/* * Copyright 2012 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "GLTestContext_angle.h" #define EGL_EGL_PROTOTYPES 1 #include #include #include "gl/GrGLDefines.h" #include "gl/GrGLUtil.h" #include "gl/GrGLInterface.h" #include "gl/GrGLAssembleInterface.h" #include "../ports/SkOSLibrary.h" #include #define EGL_PLATFORM_ANGLE_ANGLE 0x3202 #define EGL_PLATFORM_ANGLE_TYPE_ANGLE 0x3203 #define EGL_PLATFORM_ANGLE_TYPE_D3D9_ANGLE 0x3207 #define EGL_PLATFORM_ANGLE_TYPE_D3D11_ANGLE 0x3208 #define EGL_PLATFORM_ANGLE_TYPE_OPENGL_ANGLE 0x320D using sk_gpu_test::ANGLEBackend; using sk_gpu_test::ANGLEContextVersion; namespace { struct Libs { void* fGLLib; void* fEGLLib; }; std::function context_restorer() { auto display = eglGetCurrentDisplay(); auto dsurface = eglGetCurrentSurface(EGL_DRAW); auto rsurface = eglGetCurrentSurface(EGL_READ); auto context = eglGetCurrentContext(); return [display, dsurface, rsurface, context] { eglMakeCurrent(display, dsurface, rsurface, context); }; } static GrGLFuncPtr angle_get_gl_proc(void* ctx, const char name[]) { const Libs* libs = reinterpret_cast(ctx); GrGLFuncPtr proc = (GrGLFuncPtr) GetProcedureAddress(libs->fGLLib, name); if (proc) { return proc; } proc = (GrGLFuncPtr) GetProcedureAddress(libs->fEGLLib, name); if (proc) { return proc; } return eglGetProcAddress(name); } void* get_angle_egl_display(void* nativeDisplay, ANGLEBackend type) { PFNEGLGETPLATFORMDISPLAYEXTPROC eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT; eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT = (PFNEGLGETPLATFORMDISPLAYEXTPROC)eglGetProcAddress("eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT"); // We expect ANGLE to support this extension if (!eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT) { return EGL_NO_DISPLAY; } EGLint typeNum = 0; switch (type) { case ANGLEBackend::kD3D9: typeNum = EGL_PLATFORM_ANGLE_TYPE_D3D9_ANGLE; break; case ANGLEBackend::kD3D11: typeNum = EGL_PLATFORM_ANGLE_TYPE_D3D11_ANGLE; break; case ANGLEBackend::kOpenGL: typeNum = EGL_PLATFORM_ANGLE_TYPE_OPENGL_ANGLE; break; } const EGLint attribs[] = { EGL_PLATFORM_ANGLE_TYPE_ANGLE, typeNum, EGL_NONE }; return eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT(EGL_PLATFORM_ANGLE_ANGLE, nativeDisplay, attribs); } class ANGLEGLContext : public sk_gpu_test::GLTestContext { public: ANGLEGLContext(ANGLEBackend, ANGLEContextVersion, ANGLEGLContext* shareContext, void* display); ~ANGLEGLContext() override; GrEGLImage texture2DToEGLImage(GrGLuint texID) const override; void destroyEGLImage(GrEGLImage) const override; GrGLuint eglImageToExternalTexture(GrEGLImage) const override; std::unique_ptr makeNew() const override; private: void destroyGLContext(); void onPlatformMakeCurrent() const override; std::function onPlatformGetAutoContextRestore() const override; void onPlatformSwapBuffers() const override; GrGLFuncPtr onPlatformGetProcAddress(const char* name) const override; void* fContext; void* fDisplay; void* fSurface; ANGLEBackend fType; ANGLEContextVersion fVersion; #ifdef SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN HWND fWindow; HDC fDeviceContext; static ATOM gWC; #endif }; #ifdef SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN ATOM ANGLEGLContext::gWC = 0; #endif ANGLEGLContext::ANGLEGLContext(ANGLEBackend type, ANGLEContextVersion version, ANGLEGLContext* shareContext, void* display) : fContext(EGL_NO_CONTEXT) , fDisplay(display) , fSurface(EGL_NO_SURFACE) , fType(type) , fVersion(version) { #ifdef SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN fWindow = nullptr; fDeviceContext = nullptr; if (EGL_NO_DISPLAY == fDisplay) { HINSTANCE hInstance = (HINSTANCE)GetModuleHandle(nullptr); if (!gWC) { WNDCLASS wc; wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = 0; wc.hbrBackground = nullptr; wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(nullptr, IDC_ARROW); wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(nullptr, IDI_APPLICATION); wc.hInstance = hInstance; wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC) DefWindowProc; wc.lpszClassName = TEXT("ANGLE-win"); wc.lpszMenuName = nullptr; wc.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW | CS_OWNDC; gWC = RegisterClass(&wc); if (!gWC) { SkDebugf("Could not register window class.\n"); return; } } if (!(fWindow = CreateWindow(TEXT("ANGLE-win"), TEXT("The Invisible Man"), WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, 0, 0, 1, 1, nullptr, nullptr, hInstance, nullptr))) { SkDebugf("Could not create window.\n"); return; } if (!(fDeviceContext = GetDC(fWindow))) { SkDebugf("Could not get device context.\n"); this->destroyGLContext(); return; } fDisplay = get_angle_egl_display(fDeviceContext, type); } #else SkASSERT(EGL_NO_DISPLAY == fDisplay); fDisplay = get_angle_egl_display(EGL_DEFAULT_DISPLAY, type); #endif if (EGL_NO_DISPLAY == fDisplay) { SkDebugf("Could not create EGL display!"); return; } EGLint majorVersion; EGLint minorVersion; if (!eglInitialize(fDisplay, &majorVersion, &minorVersion)) { SkDebugf("Could not initialize display!"); this->destroyGLContext(); return; } EGLint numConfigs; static const EGLint configAttribs[] = { EGL_SURFACE_TYPE, EGL_PBUFFER_BIT, EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE, EGL_OPENGL_ES2_BIT, EGL_RED_SIZE, 8, EGL_GREEN_SIZE, 8, EGL_BLUE_SIZE, 8, EGL_ALPHA_SIZE, 8, EGL_NONE }; EGLConfig surfaceConfig; if (!eglChooseConfig(fDisplay, configAttribs, &surfaceConfig, 1, &numConfigs)) { SkDebugf("Could not create choose config!"); this->destroyGLContext(); return; } int versionNum = ANGLEContextVersion::kES2 == version ? 2 : 3; const EGLint contextAttribs[] = { EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION, versionNum, EGL_NONE }; EGLContext eglShareContext = shareContext ? shareContext->fContext : nullptr; fContext = eglCreateContext(fDisplay, surfaceConfig, eglShareContext, contextAttribs); if (EGL_NO_CONTEXT == fContext) { SkDebugf("Could not create context!"); this->destroyGLContext(); return; } static const EGLint surfaceAttribs[] = { EGL_WIDTH, 1, EGL_HEIGHT, 1, EGL_NONE }; fSurface = eglCreatePbufferSurface(fDisplay, surfaceConfig, surfaceAttribs); SkScopeExit restorer(context_restorer()); if (!eglMakeCurrent(fDisplay, fSurface, fSurface, fContext)) { SkDebugf("Could not set the context."); this->destroyGLContext(); return; } sk_sp gl = sk_gpu_test::CreateANGLEGLInterface(); if (nullptr == gl.get()) { SkDebugf("Could not create ANGLE GL interface!\n"); this->destroyGLContext(); return; } if (!gl->validate()) { SkDebugf("Could not validate ANGLE GL interface!\n"); this->destroyGLContext(); return; } #ifdef SK_DEBUG // Verify that the interface we requested was actually returned to us const GrGLubyte* rendererUByte; GR_GL_CALL_RET(gl.get(), rendererUByte, GetString(GR_GL_RENDERER)); const char* renderer = reinterpret_cast(rendererUByte); switch (type) { case ANGLEBackend::kD3D9: SkASSERT(strstr(renderer, "Direct3D9")); break; case ANGLEBackend::kD3D11: SkASSERT(strstr(renderer, "Direct3D11")); break; case ANGLEBackend::kOpenGL: SkASSERT(strstr(renderer, "OpenGL")); break; } #endif this->init(std::move(gl)); } ANGLEGLContext::~ANGLEGLContext() { this->teardown(); this->destroyGLContext(); } GrEGLImage ANGLEGLContext::texture2DToEGLImage(GrGLuint texID) const { if (!this->gl()->hasExtension("EGL_KHR_gl_texture_2D_image")) { return GR_EGL_NO_IMAGE; } GrEGLImage img; GrEGLint attribs[] = { GR_EGL_GL_TEXTURE_LEVEL, 0, GR_EGL_IMAGE_PRESERVED, GR_EGL_TRUE, GR_EGL_NONE }; // 64 bit cast is to shut Visual C++ up about casting 32 bit value to a pointer. GrEGLClientBuffer clientBuffer = reinterpret_cast((uint64_t)texID); GR_GL_CALL_RET(this->gl(), img, EGLCreateImage(fDisplay, fContext, GR_EGL_GL_TEXTURE_2D, clientBuffer, attribs)); return img; } void ANGLEGLContext::destroyEGLImage(GrEGLImage image) const { GR_GL_CALL(this->gl(), EGLDestroyImage(fDisplay, image)); } GrGLuint ANGLEGLContext::eglImageToExternalTexture(GrEGLImage image) const { GrGLClearErr(this->gl()); if (!this->gl()->hasExtension("GL_OES_EGL_image_external")) { return 0; } typedef GrGLvoid (EGLAPIENTRY *EGLImageTargetTexture2DProc)(GrGLenum, GrGLeglImage); EGLImageTargetTexture2DProc glEGLImageTargetTexture2D = (EGLImageTargetTexture2DProc)eglGetProcAddress("glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES"); if (!glEGLImageTargetTexture2D) { return 0; } GrGLuint texID; GR_GL_CALL(this->gl(), GenTextures(1, &texID)); if (!texID) { return 0; } GR_GL_CALL(this->gl(), BindTexture(GR_GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL, texID)); if (GR_GL_GET_ERROR(this->gl()) != GR_GL_NO_ERROR) { GR_GL_CALL(this->gl(), DeleteTextures(1, &texID)); return 0; } glEGLImageTargetTexture2D(GR_GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL, image); if (GR_GL_GET_ERROR(this->gl()) != GR_GL_NO_ERROR) { GR_GL_CALL(this->gl(), DeleteTextures(1, &texID)); return 0; } return texID; } std::unique_ptr ANGLEGLContext::makeNew() const { // For EGLImage sharing between contexts to work in ANGLE the two contexts // need to share the same display std::unique_ptr ctx = sk_gpu_test::MakeANGLETestContext(fType, fVersion, nullptr, fDisplay); if (ctx) { ctx->makeCurrent(); } return ctx; } void ANGLEGLContext::destroyGLContext() { if (EGL_NO_DISPLAY != fDisplay) { if (eglGetCurrentContext() == fContext) { // This will ensure that the context is immediately deleted. eglMakeCurrent(fDisplay, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_CONTEXT); } if (EGL_NO_CONTEXT != fContext) { eglDestroyContext(fDisplay, fContext); fContext = EGL_NO_CONTEXT; } if (EGL_NO_SURFACE != fSurface) { eglDestroySurface(fDisplay, fSurface); fSurface = EGL_NO_SURFACE; } eglTerminate(fDisplay); fDisplay = EGL_NO_DISPLAY; } #ifdef SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN if (fWindow) { if (fDeviceContext) { ReleaseDC(fWindow, fDeviceContext); fDeviceContext = 0; } DestroyWindow(fWindow); fWindow = 0; } #endif } void ANGLEGLContext::onPlatformMakeCurrent() const { if (!eglMakeCurrent(fDisplay, fSurface, fSurface, fContext)) { SkDebugf("Could not set the context 0x%x.\n", eglGetError()); } } std::function ANGLEGLContext::onPlatformGetAutoContextRestore() const { if (eglGetCurrentContext() == fContext) { return nullptr; } return context_restorer(); } void ANGLEGLContext::onPlatformSwapBuffers() const { if (!eglSwapBuffers(fDisplay, fSurface)) { SkDebugf("Could not complete eglSwapBuffers.\n"); } } GrGLFuncPtr ANGLEGLContext::onPlatformGetProcAddress(const char* name) const { return eglGetProcAddress(name); } } // anonymous namespace namespace sk_gpu_test { sk_sp CreateANGLEGLInterface() { static Libs gLibs = { nullptr, nullptr }; if (nullptr == gLibs.fGLLib) { // We load the ANGLE library and never let it go #if defined _WIN32 gLibs.fGLLib = DynamicLoadLibrary("libGLESv2.dll"); gLibs.fEGLLib = DynamicLoadLibrary("libEGL.dll"); #elif defined SK_BUILD_FOR_MAC gLibs.fGLLib = DynamicLoadLibrary("libGLESv2.dylib"); gLibs.fEGLLib = DynamicLoadLibrary("libEGL.dylib"); #else gLibs.fGLLib = DynamicLoadLibrary("libGLESv2.so"); gLibs.fEGLLib = DynamicLoadLibrary("libEGL.so"); #endif } if (nullptr == gLibs.fGLLib || nullptr == gLibs.fEGLLib) { // We can't setup the interface correctly w/o the so return nullptr; } return GrGLMakeAssembledGLESInterface(&gLibs, angle_get_gl_proc); } std::unique_ptr MakeANGLETestContext(ANGLEBackend type, ANGLEContextVersion version, GLTestContext* shareContext, void* display){ ANGLEGLContext* angleShareContext = reinterpret_cast(shareContext); std::unique_ptr ctx(new ANGLEGLContext(type, version, angleShareContext, display)); if (!ctx->isValid()) { return nullptr; } return ctx; } } // namespace sk_gpu_test