/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "APM::AudioOutputDescriptor" //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #include #include "AudioOutputDescriptor.h" #include "AudioPolicyMix.h" #include "IOProfile.h" #include "AudioGain.h" #include "Volume.h" #include "HwModule.h" #include "TypeConverter.h" #include #include // A device mask for all audio output devices that are considered "remote" when evaluating // active output devices in isStreamActiveRemotely() #define APM_AUDIO_OUT_DEVICE_REMOTE_ALL AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_REMOTE_SUBMIX namespace android { AudioOutputDescriptor::AudioOutputDescriptor(const sp& port, AudioPolicyClientInterface *clientInterface) : mPort(port), mClientInterface(clientInterface) { if (mPort.get() != nullptr) { mPort->pickAudioProfile(mSamplingRate, mChannelMask, mFormat); if (mPort->mGains.size() > 0) { mPort->mGains[0]->getDefaultConfig(&mGain); } } } audio_config_base_t AudioOutputDescriptor::getConfig() const { const audio_config_base_t config = { .sample_rate = mSamplingRate, .channel_mask = mChannelMask, .format = mFormat }; return config; } audio_module_handle_t AudioOutputDescriptor::getModuleHandle() const { return mPort.get() != nullptr ? mPort->getModuleHandle() : AUDIO_MODULE_HANDLE_NONE; } audio_patch_handle_t AudioOutputDescriptor::getPatchHandle() const { return mPatchHandle; } void AudioOutputDescriptor::setPatchHandle(audio_patch_handle_t handle) { mPatchHandle = handle; } audio_port_handle_t AudioOutputDescriptor::getId() const { return mId; } bool AudioOutputDescriptor::sharesHwModuleWith( const sp& outputDesc) { return hasSameHwModuleAs(outputDesc); } void AudioOutputDescriptor::setStopTime(const sp& client, nsecs_t sysTime) { mVolumeActivities[client->volumeSource()].setStopTime(sysTime); mRoutingActivities[client->strategy()].setStopTime(sysTime); } void AudioOutputDescriptor::setClientActive(const sp& client, bool active) { auto clientIter = std::find(begin(mActiveClients), end(mActiveClients), client); if (active == (clientIter != end(mActiveClients))) { ALOGW("%s(%s): ignored active: %d, current stream count %d", __func__, client->toShortString().c_str(), active, mRoutingActivities.at(client->strategy()).getActivityCount()); return; } if (active) { mActiveClients.push_back(client); } else { mActiveClients.erase(clientIter); } const int delta = active ? 1 : -1; // If ps is unknown, it is time to track it! mRoutingActivities[client->strategy()].changeActivityCount(delta); mVolumeActivities[client->volumeSource()].changeActivityCount(delta); // Handle non-client-specific activity ref count int32_t oldGlobalActiveCount = mGlobalActiveCount; if (!active && mGlobalActiveCount < 1) { ALOGW("%s(%s): invalid deactivation with globalRefCount %d", __func__, client->toShortString().c_str(), mGlobalActiveCount); mGlobalActiveCount = 1; } mGlobalActiveCount += delta; sp policyMix = mPolicyMix.promote(); if ((policyMix != NULL) && ((policyMix->mCbFlags & AudioMix::kCbFlagNotifyActivity) != 0)) { if ((oldGlobalActiveCount == 0) || (mGlobalActiveCount == 0)) { mClientInterface->onDynamicPolicyMixStateUpdate(policyMix->mDeviceAddress, mGlobalActiveCount > 0 ? MIX_STATE_MIXING : MIX_STATE_IDLE); } } client->setActive(active); } bool AudioOutputDescriptor::isActive(VolumeSource vs, uint32_t inPastMs, nsecs_t sysTime) const { return (vs == VOLUME_SOURCE_NONE) ? isActive(inPastMs) : (mVolumeActivities.find(vs) != std::end(mVolumeActivities)? mVolumeActivities.at(vs).isActive(inPastMs, sysTime) : false); } bool AudioOutputDescriptor::isActive(uint32_t inPastMs) const { nsecs_t sysTime = 0; if (inPastMs != 0) { sysTime = systemTime(); } for (const auto &iter : mVolumeActivities) { if (iter.second.isActive(inPastMs, sysTime)) { return true; } } return false; } bool AudioOutputDescriptor::isFixedVolume(audio_devices_t device __unused) { return false; } bool AudioOutputDescriptor::setVolume(float volumeDb, VolumeSource volumeSource, const StreamTypeVector &/*streams*/, audio_devices_t /*device*/, uint32_t delayMs, bool force) { // We actually change the volume if: // - the float value returned by computeVolume() changed // - the force flag is set if (volumeDb != getCurVolume(volumeSource) || force) { ALOGV("%s for volumeSrc %d, volume %f, delay %d", __func__, volumeSource, volumeDb, delayMs); setCurVolume(volumeSource, volumeDb); return true; } return false; } void AudioOutputDescriptor::toAudioPortConfig( struct audio_port_config *dstConfig, const struct audio_port_config *srcConfig) const { dstConfig->config_mask = AUDIO_PORT_CONFIG_SAMPLE_RATE|AUDIO_PORT_CONFIG_CHANNEL_MASK| AUDIO_PORT_CONFIG_FORMAT|AUDIO_PORT_CONFIG_GAIN; if (srcConfig != NULL) { dstConfig->config_mask |= srcConfig->config_mask; } AudioPortConfig::toAudioPortConfig(dstConfig, srcConfig); dstConfig->id = mId; dstConfig->role = AUDIO_PORT_ROLE_SOURCE; dstConfig->type = AUDIO_PORT_TYPE_MIX; dstConfig->ext.mix.hw_module = getModuleHandle(); dstConfig->ext.mix.usecase.stream = AUDIO_STREAM_DEFAULT; } void AudioOutputDescriptor::toAudioPort(struct audio_port *port) const { // Should not be called for duplicated ports, see SwAudioOutputDescriptor::toAudioPortConfig. mPort->toAudioPort(port); port->id = mId; port->ext.mix.hw_module = getModuleHandle(); } TrackClientVector AudioOutputDescriptor::clientsList(bool activeOnly, product_strategy_t strategy, bool preferredDeviceOnly) const { TrackClientVector clients; for (const auto &client : getClientIterable()) { if ((!activeOnly || client->active()) && (strategy == PRODUCT_STRATEGY_NONE || strategy == client->strategy()) && (!preferredDeviceOnly || (client->hasPreferredDevice() && !client->isPreferredDeviceForExclusiveUse()))) { clients.push_back(client); } } return clients; } bool AudioOutputDescriptor::isAnyActive(VolumeSource volumeSourceToIgnore) const { return std::find_if(begin(mActiveClients), end(mActiveClients), [&volumeSourceToIgnore](const auto &client) { return client->volumeSource() != volumeSourceToIgnore; }) != end(mActiveClients); } void AudioOutputDescriptor::dump(String8 *dst) const { dst->appendFormat(" ID: %d\n", mId); dst->appendFormat(" Sampling rate: %d\n", mSamplingRate); dst->appendFormat(" Format: %08x\n", mFormat); dst->appendFormat(" Channels: %08x\n", mChannelMask); dst->appendFormat(" Devices: %s\n", devices().toString().c_str()); dst->appendFormat(" Global active count: %u\n", mGlobalActiveCount); for (const auto &iter : mRoutingActivities) { dst->appendFormat(" Product Strategy id: %d", iter.first); iter.second.dump(dst, 4); } for (const auto &iter : mVolumeActivities) { dst->appendFormat(" Volume Activities id: %d", iter.first); iter.second.dump(dst, 4); } dst->append(" AudioTrack Clients:\n"); ClientMapHandler::dump(dst); dst->append("\n"); if (!mActiveClients.empty()) { dst->append(" AudioTrack active (stream) clients:\n"); size_t index = 0; for (const auto& client : mActiveClients) { client->dump(dst, 2, index++); } dst->append(" \n"); } } void AudioOutputDescriptor::log(const char* indent) { ALOGI("%sID: %d,0x%X, [rt:%d fmt:0x%X ch:0x%X]", indent, mId, mId, mSamplingRate, mFormat, mChannelMask); } // SwAudioOutputDescriptor implementation SwAudioOutputDescriptor::SwAudioOutputDescriptor(const sp& profile, AudioPolicyClientInterface *clientInterface) : AudioOutputDescriptor(profile, clientInterface), mProfile(profile), mIoHandle(AUDIO_IO_HANDLE_NONE), mLatency(0), mFlags((audio_output_flags_t)0), mOutput1(0), mOutput2(0), mDirectOpenCount(0), mDirectClientSession(AUDIO_SESSION_NONE) { if (profile != NULL) { mFlags = (audio_output_flags_t)profile->getFlags(); } } void SwAudioOutputDescriptor::dump(String8 *dst) const { dst->appendFormat(" Latency: %d\n", mLatency); dst->appendFormat(" Flags %08x\n", mFlags); AudioOutputDescriptor::dump(dst); } DeviceVector SwAudioOutputDescriptor::devices() const { if (isDuplicated()) { DeviceVector devices = mOutput1->devices(); devices.merge(mOutput2->devices()); return devices; } return mDevices; } bool SwAudioOutputDescriptor::sharesHwModuleWith( const sp& outputDesc) { if (isDuplicated()) { return mOutput1->sharesHwModuleWith(outputDesc) || mOutput2->sharesHwModuleWith(outputDesc); } else if (outputDesc->isDuplicated()){ return sharesHwModuleWith(outputDesc->subOutput1()) || sharesHwModuleWith(outputDesc->subOutput2()); } else { return AudioOutputDescriptor::sharesHwModuleWith(outputDesc); } } DeviceVector SwAudioOutputDescriptor::supportedDevices() const { if (isDuplicated()) { DeviceVector supportedDevices = mOutput1->supportedDevices(); supportedDevices.merge(mOutput2->supportedDevices()); return supportedDevices; } return mProfile->getSupportedDevices(); } bool SwAudioOutputDescriptor::supportsDevice(const sp &device) const { return supportedDevices().contains(device); } bool SwAudioOutputDescriptor::supportsAllDevices(const DeviceVector &devices) const { return supportedDevices().containsAllDevices(devices); } DeviceVector SwAudioOutputDescriptor::filterSupportedDevices(const DeviceVector &devices) const { DeviceVector filteredDevices = supportedDevices(); return filteredDevices.filter(devices); } bool SwAudioOutputDescriptor::deviceSupportsEncodedFormats(audio_devices_t device) { if (isDuplicated()) { return (mOutput1->deviceSupportsEncodedFormats(device) || mOutput2->deviceSupportsEncodedFormats(device)); } else { return mProfile->deviceSupportsEncodedFormats(device); } } uint32_t SwAudioOutputDescriptor::latency() { if (isDuplicated()) { return (mOutput1->mLatency > mOutput2->mLatency) ? mOutput1->mLatency : mOutput2->mLatency; } else { return mLatency; } } void SwAudioOutputDescriptor::setClientActive(const sp& client, bool active) { // forward usage count change to attached outputs if (isDuplicated()) { mOutput1->setClientActive(client, active); mOutput2->setClientActive(client, active); } AudioOutputDescriptor::setClientActive(client, active); } bool SwAudioOutputDescriptor::isFixedVolume(audio_devices_t device) { // unit gain if rerouting to external policy if (device == AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_REMOTE_SUBMIX) { if (mPolicyMix != NULL) { ALOGV("max gain when rerouting for output=%d", mIoHandle); return true; } } if (device == AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_TELEPHONY_TX) { ALOGV("max gain when output device is telephony tx"); return true; } return false; } void SwAudioOutputDescriptor::toAudioPortConfig( struct audio_port_config *dstConfig, const struct audio_port_config *srcConfig) const { ALOG_ASSERT(!isDuplicated(), "toAudioPortConfig() called on duplicated output %d", mIoHandle); AudioOutputDescriptor::toAudioPortConfig(dstConfig, srcConfig); dstConfig->ext.mix.handle = mIoHandle; } void SwAudioOutputDescriptor::toAudioPort( struct audio_port *port) const { ALOG_ASSERT(!isDuplicated(), "toAudioPort() called on duplicated output %d", mIoHandle); AudioOutputDescriptor::toAudioPort(port); toAudioPortConfig(&port->active_config); port->ext.mix.handle = mIoHandle; port->ext.mix.latency_class = mFlags & AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_FAST ? AUDIO_LATENCY_LOW : AUDIO_LATENCY_NORMAL; } bool SwAudioOutputDescriptor::setVolume(float volumeDb, VolumeSource vs, const StreamTypeVector &streamTypes, audio_devices_t device, uint32_t delayMs, bool force) { StreamTypeVector streams = streamTypes; if (!AudioOutputDescriptor::setVolume(volumeDb, vs, streamTypes, device, delayMs, force)) { return false; } if (streams.empty()) { streams.push_back(AUDIO_STREAM_MUSIC); } for (const auto& devicePort : devices()) { // APM loops on all group, so filter on active group to set the port gain, // let the other groups set the stream volume as per legacy // TODO: Pass in the device address and check against it. if (device == devicePort->type() && devicePort->hasGainController(true) && isActive(vs)) { ALOGV("%s: device %s has gain controller", __func__, devicePort->toString().c_str()); // @todo: here we might be in trouble if the SwOutput has several active clients with // different Volume Source (or if we allow several curves within same volume group) // // @todo: default stream volume to max (0) when using HW Port gain? float volumeAmpl = Volume::DbToAmpl(0); for (const auto &stream : streams) { mClientInterface->setStreamVolume(stream, volumeAmpl, mIoHandle, delayMs); } AudioGains gains = devicePort->getGains(); int gainMinValueInMb = gains[0]->getMinValueInMb(); int gainMaxValueInMb = gains[0]->getMaxValueInMb(); int gainStepValueInMb = gains[0]->getStepValueInMb(); int gainValueMb = ((volumeDb * 100)/ gainStepValueInMb) * gainStepValueInMb; gainValueMb = std::max(gainMinValueInMb, std::min(gainValueMb, gainMaxValueInMb)); audio_port_config config = {}; devicePort->toAudioPortConfig(&config); config.config_mask = AUDIO_PORT_CONFIG_GAIN; config.gain.values[0] = gainValueMb; return mClientInterface->setAudioPortConfig(&config, 0) == NO_ERROR; } } // Force VOICE_CALL to track BLUETOOTH_SCO stream volume when bluetooth audio is enabled float volumeAmpl = Volume::DbToAmpl(getCurVolume(vs)); if (hasStream(streams, AUDIO_STREAM_BLUETOOTH_SCO)) { mClientInterface->setStreamVolume(AUDIO_STREAM_VOICE_CALL, volumeAmpl, mIoHandle, delayMs); } for (const auto &stream : streams) { ALOGV("%s output %d for volumeSource %d, volume %f, delay %d stream=%s", __func__, mIoHandle, vs, volumeDb, delayMs, toString(stream).c_str()); mClientInterface->setStreamVolume(stream, volumeAmpl, mIoHandle, delayMs); } return true; } status_t SwAudioOutputDescriptor::open(const audio_config_t *config, const DeviceVector &devices, audio_stream_type_t stream, audio_output_flags_t flags, audio_io_handle_t *output) { mDevices = devices; const String8& address = devices.getFirstValidAddress(); audio_devices_t device = devices.types(); audio_config_t lConfig; if (config == nullptr) { lConfig = AUDIO_CONFIG_INITIALIZER; lConfig.sample_rate = mSamplingRate; lConfig.channel_mask = mChannelMask; lConfig.format = mFormat; } else { lConfig = *config; } // if the selected profile is offloaded and no offload info was specified, // create a default one if ((mProfile->getFlags() & AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_COMPRESS_OFFLOAD) && lConfig.offload_info.format == AUDIO_FORMAT_DEFAULT) { flags = (audio_output_flags_t)(flags | AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_COMPRESS_OFFLOAD); lConfig.offload_info = AUDIO_INFO_INITIALIZER; lConfig.offload_info.sample_rate = lConfig.sample_rate; lConfig.offload_info.channel_mask = lConfig.channel_mask; lConfig.offload_info.format = lConfig.format; lConfig.offload_info.stream_type = stream; lConfig.offload_info.duration_us = -1; lConfig.offload_info.has_video = true; // conservative lConfig.offload_info.is_streaming = true; // likely } mFlags = (audio_output_flags_t)(mFlags | flags); ALOGV("opening output for device %s profile %p name %s", mDevices.toString().c_str(), mProfile.get(), mProfile->getName().string()); status_t status = mClientInterface->openOutput(mProfile->getModuleHandle(), output, &lConfig, &device, address, &mLatency, mFlags); LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(mDevices.types() != device, "%s openOutput returned device %08x when given device %08x", __FUNCTION__, mDevices.types(), device); if (status == NO_ERROR) { LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(*output == AUDIO_IO_HANDLE_NONE, "%s openOutput returned output handle %d for device %08x", __FUNCTION__, *output, device); mSamplingRate = lConfig.sample_rate; mChannelMask = lConfig.channel_mask; mFormat = lConfig.format; mId = AudioPort::getNextUniqueId(); mIoHandle = *output; mProfile->curOpenCount++; } return status; } status_t SwAudioOutputDescriptor::start() { if (isDuplicated()) { status_t status = mOutput1->start(); if (status != NO_ERROR) { return status; } status = mOutput2->start(); if (status != NO_ERROR) { mOutput1->stop(); return status; } return NO_ERROR; } if (!isActive()) { if (!mProfile->canStartNewIo()) { return INVALID_OPERATION; } mProfile->curActiveCount++; } return NO_ERROR; } void SwAudioOutputDescriptor::stop() { if (isDuplicated()) { mOutput1->stop(); mOutput2->stop(); return; } if (!isActive()) { LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(mProfile->curActiveCount < 1, "%s invalid profile active count %u", __func__, mProfile->curActiveCount); mProfile->curActiveCount--; } } void SwAudioOutputDescriptor::close() { if (mIoHandle != AUDIO_IO_HANDLE_NONE) { // clean up active clients if any (can happen if close() is called to force // clients to reconnect for (const auto &client : getClientIterable()) { if (client->active()) { ALOGW("%s client with port ID %d still active on output %d", __func__, client->portId(), mId); setClientActive(client, false); stop(); } } AudioParameter param; param.add(String8("closing"), String8("true")); mClientInterface->setParameters(mIoHandle, param.toString()); mClientInterface->closeOutput(mIoHandle); LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(mProfile->curOpenCount < 1, "%s profile open count %u", __FUNCTION__, mProfile->curOpenCount); mProfile->curOpenCount--; mIoHandle = AUDIO_IO_HANDLE_NONE; } } status_t SwAudioOutputDescriptor::openDuplicating(const sp& output1, const sp& output2, audio_io_handle_t *ioHandle) { // open a duplicating output thread for the new output and the primary output // Note: openDuplicateOutput() API expects the output handles in the reverse order from the // numbering in SwAudioOutputDescriptor mOutput1 and mOutput2 *ioHandle = mClientInterface->openDuplicateOutput(output2->mIoHandle, output1->mIoHandle); if (*ioHandle == AUDIO_IO_HANDLE_NONE) { return INVALID_OPERATION; } mId = AudioPort::getNextUniqueId(); mIoHandle = *ioHandle; mOutput1 = output1; mOutput2 = output2; mSamplingRate = output2->mSamplingRate; mFormat = output2->mFormat; mChannelMask = output2->mChannelMask; mLatency = output2->mLatency; return NO_ERROR; } // HwAudioOutputDescriptor implementation HwAudioOutputDescriptor::HwAudioOutputDescriptor(const sp& source, AudioPolicyClientInterface *clientInterface) : AudioOutputDescriptor(source->srcDevice(), clientInterface), mSource(source) { } void HwAudioOutputDescriptor::dump(String8 *dst) const { AudioOutputDescriptor::dump(dst); dst->append("Source:\n"); mSource->dump(dst, 0, 0); } void HwAudioOutputDescriptor::toAudioPortConfig( struct audio_port_config *dstConfig, const struct audio_port_config *srcConfig) const { mSource->srcDevice()->toAudioPortConfig(dstConfig, srcConfig); } void HwAudioOutputDescriptor::toAudioPort( struct audio_port *port) const { mSource->srcDevice()->toAudioPort(port); } bool HwAudioOutputDescriptor::setVolume(float volumeDb, VolumeSource volumeSource, const StreamTypeVector &streams, audio_devices_t device, uint32_t delayMs, bool force) { bool changed = AudioOutputDescriptor::setVolume(volumeDb, volumeSource, streams, device, delayMs, force); if (changed) { // TODO: use gain controller on source device if any to adjust volume } return changed; } // SwAudioOutputCollection implementation bool SwAudioOutputCollection::isActive(VolumeSource volumeSource, uint32_t inPastMs) const { nsecs_t sysTime = systemTime(); for (size_t i = 0; i < this->size(); i++) { const sp outputDesc = this->valueAt(i); if (outputDesc->isActive(volumeSource, inPastMs, sysTime)) { return true; } } return false; } bool SwAudioOutputCollection::isActiveLocally(VolumeSource volumeSource, uint32_t inPastMs) const { nsecs_t sysTime = systemTime(); for (size_t i = 0; i < this->size(); i++) { const sp outputDesc = this->valueAt(i); if (outputDesc->isActive(volumeSource, inPastMs, sysTime) && ((outputDesc->devices().types() & APM_AUDIO_OUT_DEVICE_REMOTE_ALL) == 0)) { return true; } } return false; } bool SwAudioOutputCollection::isActiveRemotely(VolumeSource volumeSource, uint32_t inPastMs) const { nsecs_t sysTime = systemTime(); for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); i++) { const sp outputDesc = valueAt(i); if (((outputDesc->devices().types() & APM_AUDIO_OUT_DEVICE_REMOTE_ALL) != 0) && outputDesc->isActive(volumeSource, inPastMs, sysTime)) { // do not consider re routing (when the output is going to a dynamic policy) // as "remote playback" if (outputDesc->mPolicyMix == NULL) { return true; } } } return false; } bool SwAudioOutputCollection::isStrategyActiveOnSameModule(product_strategy_t ps, const sp& desc, uint32_t inPastMs, nsecs_t sysTime) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); i++) { const sp otherDesc = valueAt(i); if (desc->sharesHwModuleWith(otherDesc) && otherDesc->isStrategyActive(ps, inPastMs, sysTime)) { return true; } } return false; } audio_io_handle_t SwAudioOutputCollection::getA2dpOutput() const { for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); i++) { sp outputDesc = valueAt(i); if (!outputDesc->isDuplicated() && outputDesc->devices().types() & AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_ALL_A2DP && outputDesc->deviceSupportsEncodedFormats( AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_BLUETOOTH_A2DP)) { return this->keyAt(i); } } return 0; } bool SwAudioOutputCollection::isA2dpOffloadedOnPrimary() const { sp primaryOutput = getPrimaryOutput(); if ((primaryOutput != NULL) && (primaryOutput->mProfile != NULL) && (primaryOutput->mProfile->getModule() != NULL)) { sp primaryHwModule = primaryOutput->mProfile->getModule(); for (const auto &outputProfile : primaryHwModule->getOutputProfiles()) { if (outputProfile->supportsDeviceTypes(AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_ALL_A2DP)) { return true; } } } return false; } bool SwAudioOutputCollection::isA2dpSupported() const { return (isA2dpOffloadedOnPrimary() || (getA2dpOutput() != 0)); } sp SwAudioOutputCollection::getPrimaryOutput() const { for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); i++) { const sp outputDesc = valueAt(i); if (outputDesc->mFlags & AUDIO_OUTPUT_FLAG_PRIMARY) { return outputDesc; } } return NULL; } sp SwAudioOutputCollection::getOutputFromId(audio_port_handle_t id) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); i++) { const sp outputDesc = valueAt(i); if (outputDesc->getId() == id) { return outputDesc; } } return NULL; } sp SwAudioOutputCollection::getOutputForClient(audio_port_handle_t portId) { for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); i++) { sp outputDesc = valueAt(i); if (outputDesc->getClient(portId) != nullptr) { return outputDesc; } } return 0; } void SwAudioOutputCollection::clearSessionRoutesForDevice( const sp &disconnectedDevice) { for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); i++) { sp outputDesc = valueAt(i); for (const auto& client : outputDesc->getClientIterable()) { if (client->preferredDeviceId() == disconnectedDevice->getId()) { client->setPreferredDeviceId(AUDIO_PORT_HANDLE_NONE); } } } } void SwAudioOutputCollection::dump(String8 *dst) const { dst->append("\nOutputs dump:\n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); i++) { dst->appendFormat("- Output %d dump:\n", keyAt(i)); valueAt(i)->dump(dst); } } // HwAudioOutputCollection implementation bool HwAudioOutputCollection::isActive(VolumeSource volumeSource, uint32_t inPastMs) const { nsecs_t sysTime = systemTime(); for (size_t i = 0; i < this->size(); i++) { const sp outputDesc = this->valueAt(i); if (outputDesc->isActive(volumeSource, inPastMs, sysTime)) { return true; } } return false; } void HwAudioOutputCollection::dump(String8 *dst) const { dst->append("\nOutputs dump:\n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); i++) { dst->appendFormat("- Output %d dump:\n", keyAt(i)); valueAt(i)->dump(dst); } } }; //namespace android