, trueThat's really trueIt's all truelolHeheheYou're so funny!That is very funnyYou're funnyToo funnyIt's quite funnyFunnyOh, hahaHahahaNow that's funnyThat's funnyIt's really funnyIt's very funnyHa, funnyIt's funnyOh, too funny!It's kinda funnyThat's too funnyYou're very funnyOh, that's so funnyHow funny!Funny, right?It's so funnyThis is so funnyIt's a little funnyThat's too funny!Haha, wowOh, how funnyOh, very funnyThis is kinda funnyOh, funny!Oh, hahahaHeheThat is kinda funnyThat's so funnyThat's very funnyHaha, so funnyThat is so funnyYou are so funnyIt's too funnyThat was too funnyThat's pretty funnyIt's pretty funnyHaThis is too funnyIt is funnyThis is funnyHaha lolHaha, that's funnyYou're so funnyHa!Haha, funnyHahaHaha, funny!Haha, pretty funnyIt's just funnyThat's really funnyToo funny!Now that was funnySuper funnySo funny!That's just funnyThis is so funny!Very funny!Very, very funnyThat's super funnyYou're funny 😊Haha, oh wellThat was so funnyHaha, very funnyThat is too funny!Haha, no wayHahaha!Haha, lol 😊You're too funnyIt's just so funnyThat was funny!You are funnylol hahaSo freaking funnyThat was funnyOh, funnyFunny, huh?Haha, too funnyIt's super funnyThat's kinda funnyToo funny 😊Very funny 😊Haha, exactlyHaha, wow!Haha, fair enoughVery funnyThat's so funny!Haha, too funny!Quite funnyReally funnyOh so funnyHaha, no way?How funnyHaha!Hehehe 😊Haha, how funnyHaha, no way!Oh, that's funnyThat is funnyHa, that's funnySo funnyIt's so funny!So funny, right?Try nowPlease checkTry again, pleaseCan you try now?Try again nowCheck againTry it?Can you try?Again, pleaseCheck it againTry itTry it outCheck it out nowTry now?Okay, try it nowTry it nowPlease try nowCheck it nowTry againPlease check nowCan you try again?Can you try againPlease tryTry this onePlease try againTry again?Try it againTry oneLook forward to itLook forward to it!Looking forwardUghDouble ughUgh, noUgh, no!Ugh!Wow, looks greatLooks greatLooks good 😊Looks great!It looks so niceLooking good!Looks good, thanksLooks so coolThis looks awesomeYeah, good enoughLooks great to meLooks so goodLooks so good!It looks very goodLooks amazingLooks really coolThat looks goodLooks really good!It's looking goodLooks good 😃Yes, that looks goodIt seems goodThis looks goodYes, looks greatLooks kinda coolThat looks fineIt looks fine to meIt seems okLooks pretty coolLooks pretty goodThat looks greatLooks fineYes, looks goodThis looks greatYeah, goodLooks goodLooks fine to meYes, it looks goodLooks pretty neatIt looks goodLooks good to meLooks very niceLooks okayLooks good nowLooks so niceIt looks niceLooking goodThat looks so funYes, this is goodLooks real goodThey look greatThis looks funLooks very coolOkay, that looks goodThose look amazingIt looks very niceLooks really niceOkay, this is goodThat looks okayLooks incredibleThat looks good 😊It looks okayLooks great 😊That looks so good!Cool, looks goodIt looks greatLooks great, thanksLooks pretty niceLooks real niceThat looks so goodThis looks so goodLooking good 😊Looking pretty goodNice-lookingSure, looks goodLooks amazing!Looks okay to meLooks super niceWow, looks awesomeYes, it looks greatThey look niceOkay, looks goodYeah, that goodI guess that's goodIt looks good to meIt looks so goodLooks solidThat looks like funAll looks goodThat looks funLooks good to me 😊Yeah, looks goodIt looks good 😊Looks neatLooks niceYeah, it looks goodLooks good, tooYeah, it's goodLooks very goodLooks coolLooks pretty solidIt looks incredibleIt looks fineLooks really goodThis looks amazingThat looks good, tooLoOkay, okay?I like themI likeWow, I love itYeah, I love itI like this ideaI like it allLike them?I like this oneYes, love it!Like thisI like them allWe like itI like that one, tooI like them bothI liked it, tooOh, I love itLike thatI like the ideaI love it, tooI love itLove itNice, I like itCool, I like itHaha, I like itI like your planLove it, tooLoving itI like the last oneYeah, I like itLove it, love itI like that ideaYeah, I like thatI like that, tooOoh, love itI like itOh, I like thatI like thatI really liked thatLike itLike this oneWe love itI like that oneYes, I love itOoh, I love itLike it?lol, I love itLove it allI like this planI like it, tooI like that planI really liked itOMG, I love this!Oh my god, I love itI like theseI like thisLike themI like this one, tooYes, love itI liked that oneOh, love itYes, I like itI love it, too 😊lol, you love itI liked itI like that plan 😊I like the planI like the blue oneI like thoseHa, I love itI like the second oneHaha, I love itReally liked itI liked this oneOMG, I love it!Ha, love it!I like them, tooLike that?Yes, I like thatI like this, tooI love it allOMG, I love itLike that one?I liked thatWow, love it!I understand thisUnderstood 😊I understood thatI understood 😊I understoodUnderstoodUnderstood, thanksUnderstood?Okay, understoodYes, understoodI understood itYou are so luckyYou are luckyLuckyLucky youI am so luckyLucky duckOh, lucky you!Oh, lucky youI am very luckyLucky ducksYou lucky dogI'm so luckyLucky you 😃Lucky dogI am luckyLucky you 😊So luckyYou are very luckyVery luckyI just updatedI updatedIt's updatedUpdatedI just updated itI updated itJust updatedTotally makes senseMake sense?Makes sense to meThis makes senseOkay, makes senseIt does make senseYes, makes senseMakes sense nowMakes some senseIt makes senseMakes senseIt all makes senseYeah, makes senseOkay, that makes senseIt just makes senseSure, makes senseOh, that makes senseAh, makes senseThat makes senseMakes perfect senseIt makes more senseMakes total senseNow it makes senseAll makes senseBut it makes senseIt makes sense nowMakes sense?Yes, it makes senseI see, makes senseMakes so much senseAh, that makes senseAh, makes more senseK, that makes senseMakes more senseMakes good senseWe'll waitI'll be waitingOkay, I'll waitOkay, will waitNo, still waitingWait and seeI'll waitWe waitStill waiting?Will waitLet's waitStill waitingThanks for waitingOh, waitI'll wait for youWe can waitWaiting to hearWaitingWell, waitStanding byI can waitWaiting for itWell, I'm waitingWill be waitingStill searchingI'm waitingWe'll wait and seeI'm waiting for itLet's just waitI'll wait and seeI'm still waitingNo, waitWe're waitingOkay, we'll waitWaiting for replyI shall waitWell, maybe?Yeah, maybeCould beSo, maybe?Well, maybeHmm, maybeHmm, maybe?Yeah, maybe?Could be?MaybeMaybe?Yes, maybeWe need to goI need to goWant to go?I can't goYou should goWe can go togetherDo you want to go?I'm going to goI need to go soonI want to go backI can go!Yes, I'll goI want to go thereYou want to go?Are you going?I have to goYes, we can goWe must goAre you in?Can you go?We'll goYou can goCan we go?Want to go home?I want to go homeWe should goYou going?I need to go thereShould I go?You have to goI can goWant to go there?We can goWill you go?I'll goWant to go with me?I want to go, tooHave to goI've got to goWe need to go thereI do want to goI want to go outNeed to goWant to go now?I have to go soonI want to goDid you want to go?I need to go, tooMust goWe have to goWe go?Should we go?Sure, I'll goI need to go backI really want to goYes, I want to goShall we go?Me eitherMe neitherMe neither?We'll make it workWe can make it workWe can handle itWe can make itThanks, me tooMe too, yay!Mine tooMe too?Me tooYeah, same hereMe too, me tooOh, me tooHaha, me tooHere tooAnd me tooYeah, me tooI know, me tooYes, me tooCool, me tooAnd meAnd me?Okay, me tooUs tooGreat, me tooSame hereMe too, me too!Me alsoOkay, cool, me tooWe'll meetWe can meetOh, my badOops, my badMy badThat's weirdWow, that's weirdIt's just weirdLooks weirdHmm, weirdIt's so weirdlol, that's so weirdThat's a little oddIs that weird?How weirdHuh, that's weirdThat was weirdThat's really weirdThat's super weirdToo weirdSo weirdYeah, that's weirdOh, how weirdThat's so weirdWeird, I knowWeird, right?Wow, so weirdFeels weirdIt's super weirdWeirdJust weirdOh, weirdWeird, huh?Wow, weirdThat's very weirdIt's a little weirdVery weirdWeird indeedIt's kinda weirdThat'd be so weirdThat's pretty weirdHmm, so weirdSo weird?Weird?Oh, wow, that's weirdThat's kinda weirdThis is just weirdThat's oddToo weird?Weird stuffIt's very weirdSounds weirdIt's just so weirdIt's really weirdWeird, eh?Seems weirdSo weird, right?Super weirdOkay, weirdIt's all weirdOh, that's weirdThat's just weirdThat's just oddThat's very oddThis is so weirdThat sounds weirdHuh, weirdIsn't that weird?Pretty weirdTotally weirdIt's still weirdIt's weirdThat's kind of oddThat's so oddIt's not weirdOh, that's so weirdThat was so weirdHmm, that's weirdReally weirdThat seems weirdOh, weird?Oh so weirdThat's really oddIt's pretty weirdHow weird?That's kinda oddMy numberPhone number?Welcome aboardYour place?My place?My place or yours?My placeWelcome homeWelcome backWelcome home 😊Welcome back?My pleasureMy pleasure 😊PleasureA pleasureWith pleasurePleasure 😊Always a pleasureIt's my pleasureIt was my pleasureOur pleasure😊 My pleasureMy pleasure 😃I felt the sameMy point exactlyExactly my thoughtsWish you the sameFeel the sameMy feelings exactlyI feel the same wayThat was my thoughtMy thoughts exactlyThat's my thoughtThat's my pointThat's my thoughtsExactly my pointThat's what I saidHere's my thoughtThat's what I meantThat was my planI wish the sameWhat I thoughtI feel the sameMy thoughts, tooThat was my concernI had a thoughtMy thought exactlyThat's what I thinkJust my thoughtsMy thoughtsI thought the sameThat was my pointWhat?And what?For what?About what?Never mind, thenMy bad, sorryWell, okay thenNever mindOkay then, never mindOh, never mindOh, then never mindSorry, my badOkay, never mindNever mind, found itNever mind?What about you?Maybe later 😊Another time, thenAnother timeNext time for sureNext time?Some other timeMaybe next year?Maybe next timeMaybe next weekMaybe another timeMaybe next yearMaybe next week?I will next timeNext time 😃Next timeMaybe laterNext time 😊What are you doing now?What are you guys doing?What are you doing?So, what are you doing?So niceOh, that's nicePretty niceVery, very niceThat's so niceIt's just niceOh, niceNice workHaha, how niceIt's very niceNice day?Oh, that's very niceReally neatReally niceThat's niceThat's really niceThat's not niceQuite niceThat's kind of niceIt's really neatWell, that's niceOh, cool, niceThat's very niceWas really niceNice, thank youNiceWell, that's nice 😊It's really niceNice catchThis is niceNice viewWow, niceWow, nice 😊It's niceNeatWas niceHaha, niceNice daySuper niceThat's kinda niceYes, niceOh, really niceVery niceOkay, very niceWow, very niceThat is pretty niceWas very niceThis looks niceThis is so niceNice jobNice nameOkay, nice 😊Okay, niceHaha, very niceVery nice 😊Wow, that's niceOh, wow, that's niceThat is super niceVery nice, thank youNice stuffOh, nice, thank youThat's real niceOh, right, niceThat's always niceOh, yeah, niceReal nicelol, wow, niceThat's very nice!Haha, so niceVery nice 😃It's really nice!Nice bikeOh, nice, niceWow, how niceWow, so niceYes, very niceNice songThat's pretty niceOh, so niceOh, very nice!That's nice!Oh, very niceNice, eh?Nice, niceVery, very nice!Wow, really niceOh, so nice!Very nice, thanksWow, nice!That's super niceNice job!Neat!Any special plans?Your plans?Plans tonight?Any big plans?Any plans?Plans?What are the plans?Plans for tonight?Any plans tonight?What are you doing today?You busy tonight?Nice pic 😊Nice pic!Nice pictureCool picCute pictureNice shotGood picsGood pictureGreat pictureNice photoGreat picturesNice picture!Cute picCool picsCute pic!Cool pictureGood shotGreat photoNice picGreat photosGreat shotCute picsWhat color?Nice tryWhat did you have?What did I do?No attachmentHow do you mean?Wait, what?How you mean?What do you mean?What does it mean?What you mean?What did you mean?You mean this?Sorry, what?What do you say?Know what I mean?Idk what you meanWhat do they mean?No opinionNo commentNo commentsNo comments?No comment?No comment 😊What do they think?So, what do you think?What do you think?See what you thinkWhat do ya think?So, what do you say?Don't you think?What did you think?What do you reckon?So, what you think?What you think?Don't you think so?What ya think?No, I didn'tI haven'tNo, I haven'tNo, we don'tI didn'tNo, I won'tNo, you haven'tNo, it wasn'tNo, they aren'tI'm notNo, you can'tI can'tNo, it isn'tNo, we haven'tYou didn't?I won'tNo, they didn'tNo, we didn'tNo, you don'tNo, it's notI don'tWe haven'tNo, it won'tNo, I'm notNo, I can'tYou didn'tNo, I wasn'tNo, they don'tNo, you didn'tNo, you're notNo, you aren'tNo, it doesn'tNo, we aren'tI didn't?No, haven'tNo, it hasn'tNope, I didn'tNo, there isn'tI haven't!No, it isn't!No, I don'tNo, you aren't!No, I haven't!No, it didn'tNo, it doesn't!I won't!What do you want?What do you need?What do you like?No link?No linkWhich link?What code?No pics?No photosNo pictureWhat picture?No picture?No pic?No picturesNo picsNo pictures?No picNo photoWhat happened?So, what happened?But, what happened?What happens now?What happens?What had happened?Why? What happened?What happened then?What happens next?What happened to you?What's happened?See what happensWhat would happen?What happened now?See what happens!What just happened?So, what happens?And, what happened?Okay, not a problemSure, not a problemCool, no problemOkay, no problemHey, no worriesOh, no worriesOkay, no worriesOkay, no worries!Not to worryNo worries at all!Okay, cool, no problemOkay, no problemsHaha, no problemNo worriesYeah, no problem!Sure, no worriesThat's no problemNo problemsNo worryNot a problemYep, no problemNot to worry!Yes, no worriesYeah, sure, no problemNo problems hereNot a problem 😃Not a problem!No botherNot a worryOkay, sure, no problemYep, not a problemAh, no worriesCool, no worriesNo problemNot at allNo worries at all!!No problems!No problem hereOh, no problemOkay, no problem!No worries!Oh, no worries!Yup, no worriesThat is no problemYeah, not a problemIt's no troubleIt's no problemYep, no worriesYeah, no problemYes, not a problemOh, okay, no problemSure, no problemOh, okay, no worriesNo problem sweetieNo problems at allSure, no problem!Okay, no worries, thenha, no worriesNever a problemNo worries at allDon't mind at allNo problem, mateHey, no problemNo trouble at allHey! No worriesNo problem!Oh, no worries, thenNo problem. ThanksIt's not a problemha, no worries!No problem for meYeah, no worries!Yep, no problem!No worries, mateNo worries, thenhaha, no problem!Hey, no worries!Not at all!Yeah, no worriesNo problem at allNo troubleNo probs at allOh, no problem!Yes, no problemAh, no worries!Not a prob!Oh, no, no worriesNo problem at all!Ah, no worries, thenNo problem, thank youThen what?What is it?What is it exactly?No, what is it?What was it again?No, what?Then what else?What is it!Well, what is it?What was it?What is it again?But what is it?And what is it?What was it called?What is it now?Then, what else?What exactly is it?So what is it?What was it!What is it of?What is it called?No, but thank youNo thank you!No, but thanksNo, thank youWhat was this for?What's that?What's this?What's in it?What's this for?What was that?What it is?You betYou bet!No way!No wayWhat about?What's that about?What's it about?What's that mean?What's this about?What was it about?Idk what that isWhat's it like?What's with that?No, no, of course notNope, just meNo? Why?Nope, I'm goodNope, thanksNope, that's fineNo, of course not!Nope, not at all!No, of course notNot me personallyNope?No for meNot just meNot with meCourse not!No, not at all!Not for meNot for me?Nope, you?Haha no!No, not for meLol nopeNope, not meNope. You?No, sorry!Not for me!Nope, not for meNoNopeNo, course notCourse notNope!Not that I know ofNo, why?Right, of course notNo, not allNot me?No, sorryNo. You?Nope. Why?No, not meLol nope!Not that I'm awareNot me!Of course not!Haha noNo, that's great!Not that I know of?Not meNo, that's greatHaha no?Nope, sorryNo, not to meNo, not at allNope, not at allSorry, but noOf course notNo and noWhat kind?UnavailableNot availableWhat position?Not too bad thenNot so bad thenNot badNot bad?Not bad!I'm not interestedNo interest?No interestNot interestedNot interested?Hey! What's up?What's up?Why? What's up?What up?So, what's up?What are you up to?What's going on nowWhat's happening?What's going onHey, what's up?So, what else is up?What's new?What up!So, what's going on?So, what you up to?Hi! What's up?What you been up to?I'll see what's upYeah? What's up?What's going on?What's been up?What else is up?What's up with you?What's good?What's the latest?What you up to?Yeah, what's up?Sure, what's up?Yes. What's up?So, what are you up to?What's new there?So, what's new?So, what's the deal?Anyway, what's up?Hi, what's up?So, what up?What up with you?What's up today?Nothing much, you?Not much, you?What's wrong with you?What wrong?That's wrongIs that wrong?Something wrong?What's wrong?What's the problem?What was wrong?Anything wrong?Something's wrongWhat went wrong?Not much reallyDon't really careNah, not reallyNo, not reallyBut not reallyNope, not reallyWell, not reallyNot reallyNot really, noNot really. You?Not really?What's your cell?Send me the numberYour number?What's your number?What's the number?Give me a numberGive me your numberWhat number?Give me the numberNot so sureNot sure yetI'm not sureNot even sureNot sure?Or, maybe notI'm really not sureWe're not sure yetNot for sureWe're not sureNot sure yet!Maybe not!Not entirely sureI'm not sure?Well, I'm not sureHmm, I'm not sureI'm not quite sureNot sure. You?Not sure, why?I'm not sure yetWell, not sureI'm not too sureNot sureNot sure just yetNot sure, thoughNot sure yet?Hmm, not sureNot quite sureI'm not really sureHonestly not sureWe aren't sure yetNot really sureNot sure where yetJust not sureMaybe it's notNot quite sure yetNot sure lolNot really sure yetI'm not so sureMaybe notNot too sure yetNot totally sureNot exactly sureHmmm, not sure yetHmmm, not sureMaybe not?Not sure whyI'm not even sureHmm, not sure yetNot too sureHmmm, I'm not sureNot sure howNot sure about thatHow big?What size?No name yetNot yet, noNo, I haven't yetNot quite there yetHaven't heard yetNot just yetNot here yetHaven't done it yetHaven't yetNot soon enough!Nope, not yetNo plans as of yetNot seen itNot yet!Not yet receivedNo response yetNo, not yet, sorryI have no idea yetI haven't left yetNo plans yetNo plans yet!Not finishedNo plan yetNo, I haven't heardNo luck yetSorry, not yetNo details yetNo decision yetNo, not yetNot done yet?Nope, not yet!At least not yetNo, not yet, anywayI didn't yetNot done yetNo, not yet!I haven't yetNo update yetNot yet, anywayNot finished yetNot quite yetNot soon enoughNo rain yetBut not yetNo one yetNot yet?Still no wordIt's not done yetNot yetI haven't tried yetHaven't seen it yetNo response yet?No updates yetNo word yetNot as of yetNot received yetNot yet, sorryNot as yetI haven't heard yetWhat time today?Is now a good time?Noted!Okay, notedSo, notedDuly notedNoted, thank youYes, notedNoted, thanksNoted with thanksDuly noted!NotedOkay, noted, thanksAll right, notedNoted 😃Well notedOh, whatever!So, whateverUp for anythingWhatever worksI'm good with thatUp for whateverWhatever you wantFine, whateverWhatever works!Whatever!Anything you wantIt's whateverOh, well, whateverWhat works for you?Ah, whateverWhatever you want?Whatever?I'm up for anythingWhatever you think!Well, whateverWhatever is fineWhatever you want!Whatever works bestWhatever you likeDown for anythingDown for whateverWhatever you thinkI'm up for whateverFor whateverAnything you want!Oh, whateverWhateverWhatever, fineWhatever you like!Yeah, whateverBut nothing elseNothing muchNo, nothingNothing as of nowNothing!Nothing new hereNothing hereAbsolutely nothingI got nothing!Nothing for nowNothing happeningNot much hereI know nothingNothing?Nothing concreteNothing personalOh, nothingI've done nothingI got nothingNo, no, nothingNo work!Nothing, and you?Nothing excitingThen, nothingI have nothingNope, nothingNope, nothing yetNothing as yetGot nothingNo workNothing thereNothing yetI've got nothingNothing particularOh, no, nothingNothing yet!No, nothing yetNo luckNothing badNothing much, reallyNothing happenedStill nothing?Nothing new thereNothing on my endI heard nothingAbsolutely nothing!Nothing plannedNothing reallyI've heard nothingNot much elseNothingNothing too badNot much newNothing here yetStill nothingNothing else?Nothing much hereNothing newNothing betterNothing unusualNothing really newNothing as of yetNothing's newNothing going onNothing happened!Nothing new yetNothing. You?I see nothingNothing else reallyNothing nowI have nothing!It's nothingNothing specificI did nothing wrongNothing planned yetStill nothing!Nothing to reportI know nothing!Nothing elseNothing new?So, what time?Yes. When?Which time?What are the times?When for?Yeah, what time?When?Okay, what time?Which day?What days?By when?What time?When is good?Which days?Sure. What time?Which dates?Okay. What time?Until what time?Great! What time?Any idea what time?And, what time?When is it for?At what time?Like when?On what day?What day?Yes. What time?Sure. When?About what time?Sure! What time?What times?Okay, when?Awesome! What time?But, when?Like what time?Around what time?Haha, well, of courseWhy, of course?Of course it's okayOh, yes, of courseYes, of course 😃Oh, of courseOf course I willBut of course!Yeah, of course!Well, of course!Yeah, courseOh, well, of courseOf course?But, of courseOf course, yesOf course you haveYep, of courseOf course, of courseOf courseSure, of courseOf course I will!Of course, babe!Haha, of courseYeah, of courseOf course!Ah, of courseYes, of course!Of course. ThanksYes, of courseOh, of course!Oh, yes, of course!Well, of courseOf course, babeHaha, of course!Of course I don'tTime and place?When and where?When? Where?Tell me when!Where? When?Where and when?Tell me whenOoh!Oh!OhOohWhen you free?When are you back?You available?Are you available?Oh, okay, great!Okay, greatOh, okay, greatWhenever you canWhenever you wantWhenever you want!Okay, and thanksOkay, and you?Okay, thanks, babeOkay, thank youOkay, mateOkay, thanks so muchOh, okay, thank youOkay, thank you!Thanks, mate!Okay, thanks a lotOkay, thanks for thatOkay, tyOkay, thanksOkay, thanks!Oh, okay. Great, thanksOh, okay, thanks!Oh, okay. Cool, thanks!Okay, thanks so much!Okay, thanks muchOkay, thanks, babe!Okay, thanks, mateThanks, mateOkay, ty!Oh, okay. Thanks, babeOkay, sure, thanksOh, okay, thank GodOh, okay, thanksOkay, thanks babeOkay, thanks very muchAnd, where are you?From where?Where it at?Yes. Where?Meet where?What part of town?Where's it at?What town?But where?Where's this at?Meet you where?Sure. Where?And where?For where?Where to?Where was that at?And, where is it?Not sure whereWhere to meet?What? Where?Where?Where to go?Where to now?Sure. Where to?Okay, where?Where should we go?Go where?Where's that at?Sure. Where is it?Going where?Where you off to?Hmm, okayOkayOkay, yay!Ohh, okay!Hmm, okay?Oh, okay, never mind.Oh, nice, okayOkay, cool!Ooh, okayOkay!Okay, good enoughOkay, okay!Ahhh, okay!Okay goodHaha okay!Haha okayOkay for meAh, okayOh, okayOh, okay, that's coolHaha okay?Hmmm, okayOhh, okayAhh, okay 😃Okay! Yay!That's okay tooOkay, sure!Oh, okay, coolOkay, yayOkay nowOkay, okayAhh, okayOh, then okayOh, really? OkayOkay. Now?Okay by meAhh, okay!Ahhh, okayOkay, good!Oh, okay, never mindOh, okay, cool!Where are you at?Where are you now?Where are you?Where you at?Where were you?Are you here now?Where are ya?Yes. Where are you?Where you at now?Where you now?So, where are you?Hey, where are you?omg it isOmg that is so cuteOmg it is!Oh my God!Where are you from?When are you home?Where you from?It's in my calendarIt's on my calendarIn the calendarOn the calendarIn my calendarOn my calendarOn the way to workOn my way upOn their wayI'm on my way homeOn its wayOn my way now!On my way backOn the wayOn the way back?On the way homeOmw backOn the way thereOn the bus!On bus nowOmw upOn the road nowOn the road!En routeOn our wayOn our way homeWe're on our wayI'm on my wayOn my way nowOn my way to workOn my way!On the way home?We're on the wayI'm on the wayEn route!On the train?On the way nowOn roadOn way home nowI'm on the way homeIn the carOn way homeI'm on a busOn our way home nowI'm on the bus nowOn my way back!On my way thereIn the car!On the road againOn my way homeOn my wayI'm on my way nowOn the trainOn the bus nowOn the train!On my way inOn my way back nowOn my way home nowOn the roadOn train?On my way home!I'm omw nowOn a trainI'm on my way!On our way!On my way there nowOn our way nowOmw outOn way nowI'm on the busOn the way!On the way home nowI'm on my way backI'm on the bus!Okay, on my wayI'm on busI'm on the roadOn the busOn the way?On my way outOn the moveOn a busOn my way to youOn trainWhere you live?Where do you live?Where are you staying?Where you staying?Where do you stay?What address?Which address?I need your addressSend me the addressWhat's the address?Where do they live?Address, pleaseJust oneJust one!Just one?Yes, that is the oneWhich one?Sure. Which one?Not sure which oneFor which one?Yes, I have oneWhich ones?Which one is it?Oops, sorry!Oops?Oops, sorryOh, oops!Oops!OopsOh, oopsWho are you?Who are you again?Order it!Order itWho's this?Who's this, again?Who's that?How is that?Who is it?Who was that?Ordered!Ordered itI ordered oneJust orderedI just ordered itJust ordered itI just orderedI orderedI ordered themI ordered itOrderedWhy do you ask?Why do you say that?How come so late?Why is that?Why do you think that?Why?How come?Why sad?I just paidI paid for itPaidPaid!I paidI already paidI paid itGot paid todayJust paidI just got paidI got paid todayI just paid itAlready paidWhy can't you?Why not?Why not right?Yes, why not?Why didn't you?Sure, why not?Yeah, why not?Why not me?Why not!So why not?Why wouldn't I?Why wouldn't you?Why aren't you?Why not you?But why not?Yeha, why not!What password?Password?I can do it nowI'll do just thatOkay, I'll do itOkay, we can do thatSure I willWill do nowWill do tonightCool, will doI'll do soI'd do itOkay, I'll do thatWill do it todayYeah, I can do thatI will take careOkay, will doOkay, will do!Will do right nowSure, I can do itYes, will do!Okay, cool, will doWill do thatYeah, will do!I'll do it tonightLet me work on itThat'll do!Yes, I can do itYes, I'll do itI will asapOkay, sure I willSure will!Sure, I will do thatWe sure willWill do soonCan doThat'll doI can do itI'll do thatSure, will doCan do!Of course, will doWe can do that!I can do thatI'll updateWe can do it!Will do todayYeah, can doYes, will do thatI'll askOkay, can doI'll do it todayOkay, will do thatWe can do thisYes, will doOkay, I sure willIt'll be doneWill do it nowYep, I can do thatI willOkay, I can do thatSure, I can do thatYup, I canWe can do this!Will do itYeah, will doI can do this!I'll do it nowWill do!We can do it!!Will updateI certainly will!No, I'll do thatYes, we can do thatI definitely will!Sure can doYes, will do nowOkay, will do it nowOkay, will do, thanksWill do shortlyAll right, will doDefinitely will!We'll do itOkay, will do itYeah, I can do that!Okay, I'll askI'll seeSure, do itI'll do that!I'd love to do thatI'll work on itWe can do itWill do soI can do that!I definitely willDefinitely willOkay, will do soOkay, do thatSure, I'll do thatYes, I'll do thatI will!Okay, sure, will doOkay, I will!Consider it done!I sure willI'd like to do thatI'll do thisSure willWill do. Have fun!Do it todayOkay, thanks, will doGot it, will doI certainly doWill doI'll do that nowOkay, can do thatOkay, will do nowThanks, will doYup, I can do thatAwesome, will doCool, will do!I'll work on thatSure I canConsider it doneI sure will!I will later todayOkay, great, will doWill do laterI will do nowI'll do it laterI'll ask!I surely willYep, can doI can do it!I'll do it!I'll doWill do it tonightNo worries, will doOkay, I willOkay, we willWill work on itDefinitely, will doOkay, I'll do soSure, do thatWe can do thatYeah, I can do itYes, I can do thatWe'll work on itYes can doWe, we can do itI absolutely willI'll do that todayNo problem, will doSure, we can do thatI'll do itOkay, will do that nowOkay, I'll do it nowI will right nowOkay, we'll do thatWill do it laterAbsolutely, will doI can do thisI certainly willOh, I willOh, I will!Sure, I'll do itWill askCertainly willWe'll do thatYeah, I'll do itYep, will doYes, I sure willYes, we'll do thatI can do bothSounds good, I willI'll get on itSure, will do thatWe'll doYep, will do!Will do that nowI can doOkay, will do 😃Thanks, I will!Thank you, will doWill do, thank youOkay, I will. ThanksWill do, thanksThanks! Will doThank you, I willThanks, I willI will, thanks!Thanks, will do!I will, thanksI will, thank youWill do, and thanksWill do. Thanks!Will do, tyI will, tyOh perfect!That's perfect!Absolutely perfectIt's so perfectLooks perfect!Okay, perfect!It was perfectIt's perfectLooks perfectPerfectionIt's perfect!Yes, perfectIt was so perfectOh, how perfectOkay, perfectHaha perfectJust rightPerfectly fineThat's perfectPerfect!Yes, perfect!Oh, perfect!Yep, perfectPerfectPerfect tyPerfection!Ah, perfect!Yeah, perfectAh, perfectPerfectlyIt looks perfectSo perfectIt was perfect!It's pretty perfectPerfect?Oh, perfectSo perfect!Haha perfect!Perfect, thank youIt's just perfectThis is perfectYeah, perfect!This is perfect!Looks sharpIt sounds perfectIt's too perfectJust perfectPerfect, then!Yes, sounds perfectYes! PerfectPerfect, thanksPerfect, thanks!Perfect, thank you!Perfect! Thank you!Perfect! Thanks!I'll update youPic?Pics?Send me pics!Send me photosSend me a pic!Send a photoPicsI'll send picsSend me a picSend me a photo!Send me a pic of itAny pics?Send a picPics, pleaseTake pics!Send me picsMore picsSend a pic?I'll send you picsPhotos?Send me a photoPics!Send photosPhotos!PhotosSend me a pic?Send picsPhoto?Send me some picsTake picsSend a pic!Send pics!I'll send a picStill working!Working too hardWorking?Working todayYes, I'm at workI'm at work!Work!Working today?Working!Working hard?I have so much workNo, still workingBusy at workWork?Still working?WorkingWorking tonightI'm just at workI'm working!I'm working nowYes, at workWorking so hardYou working now?At work todayWorking a lotAm at workI'm at work nowI'm working todayI'm working tonightAt work?Busy at work?I'm workingBack to work nowWorking nowBack at work nowJust working awayWorking lateWorking awayI'm still workingAt work today?Working hard!Working hardAt work!At work now?I'm at workI have work to doBack at work!I'm not workingAt workStill workingYes, I'm workingI have workBack at work?WorkI workJust at workShould work nowAt work nowI was workingAt work right nowBack at workWorking late?I have some workI have work to do!PicturesSend me picturePicture, pleaseSend me a pictureSend me picturesDo you have a pic?Pictures!Pictures?Send me pictures!Send me a picture!Send a pictureSend pictures!Do you have pics?Send me the pictureSend picturePicture?Can I see a pic?Send picturesAny pictures?Send me a picture?More picturesGot a pic?Still working on itI'm working on itI'm on itYes, workingAm working on itOkay, I'm on itI'm doing it nowWe can work on thatWe're working on itAm on itI'm on it right nowWorking on that nowWe're on itWorking on themWorking on itWorking right nowI'm on it nowOn itWorking on them nowOn it!They're workingYes, on itYes, working on itWorking on thatOkay, working on itAre you on it now?Already on itAre you on it?I'm working on it!On it right nowOkay, on itI'm on it!We're workingWorking on it nowI'm working on thatStill on itI'm already on itWorking on it!On it nowI'm planning on itWorks for me!That works tooThat works for usYeah, works for meWorks fineYup, that works!That works with meThat works fineOkay, works for meWorks fine for meThat works for me!Works with meWorks for meOkay, works for me!Works for me, tooYup, that worksCool, works for meThat works too!Works for me 😃That'll work for meThose workWorks pretty wellThat works for meWorks for usSure, works for meWorks wellBoth work for meStill worksYes, works for meThat also worksShould work for meIt works for meOkay, that works for mePlease say yesPlease do!Please!Oh, please!Please doPlease?PleaseOh, pleaseNo, pleasePlease say yes!Okay, please doPlease yesPlease check itCheck and seeLook into itWow, thanksWowLike wowOh, wow, thank youWhoa!Whoa?Oh, wow, thanksWhoaWow!Just wowWow, thanks!Wow, thank youWow, impressiveWow, very impressiveOh, wow, okay      .  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