package org.testng; import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter; import com.beust.jcommander.converters.CommaParameterSplitter; import org.testng.collections.Lists; import org.testng.xml.XmlSuite; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class CommandLineArgs { @Parameter(description = "The XML suite files to run") public List suiteFiles = Lists.newArrayList(); public static final String LOG = "-log"; public static final String VERBOSE = "-verbose"; @Parameter(names = { LOG, VERBOSE }, description = "Level of verbosity") public Integer verbose; public static final String GROUPS = "-groups"; @Parameter(names = GROUPS, description = "Comma-separated list of group names to be run") public String groups; public static final String EXCLUDED_GROUPS = "-excludegroups"; @Parameter(names = EXCLUDED_GROUPS, description ="Comma-separated list of group names to " + " exclude") public String excludedGroups; public static final String OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = "-d"; @Parameter(names = OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, description ="Output directory") public String outputDirectory; public static final String JUNIT = "-junit"; @Parameter(names = JUNIT, description ="JUnit mode") public Boolean junit = Boolean.FALSE; public static final String MIXED = "-mixed"; @Parameter(names = MIXED, description ="Mixed mode - autodetect the type of current test" + " and run it with appropriate runner") public Boolean mixed = Boolean.FALSE; public static final String LISTENER = "-listener"; @Parameter(names = LISTENER, description = "List of .class files or list of class names" + " implementing ITestListener or ISuiteListener") public String listener; public static final String METHOD_SELECTORS = "-methodselectors"; @Parameter(names = METHOD_SELECTORS, description = "List of .class files or list of class " + "names implementing IMethodSelector") public String methodSelectors; public static final String OBJECT_FACTORY = "-objectfactory"; @Parameter(names = OBJECT_FACTORY, description = "List of .class files or list of class " + "names implementing ITestRunnerFactory") public String objectFactory; public static final String PARALLEL= "-parallel"; @Parameter(names = PARALLEL, description = "Parallel mode (methods, tests or classes)") public XmlSuite.ParallelMode parallelMode; public static final String CONFIG_FAILURE_POLICY = "-configfailurepolicy"; @Parameter(names = CONFIG_FAILURE_POLICY , description = "Configuration failure policy (skip or continue)") public String configFailurePolicy; public static final String THREAD_COUNT = "-threadcount"; @Parameter(names = THREAD_COUNT, description = "Number of threads to use when running tests " + "in parallel") public Integer threadCount; public static final String DATA_PROVIDER_THREAD_COUNT = "-dataproviderthreadcount"; @Parameter(names = DATA_PROVIDER_THREAD_COUNT, description = "Number of threads to use when " + "running data providers") public Integer dataProviderThreadCount; public static final String SUITE_NAME = "-suitename"; @Parameter(names = SUITE_NAME, description = "Default name of test suite, if not specified " + "in suite definition file or source code") public String suiteName; public static final String TEST_NAME = "-testname"; @Parameter(names = TEST_NAME, description = "Default name of test, if not specified in suite" + "definition file or source code") public String testName; public static final String REPORTER = "-reporter"; @Parameter(names = REPORTER, description = "Extended configuration for custom report listener") public String reporter; public static final String USE_DEFAULT_LISTENERS = "-usedefaultlisteners"; @Parameter(names = USE_DEFAULT_LISTENERS, description = "Whether to use the default listeners") public String useDefaultListeners = "true"; public static final String SKIP_FAILED_INVOCATION_COUNTS = "-skipfailedinvocationcounts"; @Parameter(names = SKIP_FAILED_INVOCATION_COUNTS, hidden = true) public Boolean skipFailedInvocationCounts; public static final String TEST_CLASS = "-testclass"; @Parameter(names = TEST_CLASS, description = "The list of test classes") public String testClass; public static final String TEST_NAMES = "-testnames"; @Parameter(names = TEST_NAMES, description = "The list of test names to run") public String testNames; public static final String TEST_JAR = "-testjar"; @Parameter(names = TEST_JAR, description = "A jar file containing the tests") public String testJar; public static final String XML_PATH_IN_JAR = "-xmlpathinjar"; public static final String XML_PATH_IN_JAR_DEFAULT = "testng.xml"; @Parameter(names = XML_PATH_IN_JAR, description = "The full path to the xml file inside the jar file (only valid if -testjar was specified)") public String xmlPathInJar = XML_PATH_IN_JAR_DEFAULT; public static final String TEST_RUNNER_FACTORY = "-testrunfactory"; @Parameter(names = { TEST_RUNNER_FACTORY, "-testRunFactory" }, description = "The factory used to create tests") public String testRunnerFactory; public static final String PORT = "-port"; @Parameter(names = PORT, description = "The port") public Integer port; public static final String HOST = "-host"; @Parameter(names = HOST, description = "The host", hidden = true) public String host; public static final String MASTER = "-master"; @Parameter(names = MASTER, description = "Host where the master is", hidden = true) public String master; public static final String SLAVE = "-slave"; @Parameter(names = SLAVE, description = "Host where the slave is", hidden = true) public String slave; public static final String METHODS = "-methods"; @Parameter(names = METHODS, description = "Comma separated of test methods", splitter = CommaParameterSplitter.class) public List commandLineMethods = new ArrayList<>(); public static final String SUITE_THREAD_POOL_SIZE = "-suitethreadpoolsize"; public static final Integer SUITE_THREAD_POOL_SIZE_DEFAULT = 1; @Parameter(names = SUITE_THREAD_POOL_SIZE, description = "Size of the thread pool to use" + " to run suites") public Integer suiteThreadPoolSize = SUITE_THREAD_POOL_SIZE_DEFAULT; public static final String RANDOMIZE_SUITES = "-randomizesuites"; @Parameter(names = RANDOMIZE_SUITES, hidden = true, description = "Whether to run suites in same order as specified in XML or not") public Boolean randomizeSuites = Boolean.FALSE; public static final String DEBUG = "-debug"; @Parameter(names = DEBUG, hidden = true, description = "Used to debug TestNG") public Boolean debug = Boolean.FALSE; }