This file contains various information. Please refer to for general information and questions. Feel free to post your questions there. We are doing our best to ensure the test case will be very portable. Please report any problems on the forum (see on top of this file) * Flags You may want to add -DVERBOSE=2 to have verbose tests, or -DVERBOSE=0 to have silent tests (for batchs for example). You may want to add -DSCALABILITY_FACTOR=X, where X is an integer, to change the stress programs load (default is 1). * Commands Compilation under linux: gcc -o <bin> -lpthread <source> where <bin> is the executable you want to build and <source> is the source file. Compilation under AIX5L cc -o <bin> -lpthread <source> same comment as above Compilation under Solaris 9 (gcc: gcc -std=gnu99 -lpthread -lrt -o <bin> <source> same comment as above. Note: the -lrt is necessary for test cases using semaphore feature. * Execution Please consider the following: -> I am sizing the tests to fit on a bi-xeon IA32 machine, with 2GB RAM. You can change the SCALABILITY_FACTOR value to 2 or 3 to be more resources consuming on a bigger system. This will create more threads, etc... according to each case. -> Stress tests will run until they are killed with SIGUSR1 (or they fail). Currently, I do $> ./stress & and then after a while $> kill -USR1 <pid> or $> for PR in `ps o pid --no-headers -Cstress`; \ do echo Sending SIGUSR1 to pid $PR...; \ kill -USR1 $PR; \ done; Some cases will keep on executing ~ 1 minute after they receive the signal; it is normal (time for stopping all threads).