/* * Copyright 2016 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "Sample.h" #include "SkAnimTimer.h" #include "SkColor.h" #include "SkRandom.h" #include "SkRRect.h" #include "SkSGColor.h" #include "SkSGDraw.h" #include "SkSGGroup.h" #include "SkSGPath.h" #include "SkSGRect.h" #include "SkSGScene.h" #include "SkSGTransform.h" namespace { static const SkRect kBounds = SkRect::MakeLTRB(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.9f, 0.9f); static const SkSize kPaddleSize = SkSize::Make(0.03f, 0.1f); static const SkScalar kBallSize = 0.04f; static const SkScalar kShadowOpacity = 0.40f; static const SkScalar kShadowParallax = 0.04f; static const SkScalar kBackgroundStroke = 0.01f; static const uint32_t kBackgroundDashCount = 20; static const SkScalar kBallSpeedMax = 0.0020f; static const SkScalar kBallSpeedMin = 0.0005f; static const SkScalar kBallSpeedFuzz = 0.0002f; static const SkScalar kTimeScaleMin = 0.0f; static const SkScalar kTimeScaleMax = 5.0f; // Box the value within [min, max), by applying infinite reflection on the interval endpoints. SkScalar box_reflect(SkScalar v, SkScalar min, SkScalar max) { const SkScalar intervalLen = max - min; SkASSERT(intervalLen > 0); // f(v) is periodic in 2 * intervalLen: one normal progression + one reflection const SkScalar P = intervalLen * 2; // relative to P origin const SkScalar vP = v - min; // map to [0, P) const SkScalar vMod = (vP < 0) ? P - SkScalarMod(-vP, P) : SkScalarMod(vP, P); // reflect if needed, to map to [0, intervalLen) const SkScalar vInterval = vMod < intervalLen ? vMod : P - vMod; // finally, reposition relative to min return vInterval + min; } // Compute for the trajectory intersection with the next vertical edge. std::tuple find_yintercept(const SkPoint& pos, const SkVector& spd, const SkRect& box) { const SkScalar edge = spd.fX > 0 ? box.fRight : box.fLeft; const SkScalar t = (edge - pos.fX) / spd.fX; SkASSERT(t >= 0); const SkScalar dY = t * spd.fY; return std::make_tuple(t, box_reflect(pos.fY + dY, box.fTop, box.fBottom)); } void update_pos(const sk_sp& rr, const SkPoint& pos) { // TODO: position setters on RRect? const auto r = rr->getRRect().rect(); const auto offsetX = pos.x() - r.x(), offsetY = pos.y() - r.y(); rr->setRRect(rr->getRRect().makeOffset(offsetX, offsetY)); } } // anonymous ns class PongView final : public Sample { public: PongView() = default; protected: void onOnceBeforeDraw() override { const SkRect fieldBounds = kBounds.makeOutset(kBallSize / 2, kBallSize / 2); const SkRRect ball = SkRRect::MakeOval(SkRect::MakeWH(kBallSize, kBallSize)); const SkRRect paddle = SkRRect::MakeRectXY(SkRect::MakeWH(kPaddleSize.width(), kPaddleSize.height()), kPaddleSize.width() / 2, kPaddleSize.width() / 2); fBall.initialize(ball, SkPoint::Make(kBounds.centerX(), kBounds.centerY()), SkVector::Make(fRand.nextRangeScalar(kBallSpeedMin, kBallSpeedMax), fRand.nextRangeScalar(kBallSpeedMin, kBallSpeedMax))); fPaddle0.initialize(paddle, SkPoint::Make(fieldBounds.left() - kPaddleSize.width() / 2, fieldBounds.centerY()), SkVector::Make(0, 0)); fPaddle1.initialize(paddle, SkPoint::Make(fieldBounds.right() + kPaddleSize.width() / 2, fieldBounds.centerY()), SkVector::Make(0, 0)); // Background decoration. SkPath bgPath; bgPath.moveTo(kBounds.left() , fieldBounds.top()); bgPath.lineTo(kBounds.right(), fieldBounds.top()); bgPath.moveTo(kBounds.left() , fieldBounds.bottom()); bgPath.lineTo(kBounds.right(), fieldBounds.bottom()); // TODO: stroke-dash support would come in handy right about now. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kBackgroundDashCount; ++i) { bgPath.moveTo(kBounds.centerX(), kBounds.top() + (i + 0.25f) * kBounds.height() / kBackgroundDashCount); bgPath.lineTo(kBounds.centerX(), kBounds.top() + (i + 0.75f) * kBounds.height() / kBackgroundDashCount); } auto bg_path = sksg::Path::Make(bgPath); auto bg_paint = sksg::Color::Make(SK_ColorBLACK); bg_paint->setStyle(SkPaint::kStroke_Style); bg_paint->setStrokeWidth(kBackgroundStroke); auto ball_paint = sksg::Color::Make(SK_ColorGREEN), paddle0_paint = sksg::Color::Make(SK_ColorBLUE), paddle1_paint = sksg::Color::Make(SK_ColorRED), shadow_paint = sksg::Color::Make(SK_ColorBLACK); ball_paint->setAntiAlias(true); paddle0_paint->setAntiAlias(true); paddle1_paint->setAntiAlias(true); shadow_paint->setAntiAlias(true); shadow_paint->setOpacity(kShadowOpacity); // Build the scene graph. auto group = sksg::Group::Make(); group->addChild(sksg::Draw::Make(std::move(bg_path), std::move(bg_paint))); group->addChild(sksg::Draw::Make(fPaddle0.shadowNode, shadow_paint)); group->addChild(sksg::Draw::Make(fPaddle1.shadowNode, shadow_paint)); group->addChild(sksg::Draw::Make(fBall.shadowNode, shadow_paint)); group->addChild(sksg::Draw::Make(fPaddle0.objectNode, paddle0_paint)); group->addChild(sksg::Draw::Make(fPaddle1.objectNode, paddle1_paint)); group->addChild(sksg::Draw::Make(fBall.objectNode, ball_paint)); // Handle everything in a normalized 1x1 space. fContentMatrix = sksg::Matrix::Make( SkMatrix::MakeRectToRect(SkRect::MakeWH(1, 1), SkRect::MakeIWH(this->width(), this->height()), SkMatrix::kFill_ScaleToFit)); auto root = sksg::TransformEffect::Make(std::move(group), fContentMatrix); fScene = sksg::Scene::Make(std::move(root), sksg::AnimatorList()); // Off we go. this->updatePaddleStrategy(); } bool onQuery(Event* evt) override { if (Sample::TitleQ(*evt)) { Sample::TitleR(evt, "SGPong"); return true; } SkUnichar uni; if (Sample::CharQ(*evt, &uni)) { switch (uni) { case '[': fTimeScale = SkTPin(fTimeScale - 0.1f, kTimeScaleMin, kTimeScaleMax); return true; case ']': fTimeScale = SkTPin(fTimeScale + 0.1f, kTimeScaleMin, kTimeScaleMax); return true; case 'I': fShowInval = !fShowInval; fScene->setShowInval(fShowInval); return true; default: break; } } return this->INHERITED::onQuery(evt); } void onSizeChange() override { if (fContentMatrix) { fContentMatrix->setMatrix(SkMatrix::MakeRectToRect(SkRect::MakeWH(1, 1), SkRect::MakeIWH(this->width(), this->height()), SkMatrix::kFill_ScaleToFit)); } this->INHERITED::onSizeChange(); } void onDrawContent(SkCanvas* canvas) override { fScene->render(canvas); } bool onAnimate(const SkAnimTimer& timer) override { // onAnimate may fire before the first draw. if (fScene) { SkScalar dt = (timer.msec() - fLastTick) * fTimeScale; fLastTick = timer.msec(); fPaddle0.posTick(dt); fPaddle1.posTick(dt); fBall.posTick(dt); this->enforceConstraints(); fPaddle0.updateDom(); fPaddle1.updateDom(); fBall.updateDom(); } return true; } private: struct Object { void initialize(const SkRRect& rrect, const SkPoint& p, const SkVector& s) { objectNode = sksg::RRect::Make(rrect); shadowNode = sksg::RRect::Make(rrect); pos = p; spd = s; size = SkSize::Make(rrect.width(), rrect.height()); } void posTick(SkScalar dt) { pos += spd * dt; } void updateDom() { const SkPoint corner = pos - SkPoint::Make(size.width() / 2, size.height() / 2); update_pos(objectNode, corner); // Simulate parallax shadow for a centered light source. SkPoint shadowOffset = pos - SkPoint::Make(kBounds.centerX(), kBounds.centerY()); shadowOffset.scale(kShadowParallax); const SkPoint shadowCorner = corner + shadowOffset; update_pos(shadowNode, shadowCorner); } sk_sp objectNode, shadowNode; SkPoint pos; SkVector spd; SkSize size; }; void enforceConstraints() { // Perfect vertical reflection. if (fBall.pos.fY < kBounds.fTop || fBall.pos.fY >= kBounds.fBottom) { fBall.spd.fY = -fBall.spd.fY; fBall.pos.fY = box_reflect(fBall.pos.fY, kBounds.fTop, kBounds.fBottom); } // Horizontal bounce - introduces a speed fuzz. if (fBall.pos.fX < kBounds.fLeft || fBall.pos.fX >= kBounds.fRight) { fBall.spd.fX = this->fuzzBallSpeed(-fBall.spd.fX); fBall.spd.fY = this->fuzzBallSpeed(fBall.spd.fY); fBall.pos.fX = box_reflect(fBall.pos.fX, kBounds.fLeft, kBounds.fRight); this->updatePaddleStrategy(); } } SkScalar fuzzBallSpeed(SkScalar spd) { // The speed limits are absolute values. const SkScalar sign = spd >= 0 ? 1.0f : -1.0f; const SkScalar fuzzed = fabs(spd) + fRand.nextRangeScalar(-kBallSpeedFuzz, kBallSpeedFuzz); return sign * SkTPin(fuzzed, kBallSpeedMin, kBallSpeedMax); } void updatePaddleStrategy() { Object* pitcher = fBall.spd.fX > 0 ? &fPaddle0 : &fPaddle1; Object* catcher = fBall.spd.fX > 0 ? &fPaddle1 : &fPaddle0; SkScalar t, yIntercept; std::tie(t, yIntercept) = find_yintercept(fBall.pos, fBall.spd, kBounds); // The pitcher aims for a neutral/centered position. pitcher->spd.fY = (kBounds.centerY() - pitcher->pos.fY) / t; // The catcher goes for the ball. Duh. catcher->spd.fY = (yIntercept - catcher->pos.fY) / t; } std::unique_ptr fScene; sk_sp> fContentMatrix; Object fPaddle0, fPaddle1, fBall; SkRandom fRand; SkMSec fLastTick = 0; SkScalar fTimeScale = 1.0f; bool fShowInval = false; typedef Sample INHERITED; }; DEF_SAMPLE( return new PongView(); )