# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. """The experiment runner module.""" from __future__ import print_function import getpass import os import shutil import time import afe_lock_machine import test_flag from cros_utils import command_executer from cros_utils import logger from cros_utils.email_sender import EmailSender from cros_utils.file_utils import FileUtils import config from experiment_status import ExperimentStatus from results_cache import CacheConditions from results_cache import ResultsCache from results_report import HTMLResultsReport from results_report import TextResultsReport from results_report import JSONResultsReport from schedv2 import Schedv2 def _WriteJSONReportToFile(experiment, results_dir, json_report): """Writes a JSON report to a file in results_dir.""" has_llvm = any('llvm' in l.compiler for l in experiment.labels) compiler_string = 'llvm' if has_llvm else 'gcc' board = experiment.labels[0].board filename = 'report_%s_%s_%s.%s.json' % (board, json_report.date, json_report.time.replace(':', '.'), compiler_string) fullname = os.path.join(results_dir, filename) report_text = json_report.GetReport() with open(fullname, 'w') as out_file: out_file.write(report_text) class ExperimentRunner(object): """ExperimentRunner Class.""" STATUS_TIME_DELAY = 30 THREAD_MONITOR_DELAY = 2 def __init__(self, experiment, json_report, using_schedv2=False, log=None, cmd_exec=None): self._experiment = experiment self.l = log or logger.GetLogger(experiment.log_dir) self._ce = cmd_exec or command_executer.GetCommandExecuter(self.l) self._terminated = False self.json_report = json_report self.locked_machines = [] if experiment.log_level != 'verbose': self.STATUS_TIME_DELAY = 10 # Setting this to True will use crosperf sched v2 (feature in progress). self._using_schedv2 = using_schedv2 def _GetMachineList(self): """Return a list of all requested machines. Create a list of all the requested machines, both global requests and label-specific requests, and return the list. """ machines = self._experiment.remote # All Label.remote is a sublist of experiment.remote. for l in self._experiment.labels: for r in l.remote: assert r in machines return machines def _UpdateMachineList(self, locked_machines): """Update machines lists to contain only locked machines. Go through all the lists of requested machines, both global and label-specific requests, and remove any machine that we were not able to lock. Args: locked_machines: A list of the machines we successfully locked. """ for m in self._experiment.remote: if m not in locked_machines: self._experiment.remote.remove(m) for l in self._experiment.labels: for m in l.remote: if m not in locked_machines: l.remote.remove(m) def _LockAllMachines(self, experiment): """Attempt to globally lock all of the machines requested for run. This method will use the AFE server to globally lock all of the machines requested for this crosperf run, to prevent any other crosperf runs from being able to update/use the machines while this experiment is running. """ if test_flag.GetTestMode(): self.locked_machines = self._GetMachineList() self._experiment.locked_machines = self.locked_machines else: lock_mgr = afe_lock_machine.AFELockManager( self._GetMachineList(), '', experiment.labels[0].chromeos_root, None, log=self.l,) for m in lock_mgr.machines: if not lock_mgr.MachineIsKnown(m): lock_mgr.AddLocalMachine(m) machine_states = lock_mgr.GetMachineStates('lock') lock_mgr.CheckMachineLocks(machine_states, 'lock') self.locked_machines = lock_mgr.UpdateMachines(True) self._experiment.locked_machines = self.locked_machines self._UpdateMachineList(self.locked_machines) self._experiment.machine_manager.RemoveNonLockedMachines( self.locked_machines) if len(self.locked_machines) == 0: raise RuntimeError('Unable to lock any machines.') def _UnlockAllMachines(self, experiment): """Attempt to globally unlock all of the machines requested for run. The method will use the AFE server to globally unlock all of the machines requested for this crosperf run. """ if not self.locked_machines or test_flag.GetTestMode(): return lock_mgr = afe_lock_machine.AFELockManager( self.locked_machines, '', experiment.labels[0].chromeos_root, None, log=self.l,) machine_states = lock_mgr.GetMachineStates('unlock') lock_mgr.CheckMachineLocks(machine_states, 'unlock') lock_mgr.UpdateMachines(False) def _ClearCacheEntries(self, experiment): for br in experiment.benchmark_runs: cache = ResultsCache() cache.Init(br.label.chromeos_image, br.label.chromeos_root, br.benchmark.test_name, br.iteration, br.test_args, br.profiler_args, br.machine_manager, br.machine, br.label.board, br.cache_conditions, br.logger(), br.log_level, br.label, br.share_cache, br.benchmark.suite, br.benchmark.show_all_results, br.benchmark.run_local) cache_dir = cache.GetCacheDirForWrite() if os.path.exists(cache_dir): self.l.LogOutput('Removing cache dir: %s' % cache_dir) shutil.rmtree(cache_dir) def _Run(self, experiment): try: if not experiment.locks_dir: self._LockAllMachines(experiment) if self._using_schedv2: schedv2 = Schedv2(experiment) experiment.set_schedv2(schedv2) if CacheConditions.FALSE in experiment.cache_conditions: self._ClearCacheEntries(experiment) status = ExperimentStatus(experiment) experiment.Run() last_status_time = 0 last_status_string = '' try: if experiment.log_level != 'verbose': self.l.LogStartDots() while not experiment.IsComplete(): if last_status_time + self.STATUS_TIME_DELAY < time.time(): last_status_time = time.time() border = '==============================' if experiment.log_level == 'verbose': self.l.LogOutput(border) self.l.LogOutput(status.GetProgressString()) self.l.LogOutput(status.GetStatusString()) self.l.LogOutput(border) else: current_status_string = status.GetStatusString() if current_status_string != last_status_string: self.l.LogEndDots() self.l.LogOutput(border) self.l.LogOutput(current_status_string) self.l.LogOutput(border) last_status_string = current_status_string else: self.l.LogAppendDot() time.sleep(self.THREAD_MONITOR_DELAY) except KeyboardInterrupt: self._terminated = True self.l.LogError('Ctrl-c pressed. Cleaning up...') experiment.Terminate() raise except SystemExit: self._terminated = True self.l.LogError('Unexpected exit. Cleaning up...') experiment.Terminate() raise finally: if not experiment.locks_dir: self._UnlockAllMachines(experiment) def _PrintTable(self, experiment): self.l.LogOutput(TextResultsReport.FromExperiment(experiment).GetReport()) def _Email(self, experiment): # Only email by default if a new run was completed. send_mail = False for benchmark_run in experiment.benchmark_runs: if not benchmark_run.cache_hit: send_mail = True break if (not send_mail and not experiment.email_to or config.GetConfig('no_email')): return label_names = [] for label in experiment.labels: label_names.append(label.name) subject = '%s: %s' % (experiment.name, ' vs. '.join(label_names)) text_report = TextResultsReport.FromExperiment(experiment, True).GetReport() text_report += ( '\nResults are stored in %s.\n' % experiment.results_directory) text_report = "
%s" % text_report html_report = HTMLResultsReport.FromExperiment(experiment).GetReport() attachment = EmailSender.Attachment('report.html', html_report) email_to = experiment.email_to or [] email_to.append(getpass.getuser()) EmailSender().SendEmail( email_to, subject, text_report, attachments=[attachment], msg_type='html') def _StoreResults(self, experiment): if self._terminated: return results_directory = experiment.results_directory FileUtils().RmDir(results_directory) FileUtils().MkDirP(results_directory) self.l.LogOutput('Storing experiment file in %s.' % results_directory) experiment_file_path = os.path.join(results_directory, 'experiment.exp') FileUtils().WriteFile(experiment_file_path, experiment.experiment_file) self.l.LogOutput('Storing results report in %s.' % results_directory) results_table_path = os.path.join(results_directory, 'results.html') report = HTMLResultsReport.FromExperiment(experiment).GetReport() if self.json_report: json_report = JSONResultsReport.FromExperiment( experiment, json_args={'indent': 2}) _WriteJSONReportToFile(experiment, results_directory, json_report) FileUtils().WriteFile(results_table_path, report) self.l.LogOutput('Storing email message body in %s.' % results_directory) msg_file_path = os.path.join(results_directory, 'msg_body.html') text_report = TextResultsReport.FromExperiment(experiment, True).GetReport() text_report += ( '\nResults are stored in %s.\n' % experiment.results_directory) msg_body = "
%s" % text_report FileUtils().WriteFile(msg_file_path, msg_body) self.l.LogOutput('Storing results of each benchmark run.') for benchmark_run in experiment.benchmark_runs: if benchmark_run.result: benchmark_run_name = filter(str.isalnum, benchmark_run.name) benchmark_run_path = os.path.join(results_directory, benchmark_run_name) benchmark_run.result.CopyResultsTo(benchmark_run_path) benchmark_run.result.CleanUp(benchmark_run.benchmark.rm_chroot_tmp) def Run(self): try: self._Run(self._experiment) finally: # Always print the report at the end of the run. self._PrintTable(self._experiment) if not self._terminated: self._StoreResults(self._experiment) self._Email(self._experiment) class MockExperimentRunner(ExperimentRunner): """Mocked ExperimentRunner for testing.""" def __init__(self, experiment, json_report): super(MockExperimentRunner, self).__init__(experiment, json_report) def _Run(self, experiment): self.l.LogOutput( "Would run the following experiment: '%s'." % experiment.name) def _PrintTable(self, experiment): self.l.LogOutput('Would print the experiment table.') def _Email(self, experiment): self.l.LogOutput('Would send result email.') def _StoreResults(self, experiment): self.l.LogOutput('Would store the results.')