* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @addtogroup NeuralNetworks
* @{
* @file NeuralNetworks.h
* This file is part of Android's set of stable system headers
* exposed by the Android NDK (Native Development Kit).
* Third-party source AND binary code relies on the definitions
#include Any NNAPI function can return any result code, including result codes not
* currently documented. Any value other than {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR}
* indicates a failure of some kind. Additional information about the nature of a failure can be obtained from
* the device log after enabling NNAPI debugging by setting the debug.nn.vlog
* property to 1, e.g., by calling "adb shell setprop debug.nn.vlog 1". Build the model by calling A model cannot be modified once {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_finish}
* has been called on it. It is the application's responsibility to make sure that only one thread
* modifies a model at a given time. It is however safe for more than one
* thread to use the model once {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_finish} has returned. It is also the application's responsibility to ensure that there are no other
* uses of the model after calling {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_free}.
* This includes any compilation or execution object created using the model. To use:
* * 21:The clipping threshold (\f$t_{cell}\f$) for the cell state, such
* that values are bound within [-cell_clip, cell_clip]. If set to 0.0
* then clipping is disabled.
* Until API level 29 this scalar must be of type {@link
* ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32}. Since API level 29, if all the input
* tensors have type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT32}, this
* scalar must be of the type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32},
* otherwise if all the input tensors have the type {@link
* ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16}, this scalar must be of type {@link
* * 22:The clipping threshold (\f$t_{proj}\f$) for the output from the
* projection layer, such that values are bound within
* [-proj_clip, proj_clip]. If set to 0.0 then clipping is disabled.
* Until API level 29 this scalar must be of type {@link
* ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32}. Since API level 29, if all the input
* tensors have type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT32}, this
* scalar must be of the type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32},
* otherwise if all the input tensors have the type {@link
* ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16}, this scalar must be of type {@link
* Since API level 29 there are additional inputs to this op:
* * 23:The input layer normalization weights.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [num_units]. Used to rescale normalized inputs
* to activation at input gate.
* * 24:The forget layer normalization weights.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [num_units]. Used to rescale normalized inputs
* to activation at forget gate.
* * 25:The cell layer normalization weights.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [num_units]. Used to rescale normalized inputs
* to activation at cell gate.
* * 26:The output layer normalization weights.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [num_units]. Used to rescale normalized inputs
* to activation at output gate.
* Outputs:
* * 0: The scratch buffer.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [batch_size, num_units * 3] with CIFG, or
* [batch_size, num_units * 4] without CIFG.
* * 1: The output state (out) (\f$h_t\f$).
* A 2-D tensor of shape [batch_size, output_size].
* * 2: The cell state (out) (\f$C_t\f$).
* A 2-D tensor of shape [batch_size, num_units].
* * 3: The output (\f$o_t\f$).
* A 2-D tensor of shape [batch_size, output_size]. This is effectively
* the same as the current “output state (out)” value.
* Available since API level 27.
* Performs an 2-D max pooling operation.
* The output dimensions are functions of the filter dimensions, stride, and
* padding.
* The values in the output tensor are computed as:
* output[b, i, j, channel] =
* max_{di, dj} (
* input[b, strides[1] * i + di, strides[2] * j + dj, channel]
* )
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16} (since API level 29)
* Supported tensor rank: 4, with "NHWC" or "NCHW" data layout.
* With the default data layout NHWC, the data is stored in the order of:
* [batch, height, width, channels]. Alternatively, the data layout could
* be NCHW, the data storage order of: [batch, channels, height, width].
* Both explicit padding and implicit padding are supported.
* Inputs (explicit padding):
* * 0: A 4-D tensor, of shape [batches, height, width, depth], specifying
* the input. Since API level 29, zero batches is supported for this
* tensor.
* * 1: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the padding on
* the left, in the ‘width’ dimension.
* * 2: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the padding on
* the right, in the ‘width’ dimension.
* * 3: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the padding on
* the top, in the ‘height’ dimension.
* * 4: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the padding on
* the bottom, in the ‘height’ dimension.
* * 5: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the stride when
* walking through input in the ‘width’ dimension.
* * 6: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the stride when
* walking through input in the ‘height’ dimension.
* * 7: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the filter
* width.
* * 8: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the filter
* height.
* * 9: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, and has to be one of the
* {@link FuseCode} values. Specifies the activation to
* invoke on the result.
* * 10: An optional {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_BOOL} scalar, default to false.
* Set to true to specify NCHW data layout for input0 and output0.
* Available since API level 29.
* Inputs (implicit padding):
* * 0: A 4-D tensor, of shape [batches, height, width, depth], specifying
* the input. Since API level 29, zero batches is supported for this
* tensor.
* * 1: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the implicit
* padding scheme, has to be one of the
* {@link PaddingCode} values.
* * 2: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the stride when
* walking through input in the ‘width’ dimension.
* * 3: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the stride when
* walking through input in the ‘height’ dimension.
* * 4: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the filter
* width.
* * 5: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the filter
* height.
* * 6: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, and has to be one of the
* {@link FuseCode} values. Specifies the activation to
* invoke on the result.
* * 7: An optional {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_BOOL} scalar, default to false.
* Set to true to specify NCHW data layout for input0 and output0.
* Available since API level 29.
* Outputs:
* * 0: The output 4-D tensor, of shape
* [batches, out_height, out_width, depth].
* the scale and zeroPoint must be the same as input0.
* Available since API level 27.
* Multiplies two tensors, element-wise.
* Takes two input tensors of identical {@link OperandCode} and compatible
* dimensions. The output is the product of both input tensors, optionally
* modified by an activation function.
* Two dimensions are compatible when:
* 1. they are equal, or
* 2. one of them is 1
* The size of the resulting output is the maximum size along each dimension
* of the input operands. It starts with the trailing dimensions, and works
* its way forward.
* Since API level 29, generic zero-sized input tensor is supported. Zero
* dimension is only compatible with 0 or 1. The size of the output
* dimension is zero if either of corresponding input dimension is zero.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16} (since API level 29)
* Supported tensor rank: up to 4
* Inputs:
* * 0: A tensor.
* * 1: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode}, and compatible dimensions
* as input0.
* * 2: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, and has to be one of the
* {@link FuseCode} values. Specifies the activation to
* invoke on the result.
* Outputs:
* * 0: The product, a tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} as input0.
* For output tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM},
* the following condition must be satisfied:
* output_scale > input1_scale * input2_scale.
* Available since API level 27.
* Computes rectified linear activation on the input tensor element-wise.
* The output is calculated using this formula:
* output = max(0, input)
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16} (since API level 29)
* Supported tensor rank: up to 4.
* Inputs:
* * 0: A tensor, specifying the input. Since API level 29, this tensor may
* be zero-sized.
* Outputs:
* * 0: The output tensor of same shape as input0.
* the scale and zeroPoint must be the same as input0.
* Available since API level 27.
* Computes rectified linear 1 activation on the input tensor element-wise.
* The output is calculated using this formula:
* output = min(1.f, max(-1.f, input))
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16} (since API level 29)
* Supported tensor rank: up to 4.
* Inputs:
* * 0: A tensor, specifying the input. Since API level 29, this tensor may
* be zero-sized.
* Outputs:
* * 0: The output tensor of the same shape as input0.
* the scale and zeroPoint must be the same as input0.
* Available since API level 27.
* Computes rectified linear 6 activation on the input tensor element-wise.
* The output is calculated using this formula:
* output = min(6, max(0, input))
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16} (since API level 29)
* Supported tensor rank: up to 4.
* Inputs:
* * 0: A tensor, specifying the input. Since API level 29, this tensor may
* be zero-sized.
* Outputs:
* * 0: The output tensor of same shape as input0.
* the scale and zeroPoint must be the same as input0.
* Available since API level 27.
* Reshapes a tensor.
* Given tensor, this operation returns a tensor that has the same values as
* tensor, but with a newly specified shape.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16} (since API level 29)
* Supported tensor rank: up to 4.
* Inputs:
* * 0: A tensor, specifying the tensor to be reshaped.
* * 1: A 1-D tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32}, defining the
* shape of the output tensor. The number of elements implied by shape
* must be the same as the number of elements in the input tensor.
* If one component of shape is the special value -1, the size of that
* dimension is computed so that the total size remains constant. In
* particular, a shape of [-1] flattens into 1-D. At most one component
* of shape can be -1.
* Outputs:
* * 0: The output tensor, of shape specified by the input shape.
* the scale and zeroPoint must be the same as input0.
* Available since API level 27.
* Resizes images to given size using the bilinear interpretation.
* Resized images must be distorted if their output aspect ratio is not the
* same as input aspect ratio. The corner pixels of output may not be the
* same as corner pixels of input.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16} (since API level 29)
* * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM} (since API level 29)
* Supported tensor rank: 4, with "NHWC" or "NCHW" data layout.
* With the default data layout NHWC, the data is stored in the order of:
* [batch, height, width, channels]. Alternatively, the data layout could
* be NCHW, the data storage order of: [batch, channels, height, width].
* Both resizing by shape and resizing by scale are supported.
* Inputs (resizing by shape):
* * 0: A 4-D tensor, of shape [batches, height, width, depth], specifying
* the input. Since API level 29, zero batches is supported for this
* tensor.
* * 1: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the output
* width of the output tensor.
* * 2: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the output
* height of the output tensor.
* * 3: An optional {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_BOOL} scalar, default to false.
* Set to true to specify NCHW data layout for input0 and output0.
* Available since API level 29.
* Inputs (resizing by scale, since API level 29):
* * 0: A 4-D tensor, of shape [batches, height, width, depth], specifying
* the input. Zero batches is supported for this tensor.
* * 1: A scalar, specifying width_scale, the scaling factor of the width
* dimension from the input tensor to the output tensor. The output
* width is calculated as new_width = floor(width * width_scale).
* The scalar must be of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT16} if input0 is
* {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32} otherwise.
* * 2: A scalar, specifying height_scale, the scaling factor of the height
* dimension from the input tensor to the output tensor. The output
* height is calculated as new_height = floor(height * height_scale).
* The scalar must be of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT16} if input0 is
* {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32} otherwise.
* * 3: An optional {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_BOOL} scalar, default to false.
* Set to true to specify NCHW data layout for input0 and output0.
* Outputs:
* * 0: The output 4-D tensor, of shape
* [batches, new_height, new_width, depth].
* the scale and zeroPoint must be the same as input0.
* Available since API level 27.
* A basic recurrent neural network layer.
* This layer implements the operation:
* outputs = state = activation(inputs * input_weights +
* state * recurrent_weights + bias)
* Where:
* * “input_weights” is a weight matrix that multiplies the inputs;
* * “recurrent_weights” is a weight matrix that multiplies the current
* “state” which itself is the output from the previous time step
* computation;
* * “bias” is a bias vector (added to each output vector in the batch);
* * “activation” is the function passed as the “fused_activation_function”
* argument (if not “NONE”).
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16} (since API level 29)
* The input tensors must all be the same type.
* Inputs:
* * 0: input.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [batch_size, input_size], where “batch_size”
* corresponds to the batching dimension, and “input_size” is the size
* of the input.
* * 1: weights.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [num_units, input_size], where “num_units”
* corresponds to the number of units.
* * 2: recurrent_weights.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [num_units, num_units], with columns
* corresponding to the weights from each unit.
* * 3: bias.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [num_units].
* * 4: hidden state (in).
* A 2-D tensor of shape [batch_size, num_units].
* * 5: fused_activation_function.
* An optional {@link FuseCode} value indicating the
* activation function. If “NONE” is specified then it results in a
* linear activation.
* Outputs:
* * 0: hidden state (out).
* A 2-D tensor of shape [batch_size, num_units].
* * 1: output.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [batch_size, num_units]. This is effectively
* the same as the current state value.
* Available since API level 27.
* Computes the softmax activation on the input tensor element-wise, per
* batch, by normalizing the input vector so the maximum coefficient is
* zero.
* The output is calculated using this formula:
* output[batch, i] =
* exp((input[batch, i] - max(input[batch, :])) * beta) /
* sum_{k}{exp((input[batch, k] - max(input[batch, :])) * beta)}
* For input tensor with rank other than 2, the activation will be applied
* independently on each 1-D slice along specified dimension.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16} (since API level 29)
* Supported tensor rank: up to 4.
* Tensors with rank other than 2 or 4 are only supported since API level 29.
* Inputs:
* * 0: A 2-D or 4-D tensor, specifying the tensor to be reshaped. Since
* API level 29, this tensor may be zero-sized.
* * 1: A scalar, specifying the positive scaling factor for the exponent,
* beta. If input0 is of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT32} or
* {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM}, the scalar must be of
* {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32}. If input0 is of {@link
* ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16}, then the scalar must be of {@link
* * 2: An optional {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, default to -1,
* specifying the dimension the activation would be performed on.
* Negative index is used to specify axis from the end (e.g. -1 for
* the last axis). Must be in the range [-n, n).
* Available since API level 29.
* Outputs:
* * 0: The output tensor of same shape as input0.
* the scale must be 1.f / 256 and the zeroPoint must be 0.
* Available since API level 27.
* Rearranges blocks of spatial data, into depth.
* More specifically, this op outputs a copy of the input tensor where
* values from the height and width dimensions are moved to the depth
* dimension. The value block_size indicates the input block size and how
* the data is moved.
* Chunks of data of size block_size * block_size from depth are rearranged
* into non-overlapping blocks of size block_size x block_size.
* The depth of the output tensor is input_depth * block_size * block_size.
* The input tensor's height and width must be divisible by block_size.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16} (since API level 29)
* Supported tensor rank: 4, with "NHWC" or "NCHW" data layout.
* With the default data layout NHWC, the data is stored in the order of:
* [batch, height, width, channels]. Alternatively, the data layout could
* be NCHW, the data storage order of: [batch, channels, height, width].
* Inputs:
* * 0: A 4-D tensor, of shape [batches, height, width, depth_in],
* specifying the input.
* * 1: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the block_size.
* block_size must be >=1 and block_size must be a divisor of both the
* input height and width.
* * 2: An optional {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_BOOL} scalar, default to false.
* Set to true to specify NCHW data layout for input0 and output0.
* Available since API level 29.
* Outputs:
* * 0: The output 4-D tensor, of shape [batches, height/block_size,
* width/block_size, depth_in*block_size*block_size].
* the scale and zeroPoint must be the same as input0.
* Available since API level 27.
* SVDF op is a kind of stateful layer derived from the notion that a
* densely connected layer that's processing a sequence of input frames can
* be approximated by using a singular value decomposition of each of its
* nodes. The implementation is based on:
* https://research.google.com/pubs/archive/43813.pdf
* P. Nakkiran, R. Alvarez, R. Prabhavalkar, C. Parada.
* “Compressing Deep Neural Networks using a Rank-Constrained Topology”.
* It processes the incoming input using a 2-stage filtering mechanism:
* * stage 1 performs filtering on the "features" dimension, whose outputs
* get pushed into a memory of fixed-size memory_size.
* * stage 2 performs filtering on the "time" dimension of the memory_size
* memoized outputs of stage 1.
* Specifically, for rank 1, this layer implements the operation:
* memory = push(conv1d(inputs, weights_feature, feature_dim,
* outputs = activation(memory * weights_time + bias);
* Where:
* * “weights_feature” is a weights matrix that processes the inputs (by
* convolving the input with every “feature filter”), and whose outputs
* get pushed, stacked in order, into the fixed-size “memory” (the oldest
* entry gets dropped);
* * “weights_time” is a weights matrix that processes the “memory” (by a
* batched matrix multiplication on the num_units);
* * “bias” is an optional bias vector (added to each output vector in the
* batch); and
* * “activation” is the function passed as the “fused_activation_function”
* argument (if not “NONE”).
* Each rank adds a dimension to the weights matrices by means of stacking
* the filters.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16} (since API level 29)
* All input tensors must be the same type.
* Inputs:
* * 0: input.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [batch_size, input_size], where “batch_size”
* corresponds to the batching dimension, and “input_size” is the size
* of the input.
* * 1: weights_feature.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [num_units, input_size], where “num_units”
* corresponds to the number of units.
* * 2: weights_time.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [num_units, memory_size], where “memory_size”
* corresponds to the fixed-size of the memory.
* * 3: bias.
* An optional 1-D tensor of shape [num_units].
* * 4: state (in).
* A 2-D tensor of shape [batch_size, (memory_size - 1) * num_units * rank].
* * 5: rank.
* The rank of the SVD approximation.
* * 6: fused_activation_function.
* An optional {@link FuseCode} value indicating the
* activation function. If “NONE” is specified then it results in a
* linear activation.
* Outputs:
* * 0: state (out).
* A 2-D tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} as the inputs, with shape
* [batch_size, (memory_size - 1) * num_units * rank].
* * 1: output.
* A 2-D tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} as the inputs, with shape
* [batch_size, num_units].
* Available since API level 27.
* Computes hyperbolic tangent of input tensor element-wise.
* The output is calculated using this formula:
* output = tanh(input)
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16} (since API level 29)
* * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM} (since API level 29)
* Supported tensor rank: up to 4.
* Inputs:
* * 0: A tensor, specifying the input. Since API level 29, this tensor may
* be zero-sized.
* Outputs:
* * 0: The output tensor of same shape as input0.
* the scale must be 1.f / 128 and the zeroPoint must be 128.
* Available since API level 27.
// Operations below are available since API level 28.
// TODO: make the description easier to understand.
* BatchToSpace for N-dimensional tensors.
* This operation reshapes the batch dimension (dimension 0) into M + 1
* dimensions of shape block_shape + [batch], interleaves these blocks back
* into the grid defined by the spatial dimensions [1, ..., M], to obtain a
* result with the same rank as the input.
* This is the reverse of SpaceToBatch.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16} (since API level 29)
* Supported tensor rank: 4, with "NHWC" or "NCHW" data layout.
* With the default data layout NHWC, the data is stored in the order of:
* [batch, height, width, channels]. Alternatively, the data layout could
* be NCHW, the data storage order of: [batch, channels, height, width].
* Inputs:
* * 0: An n-D tensor, specifying the tensor to be reshaped
* * 1: A 1-D Tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32}, the block
* sizes for each spatial dimension of the input tensor. All values
* must be >= 1.
* * 2: An optional {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_BOOL} scalar, default to false.
* Set to true to specify NCHW data layout for input0 and output0.
* Available since API level 29.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} as input0.
* the scale and zeroPoint must be the same as input0.
* Available since API level 28.
* Element-wise division of two tensors.
* Takes two input tensors of identical {@link OperandCode} and compatible
* dimensions. The output is the result of dividing the first input tensor
* by the second, optionally modified by an activation function.
* Two dimensions are compatible when:
* 1. they are equal, or
* 2. one of them is 1
* The size of the output is the maximum size along each dimension of the
* input operands. It starts with the trailing dimensions, and works its way
* forward.
* Example:
* input1.dimension = {4, 1, 2}
* input2.dimension = {5, 4, 3, 1}
* output.dimension = {5, 4, 3, 2}
* Since API level 29, generic zero-sized input tensor is supported. Zero
* dimension is only compatible with 0 or 1. The size of the output
* dimension is zero if either of corresponding input dimension is zero.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16} (since API level 29)
* Supported tensor rank: up to 4
* Inputs:
* * 0: An n-D tensor, specifying the first input.
* * 1: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode}, and compatible dimensions
* as input0.
* * 2: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, and has to be one of the
* {@link FuseCode} values. Specifies the activation to
* invoke on the result.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} as input0.
* Available since API level 28.
* Computes the mean of elements across dimensions of a tensor.
* Reduces the input tensor along the given dimensions to reduce. Unless
* keep_dims is true, the rank of the tensor is reduced by 1 for each entry
* in axis. If keep_dims is true, the reduced dimensions are retained with
* length 1.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16} (since API level 29)
* Supported tensor rank: up to 4
* Inputs:
* * 0: A tensor, specifying the input.
* * 1: A 1-D Tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32}. The dimensions
* to reduce. Must be in the range
* [-rank(input_tensor), rank(input_tensor)).
* NOTE: When the operation was introduced, the documentation
* incorrectly stated that if dimensions were empty, the operation
* would reduce across all dimensions. This behavior was never
* implemented.
* * 2: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, keep_dims. If positive,
* retains reduced dimensions with length 1.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} as input0.
* the scale and zeroPoint must be same as input0.
* Available since API level 28.
* Pads a tensor with zeros.
* This operation pads a tensor according to the specified paddings.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16} (since API level 29)
* * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM} (full support since API
* level 29, see the output section)
* Supported tensor rank: up to 4
* Inputs:
* * 0: An n-D tensor, specifying the tensor to be padded.
* * 1: A 2-D Tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32}, the paddings
* for each spatial dimension of the input tensor. The shape of the
* tensor must be {rank(input0), 2}.
* padding[i, 0] specifies the number of elements to be padded in the
* front of dimension i.
* padding[i, 1] specifies the number of elements to be padded after the
* end of dimension i.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} as input0. The
* output tensor has the same rank as input0, and each
* dimension of the output tensor has the same size as the
* corresponding dimension of the input tensor plus the size
* of the padding:
* output0.dimension[i] =
* padding[i, 0] + input0.dimension[i] + padding[i, 1]
* the scale and zeroPoint must be the same as input0.
* NOTE: Before API level 29, the pad value for
* Since API level 29, the pad value is always the logical zero.
* Available since API level 28.
// TODO: make the description easier to understand.
* SpaceToBatch for N-Dimensional tensors.
* This operation divides "spatial" dimensions [1, ..., M] of the input into
* a grid of blocks of shape block_shape, and interleaves these blocks with
* the "batch" dimension (0) such that in the output, the spatial dimensions
* [1, ..., M] correspond to the position within the grid, and the batch
* dimension combines both the position within a spatial block and the
* original batch position. Prior to division into blocks, the spatial
* dimensions of the input are optionally zero padded according to paddings.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16} (since API level 29)
* * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM} (full support since API
* level 29, see the output section)
* Supported tensor rank: 4, with "NHWC" or "NCHW" data layout.
* With the default data layout NHWC, the data is stored in the order of:
* [batch, height, width, channels]. Alternatively, the data layout could
* be NCHW, the data storage order of: [batch, channels, height, width].
* Inputs:
* * 0: An n-D tensor, specifying the input.
* * 1: A 1-D Tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32}, the block
* sizes for each spatial dimension of the input tensor. All values
* must be >= 1.
* * 2: A 2-D Tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32}, the paddings
* for each spatial dimension of the input tensor. All values must be
* >= 0. The shape of the tensor must be {M, 2}, where M is the number
* of spatial dimensions.
* padding[i, 0] specifies the number of element to be padded in the
* front of dimension i.
* padding[i, 1] specifies the number of element to be padded after the
* end of dimension i.
* * 3: An optional {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_BOOL} scalar, default to false.
* Set to true to specify NCHW data layout for input0 and output0.
* Available since API level 29.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} as input0.
* the scale and zeroPoint must be the same as input0.
* NOTE: Before API level 29, the pad value for
* Since API level 29, the pad value is always the logical zero.
* Available since API level 28.
* Removes dimensions of size 1 from the shape of a tensor.
* Given a tensor input, this operation returns a tensor of the same
* {@link OperandCode} with all dimensions of size 1 removed. If you don't
* want to remove all size 1 dimensions, you can remove specific size 1
* dimensions by specifying the axes (input1).
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16} (since API level 29)
* Supported tensor rank: up to 4
* Inputs:
* * 0: An n-D tensor, the tensor to be squeezed.
* * 1: An optional 1-D tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32}. The
* dimensions to squeeze. If specified only squeezes the dimensions
* listed. Otherwise, squeezes all dimensions. The dimension index
* starts at 0. An error must be reported if squeezing a dimension that
* is not 1.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} as input0. Contains the
* same data as input, but has one or more dimensions of size 1
* removed.
* the scale and zeroPoint must be the same as input0.
* Available since API level 28.
* Extracts a strided slice of a tensor.
* Roughly speaking, this op extracts a slice of size (end - begin) / stride
* from the given input tensor. Starting at the location specified by begin
* the slice continues by adding stride to the index until all dimensions
* are not less than end. Note that a stride can be negative, which causes a
* reverse slice.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16} (since API level 29)
* Supported tensor rank: up to 4
* Inputs:
* * 0: An n-D tensor, specifying the tensor to be sliced.
* * 1: begin, a 1-D tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32}. The
* starts of the dimensions of the input tensor to be sliced. The
* length must be of rank(input0).
* * 2: end, a 1-D tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32}. The
* ends of the dimensions of the input tensor to be sliced. The length
* must be of rank(input0).
* * 3: strides, a 1-D tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32}. The
* strides of the dimensions of the input tensor to be sliced. The
* length must be of rank(input0). The entries must be non-zero.
* * 4: begin_mask, an {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar. If the ith bit
* of begin_mask is set, begin[i] is ignored and the fullest possible
* range in that dimension is used instead.
* * 5: end_mask, an {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar. If the ith bit of
* end_mask is set, end[i] is ignored and the fullest possible range in
* that dimension is used instead.
* * 6: shrink_axis_mask, an {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar. If the
* ith bit of shrink_axis_mask is set, the ith dimension specification
* shrinks the dimensionality by 1, taking on the value at index
* begin[i]. In this case, the ith specification must define a
* slice of size 1, e.g. begin[i] = x, end[i] = x + 1.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} as input0 and rank (n - k),
* where k is the number of bits set in shrink_axis_mask.
* the scale and zeroPoint must be the same as input0.
* Available since API level 28.
* Element-wise subtraction of two tensors.
* Takes two input tensors of identical {@link OperandCode} and compatible
* dimensions. The output is the result of subtracting the second input
* tensor from the first one, optionally modified by an activation function.
* Two dimensions are compatible when:
* 1. they are equal, or
* 2. one of them is 1
* The size of the output is the maximum size along each dimension of the
* input operands. It starts with the trailing dimensions, and works its way
* forward.
* Example:
* input1.dimension = {4, 1, 2}
* input2.dimension = {5, 4, 3, 1}
* output.dimension = {5, 4, 3, 2}
* Since API level 29, generic zero-sized input tensor is supported. Zero
* dimension is only compatible with 0 or 1. The size of the output
* dimension is zero if either of corresponding input dimension is zero.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16} (since API level 29)
* * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM} (since API level 29)
* Supported tensor rank: up to 4
* Inputs:
* * 0: An n-D tensor, specifying the first input.
* * 1: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode}, and compatible dimensions
* as input0.
* * 2: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, and has to be one of the
* {@link FuseCode} values. Specifies the activation to
* invoke on the result.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} as input0.
* the scale and zeroPoint can be different from inputs' scale and zeroPoint.
* Available since API level 28.
* Transposes the input tensor, permuting the dimensions according to the
* perm tensor.
* The returned tensor's dimension i corresponds to the input dimension
* perm[i]. If perm is not given, it is set to (n-1...0), where n is the
* rank of the input tensor. Hence by default, this operation performs a
* regular matrix transpose on 2-D input Tensors.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16} (since API level 29)
* Supported tensor rank: up to 4
* Inputs:
* * 0: An n-D tensor, specifying the tensor to be transposed.
* Since API level 29, this tensor may be zero-sized.
* * 1: An optional 1-D Tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32},
* the permutation of the dimensions of the input tensor.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} as input0.
* the scale and zeroPoint must be the same as input0.
* Available since API level 28.
// Operations below are available since API level 29.
* Computes the absolute value of a tensor, element-wise.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: from 1.
* Inputs:
* * 0: A tensor.
* Outputs:
* * 0: The output tensor of same shape as input0.
* Available since API level 29.
* Returns the index of the largest element along an axis.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: from 1
* Inputs:
* * 0: An n-D tensor specifying the input. Must be non-empty.
* * 1: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar specifying the axis to
* reduce across. Negative index is used to specify axis from the
* end (e.g. -1 for the last axis). Must be in the range [-n, n).
* Outputs:
* * 0: An (n - 1)-D {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32} tensor.
* Available since API level 29.
// There is no underscore in ARG_MAX to avoid name conflict with
// the macro defined in libc/kernel/uapi/linux/limits.h.
* Returns the index of the smallest element along an axis.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: from 1
* Inputs:
* * 0: An n-D tensor specifying the input. Must be non-empty.
* * 1: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar specifying the axis to
* reduce across. Negative index is used to specify axis from the
* end (e.g. -1 for the last axis). Must be in the range [-n, n).
* Outputs:
* * 0: An (n - 1)-D {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32} tensor.
* Available since API level 29.
ANEURALNETWORKS_ARGMIN = 40, // See ARGMAX for naming discussion.
* Transform axis-aligned bounding box proposals using bounding box deltas.
* Given the positions of bounding box proposals and the corresponding
* bounding box deltas for each class, return the refined bounding box
* regions. The resulting bounding boxes are cliped against the edges of
* the image.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Inputs:
* * 0: A 2-D Tensor of shape [num_rois, 4], specifying the locations of the
* bounding box proposals, each line with format [x1, y1, x2, y2].
* For tensor of type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT16_ASYMM},
* the zeroPoint must be 0 and the scale must be 0.125. Zero num_rois
* is supported for this tensor.
* * 1: A 2-D Tensor of shape [num_rois, num_classes * 4], specifying the
* bounding box delta for each region of interest and each class. The
* bounding box deltas are organized in the following order
* [dx, dy, dw, dh], where dx and dy is the relative correction factor
* for the center position of the bounding box with respect to the width
* and height, dw and dh is the log-scale relative correction factor
* for the width and height. For input0 of type
* {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT16_ASYMM}, this tensor should be
* of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM}. Zero num_rois is
* supported for this tensor.
* * 2: An 1-D {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32} tensor, of shape
* [num_rois], specifying the batch index of each box. Boxes with
* the same batch index are grouped together. Zero num_rois is
* supported for this tensor.
* * 3: A 2-D Tensor of shape [batches, 2], specifying the information of
* each image in the batch, each line with format
* [image_height, image_width].
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} as input0, with shape
* [num_rois, num_classes * 4], specifying the coordinates of each
* output bounding box for each class, with format [x1, y1, x2, y2].
* scale must be 0.125 and the zero point must be 0.
* Available since API level 29.
* Performs a forward LSTM on the input followed by a backward LSTM.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: 3, either time-major or batch-major.
* All input and output tensors must be of the same type.
* Inputs:
* * 0: The input.
* A 3-D tensor of shape:
* If time-major: [max_time, batch_size, input_size]
* If batch-major: [batch_size, max_time, input_size]
* where "max_time" is the number of timesteps (sequence length),
* "batch_size" corresponds to the batching dimension, and
* "input_size" is the size of the input.
* * 1: The forward input-to-input weights. Optional.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [fw_num_units, input_size], where “fw_num_units”
* corresponds to the number of forward cell units.
* * 2: The forward input-to-forget weights.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [fw_num_units, input_size].
* * 3: The forward input-to-cell weights.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [fw_num_units, input_size].
* * 4: The forward input-to-output weights.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [fw_num_units, input_size].
* * 5: The forward recurrent-to-input weights. Optional.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [fw_num_units, fw_output_size], where “fw_output_size”
* corresponds to either the number of cell units (i.e., fw_num_units),
* or the second dimension of the “fw_projection_weights”, if defined.
* * 6: The forward recurrent-to-forget weights.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [fw_num_units, fw_output_size].
* * 7: The forward recurrent-to-cell weights.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [fw_num_units, fw_output_size].
* * 8: The forward recurrent-to-output weights.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [fw_num_units, fw_output_size].
* * 9: The forward cell-to-input weights. Optional.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [fw_num_units].
* * 10: The forward cell-to-forget weights. Optional.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [fw_num_units].
* * 11: The forward cell-to-output weights. Optional.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [fw_num_units].
* * 12: The forward input gate bias. Optional.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [fw_num_units].
* * 13: The forward forget gate bias.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [fw_num_units].
* * 14: The forward cell gate bias.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [fw_num_units].
* * 15: The forward output gate bias.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [fw_num_units].
* * 16: The forward projection weights. Optional.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [fw_output_size, fw_num_units].
* * 17: The forward projection bias. Optional.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [fw_output_size].
* * 18: The backward input-to-input weights. Optional.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [bw_num_units, input_size], where “bw_num_units”
* corresponds to the number of backward cell units.
* * 19: The backward input-to-forget weights.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [bw_num_units, input_size].
* * 20: The backward input-to-cell weights.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [bw_num_units, input_size].
* * 21: The backward input-to-output weights.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [bw_num_units, input_size].
* * 22: The backward recurrent-to-input weights. Optional.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [bw_num_units, bw_output_size], where “bw_output_size”
* corresponds to either the number of cell units (i.e., “bw_num_units”),
* or the second dimension of the “bw_projection_weights”, if defined.
* * 23: The backward recurrent-to-forget weights.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [bw_num_units, bw_output_size].
* * 24: The backward recurrent-to-cell weights.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [bw_num_units, bw_output_size].
* * 25: The backward recurrent-to-output weights.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [bw_num_units, bw_output_size].
* * 26: The backward cell-to-input weights. Optional.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [bw_num_units].
* * 27: The backward cell-to-forget weights. Optional.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [bw_num_units].
* * 28: The backward cell-to-output weights. Optional.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [bw_num_units].
* * 29: The backward input gate bias. Optional.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [bw_num_units].
* * 30: The backward forget gate bias.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [bw_num_units].
* * 31: The backward cell gate bias.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [bw_num_units].
* * 32: The backward output gate bias.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [bw_num_units].
* * 33: The backward projection weights. Optional.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [bw_output_size, bw_num_units].
* * 34: The backward projection bias. Optional.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [bw_output_size].
* * 35: The forward input activation state.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [batch_size, bw_output_size].
* * 36: The forward input cell state.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [batch_size, bw_num_units].
* * 37: The backward input activation state.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [batch_size, bw_output_size].
* * 38: The backward input cell state.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [batch_size, bw_num_units].
* * 39: The auxiliary input. Optional.
* A 3-D tensor of shape [max_time, batch_size, input_size], where “batch_size”
* corresponds to the batching dimension, and “input_size” is the size
* of the input.
* * 40: The forward auxiliary input-to-input weights. Optional.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [fw_num_units, input_size].
* * 41: The forward auxiliary input-to-forget weights. Optional.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [fw_num_units, input_size].
* * 42: The forward auxiliary input-to-cell weights. Optional.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [fw_num_units, input_size].
* * 43: The forward auxiliary input-to-output weights. Optional.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [fw_num_units, input_size].
* * 44: The backward auxiliary input-to-input weights. Optional.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [bw_num_units, input_size].
* * 45: The backward auxiliary input-to-forget weights. Optional.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [bw_num_units, input_size].
* * 46: The backward auxiliary input-to-cell weights. Optional.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [bw_num_units, input_size].
* * 47: The backward auxiliary input-to-output weights. Optional.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [bw_num_units, input_size].
* * 48: The activation function.
* A value indicating the activation function:
* * 49: The clipping threshold for the cell state, such
* that values are bound within [-cell_clip, cell_clip]. If set to 0.0
* then clipping is disabled.
* If all the input tensors have type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT32},
* this scalar must be of the type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32},
* otherwise if all the input tensors have the type {@link
* ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16}, this scalar must be of type {@link
* * 50: The clipping threshold for the output from the
* projection layer, such that values are bound within
* [-proj_clip, proj_clip]. If set to 0.0 then clipping is disabled.
* If all the input tensors have type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT32},
* this scalar must be of the type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32},
* otherwise if all the input tensors have the type {@link
* ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16}, this scalar must be of type {@link
* * 51: merge_outputs
* An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_BOOL} scalar specifying if the outputs
* from forward and backward cells should be merged.
* * 52: time_major
* An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_BOOL} scalar specifying the shape format
* of input and output tensors.
* * 53: The forward input layer normalization weights. Optional.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [fw_num_units]. Used to rescale normalized inputs
* to activation at input gate.
* * 54: The forward forget layer normalization weights. Optional.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [fw_num_units]. Used to rescale normalized inputs
* to activation at forget gate.
* * 55: The forward cell layer normalization weights. Optional.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [fw_num_units]. Used to rescale normalized inputs
* to activation at cell gate.
* * 56: The forward output layer normalization weights. Optional.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [fw_num_units]. Used to rescale normalized inputs
* to activation at output gate.
* * 57: The backward input layer normalization weights. Optional.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [bw_num_units]. Used to rescale normalized inputs
* to activation at input gate.
* * 58: The backward forget layer normalization weights. Optional.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [bw_num_units]. Used to rescale normalized inputs
* to activation at forget gate.
* * 59: The backward cell layer normalization weights. Optional.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [bw_num_units]. Used to rescale normalized inputs
* to activation at cell gate.
* * 60: The backward output layer normalization weights. Optional.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [bw_num_units]. Used to rescale normalized inputs
* to activation at output gate.
* Outputs:
* * 0: The forward output.
* A 3-D tensor of shape:
* If time-major and not merge_outputs:
* [max_time, batch_size, fw_output_size]
* If time-major and merge_outputs:
* [max_time, batch_size, fw_output_size + bw_output_size]
* If batch-major and not merge_outputs:
* [batch_size, max_time, fw_output_size]
* If batch-major and merge_outputs:
* [batch_size, max_time, fw_output_size + bw_output_size]
* * 1: The backward output. Unused if merge_outputs is true.
* A 3-D tensor of shape:
* If time-major: [max_time, batch_size, bw_output_size]
* If batch-major: [batch_size, max_time, bw_output_size]
* Available since API level 29.
* A recurrent neural network layer that applies a basic RNN cell to a
* sequence of inputs in forward and backward directions.
* This Op unrolls the input along the sequence dimension, and implements
* the following operation for each element in the sequence s =
* 1...sequence_length:
* fw_outputs[s] = fw_state = activation(inputs[s] * fw_input_weights’ +
* fw_state * fw_recurrent_weights’ + fw_bias)
* And for each element in sequence t = sequence_length : 1
* bw_outputs[t] = bw_state = activation(inputs[t] * bw_input_weights’ +
* bw_state * bw_recurrent_weights’ + bw_bias)
* Where:
* * “{fw,bw}_input_weights” is a weight matrix that multiplies the inputs;
* * “{fw,bw}_recurrent_weights” is a weight matrix that multiplies the
* current “state” which itself is the output from the previous time step
* computation;
* * “{fw,bw}_bias” is a bias vector (added to each output vector in the
* batch);
* * “activation” is the function passed as the “fused_activation_function”
* argument (if not “NONE”).
* The op also supports an auxiliary input. Regular cell feeds one input
* into the two RNN cells in the following way:
* | |
* ---------------------
* ---------------------
* | |
* An op with an auxiliary input takes two inputs and feeds them into the
* RNN cells in the following way:
* | |
* | | | |
* -----------------------
* | \ / \ / |
* -----------------------
* | |
* While stacking this op on top of itself, this allows to connect both
* forward and backward outputs from previous cell to the next cell's
* inputs.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* The input tensors must all be the same type.
* Inputs:
* * 0: input.
* A 3-D tensor. The shape is defined by the input 6 (timeMajor). If
* it is set to true, then the input has a shape [maxTime, batchSize,
* inputSize], otherwise the input has a shape [batchSize, maxTime,
* inputSize].
* * 1: fwWeights.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [fwNumUnits, inputSize].
* * 2: fwRecurrentWeights.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [fwNumUnits, fwNumUnits].
* * 3: fwBias.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [fwNumUnits].
* * 4: fwHiddenState.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [batchSize, fwNumUnits]. Specifies a hidden
* state input for the first time step of the computation.
* * 5: bwWeights.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [bwNumUnits, inputSize].
* * 6: bwRecurrentWeights.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [bwNumUnits, bwNumUnits].
* * 7: bwBias.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [bwNumUnits].
* * 8: bwHiddenState
* A 2-D tensor of shape [batchSize, bwNumUnits]. Specifies a hidden
* state input for the first time step of the computation.
* * 9: auxInput.
* A 3-D tensor. The shape is the same as of the input 0.
* * 10:fwAuxWeights.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [fwNumUnits, inputSize].
* * 11:bwAuxWeights.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [bwNumUnits, inputSize].
* * 12:fusedActivationFunction.
* A {@link FuseCode} value indicating the activation function. If
* “NONE” is specified then it results in a linear activation.
* * 13:timeMajor
* An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_BOOL} scalar specifying the shape format
* of input and output tensors.
* * 14:mergeOutputs
* An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_BOOL} scalar specifying if the outputs
* from forward and backward cells are separate (if set to false) or
* concatenated (if set to true).
* Outputs:
* * 0: fwOutput.
* A 3-D tensor. The first two dimensions of the shape are defined by
* the input 6 (timeMajor) and the third dimension is defined by the
* input 14 (mergeOutputs). If timeMajor is set to true, then the first
* two dimensions are [maxTime, batchSize], otherwise they are set to
* [batchSize, maxTime]. If mergeOutputs is set to true, then the third
* dimension is equal to (fwNumUnits + bwNumUnits), otherwise it is set
* to fwNumUnits.
* * 1: bwOutput.
* A 3-D tensor. If the input 14 (mergeOutputs) is set to true, then
* this tensor is not produced. The shape is defined by the input 6
* (timeMajor). If it is set to true, then the shape is set to
* [maxTime, batchSize, bwNumUnits], otherwise the shape is set to
* [batchSize, maxTime, bwNumUnits].
* Available since API level 29.
* Greedily selects a subset of bounding boxes in descending order of score.
* This op applies NMS algorithm to each class. In each loop of execution,
* the box with maximum score gets selected and removed from the pending set.
* The scores of the rest of boxes are lowered according to the
* intersection-over-union (IOU) overlapping with the previously selected
* boxes and a specified NMS kernel method. Any boxes with score less
* than a threshold are removed from the pending set.
* Three NMS kernels are supported:
* * Hard: score_new = score_old * (1 if IoU < threshold else 0)
* * Linear: score_new = score_old * (1 if IoU < threshold else 1 - IoU)
* * Gaussian: score_new = score_old * exp(- IoU^2 / sigma)
* Axis-aligned bounding boxes are represented by its upper-left corner
* coordinate (x1,y1) and lower-right corner coordinate (x2,y2). A valid
* bounding box should satisfy x1 <= x2 and y1 <= y2.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Inputs:
* * 0: A 2-D Tensor of shape [num_rois, num_classes], specifying the score
* of each bounding box proposal. The boxes are grouped by batches in the
* first dimension. Zero num_rois is supported for this tensor.
* * 1: A 2-D Tensor specifying the bounding boxes of shape
* [num_rois, num_classes * 4], organized in the order [x1, y1, x2, y2].
* The boxes are grouped by batches in the first dimension. The sequential
* order of the boxes corresponds with input0. For input0 of type
* {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM}, this tensor should be of
* {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT16_ASYMM}, with zeroPoint of 0 and
* scale of 0.125. Zero num_rois is supported for this tensor.
* * 2: A 1-D {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32} tensor, of shape
* [num_rois], specifying the batch index of each box. Boxes with
* the same batch index are grouped together.
* * 3: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32} scalar, score_threshold. Boxes
* with scores lower than the threshold are filtered before sending
* to the NMS algorithm.
* * 4: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the maximum
* number of selected bounding boxes for each image. Set to a negative
* value for unlimited number of output bounding boxes.
* * 5: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the NMS
* kernel method, options are 0:hard, 1:linear, 2:gaussian.
* * 6: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32} scalar, specifying the IoU
* threshold in hard and linear NMS kernel. This field is ignored if
* gaussian kernel is selected.
* * 7: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32} scalar, specifying the sigma in
* gaussian NMS kernel. This field is ignored if gaussian kernel is
* not selected.
* * 8: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32} scalar, nms_score_threshold.
* Boxes with scores lower than the threshold are dropped during the
* score updating phase in soft NMS.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A 1-D Tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} as input0, with shape
* [num_output_rois], specifying the score of each output box. The boxes
* are grouped by batches, but the sequential order in each batch is not
* guaranteed. For type of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM},
* the scale and zero point must be the same as input0.
* * 1: A 2-D Tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} as input1, with shape
* [num_output_rois, 4], specifying the coordinates of each
* output bounding box with the same format as input1. The sequential
* order of the boxes corresponds with output0. For type of
* {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT16_ASYMM}, the scale must be
* 0.125 and the zero point must be 0.
* * 2: A 1-D {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32} tensor, of shape
* [num_output_rois], specifying the class of each output box. The
* sequential order of the boxes corresponds with output0.
* * 3: A 1-D {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32} tensor, of shape
* [num_output_rois], specifying the batch index of each box. Boxes
* with the same batch index are grouped together.
* Available since API level 29.
* Casts a tensor to a new type.
* This operation ignores the scale and zeroPoint of quanized tensors,
* e.g. it treats a {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM} input
* as a tensor of uint8 values.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: from 1
* Inputs:
* * 0: A tensor.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor with the same shape as input0.
* Available since API level 29.
* Shuffle the channels of the input tensor.
* Given an input tensor and a integer value of num_groups, CHANNEL_SHUFFLE
* divide the channel dimension into num_groups groups, and reorganize the
* channels by grouping channels with the same index in each group.
* Along the channel dimension, the output is calculated using this formula:
* output_channel[k * num_groups + g] = input_channel[g * group_size + k]
* where group_size = num_channels / num_groups
* The number of channels must be divisible by num_groups.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: up to 4
* Inputs:
* * 0: An n-D tensor, specifying the tensor to be shuffled.
* * 1: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the number of
* groups.
* * 2: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the dimension
* channel shuffle would be performed on. Negative index is used to
* specify axis from the end (e.g. -1 for the last axis). Must be in
* the range [-n, n).
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} and same shape as input0.
* the scale and zeroPoint must be the same as input0.
* Available since API level 29.
* Apply postprocessing steps to bounding box detections.
* Bounding box detections are generated by applying transformation on a set
* of predefined anchors with the bounding box deltas from bounding box
* regression. A final step of hard NMS is applied to limit the number of
* returned boxes.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Inputs:
* * 0: A 3-D Tensor of shape [batches, num_anchors, num_classes], specifying
* the score of each anchor with each class. Class 0 for each
* [batches, num_anchors, 0] is background and will be ignored.
* * 1: A 3-D Tensor of shape [batches, num_anchors, length_box_encoding], with
* the first four values in length_box_encoding specifying the bounding
* box deltas. The box deltas are encoded in the order of [dy, dx, dh, dw],
* where dy and dx is the linear-scale relative correction factor for the
* center position of the bounding box with respect to the width and height,
* dh and dw is the log-scale relative correction factor for the width and
* height. All the entries in length_box_encoding beyond the first four
* values are ignored in this operation.
* * 2: A 2-D Tensor of shape [num_anchors, 4], specifying the shape of each
* predefined anchor, with format [ctr_y, ctr_x, h, w], where ctr_y and
* ctr_x are the center position of the box, and h and w are the height
* and the width.
* * 3: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32} scalar, specifying the scaling
* factor for dy in bounding box deltas.
* * 4: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32} scalar, specifying the scaling
* factor for dx in bounding box deltas.
* * 5: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32} scalar, specifying the scaling
* factor for dh in bounding box deltas.
* * 6: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32} scalar, specifying the scaling
* factor for dw in bounding box deltas.
* * 7: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_BOOL} scalar, set to true to use regular
* multi-class NMS algorithm that do NMS separately for each class,
* set to false for a faster algorithm that only do one single NMS
* using the highest class score..
* * 8: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, max_num_detections, specifying
* the maximum number of boxes for the output. Boxes with the lowest
* scores are discarded to meet the limit.
* * 9: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, only used when input7 is
* set to false, specifying the maximum number of classes per detection.
* * 10: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, only used when input7 is
* set to true, specifying the maximum number of detections when
* applying NMS algorithm for each single class.
* * 11: A scalar, score_threshold. Boxes with scores lower than the
* threshold are filtered before sending to the NMS algorithm. The
* scalar must be of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT16} if input0 is of
* {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16} and of {@link
* ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32} if input0 is of {@link
* * 12: A scalar, specifying the IoU threshold for hard NMS. The scalar
* must be of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT16} if input0 is of {@link
* ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32} if input0 is of {@link
* * 13: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_BOOL} scalar, set to true to include
* background class in the list of label map for the output, set
* to false to not include the background. When the background
* class is included, it has label 0 and the output classes start
* at 1 in the label map, otherwise, the output classes start at 0.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A 2-D tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} as input0, with shape
* [batches, max_num_detections], specifying the score of each output
* detections.
* * 1: A 3-D tensor of shape [batches, max_num_detections, 4], specifying the
* coordinates of each output bounding box, with format
* [y1, x1, y2, x2].
* * 2: A 2-D {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32} tensor, of shape
* [batches, max_num_detections], specifying the class label for each
* output detection.
* * 3: An 1-D {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32} tensor, of shape [batches],
* specifying the number of valid output detections for each batch.
* Available since API level 29.
* For input tensors x and y, computes x == y elementwise.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: from 1
* This operation supports broadcasting.
* Inputs:
* * 0: A tensor.
* * 1: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} and dimensions compatible
* with input0.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_BOOL8}.
* Available since API level 29.
* Computes exponential of x element-wise.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: from 1.
* Inputs:
* * 0: A tensor.
* Outputs:
* * 0: The output tensor of same shape as input0.
* Available since API level 29.
* Inserts a dimension of 1 into a tensor's shape.
* Given a tensor input, this operation inserts a dimension of 1 at the
* given dimension index of input's shape. The dimension index starts at
* zero; if you specify a negative dimension index, it is counted backward
* from the end.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: from 1
* Inputs:
* * 0: An n-D tensor.
* * 1: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar specifying the dimension
* index to expand. Must be in the range [-(n + 1), (n + 1)).
* Outputs:
* * 0: An (n + 1)-D tensor with the same {@link OperandCode} and data as
* input0.
* the scale and zeroPoint must be the same as input0.
* Available since API level 29.
* Gathers values along an axis.
* Produces an output tensor with shape
* input0.dimension[:axis] + indices.dimension + input0.dimension[axis + 1:]
* where:
* # Vector indices (output is rank(input0)).
* output[a_0, ..., a_n, i, b_0, ..., b_n] =
* input0[a_0, ..., a_n, indices[i], b_0, ..., b_n]
* # Higher rank indices (output is rank(input0) + rank(indices) - 1).
* output[a_0, ..., a_n, i, ..., j, b_0, ... b_n] =
* input0[a_0, ..., a_n, indices[i, ..., j], b_0, ..., b_n]
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: from 1
* Inputs:
* * 0: An n-D tensor from which to gather values.
* * 1: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar specifying the axis.
* Negative index is used to specify axis from the end
* (e.g. -1 for the last axis). Must be in the range [-n, n).
* * 2: A k-D tensor {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32} of indices.
* The values must be in the bounds of the corresponding dimensions
* of input0.
* Outputs:
* * 0: An (n + k - 1)-D tensor with the same {@link OperandCode} as input0.
* the scale and zeroPoint must be the same as input0.
* Available since API level 29.
* Generate aixs-aligned bounding box proposals.
* Bounding box proposals are generated by applying transformation on a set
* of predefined anchors with the bounding box deltas from bounding box
* regression. A final step of hard NMS is applied to limit the number of
* returned boxes.
* Axis-aligned bounding boxes are represented by its upper-left corner
* coordinate (x1,y1) and lower-right corner coordinate (x2,y2). A valid
* bounding box should satisfy x1 <= x2 and y1 <= y2.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Inputs:
* * 0: A 4-D Tensor specifying the score of each anchor at each
* location. With "NHWC" data layout, the tensor shape is
* [batches, height, width, num_anchors]. With "NCHW" data layout,
* the tensor shape is [batches, num_anchors, height, width].
* * 1: A 4-D Tensor specifying the bounding box deltas. With "NHWC" data
* layout, the tensor shape is [batches, height, width, num_anchors * 4].
* With "NCHW" data layout, the tensor shape is
* [batches, num_anchors * 4, height, width]. The box deltas are encoded
* in the order of [dx, dy, dw, dh], where dx and dy is the linear-scale
* relative correction factor for the center position of the bounding box
* with respect to the width and height, dw and dh is the log-scale
* relative correction factor for the width and height. The last
* dimensions is the channel dimension.
* * 2: A 2-D Tensor of shape [num_anchors, 4], specifying the shape of each
* predefined anchor, with format [x1, y1, x2, y2]. For input0 of type
* {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM}, this tensor should be of
* {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT16_SYMM}, with scale of 0.125.
* * 3: A 2-D Tensor of shape [batches, 2], specifying the size of
* each image in the batch, with format [image_height, image_width].
* For input0 of type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM}, this
* tensor should be of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT16_SYMM}, with
* scale of 0.125.
* * 4: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32} scalar, specifying the ratio
* from the height of original image to the height of feature map.
* * 5: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32} scalar, specifying the ratio
* from the width of original image to the width of feature map.
* * 6: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the maximum
* number of boxes before going into the hard NMS algorithm. Boxes
* with the lowest scores are discarded to meet the limit. Set to
* a non-positive value for unlimited number.
* * 7: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the maximum
* number of boxes returning from the hard NMS algorithm. Boxes
* with the lowest scores are discarded to meet the limit. Set to
* a non-positive value for unlimited number.
* * 8: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32} scalar, specifying the IoU
* threshold for hard NMS.
* * 9: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32} scalar, min_size. Boxes with
* height or width lower than the absolute threshold are filtered out.
* * 10: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_BOOL} scalar, set to true to specify
* NCHW data layout for input0 and input1. Set to false for NHWC.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} as input0, of shape
* [num_output_rois], specifying the score of each output box.
* The boxes are grouped by batches, but the sequential order in
* each batch is not guaranteed. For type of
* {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM}, the scale and zero
* point must be the same as input0.
* * 1: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} as input3, of shape
* [num_output_rois, 4], specifying the coordinates of each output
* bounding box for each class, with format [x1, y1, x2, y2].
* The sequential order of the boxes corresponds with output0.
* scale must be 0.125 and the zero point must be 0.
* * 2: A 1-D {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32} tensor, of shape
* [num_output_rois], specifying the batch index of each box. Boxes
* with the same batch index are grouped together.
* Available since API level 29.
* For input tensors x and y, computes x > y elementwise.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: from 1
* This operation supports broadcasting.
* Inputs:
* * 0: A tensor.
* * 1: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} and dimensions compatible
* with input0.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_BOOL8}.
* Available since API level 29.
* For input tensors x and y, computes x >= y elementwise.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: from 1
* This operation supports broadcasting.
* Inputs:
* * 0: A tensor.
* * 1: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} and dimensions compatible
* with input0.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_BOOL8}.
* Available since API level 29.
* Performs a grouped 2-D convolution operation.
* Given an input tensor of shape [batches, height, width, depth_in] and a
* filter tensor of shape [depth_out, filter_height, filter_width, depth_group]
* containing depth_out convolutional filters of depth depth_group, GROUPED_CONV
* applies a group of different filters to each input channel group, then
* concatenates the results together.
* Specifically, the input channels are divided into num_groups groups, each with
* depth depth_group, i.e. depth_in = num_groups * depth_group. The convolutional
* filters are also divided into num_groups groups, i.e. depth_out is divisible
* by num_groups. GROUPED_CONV applies each group of filters to the corresponding
* input channel group, and the result are concatenated together.
* The output dimensions are functions of the filter dimensions, stride, and
* padding.
* The values in the output tensor are computed as:
* output[b, i, j, g * channel_multiplier + q] =
* sum_{di, dj, dk} (
* input[b, strides[1] * i + di, strides[2] * j + dj,
* g * depth_group + dk] *
* filter[g * channel_multiplier + q, di, dj, dk]
* ) + bias[channel]
* where channel_multiplier = depth_out / num_groups
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode} configurations:
* * 16 bit floating point:
* * * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16} for input, filter, output, and bias.
* * 32 bit floating point:
* * * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT32} for input, filter, output, and bias.
* * Quantized:
* * * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM} for input, filter, and output.
* * * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32} for bias (with scale set to
* * * input.scale * filter.scale).
* * Quantized with symmetric per channel quantization for the filter:
* * * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM} for input, and output.
* * * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32} for bias (scale set to 0.0,
* * * each value scaling is separate and equal to input.scale * filter.scales[channel]).
* Supported tensor rank: 4, with "NHWC" or "NCHW" data layout.
* With the default data layout NHWC, the data is stored in the order of:
* [batch, height, width, channels]. Alternatively, the data layout could
* be NCHW, the data storage order of: [batch, channels, height, width].
* Both explicit padding and implicit padding are supported.
* Inputs (explicit padding):
* * 0: A 4-D tensor, of shape [batches, height, width, depth_in],
* specifying the input, where depth_in = num_groups * depth_group.
* * 1: A 4-D tensor, of shape
* [depth_out, filter_height, filter_width, depth_group], specifying
* the filter, where depth_out must be divisible by num_groups. For
* the channel dimension (channelDim at
* {@link ANeuralNetworksSymmPerChannelQuantParams}) must be set to 0.
* * 2: A 1-D tensor, of shape [depth_out], specifying the bias. For input
* tensor of type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT32} or
* {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16}, the bias must be of the same
* type. For filter tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM},
* the bias should be of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32}, with zeroPoint
* of 0 and bias_scale == input_scale * filter_scale. For filter tensor
* should be of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32}, with zeroPoint of
* 0 and bias_scale of 0. The actual scale of each value 'i' is equal to
* bias_scale[i] = input_scale * filter_scale[i].
* * 3: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the padding on
* the left, in the ‘width’ dimension.
* * 4: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the padding on
* the right, in the ‘width’ dimension.
* * 5: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the padding on
* the top, in the ‘height’ dimension.
* * 6: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the padding on
* the bottom, in the ‘height’ dimension.
* * 7: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the stride when
* walking through input in the ‘width’ dimension.
* * 8: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the stride when
* walking through input in the ‘height’ dimension.
* * 9: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the number of
* * 10: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, and has to be one of the
* {@link FuseCode} values. Specifies the activation to
* invoke on the result.
* * 11: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_BOOL} scalar, set to true to specify
* NCHW data layout for input0 and output0. Set to false for NHWC.
* Inputs (implicit padding):
* * 0: A 4-D tensor, of shape [batches, height, width, depth_in],
* specifying the input, where depth_in = num_groups * depth_group.
* * 1: A 4-D tensor, of shape
* [depth_out, filter_height, filter_width, depth_group], specifying
* the filter, where depth_out must be divisible by num_groups. For
* the channel dimension (channelDim at
* {@link ANeuralNetworksSymmPerChannelQuantParams}) must be set to 0.
* * 2: A 1-D tensor, of shape [depth_out], specifying the bias. For input
* tensor of type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT32} or
* {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16}, the bias must be of the same
* type. For filter tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM},
* the bias should be of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32}, with zeroPoint
* of 0 and bias_scale == input_scale * filter_scale. For filter tensor
* should be of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32}, with zeroPoint of
* 0 and bias_scale of 0. The actual scale of each value 'i' is equal to
* bias_scale[i] = input_scale * filter_scale[i].
* * 3: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the implicit
* padding scheme, has to be one of the
* {@link PaddingCode} values.
* * 4: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the stride when
* walking through input in the ‘width’ dimension.
* * 5: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the stride when
* walking through input in the ‘height’ dimension.
* * 6: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the number of
* groups.
* * 7: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, and has to be one of the
* {@link FuseCode} values. Specifies the activation to
* invoke on the result.
* * 8: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_BOOL} scalar, set to true to specify
* NCHW data layout for input0 and output0. Set to false for NHWC.
* Outputs:
* * 0: The output 4-D tensor, of shape
* [batches, out_height, out_width, depth_out].
* the scale and zeroPoint can be different from inputs' scale and zeroPoint.
* Available since API level 29.
* Localize the maximum keypoints from heatmaps.
* This operation approximates the accurate maximum keypoint scores and
* indices after bicubic upscaling by using Taylor expansion up to the
* quadratic term.
* The bounding box is represented by its upper-left corner coordinate
* (x1,y1) and lower-right corner coordinate (x2,y2) in the original image.
* A valid bounding box should satisfy x1 <= x2 and y1 <= y2.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: 4, with "NHWC" or "NCHW" data layout.
* With the default data layout NHWC, the data is stored in the order of:
* [batch, height, width, channels]. Alternatively, the data layout could
* be NCHW, the data storage order of: [batch, channels, height, width].
* Inputs:
* * 0: A 4-D Tensor of shape
* [num_boxes, heatmap_size, heatmap_size, num_keypoints],
* specifying the heatmaps, the height and width of heatmaps should
* be the same, and must be greater than or equal to 2.
* * 1: A 2-D Tensor of shape [num_boxes, 4], specifying the bounding boxes,
* each with format [x1, y1, x2, y2]. For input0 of type
* {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM}, this tensor should
* be of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT16_ASYMM}, with zeroPoint
* of 0 and scale of 0.125.
* * 2: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_BOOL} scalar, set to true to specify
* NCHW data layout for input0. Set to false for NHWC.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} as input0, with shape
* [num_boxes, num_keypoints], specifying score of the keypoints.
* the scale and zeroPoint can be different from input0 scale and zeroPoint.
* * 1: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} as input1, with shape
* [num_boxes, num_keypoints, 2], specifying the location of
* the keypoints, the second dimension is organized as
* [keypoint_x, keypoint_y].
* scale must be 0.125 and the zero point must be 0.
* Available since API level 29.
* Applies instance normalization to the input tensor.
* The values in the output tensor are computed as:
* output[b, h, w, c] =
* (input[b, h, w, c] - mean[b, c]) * gamma /
* sqrt(var[b, c] + epsilon) + beta
* Where the mean and variance are computed across the spatial dimensions:
* mean[b, c] =
* sum_{h, w}(input[b, h, w, c]) / sum(1)
* var[b, c] =
* sum_{h, w}(pow(input[b, h, w, c] - mean[b, c], 2)) / sum(1)
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: 4, with "NHWC" or "NCHW" data layout.
* With the default data layout NHWC, the data is stored in the order of:
* [batch, height, width, channels]. Alternatively, the data layout could
* be NCHW, the data storage order of: [batch, channels, height, width].
* Inputs:
* * 0: An n-D tensor, specifying the tensor to be normalized.
* * 1: A scalar, specifying gamma, the scale applied to the normalized
* tensor. The scalar must be of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT16} if
* input0 is of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16} and of {@link
* ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32} if input0 is of {@link
* * 2: A scalar, specifying beta, the offset applied to the normalized
* tensor. The scalar must be of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT16} if
* input0 is of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16} and of {@link
* ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32} if input0 is of {@link
* * 3: A scalar, specifying epsilon, the small value added to variance to
* avoid dividing by zero. The scalar must be of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT16} if
* input0 is of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16} and of {@link
* ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32} if input0 is of {@link
* * 4: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_BOOL} scalar, set to true to specify
* NCHW data layout for input0 and output0. Set to false for NHWC.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} and same shape as input0.
* Available since API level 29.
* For input tensors x and y, computes x < y elementwise.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: from 1
* This operation supports broadcasting.
* Inputs:
* * 0: A tensor.
* * 1: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} and dimensions compatible
* with input0.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_BOOL8}.
* Available since API level 29.
* For input tensors x and y, computes x <= y elementwise.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: from 1
* This operation supports broadcasting.
* Inputs:
* * 0: A tensor.
* * 1: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} and dimensions compatible
* with input0.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_BOOL8}.
* Available since API level 29.
* Computes natural logarithm of x element-wise.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: from 1.
* Inputs:
* * 0: A tensor.
* Outputs:
* * 0: The output tensor of same shape as input0.
* Available since API level 29.
* Returns the truth value of x AND y element-wise.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: from 1
* This operation supports broadcasting.
* Inputs:
* * 0: A tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_BOOL8}.
* * 1: A tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_BOOL8} and dimensions
* compatible with input0.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_BOOL8}.
* Available since API level 29.
* Computes the truth value of NOT x element-wise.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: from 1.
* Inputs:
* * 0: A tensor.
* Outputs:
* * 0: The output tensor of same shape as input0.
* Available since API level 29.
* Returns the truth value of x OR y element-wise.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: from 1
* This operation supports broadcasting.
* Inputs:
* * 0: A tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_BOOL8}.
* * 1: A tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_BOOL8} and dimensions
* compatible with input0.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_BOOL8}.
* Available since API level 29.
* Computes the log softmax activations given logits.
* The output is calculated using this formula:
* output = logits * beta - log(reduce_sum(exp(logits * beta), axis))
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: from 1.
* Inputs:
* * 0: A tensor specifying the input logits.
* * 1: A scalar, specifying the positive scaling factor for the exponent,
* beta.
* For input tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16}, the beta
* value must be of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT16}.
* For input tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT32}, the beta
* value must be of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32}.
* * 2: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar specifying the axis to
* reduce across. Negative index is used to specify axis from the
* end (e.g. -1 for the last axis). Must be in the range [-n, n).
* Outputs:
* * 0: The output tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} and shape as
* input0.
* Available since API level 29.
* Returns the element-wise maximum of two tensors.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: from 1.
* Inputs:
* * 0: A tensor.
* * 1: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} and compatible dimensions
* with input0.
* the scales and zeroPoint can be different from input0 scale and zeroPoint.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} as input0.
* the scale and zeroPoint can be different from inputs' scale and zeroPoint.
* Available since API level 29.
* Returns the element-wise minimum of two tensors.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: from 1.
* Inputs:
* * 0: A tensor.
* * 1: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} and compatible dimensions
* with input0.
* the scales and zeroPoint can be different from input0 scale and zeroPoint.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} as input0.
* the scale and zeroPoint can be different from inputs' scale and zeroPoint.
* Available since API level 29.
* Computes numerical negative value element-wise.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: from 1.
* Inputs:
* * 0: A tensor.
* Outputs:
* * 0: The output tensor of same shape as input0.
* Available since API level 29.
* For input tensors x and y, computes x != y elementwise.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: from 1
* This operation supports broadcasting.
* Inputs:
* * 0: A tensor.
* * 1: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} and dimensions compatible
* with input0.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_BOOL8}.
* Available since API level 29.
* Pads a tensor with the given constant value according to the specified
* paddings.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: up to 4
* Inputs:
* * 0: An n-D tensor, specifying the tensor to be padded.
* * 1: A 2-D Tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32}, the paddings
* for each spatial dimension of the input tensor. The shape of the
* tensor must be {rank(input0), 2}.
* padding[i, 0] specifies the number of elements to be padded in the
* front of dimension i.
* padding[i, 1] specifies the number of elements to be padded after
* the end of dimension i.
* * 2: An scalar specifying the value to use for padding input0.
* For input tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16}, the
* pad value must be of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT16}.
* For input tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT32}, the
* pad value must be of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32}.
* For input tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM},
* the pad value must be of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32}. The
* scale and zeroPoint are assumed to be the same as in input0.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} as input0. The
* output tensor has the same rank as input0, and each
* dimension of the output tensor has the same size as the
* corresponding dimension of the input tensor plus the size
* of the padding:
* output0.dimension[i] =
* padding[i, 0] + input0.dimension[i] + padding[i, 1]
* the scale and zeroPoint must be the same as input0.
* Available since API level 29.
* Computes the power of one value to another.
* Given a tensor base and a tensor exponent, this operation computes
* base^exponent elementwise.
* This operations supports broadcasting. The size of the output is the
* maximum size along each dimension of the input operands. It starts with
* the trailing dimensions, and works its way forward.
* For example:
* base.dimension = {4, 1, 2}
* exponent.dimension = {5, 4, 3, 1}
* output.dimension = {5, 4, 3, 2}
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: from 1
* Inputs:
* * 0: A tensor specifying the base.
* * 1: A tensor specifying the exponent.
* Outputs:
* * 0: An output tensor.
* Available since API level 29.
* Parametric Rectified Linear Unit.
* It follows: f(x) = alpha * x for x < 0, f(x) = x for x >= 0, where alpha
* is a learned array with the same {@link OperandCode} and compatible
* dimensions as input x.
* Two dimensions are compatible when:
* 1. they are equal, or
* 2. one of them is 1
* The size of the output is the maximum size along each dimension of the
* input operands. It starts with the trailing dimensions, and works its way
* forward.
* Example:
* input.dimension = {4, 1, 2}
* alpha.dimension = {5, 4, 3, 1}
* output.dimension = {5, 4, 3, 2}
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: from 1
* Inputs:
* * 0: A tensor, specifying the input.
* * 1: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode}, and compatible dimensions
* as input0, specifying the alpha.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} as input0.
* the scale and zeroPoint can be diffent from the input0 scale and zeroPoint.
* Available since API level 29.
* Quantizes the input tensor.
* The formula is:
* output = max(0, min(255, round(input / scale) + zeroPoint)
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: from 1
* Inputs:
* * 0: A tensor, may be zero-sized.
* Outputs:
* * 0: The output tensor of same shape as input0, but with
* Available since API level 29.
* A version of quantized LSTM, using 16 bit quantization for internal
* state.
* There is no projection layer, so cell state size is equal to the output
* size.
* Inputs:
* * 0: A 2-D tensor of type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM}
* and shape [numBatches, inputSize] specifying the input to the LSTM
* cell. Tensor is quantized with a fixed quantization range of
* [-1, 127/128] (scale = 1/128, zeroPoint = 128).
* * 1: The input-to-input weights.
* A 2-D tensor of type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM}
* and shape [outputSize, inputSize] specifying input-to-input part of
* weights for fully-connected layer inside the LSTM cell.
* Quantization zero point and scale must be the same across all the
* weights.
* * 2: The input-to-forget weights.
* A 2-D tensor of type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM}
* and shape [outputSize, inputSize] specifying input-to-forget part of
* weights for fully-connected layer inside the LSTM cell.
* Quantization zero point and scale must be the same across all the
* weights.
* * 3: The input-to-cell weights.
* A 2-D tensor of type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM}
* and shape [outputSize, inputSize] specifying input-to-cell part of
* weights for fully-connected layer inside the LSTM cell.
* Quantization zero point and scale must be the same across all the
* weights.
* * 4: The input-to-output weights.
* A 2-D tensor of type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM}
* and shape [outputSize, inputSize] specifying input-to-output part of
* weights for fully-connected layer inside the LSTM cell.
* Quantization zero point and scale must be the same across all the
* weights.
* * 5: The recurrent-to-input weights.
* A 2-D tensor of type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM}
* and shape [outputSize, outputSize] specifying recurrent-to-input part
* of weights for fully-connected layer inside the LSTM cell.
* Quantization zero point and scale must be the same across all the
* weights.
* * 6: The recurrent-to-forget weights.
* A 2-D tensor of type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM}
* and shape [outputSize, outputSize] specifying recurrent-to-forget
* part of weights for fully-connected layer inside the LSTM cell.
* Quantization zero point and scale must be the same across all the
* weights.
* * 7: The recurrent-to-cell weights.
* A 2-D tensor of type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM}
* and shape [outputSize, outputSize] specifying recurrent-to-cell part
* of weights for fully-connected layer inside the LSTM cell.
* Quantization zero point and scale must be the same across all the
* weights.
* * 8: The recurrent-to-output weights.
* A 2-D tensor of type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM}
* and shape [outputSize, outputSize] specifying recurrent-to-output
* part of weights for fully-connected layer inside the LSTM cell.
* Quantization zero point and scale must be the same across all the
* weights.
* * 9: The input gate bias.
* A 1-D tensor of type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32} and shape
* [outputSize] specifying the bias for the fully-connected layer
* inside the LSTM cell. Bias is quantized with scale being a product
* of input and weights scales and zeroPoint equal to 0.
* * 10:The forget gate bias.
* A 1-D tensor of type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32} and shape
* [outputSize] specifying the bias for the fully-connected layer
* inside the LSTM cell. Bias is quantized with scale being a product
* of input and weights scales and zeroPoint equal to 0.
* * 11:The cell bias.
* A 1-D tensor of type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32} and shape
* [outputSize] specifying the bias for the fully-connected layer
* inside the LSTM cell. Bias is quantized with scale being a product
* of input and weights scales and zeroPoint equal to 0.
* * 12:The output gate bias.
* A 1-D tensor of type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32} and shape
* [outputSize] specifying the bias for the fully-connected layer
* inside the LSTM cell. Bias is quantized with scale being a product
* of input and weights scales and zeroPoint equal to 0.
* * 13: A 2-D tensor of type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT16_SYMM}
* and shape [numBatches, outputSize] specifying the cell state from the
* previous time step of the LSTM cell. It is quantized using a
* quantization range of [-2^4, 2^4 * 32767/32768] (scale = 2^4 /
* 32768, zeroPoint = 0).
* * 14: A 2-D tensor of type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM}
* and shape [numBathes, outputSize] specifying the output of the LSTM
* cell from previous time-step. Tensor is quantized with a fixed
* quantization range of [-1, 127/128] (scale = 1/128, zeroPoint =
* 128).
* Outputs:
* * 0: A 2-D tensor of type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT16_SYMM}
* and shape [numBatches, outputSize] which contains a cell state from
* the current time step. Tensor is quantized using a quantization
* range of [-2^4, 2^4 * 32767/32768] (scale = 2^4 / 32768, zeroPoint =
* 0).
* * 1: A 2-D tensor of type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM}
* and shape [numBathes, outputSize] which contains the output value.
* Tensor is quantized with a fixed quantization range of [-1, 127/128]
* (scale = 1/128, zeroPoint = 128).
* Draws samples from a multinomial distribution.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Inputs:
* * 0: A 2-D tensor with shape [batches, classes], specifying the
* unnormalized log-probabilities for all classes.
* * 1: A scalar {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32}, specifying the number of
* independent samples to draw for each row slice.
* * 2: A 1-D {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32} tensor with shape [2],
* specifying seeds used to initialize the random distribution.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A 2-D {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32} tensor with shape
* [batches, samples], containing the drawn samples.
* Available since API level 29.
* Reduces a tensor by computing the "logical and" of elements along given
* dimensions.
* If keep_dims is true, the reduced dimensions are
* retained with length 1. Otherwise, the rank of the tensor is reduced by
* 1 for each entry in dimensions.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: up to 4
* Inputs:
* * 0: An n-D tensor.
* * 1: A 1-D tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32}. The dimensions
* to reduce. Dimension values must be in the range [-n, n).
* * 2: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_BOOL} scalar, keep_dims. If true,
* retains reduced dimensions with length 1.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} as input0.
* Available since API level 29.
* Reduces a tensor by computing the "logical or" of elements along given
* dimensions.
* If keep_dims is true, the reduced dimensions are
* retained with length 1. Otherwise, the rank of the tensor is reduced by
* 1 for each entry in dimensions.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: up to 4
* Inputs:
* * 0: An n-D tensor.
* * 1: A 1-D tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32}. The dimensions
* to reduce. Dimension values must be in the range [-n, n).
* * 2: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_BOOL} scalar, keep_dims. If true,
* retains reduced dimensions with length 1.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} as input0.
* Available since API level 29.
* Reduces a tensor by computing the maximum of elements along given
* dimensions.
* If keep_dims is true, the reduced dimensions are
* retained with length 1. Otherwise, the rank of the tensor is reduced by
* 1 for each entry in dimensions.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: up to 4
* Inputs:
* * 0: An n-D tensor.
* * 1: A 1-D tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32}. The dimensions
* to reduce. Dimension values must be in the range [-n, n).
* * 2: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_BOOL} scalar, keep_dims. If true,
* retains reduced dimensions with length 1.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} as input0.
* the scale and zeroPoint must be the same as input0.
* Available since API level 29.
* Reduces a tensor by computing the minimum of elements along given
* dimensions.
* If keep_dims is true, the reduced dimensions are
* retained with length 1. Otherwise, the rank of the tensor is reduced by
* 1 for each entry in dimensions.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: up to 4
* Inputs:
* * 0: An n-D tensor.
* * 1: A 1-D tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32}. The dimensions
* to reduce. Dimension values must be in the range [-n, n).
* * 2: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_BOOL} scalar, keep_dims. If true,
* retains reduced dimensions with length 1.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} as input0.
* the scale and zeroPoint must be the same as input0.
* Available since API level 29.
* Reduces a tensor by multiplying elements along given dimensions.
* If keep_dims is true, the reduced dimensions are
* retained with length 1. Otherwise, the rank of the tensor is reduced by
* 1 for each entry in dimensions.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: up to 4
* Inputs:
* * 0: An n-D tensor.
* * 1: A 1-D tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32}. The dimensions
* to reduce. Dimension values must be in the range [-n, n).
* * 2: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_BOOL} scalar, keep_dims. If true,
* retains reduced dimensions with length 1.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} as input0.
* Available since API level 29.
* Reduces a tensor by summing elements along given dimensions.
* If keep_dims is true, the reduced dimensions are
* retained with length 1. Otherwise, the rank of the tensor is reduced by
* 1 for each entry in dimensions.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: up to 4
* Inputs:
* * 0: An n-D tensor.
* * 1: A 1-D tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32}. The dimensions
* to reduce. Dimension values must be in the range [-n, n).
* * 2: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_BOOL} scalar, keep_dims. If true,
* retains reduced dimensions with length 1.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} as input0.
* Available since API level 29.
* Select and scale the feature map of each region of interest to a unified
* output size by average pooling sampling points from bilinear interpolation.
* The region of interest is represented by its upper-left corner coordinate
* (x1,y1) and lower-right corner coordinate (x2,y2) in the original image.
* A spatial scaling factor is applied to map into feature map coordinate.
* A valid region of interest should satisfy x1 <= x2 and y1 <= y2.
* No rounding is applied in this operation. The sampling points are unified
* distributed in the pooling bin and their values are calculated by bilinear
* interpolation.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16} (since API level 29)
* Supported tensor rank: 4, with "NHWC" or "NCHW" data layout.
* With the default data layout NHWC, the data is stored in the order of:
* [batch, height, width, channels]. Alternatively, the data layout could
* be NCHW, the data storage order of: [batch, channels, height, width].
* Inputs:
* * 0: A 4-D tensor, specifying the feature map.
* * 1: A 2-D Tensor of shape [num_rois, 4], specifying the locations of
* the regions of interest, each line with format [x1, y1, x2, y2].
* For input0 of type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM},
* this tensor should be of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT16_ASYMM},
* with zeroPoint of 0 and scale of 0.125. Zero num_rois is
* supported for this tensor.
* * 2: An 1-D {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32} tensor, of shape
* [num_rois], specifying the batch index of each box. Boxes with
* the same batch index are grouped together. Zero num_rois is
* supported for this tensor.
* * 3: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the output
* height of the output tensor.
* * 4: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the output
* width of the output tensor.
* * 5: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32} scalar, specifying the ratio
* from the height of original image to the height of feature map.
* * 6: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32} scalar, specifying the ratio
* from the width of original image to the width of feature map.
* * 7: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the number of
* sampling points in height dimension used to compute the output.
* Set to 0 for adaptive value of ceil(roi_height/out_height).
* * 8: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the number of
* sampling points in width dimension used to compute the output.
* Set to 0 for adaptive value of ceil(roi_width/out_width).
* * 9: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_BOOL} scalar, set to true to specify
* NCHW data layout for input0 and output0. Set to false for NHWC.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} as input0. The output
* shape is [num_rois, out_height, out_width, depth].
* the scale and zeroPoint can be different from the input0 scale and zeroPoint.
* Available since API level 29.
* Select and scale the feature map of each region of interest to a unified
* output size by max-pooling.
* The region of interest is represented by its upper-left corner coordinate
* (x1,y1) and lower-right corner coordinate (x2,y2) in the original image.
* A spatial scaling factor is applied to map into feature map coordinate.
* A valid region of interest should satisfy x1 <= x2 and y1 <= y2.
* Rounding is applied in this operation to ensure integer boundary for
* regions of interest and pooling bins.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: 4, with "NHWC" or "NCHW" data layout.
* With the default data layout NHWC, the data is stored in the order of:
* [batch, height, width, channels]. Alternatively, the data layout could
* be NCHW, the data storage order of: [batch, channels, height, width].
* Inputs:
* * 0: A 4-D tensor, specifying the feature map.
* * 1: A 2-D Tensor of shape [num_rois, 4], specifying the locations of
* the regions of interest, each line with format [x1, y1, x2, y2].
* For input0 of type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM},
* this tensor should be of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT16_ASYMM},
* with zeroPoint of 0 and scale of 0.125.
* * 2: An 1-D {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32} tensor, of shape
* [num_rois], specifying the batch index of each box. Boxes with
* the same batch index are grouped together.
* * 3: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the output
* height of the output tensor.
* * 4: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the output
* width of the output tensor.
* * 5: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32} scalar, specifying the ratio
* from the height of original image to the height of feature map.
* * 6: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32} scalar, specifying the ratio
* from the width of original image to the width of feature map.
* * 7: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_BOOL} scalar, set to true to specify
* NCHW data layout for input0 and output0. Set to false for NHWC.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} as input0. The output
* shape is [num_rois, out_height, out_width, depth].
* the scale and zeroPoint must be the same as input0.
* Available since API level 29.
* Computes reciprocal of square root of x element-wise.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: from 1.
* Inputs:
* * 0: A tensor.
* Outputs:
* * 0: The output tensor of same shape as input0.
* Available since API level 29.
* Using a tensor of booleans c and input tensors x and y select values
* elementwise from both input tensors:
* O[i] = C[i] ? x[i] : y[i].
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: from 1
* Inputs:
* * 0: A tensor of type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_BOOL8} acting as a
* mask that chooses, based on the value at each element, whether the
* corresponding element in the output should be taken from input1 (if
* true) or input2 (if false).
* * 1: An input tensor of the same shape as input0.
* * 2: An input tensor of the same shape and type as input1.
* the scales and zeroPoint can be different from input1 scale and zeroPoint.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tensor of the same type and shape as input1 and input2.
* the scale and zeroPoint can be different from inputs' scale and zeroPoint.
* Computes sin of x element-wise.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: from 1.
* Inputs:
* * 0: A tensor.
* Outputs:
* * 0: The output tensor of same shape as input0.
* Available since API level 29.
* Extracts a slice of specified size from the input tensor starting at a
* specified location.
* The starting location is specified as a 1-D tensor containing offsets
* for each dimension. The size is specified as a 1-D tensor containing
* either size of a slice along corresponding dimension or -1. In the latter
* case, all the remaining elements in dimension are included in the slice.
* A sum of begin offset and a size of a slice must not exceed size of a
* corresponding dimension.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: from 1
* Inputs:
* * 0: An n-D tensor to take slice from, may be zero-sized.
* * 1: A 1-D tensor of type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32} specifying
* the beginning indices of the slice in each dimension.
* * 2: A 1-D tensor of type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32} specifying
* the size of the slice in each dimension.
* Outputs:
* * 0: An n-D tensor of the same type as the input containing the slice.
* its scale and zeroPoint has to be same as the input0 scale and zeroPoint.
* Available since API level 29.
* Splits a tensor along a given axis into num_splits subtensors.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: from 1
* Inputs:
* * 0: An n-D tensor to split.
* * 1: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar specifying the axis along
* which to split.
* * 2: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar indicating the number of
* splits along given axis. Must evenly divide axis size.
* Outputs:
* * 0 ~ (num_splits - 1): Resulting subtensors.
* the scale and zeroPoint must be the same as input0.
* Available since API level 29.
* Computes square root of x element-wise.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: from 1.
* Inputs:
* * 0: A tensor.
* Outputs:
* * 0: The output tensor of same shape as input0.
* Available since API level 29.
* Constructs a tensor by tiling a given tensor.
* This operation creates a new tensor by replicating `input` `multiples`
* times. The output tensor's i-th dimension has `input.dims(i) * multiples[i]`
* elements, and the values of `input` are replicated `multiples[i]` times
* along the i-th dimension.
* For example, tiling `[a b c d]` by `[2]` produces `[a b c d a b c d]`.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: from 1
* Inputs:
* * 0: input, an n-D tensor specifying the input.
* * 1: multiples, a 1-D tensor of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32}.
* The length of multiples must be n.
* Outputs:
* * 0: A tiled tensor of the same {@link OperandCode} and rank as `input`.
* the scale and zeroPoint must be the same as input0.
* Available since API level 29.
* Finds values and indices of the k largest entries for the last dimension.
* Resulting values in each dimensions are sorted in descending order. If
* two values are equal, the one with larger index appears first.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: from 1
* Inputs:
* * 0: input, an n-D tensor specifying the input.
* * 1: k, an {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the number of
* top elements to look for along the last dimension.
* Outputs:
* * 0: An n-D tensor of the same type as the input, containing the k
* largest elements along each last dimensional slice.
* the scale and zeroPoint must be the same as input0.
* * 1: An n-D tensor of type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32}
* containing the indices of values within the last dimension of input.
* Available since API level 29.
* Performs the transpose of 2-D convolution operation.
* This operation is sometimes called "deconvolution" after Deconvolutional
* Networks, but is actually the transpose (gradient) of
* {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_CONV_2D} rather than an actual deconvolution.
* The output dimensions are functions of the filter dimensions, stride, and
* padding.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode} configurations:
* * 16 bit floating point:
* * * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16} for input, filter, output, and bias.
* * 32 bit floating point:
* * * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT32} for input, filter, output, and bias.
* * Quantized:
* * * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM} for input, filter, and output.
* * * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32} for bias (with scale set to
* * * input.scale * filter.scale).
* * Quantized with symmetric per channel quantization for the filter:
* * * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM} for input, and output.
* * * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32} for bias (scale set to 0.0,
* * * each value scaling is separate and equal to input.scale * filter.scales[channel]).
* Supported tensor rank: 4, with "NHWC" or "NCHW" data layout.
* With the default data layout NHWC, the data is stored in the order of:
* [batch, height, width, channels]. Alternatively, the data layout could
* be NCHW, the data storage order of: [batch, channels, height, width].
* Both explicit padding and implicit padding are supported.
* Inputs (explicit padding):
* * 0: A 4-D tensor, of shape [batches, height, width, depth_in],
* specifying the input. Since API level 29, zero batches is supported
* for this tensor.
* * 1: A 4-D tensor, of shape
* [depth_out, filter_height, filter_width, depth_in], specifying the
* filter. For tensor of type
* dimension (extraParams.channelQuant.channelDim) must be set to 0.
* * 2: A 1-D tensor, of shape [depth_out], specifying the bias. For input
* tensor of type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT32} or
* {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16}, the bias should be of the
* same type. For input tensor of type
* {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM}, the bias should be
* of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32}, with zeroPoint of 0 and
* bias_scale == input_scale * filter_scale. For filter tensor of
* must be of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32}, with zeroPoint of
* 0 and bias_scale of 0. The actual scale of each value 'i' is equal
* to bias_scale[i] = input_scale * filter_scale[i].
* * 3: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the padding on
* the left, in the ‘width’ dimension.
* * 4: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the padding on
* the right, in the ‘width’ dimension.
* * 5: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the padding on
* the top, in the ‘height’ dimension.
* * 6: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the padding on
* the bottom, in the ‘height’ dimension.
* * 7: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the stride when
* walking through input in the ‘width’ dimension.
* * 8: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the stride when
* walking through input in the ‘height’ dimension.
* * 9: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, and has to be one of the
* {@link FuseCode} values. Specifies the activation to
* invoke on the result.
* * 10: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_BOOL} scalar, set to true to specify
* NCHW data layout for input0 and output0. Set to false for NHWC.
* Inputs (implicit padding):
* * 0: A 4-D tensor, of shape [batches, height, width, depth_in],
* specifying the input. Since API level 29, zero batches is supported
* for this tensor.
* * 1: A 4-D tensor, of shape
* [depth_out, filter_height, filter_width, depth_in], specifying the
* filter. For tensor of type
* dimension (extraParams.channelQuant.channelDim) must be set to 0.
* * 2: A 1-D tensor, of shape [depth_out], specifying the bias. For input
* tensor of type {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT32} or
* {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT16}, the bias should be of the
* same type. For input tensor of type
* {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_ASYMM}, the bias should be
* of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32}, with zeroPoint of 0 and
* bias_scale == input_scale * filter_scale. For filter tensor of
* must be of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32}, with zeroPoint of
* 0 and bias_scale of 0. The actual scale of each value 'i' is equal
* to bias_scale[i] = input_scale * filter_scale[i].
* * 3: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_INT32} tensor, specifying the output
* tensor shape.
* * 4: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the implicit
* padding scheme, has to be one of the
* {@link PaddingCode} values.
* * 5: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the stride when
* walking through input in the ‘width’ dimension.
* * 6: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the stride when
* walking through input in the ‘height’ dimension.
* * 7: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, and has to be one of the
* {@link FuseCode} values. Specifies the activation to
* invoke on the result.
* * 8: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_BOOL} scalar, set to true to specify
* NCHW data layout for input0 and output0. Set to false for NHWC.
* Outputs:
* * 0: The output 4-D tensor, of shape
* [batches, out_height, out_width, depth_out].
* the scale and zeroPoint can be different from inputs' scale and zeroPoint.
* Available since API level 29.
* A recurrent neural network specified by an LSTM cell.
* Performs (fully) dynamic unrolling of input.
* This Op unrolls the input along the time dimension, and implements the
* following operation for each element in the sequence
* s = 1...sequence_length:
* outputs[s] = projection(state = activation(LSTMOp(inputs[s])))
* Where LSTMOp is the LSTM op as in {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_LSTM},
* the "projection" is an optional projection layer from state and output
* and the “activation” is the function passed as the
* “fused_activation_function” argument (if not “NONE”).
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: 3, either time-major or batch-major.
* All input and output tensors must be of the same type.
* Inputs:
* * 0: The input (\f$x_t\f$).
* A 3-D tensor of shape:
* If time-major: [max_time, batch_size, input_size]
* If batch-major: [batch_size, max_time, input_size]
* where “max_time” is the number of timesteps (sequence length),
* “batch_size” corresponds to the batching dimension, and
* “input_size” is the size of the input.
* * 1: The input-to-input weights (\f$W_{xi}\f$). Optional.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [num_units, input_size], where “num_units”
* corresponds to the number of cell units.
* * 2: The input-to-forget weights (\f$W_{xf}\f$).
* A 2-D tensor of shape [num_units, input_size].
* * 3: The input-to-cell weights (\f$W_{xc}\f$).
* A 2-D tensor of shape [num_units, input_size].
* * 4: The input-to-output weights (\f$W_{xo}\f$).
* A 2-D tensor of shape [num_units, input_size].
* * 5: The recurrent-to-input weights (\f$W_{hi}\f$). Optional.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [num_units, output_size], where “output_size”
* corresponds to either the number of cell units (i.e., “num_units”),
* or the second dimension of the “projection_weights”, if defined.
* * 6: The recurrent-to-forget weights (\f$W_{hf}\f$).
* A 2-D tensor of shape [num_units, output_size].
* * 7: The recurrent-to-cell weights (\f$W_{hc}\f$).
* A 2-D tensor of shape [num_units, output_size].
* * 8: The recurrent-to-output weights (\f$W_{ho}\f$).
* A 2-D tensor of shape [num_units, output_size].
* * 9: The cell-to-input weights (\f$W_{ci}\f$). Optional.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [num_units].
* * 10:The cell-to-forget weights (\f$W_{cf}\f$). Optional.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [num_units].
* * 11:The cell-to-output weights (\f$W_{co}\f$). Optional.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [num_units].
* * 12:The input gate bias (\f$b_i\f$). Optional.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [num_units].
* * 13:The forget gate bias (\f$b_f\f$).
* A 1-D tensor of shape [num_units].
* * 14:The cell bias (\f$b_c\f$).
* A 1-D tensor of shape [num_units].
* * 15:The output gate bias (\f$b_o\f$).
* A 1-D tensor of shape [num_units].
* * 16:The projection weights (\f$W_{proj}\f$). Optional.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [output_size, num_units].
* * 17:The projection bias (\f$b_{proj}\f$). Optional.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [output_size].
* * 18:The output state (in) (\f$h_{t-1}\f$).
* A 2-D tensor of shape [batch_size, output_size].
* * 19:The cell state (in) (\f$C_{t-1}\f$).
* A 2-D tensor of shape [batch_size, num_units].
* * 20:The activation function (\f$g\f$).
* A value indicating the activation function:
* * 21:The clipping threshold (\f$t_{cell}\f$) for the cell state, such
* that values are bound within [-cell_clip, cell_clip]. If set to 0.0
* then clipping is disabled.
* * 22:The clipping threshold (\f$t_{proj}\f$) for the output from the
* projection layer, such that values are bound within
* [-proj_clip, proj_clip]. If set to 0.0 then clipping is disabled.
* * 23:Time-major if true, batch-major if false.
* * 24:The input layer normalization weights. Optional.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [num_units]. Used to rescale normalized inputs
* to activation at input gate.
* * 25:The forget layer normalization weights. Optional.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [num_units]. Used to rescale normalized inputs
* to activation at forget gate.
* * 26:The cell layer normalization weights. Optional.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [num_units]. Used to rescale normalized inputs
* to activation at cell gate.
* * 27:The output layer normalization weights. Optional.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [num_units]. Used to rescale normalized inputs
* to activation at output gate.
* Outputs:
* * 0: The output (\f$o_t\f$).
* A 3-D tensor of shape:
* If time-major: [max_time, batch_size, output_size]
* If batch-major: [batch_size, max_time, output_size]
* Available since API level 29.
* A recurrent neural network layer that applies a basic RNN cell to a
* sequence of inputs.
* This layer unrolls the input along the sequence dimension, and implements
* the following operation
* for each element in the sequence s = 1...sequence_length:
* outputs[s] = state = activation(inputs[s] * input_weights’ + state *
* recurrent_weights’ + bias)
* Where:
* * “input_weights” is a weight matrix that multiplies the inputs;
* * “recurrent_weights” is a weight matrix that multiplies the current
* “state” which itself is the output from the previous time step
* computation;
* * “bias” is a bias vector (added to each output vector in the batch);
* * “activation” is the function passed as the “fused_activation_function”
* argument (if not “NONE”).
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* The input tensors must all be the same type.
* Inputs:
* * 0: input.
* A 3-D tensor. The shape is defined by the input 6 (timeMajor). If
* it is set to 1, then the input has a shape [maxTime, batchSize,
* inputSize], otherwise the input has a shape [batchSize, maxTime,
* inputSize].
* * 1: weights.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [numUnits, inputSize].
* * 2: recurrent_weights.
* A 2-D tensor of shape [numUnits, numUnits].
* * 3: bias.
* A 1-D tensor of shape [numUnits].
* * 4: hidden state
* A 2-D tensor of shape [batchSize, numUnits]. Specifies a hidden
* state input for the first time step of the computation.
* * 5: fusedActivationFunction.
* A {@link FuseCode} value indicating the activation function. If
* “NONE” is specified then it results in a linear activation.
* * 6: timeMajor
* An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar specifying the shape format
* of input and output tensors. Must be set to either 0 or 1.
* Outputs:
* * 0: output.
* A 3-D tensor. The shape is defined by the input 6 (timeMajor). If
* it is set to 1, then the output has a shape [maxTime, batchSize,
* numUnits], otherwise the output has a shape [batchSize, maxTime,
* numUnits].
* Available since API level 29.
* Resizes images to given size using the nearest neighbor interpretation.
* Resized images must be distorted if their output aspect ratio is not the
* same as input aspect ratio. The corner pixels of output may not be the
* same as corner pixels of input.
* Supported tensor {@link OperandCode}:
* Supported tensor rank: 4, with "NHWC" or "NCHW" data layout.
* With the default data layout NHWC, the data is stored in the order of:
* [batch, height, width, channels]. Alternatively, the data layout could
* be NCHW, the data storage order of: [batch, channels, height, width].
* Both resizing by shape and resizing by scale are supported.
* Inputs (resizing by shape):
* * 0: A 4-D tensor, of shape [batches, height, width, depth], specifying
* the input. Zero batches is supported for this tensor.
* * 1: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the output
* width of the output tensor.
* * 2: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_INT32} scalar, specifying the output
* height of the output tensor.
* * 3: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_BOOL} scalar, default to false.
* Set to true to specify NCHW data layout for input0 and output0.
* Inputs (resizing by scale):
* * 0: A 4-D tensor, of shape [batches, height, width, depth], specifying
* the input. Zero batches is supported for this tensor.
* * 1: A scalar, specifying width_scale, the scaling factor of the width
* dimension from the input tensor to the output tensor. The output
* width is calculated as new_width = floor(width * width_scale).
* The scalar must be of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT16} if input0 is
* {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32} otherwise.
* * 2: A scalar, specifying height_scale, the scaling factor of the height
* dimension from the input tensor to the output tensor. The output
* height is calculated as new_height = floor(height * height_scale).
* The scalar must be of {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT16} if input0 is
* {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_FLOAT32} otherwise.
* * 3: An {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_BOOL} scalar, default to false.
* Set to true to specify NCHW data layout for input0 and output0.
* Outputs:
* * 0: The output 4-D tensor, of shape
* [batches, new_height, new_width, depth].
* the scale and zeroPoint must be the same as input0.
* Available since API level 29.
} OperationCode;
* Fused activation function types.
* Available since API level 27.
typedef enum {
/** NO fused activation function. */
/** Fused ReLU activation function. */
/** Fused ReLU1 activation function. */
/** Fused ReLU6 activation function. */
} FuseCode;
* Implicit padding algorithms.
* Available since API level 27.
typedef enum {
* SAME padding.
* Padding on both ends are the "same":
* padding_to_beginning = total_padding / 2
* padding_to_end = (total_padding + 1)/2.
* i.e., for even number of padding, padding to both ends are exactly
* the same; for odd number of padding, padding to the ending is bigger
* than the padding to the beginning by 1.
* total_padding is a function of input, stride and filter size.
* It could be computed as follows:
* out_size = (input + stride - 1) / stride;
* needed_input = (out_size - 1) * stride + filter_size
* total_padding = max(0, needed_input - input_size)
* The computation is the same for the horizontal and vertical directions.
* VALID padding.
* No padding. When the input size is not evenly divisible by
* the filter size, the input at the end that could not fill
* the whole filter tile will simply be ignored.
} PaddingCode;
* Execution preferences.
* Available since API level 27.
typedef enum {
* Prefer executing in a way that minimizes battery drain.
* This is desirable for compilations that will be executed often.
* Prefer returning a single answer as fast as possible, even if this causes
* more power consumption.
* Prefer maximizing the throughput of successive frames, for example when
* processing successive frames coming from the camera.
} PreferenceCode;
* Device types.
* The type of NNAPI device.
typedef enum {
/** The device type cannot be provided. */
/** The device does not fall into any category below. */
/** The device runs NNAPI models on single or multi-core CPU. */
/** The device can run NNAPI models and also accelerate graphics APIs such
* as OpenGL ES and Vulkan. */
/** Dedicated accelerator for Machine Learning workloads. */
} DeviceTypeCode;
* Result codes.
* This forms a graph in which each operation and operand is a node, a
* directed edge from an operand to an operation indicates that the
* operand is an input to the operation, and a directed edge from an
* operation to an operand indicates that the operand is an output
* from the operation. This graph must be acyclic.
* A model is completed by calling {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_finish}.
* A model is destroyed by calling {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_free}.
A compilation cannot be modified once {@link ANeuralNetworksCompilation_finish} * has been called on it.
* *It is the application's responsibility to make sure that only * one thread modifies a compilation at a given time. It is however * safe for more than one thread to use the compilation once * {@link ANeuralNetworksCompilation_finish} has returned.
* *It is also the application's responsibility to ensure that there are no other * uses of the compilation after calling {@link ANeuralNetworksCompilation_free}. * This includes any execution object created using the compilation.
* * Available since API level 27. */ typedef struct ANeuralNetworksCompilation ANeuralNetworksCompilation; /** * ANeuralNetworksExecution is an opaque type that can be used to apply a machine * learning model to a set of inputs. * *To use:
An output buffer or memory region must not overlap with any * other output buffer or memory region, with an input buffer or * memory region, or with an operand value in a memory object * ({@link ANeuralNetworksModel_setOperandValueFromMemory}).
* *An execution cannot be modified once * {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_compute} or * {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_startCompute} has been called on it.
* *An execution can be applied to a model with * {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_compute} or * {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_startCompute} only once. Create new * executions to do new evaluations of the model.
* *It is the application's responsibility to make sure that only one thread * modifies an execution at a given time. It is however safe for more than one * thread to use {@link ANeuralNetworksEvent_wait} at the same time.
* *It is also the application's responsibility to ensure that there are no other * uses of the execution after calling {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_free}.
* *Multiple executions can be scheduled and evaluated concurrently, either by * means of {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_compute} (which is synchronous) in * different threads or by means of * {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_startCompute} (which is asynchronous). The * runtime makes no guarantee on the ordering of completion of executions. If * it's important to the application, the application should enforce the * ordering by ensuring that one execution completes before the next is * scheduled (for example, by scheduling all executions synchronously within a * single thread, or by scheduling all executions asynchronously and using * {@link ANeuralNetworksEvent_wait} between calls to * {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_startCompute}).
* * Available since API level 27. */ typedef struct ANeuralNetworksExecution ANeuralNetworksExecution; #if __ANDROID_API__ >= __ANDROID_API_Q__ /** * Parameters for ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_SYMM_PER_CHANNEL operand. */ typedef struct ANeuralNetworksSymmPerChannelQuantParams { /* The index of the channel dimension. */ uint32_t channelDim; /** The size of the scale array. Should be equal to dimension[channelDim] of the Operand. */ uint32_t scaleCount; /** The array of scaling values for each channel. Each value must be greater than zero. */ const float* scales; } ANeuralNetworksSymmPerChannelQuantParams; /** * ANeuralNetworksBurst is an opaque type that can be used to reduce the latency * of a rapid sequence of executions. It will likely cause overhead if only used * for a single execution. * * ANeuralNetworksBurst serves as a context object for any number of inferences * using {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution} objects. An ANeuralNetworksBurst * object and the {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution} objects used with it must all * have been created from the same {@link ANeuralNetworksCompilation} object. * * This object is also used as a hint to drivers, providing insight to the * lifetime of a rapid sequence of executions. For example, a driver may choose * to increase the clock frequency of its accelerator for the lifetime of a * burst object. * *To use:
In the following situations, a tensor operand type must be fully * specified:
Schedules synchronous evaluation of the execution. Returns once the * execution has completed and the outputs are ready to be consumed. *
* * See {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution} for information on multithreaded usage. * * See {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_startCompute} for asynchronous execution. * Synchronous execution incurs lower overhead than asynchronous execution. * * Available since API level 29. * * @param execution The execution to be scheduled and executed. * * @return ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR if the execution completed normally. * ANEURALNETWORKS_UNMAPPABLE if the execution input or output memory cannot * be properly mapped. */ int ANeuralNetworksExecution_compute(ANeuralNetworksExecution* execution) __INTRODUCED_IN(29); /** * Get the dimensional information of the specified output operand of the model of the * {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution}. * * On asynchronous execution initiated by {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_startCompute}, * {@link ANeuralNetworksEvent_wait} must be called prior to this function to recuperate * the resources used by the execution. * * @param execution The execution to be queried. * @param index The index of the output argument we are querying. It is * an index into the lists passed to * {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_identifyInputsAndOutputs}. It is not * the index associated with {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_addOperand}. * @param rank The rank of the output operand. * * @return ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR if successful, ANEURALNETWORKS_OUTPUT_INSUFFICIENT_SIZE * if the target output is provided an insufficient buffer at execution time, * ANEURALNETWORKS_BAD_DATA if the index is invalid. * * Available since API level 29. */ int ANeuralNetworksExecution_getOutputOperandRank(ANeuralNetworksExecution* execution, int32_t index, uint32_t* rank) __INTRODUCED_IN(29); /** * Get the dimensional information of the specified output operand of the model of the * {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution}. The target output operand cannot be a scalar. * * On asynchronous execution initiated by {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_startCompute}, * {@link ANeuralNetworksEvent_wait} must be called prior to this function to recuperate * the resources used by the execution. * * @param execution The execution to be queried. * @param index The index of the output argument we are querying. It is an index into the lists * passed to {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_identifyInputsAndOutputs}. It is not * the index associated with {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_addOperand}. * @param dimensions The dimension array to be filled. The size of the array must be exactly as * large as the rank of the output operand to be queried in the model. * * @return ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR if successful, ANEURALNETWORKS_OUTPUT_INSUFFICIENT_SIZE * if the target output is provided an insufficient buffer at execution time, * ANEURALNETWORKS_BAD_DATA if the index is invalid or if the target is a scalar. * * Available since API level 29. */ int ANeuralNetworksExecution_getOutputOperandDimensions(ANeuralNetworksExecution* execution, int32_t index, uint32_t* dimensions) __INTRODUCED_IN(29); /** * Create a {@link ANeuralNetworksBurst} to apply the given compilation. * This only creates the burst object. Computation is only performed once * {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_burstCompute} is invoked with a valid * {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution} and {@link ANeuralNetworksBurst}. * *The provided compilation must outlive the burst object.
* * Available since API level 29. * * @param compilation The {@link ANeuralNetworksCompilation} to be evaluated. * @param burst The newly created object or NULL if unsuccessful. * * @return ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR if successful, ANEURALNETWORKS_BAD_DATA * if the compilation is invalid. */ int ANeuralNetworksBurst_create(ANeuralNetworksCompilation* compilation, ANeuralNetworksBurst** burst) __INTRODUCED_IN(29); /** * Destroys the burst object. * * Available since API level 29. * * @param burst The burst object to be destroyed. Passing NULL is acceptable and * results in no operation. */ void ANeuralNetworksBurst_free(ANeuralNetworksBurst* burst) __INTRODUCED_IN(29); /** * Schedule synchronous evaluation of the execution on a burst object. * *Schedules synchronous evaluation of the execution. Returns once the * execution has completed and the outputs are ready to be consumed.
* *There must be at most one {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution} processing at * any given time for any given burst object. Any * {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution} launched before the previous has finished * will result in ANEURALNETWORKS_BAD_STATE.
* * Available since API level 29. * * @param burst The burst object to execute on. * @param execution The execution to be scheduled and executed. The execution * must be created from the same {@link * ANeuralNetworksCompilation} as the burst object. * * @return ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR if the execution completed normally. */ int ANeuralNetworksExecution_burstCompute(ANeuralNetworksExecution* execution, ANeuralNetworksBurst* burst) __INTRODUCED_IN(29); /** * Creates a shared memory object from an AHardwareBuffer handle. * * If the shared memory is backed by an AHardwareBuffer of AHARDWAREBUFFER_FORMAT_BLOB * format, it can be used the same way as shared memory created from a file handle. See * {@link ANeuralNetworksMemory} for a description on how to use this shared memory. * * If the shared memory is backed by an AHardwareBuffer of a format other than * AHARDWAREBUFFER_FORMAT_BLOB, it can only be used for Model inputs and outputs. * When calling {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setInputFromMemory} or * {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setOutputFromMemory} with the shared memory, both * offset and length must be set to zero and the entire memory region will be * associated with the specified input or output operand. There is no guarantee * that an arbitrary AHardwareBuffer_Format and AHardwareBuffer_UsageFlags combination * can be used by arbitrary devices. The execution will fail if selected set of devices * cannot consume the buffer. * * Calling {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_setOperandValueFromMemory} with shared memory * backed by an AHardwareBuffer of a format other than AHARDWAREBUFFER_FORMAT_BLOB is * disallowed. * * TODO(miaowang): add documentation about intended usage with introspection API. * * Available since API level 29. * * @param ahwb The AHardwareBuffer handle. * @param memory The memory object to be created. * Set to NULL if unsuccessful. * * @return ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR if the request completed normally. * * @see AHardwareBuffer */ int ANeuralNetworksMemory_createFromAHardwareBuffer(const AHardwareBuffer* ahwb, ANeuralNetworksMemory** memory) __INTRODUCED_IN(29); /** * Specifies whether duration of the {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution} is to be * measured. Evaluation of the execution must not have been scheduled. * * By default, duration is not measured. * * The {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution} must have been created with * {@link ANeuralNetworksCompilation_createForDevices} with numDevices = 1. * * See {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution} for information on multithreaded usage. * * Available since API level 29. * * @param execution The execution to be modified. * @param measure 'true' if duration is to be measured, 'false' if not. * * @return ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR if successful. */ int ANeuralNetworksExecution_setMeasureTiming(ANeuralNetworksExecution* execution, bool measure) __INTRODUCED_IN(29); /** * Different duration measurements. * * Durations are measured in nanoseconds. * * Available since API level 29. */ typedef enum { // Execution time on hardware (not driver, which runs on host processor). ANEURALNETWORKS_DURATION_ON_HARDWARE = 0, // Execution time in driver (including time on hardware). Excludes overhead // such as that of the runtime itself and the IPC needed for the runtime to // communicate with the driver. ANEURALNETWORKS_DURATION_IN_DRIVER = 1, } DurationCode; /** * Get the time spent in the specified {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution}, in nanoseconds. * The execution must have completed. * * Available since API level 29. * * @param execution The execution to be queried. * @param durationCode The measurement to be queried, specified by {@link DurationCode}. * @param duration The returned duration. If no measurement was requested by * {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setMeasureTiming}, or for some other * reason the duration is not available, UINT64_MAX will be returned. * A particular device need not support any given measurement. * * @return ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR if successful. */ int ANeuralNetworksExecution_getDuration(const ANeuralNetworksExecution* execution, int32_t durationCode, uint64_t* duration) __INTRODUCED_IN(29); #endif // __ANDROID_API__ >= __ANDROID_API_Q__ #if __ANDROID_API__ >= 27 /** * Creates a shared memory object from a file descriptor. * * The shared memory is backed by a file descriptor via mmap. * See {@link ANeuralNetworksMemory} for a description on how to use * this shared memory. * * Available since API level 27. * * @param size The requested size in bytes. * Must not be larger than the file size. * @param prot The desired memory protection for the mapping. * It is either PROT_NONE or the bitwise OR of one or * more of the following flags: PROT_READ, PROT_WRITE. * @param fd The requested file descriptor. * The file descriptor has to be mmap-able. The file * descriptor will be duplicated. * @param offset The offset to the beginning of the file of the area to map. * The offset has to be aligned to a page size. * @param memory The memory object to be created. * Set to NULL if unsuccessful. * * @return ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR if the request completed normally. */ int ANeuralNetworksMemory_createFromFd(size_t size, int protect, int fd, size_t offset, ANeuralNetworksMemory** memory) __INTRODUCED_IN(27); /** * Delete a memory object. * * Destroys the object used by the run time to keep track of the memory. * This will free the underlying actual memory if no other code has open * handles to this memory. * * Available since API level 27. * * @param memory The memory object to be freed. */ void ANeuralNetworksMemory_free(ANeuralNetworksMemory* memory) __INTRODUCED_IN(27); /** * Create an empty {@link ANeuralNetworksModel}. * *This only creates the object. Computation is performed once * {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_compute} or * {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_startCompute} is invoked. * * The model should be constructed with calls to * {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_addOperation} and * {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_addOperand} * *
{@link ANeuralNetworksModel_finish} should be called once the model * has been fully constructed.
* *{@link ANeuralNetworksModel_free} should be called once the model * is no longer needed.
* * Available since API level 27. * * @param model The {@link ANeuralNetworksModel} to be created. * Set to NULL if unsuccessful. * * @return ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR if successful. */ int ANeuralNetworksModel_create(ANeuralNetworksModel** model) __INTRODUCED_IN(27); /** * Destroy a model. * * The model need not have been finished by a call to * {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_finish}. * * See {@link ANeuralNetworksModel} for information on multithreaded usage. * * Available since API level 27. * * @param model The model to be destroyed. Passing NULL is acceptable and * results in no operation. */ void ANeuralNetworksModel_free(ANeuralNetworksModel* model) __INTRODUCED_IN(27); /** * Indicate that we have finished modifying a model. Required before * calling {@link ANeuralNetworksCompilation_create} and * {@link ANeuralNetworksCompilation_createForDevices}. * * An application is responsible to make sure that no other thread uses * the model at the same time. * * This function must only be called once for a given model. * * See {@link ANeuralNetworksModel} for information on multithreaded usage. * * Available since API level 27. * * @param model The model to be finished. * * @return ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR if successful. */ int ANeuralNetworksModel_finish(ANeuralNetworksModel* model) __INTRODUCED_IN(27); /** * Add an operand to a model. * * The order in which the operands are added is important. The first one added * to a model will have the index value 0, the second 1, etc. These indexes are * used as operand identifiers in * {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_addOperation}, * {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_identifyInputsAndOutputs}, * {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_setOperandValue}, * {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_setOperandValueFromMemory}, * {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setInput}, * {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setInputFromMemory}, * {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setOutput}, * {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setOutputFromMemory} and * {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setOperandValue}. * *Every operand must be referenced in exactly one of the following * ways:
An operand that is identified as a model input or as a constant * must not also be identified as a model output with * {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_identifyInputsAndOutputs}.
* * To build a model that can accommodate inputs of various sizes, as * you may want to do for a CNN, leave unspecified the dimensions that * will vary at run time. If you do so, fully specify dimensions * when calling {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setInput} or * {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setInputFromMemory}. * * Attempting to modify a model once {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_finish} has been * called will return an error. * * See {@link ANeuralNetworksModel} for information on multithreaded usage. * * Available since API level 27. * * @param model The model to be modified. * @param type The {@link ANeuralNetworksOperandType} that describes the shape * of the operand. Neither the {@link ANeuralNetworksOperandType} * nor the dimensions it points to need to outlive the call to * {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_addOperand}. * * @return ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR if successful. */ int ANeuralNetworksModel_addOperand(ANeuralNetworksModel* model, const ANeuralNetworksOperandType* type) __INTRODUCED_IN(27); /** * Sets an operand to a constant value. * * Values of length smaller or equal to * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_MAX_SIZE_OF_IMMEDIATELY_COPIED_VALUES} * are immediately copied into the model. * * For values of length greater than {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_MAX_SIZE_OF_IMMEDIATELY_COPIED_VALUES}, * a pointer to the buffer is stored within the model. The application is responsible * for not changing the content of this region until all executions using this model * have completed. As the data may be copied during processing, modifying the data * after this call yields undefined results. * * For large tensors, using {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_setOperandValueFromMemory} * is likely to be more efficient. * * To indicate that an optional operand should be considered missing, * pass nullptr for buffer and 0 for length. * * Attempting to modify a model once {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_finish} has been * called will return an error. * * See {@link ANeuralNetworksModel} for information on multithreaded usage. * * Available since API level 27. * * @param model The model to be modified. * @param index The index of the model operand we're setting. * @param buffer A pointer to the data to use. * @param length The size in bytes of the data value. * * @return ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR if successful. */ int ANeuralNetworksModel_setOperandValue(ANeuralNetworksModel* model, int32_t index, const void* buffer, size_t length) __INTRODUCED_IN(27); #if __ANDROID_API__ >= __ANDROID_API_Q__ /** * Sets an operand's per channel quantization parameters. * * Sets parameters required by a tensor of type * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_SYMM_PER_CHANNEL}. * This function must be called for every tensor of type * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_QUANT8_SYMM_PER_CHANNEL} before * calling {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_finish}. * * Available since API level 29. * * @param model The model to be modified. * @param index The index of the model operand we're setting. * @param channelQuant The per channel quantization parameters for the operand. * No memory in this struct needs to outlive the call to * this function. * * @return ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR if successful. */ int ANeuralNetworksModel_setOperandSymmPerChannelQuantParams( ANeuralNetworksModel* model, int32_t index, const ANeuralNetworksSymmPerChannelQuantParams* channelQuant) __INTRODUCED_IN(29); #endif // __ANDROID_API__ >= __ANDROID_API_Q__ /** * Sets an operand to a value stored in a memory object. * * The content of the memory is not copied. A reference to that memory is stored * inside the model. The application is responsible for not changing the content * of the memory region until all executions using this model have completed. * As the data may be copied during processing, modifying the data after this call * yields undefined results. * * To indicate that an optional operand should be considered missing, * use {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_setOperandValue} instead, passing nullptr for buffer. * * Is disallowed to set an operand value with shared memory backed by an AHardwareBuffer * of a format other than AHARDWAREBUFFER_FORMAT_BLOB. * * Attempting to modify a model once {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_finish} has been * called will return an error. * * See {@link ANeuralNetworksModel} for information on multithreaded usage. * See {@link ANeuralNetworksMemory_createFromAHardwarBuffer} for information on * AHardwareBuffer usage. * * Available since API level 27. * * @param model The model to be modified. * @param index The index of the model operand we're setting. * @param buffer A pointer to the data to use. * @param memory The memory containing the data. * @param offset This specifies the location of the data within the memory. * The offset is in bytes from the start of memory. * @param length The size in bytes of the data value. * * @return ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR if successful. */ int ANeuralNetworksModel_setOperandValueFromMemory(ANeuralNetworksModel* model, int32_t index, const ANeuralNetworksMemory* memory, size_t offset, size_t length) __INTRODUCED_IN(27); /** * Add an operation to a model. * * @param model The model to be modified. * @param type The {@link ANeuralNetworksOperationType} of the operation. * @param inputCount The number of entries in the inputs array. * @param inputs An array of indexes identifying each operand. * @param outputCount The number of entries in the outputs array. * @param outputs An array of indexes identifying each operand. * * The operands specified by inputs and outputs must have been * previously added by calls to {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_addOperand}. * * Attempting to modify a model once {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_finish} has been * called will return an error. * * See {@link ANeuralNetworksModel} for information on multithreaded usage. * * Available since API level 27. * * @return ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR if successful. */ int ANeuralNetworksModel_addOperation(ANeuralNetworksModel* model, ANeuralNetworksOperationType type, uint32_t inputCount, const uint32_t* inputs, uint32_t outputCount, const uint32_t* outputs) __INTRODUCED_IN(27); /** * Specifies which operands will be the model's inputs and * outputs. Every model must have at least one input and one output. * * An operand cannot be used for both input and output. Doing so will * return an error. * * @param model The model to be modified. * @param inputCount The number of entries in the inputs array. * @param inputs An array of indexes identifying the input operands. * @param outputCount The number of entries in the outputs array. * @param outputs An array of indexes identifying the output operands. * * The operands specified by inputs and outputs must have been * previously added by calls to {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_addOperand}. * * Attempting to modify a model once {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_finish} has been * called will return an error. * * See {@link ANeuralNetworksModel} for information on multithreaded usage. * * Available since API level 27. * */ int ANeuralNetworksModel_identifyInputsAndOutputs(ANeuralNetworksModel* model, uint32_t inputCount, const uint32_t* inputs, uint32_t outputCount, const uint32_t* outputs) __INTRODUCED_IN(27); #if __ANDROID_API__ >= 28 /** * Specifies whether {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT32} is allowed to be * calculated with range and/or precision as low as that of the IEEE 754 16-bit * floating-point format. By default, {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT32} * must be calculated using at least the range and precision of the IEEE 754 * 32-bit floating-point format. * * @param model The model to be modified. * @param allow 'true' indicates {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT32} may be * calculated with range and/or precision as low as that of the * IEEE 754 16-bit floating point format. 'false' indicates * {@link ANEURALNETWORKS_TENSOR_FLOAT32} must be calculated using * at least the range and precision of the IEEE 754 32-bit floating * point format. * * Attempting to modify a model once {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_finish} has been * called will return an error. * * Available since API level 28. * * See {@link ANeuralNetworksModel} for information on multithreaded usage. */ int ANeuralNetworksModel_relaxComputationFloat32toFloat16(ANeuralNetworksModel* model, bool allow) __INTRODUCED_IN(28); #endif // __ANDROID_API__ >= 28 /** * Create a {@link ANeuralNetworksCompilation} to compile the given model. * *This only creates the object. Compilation is only performed once * {@link ANeuralNetworksCompilation_finish} is invoked.
* *{@link ANeuralNetworksCompilation_finish} should be called once * all desired properties have been set on the compilation.
* *{@link ANeuralNetworksModel_free} should be called once the compilation * is no longer needed.
* *The provided model must outlive the compilation.
* * The model must already have been finished by a call to * {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_finish}. * * See {@link ANeuralNetworksCompilation} for information on multithreaded usage. * * Available since API level 27. * * @param model The {@link ANeuralNetworksModel} to be compiled. * @param compilation The newly created object or NULL if unsuccessful. * * @return ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR if successful, ANEURALNETWORKS_BAD_DATA * if the model is invalid. */ int ANeuralNetworksCompilation_create(ANeuralNetworksModel* model, ANeuralNetworksCompilation** compilation) __INTRODUCED_IN(27); /** * Destroy a compilation. * * The compilation need not have been finished by a call to * {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_finish}. * * See {@link ANeuralNetworksCompilation} for information on multithreaded usage. * * Available since API level 27. * * @param compilation The compilation to be destroyed. Passing NULL is acceptable and * results in no operation. */ void ANeuralNetworksCompilation_free(ANeuralNetworksCompilation* compilation) __INTRODUCED_IN(27); /** * Sets the execution preference. * *Provides guidance to the runtime when trade-offs are possible.
* * See {@link ANeuralNetworksCompilation} for information on multithreaded usage. * * Available since API level 27. * * @param compilation The compilation to be modified. * @param preference Either {@link PREFER_LOW_POWER}, * {@link PREFER_SINGLE_FAST_ANSWER}, or * {@link PREFER_SUSTAINED_SPEED}. * * @return ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR if successful. */ int ANeuralNetworksCompilation_setPreference(ANeuralNetworksCompilation* compilation, int32_t preference) __INTRODUCED_IN(27); /** * Indicate that we have finished modifying a compilation. Required before * calling {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_create}. * * An application is responsible to make sure that no other thread uses * the compilation at the same time. * * This function must only be called once for a given compilation. * * See {@link ANeuralNetworksCompilation} for information on multithreaded usage. * * Available since API level 27. * * @param compilation The compilation to be finished. * * @return ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR if successful. */ int ANeuralNetworksCompilation_finish(ANeuralNetworksCompilation* compilation) __INTRODUCED_IN(27); /** * Create a {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution} to apply the given compilation. * This only creates the object. Computation is only performed once * {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_compute} or * {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_startCompute} is invoked. * *The provided compilation must outlive the execution.
* * See {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution} for information on multithreaded usage. * * Available since API level 27. * * @param compilation The {@link ANeuralNetworksCompilation} to be evaluated. * @param execution The newly created object or NULL if unsuccessful. * * @return ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR if successful, ANEURALNETWORKS_BAD_DATA * if the compilation is invalid. */ int ANeuralNetworksExecution_create(ANeuralNetworksCompilation* compilation, ANeuralNetworksExecution** execution) __INTRODUCED_IN(27); /** * Destroy an execution. * *If called on an execution for which * {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_startCompute} has been called, the * function will return immediately but will mark the execution to be deleted * once the computation completes. The related {@link ANeuralNetworksEvent} * will be signaled and the {@link ANeuralNetworksEvent_wait} will return * ANEURALNETWORKS_ERROR_DELETED. * * See {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution} for information on multithreaded usage. * * Available since API level 27. * * @param execution The execution to be destroyed. Passing NULL is acceptable and * results in no operation. */ void ANeuralNetworksExecution_free(ANeuralNetworksExecution* execution) __INTRODUCED_IN(27); /** * Associate a user buffer with an input of the model of the * {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution}. Evaluation of the execution must not have * been scheduled. * *
The provided buffer must outlive the execution.
* * If the input is optional, you can indicate that it is omitted by * passing nullptr for buffer and 0 for length. * * See {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution} for information on multithreaded usage. * * Available since API level 27. * * @param execution The execution to be modified. * @param index The index of the input argument we are setting. It is * an index into the lists passed to * {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_identifyInputsAndOutputs}. It is not * the index associated with * {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_addOperand}. * @param type The {@link ANeuralNetworksOperandType} of the * operand. Unless the input is omitted, this should be * used to specify the dimensions that were left * unspecified when the operand was added to the * model. All other properties of the type must be the * same as specified in the model. If the type is the same * as specified when the model was built, NULL can be * passed. Neither the {@link ANeuralNetworksOperandType} * nor the dimensions it points to need to outlive the call * to {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setInput}. * @param buffer The buffer containing the data. * @param length The length in bytes of the buffer. * * @return ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR if successful, ANEURALNETWORKS_BAD_DATA if the * name is not recognized or the buffer is too small for the input. */ int ANeuralNetworksExecution_setInput(ANeuralNetworksExecution* execution, int32_t index, const ANeuralNetworksOperandType* type, const void* buffer, size_t length) __INTRODUCED_IN(27); /** * Associate part of a memory object with an input of the model of the * {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution}. Evaluation of the execution must not have * been scheduled. * *The provided memory must outlive the execution.
* * If the input is optional, you can indicate that it is omitted by * using {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setInput} instead, passing nullptr for * buffer and 0 for length. * * See {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution} for information on multithreaded usage. * See {@link ANeuralNetworksMemory_createFromAHardwarBuffer} for information on * AHardwareBuffer usage. * * Available since API level 27. * * @param execution The execution to be modified. * @param index The index of the input argument we are setting. It is * an index into the lists passed to * {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_identifyInputsAndOutputs}. It is not * the index associated with {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_addOperand}. * @param type The {@link ANeuralNetworksOperandType} of the * operand. This should be used to specify the dimensions * that were left unspecified when the operand was added * to the model. All other properties of the type must be * the same as specified in the model. If the type is the * same as specified when the model was built, NULL can be * passed. Neither the {@link ANeuralNetworksOperandType} * nor the dimensions it points to need to outlive the call * to {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setInputFromMemory}. * @param memory The memory containing the data. * @param offset This specifies the location of the data within the memory. * The offset is in bytes from the start of memory. * @param length The size in bytes of the data value. * * @return ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR if successful, ANEURALNETWORKS_BAD_DATA if the * name is not recognized or the buffer is too small for the input. */ int ANeuralNetworksExecution_setInputFromMemory(ANeuralNetworksExecution* execution, int32_t index, const ANeuralNetworksOperandType* type, const ANeuralNetworksMemory* memory, size_t offset, size_t length) __INTRODUCED_IN(27); /** * Associate a user buffer with an output of the model of the * {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution}. Evaluation of the execution must not have * been scheduled. * * If the output is optional, you can indicate that it is omitted by * passing nullptr for buffer and 0 for length. * *The provided buffer must outlive the execution.
* * See {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution} for information on multithreaded usage. * * Available since API level 27. * * @param execution The execution to be modified. * @param index The index of the output argument we are setting. It is * an index into the lists passed to * {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_identifyInputsAndOutputs}. It is not * the index associated with {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_addOperand}. * @param type The {@link ANeuralNetworksOperandType} of the * operand. Unless the output is omitted, this should be * used to specify the dimensions that were left * unspecified when the operand was added to the * model. All other properties of the type must be the * same as specified in the model. If the type is the same * as specified when the model was built, NULL can be * passed. Neither the {@link ANeuralNetworksOperandType} * nor the dimensions it points to need to outlive the call * to {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setOutput}. * Since API level 29, the output operand can have unspecified * dimensions or rank to be deduced dynamically during the execution. * However, the user must provide a large enough buffer. The user * can retrieve the output dimensional information after the execution * by {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_getOutputOperandRank} and * {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_getOutputOperandDimensions}. * @param buffer The buffer where the data is to be written. * @param length The length in bytes of the buffer. * * @return ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR if successful, ANEURALNETWORKS_BAD_DATA if the * name is not recognized or the buffer is too small for the output. */ int ANeuralNetworksExecution_setOutput(ANeuralNetworksExecution* execution, int32_t index, const ANeuralNetworksOperandType* type, void* buffer, size_t length) __INTRODUCED_IN(27); /** * Associate part of a memory object with an output of the model of the * {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution}. Evaluation of the execution must not have * been scheduled. * * If the output is optional, you can indicate that it is omitted by * using {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setOutput} instead, passing nullptr for * buffer and 0 for length. * *The provided memory must outlive the execution.
* * See {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution} for information on multithreaded usage. * See {@link ANeuralNetworksMemory_createFromAHardwarBuffer} for information on * AHardwareBuffer usage. * * Available since API level 27. * * @param execution The execution to be modified. * @param index The index of the output argument we are setting. It is * an index into the lists passed to * {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_identifyInputsAndOutputs}. It is not * the index associated with {@link ANeuralNetworksModel_addOperand}. * @param type The {@link ANeuralNetworksOperandType} of the operand. This should be * used to specify the dimensions that were left * unspecified when the operand was added to the * model. All other properties of the type must be the * same as specified in the model. If the type is the same * as specified when the model was built, NULL can be * passed. Neither the {@link ANeuralNetworksOperandType} * nor the dimensions it points to need to outlive the call * to {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_setOutputFromMemory}. * Since API level 29, the output operand can have unspecified * dimensions or rank to be deduced dynamically during the execution. * However, the user must provide a large enough memory. The user * can retrieve the output dimensional information after the execution * by {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_getOutputOperandRank} and * {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_getOutputOperandDimensions}. * @param memory The memory where the data is to be stored. * @param offset This specifies the location of the data within the memory. * The offset is in bytes from the start of memory. * @param length The length in bytes of the data value. * * @return ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR if successful, ANEURALNETWORKS_BAD_DATA if the * name is not recognized or the buffer is too small for the output. */ int ANeuralNetworksExecution_setOutputFromMemory(ANeuralNetworksExecution* execution, int32_t index, const ANeuralNetworksOperandType* type, const ANeuralNetworksMemory* memory, size_t offset, size_t length) __INTRODUCED_IN(27); /** * Schedule asynchronous evaluation of the execution. * *Schedules asynchronous evaluation of the execution. Once the model has * been applied and the outputs are ready to be consumed, the returned event * will be signaled. Use {@link ANeuralNetworksEvent_wait} to wait for that * event. *
* * ANeuralNetworksEvent_wait must be called to recuperate the resources used * by the execution. * * See {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution} for information on multithreaded usage. * * See {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution_compute} for synchronous execution. * Synchronous execution incurs lower overhead than asynchronous execution. * * Available since API level 27. * * @param execution The execution to be scheduled and executed. * @param event The event that will be signaled on completion. event is set to * NULL if there's an error. * * @return ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR if successful. */ int ANeuralNetworksExecution_startCompute(ANeuralNetworksExecution* execution, ANeuralNetworksEvent** event) __INTRODUCED_IN(27); /** * Waits until the execution completes. * * More than one thread can wait on an event. When the execution completes, * all threads will be released. * * See {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution} for information on multithreaded usage. * * Available since API level 27. * * @return ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR if the execution completed normally. * ANEURALNETWORKS_UNMAPPABLE if the execution input or output memory cannot * be properly mapped. */ int ANeuralNetworksEvent_wait(ANeuralNetworksEvent* event) __INTRODUCED_IN(27); /** * Destroys the event. * * See {@link ANeuralNetworksExecution} for information on multithreaded usage. * * Available since API level 27. */ void ANeuralNetworksEvent_free(ANeuralNetworksEvent* event) __INTRODUCED_IN(27); #endif // __ANDROID_API__ >= 27 __END_DECLS #endif // ANDROID_ML_NN_RUNTIME_NEURAL_NETWORKS_H /** @} */