var notify = []; var experimentIdCounter = 0; /** * The questions above are answered by running a bunch of experiments * exhaustively for all combinations of HTML element names. * * @param makeHtmlString takes one or more element names. * Its {@code length} property specifies its arity, and runExperiment * calls it iteratively with every permutation of length element names. * @param checkDom receives the element names passed to makeHtmlString, * an HTML document body created by parsing the HTML from makeHtmlString * and initialResult/return value from last call to checkDom. * @param initialResult the first result value to pass to checkDom. * @param opt_elementNames an array of element names which defaults to * window.elementNames. */ function runExperiment(makeHtmlString, checkDom, initialResult, onResult, opt_elementNames) { var experimentIndex = ++experimentIdCounter; var iframes = document.getElementById('experiment-iframes'); var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframes.appendChild(iframe); var elementNames = opt_elementNames || window.elementNames; var nElements = elementNames.length; var arity = makeHtmlString.length; var nRuns = Math.pow(nElements, arity); var runIndex = 0; var paramIndices = new Array(arity); var paramValues = new Array(arity); for (var i = 0; i < arity; ++i) { paramIndices[i] = 0; paramValues[i] = elementNames[0]; } var exhausted = nRuns === 0; var progressCounterContainer = document.getElementById('experiment-progress-counter'); var startTime =; var lastProgressUpdateTime = startTime; var result = initialResult; var progressCounter; if (progressCounterContainer) { progressCounter = document.createElement('li'); = '0'; progressCounterContainer.appendChild(progressCounter); } function advance() { // Advance to next permutation. var i; for (i = arity; --i >= 0;) { if (++paramIndices[i] < nElements) { paramValues[i] = elementNames[paramIndices[i]]; break; } paramIndices[i] = 0; paramValues [i] = elementNames[0]; } ++runIndex; if (progressCounter) { var now =; if (now - lastProgressUpdateTime > 250 ) { var ratio = runIndex / nRuns; = (100 * ratio).toFixed(2) + '%'; lastProgressUpdateTime = now; var timeSoFar = now - startTime; if (timeSoFar > 5000) { // Assuming time per run is constant: // total_time / nRuns = time_so_far / runIndex // total_time = time_so_far * nRuns / runIndex // = time_so_far / ratio // eta = total_time - time_so_far // = time_so_far / ratio - time_so_far // = time_so_far * (1/ratio - 1) var eta = timeSoFar * (1 / ratio - 1); progressCounter.innerHTML = eta > 250 ? 'ETA:' + (eta / 1000).toFixed(1) + 's' : ''; } } } exhausted = i < 0; } function step() { var htmlString = null; // Try to generate an HTML string. // The maker can return a nullish value to abort or punt on an experiment, // so we loop until we find work to do. while (!exhausted) { paramValues.length = arity; htmlString = makeHtmlString.apply(null, paramValues); if (htmlString != null) { break; } advance(); } if (htmlString == null) { var endTime =; console.log('experiment took %d millis for %d runs', (endTime - startTime), nRuns); if (progressCounter) { setTimeout(function () { iframes.removeChild(iframe); progressCounterContainer.removeChild(progressCounter); }, 250); } onResult(result); } else { var notifyIndex = notify.indexOf(void 0); if (notifyIndex < 0) { notifyIndex = notify.length; } notify[notifyIndex] = function () { notify[notifyIndex] = void 0; // Process result paramValues[arity] = iframe.contentDocument.body; paramValues[arity + 1] = result; result = checkDom.apply(null, paramValues); paramValues.length = arity; // Requeue the next step on the parent frames event queue. setTimeout(function () { advance(); step(); }, 0); }; // Start the iframe parsing its body. iframe.srcdoc = ( '' + '' + htmlString ); } } step(); } function formatDataToJsonHTML(data) { var out = []; var htmlForNullValue = 'null'; var htmlForErrorValue = 'null'; var depth = 0; var spaces = ' '; format(data); return out.join(''); function format(v) { if (v == null) { out.push(htmlForNullValue); return; } var t = typeof v; if (t === 'boolean') { out.push('', v, ''); } else if (t === 'number') { if (isFinite(v)) { out.push('', v, ''); } else { out.push(htmlForErrorValue); } } else if (t === 'string' || v instanceof String) { var token = JSON.stringify(String(v)); token = token.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/', token, ''); } else { var length = v.length; var isSeries = ('number' === typeof length && length === (length & 0x7fffffff)); // Don't put properties on their own line if there are only a few. var inlinePropLimit = isSeries ? 8 : 4; var inline = true; var numProps = 0; for (var k in v) { if (!, k)) { continue; } var propValue = v[k]; if ((propValue != null && typeof propValue == 'object') || ++numProps > inlinePropLimit) { inline = false; break; } } // Put the appropriate white-space inside brackets and after commas. function maybeIndent(afterComma) { if (inline) { if (afterComma) { out.push(' '); } } else { out.push('\n'); var nSpaces = depth * 2; while (nSpaces > 0) { var nToPush = Math.min(nSpaces, spaces.length); out.push(spaces.substring(0, nToPush)); nSpaces -= nToPush; } } } var onclick = depth ? ' onclick="return toggleJsonBlock(this, event)"' : ''; // Mark blocks so that we can do expandos on collections. out.push('', isSeries ? '[' : '{', // Emit link-like ellipses that can serve as a button for // expando-ness. '', ''); ++depth; if (isSeries) { for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) { if (i) { out.push(','); } maybeIndent(i !== 0); format(v[i]); } } else { var needsComma = false; for (var k in v) { if (!, k)) { continue; } if (needsComma) { out.push(','); } maybeIndent(needsComma); out.push(''); format(String(k)); out.push(': '); format(v[k]); out.push(''); needsComma = true; } } --depth; maybeIndent(false); out.push('', isSeries ? ']' : '}', ''); } } } function displayJson(data, container) { container.innerHTML = formatDataToJsonHTML(data); } function toggleJsonBlock(el, event) { event && event.stopPropagation && event.stopPropagation(); var className = el.className; var classNameCollapsed = className.replace(/\bjson-expanded\b/g, ''); className = className === classNameCollapsed ? className + ' json-expanded' : classNameCollapsed; className = className.replace(/^ +| +$| +( [^ ])/g, "$1"); el.className = className; return false; } function Promise() { if (!(this instanceof Promise)) { return new Promise(); } this.paused = []; this.satisfy = function () { var paused = this.paused; console.log('satisfying ' + paused.length); for (var i = 0, n = paused.length; i < n; ++i) { setTimeout(paused[i], 0); } this.paused.length = 0; }; } Promise.prototype.toString = function () { return "Promise"; }; function when(f, var_args) { var unsatisfied = []; for (var i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; ++i) { var argument = arguments[i]; if (argument instanceof Promise) { unsatisfied.push(argument); } } var nToWaitFor = unsatisfied.length; if (nToWaitFor) { var pauser = function pauser() { if (!--nToWaitFor) { setTimeout(f, 0); } }; for (var j = 0; j < nToWaitFor; ++j) { unsatisfied[j].paused.push(pauser); } unsatisfied = null; } else { setTimeout(f, 0); } } function newBlankObject() { return (Object.create || Object)(null); } function getOwn(o, k, opt_default) { return, k) ? o[k] : opt_default; } function breadthFirstSearch(start, isEnd, eq, adjacent) { var stack = [{ node: start, next: null }]; while (stack.length) { var candidate = stack.shift(); if (isEnd(candidate.node)) { var path = [candidate.node]; while ( { candidate =; path.push(candidate.node); } return path; } var adjacentNodes = adjacent(candidate.node); adj: for (var i = 0, n = adjacentNodes.length; i < n; ++i) { var adjacentNode = adjacentNodes[i]; for (var dupe = candidate; dupe; dupe = { if (eq(dupe.node, adjacentNode)) { continue adj; } } stack.push({ node: adjacentNode, next: candidate }); } } return null; } function reverseMultiMap(multimap) { var reverse = newBlankObject(); for (var k in multimap) { if (, k)) { var values = multimap[k]; for (var i = 0, n = values.length; i < n; ++i) { var value = values[i]; var reverseKeys = getOwn(reverse, value) || []; reverse[value] = reverseKeys; reverseKeys.push(k); } } } return reverse; } function innerTextOf(element) { function appendTextOf(node, out) { switch (node.nodeType) { case 1: // Element for (var c = node.firstChild; c; c = c.nextSibling) { appendTextOf(c, out); } break; case 3: case 4: case 6: // Text / CDATA / Entity out.push(node.nodeValue); break; } } var buf = []; if (element) { appendTextOf(element, buf); } return buf.join(''); } function sortedMultiMap(mm) { var props = []; for (var k in mm) { if (!, k)) { continue; } var v = mm[k]; if (v instanceof Array) { v = v.slice(); v.sort(); } props.push([k, v]); } props.sort( function (a, b) { a = a[0]; b = b[0]; if (a < b) { return -1; } if (b < a) { return 1; } return 0; }); var sorted = newBlankObject(); for (var i = 0, n = props.length; i < n; ++i) { var prop = props[i]; sorted[prop[0]] = prop[1]; } return sorted; } function makeSet(strs) { var s = newBlankObject(); for (var i = 0, n = strs.length; i < n; ++i) { s[strs[i]] = s; } return s; } function inSet(s, str) { return s[str] === s; } function elementContainsComment(el) { return elementContainsNodeOfType(el, 8); } function elementContainsText(el) { return elementContainsNodeOfType(el, 3); } function elementContainsNodeOfType(el, nodeType) { if (el) { for (var c = el.firstChild; c; c = c.nextSibling) { if (c.nodeType === nodeType) { return true; } } return false; } }