# Perfetto trace config *** note **This doc is WIP**, stay tuned. <!-- TODO(primiano): write trace config doc. --> ***  The [`TraceConfig`](/protos/perfetto/config/trace_config.proto) is an extensible protobuf message, sent by the consumer to the service, that defines: - The number and size of the trace buffer. - The duration of the trace. - [optionally] a file descriptor for the output trace and a periodic write interval. If omitted the trace is kept only in memory. - The producers involved in the trace session. - The data sources involved in the trace session. - The configuration of each data source. - The crossbar mapping between each data source and the trace buffers. Each data source can create its own specialized schema for the config, like [this](/protos/perfetto/config/ftrace/ftrace_config.proto) See [`trace_config.proto`](/protos/perfetto/config/trace_config.proto) for more details. For convenience, a vulcanized trace config where all the nested protobuf sub-message definitions are squashed together is available in [`perfetto_config.proto`](/protos/perfetto/config/perfetto_config.proto). Specifying a custom trace config -------------------------------- ```bash cat > /tmp/config.txpb <<EOF # This is a text-encoded protobuf for /protos/perfetto/config/trace_config.proto duration_ms: 10000 # For long traces set the following variables. It will periodically drain the # trace buffers into the output file, allowing to save a trace larger than the # buffer size. write_into_file: true file_write_period_ms: 5000 buffers { size_kb: 10240 } data_sources { config { name: "linux.ftrace" target_buffer: 0 ftrace_config { buffer_size_kb: 40 # Kernel ftrace buffer size. ftrace_events: "sched_switch" ftrace_events: "print" } } } data_sources { config { name: "linux.process_stats" target_buffer: 0 } } EOF protoc=$(pwd)/out/android/gcc_like_host/protoc $protoc --encode=perfetto.protos.TraceConfig \ -I$(pwd)/external/perfetto/protos \ $(pwd)/external/perfetto/protos/perfetto/config/perfetto_config.proto \ < /tmp/config.txpb \ > /tmp/config.pb cat /tmp/config.pb | adb shell perfetto -c - -o /data/misc/perfetto-traces/trace.pb adb shell cat /data/misc/perfetto-traces/trace.pb > /tmp/trace.pb out/android/trace_to_text json < /tmp/trace.pb > /tmp/trace.json # The file can now be viewed in chrome://tracing ```