//===- SourceCoverageViewHTML.cpp - A html code coverage view -------------===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// /// /// \file This file implements the html coverage renderer. /// //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "SourceCoverageViewHTML.h" #include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h" #include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h" #include "llvm/Support/Path.h" using namespace llvm; namespace { const char *BeginHeader = "" "" ""; const char *CSSForCoverage = ""; const char *EndHeader = ""; const char *BeginCenteredDiv = "
"; const char *EndCenteredDiv = "
"; const char *BeginSourceNameDiv = "
"; const char *EndSourceNameDiv = "
"; const char *BeginCodeTD = ""; const char *EndCodeTD = ""; const char *BeginPre = "

const char *EndPre = "
"; const char *BeginExpansionDiv = "
"; const char *EndExpansionDiv = "
"; const char *BeginTable = ""; const char *EndTable = "
"; void emitPrelude(raw_ostream &OS) { OS << "" "" << BeginHeader << CSSForCoverage << EndHeader << "" << BeginCenteredDiv; } void emitEpilog(raw_ostream &OS) { OS << EndCenteredDiv << "" ""; } // Return a string with the special characters in \p Str escaped. std::string escape(StringRef Str) { std::string Result; for (char C : Str) { if (C == '&') Result += "&"; else if (C == '<') Result += "<"; else if (C == '>') Result += ">"; else if (C == '\"') Result += """; else Result += C; } return Result; } // Create a \p Name tag around \p Str, and optionally set its \p ClassName. std::string tag(const std::string &Name, const std::string &Str, const std::string &ClassName = "") { std::string Tag = "<" + Name; if (ClassName != "") Tag += " class='" + ClassName + "'"; return Tag + ">" + Str + ""; } // Create an anchor to \p Link with the label \p Str. std::string a(const std::string &Link, const std::string &Str) { return "" + Str + ""; } } // anonymous namespace Expected CoveragePrinterHTML::createViewFile(StringRef Path, bool InToplevel) { auto OSOrErr = createOutputStream(Path, "html", InToplevel); if (!OSOrErr) return OSOrErr; OwnedStream OS = std::move(OSOrErr.get()); emitPrelude(*OS.get()); return std::move(OS); } void CoveragePrinterHTML::closeViewFile(OwnedStream OS) { emitEpilog(*OS.get()); } Error CoveragePrinterHTML::createIndexFile(ArrayRef SourceFiles) { auto OSOrErr = createOutputStream("index", "html", /*InToplevel=*/true); if (Error E = OSOrErr.takeError()) return E; auto OS = std::move(OSOrErr.get()); raw_ostream &OSRef = *OS.get(); // Emit a table containing links to reports for each file in the covmapping. emitPrelude(OSRef); OSRef << BeginSourceNameDiv << "Index" << EndSourceNameDiv; OSRef << BeginTable; for (StringRef SF : SourceFiles) { std::string LinkText = escape(sys::path::relative_path(SF)); std::string LinkTarget = escape(getOutputPath(SF, "html", /*InToplevel=*/false)); OSRef << tag("tr", tag("td", tag("pre", a(LinkTarget, LinkText), "code"))); } OSRef << EndTable; emitEpilog(OSRef); return Error::success(); } void SourceCoverageViewHTML::renderViewHeader(raw_ostream &OS) { OS << BeginTable; } void SourceCoverageViewHTML::renderViewFooter(raw_ostream &OS) { OS << EndTable; } void SourceCoverageViewHTML::renderSourceName(raw_ostream &OS) { OS << BeginSourceNameDiv << tag("pre", escape(getSourceName())) << EndSourceNameDiv; } void SourceCoverageViewHTML::renderLinePrefix(raw_ostream &OS, unsigned) { OS << ""; } void SourceCoverageViewHTML::renderLineSuffix(raw_ostream &OS, unsigned) { // If this view has sub-views, renderLine() cannot close the view's cell. // Take care of it here, after all sub-views have been rendered. if (hasSubViews()) OS << EndCodeTD; OS << ""; } void SourceCoverageViewHTML::renderViewDivider(raw_ostream &, unsigned) { // The table-based output makes view dividers unnecessary. } void SourceCoverageViewHTML::renderLine( raw_ostream &OS, LineRef L, const coverage::CoverageSegment *WrappedSegment, CoverageSegmentArray Segments, unsigned ExpansionCol, unsigned) { StringRef Line = L.Line; // Steps for handling text-escaping, highlighting, and tooltip creation: // // 1. Split the line into N+1 snippets, where N = |Segments|. The first // snippet starts from Col=1 and ends at the start of the first segment. // The last snippet starts at the last mapped column in the line and ends // at the end of the line. Both are required but may be empty. SmallVector Snippets; unsigned LCol = 1; auto Snip = [&](unsigned Start, unsigned Len) { assert(Start + Len <= Line.size() && "Snippet extends past the EOL"); Snippets.push_back(Line.substr(Start, Len)); LCol += Len; }; Snip(LCol - 1, Segments.empty() ? 0 : (Segments.front()->Col - 1)); for (unsigned I = 1, E = Segments.size(); I < E; ++I) { assert(LCol == Segments[I - 1]->Col && "Snippet start position is wrong"); Snip(LCol - 1, Segments[I]->Col - LCol); } // |Line| + 1 is needed to avoid underflow when, e.g |Line| = 0 and LCol = 1. Snip(LCol - 1, Line.size() + 1 - LCol); assert(LCol == Line.size() + 1 && "Final snippet doesn't reach the EOL"); // 2. Escape all of the snippets. for (unsigned I = 0, E = Snippets.size(); I < E; ++I) Snippets[I] = escape(Snippets[I]); // 3. Use \p WrappedSegment to set the highlight for snippets 0 and 1. Use // segment 1 to set the highlight for snippet 2, segment 2 to set the // highlight for snippet 3, and so on. Optional Color; auto Highlight = [&](const std::string &Snippet) { return tag("span", Snippet, Color.getValue()); }; auto CheckIfUncovered = [](const coverage::CoverageSegment *S) { return S && S->HasCount && S->Count == 0; }; if (CheckIfUncovered(WrappedSegment) || CheckIfUncovered(Segments.empty() ? nullptr : Segments.front())) { Color = "red"; Snippets[0] = Highlight(Snippets[0]); Snippets[1] = Highlight(Snippets[1]); } for (unsigned I = 1, E = Segments.size(); I < E; ++I) { const auto *CurSeg = Segments[I]; if (CurSeg->Col == ExpansionCol) Color = "cyan"; else if (CheckIfUncovered(CurSeg)) Color = "red"; else Color = None; if (Color.hasValue()) Snippets[I + 1] = Highlight(Snippets[I + 1]); } // 4. Snippets[1:N+1] correspond to \p Segments[0:N]: use these to generate // sub-line region count tooltips if needed. bool HasMultipleRegions = [&] { unsigned RegionCount = 0; for (const auto *S : Segments) if (S->HasCount && S->IsRegionEntry) if (++RegionCount > 1) return true; return false; }(); if (shouldRenderRegionMarkers(HasMultipleRegions)) { for (unsigned I = 0, E = Segments.size(); I < E; ++I) { const auto *CurSeg = Segments[I]; if (!CurSeg->IsRegionEntry || !CurSeg->HasCount) continue; Snippets[I + 1] = tag("div", Snippets[I + 1] + tag("span", formatCount(CurSeg->Count), "tooltip-content"), "tooltip"); } } OS << BeginCodeTD; OS << BeginPre; for (const auto &Snippet : Snippets) OS << Snippet; OS << EndPre; // If there are no sub-views left to attach to this cell, end the cell. // Otherwise, end it after the sub-views are rendered (renderLineSuffix()). if (!hasSubViews()) OS << EndCodeTD; } void SourceCoverageViewHTML::renderLineCoverageColumn( raw_ostream &OS, const LineCoverageStats &Line) { std::string Count = ""; if (Line.isMapped()) Count = tag("pre", formatCount(Line.ExecutionCount)); std::string CoverageClass = (Line.ExecutionCount > 0) ? "covered-line" : "uncovered-line"; OS << tag("td", Count, CoverageClass); } void SourceCoverageViewHTML::renderLineNumberColumn(raw_ostream &OS, unsigned LineNo) { OS << tag("td", tag("pre", utostr(uint64_t(LineNo))), "line-number"); } void SourceCoverageViewHTML::renderRegionMarkers(raw_ostream &, CoverageSegmentArray, unsigned) { // Region markers are rendered in-line using tooltips. } void SourceCoverageViewHTML::renderExpansionSite( raw_ostream &OS, LineRef L, const coverage::CoverageSegment *WrappedSegment, CoverageSegmentArray Segments, unsigned ExpansionCol, unsigned ViewDepth) { // Render the line containing the expansion site. No extra formatting needed. renderLine(OS, L, WrappedSegment, Segments, ExpansionCol, ViewDepth); } void SourceCoverageViewHTML::renderExpansionView(raw_ostream &OS, ExpansionView &ESV, unsigned ViewDepth) { OS << BeginExpansionDiv; ESV.View->print(OS, /*WholeFile=*/false, /*ShowSourceName=*/false, ViewDepth + 1); OS << EndExpansionDiv; } void SourceCoverageViewHTML::renderInstantiationView(raw_ostream &OS, InstantiationView &ISV, unsigned ViewDepth) { OS << BeginExpansionDiv; ISV.View->print(OS, /*WholeFile=*/false, /*ShowSourceName=*/true, ViewDepth); OS << EndExpansionDiv; }