jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 20000; describe('PathKit\'s Path Behavior', function() { // Note, don't try to print the PathKit object - it can cause Karma/Jasmine to lock up. var PathKit = null; const LoadPathKit = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { if (PathKit) { resolve(); } else { PathKitInit({ locateFile: (file) => '/pathkit/'+file, }).ready().then((_PathKit) => { PathKit = _PathKit; resolve(); }); } }); describe('Basic Path Features', function() { function drawSimplePath() { let path = PathKit.NewPath(); path.moveTo(0, 0); path.lineTo(10, 0); path.lineTo(10, 10); path.close(); return path; } it('supports.equals()', function(done) { LoadPathKit.then(catchException(done, () => { let path = drawSimplePath(); let otherPath = drawSimplePath(); let blank = PathKit.NewPath(); expect(path.equals(path)).toBe(true); expect(otherPath.equals(path)).toBe(true); expect(path.equals(otherPath)).toBe(true); expect(path.equals(blank)).toBe(false); expect(otherPath.equals(blank)).toBe(false); expect(blank.equals(path)).toBe(false); expect(blank.equals(otherPath)).toBe(false); path.delete(); otherPath.delete(); blank.delete(); done(); })); }); it('has a copy constructor', function(done) { LoadPathKit.then(catchException(done, () => { let orig = drawSimplePath(); let copy = new PathKit.SkPath(orig); expect(orig.toSVGString()).toEqual(copy.toSVGString()); expect(orig.equals(copy)).toBe(true); orig.delete(); copy.delete(); done(); })); }); it('has a copy method', function(done) { LoadPathKit.then(catchException(done, () => { let orig = drawSimplePath(); let copy = orig.copy(); expect(orig.toSVGString()).toEqual(copy.toSVGString()); expect(orig.equals(copy)).toBe(true); orig.delete(); copy.delete(); done(); })); }); it('can create a copy with MakePath', function(done) { LoadPathKit.then(catchException(done, () => { let orig = drawSimplePath(); let copy = PathKit.NewPath(orig); expect(orig.toSVGString()).toEqual(copy.toSVGString()); expect(orig.equals(copy)).toBe(true); orig.delete(); copy.delete(); done(); })); }); }); function ExpectRectsToBeEqual(actual, expected) { if (PathKit.usingWasm) { // exact match expect(actual).toEqual(expected); } else { // floats get rounded a little bit expect(actual.fLeft).toBeCloseTo(expected.fLeft, 4); expect(actual.fTop).toBeCloseTo(expected.fTop, 4); expect(actual.fRight).toBeCloseTo(expected.fRight, 4); expect(actual.fBottom).toBeCloseTo(expected.fBottom, 4); } } function bits2float(str) { return PathKit.SkBits2FloatUnsigned(parseInt(str)) } describe('bounds and rect', function(){ it('dynamically updates getBounds()', function(done){ LoadPathKit.then(catchException(done, () => { // Based on test_bounds_crbug_513799 let path = PathKit.NewPath(); expect(path.getBounds()).toEqual(PathKit.LTRBRect(0, 0, 0, 0)); path.moveTo(-5, -8); expect(path.getBounds()).toEqual(PathKit.LTRBRect(-5, -8, -5, -8)); path.rect(1, 2, 2, 2); expect(path.getBounds()).toEqual(PathKit.LTRBRect(-5, -8, 3, 4)); path.moveTo(1, 2); expect(path.getBounds()).toEqual(PathKit.LTRBRect(-5, -8, 3, 4)); path.delete(); done(); })); }); it('has getBounds() and computeTightBounds()', function(done){ LoadPathKit.then(catchException(done, () => { // Based on PathOpsTightBoundsIllBehaved let path = PathKit.NewPath(); path.moveTo(1, 1); path.quadraticCurveTo(4, 3, 2, 2); expect(path.getBounds()).toEqual(PathKit.LTRBRect(1, 1, 4, 3)); ExpectRectsToBeEqual(path.computeTightBounds(), PathKit.LTRBRect(1, 1, bits2float("0x40333334"), // 2.8 bits2float("0x40155556"))); // 2.3333333 path.delete(); done(); })); }); }); function ExpectCmdsToBeEqual(actual, expected) { if (PathKit.usingWasm) { // exact match expect(actual).toEqual(expected); } else { // lossy match actual.every((cmd, cmdIdx) => { cmd.every((arg, argIdx) => { // The asm.js code is close to the wasm/c++ output, but not quite. expect(arg).toBeCloseTo(expected[cmdIdx][argIdx], 4) }); }); } } describe('Command arrays', function(){ it('does NOT approximates conics when dumping as toCmds', function(done) { LoadPathKit.then(catchException(done, () => { let path = PathKit.NewPath(); path.moveTo(20, 120); path.arc(20, 120, 18, 0, 1.75 * Math.PI); path.lineTo(20, 120); let expectedCmds = [ [PathKit.MOVE_VERB, 20, 120], [PathKit.LINE_VERB, 38, 120], [PathKit.CONIC_VERB, 38, 138, 20, 138, bits2float("0x3f3504f3)")], // 0.707107f [PathKit.CONIC_VERB, 2, 138, 2, 120, bits2float("0x3f3504f3)")], // 0.707107f [PathKit.CONIC_VERB, 2, 102, 20, 102, bits2float("0x3f3504f3)")], // 0.707107f [PathKit.CONIC_VERB, bits2float("0x41dba58e"), 102, bits2float("0x4202e962"), bits2float("0x42d68b4d"), bits2float("0x3f6c8361")], // 27.4558, 102, 32.7279, 107.272, 0.92388 [PathKit.LINE_VERB, 20, 120], ]; ExpectCmdsToBeEqual(path.toCmds(), expectedCmds); path.delete(); done(); })); }); }); });