/* * Copyright (c) 2015 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found * in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may * be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree. */ #include "webrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/test/packet_receiver.h" #include #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "webrtc/base/common.h" #include "webrtc/modules/include/module_common_types.h" #include "webrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/test/bwe.h" #include "webrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/test/bwe_test_framework.h" #include "webrtc/modules/rtp_rtcp/include/receive_statistics.h" #include "webrtc/system_wrappers/include/clock.h" namespace webrtc { namespace testing { namespace bwe { PacketReceiver::PacketReceiver(PacketProcessorListener* listener, int flow_id, BandwidthEstimatorType bwe_type, bool plot_delay, bool plot_bwe, MetricRecorder* metric_recorder) : PacketProcessor(listener, flow_id, kReceiver), bwe_receiver_(CreateBweReceiver(bwe_type, flow_id, plot_bwe)), metric_recorder_(metric_recorder), plot_delay_(plot_delay), last_delay_plot_ms_(0), // #2 aligns the plot with the right axis. delay_prefix_("Delay_ms#2"), bwe_type_(bwe_type) { if (metric_recorder_ != nullptr) { // Setup the prefix std::strings used when logging. std::vector prefixes; // Metric recorder plots them in separated figures, // alignment will take place with the #1 left axis. prefixes.push_back("Throughput_kbps#1"); prefixes.push_back("Sending_Estimate_kbps#1"); prefixes.push_back("Delay_ms_#1"); prefixes.push_back("Packet_Loss_#1"); prefixes.push_back("Objective_function_#1"); // Plot Total/PerFlow Available capacity together with throughputs. prefixes.push_back("Throughput_kbps#1"); // Total Available. prefixes.push_back("Throughput_kbps#1"); // Available per flow. bool plot_loss = plot_delay; // Plot loss if delay is plotted. metric_recorder_->SetPlotInformation(prefixes, plot_delay, plot_loss); } } PacketReceiver::PacketReceiver(PacketProcessorListener* listener, int flow_id, BandwidthEstimatorType bwe_type, bool plot_delay, bool plot_bwe) : PacketReceiver(listener, flow_id, bwe_type, plot_delay, plot_bwe, nullptr) { } PacketReceiver::~PacketReceiver() { } void PacketReceiver::RunFor(int64_t time_ms, Packets* in_out) { Packets feedback; for (auto it = in_out->begin(); it != in_out->end();) { // PacketReceivers are only associated with a single stream, and therefore // should only process a single flow id. // TODO(holmer): Break this out into a Demuxer which implements both // PacketProcessorListener and PacketProcessor. BWE_TEST_LOGGING_CONTEXT("Receiver"); if ((*it)->GetPacketType() == Packet::kMedia && (*it)->flow_id() == *flow_ids().begin()) { BWE_TEST_LOGGING_CONTEXT(*flow_ids().begin()); const MediaPacket* media_packet = static_cast(*it); // We're treating the send time (from previous filter) as the arrival // time once packet reaches the estimator. int64_t arrival_time_ms = media_packet->send_time_ms(); int64_t send_time_ms = media_packet->creation_time_ms(); delay_stats_.Push(arrival_time_ms - send_time_ms); if (metric_recorder_ != nullptr) { metric_recorder_->UpdateTimeMs(arrival_time_ms); UpdateMetrics(arrival_time_ms, send_time_ms, media_packet->payload_size()); metric_recorder_->PlotAllDynamics(); } else if (plot_delay_) { PlotDelay(arrival_time_ms, send_time_ms); } bwe_receiver_->ReceivePacket(arrival_time_ms, *media_packet); FeedbackPacket* fb = bwe_receiver_->GetFeedback(arrival_time_ms); if (fb) feedback.push_back(fb); delete media_packet; it = in_out->erase(it); } else { ++it; } } // Insert feedback packets to be sent back to the sender. in_out->merge(feedback, DereferencingComparator); } void PacketReceiver::UpdateMetrics(int64_t arrival_time_ms, int64_t send_time_ms, size_t payload_size) { metric_recorder_->UpdateThroughput(bwe_receiver_->RecentKbps(), payload_size); metric_recorder_->UpdateDelayMs(arrival_time_ms - send_time_ms); metric_recorder_->UpdateLoss(bwe_receiver_->RecentPacketLossRatio()); metric_recorder_->UpdateObjective(); } void PacketReceiver::PlotDelay(int64_t arrival_time_ms, int64_t send_time_ms) { const int64_t kDelayPlotIntervalMs = 100; if (arrival_time_ms >= last_delay_plot_ms_ + kDelayPlotIntervalMs) { BWE_TEST_LOGGING_PLOT_WITH_NAME(0, delay_prefix_, arrival_time_ms, arrival_time_ms - send_time_ms, bwe_names[bwe_type_]); last_delay_plot_ms_ = arrival_time_ms; } } float PacketReceiver::GlobalPacketLoss() { return bwe_receiver_->GlobalReceiverPacketLossRatio(); } Stats PacketReceiver::GetDelayStats() const { return delay_stats_; } } // namespace bwe } // namespace testing } // namespace webrtc