#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # import logging import os import re import shutil import tempfile from vts.runners.host import asserts from vts.runners.host import base_test from vts.runners.host import keys from vts.runners.host import test_runner from vts.runners.host import utils from vts.testcases.vndk.golden import vndk_data from vts.utils.python.controllers import android_device from vts.utils.python.file import target_file_utils from vts.utils.python.library import elf_parser from vts.utils.python.os import path_utils from vts.utils.python.vndk import vndk_utils class VtsVndkDependencyTest(base_test.BaseTestClass): """A test case to verify vendor library dependency. Attributes: data_file_path: The path to VTS data directory. _dut: The AndroidDevice under test. _temp_dir: The temporary directory to which the odm and vendor partitions are copied. _ll_ndk: Set of strings. The names of low-level NDK libraries in /system/lib[64]. _sp_hal: List of patterns. The names of the same-process HAL libraries expected to be in /vendor/lib[64]. _vndk: Set of strings. The names of VNDK core libraries in /system/lib[64]/vndk-${VER}. _vndk_sp: Set of strings. The names of VNDK-SP libraries in /system/lib[64]/vndk-sp-${VER}. _SP_HAL_LINK_PATHS: Format strings of same-process HAL's link paths. _VENDOR_LINK_PATHS: Format strings of vendor processes' link paths. """ _TARGET_ROOT_DIR = "/" _TARGET_ODM_DIR = "/odm" _TARGET_VENDOR_DIR = "/vendor" _SP_HAL_LINK_PATHS = [ "/odm/{LIB}/egl", "/odm/{LIB}/hw", "/odm/{LIB}", "/vendor/{LIB}/egl", "/vendor/{LIB}/hw", "/vendor/{LIB}" ] _VENDOR_LINK_PATHS = [ "/odm/{LIB}/hw", "/odm/{LIB}/egl", "/odm/{LIB}", "/vendor/{LIB}/hw", "/vendor/{LIB}/egl", "/vendor/{LIB}" ] _DEFAULT_PROGRAM_INTERPRETERS = [ "/system/bin/linker", "/system/bin/linker64" ] class ElfObject(object): """Contains dependencies of an ELF file on target device. Attributes: target_path: String. The path to the ELF file on target. name: String. File name of the ELF. target_dir: String. The directory containing the ELF file on target. bitness: Integer. Bitness of the ELF. deps: List of strings. The names of the depended libraries. """ def __init__(self, target_path, bitness, deps): self.target_path = target_path self.name = path_utils.TargetBaseName(target_path) self.target_dir = path_utils.TargetDirName(target_path) self.bitness = bitness self.deps = deps def setUpClass(self): """Initializes device, temporary directory, and VNDK lists.""" required_params = [keys.ConfigKeys.IKEY_DATA_FILE_PATH] self.getUserParams(required_params) self._dut = self.android_devices[0] self._temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() for target_dir in (self._TARGET_ODM_DIR, self._TARGET_VENDOR_DIR): if target_file_utils.IsDirectory(target_dir, self._dut.shell): logging.info("adb pull %s %s", target_dir, self._temp_dir) self._dut.adb.pull(target_dir, self._temp_dir) else: logging.info("Skip adb pull %s", target_dir) vndk_lists = vndk_data.LoadVndkLibraryLists( self.data_file_path, self._dut.vndk_version, vndk_data.SP_HAL, vndk_data.LL_NDK, vndk_data.VNDK, vndk_data.VNDK_SP) asserts.assertTrue(vndk_lists, "Cannot load VNDK library lists.") sp_hal_strings = vndk_lists[0] self._sp_hal = [re.compile(x) for x in sp_hal_strings] (self._ll_ndk, self._vndk, self._vndk_sp) = vndk_lists[1:] logging.debug("LL_NDK: %s", self._ll_ndk) logging.debug("SP_HAL: %s", sp_hal_strings) logging.debug("VNDK: %s", self._vndk) logging.debug("VNDK_SP: %s", self._vndk_sp) def tearDownClass(self): """Deletes the temporary directory.""" logging.info("Delete %s", self._temp_dir) shutil.rmtree(self._temp_dir) def _IsElfObjectForAp(self, elf, target_path, abi_list): """Checks whether an ELF object is for application processor. Args: elf: The object of elf_parser.ElfParser. target_path: The path to the ELF file on target. abi_list: A list of strings, the ABIs of the application processor. Returns: A boolean, whether the ELF object is for application processor. """ if not any(elf.MatchCpuAbi(x) for x in abi_list): logging.debug("%s does not match the ABI", target_path) return False # b/115567177 Skip an ELF file if it meets the following 3 conditions: # The ELF type is executable. if not elf.IsExecutable(): return True # It requires special program interpreter. interp = elf.GetProgramInterpreter() if not interp or interp in self._DEFAULT_PROGRAM_INTERPRETERS: return True # It does not have execute permission in the file system. permissions = target_file_utils.GetPermission(target_path, self._dut.shell) if target_file_utils.IsExecutable(permissions): return True return False def _IsElfObjectBuiltForAndroid(self, elf, target_path): """Checks whether an ELF object is built for Android. Some ELF objects in vendor partition require special program interpreters. Such executable files have .interp sections, but shared libraries don't. As there is no reliable way to identify those libraries. This method checks .note.android.ident section which is created by Android build system. Args: elf: The object of elf_parser.ElfParser. target_path: The path to the ELF file on target. Returns: A boolean, whether the ELF object is built for Android. """ # b/133399940 Skip an ELF file if it does not have .note.android.ident # section and meets one of the following conditions: if elf.HasAndroidIdent(): return True # It's in the specific directory and is a shared library. if (target_path.startswith("/vendor/arib/lib/") and ".so" in target_path and elf.IsSharedObject()): return False # It's in the specific directory, requires special program interpreter, # and is executable. if target_path.startswith("/vendor/arib/bin/"): interp = elf.GetProgramInterpreter() if interp and interp not in self._DEFAULT_PROGRAM_INTERPRETERS: permissions = target_file_utils.GetPermission(target_path, self._dut.shell) if (elf.IsExecutable() or target_file_utils.IsExecutable(permissions)): return False return True def _LoadElfObjects(self, host_dir, target_dir, abi_list, elf_error_handler): """Scans a host directory recursively and loads all ELF files in it. Args: host_dir: The host directory to scan. target_dir: The path from which host_dir is copied. abi_list: A list of strings, the ABIs of the ELF files to load. elf_error_handler: A function that takes 2 arguments (target_path, exception). It is called when the parser fails to read an ELF file. Returns: List of ElfObject. """ objs = [] for root_dir, file_name in utils.iterate_files(host_dir): full_path = os.path.join(root_dir, file_name) rel_path = os.path.relpath(full_path, host_dir) target_path = path_utils.JoinTargetPath( target_dir, *rel_path.split(os.path.sep)) try: elf = elf_parser.ElfParser(full_path) except elf_parser.ElfError: logging.debug("%s is not an ELF file", target_path) continue try: if not self._IsElfObjectForAp(elf, target_path, abi_list): logging.info("%s is not for application processor", target_path) continue if not self._IsElfObjectBuiltForAndroid(elf, target_path): logging.info("%s is not built for Android", target_path) continue deps = elf.ListDependencies() except elf_parser.ElfError as e: elf_error_handler(target_path, e) continue finally: elf.Close() logging.info("%s depends on: %s", target_path, ", ".join(deps)) objs.append(self.ElfObject(target_path, elf.bitness, deps)) return objs def _DfsDependencies(self, lib, searched, searchable): """Depth-first-search for library dependencies. Args: lib: ElfObject. The library to search dependencies. searched: The set of searched libraries. searchable: The dictionary that maps file names to libraries. """ if lib in searched: return searched.add(lib) for dep_name in lib.deps: if dep_name in searchable: self._DfsDependencies(searchable[dep_name], searched, searchable) def _FindLibsInSpHalNamespace(self, bitness, objs): """Finds libraries in SP-HAL link paths. Args: bitness: 32 or 64, the bitness of the returned libraries. objs: List of ElfObject, the libraries/executables in odm and vendor partitions. Returns: Dict of {string: ElfObject}, the library name and the first library in SP-HAL link paths. """ sp_hal_link_paths = [vndk_utils.FormatVndkPath(x, bitness) for x in self._SP_HAL_LINK_PATHS] vendor_libs = [obj for obj in objs if obj.bitness == bitness and obj.target_dir in sp_hal_link_paths] linkable_libs = dict() for obj in vendor_libs: if obj.name not in linkable_libs: linkable_libs[obj.name] = obj else: linkable_libs[obj.name] = min( linkable_libs[obj.name], obj, key=lambda x: sp_hal_link_paths.index(x.target_dir)) return linkable_libs def _FilterDisallowedDependencies(self, objs, is_allowed_dependency): """Returns libraries with disallowed dependencies. Args: objs: A collection of ElfObject, the libraries/executables. is_allowed_dependency: A function that takes the library name as the argument and returns whether objs can depend on the library. Returns: List of tuples (path, disallowed_dependencies). The library with disallowed dependencies and list of the dependencies. """ dep_errors = [] for obj in objs: disallowed_libs = [ x for x in obj.deps if not is_allowed_dependency(x)] if disallowed_libs: dep_errors.append((obj.target_path, disallowed_libs)) return dep_errors def _TestVendorDependency(self, vendor_objs, vendor_libs): """Tests if vendor libraries/executables have disallowed dependencies. A vendor library/executable is allowed to depend on - LL-NDK - VNDK - VNDK-SP - Other libraries in vendor link paths. Args: vendor_objs: Collection of ElfObject, the libraries/executables in odm and vendor partitions, excluding VNDK-SP extension and SP-HAL. vendor_libs: Set of ElfObject, the libraries in vendor link paths, including SP-HAL. Returns: List of tuples (path, disallowed_dependencies). """ vendor_lib_names = set(x.name for x in vendor_libs) is_allowed_dep = lambda x: (x in self._ll_ndk or x in self._vndk or x in self._vndk_sp or x in vendor_lib_names) return self._FilterDisallowedDependencies(vendor_objs, is_allowed_dep) def _TestVndkSpExtDependency(self, vndk_sp_ext_deps, vendor_libs): """Tests if VNDK-SP extension libraries have disallowed dependencies. A VNDK-SP extension library/dependency is allowed to depend on - LL-NDK - VNDK-SP - Libraries in vendor link paths - Other VNDK-SP extension libraries, which is a subset of VNDK-SP However, it is not allowed to indirectly depend on VNDK. i.e., the depended vendor libraries must not depend on VNDK. Args: vndk_sp_ext_deps: Collection of ElfObject, the VNDK-SP extension libraries and dependencies. vendor_libs: Set of ElfObject, the libraries in vendor link paths. Returns: List of tuples (path, disallowed_dependencies). """ vendor_lib_names = set(x.name for x in vendor_libs) is_allowed_dep = lambda x: (x in self._ll_ndk or x in self._vndk_sp or x in vendor_lib_names) return self._FilterDisallowedDependencies( vndk_sp_ext_deps, is_allowed_dep) def _TestSpHalDependency(self, sp_hal_libs): """Tests if SP-HAL libraries have disallowed dependencies. A same-process HAL library is allowed to depend on - LL-NDK - VNDK-SP - Other same-process HAL libraries and dependencies Args: sp_hal_libs: Set of ElfObject, the Same-process HAL libraries and the dependencies. Returns: List of tuples (path, disallowed_dependencies). """ sp_hal_lib_names = set(x.name for x in sp_hal_libs) is_allowed_dep = lambda x: (x in self._ll_ndk or x in self._vndk_sp or x in sp_hal_lib_names) return self._FilterDisallowedDependencies(sp_hal_libs, is_allowed_dep) def _TestElfDependency(self, bitness, objs): """Tests vendor libraries/executables and SP-HAL dependencies. Args: bitness: 32 or 64, the bitness of the vendor libraries. objs: List of ElfObject. The libraries/executables in odm and vendor partitions. Returns: List of tuples (path, disallowed_dependencies). """ vndk_sp_ext_dirs = vndk_utils.GetVndkSpExtDirectories(bitness) vendor_link_paths = [vndk_utils.FormatVndkPath(x, bitness) for x in self._VENDOR_LINK_PATHS] vendor_libs = set(obj for obj in objs if obj.bitness == bitness and obj.target_dir in vendor_link_paths) logging.info("%d-bit odm and vendor libraries including SP-HAL: %s", bitness, ", ".join(x.name for x in vendor_libs)) sp_hal_namespace = self._FindLibsInSpHalNamespace(bitness, objs) # Find same-process HAL and dependencies sp_hal_libs = set() for obj in sp_hal_namespace.itervalues(): if any(x.match(obj.target_path) for x in self._sp_hal): self._DfsDependencies(obj, sp_hal_libs, sp_hal_namespace) logging.info("%d-bit SP-HAL libraries: %s", bitness, ", ".join(x.name for x in sp_hal_libs)) # Find VNDK-SP extension libraries and their dependencies. vndk_sp_ext_libs = set(obj for obj in objs if obj.bitness == bitness and obj.target_dir in vndk_sp_ext_dirs) vndk_sp_ext_deps = set() for lib in vndk_sp_ext_libs: self._DfsDependencies(lib, vndk_sp_ext_deps, sp_hal_namespace) logging.info("%d-bit VNDK-SP extension libraries and dependencies: %s", bitness, ", ".join(x.name for x in vndk_sp_ext_deps)) vendor_objs = {obj for obj in objs if obj.bitness == bitness and obj not in sp_hal_libs and obj not in vndk_sp_ext_deps} dep_errors = self._TestVendorDependency(vendor_objs, vendor_libs) # vndk_sp_ext_deps and sp_hal_libs may overlap. Their dependency # restrictions are the same. dep_errors.extend(self._TestVndkSpExtDependency( vndk_sp_ext_deps - sp_hal_libs, vendor_libs)) if not vndk_utils.IsVndkRuntimeEnforced(self._dut): logging.warning("Ignore dependency errors: %s", dep_errors) dep_errors = [] dep_errors.extend(self._TestSpHalDependency(sp_hal_libs)) return dep_errors def testElfDependency(self): """Tests vendor libraries/executables and SP-HAL dependencies.""" read_errors = [] abi_list = self._dut.getCpuAbiList() objs = self._LoadElfObjects( self._temp_dir, self._TARGET_ROOT_DIR, abi_list, lambda p, e: read_errors.append((p, str(e)))) dep_errors = self._TestElfDependency(32, objs) if self._dut.is64Bit: dep_errors.extend(self._TestElfDependency(64, objs)) if read_errors: error_lines = ("%s: %s" % (x[0], x[1]) for x in read_errors) logging.error("%d read errors:\n%s", len(read_errors), "\n".join(error_lines)) if dep_errors: error_lines = ("%s: %s" % (x[0], ", ".join(x[1])) for x in dep_errors) logging.error("%d disallowed dependencies:\n%s", len(dep_errors), "\n".join(error_lines)) error_count = len(read_errors) + len(dep_errors) asserts.assertEqual(error_count, 0, "Total number of errors: " + str(error_count)) if __name__ == "__main__": test_runner.main()