/****************************************************************************** * * * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ***************************************************************************** * Originally developed and contributed by Ittiam Systems Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore */ #include <string.h> #include "ixheaacd_sbr_common.h" #include <ixheaacd_type_def.h> #include "ixheaacd_constants.h" #include <ixheaacd_basic_ops32.h> #include <ixheaacd_basic_ops16.h> #include <ixheaacd_basic_ops40.h> #include "ixheaacd_basic_ops.h" #include "ixheaacd_bitbuffer.h" #include "ixheaacd_error_codes.h" #include "ixheaacd_defines.h" #include <ixheaacd_aac_rom.h> #include "ixheaacd_pulsedata.h" #include "ixheaacd_pns.h" #include "ixheaacd_drc_data_struct.h" #include "ixheaacd_lt_predict.h" #include "ixheaacd_channelinfo.h" #include "ixheaacd_cnst.h" #include "ixheaacd_drc_dec.h" #include "ixheaacd_sbrdecoder.h" #include "ixheaacd_block.h" #include "ixheaacd_channel.h" #include "ixheaacd_common_rom.h" #include "ixheaacd_basic_funcs.h" #include <ixheaacd_basic_op.h> #include "ixheaacd_intrinsics.h" #include "ixheaacd_stereo.h" #include "ixheaacd_tns.h" #include "ixheaacd_audioobjtypes.h" #include "ixheaacd_latmdemux.h" #include "ixheaacd_aacdec.h" #include "ixheaacd_definitions.h" #include "ixheaacd_error_codes.h" #include "ixheaacd_pulsedata.h" #include "ixheaacd_sbrdecsettings.h" #include "ixheaacd_sbr_scale.h" #include "ixheaacd_env_extr_part.h" #include <ixheaacd_sbr_rom.h> #include "ixheaacd_audioobjtypes.h" #include "ixheaacd_sbrdecoder.h" #include "ixheaacd_memory_standards.h" #include "ixheaacd_mps_polyphase.h" #include "ixheaacd_config.h" #include "ixheaacd_mps_dec.h" #include "ixheaacd_struct_def.h" #include "ixheaacd_adts_crc_check.h" #include "ixheaacd_rvlc.h" #include "ixheaacd_hcr.h" #include "ixheaacd_function_selector.h" #define SPEC(ptr, w, gl) ((ptr) + ((w) * (gl))) UWORD32 ixheaacd_aac_showbits_32(UWORD8 *ptr_read_next, WORD32 cnt_bits, WORD32 *increment) { UWORD8 *v = ptr_read_next; UWORD32 b = 0; WORD32 i; WORD32 bumped = 0; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { b = b << 8; if (cnt_bits > 0) { b = b | *v; v++; bumped++; } cnt_bits -= 8; } if (increment != NULL) { *increment = bumped; } return b; } WORD16 *ixheaacd_getscalefactorbandoffsets( ia_ics_info_struct *ptr_ics_info, ia_aac_dec_tables_struct *ptr_aac_tables) { if (ptr_ics_info->window_sequence != EIGHT_SHORT_SEQUENCE) { return ptr_aac_tables->sfb_long_table; } else { return ptr_aac_tables->sfb_short_table; } } WORD8 *ixheaacd_getscalefactorbandwidth( ia_ics_info_struct *ptr_ics_info, ia_aac_dec_tables_struct *ptr_aac_tables) { if (ptr_ics_info->frame_length == 512) { return ( WORD8 *)(&ptr_aac_tables ->scale_fac_bands_512[ptr_ics_info->sampling_rate_index] [0]); } else { return ( WORD8 *)(&ptr_aac_tables ->scale_fac_bands_480[ptr_ics_info->sampling_rate_index] [0]); } } WORD32 ixheaacd_cblock_inv_quant_spect_data( ia_aac_dec_channel_info_struct *ptr_aac_dec_channel_info, ia_aac_dec_tables_struct *ptr_aac_tables); void ixheaacd_cblock_scale_spect_data( ia_aac_dec_channel_info_struct *ptr_aac_dec_channel_info, ia_aac_dec_tables_struct *ptr_aac_tables, WORD32 total_channels, WORD32 object_type, WORD32 aac_sf_data_resil_flag) { int grp_win, group = 0; WORD32 *ptr_spect_coeff = ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->ptr_spec_coeff; WORD8 *ptr_sfb_width = (WORD8 *)(ixheaacd_getscalefactorbandwidth( &(ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->str_ics_info), ptr_aac_tables)); int max_band; WORD16 *ptr_scale_fac = ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->ptr_scale_factor; WORD tot_bands = ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->str_ics_info.max_sfb; WORD tot_groups = ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->str_ics_info.num_window_groups; WORD32 *scale_table_ptr = ptr_aac_tables->pstr_block_tables->scale_table; max_band = ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->str_ics_info.max_sfb; do { grp_win = ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->str_ics_info.window_group_length[group++]; do { (*ixheaacd_scale_factor_process)(&ptr_spect_coeff[0], &ptr_scale_fac[0], tot_bands, (WORD8 *)ptr_sfb_width, scale_table_ptr, total_channels, object_type, aac_sf_data_resil_flag); ptr_spect_coeff += 128; grp_win--; } while (grp_win != 0); ptr_scale_fac += 16; tot_groups--; } while (tot_groups != 0); } WORD32 ixheaacd_read_pulse_data(ia_bit_buf_struct *it_bit_buff, ia_pulse_info_struct *ptr_pulse_info, ia_aac_dec_tables_struct *ptr_aac_tables) { WORD32 i, total_offset; WORD32 error_code = 0; WORD32 value = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 8); ptr_pulse_info->number_pulse = value >> 6; ptr_pulse_info->pulse_start_band = value & 0x3F; if (ptr_pulse_info->pulse_start_band >= 52) { return (WORD32)IA_ENHAACPLUS_DEC_EXE_NONFATAL_PULSEDATA_ERROR; } total_offset = ptr_aac_tables->str_aac_sfb_info[0] .sfb_index[ptr_pulse_info->pulse_start_band]; for (i = 0; i < ptr_pulse_info->number_pulse + 1; i++) { WORD32 value = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 9); ptr_pulse_info->pulse_offset[i] = value >> 4; ptr_pulse_info->pulse_amp[i] = value & 0xF; total_offset += ptr_pulse_info->pulse_offset[i]; if (total_offset >= 1024) { error_code = (WORD32)IA_ENHAACPLUS_DEC_EXE_NONFATAL_PULSEDATA_ERROR; } } return error_code; } static WORD16 ixheaacd_read_block_data( ia_bit_buf_struct *it_bit_buff, ia_aac_dec_channel_info_struct *ptr_aac_dec_channel_info, ia_aac_dec_tables_struct *ptr_aac_tables, WORD32 total_channels, WORD32 frame_size, WORD32 object_type, WORD32 aac_spect_data_resil_flag, WORD32 aac_sect_data_resil_flag, WORD32 aac_sf_data_resil_flag, WORD32 ele_type, ia_aac_dec_overlap_info *ptr_aac_dec_static_channel_info) { FLAG gain_control_data_present; WORD16 error_code = AAC_DEC_OK; if (ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->str_ics_info.window_sequence == EIGHT_SHORT_SEQUENCE) { memset(ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->ptr_scale_factor, 0, MAX_WINDOWS * MAX_SCALE_FACTOR_BANDS_SHORT * 3); } error_code = ixheaacd_read_section_data( it_bit_buff, ptr_aac_dec_channel_info, aac_spect_data_resil_flag, aac_sect_data_resil_flag, ptr_aac_tables); if (error_code) { return error_code; } if (aac_sf_data_resil_flag && ((object_type == AOT_ER_AAC_ELD) || (object_type == AOT_ER_AAC_LD))) ixheaacd_rvlc_read(it_bit_buff, ptr_aac_dec_channel_info); else ixheaacd_read_scale_factor_data(it_bit_buff, ptr_aac_dec_channel_info, ptr_aac_tables, object_type); error_code = 0; if (object_type != AOT_ER_AAC_ELD) { ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->str_pulse_info.pulse_data_present = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 1); if (ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->str_pulse_info.pulse_data_present) { error_code = ixheaacd_read_pulse_data( it_bit_buff, &ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->str_pulse_info, ptr_aac_tables); } if (error_code) { return error_code; } } ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->str_tns_info.tns_data_present = (FLAG)ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 1); if (object_type < ER_OBJECT_START) { error_code = 0; if (ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->str_tns_info.tns_data_present) { error_code = ixheaacd_read_tns_data(it_bit_buff, ptr_aac_dec_channel_info); } if (error_code) { return error_code; } } if (object_type != AOT_ER_AAC_ELD) { gain_control_data_present = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 1); if (gain_control_data_present) { return (WORD16)( (WORD32)IA_ENHAACPLUS_DEC_EXE_NONFATAL_GAIN_CONTROL_DATA_PRESENT); } } if (object_type == AOT_ER_AAC_ELD) { if (ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->str_tns_info.tns_data_present) error_code = ixheaacd_read_tns_data(it_bit_buff, ptr_aac_dec_channel_info); if (error_code) return error_code; } if (aac_spect_data_resil_flag && ((object_type == AOT_ER_AAC_ELD) || (object_type == AOT_ER_AAC_LD))) ixheaacd_hcr_read(it_bit_buff, ptr_aac_dec_channel_info, ele_type); if (aac_sf_data_resil_flag && ((object_type == AOT_ER_AAC_ELD) || (object_type == AOT_ER_AAC_LD))) { error_code = ixheaacd_rvlc_dec( ptr_aac_dec_channel_info, ptr_aac_dec_static_channel_info, it_bit_buff); if (error_code) return error_code; it_bit_buff->bit_pos = 7 - it_bit_buff->bit_pos; } if (object_type == AOT_ER_AAC_LD) { if (ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->str_tns_info.tns_data_present) error_code = ixheaacd_read_tns_data(it_bit_buff, ptr_aac_dec_channel_info); if (error_code) return error_code; } { it_bit_buff->bit_pos = 7 - it_bit_buff->bit_pos; } error_code = ixheaacd_read_spectral_data( it_bit_buff, ptr_aac_dec_channel_info, ptr_aac_tables, total_channels, frame_size, object_type, aac_spect_data_resil_flag, aac_sf_data_resil_flag); it_bit_buff->bit_pos = (7 - it_bit_buff->bit_pos); return error_code; } WORD16 ixheaacd_ltp_decode(ia_bit_buf_struct *it_bit_buff, ia_ics_info_struct *ptr_ics_info, WORD32 object_type, WORD32 frame_size, WORD32 ch) { WORD32 retval = AAC_DEC_OK; if (ptr_ics_info->predictor_data_present) { if (ch == 0) { ixheaacd_init_ltp_object(&(ptr_ics_info->ltp)); ptr_ics_info->ltp.data_present = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 1); if (ptr_ics_info->ltp.data_present) { if ((retval = ixheaacd_ltp_data(object_type, ptr_ics_info, &(ptr_ics_info->ltp), it_bit_buff, frame_size)) > 0) { return retval; } } } else { ixheaacd_init_ltp_object(&(ptr_ics_info->ltp2)); ptr_ics_info->ltp2.data_present = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 1); if (ptr_ics_info->ltp2.data_present) { if ((retval = ixheaacd_ltp_data(object_type, ptr_ics_info, &(ptr_ics_info->ltp2), it_bit_buff, frame_size)) > 0) { return retval; } } } } return retval; } WORD16 ixheaacd_ics_read(ia_bit_buf_struct *it_bit_buff, ia_ics_info_struct *ptr_ics_info, WORD8 num_swb_window[2], WORD32 object_type, WORD32 common_window, WORD32 frame_size) { WORD i; WORD mask; WORD value = 0; if (object_type == AOT_ER_AAC_ELD) { ptr_ics_info->window_sequence = 0; ptr_ics_info->window_shape = 1; } else { if (object_type != AOT_ER_AAC_LD) { ptr_ics_info->frame_length = 1024; } value = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 4); ptr_ics_info->window_sequence = (WORD16)((value & 0x6) >> 1); ptr_ics_info->window_shape = (WORD16)((value & 0x1)); } if (ptr_ics_info->window_sequence != EIGHT_SHORT_SEQUENCE) { ptr_ics_info->num_swb_window = num_swb_window[0]; ptr_ics_info->num_window_groups = 1; ptr_ics_info->window_group_length[0] = 1; if (object_type == AOT_ER_AAC_ELD) { ptr_ics_info->max_sfb = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 6); if (ptr_ics_info->max_sfb == 0) ptr_ics_info->num_swb_window = 0; } else { value = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 7); ptr_ics_info->max_sfb = (value & 0x7E) >> 1; } if ((object_type != AOT_ER_AAC_LD) && (object_type != AOT_AAC_LTP)) { if (value & 1) { return (WORD16)( (WORD32)IA_ENHAACPLUS_DEC_EXE_NONFATAL_PREDICTION_DATA_PRESENT); } } else { ptr_ics_info->predictor_data_present = value & 1; if (ptr_ics_info->predictor_data_present) { WORD32 retval = AAC_DEC_OK; ixheaacd_init_ltp_object(&(ptr_ics_info->ltp)); if (object_type < ER_OBJECT_START) { if ((ptr_ics_info->ltp.data_present = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 1)) & 1) { if ((retval = ixheaacd_ltp_data(object_type, ptr_ics_info, &(ptr_ics_info->ltp), it_bit_buff, frame_size)) > 0) { return retval; } } if (common_window) { ixheaacd_init_ltp_object(&(ptr_ics_info->ltp2)); if ((ptr_ics_info->ltp2.data_present = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 1)) & 1) { if ((retval = ixheaacd_ltp_data(object_type, ptr_ics_info, &(ptr_ics_info->ltp2), it_bit_buff, frame_size)) > 0) { return retval; } } } } if ((object_type == AOT_ER_AAC_ELD) || (object_type == AOT_ER_AAC_LD)) { if (!common_window && (object_type >= ER_OBJECT_START)) { if ((ptr_ics_info->ltp.data_present = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 1)) & 1) { if ((retval = ixheaacd_ltp_data(object_type, ptr_ics_info, &(ptr_ics_info->ltp), it_bit_buff, frame_size)) < 0) { return retval; } } } } } } } else { WORD32 num_groups = 0, scale_factor_grouping; ptr_ics_info->num_swb_window = num_swb_window[1]; value = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 11); ptr_ics_info->max_sfb = (value & 0x780) >> 7; scale_factor_grouping = (value & 0x7F); mask = 0x40; for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { ptr_ics_info->window_group_length[i] = 1; if (scale_factor_grouping & mask) { ptr_ics_info->window_group_length[num_groups] = ptr_ics_info->window_group_length[num_groups] + 1; } else { num_groups = num_groups + 1; } mask = mask >> 1; } ptr_ics_info->window_group_length[7] = 1; ptr_ics_info->num_window_groups = num_groups + 1; } if (ptr_ics_info->max_sfb > ptr_ics_info->num_swb_window) { return (WORD16)IA_ENHAACPLUS_DEC_EXE_NONFATAL_EXCEEDS_SFB_TRANSMITTED; } return AAC_DEC_OK; } WORD16 ixheaacd_individual_ch_stream( ia_bit_buf_struct *it_bit_buff, ia_aac_decoder_struct *aac_dec_handle, WORD32 num_ch, WORD32 frame_size, WORD32 total_channels, WORD32 object_type, ia_eld_specific_config_struct eld_specific_config, WORD32 ele_type) { WORD16 error_code = AAC_DEC_OK; WORD32 ch; WORD32 crc_reg = 0; for (ch = 0; ch < num_ch; ch++) { ia_aac_dec_channel_info_struct *ptr_aac_dec_ch_info = aac_dec_handle->pstr_aac_dec_ch_info[ch]; ia_ics_info_struct *ptr_ics_info = &ptr_aac_dec_ch_info->str_ics_info; if (ch == 1) { if (it_bit_buff->pstr_adts_crc_info->crc_active == 1 && (it_bit_buff->pstr_adts_crc_info->no_reg < 7)) { crc_reg = ixheaacd_adts_crc_start_reg(it_bit_buff->pstr_adts_crc_info, it_bit_buff, CRC_ADTS_RAW_IIND_ICS); } } ptr_aac_dec_ch_info->global_gain = (WORD16)ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 8); if (!(aac_dec_handle->pstr_aac_dec_ch_info[LEFT]->common_window)) { error_code = ixheaacd_ics_read( it_bit_buff, ptr_ics_info, aac_dec_handle->num_swb_window, object_type, aac_dec_handle->pstr_aac_dec_ch_info[LEFT]->common_window, aac_dec_handle->samples_per_frame); if (ch == 1) aac_dec_handle->pstr_aac_dec_ch_info[ch - 1]->str_ics_info.ltp2.lag = ptr_ics_info->ltp.lag; if (error_code) { if (it_bit_buff->cnt_bits < 0) { error_code = (WORD16)( (WORD32)IA_ENHAACPLUS_DEC_EXE_NONFATAL_INSUFFICIENT_INPUT_BYTES); } return error_code; } } error_code = ixheaacd_read_block_data( it_bit_buff, ptr_aac_dec_ch_info, aac_dec_handle->pstr_aac_tables, total_channels, frame_size, object_type, eld_specific_config.aac_spect_data_resil_flag, eld_specific_config.aac_sect_data_resil_flag, eld_specific_config.aac_sf_data_resil_flag, ele_type, aac_dec_handle->pstr_aac_dec_overlap_info[ch]); if (error_code) { if (it_bit_buff->cnt_bits < 0) { error_code = (WORD16)( (WORD32)IA_ENHAACPLUS_DEC_EXE_NONFATAL_INSUFFICIENT_INPUT_BYTES); } return error_code; } if (ch == 0) { if ((object_type == AOT_ER_AAC_LD) && (aac_dec_handle->pstr_aac_dec_ch_info[LEFT]->common_window) && (ele_type == ID_CPE)) { WORD16 temp = ixheaacd_ltp_decode(it_bit_buff, ptr_ics_info, object_type, aac_dec_handle->samples_per_frame, 1); if (temp != 0) { return temp; } aac_dec_handle->pstr_aac_dec_ch_info[ch + 1]->str_ics_info.ltp.lag = ptr_ics_info->ltp2.lag; } } if (ch == 1) { if (it_bit_buff->pstr_adts_crc_info->crc_active == 1) { ixheaacd_adts_crc_end_reg(it_bit_buff->pstr_adts_crc_info, it_bit_buff, crc_reg); } } } return error_code; } VOID ixheaacd_read_ms_data( ia_bit_buf_struct *it_bit_buff, ia_aac_dec_channel_info_struct *ptr_aac_dec_ch_info) { WORD32 num_win_group, sfb; WORD32 ms_mask_present; UWORD8 *ptr_ms_used = &ptr_aac_dec_ch_info->pstr_stereo_info->ms_used[0][0]; WORD32 num_window_groups = ptr_aac_dec_ch_info->str_ics_info.num_window_groups; WORD16 max_sfb = ptr_aac_dec_ch_info->str_ics_info.max_sfb; ms_mask_present = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 2); if (ms_mask_present < 1) { memset(ptr_ms_used, 0, sizeof(UWORD8) * JOINT_STEREO_MAX_BANDS * JOINT_STEREO_MAX_GROUPS); } else if (ms_mask_present == 1) { for (num_win_group = 0; num_win_group < num_window_groups; num_win_group++) { for (sfb = 0; sfb < max_sfb; sfb++) { ptr_aac_dec_ch_info->pstr_stereo_info->ms_used[num_win_group][sfb] = (UWORD8)ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 1); } } } else { for (num_win_group = 0; num_win_group < num_window_groups; num_win_group++) { ptr_ms_used = &ptr_aac_dec_ch_info->pstr_stereo_info->ms_used[num_win_group][0]; memset(ptr_ms_used, 1, (max_sfb) * sizeof(UWORD8)); } } } VOID ixheaacd_channel_pair_process( ia_aac_dec_channel_info_struct *ptr_aac_dec_channel_info[], WORD32 num_ch, ia_aac_dec_tables_struct *ptr_aac_tables, WORD32 total_channels, WORD32 object_type, WORD32 aac_spect_data_resil_flag, WORD32 aac_sf_data_resil_flag, WORD32 *in_data, WORD32 *out_data, void *self_ptr) { WORD32 channel; ia_aac_decoder_struct *self = self_ptr; if (aac_spect_data_resil_flag && ((object_type == AOT_ER_AAC_LD) || (object_type == AOT_ER_AAC_ELD))) { for (channel = 0; channel < num_ch; channel++) { ixheaacd_cblock_inv_quant_spect_data(ptr_aac_dec_channel_info[channel], ptr_aac_tables); ixheaacd_cblock_scale_spect_data(ptr_aac_dec_channel_info[channel], ptr_aac_tables, num_ch, object_type, aac_sf_data_resil_flag); } } if (num_ch > 1) { if (ptr_aac_dec_channel_info[LEFT]->common_window) { if (ptr_aac_dec_channel_info[LEFT]->str_pns_info.pns_active || ptr_aac_dec_channel_info[RIGHT]->str_pns_info.pns_active) { ixheaacd_map_ms_mask_pns(ptr_aac_dec_channel_info); } ixheaacd_ms_stereo_process(ptr_aac_dec_channel_info, ptr_aac_tables); } ixheaacd_intensity_stereo_process(ptr_aac_dec_channel_info, ptr_aac_tables, object_type, aac_sf_data_resil_flag); } for (channel = 0; channel < num_ch; channel++) { WORD32 *p_spectrum = ptr_aac_dec_channel_info[channel]->ptr_spec_coeff; if (total_channels > 2) { if (ptr_aac_dec_channel_info[channel]->str_ics_info.window_sequence != EIGHT_SHORT_SEQUENCE) { WORD16 *band_offsets = ptr_aac_tables->sfb_long_table; WORD32 no_spec_coeff = band_offsets[ptr_aac_dec_channel_info[channel] ->str_ics_info.max_sfb]; ixheaacd_right_shift_block(p_spectrum, no_spec_coeff, 3); } else { ixheaacd_right_shift_block(p_spectrum, 1024, 3); } } ixheaacd_pns_process(ptr_aac_dec_channel_info, channel, ptr_aac_tables); if ((object_type == AOT_ER_AAC_LD) || (object_type == AOT_AAC_LTP)) { { if (channel == 0) { ltp_info *ltp1 = &(ptr_aac_dec_channel_info[channel]->str_ics_info.ltp); ixheaacd_lt_prediction(ptr_aac_dec_channel_info[channel], ltp1, p_spectrum, ptr_aac_tables, self->ptr_aac_dec_static_channel_info[LEFT] ->overlap_add_data.win_shape, self->sampling_rate_index, object_type, self->samples_per_frame, in_data, out_data); } else { ltp_info *ltp2 = (self->pstr_aac_dec_ch_info[0]->common_window) ? &(ptr_aac_dec_channel_info[0]->str_ics_info.ltp2) : &(ptr_aac_dec_channel_info[1]->str_ics_info.ltp); ixheaacd_lt_prediction(ptr_aac_dec_channel_info[channel], ltp2, p_spectrum, ptr_aac_tables, self->ptr_aac_dec_static_channel_info[RIGHT] ->overlap_add_data.win_shape, self->sampling_rate_index, object_type, self->samples_per_frame, in_data, out_data); } } } if (ptr_aac_dec_channel_info[channel]->str_tns_info.tns_data_present) { ixheaacd_aac_tns_process(ptr_aac_dec_channel_info[channel], total_channels, ptr_aac_tables, object_type, 1, NULL); } } } VOID ixheaacd_set_corr_info( ia_aac_dec_channel_info_struct *ptr_aac_dec_channel_info, WORD16 pns_band) { ia_pns_correlation_info_struct *ptr_corr_info = ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->pstr_pns_corr_info; ptr_corr_info->correlated[(pns_band >> PNS_BAND_FLAGS_SHIFT)] |= (1 << (pns_band & PNS_BAND_FLAGS_MASK)); } VOID ixheaacd_map_ms_mask_pns( ia_aac_dec_channel_info_struct *ptr_aac_dec_channel_info[CHANNELS]) { WORD32 num_win_group, sfb; for (num_win_group = 0; num_win_group < ptr_aac_dec_channel_info[LEFT]->str_ics_info.num_window_groups; num_win_group++) { for (sfb = 0; sfb < ptr_aac_dec_channel_info[LEFT]->str_ics_info.max_sfb; sfb++) { if (ptr_aac_dec_channel_info[LEFT] ->pstr_stereo_info->ms_used[num_win_group][sfb]) { WORD16 pns_band = (num_win_group << 4) + sfb; ixheaacd_set_corr_info(ptr_aac_dec_channel_info[LEFT], pns_band); if (ptr_aac_dec_channel_info[LEFT]->str_pns_info.pns_used[pns_band] && ptr_aac_dec_channel_info[RIGHT]->str_pns_info.pns_used[pns_band]) { ptr_aac_dec_channel_info[LEFT] ->pstr_stereo_info->ms_used[num_win_group][sfb] ^= 1; } } } } } VOID ixheaacd_pulse_data_apply(ia_pulse_info_struct *ptr_pulse_info, WORD8 *pulse_scratch, const WORD16 *ptr_swb_offset, WORD object_type) { WORD i; WORD32 k; memset(pulse_scratch, 0, sizeof(WORD32) * 256); if (object_type != AOT_ER_AAC_ELD) { if (ptr_pulse_info->pulse_data_present) { k = ptr_swb_offset[ptr_pulse_info->pulse_start_band]; for (i = 0; i <= ptr_pulse_info->number_pulse; i++) { k = k + ptr_pulse_info->pulse_offset[i]; pulse_scratch[k] = ptr_pulse_info->pulse_amp[i]; } } } else { ptr_pulse_info->pulse_data_present = 0; } } WORD16 ixheaacd_read_spectral_data( ia_bit_buf_struct *it_bit_buff, ia_aac_dec_channel_info_struct *ptr_aac_dec_channel_info, ia_aac_dec_tables_struct *ptr_aac_tables, WORD32 total_channels, WORD32 frame_size, WORD32 object_type, WORD32 aac_spect_data_resil_flag, WORD32 aac_sf_data_resil_flag) { WORD sfb, max_sfb; WORD num_win_grp, group_len, grp_offset; WORD index; WORD8 *ptr_code_book, *ptr_code_book_no; WORD16 *ptr_scale_factor; WORD32 *ptr_spec_coef; ia_ics_info_struct *ptr_ics_info = &ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->str_ics_info; WORD16 *swb_offset; WORD32 *ptr_spec_coef_out; ptr_code_book = ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->ptr_code_book; ptr_scale_factor = ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->ptr_scale_factor; ptr_spec_coef = ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->ptr_spec_coeff; max_sfb = ptr_ics_info->max_sfb; swb_offset = ptr_aac_tables->str_aac_sfb_info[ptr_ics_info->window_sequence].sfb_index; if (!aac_spect_data_resil_flag) { if (ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->str_ics_info.window_sequence != EIGHT_SHORT_SEQUENCE) { WORD8 *ptr_scratch; if (object_type == AOT_ER_AAC_ELD) ptr_scratch = (WORD8 *)ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->pulse_scratch; else ptr_scratch = (WORD8 *)ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->scratch_buf_ptr; memset(ptr_spec_coef, 0, sizeof(WORD32) * 1024); ixheaacd_pulse_data_apply(&ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->str_pulse_info, ptr_scratch, swb_offset, object_type); ptr_spec_coef_out = &ptr_spec_coef[0]; for (sfb = 0; sfb < max_sfb;) { WORD ret_val; WORD32 sfb_width; WORD32 sect_cb = ptr_code_book[sfb]; WORD start = sfb; if ((object_type == AOT_ER_AAC_ELD) || (object_type == AOT_ER_AAC_LD)) { if ((sect_cb >= 16) && (sect_cb <= 31)) { ptr_code_book[sfb] = sect_cb = 11; } } for (; sfb < max_sfb && (ptr_code_book[sfb] == sect_cb); sfb++) ; sfb_width = swb_offset[sfb] - swb_offset[start]; if (sect_cb > ZERO_HCB && (sect_cb < NOISE_HCB)) { ret_val = ixheaacd_huffman_dec_word2(it_bit_buff, sect_cb, sfb_width, ptr_aac_tables, ptr_spec_coef_out, ptr_scratch); if (ret_val != 0) { return (WORD16)( (WORD32)IA_ENHAACPLUS_DEC_EXE_NONFATAL_EXCEEDS_MAX_HUFFDEC_VAL); } } else { if (ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->str_pulse_info.pulse_data_present) { ixheaacd_inverse_quantize( ptr_spec_coef_out, sfb_width, (WORD32 *) ptr_aac_tables->pstr_block_tables->ixheaacd_pow_table_Q13, ptr_scratch); } } ptr_scratch += sfb_width; ptr_spec_coef_out += sfb_width; } if ((object_type != AOT_ER_AAC_ELD) && (object_type != AOT_ER_AAC_LD)) index = 1024 - swb_offset[max_sfb]; else index = frame_size - swb_offset[max_sfb]; if (index < 0) return -1; } else { memset(ptr_spec_coef, 0, sizeof(WORD32) * 1024); grp_offset = 0; for (num_win_grp = 0; num_win_grp < ptr_ics_info->num_window_groups; num_win_grp++) { WORD grp_len = ptr_ics_info->window_group_length[num_win_grp]; ptr_code_book_no = &ptr_code_book[num_win_grp * MAX_SCALE_FACTOR_BANDS_SHORT]; ptr_spec_coef_out = &ptr_spec_coef[grp_offset * MAX_BINS_SHORT]; for (sfb = 0; sfb < max_sfb;) { WORD sect_cb = *ptr_code_book_no; WORD start = sfb; WORD ret_val; for (; sfb < max_sfb && (*ptr_code_book_no == sect_cb); sfb++, ptr_code_book_no++) ; if (sect_cb > ZERO_HCB && (sect_cb < NOISE_HCB)) { ret_val = ixheaacd_decode_huffman( it_bit_buff, sect_cb, ptr_spec_coef_out, (WORD16 *)swb_offset, start, sfb, grp_len, ptr_aac_tables); if (ret_val != 0) { return (WORD16)( (WORD32) IA_ENHAACPLUS_DEC_EXE_NONFATAL_EXCEEDS_MAX_HUFFDEC_VAL); } } } grp_offset = (grp_offset + grp_len); } } { WORD32 *ptr_scale_table = ptr_aac_tables->pstr_block_tables->scale_table; WORD8 *ptr_sfb_width = ptr_aac_tables->str_aac_sfb_info[ptr_ics_info->window_sequence] .sfb_width; for (num_win_grp = 0; num_win_grp < ptr_ics_info->num_window_groups; num_win_grp++) { for (group_len = 0; group_len < ptr_ics_info->window_group_length[num_win_grp]; group_len++) { (*ixheaacd_scale_factor_process)( &ptr_spec_coef[0], &ptr_scale_factor[0], max_sfb, (WORD8 *)ptr_sfb_width, ptr_scale_table, total_channels, object_type, aac_sf_data_resil_flag); ptr_spec_coef += MAX_BINS_SHORT; } ptr_scale_factor += MAX_SCALE_FACTOR_BANDS_SHORT; } } } else { ia_hcr_info_struct *pstr_hcr_info = &ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->str_hcr_info; WORD32 error = 0; memset(ptr_spec_coef, 0, sizeof(WORD32) * 1024); if (ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->reorder_spect_data_len != 0) { error = ixheaacd_huff_code_reorder_init( pstr_hcr_info, ptr_aac_dec_channel_info, ptr_aac_tables, it_bit_buff); if (error != 0) { return IA_ENHAACPLUS_DEC_EXE_NONFATAL_DECODE_FRAME_ERROR; } error = ixheaacd_hcr_decoder(pstr_hcr_info, ptr_aac_dec_channel_info, ptr_aac_tables, it_bit_buff); if (error != 0) { ixheaacd_huff_mute_erroneous_lines(pstr_hcr_info); } if (it_bit_buff->cnt_bits < ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->reorder_spect_data_len) { longjmp(*(it_bit_buff->xaac_jmp_buf), IA_ENHAACPLUS_DEC_EXE_NONFATAL_INSUFFICIENT_INPUT_BYTES); } it_bit_buff->cnt_bits += -ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->reorder_spect_data_len; it_bit_buff->ptr_read_next = it_bit_buff->ptr_bit_buf_base + ((it_bit_buff->size - it_bit_buff->cnt_bits) >> 3); it_bit_buff->bit_pos = (it_bit_buff->size - it_bit_buff->cnt_bits) & 7; } else { it_bit_buff->ptr_read_next = it_bit_buff->ptr_bit_buf_base + ((it_bit_buff->size - it_bit_buff->cnt_bits) >> 3); it_bit_buff->bit_pos = (it_bit_buff->size - it_bit_buff->cnt_bits) & 7; } } return AAC_DEC_OK; } WORD16 ixheaacd_read_tns_data( ia_bit_buf_struct *it_bit_buff, ia_aac_dec_channel_info_struct *ptr_aac_dec_channel_info) { WORD win_size, window_per_frame; WORD n_filt_bits, start_band_bits, order_bits; WORD32 bottom; ia_ics_info_struct *ptr_ics_info = &ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->str_ics_info; ia_tns_info_aac_struct *ptr_tns_info = &ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->str_tns_info; if (ptr_ics_info->window_sequence != EIGHT_SHORT_SEQUENCE) { n_filt_bits = 2; start_band_bits = 6; order_bits = 5; window_per_frame = 1; } else { n_filt_bits = 1; start_band_bits = 4; order_bits = 3; window_per_frame = 8; } bottom = ptr_ics_info->num_swb_window; for (win_size = 0; win_size < window_per_frame; win_size++) { WORD n_filt; WORD start_band, coef_res; ptr_tns_info->n_filt[win_size] = n_filt = (WORD16)ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, n_filt_bits); if (n_filt) { WORD filt; WORD top; coef_res = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 1); top = bottom; for (filt = 0; filt < n_filt; filt++) { WORD order; ia_filter_info_struct *filter = &ptr_tns_info->str_filter[win_size][filt]; start_band = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, start_band_bits); if (top < start_band) { top = start_band; } filter->start_band = top - start_band; filter->stop_band = top; top = filter->start_band; if (filter->start_band < 0) { filter->order = -1; return (WORD16)((WORD32)IA_ENHAACPLUS_DEC_EXE_FATAL_TNS_RANGE_ERROR); } filter->order = order = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, order_bits); if ((order - MAX_ORDER_LONG) > 0) { return (WORD16)( (WORD32)IA_ENHAACPLUS_DEC_EXE_NONFATAL_TNS_ORDER_ERROR); } if (order) { WORD i; WORD32 coef, coef_compress; WORD resolution, shift; filter->direction = (WORD8)(ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 1) ? -1 : 1); coef_compress = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, 1); filter->resolution = coef_res; resolution = coef_res + 3 - coef_compress; shift = 32 - resolution; for (i = 0; i < order; i++) { coef = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(it_bit_buff, resolution); coef = coef << shift; filter->coef[i] = (WORD8)(coef >> shift); } } } } } return AAC_DEC_OK; } WORD32 ixheaacd_inv_quant(WORD32 *px_quant, WORD32 *ixheaacd_pow_table_Q13) { WORD32 q1; WORD32 temp; WORD32 q_abs; WORD16 interp; WORD32 shift; q_abs = *px_quant; if (q_abs > (8191 + 32)) return IA_ENHAACPLUS_DEC_EXE_NONFATAL_EXCEEDS_MAX_HUFFDEC_VAL; if (q_abs < 1024) { shift = 3; } else { shift = 6; } q1 = (q_abs) >> shift; interp = q_abs - (q1 << shift); temp = ixheaacd_pow_table_Q13[q1 + 1] - ixheaacd_pow_table_Q13[q1]; temp = (WORD32)(temp * (WORD32)interp); temp = temp + (ixheaacd_pow_table_Q13[q1] << shift); if (shift == 3) temp = temp << 1; else temp = temp << 2; *px_quant = temp; return 0; } void ixheaacd_scale_value_in_place(WORD32 *value, WORD32 scalefactor) { WORD32 newscale; if ((newscale = (scalefactor)) >= 0) { *(value) <<= newscale; } else { *(value) >>= -newscale; } } WORD32 ixheaacd_cblock_inv_quant_spect_data( ia_aac_dec_channel_info_struct *ptr_aac_dec_channel_info, ia_aac_dec_tables_struct *ptr_aac_tables) { int window, group, grp_win, band; int sf_bands_transmitted = ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->str_ics_info.max_sfb; WORD8 *ptr_code_book = ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->ptr_code_book; const WORD16 *band_offsets = (WORD16 *)ixheaacd_getscalefactorbandoffsets( &(ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->str_ics_info), ptr_aac_tables); WORD32 *ptr_pow_table_Q13 = (WORD32 *)ptr_aac_tables->pstr_block_tables->ixheaacd_pow_table_Q13; for (window = 0, group = 0; group < ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->str_ics_info.num_window_groups; group++) { for (grp_win = 0; grp_win < ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->str_ics_info.window_group_length[group]; grp_win++, window++) { for (band = 0; band < sf_bands_transmitted; band++) { WORD32 *ptr_spec_coef = SPEC(ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->ptr_spec_coeff, window, ptr_aac_dec_channel_info->granule_len) + band_offsets[band]; int num_lines = band_offsets[band + 1] - band_offsets[band]; int bnds = group * 16 + band; int i; if ((ptr_code_book[bnds] == ZERO_HCB) || (ptr_code_book[bnds] == INTENSITY_HCB) || (ptr_code_book[bnds] == INTENSITY_HCB2)) continue; if (ptr_code_book[bnds] == NOISE_HCB) { continue; } for (i = 0; i < num_lines; i++) { WORD8 temp = 0; WORD32 out1 = ptr_spec_coef[i]; if (out1 <= 0) { out1 = sub_d(temp, out1); if (out1 > 127) { ixheaacd_inv_quant(&out1, ptr_pow_table_Q13); } else out1 = ptr_pow_table_Q13[out1]; ptr_spec_coef[i] = -out1; } else { if (out1 > 127) { ixheaacd_inv_quant(&out1, ptr_pow_table_Q13); } else out1 = ptr_pow_table_Q13[out1]; ptr_spec_coef[i] = out1; } } } } } return AAC_DEC_OK; } void ixheaacd_init_ltp_object(ltp_info *ltp) { ltp->data_present = 0; ltp->last_band = 0; ltp->lag_update = 0; ltp->coef = 0; } WORD32 ixheaacd_ltp_data(WORD32 object_type, ia_ics_info_struct *ics, ltp_info *ltp, ia_handle_bit_buf_struct bs, WORD32 frame_len) { UWORD8 sfb, w; if (object_type == AOT_ER_AAC_LD) { ltp->lag_update = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(bs, 1); if (ltp->lag_update) { ltp->lag = (UWORD16)ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(bs, 10); } } else { ltp->lag = (UWORD16)ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(bs, 11); } if (ltp->lag > (frame_len << 1)) return -1; ltp->coef = (UWORD8)ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(bs, 3); if (ics->window_sequence == EIGHT_SHORT_SEQUENCE) { for (w = 0; w < 8; w++) { if ((ltp->short_used[w] = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(bs, 1)) & 1) { ltp->short_lag_present[w] = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(bs, 1); if (ltp->short_lag_present[w]) { ltp->short_lag[w] = (UWORD8)ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(bs, 4); } } } } else { ltp->last_band = (ics->max_sfb < MAX_LTP_SFB ? ics->max_sfb : MAX_LTP_SFB); for (sfb = 0; sfb < ltp->last_band; sfb++) { ltp->long_used[sfb] = ixheaacd_read_bits_buf(bs, 1); } } if (ics->frame_length == 480) { if ((ics->sampling_rate_index > 5) && (ltp->last_band > MAX_LTP_SFB_SR_FIVE_PLUS_480)) ltp->last_band = MAX_LTP_SFB_SR_FIVE_PLUS_480; else if ((ics->sampling_rate_index == 5) && (ltp->last_band > MAX_LTP_SFB_SR_FIVE_480)) ltp->last_band = MAX_LTP_SFB_SR_FIVE_480; else if ((ics->sampling_rate_index < 5) && (ltp->last_band > MAX_LTP_SFB_SR_FIVE_LESS_480)) ltp->last_band = MAX_LTP_SFB_SR_FIVE_LESS_480; } else if (ics->frame_length == 512) { if ((ics->sampling_rate_index > 5) && (ltp->last_band > MAX_LTP_SFB_SR_FIVE_PLUS_512)) ltp->last_band = MAX_LTP_SFB_SR_FIVE_PLUS_512; else if ((ics->sampling_rate_index == 5) && (ltp->last_band > MAX_LTP_SFB_SR_FIVE_512)) ltp->last_band = MAX_LTP_SFB_SR_FIVE_512; else if ((ics->sampling_rate_index < 5) && (ltp->last_band > MAX_LTP_SFB_SR_FIVE_LESS_512)) ltp->last_band = MAX_LTP_SFB_SR_FIVE_LESS_512; } return 0; }