-#!/bin/sh # This script should be run prior to running executing the filesystem tests. # valid devices need to be passed for the test to work correctly # 10/06/03 mridge@us.ibm.com added instance and time command line options # # cd `dirname $0` export LTPROOT=${PWD} echo $LTPROOT | grep testscripts > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then cd .. export LTPROOT=${PWD} fi export TMPBASE="/tmp" usage() { cat <<-END >&2 usage: ${0##*/} [ -a part1 ] [ -n nfsmount ] defaults: part1=$part1 nfsmount=$nfsmount ltproot=$TPROOT tmpdir=$TMPBASE example: ${0##*/} -a hdc1 -b hdc2 -c hdc3 -d hdc4 -n mytesthost:/testmountdir - This test will ONLY run on a 2.5.66 or higher kernel system. - These operations are destructive so do NOT point the tests to partitions where the data shouldn't be overwritten. Once these tests are started all data in the partitions you point to will be destroyed. END exit } while getopts :a:n:v: arg do case $arg in a) part1=$OPTARG;; n) nfsmount=$OPTARG;; v) verb=$OPTARG;; \?) echo "************** Help Info: ********************" usage;; esac done if [ ! -n "$part1" ]; then echo "Missing 1st partition. You must pass 4 partitions for testing" usage; exit fi if [ ! -n "$nfsmount" ]; then echo "Missing NFS partition. You must pass an NFS mount point for testing" usage; exit fi export PATH="${PATH}:${LTPROOT}/testcases/bin" mkdir /test >/dev/null 2>&1 mkdir /test/growfiles >/dev/null 2>&1 mkdir /test/growfiles/ext2 >/dev/null 2>&1 mkdir /test/growfiles/msdos >/dev/null 2>&1 mkdir /test/growfiles/reiser >/dev/null 2>&1 mkdir /test/growfiles/minix >/dev/null 2>&1 mkdir /test/growfiles/xfs >/dev/null 2>&1 mkdir /test/growfiles/nfs >/dev/null 2>&1 mkdir /test/growfiles/jfs >/dev/null 2>&1 mkdir /test/growfiles/ext3 >/dev/null 2>&1 mkfs -V -t ext2 /dev/$part1 mount -v -t nfs $nfsmount /test/growfiles/nfs mount -v /dev/$part1 /test/growfiles/ext2 echo "************ Running tests " sort -R ${LTPROOT}/runtest/ltpfs.part1 -o ${TMPBASE}/ltpfs.part1 ${LTPROOT}/pan/pan -e -S -a ltpfspart1 -n ltpfspart1 -l lvmlogfile -f ${TMPBASE}/ltpfs.part1 & wait $! umount -v -t nfs $nfsmount umount -v /dev/$part1 mkfs.xfs -f /dev/$part1 mount -v /dev/$part1 /test/growfiles/xfs sort -R ${LTPROOT}/runtest/ltpfs.part2 -o ${TMPBASE}/ltpfs.part2 ${LTPROOT}/pan/pan -e -S -a ltpfspart2 -n ltpfspart2 -l lvmlogfile -f ${TMPBASE}/ltpfs.part2 & wait $! mkfs -V -t msdos /dev/$part1 umount -v /dev/$part1 mount -v /dev/$part1 /test/growfiles/msdos sort -R ${LTPROOT}/runtest/ltpfs.part3 -o ${TMPBASE}/ltpfs.part3 ${LTPROOT}/pan/pan -e -S -a ltpfspart3 -n ltpfspart3 -l lvmlogfile -f ${TMPBASE}/ltpfs.part3 & wait $! umount -v /dev/$part1 mkreiserfs /dev/$part1