/* * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "bmhParser.h" #include "fiddleParser.h" #include "SkOSFile.h" #include "SkOSPath.h" const string kCatalogFileName("catalog.htm"); bool Catalog::appendFile(string path) { FILE* file = fopen(path.c_str(), "r"); if (!file) { SkDebugf("could not append %s\n", path.c_str()); return false; } fseek(file, 0L, SEEK_END); int sz = (int) ftell(file); rewind(file); char* buffer = new char[sz]; memset(buffer, ' ', sz); SkAssertResult(sz == (int)fread(buffer, 1, sz, file)); fclose(file); this->writeBlock(sz, buffer); return true; } bool Catalog::openCatalog(const char* inDir) { fDocsDir = inDir; if ('/' != fDocsDir.back()) { fDocsDir += '/'; } fOut = fopen(kCatalogFileName.c_str(), "wb"); fFullName = kCatalogFileName; if (!fOut) { SkDebugf("could not open output file %s\n", kCatalogFileName.c_str()); return false; } fContinuation = false; if (!appendFile(fDocsDir + "catalogHeader.txt")) { return false; } this->lf(1); return true; } bool Catalog::openStatus(const char* statusFile) { StatusIter iter(statusFile, ".bmh", StatusFilter::kInProgress); // FIXME: iterate through only chosen files by setting fDocsDir to iter // read one file to find directory if (!iter.next(nullptr, nullptr)) { return false; } return openCatalog(iter.baseDir().c_str()); } bool Catalog::closeCatalog(const char* outDir) { if (fOut) { this->lf(1); this->writeString("}"); this->lf(1); if (!appendFile(fDocsDir + "catalogTrailer.txt")) { return false; } this->lf(1); this->writePending(); fclose(fOut); string outie = outDir; if ('/' != outie.back()) { outie += '/'; } string fullName = outie + kCatalogFileName; if (ParserCommon::WrittenFileDiffers(fullName, kCatalogFileName)) { ParserCommon::CopyToFile(fullName, kCatalogFileName); SkDebugf("wrote %s\n", fullName.c_str()); } else { remove(kCatalogFileName.c_str()); } fOut = nullptr; } return true; } bool Catalog::parseFromFile(const char* path) { if (!INHERITED::parseFromFile(path)) { return false; } fIndent = 4; this->writeString("var text = {"); this->lf(1); fTextOut = true; if (!parseFiddles()) { return false; } this->lf(1); this->writeString("}"); this->lf(2); this->writeString("var pngs = {"); fTextOut = false; fPngOut = true; JsonStatus* status = &fStack.back(); status->reset(); fContinuation = false; return parseFiddles(); } bool Catalog::pngOut(Definition* example) { string result; if (!fBmhParser->exampleToScript(example, BmhParser::ExampleOptions::kPng, &result)) { return false; } if (result.length() > 0) { if (fContinuation) { this->writeString(","); this->lf(1); } else { fContinuation = true; } this->writeBlock(result.size(), result.c_str()); } return true; } bool Catalog::textOut(Definition* def, const char* stdOutStart, const char* stdOutEnd) { string result; if (!fBmhParser->exampleToScript(def, BmhParser::ExampleOptions::kText, &result)) { return false; } if (result.length() > 0) { if (fContinuation) { this->writeString(","); this->lf(1); } else { fContinuation = true; } fIndent = 8; this->writeBlock(result.size(), result.c_str()); this->lf(1); this->writeString("\"stdout\": \""); size_t pos = 0; size_t len = stdOutEnd - stdOutStart; string example; const Definition* stdOut = def->hasChild(MarkType::kStdOut); const Definition* outVolatile = stdOut ? stdOut->hasChild(MarkType::kVolatile) : nullptr; if (outVolatile) { stdOutStart = outVolatile->fContentStart; while ('\n' == stdOutStart[0]) { ++stdOutStart; } len = stdOut->fContentEnd - stdOutStart; } while ((size_t) pos < len) { example += '"' == stdOutStart[pos] ? "\\\"" : '\\' == stdOutStart[pos] ? "\\\\" : '\n' == stdOutStart[pos] ? "\\\\n" : string(&stdOutStart[pos], 1); if (outVolatile && '\n' == stdOutStart[pos]) { ++pos; while ((size_t) pos < len && ' ' == stdOutStart[pos]) { ++pos; } continue; } ++pos; } if (outVolatile) { example += "\\\\n"; } this->writeBlock(example.length(), example.c_str()); this->writeString("\""); this->lf(1); fIndent = 4; this->writeString("}"); } return true; }