/* * Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "perfetto/base/logging.h" #include "src/base/test/test_task_runner.h" #include "test/test_helper.h" namespace perfetto { namespace { // Size of individual (repeated) allocations done by the test apps (must be kept // in sync with their sources). constexpr uint64_t kTestSamplingInterval = 4096; constexpr uint64_t kExpectedIndividualAllocSz = 4153; // Tests rely on the sampling behaviour where allocations larger than the // sampling interval are recorded at their actual size. static_assert(kExpectedIndividualAllocSz > kTestSamplingInterval, "kTestSamplingInterval invalid"); bool IsDebuggableBuild() { char buf[PROP_VALUE_MAX + 1] = {}; int ret = __system_property_get("ro.debuggable", buf); PERFETTO_CHECK(ret >= 0); std::string debuggable(buf); if (debuggable == "1") return true; return false; } // note: cannot use gtest macros due to return type bool IsAppRunning(const std::string& name) { std::string cmd = "pgrep -f " + name; int retcode = system(cmd.c_str()); PERFETTO_CHECK(retcode >= 0); int exit_status = WEXITSTATUS(retcode); if (exit_status == 0) return true; if (exit_status == 1) return false; PERFETTO_FATAL("unexpected exit status from system(pgrep): %d", exit_status); } // invokes |callback| once the target app is in the desired state void PollRunState(bool desired_run_state, base::TestTaskRunner* task_runner, const std::string& name, std::function callback) { bool app_running = IsAppRunning(name); if (app_running == desired_run_state) { callback(); return; } task_runner->PostTask([desired_run_state, task_runner, name, callback] { PollRunState(desired_run_state, task_runner, name, std::move(callback)); }); } void StartAppActivity(const std::string& app_name, const std::string& checkpoint_name, base::TestTaskRunner* task_runner, int delay_ms = 1) { std::string start_cmd = "am start " + app_name + "/.MainActivity"; int status = system(start_cmd.c_str()); ASSERT_TRUE(status >= 0 && WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0) << "status: " << status; bool desired_run_state = true; const auto checkpoint = task_runner->CreateCheckpoint(checkpoint_name); task_runner->PostDelayedTask( [desired_run_state, task_runner, app_name, checkpoint] { PollRunState(desired_run_state, task_runner, app_name, std::move(checkpoint)); }, delay_ms); } void StopApp(const std::string& app_name, const std::string& checkpoint_name, base::TestTaskRunner* task_runner) { std::string stop_cmd = "am force-stop " + app_name; int status = system(stop_cmd.c_str()); ASSERT_TRUE(status >= 0 && WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0) << "status: " << status; bool desired_run_state = false; auto checkpoint = task_runner->CreateCheckpoint(checkpoint_name); task_runner->PostTask([desired_run_state, task_runner, app_name, checkpoint] { PollRunState(desired_run_state, task_runner, app_name, std::move(checkpoint)); }); } std::vector ProfileRuntime(std::string app_name) { base::TestTaskRunner task_runner; // (re)start the target app's main activity if (IsAppRunning(app_name)) { StopApp(app_name, "old.app.stopped", &task_runner); task_runner.RunUntilCheckpoint("old.app.stopped", 1000 /*ms*/); } StartAppActivity(app_name, "target.app.running", &task_runner, /*delay_ms=*/100); task_runner.RunUntilCheckpoint("target.app.running", 1000 /*ms*/); // set up tracing TestHelper helper(&task_runner); helper.ConnectConsumer(); helper.WaitForConsumerConnect(); TraceConfig trace_config; trace_config.add_buffers()->set_size_kb(10 * 1024); trace_config.set_duration_ms(2000); auto* ds_config = trace_config.add_data_sources()->mutable_config(); ds_config->set_name("android.heapprofd"); ds_config->set_target_buffer(0); auto* heapprofd_config = ds_config->mutable_heapprofd_config(); heapprofd_config->set_sampling_interval_bytes(kTestSamplingInterval); *heapprofd_config->add_process_cmdline() = app_name.c_str(); heapprofd_config->set_all(false); // start tracing helper.StartTracing(trace_config); helper.WaitForTracingDisabled(4000 /*ms*/); helper.ReadData(); helper.WaitForReadData(); return helper.trace(); } std::vector ProfileStartup(std::string app_name) { base::TestTaskRunner task_runner; if (IsAppRunning(app_name)) { StopApp(app_name, "old.app.stopped", &task_runner); task_runner.RunUntilCheckpoint("old.app.stopped", 1000 /*ms*/); } // set up tracing TestHelper helper(&task_runner); helper.ConnectConsumer(); helper.WaitForConsumerConnect(); TraceConfig trace_config; trace_config.add_buffers()->set_size_kb(10 * 1024); trace_config.set_duration_ms(4000); auto* ds_config = trace_config.add_data_sources()->mutable_config(); ds_config->set_name("android.heapprofd"); ds_config->set_target_buffer(0); auto* heapprofd_config = ds_config->mutable_heapprofd_config(); heapprofd_config->set_sampling_interval_bytes(kTestSamplingInterval); *heapprofd_config->add_process_cmdline() = app_name.c_str(); heapprofd_config->set_all(false); // start tracing helper.StartTracing(trace_config); // start app StartAppActivity(app_name, "target.app.running", &task_runner, /*delay_ms=*/100); task_runner.RunUntilCheckpoint("target.app.running", 2000 /*ms*/); helper.WaitForTracingDisabled(8000 /*ms*/); helper.ReadData(); helper.WaitForReadData(); return helper.trace(); } void AssertExpectedAllocationsPresent( std::vector packets) { ASSERT_GT(packets.size(), 0); // TODO(rsavitski): assert particular stack frames once we clarify the // expected behaviour of unwinding native libs within an apk. // Until then, look for an allocation that is a multiple of the expected // allocation size. bool found_alloc = false; for (const auto& packet : packets) { for (const auto& proc_dump : packet.profile_packet().process_dumps()) { for (const auto& sample : proc_dump.samples()) { if (sample.self_allocated() > 0 && sample.self_allocated() % kExpectedIndividualAllocSz == 0) { found_alloc = true; EXPECT_TRUE(sample.self_freed() > 0 && sample.self_freed() % kExpectedIndividualAllocSz == 0) << "self_freed: " << sample.self_freed(); } } } } ASSERT_TRUE(found_alloc); } void AssertNoProfileContents(std::vector packets) { // If profile packets are present, they must be empty. for (const auto& packet : packets) { ASSERT_EQ(packet.profile_packet().process_dumps_size(), 0); } } void StopApp(std::string app_name) { std::string stop_cmd = "am force-stop " + app_name; system(stop_cmd.c_str()); } // TODO(b/118428762): look into unwinding issues on x86. #if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) #define MAYBE_SKIP(x) DISABLED_##x #else #define MAYBE_SKIP(x) x #endif TEST(HeapprofdCtsTest, MAYBE_SKIP(DebuggableAppRuntime)) { std::string app_name = "android.perfetto.cts.app.debuggable"; const auto& packets = ProfileRuntime(app_name); AssertExpectedAllocationsPresent(packets); StopApp(app_name); } TEST(HeapprofdCtsTest, MAYBE_SKIP(DebuggableAppStartup)) { std::string app_name = "android.perfetto.cts.app.debuggable"; const auto& packets = ProfileStartup(app_name); AssertExpectedAllocationsPresent(packets); StopApp(app_name); } TEST(HeapprofdCtsTest, MAYBE_SKIP(ReleaseAppRuntime)) { std::string app_name = "android.perfetto.cts.app.release"; const auto& packets = ProfileRuntime(app_name); if (IsDebuggableBuild()) AssertExpectedAllocationsPresent(packets); else AssertNoProfileContents(packets); StopApp(app_name); } TEST(HeapprofdCtsTest, MAYBE_SKIP(ReleaseAppStartup)) { std::string app_name = "android.perfetto.cts.app.release"; const auto& packets = ProfileStartup(app_name); if (IsDebuggableBuild()) AssertExpectedAllocationsPresent(packets); else AssertNoProfileContents(packets); StopApp(app_name); } } // namespace } // namespace perfetto