/* * Copyright © 2014 Intel Corporation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /* A collection of unit tests for blob.c */ #include <inttypes.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <string.h> #include "util/ralloc.h" #include "blob.h" #define bytes_test_str "bytes_test" #define reserve_test_str "reserve_test" /* This placeholder must be the same length as the next overwrite_test_str */ #define placeholder_str "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX" #define overwrite_test_str "overwrite_test" #define uint32_test 0x12345678 #define uint32_placeholder 0xDEADBEEF #define uint32_overwrite 0xA1B2C3D4 #define uint64_test 0x1234567890ABCDEF #define string_test_str "string_test" bool error = false; static void expect_equal(uint64_t expected, uint64_t actual, const char *test) { if (actual != expected) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Test '%s' failed: " "Expected=%" PRIu64 ", " "Actual=%" PRIu64 "\n", test, expected, actual); error = true; } } static void expect_unequal(uint64_t expected, uint64_t actual, const char *test) { if (actual == expected) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Test '%s' failed: Result=%" PRIu64 ", " "but expected something different.\n", test, actual); error = true; } } static void expect_equal_str(const char *expected, const char *actual, const char *test) { if (strcmp(expected, actual)) { fprintf (stderr, "Error: Test '%s' failed:\n\t" "Expected=\"%s\", Actual=\"%s\"\n", test, expected, actual); error = true; } } static void expect_equal_bytes(uint8_t *expected, const uint8_t *actual, size_t num_bytes, const char *test) { size_t i; if (memcmp(expected, actual, num_bytes)) { fprintf (stderr, "Error: Test '%s' failed:\n\t", test); fprintf (stderr, "Expected=["); for (i = 0; i < num_bytes; i++) { if (i != 0) fprintf(stderr, ", "); fprintf(stderr, "0x%02x", expected[i]); } fprintf (stderr, "]"); fprintf (stderr, "Actual=["); for (i = 0; i < num_bytes; i++) { if (i != 0) fprintf(stderr, ", "); fprintf(stderr, "0x%02x", actual[i]); } fprintf (stderr, "]\n"); error = true; } } /* Test at least one call of each blob_write_foo and blob_read_foo function, * verifying that we read out everything we wrote, that every bytes is * consumed, and that the overrun bit is not set. */ static void test_write_and_read_functions (void) { struct blob blob; struct blob_reader reader; ssize_t reserved; size_t str_offset, uint_offset; uint8_t reserve_buf[sizeof(reserve_test_str)]; blob_init(&blob); /*** Test blob by writing one of every possible kind of value. */ blob_write_bytes(&blob, bytes_test_str, sizeof(bytes_test_str)); reserved = blob_reserve_bytes(&blob, sizeof(reserve_test_str)); blob_overwrite_bytes(&blob, reserved, reserve_test_str, sizeof(reserve_test_str)); /* Write a placeholder, (to be replaced later via overwrite_bytes) */ str_offset = blob.size; blob_write_bytes(&blob, placeholder_str, sizeof(placeholder_str)); blob_write_uint32(&blob, uint32_test); /* Write a placeholder, (to be replaced later via overwrite_uint32) */ uint_offset = blob.size; blob_write_uint32(&blob, uint32_placeholder); blob_write_uint64(&blob, uint64_test); blob_write_intptr(&blob, (intptr_t) &blob); blob_write_string(&blob, string_test_str); /* Finally, overwrite our placeholders. */ blob_overwrite_bytes(&blob, str_offset, overwrite_test_str, sizeof(overwrite_test_str)); blob_overwrite_uint32(&blob, uint_offset, uint32_overwrite); /*** Now read each value and verify. */ blob_reader_init(&reader, blob.data, blob.size); expect_equal_str(bytes_test_str, blob_read_bytes(&reader, sizeof(bytes_test_str)), "blob_write/read_bytes"); blob_copy_bytes(&reader, reserve_buf, sizeof(reserve_buf)); expect_equal_str(reserve_test_str, (char *) reserve_buf, "blob_reserve_bytes/blob_copy_bytes"); expect_equal_str(overwrite_test_str, blob_read_bytes(&reader, sizeof(overwrite_test_str)), "blob_overwrite_bytes"); expect_equal(uint32_test, blob_read_uint32(&reader), "blob_write/read_uint32"); expect_equal(uint32_overwrite, blob_read_uint32(&reader), "blob_overwrite_uint32"); expect_equal(uint64_test, blob_read_uint64(&reader), "blob_write/read_uint64"); expect_equal((intptr_t) &blob, blob_read_intptr(&reader), "blob_write/read_intptr"); expect_equal_str(string_test_str, blob_read_string(&reader), "blob_write/read_string"); expect_equal(reader.end - reader.data, reader.current - reader.data, "read_consumes_all_bytes"); expect_equal(false, reader.overrun, "read_does_not_overrun"); blob_finish(&blob); } /* Test that data values are written and read with proper alignment. */ static void test_alignment(void) { struct blob blob; struct blob_reader reader; uint8_t bytes[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP"; size_t delta, last, num_bytes; blob_init(&blob); /* First, write an intptr value to the blob and capture that size. This is * the expected offset between any pair of intptr values (if written with * alignment). */ blob_write_intptr(&blob, (intptr_t) &blob); delta = blob.size; last = blob.size; /* Then loop doing the following: * * 1. Write an unaligned number of bytes * 2. Verify that write results in an unaligned size * 3. Write an intptr_t value * 2. Verify that that write results in an aligned size */ for (num_bytes = 1; num_bytes < sizeof(intptr_t); num_bytes++) { blob_write_bytes(&blob, bytes, num_bytes); expect_unequal(delta, blob.size - last, "unaligned write of bytes"); blob_write_intptr(&blob, (intptr_t) &blob); expect_equal(2 * delta, blob.size - last, "aligned write of intptr"); last = blob.size; } /* Finally, test that reading also does proper alignment. Since we know * that values were written with all the right alignment, all we have to do * here is verify that correct values are read. */ blob_reader_init(&reader, blob.data, blob.size); expect_equal((intptr_t) &blob, blob_read_intptr(&reader), "read of initial, aligned intptr_t"); for (num_bytes = 1; num_bytes < sizeof(intptr_t); num_bytes++) { expect_equal_bytes(bytes, blob_read_bytes(&reader, num_bytes), num_bytes, "unaligned read of bytes"); expect_equal((intptr_t) &blob, blob_read_intptr(&reader), "aligned read of intptr_t"); } blob_finish(&blob); } /* Test that we detect overrun. */ static void test_overrun(void) { struct blob blob; struct blob_reader reader; uint32_t value = 0xdeadbeef; blob_init(&blob); blob_write_uint32(&blob, value); blob_reader_init(&reader, blob.data, blob.size); expect_equal(value, blob_read_uint32(&reader), "read before overrun"); expect_equal(false, reader.overrun, "overrun flag not set"); expect_equal(0, blob_read_uint32(&reader), "read at overrun"); expect_equal(true, reader.overrun, "overrun flag set"); blob_finish(&blob); } /* Test that we can read and write some large objects, (exercising the code in * the blob_write functions to realloc blob->data. */ static void test_big_objects(void) { void *ctx = ralloc_context(NULL); struct blob blob; struct blob_reader reader; int size = 1000; int count = 1000; size_t i; char *buf; blob_init(&blob); /* Initialize our buffer. */ buf = ralloc_size(ctx, size); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { buf[i] = i % 256; } /* Write it many times. */ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { blob_write_bytes(&blob, buf, size); } blob_reader_init(&reader, blob.data, blob.size); /* Read and verify it many times. */ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { expect_equal_bytes((uint8_t *) buf, blob_read_bytes(&reader, size), size, "read of large objects"); } expect_equal(reader.end - reader.data, reader.current - reader.data, "number of bytes read reading large objects"); expect_equal(false, reader.overrun, "overrun flag not set reading large objects"); blob_finish(&blob); ralloc_free(ctx); } int main (void) { test_write_and_read_functions (); test_alignment (); test_overrun (); test_big_objects (); return error ? 1 : 0; }