/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.view; import static android.graphics.Matrix.MSCALE_X; import static android.graphics.Matrix.MSCALE_Y; import static android.graphics.Matrix.MSKEW_X; import static android.graphics.Matrix.MSKEW_Y; import static android.graphics.Matrix.MTRANS_X; import static android.graphics.Matrix.MTRANS_Y; import static android.view.Surface.ROTATION_270; import static android.view.Surface.ROTATION_90; import static android.view.SurfaceControlProto.HASH_CODE; import static android.view.SurfaceControlProto.NAME; import android.annotation.FloatRange; import android.annotation.IntRange; import android.annotation.NonNull; import android.annotation.Nullable; import android.annotation.Size; import android.annotation.UnsupportedAppUsage; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.ColorSpace; import android.graphics.GraphicBuffer; import android.graphics.Matrix; import android.graphics.PixelFormat; import android.graphics.Point; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.graphics.Region; import android.hardware.display.DisplayedContentSample; import android.hardware.display.DisplayedContentSamplingAttributes; import android.os.Build; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.util.ArrayMap; import android.util.Log; import android.util.SparseIntArray; import android.util.proto.ProtoOutputStream; import android.view.Surface.OutOfResourcesException; import com.android.internal.annotations.GuardedBy; import dalvik.system.CloseGuard; import libcore.util.NativeAllocationRegistry; import java.io.Closeable; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.util.Objects; /** * Handle to an on-screen Surface managed by the system compositor. The SurfaceControl is * a combination of a buffer source, and metadata about how to display the buffers. * By constructing a {@link Surface} from this SurfaceControl you can submit buffers to be * composited. Using {@link SurfaceControl.Transaction} you can manipulate various * properties of how the buffer will be displayed on-screen. SurfaceControl's are * arranged into a scene-graph like hierarchy, and as such any SurfaceControl may have * a parent. Geometric properties like transform, crop, and Z-ordering will be inherited * from the parent, as if the child were content in the parents buffer stream. */ public final class SurfaceControl implements Parcelable { private static final String TAG = "SurfaceControl"; private static native long nativeCreate(SurfaceSession session, String name, int w, int h, int format, int flags, long parentObject, Parcel metadata) throws OutOfResourcesException; private static native long nativeReadFromParcel(Parcel in); private static native long nativeCopyFromSurfaceControl(long nativeObject); private static native void nativeWriteToParcel(long nativeObject, Parcel out); private static native void nativeRelease(long nativeObject); private static native void nativeDestroy(long nativeObject); private static native void nativeDisconnect(long nativeObject); private static native ScreenshotGraphicBuffer nativeScreenshot(IBinder displayToken, Rect sourceCrop, int width, int height, boolean useIdentityTransform, int rotation, boolean captureSecureLayers); private static native ScreenshotGraphicBuffer nativeCaptureLayers(IBinder displayToken, IBinder layerHandleToken, Rect sourceCrop, float frameScale, IBinder[] excludeLayers); private static native long nativeCreateTransaction(); private static native long nativeGetNativeTransactionFinalizer(); private static native void nativeApplyTransaction(long transactionObj, boolean sync); private static native void nativeMergeTransaction(long transactionObj, long otherTransactionObj); private static native void nativeSetAnimationTransaction(long transactionObj); private static native void nativeSetEarlyWakeup(long transactionObj); private static native void nativeSetLayer(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, int zorder); private static native void nativeSetRelativeLayer(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, IBinder relativeTo, int zorder); private static native void nativeSetPosition(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, float x, float y); private static native void nativeSetGeometryAppliesWithResize(long transactionObj, long nativeObject); private static native void nativeSetSize(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, int w, int h); private static native void nativeSetTransparentRegionHint(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, Region region); private static native void nativeSetAlpha(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, float alpha); private static native void nativeSetMatrix(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, float dsdx, float dtdx, float dtdy, float dsdy); private static native void nativeSetColorTransform(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, float[] matrix, float[] translation); private static native void nativeSetColorSpaceAgnostic(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, boolean agnostic); private static native void nativeSetGeometry(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, Rect sourceCrop, Rect dest, long orientation); private static native void nativeSetColor(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, float[] color); private static native void nativeSetFlags(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, int flags, int mask); private static native void nativeSetWindowCrop(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, int l, int t, int r, int b); private static native void nativeSetCornerRadius(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, float cornerRadius); private static native void nativeSetLayerStack(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, int layerStack); private static native boolean nativeClearContentFrameStats(long nativeObject); private static native boolean nativeGetContentFrameStats(long nativeObject, WindowContentFrameStats outStats); private static native boolean nativeClearAnimationFrameStats(); private static native boolean nativeGetAnimationFrameStats(WindowAnimationFrameStats outStats); private static native long[] nativeGetPhysicalDisplayIds(); private static native IBinder nativeGetPhysicalDisplayToken(long physicalDisplayId); private static native IBinder nativeCreateDisplay(String name, boolean secure); private static native void nativeDestroyDisplay(IBinder displayToken); private static native void nativeSetDisplaySurface(long transactionObj, IBinder displayToken, long nativeSurfaceObject); private static native void nativeSetDisplayLayerStack(long transactionObj, IBinder displayToken, int layerStack); private static native void nativeSetDisplayProjection(long transactionObj, IBinder displayToken, int orientation, int l, int t, int r, int b, int L, int T, int R, int B); private static native void nativeSetDisplaySize(long transactionObj, IBinder displayToken, int width, int height); private static native SurfaceControl.PhysicalDisplayInfo[] nativeGetDisplayConfigs( IBinder displayToken); private static native DisplayedContentSamplingAttributes nativeGetDisplayedContentSamplingAttributes(IBinder displayToken); private static native boolean nativeSetDisplayedContentSamplingEnabled(IBinder displayToken, boolean enable, int componentMask, int maxFrames); private static native DisplayedContentSample nativeGetDisplayedContentSample( IBinder displayToken, long numFrames, long timestamp); private static native int nativeGetActiveConfig(IBinder displayToken); private static native boolean nativeSetActiveConfig(IBinder displayToken, int id); private static native boolean nativeSetAllowedDisplayConfigs(IBinder displayToken, int[] allowedConfigs); private static native int[] nativeGetAllowedDisplayConfigs(IBinder displayToken); private static native int[] nativeGetDisplayColorModes(IBinder displayToken); private static native SurfaceControl.DisplayPrimaries nativeGetDisplayNativePrimaries( IBinder displayToken); private static native int[] nativeGetCompositionDataspaces(); private static native int nativeGetActiveColorMode(IBinder displayToken); private static native boolean nativeSetActiveColorMode(IBinder displayToken, int colorMode); private static native void nativeSetDisplayPowerMode( IBinder displayToken, int mode); private static native void nativeDeferTransactionUntil(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, IBinder handle, long frame); private static native void nativeDeferTransactionUntilSurface(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, long surfaceObject, long frame); private static native void nativeReparentChildren(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, IBinder handle); private static native void nativeReparent(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, long newParentNativeObject); private static native void nativeSeverChildren(long transactionObj, long nativeObject); private static native void nativeSetOverrideScalingMode(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, int scalingMode); private static native IBinder nativeGetHandle(long nativeObject); private static native boolean nativeGetTransformToDisplayInverse(long nativeObject); private static native Display.HdrCapabilities nativeGetHdrCapabilities(IBinder displayToken); private static native void nativeSetInputWindowInfo(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, InputWindowHandle handle); private static native void nativeTransferTouchFocus(long transactionObj, IBinder fromToken, IBinder toToken); private static native boolean nativeGetProtectedContentSupport(); private static native void nativeSetMetadata(long transactionObj, long nativeObject, int key, Parcel data); private static native void nativeSyncInputWindows(long transactionObj); private static native boolean nativeGetDisplayBrightnessSupport(IBinder displayToken); private static native boolean nativeSetDisplayBrightness(IBinder displayToken, float brightness); private final CloseGuard mCloseGuard = CloseGuard.get(); private String mName; long mNativeObject; // package visibility only for Surface.java access // TODO: Move this to native. private final Object mSizeLock = new Object(); @GuardedBy("mSizeLock") private int mWidth; @GuardedBy("mSizeLock") private int mHeight; static Transaction sGlobalTransaction; static long sTransactionNestCount = 0; /* flags used in constructor (keep in sync with ISurfaceComposerClient.h) */ /** * Surface creation flag: Surface is created hidden * @hide */ @UnsupportedAppUsage public static final int HIDDEN = 0x00000004; /** * Surface creation flag: The surface contains secure content, special * measures will be taken to disallow the surface's content to be copied * from another process. In particular, screenshots and VNC servers will * be disabled, but other measures can take place, for instance the * surface might not be hardware accelerated. * @hide */ public static final int SECURE = 0x00000080; /** * Surface creation flag: Creates a surface where color components are interpreted * as "non pre-multiplied" by their alpha channel. Of course this flag is * meaningless for surfaces without an alpha channel. By default * surfaces are pre-multiplied, which means that each color component is * already multiplied by its alpha value. In this case the blending * equation used is: *
* By contrast, non pre-multiplied surfaces use the following equation: *
* pre-multiplied surfaces must always be used if transparent pixels are * composited on top of each-other into the surface. A pre-multiplied * surface can never lower the value of the alpha component of a given * pixel. *
* In some rare situations, a non pre-multiplied surface is preferable. * @hide */ public static final int NON_PREMULTIPLIED = 0x00000100; /** * Surface creation flag: Indicates that the surface must be considered opaque, * even if its pixel format contains an alpha channel. This can be useful if an * application needs full RGBA 8888 support for instance but will * still draw every pixel opaque. *
* This flag is ignored if setAlpha() is used to make the surface non-opaque. * Combined effects are (assuming a buffer format with an alpha channel): *
* This flag only determines whether opacity will be sampled from the alpha channel. * Plane-alpha from calls to setAlpha() can still result in blended composition * regardless of the opaque setting. * * Combined effects are (assuming a buffer format with an alpha channel): *
* The surface creation flags specify what kind of surface to create and * certain options such as whether the surface can be assumed to be opaque * and whether it should be initially hidden. Surfaces should always be * created with the {@link #HIDDEN} flag set to ensure that they are not * made visible prematurely before all of the surface's properties have been * configured. *
* Good practice is to first create the surface with the {@link #HIDDEN} flag * specified, open a transaction, set the surface layer, layer stack, alpha, * and position, call {@link #show} if appropriate, and close the transaction. *
* Bounds of the surface is determined by its crop and its buffer size. If the
* surface has no buffer or crop, the surface is boundless and only constrained
* by the size of its parent bounds.
* @param session The surface session, must not be null.
* @param name The surface name, must not be null.
* @param w The surface initial width.
* @param h The surface initial height.
* @param flags The surface creation flags. Should always include {@link #HIDDEN}
* in the creation flags.
* @param metadata Initial metadata.
* @throws throws OutOfResourcesException If the SurfaceControl cannot be created.
private SurfaceControl(SurfaceSession session, String name, int w, int h, int format, int flags,
SurfaceControl parent, SparseIntArray metadata)
throws OutOfResourcesException, IllegalArgumentException {
if (name == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("name must not be null");
if ((flags & SurfaceControl.HIDDEN) == 0) {
Log.w(TAG, "Surfaces should always be created with the HIDDEN flag set "
+ "to ensure that they are not made visible prematurely before "
+ "all of the surface's properties have been configured. "
+ "Set the other properties and make the surface visible within "
+ "a transaction. New surface name: " + name,
new Throwable());
mName = name;
mWidth = w;
mHeight = h;
Parcel metaParcel = Parcel.obtain();
try {
if (metadata != null && metadata.size() > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < metadata.size(); ++i) {
mNativeObject = nativeCreate(session, name, w, h, format, flags,
parent != null ? parent.mNativeObject : 0, metaParcel);
} finally {
if (mNativeObject == 0) {
throw new OutOfResourcesException(
"Couldn't allocate SurfaceControl native object");
/** This is a transfer constructor, useful for transferring a live SurfaceControl native
* object to another Java wrapper which could have some different behavior, e.g.
* event logging.
* @hide
public SurfaceControl(SurfaceControl other) {
mName = other.mName;
mWidth = other.mWidth;
mHeight = other.mHeight;
mNativeObject = other.mNativeObject;
other.mNativeObject = 0;
private SurfaceControl(Parcel in) {
* @hide
public SurfaceControl() {
public void readFromParcel(Parcel in) {
if (in == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("source must not be null");
mName = in.readString();
mWidth = in.readInt();
mHeight = in.readInt();
long object = 0;
if (in.readInt() != 0) {
object = nativeReadFromParcel(in);
public int describeContents() {
return 0;
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
if (mNativeObject == 0) {
} else {
nativeWriteToParcel(mNativeObject, dest);
if ((flags & Parcelable.PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE) != 0) {
* Write to a protocol buffer output stream. Protocol buffer message definition is at {@link
* android.view.SurfaceControlProto}.
* @param proto Stream to write the SurfaceControl object to.
* @param fieldId Field Id of the SurfaceControl as defined in the parent message.
* @hide
public void writeToProto(ProtoOutputStream proto, long fieldId) {
final long token = proto.start(fieldId);
proto.write(HASH_CODE, System.identityHashCode(this));
proto.write(NAME, mName);
public static final @android.annotation.NonNull Creator
* This is a utility for interop with legacy-code and will go away with the Global Transaction.
* @hide
public static void mergeToGlobalTransaction(Transaction t) {
synchronized(SurfaceControl.class) {
/** end a transaction
* @hide
public static void closeTransaction() {
synchronized(SurfaceControl.class) {
if (sTransactionNestCount == 0) {
"Call to SurfaceControl.closeTransaction without matching openTransaction");
} else if (--sTransactionNestCount > 0) {
* @hide
public void deferTransactionUntil(IBinder handle, long frame) {
synchronized(SurfaceControl.class) {
sGlobalTransaction.deferTransactionUntil(this, handle, frame);
* @hide
public void deferTransactionUntil(Surface barrier, long frame) {
synchronized(SurfaceControl.class) {
sGlobalTransaction.deferTransactionUntilSurface(this, barrier, frame);
* @hide
public void reparentChildren(IBinder newParentHandle) {
synchronized(SurfaceControl.class) {
sGlobalTransaction.reparentChildren(this, newParentHandle);
* @hide
public void reparent(SurfaceControl newParent) {
synchronized(SurfaceControl.class) {
sGlobalTransaction.reparent(this, newParent);
* @hide
public void detachChildren() {
synchronized(SurfaceControl.class) {
* @hide
public void setOverrideScalingMode(int scalingMode) {
synchronized(SurfaceControl.class) {
sGlobalTransaction.setOverrideScalingMode(this, scalingMode);
* @hide
public IBinder getHandle() {
return nativeGetHandle(mNativeObject);
* @hide
public static void setAnimationTransaction() {
synchronized (SurfaceControl.class) {
* @hide
public void setLayer(int zorder) {
synchronized(SurfaceControl.class) {
sGlobalTransaction.setLayer(this, zorder);
* @hide
public void setRelativeLayer(SurfaceControl relativeTo, int zorder) {
synchronized(SurfaceControl.class) {
sGlobalTransaction.setRelativeLayer(this, relativeTo, zorder);
* @hide
public void setPosition(float x, float y) {
synchronized(SurfaceControl.class) {
sGlobalTransaction.setPosition(this, x, y);
* @hide
public void setGeometryAppliesWithResize() {
synchronized(SurfaceControl.class) {
* @hide
public void setBufferSize(int w, int h) {
synchronized(SurfaceControl.class) {
sGlobalTransaction.setBufferSize(this, w, h);
* @hide
public void hide() {
synchronized(SurfaceControl.class) {
* @hide
public void show() {
synchronized(SurfaceControl.class) {
* @hide
public void setTransparentRegionHint(Region region) {
synchronized(SurfaceControl.class) {
sGlobalTransaction.setTransparentRegionHint(this, region);
* @hide
public boolean clearContentFrameStats() {
return nativeClearContentFrameStats(mNativeObject);
* @hide
public boolean getContentFrameStats(WindowContentFrameStats outStats) {
return nativeGetContentFrameStats(mNativeObject, outStats);
* @hide
public static boolean clearAnimationFrameStats() {
return nativeClearAnimationFrameStats();
* @hide
public static boolean getAnimationFrameStats(WindowAnimationFrameStats outStats) {
return nativeGetAnimationFrameStats(outStats);
* @hide
public void setAlpha(float alpha) {
synchronized(SurfaceControl.class) {
sGlobalTransaction.setAlpha(this, alpha);
* @hide
public void setColor(@Size(3) float[] color) {
synchronized (SurfaceControl.class) {
sGlobalTransaction.setColor(this, color);
* @hide
public void setMatrix(float dsdx, float dtdx, float dtdy, float dsdy) {
synchronized(SurfaceControl.class) {
sGlobalTransaction.setMatrix(this, dsdx, dtdx, dtdy, dsdy);
* Sets the transform and position of a {@link SurfaceControl} from a 3x3 transformation matrix.
* @param matrix The matrix to apply.
* @param float9 An array of 9 floats to be used to extract the values from the matrix.
* @hide
public void setMatrix(Matrix matrix, float[] float9) {
synchronized (SurfaceControl.class) {
sGlobalTransaction.setMatrix(this, float9[MSCALE_X], float9[MSKEW_Y],
float9[MSKEW_X], float9[MSCALE_Y]);
sGlobalTransaction.setPosition(this, float9[MTRANS_X], float9[MTRANS_Y]);
* Sets the color transform for the Surface.
* @param matrix A float array with 9 values represents a 3x3 transform matrix
* @param translation A float array with 3 values represents a translation vector
* @hide
public void setColorTransform(@Size(9) float[] matrix, @Size(3) float[] translation) {
synchronized (SurfaceControl.class) {
sGlobalTransaction.setColorTransform(this, matrix, translation);
* Sets the Surface to be color space agnostic. If a surface is color space agnostic,
* the color can be interpreted in any color space.
* @param agnostic A boolean to indicate whether the surface is color space agnostic
* @hide
public void setColorSpaceAgnostic(boolean agnostic) {
synchronized (SurfaceControl.class) {
sGlobalTransaction.setColorSpaceAgnostic(this, agnostic);
* Bounds the surface and its children to the bounds specified. Size of the surface will be
* ignored and only the crop and buffer size will be used to determine the bounds of the
* surface. If no crop is specified and the surface has no buffer, the surface bounds is only
* constrained by the size of its parent bounds.
* @param crop Bounds of the crop to apply.
* @hide
public void setWindowCrop(Rect crop) {
synchronized (SurfaceControl.class) {
sGlobalTransaction.setWindowCrop(this, crop);
* Same as {@link SurfaceControl#setWindowCrop(Rect)} but sets the crop rect top left at 0, 0.
* @param width width of crop rect
* @param height height of crop rect
* @hide
public void setWindowCrop(int width, int height) {
synchronized (SurfaceControl.class) {
sGlobalTransaction.setWindowCrop(this, width, height);
* Sets the corner radius of a {@link SurfaceControl}.
* @param cornerRadius Corner radius in pixels.
* @hide
public void setCornerRadius(float cornerRadius) {
synchronized (SurfaceControl.class) {
sGlobalTransaction.setCornerRadius(this, cornerRadius);
* @hide
public void setLayerStack(int layerStack) {
synchronized(SurfaceControl.class) {
sGlobalTransaction.setLayerStack(this, layerStack);
* @hide
public void setOpaque(boolean isOpaque) {
synchronized (SurfaceControl.class) {
sGlobalTransaction.setOpaque(this, isOpaque);
* @hide
public void setSecure(boolean isSecure) {
synchronized (SurfaceControl.class) {
sGlobalTransaction.setSecure(this, isSecure);
* @hide
public int getWidth() {
synchronized (mSizeLock) {
return mWidth;
* @hide
public int getHeight() {
synchronized (mSizeLock) {
return mHeight;
public String toString() {
return "Surface(name=" + mName + ")/@0x" +
* set display parameters.
* needs to be inside open/closeTransaction block
* Describes the properties of a physical display known to surface flinger.
* @hide
public static final class PhysicalDisplayInfo {
* @hide
public int width;
* @hide
public int height;
* @hide
public float refreshRate;
* @hide
public float density;
* @hide
public float xDpi;
* @hide
public float yDpi;
* @hide
public boolean secure;
* @hide
public long appVsyncOffsetNanos;
* @hide
public long presentationDeadlineNanos;
* @hide
public PhysicalDisplayInfo() {
* @hide
public PhysicalDisplayInfo(PhysicalDisplayInfo other) {
* @hide
public boolean equals(Object o) {
return o instanceof PhysicalDisplayInfo && equals((PhysicalDisplayInfo)o);
* @hide
public boolean equals(PhysicalDisplayInfo other) {
return other != null
&& width == other.width
&& height == other.height
&& refreshRate == other.refreshRate
&& density == other.density
&& xDpi == other.xDpi
&& yDpi == other.yDpi
&& secure == other.secure
&& appVsyncOffsetNanos == other.appVsyncOffsetNanos
&& presentationDeadlineNanos == other.presentationDeadlineNanos;
* @hide
public int hashCode() {
return 0; // don't care
* @hide
public void copyFrom(PhysicalDisplayInfo other) {
width = other.width;
height = other.height;
refreshRate = other.refreshRate;
density = other.density;
xDpi = other.xDpi;
yDpi = other.yDpi;
secure = other.secure;
appVsyncOffsetNanos = other.appVsyncOffsetNanos;
presentationDeadlineNanos = other.presentationDeadlineNanos;
* @hide
public String toString() {
return "PhysicalDisplayInfo{" + width + " x " + height + ", " + refreshRate + " fps, "
+ "density " + density + ", " + xDpi + " x " + yDpi + " dpi, secure " + secure
+ ", appVsyncOffset " + appVsyncOffsetNanos
+ ", bufferDeadline " + presentationDeadlineNanos + "}";
* @hide
public static void setDisplayPowerMode(IBinder displayToken, int mode) {
if (displayToken == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null");
nativeSetDisplayPowerMode(displayToken, mode);
* @hide
public static SurfaceControl.PhysicalDisplayInfo[] getDisplayConfigs(IBinder displayToken) {
if (displayToken == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null");
return nativeGetDisplayConfigs(displayToken);
* @hide
public static int getActiveConfig(IBinder displayToken) {
if (displayToken == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null");
return nativeGetActiveConfig(displayToken);
* @hide
public static DisplayedContentSamplingAttributes getDisplayedContentSamplingAttributes(
IBinder displayToken) {
if (displayToken == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null");
return nativeGetDisplayedContentSamplingAttributes(displayToken);
* @hide
public static boolean setDisplayedContentSamplingEnabled(
IBinder displayToken, boolean enable, int componentMask, int maxFrames) {
if (displayToken == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null");
final int maxColorComponents = 4;
if ((componentMask >> maxColorComponents) != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid componentMask when enabling sampling");
return nativeSetDisplayedContentSamplingEnabled(
displayToken, enable, componentMask, maxFrames);
* @hide
public static DisplayedContentSample getDisplayedContentSample(
IBinder displayToken, long maxFrames, long timestamp) {
if (displayToken == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null");
return nativeGetDisplayedContentSample(displayToken, maxFrames, timestamp);
* @hide
public static boolean setActiveConfig(IBinder displayToken, int id) {
if (displayToken == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null");
return nativeSetActiveConfig(displayToken, id);
* @hide
public static boolean setAllowedDisplayConfigs(IBinder displayToken, int[] allowedConfigs) {
if (displayToken == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null");
if (allowedConfigs == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("allowedConfigs must not be null");
return nativeSetAllowedDisplayConfigs(displayToken, allowedConfigs);
* @hide
public static int[] getAllowedDisplayConfigs(IBinder displayToken) {
if (displayToken == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null");
return nativeGetAllowedDisplayConfigs(displayToken);
* @hide
public static int[] getDisplayColorModes(IBinder displayToken) {
if (displayToken == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null");
return nativeGetDisplayColorModes(displayToken);
* Color coordinates in CIE1931 XYZ color space
* @hide
public static final class CieXyz {
* @hide
public float X;
* @hide
public float Y;
* @hide
public float Z;
* Contains a display's color primaries
* @hide
public static final class DisplayPrimaries {
* @hide
public CieXyz red;
* @hide
public CieXyz green;
* @hide
public CieXyz blue;
* @hide
public CieXyz white;
* @hide
public DisplayPrimaries() {
* @hide
public static SurfaceControl.DisplayPrimaries getDisplayNativePrimaries(
IBinder displayToken) {
if (displayToken == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null");
return nativeGetDisplayNativePrimaries(displayToken);
* @hide
public static int getActiveColorMode(IBinder displayToken) {
if (displayToken == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null");
return nativeGetActiveColorMode(displayToken);
* @hide
public static boolean setActiveColorMode(IBinder displayToken, int colorMode) {
if (displayToken == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null");
return nativeSetActiveColorMode(displayToken, colorMode);
* Returns an array of color spaces with 2 elements. The first color space is the
* default color space and second one is wide color gamut color space.
* @hide
public static ColorSpace[] getCompositionColorSpaces() {
int[] dataspaces = nativeGetCompositionDataspaces();
ColorSpace srgb = ColorSpace.get(ColorSpace.Named.SRGB);
ColorSpace[] colorSpaces = { srgb, srgb };
if (dataspaces.length == 2) {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
switch(dataspaces[i]) {
colorSpaces[i] = ColorSpace.get(ColorSpace.Named.DISPLAY_P3);
colorSpaces[i] = ColorSpace.get(ColorSpace.Named.EXTENDED_SRGB);
// Other dataspace is not recognized, use SRGB color space instead,
// the default value of the array is already SRGB, thus do nothing.
return colorSpaces;
* @hide
public static void setDisplayProjection(IBinder displayToken,
int orientation, Rect layerStackRect, Rect displayRect) {
synchronized (SurfaceControl.class) {
sGlobalTransaction.setDisplayProjection(displayToken, orientation,
layerStackRect, displayRect);
* @hide
public static void setDisplayLayerStack(IBinder displayToken, int layerStack) {
synchronized (SurfaceControl.class) {
sGlobalTransaction.setDisplayLayerStack(displayToken, layerStack);
* @hide
public static void setDisplaySurface(IBinder displayToken, Surface surface) {
synchronized (SurfaceControl.class) {
sGlobalTransaction.setDisplaySurface(displayToken, surface);
* @hide
public static void setDisplaySize(IBinder displayToken, int width, int height) {
synchronized (SurfaceControl.class) {
sGlobalTransaction.setDisplaySize(displayToken, width, height);
* @hide
public static Display.HdrCapabilities getHdrCapabilities(IBinder displayToken) {
if (displayToken == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null");
return nativeGetHdrCapabilities(displayToken);
* @hide
public static IBinder createDisplay(String name, boolean secure) {
if (name == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("name must not be null");
return nativeCreateDisplay(name, secure);
* @hide
public static void destroyDisplay(IBinder displayToken) {
if (displayToken == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null");
* @hide
public static long[] getPhysicalDisplayIds() {
return nativeGetPhysicalDisplayIds();
* @hide
public static IBinder getPhysicalDisplayToken(long physicalDisplayId) {
return nativeGetPhysicalDisplayToken(physicalDisplayId);
* TODO(116025192): Remove this stopgap once framework is display-agnostic.
* @hide
public static IBinder getInternalDisplayToken() {
final long[] physicalDisplayIds = getPhysicalDisplayIds();
if (physicalDisplayIds.length == 0) {
return null;
return getPhysicalDisplayToken(physicalDisplayIds[0]);
* @see SurfaceControl#screenshot(IBinder, Surface, Rect, int, int, boolean, int)
* @hide
public static void screenshot(IBinder display, Surface consumer) {
screenshot(display, consumer, new Rect(), 0, 0, false, 0);
* Copy the current screen contents into the provided {@link Surface}
* @param consumer The {@link Surface} to take the screenshot into.
* @see SurfaceControl#screenshotToBuffer(IBinder, Rect, int, int, boolean, int)
* @hide
public static void screenshot(IBinder display, Surface consumer, Rect sourceCrop, int width,
int height, boolean useIdentityTransform, int rotation) {
if (consumer == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("consumer must not be null");
final ScreenshotGraphicBuffer buffer = screenshotToBuffer(display, sourceCrop, width,
height, useIdentityTransform, rotation);
try {
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
Log.w(TAG, "Failed to take screenshot - " + e.getMessage());
* @see SurfaceControl#screenshot(Rect, int, int, boolean, int)}
* @hide
public static Bitmap screenshot(Rect sourceCrop, int width, int height, int rotation) {
return screenshot(sourceCrop, width, height, false, rotation);
* Copy the current screen contents into a hardware bitmap and return it.
* Note: If you want to modify the Bitmap in software, you will need to copy the Bitmap into
* a software Bitmap using {@link Bitmap#copy(Bitmap.Config, boolean)}
* CAVEAT: Versions of screenshot that return a {@link Bitmap} can be extremely slow; avoid use
* unless absolutely necessary; prefer the versions that use a {@link Surface} such as
* {@link SurfaceControl#screenshot(IBinder, Surface)} or {@link GraphicBuffer} such as
* {@link SurfaceControl#screenshotToBuffer(IBinder, Rect, int, int, boolean, int)}.
* @see SurfaceControl#screenshotToBuffer(IBinder, Rect, int, int, boolean, int)}
* @hide
public static Bitmap screenshot(Rect sourceCrop, int width, int height,
boolean useIdentityTransform, int rotation) {
// TODO: should take the display as a parameter
final IBinder displayToken = SurfaceControl.getInternalDisplayToken();
if (displayToken == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "Failed to take screenshot because internal display is disconnected");
return null;
if (rotation == ROTATION_90 || rotation == ROTATION_270) {
rotation = (rotation == ROTATION_90) ? ROTATION_270 : ROTATION_90;
SurfaceControl.rotateCropForSF(sourceCrop, rotation);
final ScreenshotGraphicBuffer buffer = screenshotToBuffer(displayToken, sourceCrop, width,
height, useIdentityTransform, rotation);
if (buffer == null) {
Log.w(TAG, "Failed to take screenshot");
return null;
return Bitmap.wrapHardwareBuffer(buffer.getGraphicBuffer(), buffer.getColorSpace());
* Captures all the surfaces in a display and returns a {@link GraphicBuffer} with the content.
* @param display The display to take the screenshot of.
* @param sourceCrop The portion of the screen to capture into the Bitmap; caller may
* pass in 'new Rect()' if no cropping is desired.
* @param width The desired width of the returned bitmap; the raw screen will be
* scaled down to this size; caller may pass in 0 if no scaling is
* desired.
* @param height The desired height of the returned bitmap; the raw screen will
* be scaled down to this size; caller may pass in 0 if no scaling
* is desired.
* @param useIdentityTransform Replace whatever transformation (rotation, scaling, translation)
* the surface layers are currently using with the identity
* transformation while taking the screenshot.
* @param rotation Apply a custom clockwise rotation to the screenshot, i.e.
* Surface.ROTATION_0,90,180,270. SurfaceFlinger will always take
* screenshots in its native portrait orientation by default, so
* this is useful for returning screenshots that are independent of
* device orientation.
* @return Returns a GraphicBuffer that contains the captured content.
* @hide
public static ScreenshotGraphicBuffer screenshotToBuffer(IBinder display, Rect sourceCrop,
int width, int height, boolean useIdentityTransform, int rotation) {
if (display == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null");
return nativeScreenshot(display, sourceCrop, width, height, useIdentityTransform, rotation,
false /* captureSecureLayers */);
* Like screenshotToBuffer, but if the caller is AID_SYSTEM, allows
* for the capture of secure layers. This is used for the screen rotation
* animation where the system server takes screenshots but does
* not persist them or allow them to leave the server. However in other
* cases in the system server, we mostly want to omit secure layers
* like when we take a screenshot on behalf of the assistant.
* @hide
public static ScreenshotGraphicBuffer screenshotToBufferWithSecureLayersUnsafe(IBinder display,
Rect sourceCrop, int width, int height, boolean useIdentityTransform,
int rotation) {
if (display == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("displayToken must not be null");
return nativeScreenshot(display, sourceCrop, width, height, useIdentityTransform, rotation,
true /* captureSecureLayers */);
private static void rotateCropForSF(Rect crop, int rot) {
if (rot == Surface.ROTATION_90 || rot == Surface.ROTATION_270) {
int tmp = crop.top;
crop.top = crop.left;
crop.left = tmp;
tmp = crop.right;
crop.right = crop.bottom;
crop.bottom = tmp;
* Captures a layer and its children and returns a {@link GraphicBuffer} with the content.
* @param layerHandleToken The root layer to capture.
* @param sourceCrop The portion of the root surface to capture; caller may pass in 'new
* Rect()' or null if no cropping is desired.
* @param frameScale The desired scale of the returned buffer; the raw
* screen will be scaled up/down.
* @return Returns a GraphicBuffer that contains the layer capture.
* @hide
public static ScreenshotGraphicBuffer captureLayers(IBinder layerHandleToken, Rect sourceCrop,
float frameScale) {
final IBinder displayToken = SurfaceControl.getInternalDisplayToken();
return nativeCaptureLayers(displayToken, layerHandleToken, sourceCrop, frameScale, null);
* Like {@link captureLayers} but with an array of layer handles to exclude.
* @hide
public static ScreenshotGraphicBuffer captureLayersExcluding(IBinder layerHandleToken,
Rect sourceCrop, float frameScale, IBinder[] exclude) {
final IBinder displayToken = SurfaceControl.getInternalDisplayToken();
return nativeCaptureLayers(displayToken, layerHandleToken, sourceCrop, frameScale, exclude);
* Returns whether protected content is supported in GPU composition.
* @hide
public static boolean getProtectedContentSupport() {
return nativeGetProtectedContentSupport();
* Returns whether brightness operations are supported on a display.
* @param displayToken
* The token for the display.
* @return Whether brightness operations are supported on the display.
* @hide
public static boolean getDisplayBrightnessSupport(IBinder displayToken) {
return nativeGetDisplayBrightnessSupport(displayToken);
* Sets the brightness of a display.
* @param displayToken
* The token for the display whose brightness is set.
* @param brightness
* A number between 0.0f (minimum brightness) and 1.0f (maximum brightness), or -1.0f to
* turn the backlight off.
* @return Whether the method succeeded or not.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if:
* - displayToken is null;
* - brightness is NaN or greater than 1.0f.
* @hide
public static boolean setDisplayBrightness(IBinder displayToken, float brightness) {
if (Float.isNaN(brightness) || brightness > 1.0f
|| (brightness < 0.0f && brightness != -1.0f)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("brightness must be a number between 0.0f and 1.0f,"
+ " or -1 to turn the backlight off.");
return nativeSetDisplayBrightness(displayToken, brightness);
* An atomic set of changes to a set of SurfaceControl.
public static class Transaction implements Closeable {
* @hide
public static final NativeAllocationRegistry sRegistry = new NativeAllocationRegistry(
nativeGetNativeTransactionFinalizer(), 512);
private long mNativeObject;
private final ArrayMap
* Corresponds to setting ISurfaceComposer::eEarlyWakeup
* @hide
public Transaction setEarlyWakeup() {
return this;
* Sets an arbitrary piece of metadata on the surface. This is a helper for int data.
* @hide
public Transaction setMetadata(SurfaceControl sc, int key, int data) {
Parcel parcel = Parcel.obtain();
try {
setMetadata(sc, key, parcel);
} finally {
return this;
* Sets an arbitrary piece of metadata on the surface.
* @hide
public Transaction setMetadata(SurfaceControl sc, int key, Parcel data) {
nativeSetMetadata(mNativeObject, sc.mNativeObject, key, data);
return this;
* Merge the other transaction into this transaction, clearing the
* other transaction as if it had been applied.
* @param other The transaction to merge in to this one.
* @return This transaction.
public Transaction merge(@NonNull Transaction other) {
if (this == other) {
return this;
nativeMergeTransaction(mNativeObject, other.mNativeObject);
return this;
* Equivalent to reparent with a null parent, in that it removes
* the SurfaceControl from the scene, but it also releases
* the local resources (by calling {@link SurfaceControl#release})
* after this method returns, {@link SurfaceControl#isValid} will return
* false for the argument.
* @param sc The surface to remove and release.
* @return This transaction
* @hide
public Transaction remove(@NonNull SurfaceControl sc) {
reparent(sc, null);
return this;