// Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. import * as m from 'mithril'; import {assertTrue} from '../base/logging'; import { debugNow, measure, perfDebug, perfDisplay, RunningStatistics, runningStatStr } from './perf'; function statTableHeader() { return m( 'tr', m('th', ''), m('th', 'Last (ms)'), m('th', 'Avg (ms)'), m('th', 'Avg-10 (ms)'), ); } function statTableRow(title: string, stat: RunningStatistics) { return m( 'tr', m('td', title), m('td', stat.last.toFixed(2)), m('td', stat.mean.toFixed(2)), m('td', stat.bufferMean.toFixed(2)), ); } export type ActionCallback = (nowMs: number) => void; export type RedrawCallback = (nowMs: number) => void; // This class orchestrates all RAFs in the UI. It ensures that there is only // one animation frame handler overall and that callbacks are called in // predictable order. There are two types of callbacks here: // - actions (e.g. pan/zoon animations), which will alter the "fast" // (main-thread-only) state (e.g. update visible time bounds @ 60 fps). // - redraw callbacks that will repaint canvases. // This class guarantees that, on each frame, redraw callbacks are called after // all action callbacks. export class RafScheduler { private actionCallbacks = new Set(); private canvasRedrawCallbacks = new Set(); private _syncDomRedraw: RedrawCallback = _ => {}; private hasScheduledNextFrame = false; private requestedFullRedraw = false; private isRedrawing = false; private _shutdown = false; private perfStats = { rafActions: new RunningStatistics(), rafCanvas: new RunningStatistics(), rafDom: new RunningStatistics(), rafTotal: new RunningStatistics(), domRedraw: new RunningStatistics(), }; start(cb: ActionCallback) { this.actionCallbacks.add(cb); this.maybeScheduleAnimationFrame(); } stop(cb: ActionCallback) { this.actionCallbacks.delete(cb); } addRedrawCallback(cb: RedrawCallback) { this.canvasRedrawCallbacks.add(cb); } removeRedrawCallback(cb: RedrawCallback) { this.canvasRedrawCallbacks.delete(cb); } scheduleRedraw() { this.maybeScheduleAnimationFrame(true); } shutdown() { this._shutdown = true; } set domRedraw(cb: RedrawCallback|null) { this._syncDomRedraw = cb || (_ => {}); } scheduleFullRedraw() { this.requestedFullRedraw = true; this.maybeScheduleAnimationFrame(true); } syncDomRedraw(nowMs: number) { const redrawStart = debugNow(); this._syncDomRedraw(nowMs); if (perfDebug()) { this.perfStats.domRedraw.addValue(debugNow() - redrawStart); } } private syncCanvasRedraw(nowMs: number) { const redrawStart = debugNow(); if (this.isRedrawing) return; this.isRedrawing = true; for (const redraw of this.canvasRedrawCallbacks) redraw(nowMs); this.isRedrawing = false; if (perfDebug()) { this.perfStats.rafCanvas.addValue(debugNow() - redrawStart); } } private maybeScheduleAnimationFrame(force = false) { if (this.hasScheduledNextFrame) return; if (this.actionCallbacks.size !== 0 || force) { this.hasScheduledNextFrame = true; window.requestAnimationFrame(this.onAnimationFrame.bind(this)); } } private onAnimationFrame(nowMs: number) { if (this._shutdown) return; const rafStart = debugNow(); this.hasScheduledNextFrame = false; const doFullRedraw = this.requestedFullRedraw; this.requestedFullRedraw = false; const actionTime = measure(() => { for (const action of this.actionCallbacks) action(nowMs); }); const domTime = measure(() => { if (doFullRedraw) this.syncDomRedraw(nowMs); }); const canvasTime = measure(() => this.syncCanvasRedraw(nowMs)); const totalRafTime = debugNow() - rafStart; this.updatePerfStats(actionTime, domTime, canvasTime, totalRafTime); perfDisplay.renderPerfStats(); this.maybeScheduleAnimationFrame(); } private updatePerfStats( actionsTime: number, domTime: number, canvasTime: number, totalRafTime: number) { if (!perfDebug()) return; this.perfStats.rafActions.addValue(actionsTime); this.perfStats.rafDom.addValue(domTime); this.perfStats.rafCanvas.addValue(canvasTime); this.perfStats.rafTotal.addValue(totalRafTime); } renderPerfStats() { assertTrue(perfDebug()); return m( 'div', m('div', [ m('button', {onclick: () => this.scheduleRedraw()}, 'Do Canvas Redraw'), ' | ', m('button', {onclick: () => this.scheduleFullRedraw()}, 'Do Full Redraw'), ]), m('div', 'Raf Timing ' + '(Total may not add up due to imprecision)'), m('table', statTableHeader(), statTableRow('Actions', this.perfStats.rafActions), statTableRow('Dom', this.perfStats.rafDom), statTableRow('Canvas', this.perfStats.rafCanvas), statTableRow('Total', this.perfStats.rafTotal), ), m('div', 'Dom redraw: ' + `Count: ${this.perfStats.domRedraw.count} | ` + runningStatStr(this.perfStats.domRedraw)), ); } }